"Not everyone is on here 24/7 dude.
As for advice about socials..
If you put your name down, turn up.
Pre-drinks are a bit of an established ritual for some, don't discuss locations in open chat or forums, and don't get wasted before the social lol!
This ^
Go with an open mind, sex (if it happens) should be an unexpected bonus.
Remember, just because it might be held in a private room of a pub or club, doesn't mean its a free-for-all, the clue is in the name... social.
If you interact with couples, remember, there are two of them, they could have the pick of the single males there, so be friendly, polite, and above all, don't be pushy.
"Apres-social" parties do happen, your chance on getting an invite depends on how you behaved, but don't pester if you get wind of one, often by the time its general knowledge that they are happening, the hosts have already mentally filled it... hotel rooms can only cater for a few.
Finally, be prepared to go to a few socials before you start to get the nod... networking is never wasted, once you establish yourself as a decent guy people will feel more comfortable about having you around, and breaking the ice will be much easier if you are a familiar face.
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