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Steamy Hot Springs

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By *apiophile1 OP   Man
20 weeks ago


This is a long one so make yourself a cuppa, get some biscuits, lean back and enjoy.

If you were to ask any working-class person what they'd imagined the life of an upper-middle-class couple to be like, they'd more than likely paint a picture of Kyle and Cassandra ( Cassie).

A rich couple who own a big house in Kensington with so many rooms that half are empty.

Kyle works for an Investment Bank, in the Acquisitons department. He'd often jet off to scot a company which his company is looking to purchase. Occasionally Cassie would come along if his business trip was to a major city with good shopping.

Cassie occupies her days with shopping, teas and afternoon lunches with friends. Then there's organising the odd cocktail party for whatever occasion.

Both their lives are planned out to the smallest detail. Monday's are free, while Tuesday's Kyle's parents come for dinner. Wednesday's Cassie's parents are there for dinner and Thursday's is Crib Night. Friday's and the Weekend are set aside for Westend shows, socialising and parties.

They even have set days for when they have sex. Twice a week, Mondays and Thursdays after Crib if Kyle hasn't d*unk too much.

Kyle and Cassie love to ski as you'd expect the rich to do. So Kyle was excited to announce one evening that the company needed him to scout out a Ski Resort on the island of Kyushu off Japan. He then explained that he'd asked the Finance Director if Cassie could accompany him, and the Director said yes. But, they'd have to organise the trip within the set budget which meant having to stay at a much cheaper Hotel to offset them buying two plane tickets.

Cassie then got the details of the resort from Kyle a eagerly began to research everything she could find out about where they could stay.

A few days pass and Kyle arrives home to find Cassie at the kitchen table with her head in her hands staring at her laptop. Around the table are screwed-up paper.

Kyle asked, "What's going on?".

Cassie leans back in the chair saying "I've looked at every place close to the ski resort to stay at and the only one that's appealing to me and comes within the budget has no revenues. All I can find out about the place is that it's a traditional Japanese Onsen, a Hot Spring Inn and not recommended for tourists. But look at the place, it has everything you could want. A massive hot spring outside and a smaller one inside, a masseuse, restaurant and bar. There are stunning scenic walks to wallfalls. Okay, it has traditional Futon beds but they'd be okay for the week won't they?."

Kyle stood looking at the screen of the laptop as he scrolled through the pictures before asking "Why isn't it recommended for tourists? This place looks amazing".

"All the other places have separate hot springs for men and women. This one only has mixed bathing" Cassie replied sounding dejected.

"I don't see the problem with that, do you?" asked Kyle.

Cassie shook her head so Kyle said "Book it".

It's the day of the trip and things didn't go as planned. Getting to the resort was going to take almost 18 hours. Cassie had planned the flight so they could travel through the night and get as much sleep as possible to be refreshed when arriving the next morning. The problem was the turbulence along the way was bad which meant they both couldn't get any sleep on the first leg of the flight. Then the plane from Tokyo to Kyushu was tiny with very little legroom meaning they were cramped for the last couple of hours of the flight.

When they finally got to Kyushu they were exhausted. They jumped in a taxi at the airport and handed the driver the resort address.

He looked at them both puzzled before asking, "You want go here?"

They both just nodded and the driver said "Okay" before taking off. Almost instantly they both fell asleep.

Kyle was awoken by the taxi driver banging on his leg yelling "You here, wake".

Kyle woke Cassie and they both fell out of the taxi and stood for a moment gazing at the entrance to the resort. Not just because they were tired, it was because the entrance was covered with bright orange and yellow Japanese Maple Trees and it didn't look real.

A surprised woman at the reception desk greeted them as they entered by asking "You stay here?"

Kyle nodded and gave his name and the woman looked at the computer before exclaiming loudly with a cheerful voice "Yes, you do stay here"

The receptionist grabbed a number of towels and two plastic bags from behind her and said "Come. I show you room and rules".

"Take off shoe here take slipper. Only wear slipper here." the woman demanded pointing to a large wall of slippers by the front door.

Both Cassie and Kyle were too happy to do so as their feet hurt like hell and having something comfy on their feet felt like bliss.

The receptionist then guided them past the restaurant and bar pointing it out as they walked saying "Open six to ten". They passed four wooden doors by the entrance to the restaurant and the receptionist said "Need wee come here". Then turned down a long corridor of traditional paper sliding doors until they reached the last door. She slid it open and walked in, placing towels on each of the two separate beds. Then walked over and opened a second door that led directly to the hot spring.

As Cassie walked into the room she saw the receptionist close another paper door to her left to separate their room from another room lined with six beds. Beyond that was another room with six beds.

Kyle dropped the cases in the room and stood at the door staring at the massive rock pool. The photos did not do this place justice he thought.

The receptionist then grabbed Cassie by the hand and pulled her towards the pool pushing Kyle in that direction also.

She stood them both by the pool and said cheerfully "When bath, bring towel only, skin only, no clothes, on clothes. You soak, get out, put on soap, scrub hard. Pick up bucket, wash off soap. Not go back pool. Okie-dokie" giving them a thumbs up with a big grin.

As the woman started to walk back to the room, she stopped, "Oh, you only bath day not night, no men here day. No seeing men willie swing about" the woman said looking at Cassie as she waved her hand about.

