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Here is a little Friday night fiction for you all (Chapter 1)

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By *dult Author OP   Man
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

First Impressions.

‘Fuck’ He thought as the bright blue lights lit up the windy and wet winter night. This really was the most inappropriate time to encounter the Police. It certainly was possibly the worst and most unexpected thing that could have happened at this time. He hadn’t even been stopped by the Police in over 20 years, but here he was stuck in a long queue of traffic with a highly incriminating package on the back seat of his car. If they saw it then there would be no plausible explanation and he would undoubtedly find himself in a lot of trouble.

His hands slid on the steering wheel as they became sweaty, he rapidly considered his options. He could turn the car around and take a different route, but how would the Police view this? Would he immediately find them in hot pursuit? The only other option was equally as dangerous, but maybe if the package did not seem so out of place he would pass without incident, as long as he could do this without arousing suspicion. Yes, that was the option he knew he would have to take.

The Police were still a good 20 cars ahead so he would have time to prepare. Why were they here, was it actually him they were after? It could have been, if someone had witnessed him picking up the package, then there was a very real chance that he was the target of the roadside inconvenience.

He looked into the back of the car, the ‘package sat there motionless, Helena, an attractive bigger girl in her late 30’s, 5’6 brown hair, pretty eyes framed with trendy glasses, highly curvaceous and a chest of decent proportions. Now she was sat bolt upright, like a package however her hands were firmly bound behind her back with brown packing tape, her mouth gagged in the same manner and an old t-shirt covering her eyes.

He undid his seatbelt and leaned into the back, pulling the t-shirt from her head, revealing the scene before her. He carefully removed the tape covering her mouth and she drew a huge deep breath, yet she did not speak a word. He turned her by guiding her shoulder and tore the tape from her hands. He did however leave the snug fitting headphones, which played an extensive playlist at a volume loud enough to block any external sounds.

She was now free, the rear doors had no child locks on and sat in front of her as he was, if she decided to attack him then he would certainly be in with a struggle. It was hard to understand how he had actually managed to restrain her in the first place.

He was actually scared now, from being so in control he was now the vulnerable one and he didn’t like it. Helena sat there in the back of the car unspoken, as he moved forwards a car length at a time, towards his brush with destiny.

The heavy windblown rain drove against the windscreen, even on the highest level of windscreen wipers his view of the outside world was still highly obscured. He could see the officers by the side of the car in front but he could not ascertain the exact nature of the stop.

His heart dropped as the car in front moved slowly forwards and an officer with a torch beckoned him forwards. He inched forwards and slowed down as a pair of officers approached the driver side window. He pressed the window down button and hoped for the best.

“Hello” he spoke as calmly and confidently as possible.

“Hi” Fear must have been visible in his eyes as Helena gave her greeting to the offices from the rear seat. The officers handed a leaflet through the open window of the car. On it a black and white picture of a young man with a rucksack, shared the page with a description of a hit and run incident.

“We are just asking if you were driving along here about 8pm last Thursday evening?” the officer asked.

“No” he spoke with a near audible relief “No officers I only use this road during rush hour” he explained.

“Well if you can show that to anyone you can think of that might have been in the area, or if you recognize the description of the car, can you get them to contact us please” The male officer spoke.

“Of course I will” He acknowledged.

“Thank you, have a good evening” the officers wished them well.

He wound the window back up and drove slowly away nearly overcome with relief that he had passed the only likely obstacle he would have in his delivery task.

He pulled the car off down a side road and to a very secluded car park. It was allegedly a local dogging spot but that was not his purpose, and luckily there were no other parked cars whose occupants may investigate the car, obviously dogging is a fair weather activity.

He quickly opened his door and opened the back down and sat down beside her. Helena turned towards him, what was he going to do? It was secluded enough that he could do anything without bringing any attention to himself. He reached the packing tape and lifted it back towards her head.

“Oh come on, you don’t have to do this, I am not going to try and get away am I?” He knew she was probably right, but he was following the plan that had been meticulously detailed. Helena did not resist, she knew that an act of defiance was pretty hopeless as one way or another he would succeed. Willfully she allowed him to once again gag her with the tape. He followed with the vision blocking t-shirt and finally she surrendered her hands to him and allowed him to once again immobilise them behind her back.

They were back to where they had started as he drove back out of the car park heading for the secret destination.

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By *hubnwife_36dd_ukCouple
over a year ago


Good start, set the scene nicely with a well scripted into.

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By *ralbiswMan
over a year ago


I hope there is more!

