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Vaxx free post in here

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By *arriorstrong OP   Man
45 weeks ago


Seems like I could be on to soemthing

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *irty_DeedsMan
45 weeks ago


How does that song go again? Fuck you I won't do what you tell me?!

I'm not vax free however it has been a while since my last dose so whether its actually doing anything now is debateable.

Also are we just talking covid vaccines or a specific covid vaccine, or all vaccines? Details matter.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *penbicoupleCouple
45 weeks ago


Is this a vax-free post? Cool! About time people talked about something else.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *enuinegent17Man
45 weeks ago


Can I have this please?

Dyson are shite

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *entle_lover_xMan
45 weeks ago

Great Dunmow

"Seems like I could be on to soemthing "

Is this all vaccines? Presumably you have been jabbed with something earlier in life?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *lex D.Man
45 weeks ago


"How does that song go again? Fuck you I won't do what you tell me?!

I'm not vax free however it has been a while since my last dose so whether its actually doing anything now is debateable.

Also are we just talking covid vaccines or a specific covid vaccine, or all vaccines? Details matter."

There's no debate really. It does nothing for you now in terms of protection. At best it offered waning protection week on week until week 10-12.

The so-called Covid vaccine also presented a myocarditis / pericarditis risk but the avatar-stickered vaccinated cult are not too keen to hear about all that. Less said about the speedy 'emergency' roll-out of a big pharma product, the better really.

Hundreds of people still pass away in the UK with or because of Covid19 so in all honesty those that believed in the vaccine's properties from December 2020 onwards should still do their duty and take boosters for the benefit of protecting the community. Or, maybe everyone just knows now that the vaccine didn't actually reduce the risk of transmission after all and does feck all to reduce severity...unless you are in your 80's.

Thank God normality has resumed and we have returned to individualised medicine but the disease is still here; it's still a pandemic.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ophieslutTV/TS
45 weeks ago


The Covid vaccines will not be in anyone's body, if they had them until the end of the spring 2033 booster, as the body processes and eliminates the injected material. It would largely have remained in the upper arm injection site.

The natural immunity created by the body, consisting solely of the body's own materials, would ebb and wane, in the same way that an infection derived immune response will have done.

If you're looking for someone who has guaranteed zero Covid immune response materials in their body, you'd probably have to look for someone who has been in total isolation for a few years.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ophieslutTV/TS
45 weeks ago


"How does that song go again? Fuck you I won't do what you tell me?!

I'm not vax free however it has been a while since my last dose so whether its actually doing anything now is debateable.

Also are we just talking covid vaccines or a specific covid vaccine, or all vaccines? Details matter.

There's no debate really. It does nothing for you now in terms of protection. At best it offered waning protection week on week until week 10-12.

The so-called Covid vaccine also presented a myocarditis / pericarditis risk but the avatar-stickered vaccinated cult are not too keen to hear about all that. Less said about the speedy 'emergency' roll-out of a big pharma product, the better really.

Hundreds of people still pass away in the UK with or because of Covid19 so in all honesty those that believed in the vaccine's properties from December 2020 onwards should still do their duty and take boosters for the benefit of protecting the community. Or, maybe everyone just knows now that the vaccine didn't actually reduce the risk of transmission after all and does feck all to reduce severity...unless you are in your 80's.

Thank God normality has resumed and we have returned to individualised medicine but the disease is still here; it's still a pandemic."

Your quoted level of effectiveness is highly questionable. Whilst it's natural for our immune system's antibody levels to diminish over time, they are not the only tool that we have. T cells are much more enduring and will also diminish the potential for the virus to wreak havoc. Certainly, 40 weeks after immunity starts, there remains over 78% efficacy, and there's even higher levels of protection against severe illness and death.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *melie LALWoman
45 weeks ago


T cells - our own little PAC MAN

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *moothCriminal_xMan
45 weeks ago


You know what presented a bigger risk than the vaccine? Covid! Rate of vaccine related deaths and injuries versus covid isnt remotely close.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

Spot the brainwashed...

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ools and the brainCouple
45 weeks ago

couple, us we him her.

Can't believe people are still regurgitating this nonsense.

Honestly can't you find another band wagon to jump on?

I'm guessing most of you are scared to drink tap water incase of government additives,nanobots and tracking devices?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *arriorstrong OP   Man
45 weeks ago


"Can't believe people are still regurgitating this nonsense.