Kyle and Cassie looked at each other as the woman said "Come" and waved at them to follow. Cassie and Kyle were handed a plastic bag each as they entered the room.

"After show you rest, you must wear only this here. Is Yukata, very soft, keep you warm. No under panties. Okie-Dokie" the receptionist said with a big smile again.

Cassie looked at Kyle and let out a little chuckle as she gave him the thumbs up.

She led them over the hall to a door opposite theirs. She opened it to a hot room with a large above-ground pool with a good three-foot thick wall you could easily sit or lay on. It was also big enough for six people to sit in and stretch out. The woman then exclaimed, " Same as outside. No clothes, soak, leave, soap, scrub, bucket to wash off. No back in pool. Only daytime for you, Okie-Dokie".

Cassie smiled as she gave her the thumbs up.

She waved at them to follow her once again and took them back to reception and down another long hall. She opened the sliding door to a room with three beds with curtains between the beds to separate them from one another.

"Message here, one to four, no night time, must book message first. Done now you go bath, change and relax" the woman said as she pushed them both out of the room.

Once back in the room they both began to mimic the receptionist as they changed into their Yukata.

"This is just like a Kimono," Kyle said as he wrapped himself up.

"Hey. no under panties, remember," Cassie said laughing as she pointed to his boxer shorts.

Kyle let out a sigh as he removed his boxers and lay on the bed.

"I need to get a couple of hours before looking this place over further" he murmured as he closed his eyes.

"Have you noticed there are no locks on any of the doors?" Cassie asked but Kyle was out cold.

She too then lay down and quickly fell asleep forgetting to shut the door to the pool.

Cassie was awoken in a panic by something touching her leg but as she looked down it was the hem of her robe blowing in a breeze coming from the open door to the pool. As she rose to close the door she could hear some men talking outside. So she closed the door slowly but left enough of a gap to peer through. Three men were in the pool, two sitting in the pool with their backs to the building. The third was standing in front of them waving his arms about as he talked. It was at this point Cassie realised what the receptionist was referring to earlier as she suddenly caught sight of his penis swinging about before her eyes. Cassie closed the door fully before waking Kyle, realising they had slept longer than planned.

"What time is it?" Kyle asked as he slowly rolled off the bed.

"It's ten past six. We've slept for seven hours" Cassie exclaimed.

"At least the restaurant is going to be open, I'm hungry and in need of a piss" Kyle exclaimed seeming unconcerned as he stretched.

Kyle slid open the door and closed it after Cassie. As they got to the toilets, Kyle opened the first one and exclaimed "Look at this".

There was a platform at the back of the room with a long porcelain bowl embedded in the middle of the floor. One end of the bowl was dry, at the other closest to the wall was a deep pool of water. A thick wooden bar jutted out and stretched along the wall above the pool of water, with toilet paper on one side. On the other was a small sink. Underneath the bar was a big button with a water sign next to it.

"Oh Wow. Now that's different" exclaimed Kyle.

He then stepped up onto the platform, opening up his Kimono, he pulled it up so it could be held up off the floor over one arm, then squatted down while holding the bar. Cassie quickly shut the door as Kyle began to relieve himself.

"That's going to get interesting at some point" Kyle chuckled to Cassie as he left the toilet.

As they entered the restaurant a young man rushed over to them and bowed and greeted them in Japanese before saying "You like to eat now?" to which Kyle replied " Please".

There were four men already kneeling down eating at a traditional long table who fell quiet as they entered. They stared at them as the young man showed them to a small table as far away from the men it was possible to get.

As they knelt down at the table the young man handed them a menu and said softly "I come back with some Sake and tell you what dish is what"

He then hurried off but was stopped by one of the guys who said something to him. He glanced over at them and said something quietly before disappearing behind the bar.

On his return, he had a small tray with two large glasses, two smaller shot-size glasses, a bottle of water and two small bottles of Sake.

"You must drink one glass of water before a glass of Sake. Sake is strong and make you d*unk if you not drink water. They are different Sake to try" he said as he placed the items on the table.

He then knelt and began to explain what each dish was as the menu was in Japanese. Once Kyle and Cassie had decided what sounded best the young man rose up taking the menu and bowed before heading through a door.

Cassie poured some water for them both while Kyle poured the Sake from one bottle into a glass for Cassie, and some from the other bottle into his glass. They then took a sip of the Sake and both looked surprised, then switched glasses.

"They are different and smooth. I can see why you can get d*unk on these easily" Cassie remarked as she took another sip before exchanging glasses again. Kyle smiled and nodded in agreement.

Another three men then tuned up and seated themselves with the other guys. Cassie recognised one as the guy waving his arms about in the pool, as well as his willie. There were hushed murmurs among the men before the young man appeared with three bottles of Sake which was met with cheers from the three guys.

The young man soon returned to Cassie and Kyle with their food. As he placed it down he said softly "Pay them no mind. We not get any tourist here. You like Unicorn so they surprised. Enjoy".

Kyle and Cassie took their time sampling everything they had laid out before them. It was nothing like they'd had at any restaurant back home. After an hour or so the young man came over and asked if they had enjoyed the food, to which both Cassie and Kyle said it was delicious. The young man smiled and asked if they'd like more Sake. Kyle instantly said yes, but Cassie reminded him that he had to be up early tomorrow. So Kyle just asked for one more bottle. With another bow, the young man left and on his with the Sake he mentioned this was a little different from the first two.

