By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
When I first joined Fab, many moons ago, I was pleasantly surprised by how friendly people were. I can't say it was all sweetness and light, but, on the whole, people seemed to get along quite nicely.
Recently, however, it seems that there has been something that I have called "fractional tribalism". In a nutshell, this means that there has been a falling out, and peple other than the two main protagonists have polarised around their chosen "champion", and war ensues!
The over-simplified answer would be, "it's human nature", and, while that does kind of draw a line under it, I found myself wondering if that really was how a group of adults should act?
Think about it for a moment, unless it is you that is directly in the "line of fire", should you wade in and give yout tuppence worth? Yes, loyalty to a friend is to be applauded, but do they really need you to don your armour and hack and slash your way through someone elses profile/forum posts/lifestyle/upbringing/etc etc?
Its a bit like a pub spat, there might be a bit of banter across the pool table, a bit of "to and fro", but, sure as eggs is eggs, it only degenerates into fisticuffs when "mates" arrive at your shoulder to "back you up". And, to be honest, a lot of those mates would dissolve away if confronted. They join in for the "scrap" (usually to sit at the side of the ring and watch in safety) then wander off and leave you to tend your cuts and bruises. There are a lot of keyboard warriors out there lol!
Here's a crazy thought. If you have had a bit of a spat thats dragged on, just ask yourself "why?". If you were defending yourself and have no fault in the causing, then fine, but if you cant say that, and you cant really come up with a "why" for your spat, then let it go. Next time you see "them" in chat, say hello, you might be pleasantly surprised. Next time you see a forum thread started by "them" resist the urge to rip the piss, and instead either walk on by, or find something positive to say if you can.
As for the "tribe" well, that sort of thing went the way of the Dodo a long time ago, we are supposed to be civilised now, take the bone out of your nose, put away your spear, and let the tribe find someone else to follow, lets face it, the next "victim" might be you, they can be a fikkle bunch!!
Here endeth the lesson, now the plate will pass amongst you, feel free to donate what you can, but I am especially fond of Jammy Dodgers!  |