Honestly can't you find another band wagon to jump on?

I'm guessing most of you are scared to drink tap water incase of government additives,nanobots and tracking devices?"

The tories legalised water fluoridation last year. Go figure

I filter my tap water through an active carbon filter. I eat organic and avoid plastic wrapping, or any plastic utensils etc.

I dosed up on zeolites last year and it was rotten. But it's meant to remove heavy metals. Is their graphene dioxide in the Pfizer jabs? I don't know. Was there some dodgy batches? Probably. Are they as dangerous as some said? Doubtful.

Does binding spike protein to lipid nanoparticles in the jabs which allows the spike to pass the blood brain barrier and end up in our brains? I wouldn't be surprised.

Did the governments take a big backhanded and the pharma companies and mps/Lords make a shit ton of cash out of covid? You bet they did.

Does the corruption bother me? Well, as someone once said "I'm mot mad that you lied to me, I'm angry that I can never believe you again"

I think we've all got a bit of spike in us. Unless you've lived in a bubble for 5 years. If you've been jabbed, has the jab helped it go to parts covid infection wouldn't reach? Maybe

If you last got boosted 2 years ago would there be no risk of shedding via body fluids now? I'd really hope so

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *melie LALWoman
45 weeks ago


"Can't believe people are still regurgitating this nonsense.

Honestly can't you find another band wagon to jump on?

I'm guessing most of you are scared to drink tap water incase of government additives,nanobots and tracking devices?

The tories legalised water fluoridation last year. Go figure

I filter my tap water through an active carbon filter. I eat organic and avoid plastic wrapping, or any plastic utensils etc.

I dosed up on zeolites last year and it was rotten. But it's meant to remove heavy metals. Is their graphene dioxide in the Pfizer jabs? I don't know. Was there some dodgy batches? Probably. Are they as dangerous as some said? Doubtful.

Does binding spike protein to lipid nanoparticles in the jabs which allows the spike to pass the blood brain barrier and end up in our brains? I wouldn't be surprised.

Did the governments take a big backhanded and the pharma companies and mps/Lords make a shit ton of cash out of covid? You bet they did.

Does the corruption bother me? Well, as someone once said "I'm mot mad that you lied to me, I'm angry that I can never believe you again"

I think we've all got a bit of spike in us. Unless you've lived in a bubble for 5 years. If you've been jabbed, has the jab helped it go to parts covid infection wouldn't reach? Maybe

If you last got boosted 2 years ago would there be no risk of shedding via body fluids now? I'd really hope so"

Something is gonna kill ya!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *melie LALWoman
45 weeks ago


I cba to debate the post I quoted.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *arry and MegsCouple
45 weeks ago


We've a Dyson ... Vax free now

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

Hey lovely hoomans!! No jabs here

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ooo wet tight hornyWoman
45 weeks ago


"Can I have this please?

Dyson are shite"

Ohh I totally agree...paid well over £250 years ago for one and the small £65 Hoover cylinder hoover I now have does a much better job...

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *arriorstrong OP   Man
45 weeks ago



Something is gonna kill ya! "

If its the gush, I won't mind

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *lex D.Man
45 weeks ago


"How does that song go again? Fuck you I won't do what you tell me?!

I'm not vax free however it has been a while since my last dose so whether its actually doing anything now is debateable.

Also are we just talking covid vaccines or a specific covid vaccine, or all vaccines? Details matter.

There's no debate really. It does nothing for you now in terms of protection. At best it offered waning protection week on week until week 10-12.

The so-called Covid vaccine also presented a myocarditis / pericarditis risk but the avatar-stickered vaccinated cult are not too keen to hear about all that. Less said about the speedy 'emergency' roll-out of a big pharma product, the better really.

Hundreds of people still pass away in the UK with or because of Covid19 so in all honesty those that believed in the vaccine's properties from December 2020 onwards should still do their duty and take boosters for the benefit of protecting the community. Or, maybe everyone just knows now that the vaccine didn't actually reduce the risk of transmission after all and does feck all to reduce severity...unless you are in your 80's.

Thank God normality has resumed and we have returned to individualised medicine but the disease is still here; it's still a pandemic.

