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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Is it just me or is this site becoming more and more like an ego trip or a place where people can get a quick jolly off? I have had more fun and better opertinities meeting people and hooking up via FB or other social media than on here. Never have I met such a prudish group of people than I have on here. There isn't even a decent social side to this site. This is a genuine question. Thank you lovelies x

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By *rsK69Woman
over a year ago


I dont hook up with people on Facebook for sex so i have to disagree

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

. You only get out what you put in and being rude wont help your cause.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

It works for me on a social & a sexual level, but like Jules said, you get out what you put in x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

South Wales, and the forums have some of the most active social gatherings going on across the whole site

I'm surprised that anyone uses face palm for sexual meets

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By *elsh_lass74Woman
over a year ago

South Wales

"It works for me on a social & a sexual level, but like Jules said, you get out what you put in x"

Totally agree with you x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Can I just say you obviously haven't been to any of the socials

It makes me laugh how fast ppl are to slag the site off or ppl on it then wonder why they don't get much joy

Try a few socials get to know people before you comment

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is it just me or is this site becoming more and more like an ego trip or a place where people can get a quick jolly off? I have had more fun and better opertinities meeting people and hooking up via FB or other social media than on here. Never have I met such a prudish group of people than I have on here. There isn't even a decent social side to this site. This is a genuine question. Thank you lovelies x "
so why are you still here????

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By *otsoSnowWhiteWoman
over a year ago

My Ice Castle! South Wales

"Can I just say you obviously haven't been to any of the socials

It makes me laugh how fast ppl are to slag the site off or ppl on it then wonder why they don't get much joy

Try a few socials get to know people before you comment


Here bloody here!!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Why would anyone turn up to a social when you can hardly get a decent conversation on here. It's not rude but a simple question I asked, only get what you put in. Easy for some to say, however unless you are tailing behind a woman on here you hardly get anywhere. I try hold respectful intellectual conversation with people and and I hardly get any decent relpies. I'm not here just for hook ups, however the it seems very close minded a community and does lack a decent social spectrum. I have a life and don't Iive it here, and have spent a fair bit of time trying to build a good rapour and it's got me nowhere. But maybe I'm better off speaking to people who are more open to chat elsewhere. Maybe you are right, what am I doing here?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Because at a social people can see you and you them and conversing on a real level is far more intresting then typing away on here Perse . You will get to meet people at face value and you them, personalities shine through more in person . Also pictures can be deceiving or not true representation of what the person looks like . Some people just don't take good pictures . How can you be so against something you have never tired or experienced yet ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Because at a social people can see you and you them and conversing on a real level is far more intresting then typing away on here Perse . You will get to meet people at face value and you them, personalities shine through more in person . Also pictures can be deceiving or not true representation of what the person looks like . Some people just don't take good pictures . How can you be so against something you have never tired or experienced yet ? "
tried typo

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I have yet received a decent welcome Here, why would I travel to a social feeling I may be treated the same there. I get treated like a sex hungry meat head and I am not that in the least. Sex is mainly mental, the physical bit is easy so a good connection and conversation is a prerogative. This being the first step, it puts off decent blokes taking the next.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

As for looking for meets on other social media, it's not what I do. General good conversation with others, then often can get socio-sexual and move onto mental foreplay and I cannot get a basic conversation here, where such a social progression would seem more part of such a site. Just confuses me.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Can I just say you obviously haven't been to any of the socials

It makes me laugh how fast ppl are to slag the site off or ppl on it then wonder why they don't get much joy

Try a few socials get to know people before you comment


very true

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I have just read your profile. And if I have to be honest if I was looking too meet a single male I wouldn't message you after reading it. It takes a lot for me to trust single males I have been in a number of very bad situations and the last one actually stopped me swinging altogether. For me to actually think about meeting a man he has to be able to string a sentence together and put more than "fancy a fuck". There has to be something in the way that he conducts himself "orally" so to speak before I would even consider taking things to the next level.


