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Woman in Llwandwe, Channel Islands, UK
Joined: over a year ago
Last on: over a year ago

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Looking For

Men aged 18 to 40. Will meet smokers.


Cannot accommodate. Can travel.


41 years old

5'3"  160cm
Social drinker
No tattoos
No piercings


Voyeurism, SM, Safe Sex, Role Play
Ok, now, look... It's complicated... At the moment I'm only here for the perving and scintillating conversation (I don't show much and don't chat dirty, well not much, lol, but I do love this site) Anyway... Whatever I'm here for, I don't see the point of "hi, msn, x?" Tha's jus' too short and my brain finds it insulting. LOL So are: "Hi" and "How are you" on their own or together. I feel like a clerk. :( *sigh* If you have no picture OR no info, nothing, you should work more than that (HAD TO ADD THE OR CAUSE EVERYBODY WAS ASKING WHY I DON'T HAVE A PIC. I SAID NO PIC, NO INFO, NO NOTHING. NOT JUST NO PIC FFS). The Internet gave us freedom, but didn't give the gift of telepathy.

I realize this is a sex site and I'm not here in search of romance, but I just thought I'd mention those other things to spare some the trouble (especially because I don't really agree to the ME TARZAN, YOU JANE part. Think people should work a tad more). LOL

So anyway, happy hunting whatever it is that you're hunting, oh and read up... I AM STRAIGHT. :p

Last, but surely not least, regardless of how dominant and amazing you are, respect should be basis for everything.

(As for the SM, it's there to make sure PUPPIES RUN ALONG, but I'm not into anything hardcore. Also... It's well sad how many PUPPIES are there, well, for me. I can smell them, read it on their face, in their actions... Unsure, shy, the works. Pfffft. But pitbulls aren't fun either.)

P.S. OBVIOUSLY LOTS OF YOU DO NOT READ THE INFORMATION ON PROFILES SO... This one goes out as a special dedication for people writing in txt language and asking for MSN with Hi, MSN? and all their brothers from other mothers: You can expect a reply when pigs start flying. Good day. Also I get so many crap messages that I don't bother reading anymore so if you did read my profile and think we should talk then please start your message with: "IT's been a while..."

P.P.S. I am seriously considering erasing all this, because nobody ever reads my profile. :O

Oh and I like to PMSL, that's what's with the name.

Oh and there should be some way to find out members mental capacities (not to say IQ and such because those tests are quite weird) so you can select: Only members above average who can fooking read. :O

And hopefully last (Gosh, this profile is getting bigger and bigger, sorry, but I have to say this): There seem to be many people around who expect an answer even if it is no. To those who have kindly asked for an answer, regardless of what it may be, I have answered, even if I said no. Rest of you though... If I'm not interested, I do not answer. I really don't see a point. This is the Internet, baby ! Where's the fun in answering every single person you never want to talk to again? Ahhh, maybe I could, but I just don't wanna, don't wanna, don't wanna. Don't take it as lack of respect. Just take it as a "not interested, sorry". :) And if getting any sort of answer is vital to you, just say so. I'll answer. =))

Oh and... Last thing I thought about... I only choose men I will not hurt (and who have a high chance of hurting me), see how kind I am? So don't be sad if I didn't choose you. :P

AND I'm blockin' everyone with messages starting with "It's been a while." Feels like the zombies are back in town. :) Took me a while to understand. By the way, been a while since what, since you ran into someone fantabulous, like moi, or a while since you last fooked? =) Anyway, I don't care about that while. I'd rather you said "Hi" in the subject. :)