Your quoted level of effectiveness is highly questionable. Whilst it's natural for our immune system's antibody levels to diminish over time, they are not the only tool that we have. T cells are much more enduring and will also diminish the potential for the virus to wreak havoc. Certainly, 40 weeks after immunity starts, there remains over 78% efficacy, and there's even higher levels of protection against severe illness and death. "


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *lex D.Man
45 weeks ago


"You know what presented a bigger risk than the vaccine? Covid! Rate of vaccine related deaths and injuries versus covid isnt remotely close. "

Big risk for sure if you have co-morbidities.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ldgeezermeMan
45 weeks ago

Newcastle (Throckley)

"Can't believe people are still regurgitating this nonsense.

Honestly can't you find another band wagon to jump on?

I'm guessing most of you are scared to drink tap water incase of government additives,nanobots and tracking devices?

The tories legalised water fluoridation last year. Go figure

I filter my tap water through an active carbon filter. I eat organic and avoid plastic wrapping, or any plastic utensils etc.

I dosed up on zeolites last year and it was rotten. But it's meant to remove heavy metals. Is their graphene dioxide in the Pfizer jabs? I don't know. Was there some dodgy batches? Probably. Are they as dangerous as some said? Doubtful.

Does binding spike protein to lipid nanoparticles in the jabs which allows the spike to pass the blood brain barrier and end up in our brains? I wouldn't be surprised.

Did the governments take a big backhanded and the pharma companies and mps/Lords make a shit ton of cash out of covid? You bet they did.

Does the corruption bother me? Well, as someone once said "I'm mot mad that you lied to me, I'm angry that I can never believe you again"

I think we've all got a bit of spike in us. Unless you've lived in a bubble for 5 years. If you've been jabbed, has the jab helped it go to parts covid infection wouldn't reach? Maybe

If you last got boosted 2 years ago would there be no risk of shedding via body fluids now? I'd really hope so"

The Voodoo magic peddlers are certainly making a shitload of cash out of you

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

"Can't believe people are still regurgitating this nonsense.

Honestly can't you find another band wagon to jump on?

I'm guessing most of you are scared to drink tap water incase of government additives,nanobots and tracking devices?

The tories legalised water fluoridation last year. Go figure

I filter my tap water through an active carbon filter. I eat organic and avoid plastic wrapping, or any plastic utensils etc.

I dosed up on zeolites last year and it was rotten. But it's meant to remove heavy metals. Is their graphene dioxide in the Pfizer jabs? I don't know. Was there some dodgy batches? Probably. Are they as dangerous as some said? Doubtful.

Does binding spike protein to lipid nanoparticles in the jabs which allows the spike to pass the blood brain barrier and end up in our brains? I wouldn't be surprised.

Did the governments take a big backhanded and the pharma companies and mps/Lords make a shit ton of cash out of covid? You bet they did.

Does the corruption bother me? Well, as someone once said "I'm mot mad that you lied to me, I'm angry that I can never believe you again"

I think we've all got a bit of spike in us. Unless you've lived in a bubble for 5 years. If you've been jabbed, has the jab helped it go to parts covid infection wouldn't reach? Maybe

If you last got boosted 2 years ago would there be no risk of shedding via body fluids now? I'd really hope so

The Voodoo magic peddlers are certainly making a shitload of cash out of you"

You should do some research into the money 'big pharma' makes!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ldgeezermeMan
45 weeks ago

Newcastle (Throckley)

"Can't believe people are still regurgitating this nonsense.

Honestly can't you find another band wagon to jump on?

I'm guessing most of you are scared to drink tap water incase of government additives,nanobots and tracking devices?

The tories legalised water fluoridation last year. Go figure

I filter my tap water through an active carbon filter. I eat organic and avoid plastic wrapping, or any plastic utensils etc.

I dosed up on zeolites last year and it was rotten. But it's meant to remove heavy metals. Is their graphene dioxide in the Pfizer jabs? I don't know. Was there some dodgy batches? Probably. Are they as dangerous as some said? Doubtful.

Does binding spike protein to lipid nanoparticles in the jabs which allows the spike to pass the blood brain barrier and end up in our brains? I wouldn't be surprised.

Did the governments take a big backhanded and the pharma companies and mps/Lords make a shit ton of cash out of covid? You bet they did.

