Shame it's closed.
Sadly when dogging was still fairly new I never realised Broxton was a play area.
Only caught on just before it got shut.
Wish I'd known before as one evening on the way back home my wife had to stop her car there as it was pretty evident she had a flat in one of the rear tyres.
She arrived home a good hour late, hair somewhat disarrayed, herself somewhat soaked and with her blouse covered in dirty, oily marks and I noticed later a couple of top buttons missing, her skirt had what I later suspected were several oily handprints around the rear zip area and she'd even got oily marks on her bra, esp the shoulder straps and even some in her cleavage. Despite looking like she'd walked through our cluttered garage in the dark she had a smug, cat got the cream, smile on her face
I jokingly asked her what happened and she laughed and said "Flat tyre, told you that no matter how practical that Maxi is you get filthy if you have to get the spare out from under it and put the duff one back once you've changed it.
It's even worse when it's raining a bit and the grass is wet, my skirt is soaked through and so are my briefs! I've even got some dark red paint on my skirt from that repair you haven't finished totally painting yet! I'm off to clean up".
With that she dove upstairs and was ages in the shower before returning all clean and tidy and filled me in on how she got so dirty.
I had told her to keep a pair of those disposable coveralls in the car for emergencies but she never would, so needless to say she hadn't been exactly dressed for wheel changing when she had to pull in. Heels, pencil skirt and white blouse aren't the kit for changing a wheel on a Maxi, as the damn thing is slung under the boot.
And it was spotting with rain and just beginning to go dark, plus she'd left her raincoat in the office as it had been a warm afternoon and she forgot to pick it up.
Mobile phones in those days were less reliable for getting a signal and she was having to wander around trying to call the AA.
Then a couple of good Samaritans came by so she said and offered to help. They'd been standing at the entrance when she pulled in and she said it was lucky they were there as they told her they were only still there because their mate, who should be picking them up to go to a football match, was late and they'd be pushing things if he didn't get there soon.
She said she had to lie on the ground to show them where the spare wheel release catch was, hence getting pretty wet but after that, apart from chatting to her while she sat in the car the guys did everything.
They were about to put the duff wheel in the tray under the car and tools away when their mate pulled in tooting madly for them to get a move on (as if it was their fault he was late). She told them she'd stow the wheel and put the tools away and she just had time to give each of them a tenner as they dove into the car and sped off.
She said that was when she got really dirty and collected a load of oily marks and abrasions in places you wouldn't think possible. In the end she said I chucked the damn thing in the boot!
I agreed with her that getting the spare back in was awkward and apart from wondering how she got oil and some pronounced red marks on her tits thought nothing more about it until a couple of years later when I found out Broxton was a dogging spot.
Since then I've always wondered. Never found anyone on here though who mentioned anything that fitted with this. Shame really, would have been hot to find out, especially the details.