One of the first two was fruity and somewhat sweet. The other had a floral taste and was also slightly sweet. Cassie poured out a glass of the new bottle and sipped it before remarking that she didn't like it as much as it was Earthy. She then took the other glass of Sake that was in front of Kyle and drank it. Kyle tasted the new Sake and looked a little puzzled, then down it in one. Cassie let out a sigh as she knew Kyle was going to get d*unk if he carried on as she was already feeling tipsy herself.

The men on the other table then got up and left taking the glasses and bottles of drinks with them. The young man then began to clear their table and place all the empty bottles onto a tray, afterwards came over to them both saying that the men were celebrating as it was their last night and they were going home tomorrow and hoped they weren't too loud. Cassie shook her head and said it was fine. The young man then smiled and cleared away the tray.

A short time later Cassie got up from the table and walked back to their room and peeked inside. On her return, she walked over to the bar where the young man was cleaning out the glasses and bottles to ask what people did here at night for entertainment. He smiled before explaining that most just come to eat and drink before sleeping as most who stay there are workers who will be tired after a long day.

Cassie smiled and nodded a thank you before returning to the table where Kyle asked what the problem was. She then explained how she realised there was no telly in the room. Kyle thought for a moment before saying that they'd have to go into town to see if there was anything there.

He then looked at his watch which said nine-fifteen and asked if Cassie was feeling tired.

Cassie grabbed the remaining Sake and glasses and suggested they head back to their room thinking some fun might be on the cards.

Back in the room, Kyle pulled both the Futons together and lay down. Cassie placed the drinks against the wall close to the beds and began to undress. She then climbed under the covers and turned to face Kyle who had his eyes closed and looked like he was sleeping. She gave him a sake and got nothing in reply. She sighed deeply, turned over and fell asleep herself not long after.

A while later Cassie wakes up and is in need of a wee. She puts on the Kimono and quietly heads down the hall to the furthest toilet. Once she had relived herself she headed back and lay down in the hope of getting back to sleep. After an hour of turning over and over again, she lay there wide-eyed. She looked at her watch, it was a little after two in the morning. Normally she would have a shower at home to relax, but knowing what she had seen and what the woman said earlier when she showed them around, was it risky to pop out for a quick soak so early?

Kyle was still sound asleep so she threw off the covers and grabbed a towel. As slowly and quietly as she could, she opened the door to the pool just wide enough to slip through. There was a mist slowly rising off the pool in the cool morning air.

Cassie hurried over as quietly as she could to the far side and dropped her towel before gingerly climbing down the rocks into the pool. It was slightly warmer than a bath she would normally have at home. She lowered herself up to her neck and lay there with her eyes closed listening to the soft slash of hot spring water coming from a Bamboo pipe close by. A few moments later a smile appeared on Cassie's face as she moved herself over to the pipe. She then positioned herself so the water from the pipe would fall between her thighs.

The feeling of the warm water from the pipe swiftly flowing down between her thighs sent shivers through her body. It wasn't as good as the feeling she got from her power shower at home but it was good enough.

Cassie began to raise her hips up closer to where the water from the pipe hit the pool. She had a more intense feeling the closer she got to the surface. So began her slowly and raising her hips for a great sensation.

At one point she let out a soft gasp as she raised her hips slightly too high and the water from the pipe hit directly onto her clit giving her a surprising thrill.

Cassie shifted the top half of her body slightly. She was now able to balance herself on the bottom of the pool with one hand and still be able to move her hips. Now with a free hand, she was able to gently squeeze her nipple and breast adding to the experience. With this added sensation she knew it wouldn't be long before she would orgasm and she started to let out low soft moans of pleasure.

It wasn't long before her free hand shifted its attention to between her thighs. Her fingers pulled apart her labia to expose her clit to the running water. Her legs were starting to shake as was the arm holding her up.

She was finding it hard now to stop her from crying out louder as the intense pleasure rose within her.

Then the water in the pool shifted making her already shaky arm buckle sending her head beneath the water. Cassie panicked and began to flail about trying to surface. But then she felt hands grabbing her arms and pulling her up out of the water. Once she was standing and able to wipe the water from her eyes she found herself gazing at two men on either side of her. Both are naked with hard cocks.

Still slightly dazed and coming to terms with what was happening one of the men said something to the other. Cassie looked at the other guy who smiled. One of the men then sat down on the rock in front of Cassie. The other got behind her and pushed her forward. She stumbled slightly and managed to catch herself from falling over completely by placing one hand down on the rock, the other came to rest on the man's thigh. There was now a hard cock just inches from her face. She then felt a finger gently run down her over her pussy until it reached her clit making her gasp. It then made a circle over and around it. Before she could say anything and hand pulled her head down towards the hard cock.

Cassie's lips closed about it as it slid into her mouth, her head was then moved up and down slowly. Meanwhile, the finger that was playing with her clit was now poking at the opening of her pussy. It then slid in and came to rest on her G-spot and started to gently massage it.