Does the corruption bother me? Well, as someone once said "I'm mot mad that you lied to me, I'm angry that I can never believe you again"

I think we've all got a bit of spike in us. Unless you've lived in a bubble for 5 years. If you've been jabbed, has the jab helped it go to parts covid infection wouldn't reach? Maybe

If you last got boosted 2 years ago would there be no risk of shedding via body fluids now? I'd really hope so

The Voodoo magic peddlers are certainly making a shitload of cash out of you

You should do some research into the money 'big pharma' makes! "

I don't remember saying they didn't, mind you my memory's not what it used to be. Probably a side effect of the vaccine

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ischiefManaged69Couple
45 weeks ago


"Can't believe people are still regurgitating this nonsense.

Honestly can't you find another band wagon to jump on?

I'm guessing most of you are scared to drink tap water incase of government additives,nanobots and tracking devices?

The tories legalised water fluoridation last year. Go figure

I filter my tap water through an active carbon filter. I eat organic and avoid plastic wrapping, or any plastic utensils etc.

I dosed up on zeolites last year and it was rotten. But it's meant to remove heavy metals. Is their graphene dioxide in the Pfizer jabs? I don't know. Was there some dodgy batches? Probably. Are they as dangerous as some said? Doubtful.

Does binding spike protein to lipid nanoparticles in the jabs which allows the spike to pass the blood brain barrier and end up in our brains? I wouldn't be surprised.

Did the governments take a big backhanded and the pharma companies and mps/Lords make a shit ton of cash out of covid? You bet they did.

Does the corruption bother me? Well, as someone once said "I'm mot mad that you lied to me, I'm angry that I can never believe you again"

I think we've all got a bit of spike in us. Unless you've lived in a bubble for 5 years. If you've been jabbed, has the jab helped it go to parts covid infection wouldn't reach? Maybe

If you last got boosted 2 years ago would there be no risk of shedding via body fluids now? I'd really hope so

The Voodoo magic peddlers are certainly making a shitload of cash out of you

You should do some research into the money 'big pharma' makes! "

You know those companies are referred to as big pharma because they were already global enterprises before the last few years? No bedroom pharmacist developed the vaccines, all required big money.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ischiefManaged69Couple
45 weeks ago


"Can't believe people are still regurgitating this nonsense.

Honestly can't you find another band wagon to jump on?

I'm guessing most of you are scared to drink tap water incase of government additives,nanobots and tracking devices?

The tories legalised water fluoridation last year. Go figure

I filter my tap water through an active carbon filter. I eat organic and avoid plastic wrapping, or any plastic utensils etc.

I dosed up on zeolites last year and it was rotten. But it's meant to remove heavy metals. Is their graphene dioxide in the Pfizer jabs? I don't know. Was there some dodgy batches? Probably. Are they as dangerous as some said? Doubtful.

Does binding spike protein to lipid nanoparticles in the jabs which allows the spike to pass the blood brain barrier and end up in our brains? I wouldn't be surprised.

Did the governments take a big backhanded and the pharma companies and mps/Lords make a shit ton of cash out of covid? You bet they did.

Does the corruption bother me? Well, as someone once said "I'm mot mad that you lied to me, I'm angry that I can never believe you again"

I think we've all got a bit of spike in us. Unless you've lived in a bubble for 5 years. If you've been jabbed, has the jab helped it go to parts covid infection wouldn't reach? Maybe

If you last got boosted 2 years ago would there be no risk of shedding via body fluids now? I'd really hope so

The Voodoo magic peddlers are certainly making a shitload of cash out of you"

You've just described the exact opposite of pharmaceuticals. One based on science and evidence, the other on faith in the absence of proof.

I'd suggest that voodoo is actually closer in structure to a conspiracy theory (of any sort before anyone gets snippy) than it is to science.

That just my rationale.

If someone dislikes big pharma that much (their right to do so) do you avoid all products produced by pharmaceutical companies? That covers a massive spectrum of everyday items from medicines down to what you wash your socks in!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *arriorstrong OP   Man
45 weeks ago



If someone dislikes big pharma that much (their right to do so) do you avoid all products produced by pharmaceutical companies? That covers a massive spectrum of everyday items from medicines down to what you wash your socks in!"

Why can't there be nuance?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ldgeezermeMan
45 weeks ago

Newcastle (Throckley)

"Can't believe people are still regurgitating this nonsense.

Honestly can't you find another band wagon to jump on?

I'm guessing most of you are scared to drink tap water incase of government additives,nanobots and tracking devices?

