"So me and my wife are fairly new to this and like I hear a lot, it started out with me wanting my wife to sleep with another man which became a fantasy of mine about a year or so ago.
I sat down with her and explained my desire to see her with someone else but absolutely insisted it would only be if she was absolutely fully comfortable and happy to do so.
At first she was saying 80% against it but we sort of left it on back burner, over time we chatted more and it became quite obsessive for me as in I would think about it daily but never really believed it would happen. In this time I would speak about it,she would claim I can't love her if I want to see her with someone etc.
Anyway fast forward say 6 months and she had come round to idea and we had bad experience with a friend who had poor hygiene, it's then she came to me and said if we opening up like this I want us to do it as a couple and both be involved and do it with other couples..
So far we have had socials which was waste of time and we barely get any interest off the bat, it's us who sort of have to go finding which I don't mind but now we at a cross roads almost where I'm saying look I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon as a 4, the reality is I'm overweight, small cock, not great looking and so on which isn't being hard on self it's just reality, so maybe let's take baby steps where it may be that you sleep with someone if we find someone as like an entry to the lifestyle, now this is a bit of a sticky point as she really does want it to be as a 4 but I feel that would give us momentum from that, we are both on weight loss plan at moment she's 7 stone off since December and I'm half stone in this month and so maybe in time we become more appealing to couples but rather than wait forever for something to happen id like us to take some sort of steps.
Now this is where my questions is ....
Can any of you relate to how ours journey as been so far and if so how / what happened next to move things on?
Secondly, I am big on ensuring this lifestyle is just a part of our sex life rather than totally our sex life, I have at times got that wrong and that I know can be seen and felt as pressure to her but how do yous manage that in your relationships ?
Appreciate any replies
It sounds like you've got the basic rule down, talking openly and honestly to each other and most important, listening and understanding what each of you want and don't want.
Best advice I can give is keep doing that and take your time.
I imagine that a couple finding a compatible couple is one of the hardest connections to make. 4 people who must be mutually attracted to each other.
4 diaries to align and add an extra diary for each child.
I'd suggest trying a club and appreciate that might be a step further than your journey is ready for.
Flipside you'll find more couples to chat to, all in one place. If you don't meet anyone you've still had a good night out.
As for your (the Mr) physical appearance, don't sweat it. Personality trumps appearance more times than you realise.
Good luck finding what you're looking for, enjoy the adventure.  |