Up until this moment, Cassie had never so much as looked at another man as a sexual partner since she met Kyle. Even before then, she'd only had two boyfriends she'd been intimate with. Now here she was with a stranger before her with his cock in her mouth. Another behind her making her legs shake as he massages her G-spot. Then suddenly it happened, her body quivered and her legs buckled as an orgasm ran through her body.

Two hands had quickly grasped her hips as her legs began to buckle keeping her up. She was also unable to let out a gasp because of the cock down deep in her throat making her gag.

Cassie's head was lifted off the man's cock so she could grab some much-needed air. She opened her eyes to see a smiling face gazing at her as she gasped for air. Then he leaned in and kissed her passionately.

While this was happening, something hard and thick was being pushed into her pussy. It then began to thrust in and out of her. Cassie managed to let out a gasp but her head was quickly pushed down once more so the cock filled her mouth again.

Cassie had never experienced being manhandled like this before. Everyone she had been with had been gentle lovers. She wasn't sure what was happening. Part of her was saying she should be shocked, yet another part was finding this a thrill. But the thought was short-lived as the cock that was engorging her pussy was removed. Some words were exchanged and her head was lifted once again and she was made to stand.

The guy whose cock she had been sucking on stepped forward and placed an arm around her waist. He then lifted her up and sat back down on the rock. Confused about what was happening, Cassie instinctively placed her knees on either side of his hips. His cock then was thrust into her. She placed her hands on his chest and dug her nails into him. The guy who was fucking her was now standing beside her. She looked up at him as he stooped down and kissed her. He then presented his cock to her mouth. Cassie took hold of it and lowered her mouth over it. She was feeling another orgasm building from the vigorous thrust from the guy beneath her. Her pussy had never had a cock thrust into it so fast and hard and it was quivery with each thrust.

The guy whose cock she was sucking grabbed her head tight. She felt the head of his cock swell in her mouth then a hot gush of liquid. Cassie's only course of action was to swallow as she couldn't spit it out. This made her pussy tighten as her orgasm got even closer. The guy beneath her thrust his cock deep inside of her two more times then she felt herself being filled with even more warm liquid. Her body began to shake as her orgasm exploded. She pushed her hips down hard and grasped his hips with her knees holding him inside her. She also grabbed hold of the thigh of the guy she was sucking to hold him in so she didn't cry out in ecstasy.

Once the orgasm had subsided and she was willing to let them go, the guy she was seated on got up and lifted her in his arms once more. He then turned and lowered her into the water. He then gave her a gentle kiss and left. The other guy then came over and did the same leaving Cassie filled with the cum of strangers. It took some time but she was finally able to splash her face to wash off any trace of cum that might be there. She climbed from the pool and slowly made her way back to the room as her legs were still feeling weak. Once inside she lay on the bed, pulled the covers over her and instantly slept.

Cassie was awoken by Kyle gently shaking her and apologising for last night. She just said "Forget it, I fell asleep as well not long after you" which is partly true.

Kyle then said something about going to order breakfast and she can come and join him when she's up and ready. Cassie just nodded not really listening to what he was saying. The only thing running through her mind were the events of this morning. It took some time before Cassie slowly got out of bed and put the Kimono on in a kind of daze. She then headed down to the toilets and brushed her teeth. She then removed the Kimono and a hand slowly rubbed her belly as the thought that there is a stranger's cum in there. The same thought came to her as she wiped herself dry after having a wee and she couldn't help but stick and finger in there to see if any cum would come out.

Cassie finally got to the restaurant where she was greeted by the woman from yesterday.

"You have good night?" she asked Cassie with a big smile to which Cassie smiled and replied, "Yes thank you".

"Good, now you come and eat, stop husband eating to, he get fat" the woman said laughing.

Cassie knelt at the table which was filled with plates of food. Kyle began to tell Cassie what each dish was and how it tasted. She picked samples from each plate and found she was devouring them, faster than she would normally. Then going back for seconds and thirds.

Kyle was explaining as she ate that he's picked up at nine, and if the resort was any good he'd come back and get her and take her ski.

Cassie agreed and said that while he was out she'd check out the waterfall that was not far. She then paused for a moment before saying she might get a message which made Kyle laugh.

When they got back to the room Cassie lay on the bed as Kyle got himself ready to leave. He then gave her a kiss to say goodbye before leaving.

Cassie closed her eyes but made herself get up and dressed and find the waterfall to occupy her mind better other things.

Cassie stood at reception looking for the woman when she heard her call out "What you want" which came from the front door.

She turned and asked if she could book a massage for later. The woman smiled and said, "Just come when wanting, I make sure they see you".

Cassie thanked her, got her shoes on and headed out for the walk.

By the time she had reached the falls, it was later than she had anticipated. She quickly took a picture before heading back.

It was a little after one when Cassie arrived back at the Onsen. The woman at the reception called to her as she changed her shoes, "You no rush. They have no booking yet, plenty time".

After Cassie had changed into the Kimono she headed to the massage room and knocked on the door. A woman answered and beckoned her in. Cassie bowed before entering.

"Pick a table" the woman said pointing to the three empty beds. There was a young woman standing by each bed. Cassie headed to the one furthest from the door. The woman pulled the curtain over and held up a towel saying "Please pick good-smelling oil and put this on".