The tories legalised water fluoridation last year. Go figure

I filter my tap water through an active carbon filter. I eat organic and avoid plastic wrapping, or any plastic utensils etc.

I dosed up on zeolites last year and it was rotten. But it's meant to remove heavy metals. Is their graphene dioxide in the Pfizer jabs? I don't know. Was there some dodgy batches? Probably. Are they as dangerous as some said? Doubtful.

Does binding spike protein to lipid nanoparticles in the jabs which allows the spike to pass the blood brain barrier and end up in our brains? I wouldn't be surprised.

Did the governments take a big backhanded and the pharma companies and mps/Lords make a shit ton of cash out of covid? You bet they did.

Does the corruption bother me? Well, as someone once said "I'm mot mad that you lied to me, I'm angry that I can never believe you again"

I think we've all got a bit of spike in us. Unless you've lived in a bubble for 5 years. If you've been jabbed, has the jab helped it go to parts covid infection wouldn't reach? Maybe

If you last got boosted 2 years ago would there be no risk of shedding via body fluids now? I'd really hope so

The Voodoo magic peddlers are certainly making a shitload of cash out of you

You've just described the exact opposite of pharmaceuticals. One based on science and evidence, the other on faith in the absence of proof.

I'd suggest that voodoo is actually closer in structure to a conspiracy theory (of any sort before anyone gets snippy) than it is to science.

That just my rationale.

If someone dislikes big pharma that much (their right to do so) do you avoid all products produced by pharmaceutical companies? That covers a massive spectrum of everyday items from medicines down to what you wash your socks in!"

You're preaching to the converted, check who you're arguing with

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *arry and MegsCouple
45 weeks ago


"Can't believe people are still regurgitating this nonsense.

Honestly can't you find another band wagon to jump on?

I'm guessing most of you are scared to drink tap water incase of government additives,nanobots and tracking devices?

The tories legalised water fluoridation last year. Go figure

I filter my tap water through an active carbon filter. I eat organic and avoid plastic wrapping, or any plastic utensils etc.

I dosed up on zeolites last year and it was rotten. But it's meant to remove heavy metals. Is their graphene dioxide in the Pfizer jabs? I don't know. Was there some dodgy batches? Probably. Are they as dangerous as some said? Doubtful.

Does binding spike protein to lipid nanoparticles in the jabs which allows the spike to pass the blood brain barrier and end up in our brains? I wouldn't be surprised.

Did the governments take a big backhanded and the pharma companies and mps/Lords make a shit ton of cash out of covid? You bet they did.

Does the corruption bother me? Well, as someone once said "I'm mot mad that you lied to me, I'm angry that I can never believe you again"

I think we've all got a bit of spike in us. Unless you've lived in a bubble for 5 years. If you've been jabbed, has the jab helped it go to parts covid infection wouldn't reach? Maybe

If you last got boosted 2 years ago would there be no risk of shedding via body fluids now? I'd really hope so

The Voodoo magic peddlers are certainly making a shitload of cash out of you

You should do some research into the money 'big pharma' makes! "

Would you prefer them to do it for free ?

They make more contribution to society through taxes than most

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *arriorstrong OP   Man
45 weeks ago



Would you prefer them to do it for free ?


Definitely! Profiteering out of ill health has terrible consequences

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

People forget that everything synthetic comes from the natural.

Then they call anyone who doesn't use the synthetic stuff 'voodoo people' all that nonsense.

In reality the 'voodoo people' are simply taking the stuff that actually works whilst forsaking all the added colourings and flavours and dangerous crap that big pharma added so as to patent and market (sell) their 'product'.

There was life before big pharma.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *melie LALWoman
45 weeks ago


"People forget that everything synthetic comes from the natural.

Then they call anyone who doesn't use the synthetic stuff 'voodoo people' all that nonsense.

In reality the 'voodoo people' are simply taking the stuff that actually works whilst forsaking all the added colourings and flavours and dangerous crap that big pharma added so as to patent and market (sell) their 'product'.

There was life before big pharma."

Got a headache, chew on willow bark.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *arriorstrong OP   Man
45 weeks ago



There was life before big pharma.

Got a headache, chew on willow bark.


I'd have a paracetamol if needed but I wouldn't have a mrna jab. It's dumb to suggest it's back and white

Alternatively, one word. Thalidomide.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

"People forget that everything synthetic comes from the natural.