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By *dult Author OP   Man
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

There is plenty more, it's a complete story, I just find on here that no-one seems interested in reading the whole story at once

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *dult Author OP   Man
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

Chapter 2

Helena sensed they were nearing the destination, a matter of seconds a go the speed had decreased suddenly for a left hand turn, the car was now moving at a very slow pace. They were certainly off any main road now. She heard the familiar clicking of the indicators as the car made one final sharp right turn before near immediately stopping.

"Ok, act normal, don't try anything and just walk with me." He sternly told her. He exited the car and opened the boot, from it he picked up a rucksack. He briefly opened it to peer in and check the contents and threw it over his shoulder. Helena felt the cold breeze sweep into the car as he opened the back door. He reached in to free her from her bindings. She was free, but on the other hand she was not, his hand held firmly onto hers, a heavy squeeze that turned hers white confirmed who was in control here.

He led her down the side of the building to a glass door, He pulled a card from his top pocket and swiped it across the card reader. A green light, a beep and the sound of a mechanical lock disengaging prompted him to pull open the door, he walked through holding her tightly as he partly dragged her with him.

The lack of signage made it impossible to tell, but she could tell she was in some kind of generic budget hotel chain. Like cattle she was herded down a passageway to an uncertain future. They were headed for yet another glass door, but just to the left was a room 014, he activated the door lock and pushed her through into the darkness.

There was a short delay in activating the lights and the room lighting up. Before her eyes could even adjust to the light she felt herself being pushed forwards heavily. She put out her hands to break her fall but found herself landing face first on the bed.

"Get on it" he ordered. She pulled herself up the bed and sat up. He tossed the rucksack onto the bed beside her and climbed up over her straddling her leg she reached forwards and one by one her undid her blouse. Helena trembled, even though his face displayed no malice, she was uneasy. She didn't even need to ask 'What was happening here' she was resigned to her fate, but that did not do anything to alleviate her fears.

Most unnervingly was the appearance of a smile on his face as he softly undid the buttons on her blouse. Slowly it began to be pulled apart, assisted by her heavy chest. His eyes widened as the extent of his prize became apparent, an even bigger surprise for both of them was her stiff protruding nipples. As the final button came free, he gently lifted the blouse from her shoulders and threw it on the floor beside the bed. His two hands reached forwards to her chest, and clumsily grasping them tightly he pushed her flat on the bed. His hands reached down and before she could even move her hands to protect herself instinctively, he undid the top button on her jeans. She looked downwards as he gently pulled down the zipper. In her state of heightened awareness, her body absorbed the tiny vibrations from the zipper, she tried squeezing her legs together to avoid arousal.

He jumped off the bed and reached forwards with a swift move her removed her socks. Then grabbing very tightly at the bottom of her jeans he began to pull. slowly centimetre by centimetre her lower half came into view.

'well at least I wore a matching set' thought Helena, of all things she thought, that was what actually came into her mind. As her jeans slipped past her knees the lower half became exposed in mere seconds.

He was still fully clothed when he straddled her once more, but it made little difference, she could still feel his hardness now pressing against her lips.

He reached for his bag, what would he have in there, judging by the way she had be trussed up in the car, she would not rule anything out.

He pulled out an eyeshade, the elasticated type you might wear on a plane. He carefully placed it over the back of her head and pulled it down over her forehead and onto her eyes. Helena was once again in darkness. The second item clinked in a familiar way, anyone who owns a pair of cuffs is more than familiar with that sound, it came as no surprise as she felt it close around her wrist. He used caution to ratchet it closed to just the right pressure, there was no way she could free herself but it was not tightened to hurt. she felt him reach forwards and then as he pulled on the other cuff her hand was pulled towards the headboard. Forcibly he grabbed her free wrist and lifted it upwards, locking the cuff onto her wrist. Helena was in no way incapacitated but there was no way she could actually escape him now.

His strong hands ran the length of her arms powerfully almost massaging her they travelled around her shoulders, yet his thumbs brushed her armpits in a slightly uncomfortable way. Down her sides they continued to her bra strap. His hands swept under her and to the clasp. He was not one of those men who spent an age understanding the simple unclasping process and deftly he performed in in a simple motion. His thumbs levered the underwire from the bottom of her breasts. and he lifted them over and upwards. Her restraints would make it impossible to completely remove her bra, but he slid it to her wrists.

Once again his hands massaged their way down her body only this time they continued down her sides to her knickers. not pausing for anything he scooped up the waistband and pulled it downwards, quickly and without any kind of soft reveal, her womanhood exposed by the knickers now being rolled down her thighs.

Even though she could not see his reactions she felt exposed. Was he looking at her soft trimmed pubic triangle. Only a very modest layer of fine hairs prevented a full view of her pussy.