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"As for looking for meets on other social media, it's not what I do. General good conversation with others, then often can get socio-sexual and move onto mental foreplay and I cannot get a basic conversation here, where such a social progression would seem more part of such a site. Just confuses me. "

Your opening post & profile have a combative & aggressive feel to them which for me prevents any further, decent conversation. They set the scene for me, so to speak & leave me feeling defensive. You might want to consider how what you wrote reads to the reciever, I don't know many women here who would respond positively, another reason why a social would be good as a way to show people the real you. I'm not trying to criticise here I'm expressing my view in the hope that it assists in some way X

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By *winky!!Woman
over a year ago


Your profile is now quite intimidating. very different to your couple profile in which you'll only play after a social first

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

A Troll by any other name.....

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

The recent change to my profile maybe a bit from an aggressive point however is was changed a week ago due the months of getting nowhere on this site. Thought maybe being a nice genuine guy gets you nowhere on here. I am not the only person here to think this, I have spoken to many a gent here who have had the same blunt and unwelcoming responses. The odd occasion when I have said to women social meet first, they have blocked me and messaged enjoy the photos on here? Sorry photos don't do it for me at all, I find intelligence and good conversation more of a turn on. Don't think I've ever really gone and looked at photos on here, they do nothing for me. As for "troll" please an intellectual responses, such ignorance states a very closed mind and flat personality. I'm simply looking for constructive critisims and thank you to those who have bothered with decent responses. I have A few things to work on there. I will say there are a few gems on here who do give the time of day to people stepping into this world however they are few and far between. Also please ladies, if you get a nice message, be nice back to guys on here. After meeting and talking many many nice guy who have had the same responses as me, you are missing out on some really great genuine people with a lot to offer and not just in a sexual manner but a social one.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm renowned for my flat personality and closed mind!!!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The recent change to my profile maybe a bit from an aggressive point however is was changed a week ago due the months of getting nowhere on this site. Thought maybe being a nice genuine guy gets you nowhere on here. I am not the only person here to think this, I have spoken to many a gent here who have had the same blunt and unwelcoming responses. The odd occasion when I have said to women social meet first, they have blocked me and messaged enjoy the photos on here? Sorry photos don't do it for me at all, I find intelligence and good conversation more of a turn on. Don't think I've ever really gone and looked at photos on here, they do nothing for me. As for "troll" please an intellectual responses, such ignorance states a very closed mind and flat personality. I'm simply looking for constructive critisims and thank you to those who have bothered with decent responses. I have A few things to work on there. I will say there are a few gems on here who do give the time of day to people stepping into this world however they are few and far between. Also please ladies, if you get a nice message, be nice back to guys on here. After meeting and talking many many nice guy who have had the same responses as me, you are missing out on some really great genuine people with a lot to offer and not just in a sexual manner but a social one."
I always reply if I can 2 messages even with a no thanks!!!! But some still pester!!!and as 4 u saying she has a flat personality then u are so wrong as jade is one of the sexiest funniest females u will ever meet on here!so with comments like that it's the so called genuine guys like you who miss out on genuine females like her!!!!!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I met for a social with a single make a week or so ago and he has been the first. His message were more than one liners it was nice to have a conversation that didn't just revolve around sex. Yes I know that is why were are all on here but even so I would rather meet people socially I can get along with and see the true them before I decide to play and that goes really with anyone. He was non pushy and a true gent and it was a great pleasure. And I am going to look forward to meeting him again. X

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Very nice to hear, and hope you both enjoy it each others company be it social or more. However this is fairly rare to hear. I've spoken to really nice guy who have been on here 6 months or more without even a social meet and are fearful of social events where they feel they would get the same responses.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Andy was on here as a single male when I met him and he knows how tough it is on here. If your a single bi fem your laughing lol. This is another reason that we take time out to meet men even if it is just socially because we know how tough it can be. It just takes one person to give you a chance x

