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Cougar ' Will be at Eureka kent, Saturday July 19th

Woman in Leicestershire Uses Clubs To Meet Guys In, Greater London, UK
Joined: over a year ago
Last on: over a year ago

TickPhoto VerifiedOn mobile site
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Looking For

Couples (MM) Men aged 18 to 35. Will meet smokers.


Cannot accommodate. Can travel.


63 years old

5'9"  175cm
Non smoker
Social drinker
No tattoos
No piercings


Toys, Threesomes, Taking Photos, Swingers Clubs, Soft Swing, Separate Room Swapping, Same Room Swapping, Safe Sex, Role Play, Oral, Making Videos, Group Sex, Gangbangs, Cross-dressing, Adult Parties
Should you NOT MEET IN CLUBS, go no further!

If God invented anything better than swing clubs, she kept that to herself. Devil invented timewasters spoil everything. Dont just look at pictures, read my quick profile section & verifications profiles. Don't tell the Dawks but I'll be at Eureka Fawkham Sat July 19th. My husband isn't allowed to Play, this is my sport he's there to keep me safe. I do the same to help him in his more orthodox sports.


I attend: Eureka to meet young guys on neutrally safe ground. No commitment on your part it allows me to meet you face to face. See Clubs her at Fabswingers for address's. Contact admin at Eureka, they'll let you know I'll next be there on the 19th. I travel to the Clubs monthly. There you can meet me in the Flesh; For students I attend: 'VALUE' Clubs such as Eureka. I'm no way connected to any club just a fan; as you will be soon. For Contact info see CLUBS topline here at Fab: click Eureka under South east, e-mail admin' for fit curb info.




___________________________________________________/____////________Long? profile for those who read.

FURTHER: background, for swingers who requires more details

I'm on scene for personal gratificaion, not to provide a service. I dont accept friend invites, as I protect guys in photos, hotlist me instead. Let's face it, not every guy on here is a complete cretin- a few of you must be urbane; not all can be 'web-wank chat' time-wasters! I meet within clubs/parties. My choice is men circa half my age, or be special if older being 'urbane' is special on this site

I dont accept friend invites, I protect guys in photos, hotlist me. I've no interest in chat for the sake of chat, don't wink or send a friends invite or request telephone sex. If you can't message re: Clubs or Parties' please don't respond to me at all. When you see the Clubs I'm attending, don't ask me about them, get info & independent reviews from Clubs

LIST of CLUBS I attend:

See list here at Fabswingers CLUBS I attend: Eureka; FunTime Crystal Palace; Jaydees Beds; Hellfire; South London Swingers; Our Place for Fun; Radlett; Tease 2; Chameleons, in that order

I meet within Clubs & Parties to benefit from organiser screening processes! I can't meet near north East Midland home. Meantime contact Jaydees or Eureka via CLUBS and others- above here at Fab; a Club can then alert you, when I'm attending

PHOTOGRAPHERS with studio-ligting Well-Cum!

Photos taken at parties give an overview of my play-style, they under-promise, I over-deliver if we meet within clubs & parties.

If you're genuinely urbane and don't feel the need to laugh at a word you don't understand; Get in touch with CLUBS here at Fab organising events. They short-lists those they thinks are suitable so won't hassle couples; I know how half-educated oiks try to blag their way, contact Clubs if you're real, not an ignorant fool: 'who laughs defensively' at clearer English.