Then they call anyone who doesn't use the synthetic stuff 'voodoo people' all that nonsense.

In reality the 'voodoo people' are simply taking the stuff that actually works whilst forsaking all the added colourings and flavours and dangerous crap that big pharma added so as to patent and market (sell) their 'product'.

There was life before big pharma.

Got a headache, chew on willow bark.


Got a tickly throat with a 99.9% chance of survival... Take a shot of MRNA along with a concoction of other crap most people couldn't even pronounce.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

Oh and restrict your breathing and lock down the country...

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *melie LALWoman
45 weeks ago



There was life before big pharma.

Got a headache, chew on willow bark.

I'd have a paracetamol if needed but I wouldn't have a mrna jab. It's dumb to suggest it's back and white

Alternatively, one word. Thalidomide."

What's your post got to do with mine?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *melie LALWoman
45 weeks ago


Btw previous experts in curing ills were accused of witchcraft... Just saying.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

"Btw previous experts in curing ills were accused of witchcraft... Just saying."

Big Pharma doesn't like competition or real cures. They profit on people's misery.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

"Btw previous experts in curing ills were accused of witchcraft... Just saying."

Doctors recommend camel cigarettes!

... And 'witches' selling 'raw' (pure) tobacco (without the over 5000 added chemicals such as Arsenic and Formaldehyde) is either locked up or killed.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

Then the (real psychos) say stupid things like: "If she floats shes a witch!"

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

And the world went along with it.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

"Btw previous experts in curing ills were accused of witchcraft... Just saying."

I've noticed you have a smiley face on your profile.

You are aware that medical professionals and scientific experts have recently discovered that being too happy can kill you?

Maybe you should frown a bit more and save your health.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *imes_berksMan
45 weeks ago


"Btw previous experts in curing ills were accused of witchcraft... Just saying.

Big Pharma doesn't like competition or real cures. They profit on people's misery."

I know them fuckers manufacturing antibiotics, beta blockers, a vaccine that eradicated smallpox. We should ban all medicines. Or keep them but not allow these companies to make any profits. We as tax payers should pay for all the billions in research.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

"Btw previous experts in curing ills were accused of witchcraft... Just saying.

Big Pharma doesn't like competition or real cures. They profit on people's misery.

I know them fuckers manufacturing antibiotics, beta blockers, a vaccine that eradicated smallpox. We should ban all medicines. Or keep them but not allow these companies to make any profits. We as tax payers should pay for all the billions in research."

Or... Take out all the dangerous ingredients and eliminate the chemicals found in foods, spread through the air, through injections and products etc which cause most of the health problems in the first place and go from there?

Or would that make too much sense?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

"Btw previous experts in curing ills were accused of witchcraft... Just saying.

Big Pharma doesn't like competition or real cures. They profit on people's misery.

I know them fuckers manufacturing antibiotics, beta blockers, a vaccine that eradicated smallpox. We should ban all medicines. Or keep them but not allow these companies to make any profits. We as tax payers should pay for all the billions in research."

Are you are telling me that if you smoked you would rather have a cigarette with over 5000 chemicals (many of which cause cancer) rather than a bit of raw tobacco?

Oh... Ok.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *imes_berksMan
45 weeks ago


"Btw previous experts in curing ills were accused of witchcraft... Just saying.

Big Pharma doesn't like competition or real cures. They profit on people's misery.

I know them fuckers manufacturing antibiotics, beta blockers, a vaccine that eradicated smallpox. We should ban all medicines. Or keep them but not allow these companies to make any profits. We as tax payers should pay for all the billions in research.

Or... Take out all the dangerous ingredients and eliminate the chemicals found in foods, spread through the air, through injections and products etc which cause most of the health problems in the first place and go from there?

Or would that make too much sense? "

That would do but then that’s not big Pharma’s fault then is it. Btw all food is made out of chemicals, some naturally contain compounds such as arsenic, such as rice. Should we ban rice?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *imes_berksMan
45 weeks ago


"Btw previous experts in curing ills were accused of witchcraft... Just saying.

Big Pharma doesn't like competition or real cures. They profit on people's misery.

I know them fuckers manufacturing antibiotics, beta blockers, a vaccine that eradicated smallpox. We should ban all medicines. Or keep them but not allow these companies to make any profits. We as tax payers should pay for all the billions in research.