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

That maybe however Jade just proved my point on the blunt unwelcoming one liners that fly about here from women to men. I understand the meatheads that often get pushy or the disgusting messages they send keep women on a defensive, however taring every guy with the same brush will soon have this site change to fabwomen in no time. It is easier to strike up a nice conversation with a woman on any other site than it is here, I'm not one to chase women. If I wanted that I would be out playing the normal dating game. However. I hear the words "vanilla" thrown around about the non swinging community however vanilla would be a great deal better a flavour than the bland porrage I have found much of this site to be of late. It seems people have forgotten the idea of such a community is to make this world a little smaller and not bigger in social and sexual terms. For without the possibility of sexual adventure this is just another FB. Now if I had female or couples profile then it would be a completely different ball game, however I unlike many men on here wish to remain honest, as without honesty there is no trust and trust on such a site is of importance.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I have met some great well known some and couple from here socially. However it has got me nowhere. And I would like to thank you for your kind and helpful words of advice, tis rare to get such a lovely response. The last few months it's become near impossible to even get a conversation with a female at all. And you are right, bi females, females and couple have it easy on here. But have a single male profile and you're treated like a leper.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I have met some great well known some and couple from here socially. However it has got me nowhere. And I would like to thank you for your kind and helpful words of advice, tis rare to get such a lovely response. The last few months it's become near impossible to even get a conversation with a female at all. And you are right, bi females, females and couple have it easy on here. But have a single male profile and you're treated like a leper."
absolutely gobble de gook this is just another poor me thread!!!!can't b that bad as your still here!!!Stop moaning and get on with what fabs about!!! Ive offered 2 meet guys who then don't turn up and I've offered 2 take guys 2 clubs and yep u guessed it they pull out!!!!Ive even offered 2 meet up with the guys 4 the socials when they say they want 2 go!!!I am one of the friendly fems on here and yes I'm now playing as a couple but we are put off as the males seem 2 think rock is invisable and i will meet with out his knowing!!!

And 2 be fair on us fems there are alot of single guys who are on here as a couple and have a separate profile that there misses don't even no about!!!!

Happy swinging!!!!

And 4 the record if there is a big social event on i am the 1st person 2 make sure the new people being male fems or couples are put with people 2 talk 2 and are not left standing on there own!!!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I have met some great well known some and couple from here socially. However it has got me nowhere. And I would like to thank you for your kind and helpful words of advice, tis rare to get such a lovely response. The last few months it's become near impossible to even get a conversation with a female at all. And you are right, bi females, females and couple have it easy on here. But have a single male profile and you're treated like a leper."
and ur saying don't tar men with the same brush and here u are tarring fems couples and bi fems with the same brush so really this thread is pointless and it's a no win situation!!!!!

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By *STAXxMan
over a year ago


honestly i couldnt recommend going along to one of the socials more!

if you really are a genuine nice guy they'll all find that out for themselves and then maybe you'll have some luck

i was getting blown out more times than a windsock but have met some great people ever since attending one

and i certainly havent met any prudes

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I have met some great well known some and couple from here socially. However it has got me nowhere. And I would like to thank you for your kind and helpful words of advice, tis rare to get such a lovely response. The last few months it's become near impossible to even get a conversation with a female at all. And you are right, bi females, females and couple have it easy on here. But have a single male profile and you're treated like a leper."
your profile is full of vile ramblings, with the amount of well spoken friendly, good looking and affable single men on here who struggle to meet-what makes you think people will read your hateful profile and be interested??? The world does not owe you a favour, neither do any couples or single fems!!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"honestly i couldnt recommend going along to one of the socials more!

if you really are a genuine nice guy they'll all find that out for themselves and then maybe you'll have some luck

i was getting blown out more times than a windsock but have met some great people ever since attending one

and i certainly havent met any prudes "

so star I met you 4 the 1st time sat night...was I rude 2 u or pushed u aside because you were a single guy??