Cassie smelt the oils picking out one that was slightly floral, then slipped off the Kimono and wrapped the towel around herself before laying facedown on the bed. The woman held up a card and asked "You want number one, neck and shoulder. Number two neck, shoulder and back. Or three full body?"

Cassie replied, "Full body please".

The woman placed some oil on her hands and gently started massaging Cassie's neck. It felt wonderful and she relaxed straight away.

The woman had done her neck shoulders and arms and it felt amazing. When she started to rub oil into Cassie's legs, the lower half was great but once she reached her thighs, Cassie felt a tingle. The woman's hands were getting closer and closer to Cassie's pussy, almost touching it. She could feel it being pulled open and closed with each stroke of her hand. Then she stopped before she got too close and her hands moved to squeezing the cheeks of her arse. This too had a similar effect but in a different direction. First, she worked on one cheek, then the other. Finally, after some time she asked Cassie to turn over.

Cassie did ask as she was asked and the woman held the towel as she turned. The woman then stood by Cassie's head and placed some oil on the top of Cassie's chest. She slowly rubs the oil into the top of her chest and shoulders. Then some more oil was applied and her hands darted beneath the towel and began to squeeze and fondle her breasts.

Cassie didn't know if this was normal but it felt good so she allowed it to happen. It only intensified the tingling from when she was close to rubbing her pussy.

There was a brief pause once the woman had finished massaging her breasts and Cassie thought it was over. Then she felt her hands on her thighs again. Once again they were getting closer to her pussy. Again she stopped just as she got too close to touching it. There was another pause and the woman asked Cassie to sit on the end of the table. A little puzzled Cassie again did as she was asked.

The woman then stood before Cassie holding a wooden box in front of her. She lifted the lid and inside were three items that looked like glass dildos. Each one is shaped slightly differently, each has a head at either end with one having swirls around the shaft, another with large dots on the shaft and the last was long and thick with a big head just at one end.

"You pick one you like for massage," the woman asked.

Cassie confused asked what kind of massage are these used for and the woman looked puzzled at the question but replied internal.

Cassie smiled and said, "No thank you".

But the woman quickly replied, "Make you feel real good. Better than man".

Cassie took a moment to think about it. She'd already experienced two strange cocks and been filled with their cum which was a new thrill for her. What is just another new experience especially if it's better than a man as she claimed. Plus it was with a woman and not a man doing it.

Cassie then smiled and said "Okay" as she pointed to the middle one of the three with large dots over it.

The woman then placed the box back from where she had got it. She returned and stooped beside the bed and pulled a long arm from beneath the bed. She then did the same to the other side. Then she pulled up two U-shaped objects attached to the arms and locked them in place.

"You now move closer and lay back," the woman said smiling.

Cassie did so and the women lifted first one leg and placed it where it had to go, then the other.

Cassie was feeling nervous now wondering if she made the right choice. Then she felt a warm sensation on her clit which made her tingle again. Now something hard was being pressed at the opening of her pussy. Cassie bit her finger so as not to let out a groan as it was now slowly entering her. The woman started to push and pull on the dildo.

Cassie was surprised she could feel every bump on the dildo as it entered and left her. It wasn't long before Cassie had the urge to move her hips to meet each thrust.

Cassie looked down to see what was going on, but the towel was up over her knees. The urge now was too great to ignore so she moved her hips to meet each thrust. Then something warm pressed against her clit and began to move slowly over it heightening the thrill she was feeling further.

Cassie knew she wouldn't be able to bite down any harder on her finger to stop her from moaning so she pulled the towel up to smother her mouth. As she pulled the towel up to her mouth it revealed what was happening between her thighs. That something warm pressing against her clit was the woman's tongue.

Cassie couldn't restrain herself any longer and her legs quivered making the sound of melting ratling. The woman then looked up at Cassie from between her thighs. She held the dildo still until Cassie's body had stopped shaking. Once her body had stopped she slowly drew it out.

Cassie could only lay there gasping from beneath the towel. Her head spinning not knowing if she should really be feeling this good. It took a moment before Cassie was able to open her eyes and found the woman looking down at her with a huge smile.

"You like that" she asked softly and Cassie smiled and nodded.

The woman then pulled the towel from Cassie's mouth. She then placed her hand softly on her cheek, turning Cassie's head to face her and leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. Cassie's eyes closed as she felt the warmth of her lips pressing against hers.

Her eyes suddenly sprung open moments later as she then felt something else entering her making her gasp. She looked down and the young man who had served both her and Kyle last night was standing between her thighs. He grasped her by the thighs and pushed himself deeper inside her. As he started to thrust himself back and forth Cassie looked at the woman and said softly "Please stop this".

The woman stroked the side of Cassie's face and said softly "Enjoy it" then kissed her again pushing her tongue into Cassie's mouth. Cassie then felt her legs being lifted out from where they had been held by the young man and placed over his shoulders. Then he leant towards her allowing the young man's cock to get deeper inside her.

The towel was now being pulled from covering Cassie and a hand was gently squeezing her breast. There were so many things happening, Cassie didn't know what was going on, but she knew it felt amazing.