Knowingly she felt him shuffle, she didn't need to be able to see to know that he was undressing. the movements of the bed gave it all away. The sound of his zipper being the final confirmation she required. It was the first skin on skin contact, his knees between her legs slowly spreading to open her thighs. For a second she resisted, tensing her muscles to fight him off.

"No, no, don't" she asked. He wasn't at all stopped by her words, in truth he did not even stop to contemplate them, as her inched her legs apart. "You don't want to do this, you don't want to fuck me like this" she spoke softly.

"One more word, and I'm shutting you up" he spoke firmly.

"But you don't want this, not like this" she attempted to reason. Helena shook as the bed moved, what would he do to her? How would he shut her up? His answer came instantly, she felt as a fabric was pulled over her head and into her mouth. It was not like the tape, this was a fabric item. As he reached behind her head to tighten it up the realisation set in. It was not the texture, that she instantly recognised, but the smell, her smell, and her taste. He had used her worn knickers to gag her, and it worked.

She felt the rock hard tip of his cock pressing her labia, Her brain had barely understood the sensation when she felt it pressing against her pussy, she felt as he tried directing himself with his hand to her vagina, it prodded and pushed, sliding along her lips and painfully ramming her tender clit. If she could have reached down and helped him, she would have done it to end his clumsiness. Just as he finally moved himself to the right point she pushed herself against him, letting her pussy swallow him exactly where he wanted to be.

His hard shaft slid fully into her dry pussy, all the way in he pushed until she was filled up to his hilt, even at that point he made a conscious effort to slam in the last bit, his hanging balls slapped against her ass. The first signs of lubrication came as he rapidly withdrew, whilst it must have been uncomfortable for him, for her it was painful.

He reached up her body and without any kind of warning him fingers pinched her hard nipples. Even in a situation like this, it was not something she could resist. Heavy nipple play only ever results in one thing, and she felt it as her juices began to flow inside her.

His strokes began to move unhindered, as slowly with each heavy pound her juices enveloped his rigid member. More and more juices flowed as however uncomfortable it might be, she was enjoying being pounded brutally by a horny hard cock.

Even though she could not see, and his lack of noise gave no clues, she knew a man on the brink of orgasm. His breathing had changed pattern, his thrusting now performed in a more sporadic rhythm. Faster and harder he pounded her pussy. She had made up her mind a good while ago that if she were to be subjected to this treatment, then she was going to extract any enjoyment out of it that was at all possible. From the point she had allowed herself to feel this way, an orgasm was being built up inside her.

She could not be sure how close he was, but she herself, was teetering on the edge of orgasmic oblivion, just a few more heavy thrusts and she would be splaying around on the bed, to the best of her restrained ability. She was adamant not to give him the satisfaction of knowing how she felt, she was glad that the tight gag would prevent her from giving him that satisfaction.

The room filled with the sounds of a heavy pounding, the squelching of her wet pussy, the slapping as their genital contacted. He was about to cum and she knew it, the twinges in his cock were the first clear signs of the impending flow that would fill her.

He gave one last deep thrust and in one action pulled himself out of her. It took Helena a second or two to comprehend the situation. Had it slipped out of her excessive wetness? She briefly considered, no, the answer was given to her as a huge shot of cum hit her naked body. The warm liquid began to cool on her hot and sticky flesh, even before the second and far larger spurt splashed her body. Time and time again she felt every last spurt of his ejaculation hitting lower and lower down her body as the power and quantity reduced.

"mmmpppphhh" It was neither a word nor a scream, the makeshift gag prevented her from articulating her words, but it was a noise of displeasure on her part. If he had cum into her it surely would have sent her with him over the edge, yet now the feeling became one of frustration.

He took a while, the weight of his body seemed somehow heavier as he held himself aloft and panted like a large dog. Finally, as his weight became uncomfortable, he lifted himself off her. She could not see his sticky deposit but she could tell it was a considerable deposit.

Helena jumped as she felt his finger on her body, smearing the cum across her. No she realised, he was not smearing it, he was writing in it. The ability to focus her mind was quite easy, the sensory deprivation allowed her to feel the shapes he was tracing. She had not realised the first part, but the second part certainly felt like the lower curve of an s, then a quite obvious L, he stopped at various points, like a true writer using a traditional fountain pen, he stopped to dip his finger in one of the numerous pools of semen. U, she already guessed the final letter before he had completed it, a T.

She certainly felt like a slut, used by this man for his own pleasure. The electronic sound of a mobile phone shutter, just confirmed this feeling, not only did he think of her as a slut, he was now capturing the proof.

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