"Hey guys,
Been on fab a few months now and not getting the best of look.
Looking for some tips on my profile and perhaps an idea around first messages to send "
As a male who initially had a successful single male profile on here, before my relationship and couples profile, I can honestly say, you’ll get out what you put in. And at this moment, what you’re putting in, is not that much.
You don’t have to write war and peace, but break your profile down into short paragraphs.
Something about you so people can see what you’re about (I see you hiking with a backpack. Good pic ) so talk a bit about you.
Then what you like from a swinging/kink point of view. I believe you wrote something about rough play, which will put a number of people off. But equally it will appeal to others. Some rather than headline it. Talk about it in your profile.
If other profiles can see that you’re, for example, professional, educated, respectful. Then also read you can mix it up and can be dominating and rough, throw you around the bedroom.
Then people looking for this, will find comfort in the person you are, yet what you can do when in filth mode.
Of course, it’s all words and down to the actual person, so be honest about yourself. And also accept that not everyone will be interested in this.
Then finally, maybe explain what you’re looking for. And if you’re looking for couples and scenarios, then ensure you know your terminology. Cuckold and Hot Wife are different.
My single profile was quite long. But I did get a few ladies write to say they enjoyed reading. Again, granted not everyone is going to invest that time, but a bit of shape to your profile will make it more appealing. Remember you are part of a large sector in the swinging market so it needs to be a bit different (and even then there’s no guarantees), as people that are looking for single males is only a small proportion compared to other searches.
With your headline/title, try and make it sound punchy and catchy. Maybe something humorous that catches the eye and leads them to read your profile.
Pictures. To be honest, they’re a bit meh! All one dimension. A picture speaks a thousand words. The pic hiking is good. The gym one. And smart dress. All tell a story, but no need to put it on repeat. Look for some others that capture something about you. Perhaps out partying (blur out others of course) that show you are sociable and like to party for example.
Whilst I never did. You may want to consider going to some clubs. Getting a few verifications from here will add credibility.
When you get some momentum, then I’m sure your profile will be successful. Couples looking for men, females looking for men will look at your verifications and if from credible profiles, then it’ll make them that little bit stronger.
Finally, first messages. Make sure you read profiles carefully, and check verifications to see if they are looking for single males. No point messaging for the sake of it. That’s practically fishing and playing the numbers game. Too much effort and little reward.
You can boost this by looking at the meets section. If a couple/female have posted a meet, specifically looking for a single male, then write to them. Read what they want and then align your response to them.
And if you are declined or they haven’t responded, don’t send abuse. There’s always a reason they don’t respond. And if they’re looking again in the future, your next response to them may get a reply. Being abusive, would definitely ensure you don’t get anywhere.
Hope this helps and remember:
Graft smart, not hard!
Good luck!  |