The woman then shifted her attention from kissing to Cassie's breasts. She took a nipple into her mouth and sucking it hard while gently squeezing her nipple between her teeth. This made Cassie's back arch at both the pleasure and pain she was experiencing. The woman's other hand had now moved down between Cassie's thighs and was gently rubbing her clit.

The woman took hold of Cassie's hand and guided it between her thighs. Cassie looked down at where her hand was realising the woman was now naked, so she began to gently rub the woman's pussy which felt wet under her fingers. Cassie again looked down at the young man between her thighs. He couldn't be older than twenty she thought, and there she was with his young rampant cock being thrust into her. Her gaze then fell on the woman who was softly moaning at what Cassie was doing to her pussy. This was too much and Cassie's legs quivered and shook against the young man's chest as another orgasm exploded deep inside her.

Whereas before there had been a moment of rest so she could embrace the joys of cuming, there was no rest as she was pulled up from the table and made to stand. She did the best she could as her legs were at buckling point. She heard a click from either side of her and looked down as the legs were slung back from where they had come. Cassie then noticed the curtain had been pulled back and the two other women were sitting on the opposite table naked. Each of them with their legs spread and fingering their pussies.

She was then turned around to face the table and bent over so she lay belly down taking the weight off her legs. Her feet were then pushed apart opening up her thighs and once more she felt a rampant hard cock being thrust back into her making her gasp yet again.

Cassie could no longer be quiet knowing everything happening to her was being observed, so she began to moan loudly like she had wanted to for so long. She then felt the hair at the back of her head being pulled making her lift her head from the table. Then the woman climbed on the table and sat up close to Cassie. Her legs dangled on either side of the table. Cassie knew what was being asked of her and as she felt her hair being released, she lowered her head and began to lick the woman's pussy. Cassie could hear her groan as her tongue flicked at her engorged clit. She then sucked it and flicked her tongue over it at the same time making the woman grasp her head as her body tensed up at the pleasure Cassie was giving her. Cassie reached up and clasped her thighs so she could push her mouth down harder onto her pussy.

Cassie suddenly became aware that one of the two women opposite was having her own orgasm as she cried out and then collapsed on the bed. This then gave her a thought and Cassie pushed two fingers into the woman. Instantly the woman laid flat on the table. Her legs then rose up and came to rest across Cassie's back. Her back arched as Cassie found her G-spot and stroked it frantically. She could feel the woman's pussy tighten around her fingers and there was also a large amount of liquid coming from the woman. Then her body started to convulse and liquid began to spray over Cassie's face. Cassie then began to shudder as yet another orgasm ran over her. This time she was done for and she just collapsed to the floor gasping for air.

The young man still very much rampant and in need of satisfaction pulled the woman off the table and made her bend over. She let out a loud groan as he thrust his cock into her soaking pussy.

Cassie managed to summon the strength to climb up and sit on a stall. She watched on as the young man pounded himself into the woman over the table. She looked over to Cassie and reached out as her body began to convulse again. The young man then turned to the woman on the opposite bed who was still playing with herself. He grabbed her by the legs and lifted them up. Cassie smiled as he pushed his cock into her and she too let out a loud groan.

Cassie sat there for some time just watching the young man thrust himself into the woman and felt her pussy begin to throb as if it wanted more. She slowly pulled herself to her feet, then slowly made her way over to the chair and collected her Kimono. As she finally managed to get the belt tide, the woman the young man was fucking cried out as she now orgasmed. He then turned to the woman who had given Cassie the massage and sprayed her face with his thick cum then pushed it into her mouth so she could suck the last drops from it.

Once Cassie had found her slippers she headed for the door. She composed herself before opening it and headed back to her room for a much-needed laydown.

As she lay on the bed the thought that Kyle might be back soon to take her skiing suddenly entered her head. But she looked at her watch and it was after three and he wasn't back yet. It also means that she had been pleasured for nearly two hours, which brought a smile to her face.

She then closed her eyes and just enjoyed how her body tingled all over.

Kyle finally turned up a couple of hours later and explained there was no hope of doing any skiing at the resort as there was next to no snow there which is why he didn't come back. As he began to strip off his clothes Cassie had a wicked idea. She got herself to her feet and held open his Kimono for him to slip into. Once it was on she turned him about then knelt in front of him and took his cock into her mouth and sucked on it.

"What the fuck" Kyle exclaimed as his cock was being eagerly devoured by Cassie.

It wasn't long before Kyle tried to pull his cock from her mouth as he was about to cum, but she had a tight grasp of it and made him cum in her mouth and she swallowed it all.

"Who are you?" Kyle asked surprised at what just happened.

Cassie chuckled and said, "I've been thinking about doing that as a surprise for some time. Now seemed like a good time".

A short time later they head to get some food. The young man greeted them with a big smile which made Cassie slightly nervous.

The restaurant was half full of men so they both ate their food quickly before heading back to the room. They both lay on the beds and chatted about their day while sipping the Sake from the previous night.

Kyle suddenly remembered he had yet to have a bath. He grabbed a towel and said he wouldn't be long.

Cassie picked up her phone to look for something to do the next day while Kyle was off working but the voices coming from the next room was distracting. Nothing jumped out at her, there was the option of having another massage, but she was still recovering from her first experience. She then felt a tingle between her legs indicating the thought turned her on. Kyle came in and dropped onto the bed exclaiming how good that pool was.

