"Hi, as a bi curious guy interested in meeting a couple for regular fun - not a one off meets - i'm not having much luck on Fab. Not sure if im on the right website or perhaps not doing something right.
Any suggestions or thoughts much appreciated. : ) Thanks"
Rite-O, get your popcorn ready, make a cuppa, pour a drink and get yourself comfortable because here comes some "constructive criticism" that we can only expect the blind to read...
Bare in mind that this is not purely aimed at you OP, but in general, single men whom we've seen this question ask far too many times.
We are a couple who have eachother at the end of every single night and to us we have our prime steak. And as a couple, we can be picky and choosey on who enters our/their private sexual life's.
1) we can afford to be picky n' choosey
As regards to couples, us inc, the vetting process starts by the profile, to us, this the holy grail.
Half arsed bio's and/or empty profiles get dismissed/ignored almost immediately.
You won't employ someone who has only written " I want a job" on their job application form nor would anyone loan hundreds or even thousands £££ if there's no financial history of that individual looking for monies..
The reason for our profile being an essay long is to whittle out the plonkers, and it works..
2) have a profile that best represents you and have some sort of resemblance and pride to it.
You say:-
"Been here before with Ex partner now back flying solo!"
As the two points mentioned above,you should already have some insight into why you're having some difficulties on gaining more notches (so to speak)
To continue:-
"420 friendly" This will have a major affect on your interest as many don't like 'druggies', not that I (Mr) am calling you one however, this stereotypical view many will see. Is this on your CV?
I used to smoke and been clean for about 24month now, I personally like the smell of it so to me I don't mind but to someone else, it's kind of a be deal, keep it to yourself. If they talk about 420, that there will be your commonality you can engage with.
And to finish off,
There's more garbled and honestly useless info about fab public traded entity, rights bla bla facebook copy & paste crap that doesn't really need to be there..
This is mentioned in the FAQ's if you read up in the fab rule pages.
If you're worried about your photos, don't put them up, it's that simple.
Also you automatically have the rights to your own media as long at you can prove its your own material, your local/national governmental laws protect you with it..
3) if you're worried about your photos don't put them up and find another way to 'share' them..
Hope this sheds a bit of light to you and others and wish you all the best  |