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By *STAXxMan
over a year ago


not at all giggles infact quite the opposite

i've genuinely not met anyone on here i thought was rude

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"not at all giggles infact quite the opposite

i've genuinely not met anyone on here i thought was rude"

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I will agree to the fems they do put up with a lot of crap from guys here and dishonesty. However I have spoken to other women from this site who have broken from playing or meeting here as they felt they way I did and that many people are here for their pic to be fab'd or just for ego and kicks. I'm not tarring everyone With the same brush hence why I've come to post a thread here to ask people. 6 women I've arranged to meet socially first and they have just closed their accounts, other have been rude or just ignore you completely and many with "not meeting, just here for chatting" do they realise this is a swinging site? If you want to chat get normal social profile elsewhere. I understand some people cannot meet for some reason or other. But it's getting a joke of a site, and as I've posted lack of decent social interaction. Maybe a social event is different but then again ad I've said if the water is cold when you dip your toes, chances are it will be cold when you jump in. And maybe just maybe people instead of getting very defensive here, might want to think, this guy has a point. This site could do with being a little friendlier, a bit more social and maybe you would get a lot more to the socials.

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By *elsh_lass74Woman
over a year ago

South Wales

A lot more to the socials?????

The ones held across south Wales have well over 100 people attending each and every one.

You only have to look at the threads about them to see how much interest they get.

To turn up at a social as a single guy is hard, BUT it proves you are real, not playing away and that you are serious about the site and lifestyle.

Treat others the way you want to be treated..... Goes a long way

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm renowned for my flat personality and closed mind!!!!"

Can't say I've ever noticed the personality or the mind, but you do have the most gorgeous breasts mmmmm

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I will agree to the fems they do put up with a lot of crap from guys here and dishonesty. However I have spoken to other women from this site who have broken from playing or meeting here as they felt they way I did and that many people are here for their pic to be fab'd or just for ego and kicks. I'm not tarring everyone With the same brush hence why I've come to post a thread here to ask people. 6 women I've arranged to meet socially first and they have just closed their accounts, other have been rude or just ignore you completely and many with "not meeting, just here for chatting" do they realise this is a swinging site? If you want to chat get normal social profile elsewhere. I understand some people cannot meet for some reason or other. But it's getting a joke of a site, and as I've posted lack of decent social interaction. Maybe a social event is different but then again ad I've said if the water is cold when you dip your toes, chances are it will be cold when you jump in. And maybe just maybe people instead of getting very defensive here, might want to think, this guy has a point. This site could do with being a little friendlier, a bit more social and maybe you would get a lot more to the socials. "

I'm definitely not here to chat & in fact meet at least once maybe twice a week, I just like to choose who I meet & then stick with the few until one of us moves on. I'd like to think I'm not rude but after several messages from guys who clearly haven't read the profile or who have no manners, it's difficult to remain polite, the volume of mail wears you down at times & I've lost count of how many times I've been called a fat old c**t by guys who had approached for a meet. I maybe all 3 but I don't need a guy to tell me X

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I will agree to the fems they do put up with a lot of crap from guys here and dishonesty. However I have spoken to other women from this site who have broken from playing or meeting here as they felt they way I did and that many people are here for their pic to be fab'd or just for ego and kicks. I'm not tarring everyone With the same brush hence why I've come to post a thread here to ask people. 6 women I've arranged to meet socially first and they have just closed their accounts, other have been rude or just ignore you completely and many with "not meeting, just here for chatting" do they realise this is a swinging site? If you want to chat get normal social profile elsewhere. I understand some people cannot meet for some reason or other. But it's getting a joke of a site, and as I've posted lack of decent social interaction. Maybe a social event is different but then again ad I've said if the water is cold when you dip your toes, chances are it will be cold when you jump in. And maybe just maybe people instead of getting very defensive here, might want to think, this guy has a point. This site could do with being a little friendlier, a bit more social and maybe you would get a lot more to the socials. "
due 2 being let down so many times from single guys we have choose 2 just meet at party's,clubs and 2 do socials were we no people are genuine!people say what you want 2 hear behind a keyboard! If you are real and genuine then you would deep your toes in cold water and attend the socials by putting your name down and letting the organisers no you are new and they will do there upmost 2 make sure you are not left on your own!!!