Cassie's mind instantly began to replay her experience in the pool, which made the tingle stronger. She got to her knees and placed herself at Kyle's feet. She then grabbed his ankles and spread his legs, "What's going on?" Kyle exclaimed.

Cassie then ran her hands slowly up Kyle's legs pushing the kimono open to expose his cock. Her hands then came to rest on it and she stroked it gently. Kyle got hard quickly, so Cassie inched herself up closer and lowered her head. She gave the tip a soft kiss and then engulfed his cock with her mouth making him groan then he said "Fuck" loudly as his head hit the pillow. Her mouth slowly worked up and down his shaft, her tongue occasionally circling the tip making him moan louder.

Cassie placed a hand between her thighs to rub her tingling pussy. The more excited she made herself the faster she sucked Kyle's cock.

Cassie became aware of a thin sliver of light running across the room. It could only come from the door which joined their room to the others. She tilted her head slightly so she could look in that direction. She could just make out the bottom which was cracked open. There was a barefoot in plain sight and then she realised that all the noise that had distracted her earlier had stopped. Someone was obviously spying on them, but were they enjoying what they saw like the two women from earlier in the day she thought?

Cassie suddenly stood up and stood above Kyle. She opened up her Kimono and lowered herself down onto his groin. Taking hold of his cock, she guided it to her pussy then lowered herself onto it making her groan as it slid it. Kyle also let out a groan as she came to rest with him deep inside her. Placing her hands on Kyle's chest for balance she started to fuck him. The thought that someone might be masturbating as they watched them fucking spurred her on to fuck Kyle a lot more vigorously than he was used to. Kyle couldn't help himself but let out louder and louder groans of pleasure as Cassie's groin pounded into his.

Kyle is now over-excited about the events and turns on his side making Cassie fall off him. He then grabs her hips and pulls her to her knees. Knowing what Kyle was after, Cassie got onto all fours but made sure she was facing the door. Kyle lifted her Kimono and guided his cock to her pussy, he then eagerly thrust it into her. Cassie let out and moan as his groin slapped against her arse. She glanced up slightly and caught sight of a hand stroking a stiff cock through the crack in the door. The thought that Kyle might see that they were being watched never entered her mind at this point as the thrill of being watched was all-consuming.

Cassie's pussy began to grasp Kyle's cock as his thrusts intensified in speed and depth. She couldn't hold it any longer and allowed herself to orgasm, which in turn made Kyle make one last hard thrust as his cock exploded deep inside her.

The light from the door slowly began to disappear which prompted the thought of did that person also orgasm at the same time as them.

Both Kyle and Cassie collapsed on the beds gasping for air each enjoying the sensation of their orgasm. Kyle reached over and took Cassie in his arms and held her tightly placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"You have to come on more business trips," he said with a chuckle.

Cassie also laughed but then the thought, did he notice they were being watched ran through her mind. He hadn't mentioned it so perhaps not.

Kyle was up early again which awoke Cassie. They both made their way to breakfast where the receptionist greeted them with a big smile and showed them to a table.

"You look relaxed, and you got colour in cheeks," she said to Cassie "I bring you food to keep strength"

Kyle asked what Cassie had planned and Cassie shrugged her shoulders saying she might see what the town had to offer.

After they had finished eating Kyle asked the receptionist the best places to go in town for Cassie. The woman looked confused but replied, "No much for tourists. Town small just local people there".

Back in the room, Kyle said that as this was the last day he'd make it as quick as possible so they could do something together. Cassie just smiled and settled down to catch up on the messages she'd ignored the last couple of days.

It was a little after one by the time Casie had caught up with everything she had missed. She had heard female voices coming from the pool for about an hour and thought about having a soak to pass the time. But first, she picked at some of the food she had brought back from breakfast to stave off any hunger pains.

Cassie then peeked through the door to see who was in the pool. Luckily there were only two women so she threw off her Kimono, wrapped a towel around herself then headed to the opposite side of the pool to the women. She bowed slightly to the two women as she caught their eye before slowly getting in.

Cassie closed her eyes as thoughts of the events played out in her head. What had happened to her since being here she had never thought about doing anything like the kind of things she'd experienced here.

The peace was suddenly interrupted as three men suddenly turned up. They obviously knew the two women as they hugged them when they arrived. Cassie now feeling slightly nervous lowered herself further into the water.

The group laughed for about five minutes then the two women got to their knees and began to suck the cocks of two of the guys. The third looked over at Cassie and waved at her to come over. Cassie waved her hand and shook her head to indicate no. He then turned and presented his cock to one of the women who quickly accepted it.

Cassie was nervous about getting out and leaving, yet at the same time curious to see what was going to happen. She felt that tingle once again and she couldn't help but rub her pussy, knowing they wouldn't see what she was up to beneath the water.

The group arranged themselves so that the three guys were lined up in front of the two women. The women then slowly sucked each cock with the guy in the middle getting attention from both women. Though the sight was exciting for Cassie to see play out, she couldn't help but notice the guy in the middle was having his cock sucked much more than the other two.

The women were then laid on their backs and two of the guys lay between their legs, eagerly licking their pussys. The third guy caressed their breasts and sucked their nipples in turn. The air around the pool was now filled with loud moans and groans of pleasure. This only added to Cassie's enjoyment of the spectacle being performed to her.