And if the site is a joke again why are you still here???

Like the last comment says treat people the way u want 2 b treated!!!!!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

If I treated people on here how I have been treated this would probably be quite a vile thread on my part. If my original post had no merrit no one would be on the defensive, there have been a few on this thread who have been honest and know where I'm coming from. Peachy, you have been nothing but a sweety on here and will say you are one of the rare ones and quite a valid point. There is a form or movement on how things go and yes there are many horrible guys on here. We have met and you are a very beautiful lady and true you should be treated as such. And I'm disgusted by such people here. Why am I still here you ask? Well I'm sure over time I will find a few gems and the general ingnorace of the many will become irrelevant as they remain where they are get nowhere. As they say when panning for gold you sift though a lot of gravel. Anyway thank you for the thoughts you beautiful people.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 19/03/14 15:40:32]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Being negative is a complete turn off for me x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If I treated people on here how I have been treated this would probably be quite a vile thread on my part. If my original post had no merrit no one would be on the defensive, there have been a few on this thread who have been honest and know where I'm coming from. Peachy, you have been nothing but a sweety on here and will say you are one of the rare ones and quite a valid point. There is a form or movement on how things go and yes there are many horrible guys on here. We have met and you are a very beautiful lady and true you should be treated as such. And I'm disgusted by such people here. Why am I still here you ask? Well I'm sure over time I will find a few gems and the general ingnorace of the many will become irrelevant as they remain where they are get nowhere. As they say when panning for gold you sift though a lot of gravel. Anyway thank you for the thoughts you beautiful people. "
why are you discussed by some people?? Because we have a view???

And yes I asked why your still here if you find the site shit!!

And believe it or not I am one of them people who have been honest but obviously you don't like that...like I said I no I'm one of the decent people on here!!!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Look I'm not judging any of you directly, just haven't found it very welcoming here of late. And if the view people have is to call Lovely peachy there nasty names, yes I'm disgusted. Not of your views on this thread, I welcome it all. Some have been rude however that's their prerogative. All I asked was of peoples criticism to how I felt. Negative? I'm just questioning why others have treated me in a negative manner. That's all.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I understand the meatheads that often get pushy or the disgusting messages they send keep women on a defensive, however taring every guy with the same brush will soon have this site change to fabwomen.

however I unlike many men on here wish to remain honest, as without honesty there is no trust and trust on such a site is of importance. "

just taking some of your quotes, and posting it with this small message from me..

There are many, many, amazingly interesting people on here, and over the years I have had the great opportunity to meet some of them.

Unfortunately it is inevitable that some will reject you, but this site is not as some see it "an instant shag"

I find it hard to grasp the fact that you object to people not wanting to make conversation with you, when you obviously have nothing constructive or positive to say.

the forums are for free speech, advice, and to have a moan......oh hang on ! Its called a constructive conversation aint it ????

btw I dont want to get tarred with the same brush as the meat heads too, but I have learned to be patient, respectful, and not pushy, and I am quite sure a few could agree and vouch what sort of person I am.

you unfortunately will never know

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If I treated people on here how I have been treated this would probably be quite a vile thread on my part. If my original post had no merrit no one would be on the defensive, there have been a few on this thread who have been honest and know where I'm coming from. Peachy, you have been nothing but a sweety on here and will say you are one of the rare ones and quite a valid point. There is a form or movement on how things go and yes there are many horrible guys on here. We have met and you are a very beautiful lady and true you should be treated as such. And I'm disgusted by such people here. Why am I still here you ask? Well I'm sure over time I will find a few gems and the general ingnorace of the many will become irrelevant as they remain where they are get nowhere. As they say when panning for gold you sift though a lot of gravel. Anyway thank you for the thoughts you beautiful people. "

I know who you are now lol, your persona here is nothing like the you in real life & I think that's a shame because in real life you are a very interesting & engaging person, why not give people a flavour of that person?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Look I'm not judging any of you directly, just haven't found it very welcoming here of late. And if the view people have is to call Lovely peachy there nasty names, yes I'm disgusted. Not of your views on this thread, I welcome it all. Some have been rude however that's their prerogative. All I asked was of peoples criticism to how I felt. Negative? I'm just questioning why others have treated me in a negative manner. That's all."
negativity breeds negativity in my experience . We try to remain positive no matter what or where we are on here , in life , in general. If your not negative people have nothing to feed off . You did ask opinions though so a debate throws up more than two opposing views. There's often shades of grey and middle ground too. Xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

appart from lots of sex meets ive made some close friendsfro here chat room i love plus the monthly social doos as also meet lots of social friends old and new

ere we go now bad things back stabbing twats and numpty cunts are my hates but by far the best site for sex meets i find lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

" . You only get out what you put in and being rude wont help your cause. "

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I have met some great well known some and couple from here socially. However it has got me nowhere. And I would like to thank you for your kind and helpful words of advice, tis rare to get such a lovely response. The last few months it's become near impossible to even get a conversation with a female at all. And you are right, bi females, females and couple have it easy on here. But have a single male profile and you're treated like a leper.your profile is full of vile ramblings, with the amount of well spoken friendly, good looking and affable single men on here who struggle to meet-what makes you think people will read your hateful profile and be interested??? The world does not owe you a favour, neither do any couples or single fems!!! "

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If I treated people on here how I have been treated this would probably be quite a vile thread on my part. If my original post had no merrit no one would be on the defensive, there have been a few on this thread who have been honest and know where I'm coming from. Peachy, you have been nothing but a sweety on here and will say you are one of the rare ones and quite a valid point. There is a form or movement on how things go and yes there are many horrible guys on here. We have met and you are a very beautiful lady and true you should be treated as such. And I'm disgusted by such people here. Why am I still here you ask? Well I'm sure over time I will find a few gems and the general ingnorace of the many will become irrelevant as they remain where they are get nowhere. As they say when panning for gold you sift though a lot of gravel. Anyway thank you for the thoughts you beautiful people.

I know who you are now lol, your persona here is nothing like the you in real life & I think that's a shame because in real life you are a very interesting & engaging person, why not give people a flavour of that person? "

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I have met some great well known some and couple from here socially. However it has got me nowhere. And I would like to thank you for your kind and helpful words of advice, tis rare to get such a lovely response. The last few months it's become near impossible to even get a conversation with a female at all. And you are right, bi females, females and couple have it easy on here. But have a single male profile and you're treated like a leper."

maybe you are a leper with attitude your name is a start none of my slaves would use your name unles you earnt it i have been on here since the begining as single male and also as a couple and never had a problem i get veries but dont put them up much as people know me you get out what you put in simple instead of winging go to socials and meet genuine people at the end of the day your choice

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

New profile is much nicer than your previous one. Xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"New profile is much nicer than your previous one. Xx"

Much nicer & certainly reflects the person I briefly met, Hello & welcome X

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I like your new profile also

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I have met some great well known some and couple from here socially. However it has got me nowhere. And I would like to thank you for your kind and helpful words of advice, tis rare to get such a lovely response. The last few months it's become near impossible to even get a conversation with a female at all. And you are right, bi females, females and couple have it easy on here. But have a single male profile and you're treated like a leper.

maybe you are a leper with attitude your name is a start none of my slaves would use your name unles you earnt it i have been on here since the begining as single male and also as a couple and never had a problem i get veries but dont put them up much as people know me you get out what you put in simple instead of winging go to socials and meet genuine people at the end of the day your choice "