One of the women was then turned over and made to get on all fours. The guy who had been licking her pussy now knelt behind her and was thrusting his cock into her. The third guy knelt in front of her and had his cock in her mouth.

Meanwhile, the other woman was turned on her side. One leg was lifted up to her chest as the guy guided his cock into her. Cassie looked at the position the second woman was placed in and concluded it must be so she was able to watch her friend being fucked.

Unknown to Cassie, Kyle had come back and was in the room. Hearing the noise from the pool, Kyle opened the door slightly to peer out. It took a moment from watching the five people having sex by the pool to spotting Cassie on the far side obviously masturbating in the pool.

Kyle wondered why she had never shown this side of herself before. His cock swelled and was begging to be released.

He threw his clothes off and stood by the door with his cock in his hand slowly stroking it. He then saw Cassie writhe about in the water and then go limp. Had she just had an orgasm he thought as he watched her lay there motionless.

Kyle continued to watch the group enjoy themselves for a few minutes. Then his attention was taken as he saw Cassie rise out of the pool and wade across it. Once on the other side she climbs out and grabs the guy having his cocked sucked and pushes him onto his back. Cassie then straddles him and thrusts her hips down onto the guy's cock. The guy responds by pulling her forward so he's able to bend his legs, he's now able to thrust his hips up into her. As this happens Kyle hears her cry out "Fuck".

Kyle's body quivers at the sight of Cassie with another man inside her, not through jealousy but excitement. Without a second thought, Kyle walks out and over to Cassie and stands beside her. She turns to look up at him as a cock is being thrust frantically into her making her groan with pleasure. She sees his hard cock standing before him and grabs at it, pulling it into her mouth. Kyle places a hand on her head as she eagerly devours it.

Kyle turns to look as he hears a loud groan coming from one of the other guys. He has his cock out and shoots his cum over the woman before him. He then slumps to the floor while the woman rubs his cum into her skin. She then looks up at Kyle and crawls over to him. Cassie sees her approaching and when she is close enough, hands Kyle's cock to her. She spends a few moments sucking it hard then turns to present her arse to him. Kyle drops to his knees and takes hold of her hips. He takes a moment as he guides his cock to her pussy then thrusts it into her. He then looks over to Cassie who is smiling back at him.

The air was again filled with another loud groan as the guy fucking the other woman. He has his cock in his hand and she is before him with her mouth open ready to take his load. Kyle watches as her mouth gets filled, as well as having some of his cum land on her face.

She takes a finger and wipes away any cum she can find and sucks her finger clean. Her attention is now on Kyle and she heads towards him. She takes hold of him and pushes him to his back. She then places herself over his face, rubbing her pussy against his mouth. The other woman regains control of Kyle's cock by climbing onto it quickly.

Cassie lets out a groan as she feels the guy she is riding explode inside her. She doesn't let him go but continues to ride him until she has her orgasm.

Cassie lays down beside Kyle and watches him enjoying the pleasures of two women. The one riding him suddenly lifts herself off his cock slightly as she frantically rubs her pussy and groans. A spurt of liquid gushes from her covering Kyle's cock. She then lowers herself back down onto it but doesn't move.

Kyle could be heard from beneath the other woman saying, "Fuck" as his hips jerk as he fills the woman with his cum. She then falls to the floor with his cum trickling from her pussy. This enticed the woman on his face to suddenly shudder as she now came. As she removed herself from his face Kyle felt a hand grasp his cock. He looked down to see Cassie place her mouth on it and suck any remaining cum from it.

The floor around the pool is now covered with bodies, each gasping and suffering from blissful exhaustion.

On their return back to England, Kyle and Cassie made some changes. The cock/tail parties they now have aren't what you think they are.

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By *oldeneye1965Man
20 weeks ago


Well worth the read very horny 👍

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By *orny405060Man
20 weeks ago

Harrogate usually

Oh just so good

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By *cotsguy41Man
20 weeks ago


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By *kpiercedCouple
20 weeks ago


Stunning story !

Wondering if your going to share some stories about your parties back at home next ?

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By *agnar1980Man
20 weeks ago


Great story, am so hard n horny after reading it

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By *apiophile1 OP   Man
20 weeks ago


[Removed by poster at 29/10/24 10:41:50]

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By *apiophile1 OP   Man
20 weeks ago


"Stunning story !

Wondering if your going to share some stories about your parties back at home next ? "

Thank you for the idea, but should they be Masquerade parties so you are surprised at some point who has been pleasuring whom when the masque is removed?

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By *otonfoxMan
20 weeks ago


Very good but not like the Onsens I’ve been too

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By *ary1001xMan
20 weeks ago


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By *apiophile1 OP   Man
20 weeks ago


"Very good but not like the Onsens I’ve been too"

The Traditional Onsens where you're not allowed to wear clothes are illegal now in Japan. You can still find mixed bathing Onsen but you must wear clothing and some have a strict gender-separated bathing areas.

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By *kpiercedCouple
20 weeks ago


"Stunning story !

Wondering if your going to share some stories about your parties back at home next ?

Thank you for the idea, but should they be Masquerade parties so you are surprised at some point who has been pleasuring whom when the masque is removed?"


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