I think you are mistaken by my name, Sir is no different to lady or Madame, I'm not looking for a slave or slaves. Even in a Dominant position in the bedroom it is no more than role play and that role play can still be done with enough respect not to call anyone a slave. In truth, The "master" in said position is as much a slave to the others desires of being dominated. So in great insight I wouldn't demean anyone to the role of slave. So to your point Sir! Is as much a servant as the lady in present. I don't demand respect, it is to be earned however to earn it. People have to give you the opportunity. So as to my previous point, many of you have jumped into a negative offensive trying to protect your status and way of treating people on here and have served more in doing so, to prove my point. The fair and the few have admitted to possibly being able to be more open to others and kind. They who jump directly to defense do so in reaction of fault, they who are honest would question themselves even if they know they were right. Maybe I will never know, however maybe it's in my best interest that I don't.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I like your new profile also"

Thank you, I have listened. As I've said, just wanted constructive criticism. However is is as it was before I changed it last week.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is it just me or is this site becoming more and more like an ego trip or a place where people can get a quick jolly off? I have had more fun and better opertinities meeting people and hooking up via FB or other social media than on here. Never have I met such a prudish group of people than I have on here. There isn't even a decent social side to this site. This is a genuine question. Thank you lovelies x "

not nice to say that sir and i did notice u attended ammanford social and had a veri for it so why u badmouth fab now NOT NICE at all m8

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Is it just me or is this site becoming more and more like an ego trip or a place where people can get a quick jolly off? I have had more fun and better opertinities meeting people and hooking up via FB or other social media than on here. Never have I met such a prudish group of people than I have on here. There isn't even a decent social side to this site. This is a genuine question. Thank you lovelies x

not nice to say that sir and i did notice u attended ammanford social and had a veri for it so why u badmouth fab now NOT NICE at all m8"

It's not nice the way men get treated on here, and if it wasn't for a good friend who is a fem here and arranged it to help with veri's and meeting people I wouldn't have any veri. The difference between when we had a couple profile and I would message off that and the responses I get as a single male on my own profile as goes for so Many other men on here is crazy and says it all. Every message I send is respectful and as a gentleman and always get brushed aside like a idiot or as if I'm not a nice person. This post tread is in response to the way I have been treated here. I'm just trying to highlight this issue of how people can be here. That is all, if people are not acting as such on here this post would not be a problem to them and they would simply ignore it, however it seems to have touched a nerve with some and I would question, if it was me, why has it touched a nerve. I feel this is quite a valid point here.

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By *irtyAndCh33kyCouple
over a year ago

North Wales

op....you've had 9 meets in the 4 months you've been here! not really sure what your problem is?!

Mrs Dirty

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is it just me or is this site becoming more and more like an ego trip or a place where people can get a quick jolly off? I have had more fun and better opertinities meeting people and hooking up via FB or other social media than on here. Never have I met such a prudish group of people than I have on here. There isn't even a decent social side to this site. This is a genuine question. Thank you lovelies x

not nice to say that sir and i did notice u attended ammanford social and had a veri for it so why u badmouth fab now NOT NICE at all m8

It's not nice the way men get treated on here, and if it wasn't for a good friend who is a fem here and arranged it to help with veri's and meeting people I wouldn't have any veri. The difference between when we had a couple profile and I would message off that and the responses I get as a single male on my own profile as goes for so Many other men on here is crazy and says it all. Every message I send is respectful and as a gentleman and always get brushed aside like a idiot or as if I'm not a nice person. This post tread is in response to the way I have been treated here. I'm just trying to highlight this issue of how people can be here. That is all, if people are not acting as such on here this post would not be a problem to them and they would simply ignore it, however it seems to have touched a nerve with some and I would question, if it was me, why has it touched a nerve. I feel this is quite a valid point here. "

so it is a poor me thread???????????

Because of the way you have been treated as a single guy?????

Even when I was on my single fem profile and I'd reply no thanks...I'd get the response of u dirty fat c××t.....so basically we are all treated the same!!!

Even a no thanks on my couples profile ends you as a shity reply!!!

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By *izzy RascallMan
over a year ago


It's been an interesting read so far, kind of predictable how some people have replied, they usually do reply in the same manner.

Going back to the OP's opening sentance about 'ego's, I can see where he is coming from, that isn't aimed at anyone in particular, perhaps not even in this thread, just a point about status's in general and conversations.

I think being put off attending a social, as a single male due to responses by inbox's, or even, no response at all is a valid point.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"It's been an interesting read so far, kind of predictable how some people have replied, they usually do reply in the same manner.

Going back to the OP's opening sentance about 'ego's, I can see where he is coming from, that isn't aimed at anyone in particular, perhaps not even in this thread, just a point about status's in general and conversations.

I think being put off attending a social, as a single male due to responses by inbox's, or even, no response at all is a valid point."

Being a single male and having attended a couple of socials I would strongly recommend them as its a way to meet lots of great people

However I also understand the frustration of the op in trying to get a meet via messaging !!

its horrendous how some people treat males messaging both single fems and couples believe themselves to be superior and act accordingly

I have found that its a minefield and am now looking to meet people at parties and clubs as it does away with having to message rude people

Manners cost nothing but people do seem to have forgotten theirs

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 20/03/14 23:19:58]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Oi oi mr fun I've replied to every single one of ur messages

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Oi oi mr fun I've replied to every single one of ur messages "

Thank you gorgeous

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Welcome how are u feeling now better I hope

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Welcome how are u feeling now better I hope"

Haha yes I'm much better after my experience lol x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Welcome how are u feeling now better I hope"

The offer to nurse me is an open one lol xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"South Wales, and the forums have some of the most active social gatherings going on across the whole site

I'm surprised that anyone uses face palm for sexual meets "

And the worst

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Welcome how are u feeling now better I hope

Haha yes I'm much better after my experience lol x "

tell me more

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Welcome how are u feeling now better I hope

Haha yes I'm much better after my experience lol x tell me more"

No pmsl x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Welcome how are u feeling now better I hope

Haha yes I'm much better after my experience lol x tell me more

No pmsl x "

sad face

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is it just me or is this site becoming more and more like an ego trip or a place where people can get a quick jolly off? I have had more fun and better opertinities meeting people and hooking up via FB or other social media than on here. Never have I met such a prudish group of people than I have on here. There isn't even a decent social side to this site. This is a genuine question. Thank you lovelies x "
what sexy eyes u got

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Welcome how are u feeling now better I hope

Haha yes I'm much better after my experience lol x tell me more

No pmsl x sad face"

Only if I can whisper it in your ear

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Whisper then

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"South Wales, and the forums have some of the most active social gatherings going on across the whole site

I'm surprised that anyone uses face palm for sexual meets

And the worst"

U never have anything positive 2 say do u????

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"South Wales, and the forums have some of the most active social gatherings going on across the whole site

I'm surprised that anyone uses face palm for sexual meets

And the worst

U never have anything positive 2 say do u???? "

That was the first thought I had as soon as I read it giggles . Some people always see the dark side of things and never the positive !xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"South Wales, and the forums have some of the most active social gatherings going on across the whole site

I'm surprised that anyone uses face palm for sexual meets

And the worst

U never have anything positive 2 say do u???? That was the first thought I had as soon as I read it giggles . Some people always see the dark side of things and never the positive !xx "

they don't like chat,forum;single men or anything else so maybe there in the wrong place

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

They don't like socials but they've never been to Bridgend and the are going on the Cardiff night out which is a mobile social, so they do like socials.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"They don't like socials but they've never been to Bridgend and the are going on the Cardiff night out which is a mobile social, so they do like socials. "
they didn't go to that according to the thread . X

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"They don't like socials but they've never been to Bridgend and the are going on the Cardiff night out which is a mobile social, so they do like socials. "

U going to the newport social hun hope so nothing to do with wanting to stare at ur lush boobs all night wink wink x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Yes I'm going to Newport xxx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Yes I'm going to Newport xxx"

Cool hopefully see u there sexy u can show me sum moves on the dance floor

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