Are you are telling me that if you smoked you would rather have a cigarette with over 5000 chemicals (many of which cause cancer) rather than a bit of raw tobacco?

Oh... Ok."

Er that’s quite a bit of a leap from my big Pharma response to tobacco companies. And are you actually sure that they add over 5000 compounds to the cigarettes or that there are 4000 compounds in cigarette smoke (ie the majority from the combustion of the product)?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

"Btw previous experts in curing ills were accused of witchcraft... Just saying.

Big Pharma doesn't like competition or real cures. They profit on people's misery.

I know them fuckers manufacturing antibiotics, beta blockers, a vaccine that eradicated smallpox. We should ban all medicines. Or keep them but not allow these companies to make any profits. We as tax payers should pay for all the billions in research.

Or... Take out all the dangerous ingredients and eliminate the chemicals found in foods, spread through the air, through injections and products etc which cause most of the health problems in the first place and go from there?

Or would that make too much sense?

That would do but then that’s not big Pharma’s fault then is it. Btw all food is made out of chemicals, some naturally contain compounds such as arsenic, such as rice. Should we ban rice?"

Well it is their fault, they're all connected at their core requiring approval from the 'powers that be'. Rice milk should be banned because it's full of all sorts of nasties and people could get too much arsenic into them that way.

Basically it boils down to common-sense. Something sadly lacking in the world.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

"Btw previous experts in curing ills were accused of witchcraft... Just saying.

Big Pharma doesn't like competition or real cures. They profit on people's misery.

I know them fuckers manufacturing antibiotics, beta blockers, a vaccine that eradicated smallpox. We should ban all medicines. Or keep them but not allow these companies to make any profits. We as tax payers should pay for all the billions in research.

Are you are telling me that if you smoked you would rather have a cigarette with over 5000 chemicals (many of which cause cancer) rather than a bit of raw tobacco?

Oh... Ok.

Er that’s quite a bit of a leap from my big Pharma response to tobacco companies. And are you actually sure that they add over 5000 compounds to the cigarettes or that there are 4000 compounds in cigarette smoke (ie the majority from the combustion of the product)?"

According to cancer reserach cigarettes have over 5000 chemicals... So you don't trust Cancer research's 'peer-reviewed' papers?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

You folks have no debate so you always have to jump the gun so to speak...

"Should we ban all rice because it has arsenic"?

That's just being silly.

It's ridiculous.

It's a strawman.

It's a lack of common-sense.

Everyone is well aware (or should be) that too much of anything can be bad for them.

You are (deliberately) missing the point altogether.

I'm not even sure you have the sense to comprehend the point. You just can't seem to grasp it... It's like trying to teach the internet to an ant.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *imes_berksMan
45 weeks ago


"Btw previous experts in curing ills were accused of witchcraft... Just saying.

Big Pharma doesn't like competition or real cures. They profit on people's misery.

I know them fuckers manufacturing antibiotics, beta blockers, a vaccine that eradicated smallpox. We should ban all medicines. Or keep them but not allow these companies to make any profits. We as tax payers should pay for all the billions in research.

Are you are telling me that if you smoked you would rather have a cigarette with over 5000 chemicals (many of which cause cancer) rather than a bit of raw tobacco?

Oh... Ok.

Er that’s quite a bit of a leap from my big Pharma response to tobacco companies. And are you actually sure that they add over 5000 compounds to the cigarettes or that there are 4000 compounds in cigarette smoke (ie the majority from the combustion of the product)?

According to cancer reserach cigarettes have over 5000 chemicals... So you don't trust Cancer research's 'peer-reviewed' papers?"

You mean this?

Over 5,000 different chemicals

Tobacco smoke is made up of thousands of chemicals. These include toxic metals, poisonous gases and chemicals that are known to cause cancer.

The chemicals in tobacco smoke mix when they are inhaled together and cause greater damage to the body. Some chemicals help other cancer-causing chemicals to damage the cells of the body.

I think the important word there is smoke.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

"Btw previous experts in curing ills were accused of witchcraft... Just saying.

Big Pharma doesn't like competition or real cures. They profit on people's misery.

I know them fuckers manufacturing antibiotics, beta blockers, a vaccine that eradicated smallpox. We should ban all medicines. Or keep them but not allow these companies to make any profits. We as tax payers should pay for all the billions in research.

Are you are telling me that if you smoked you would rather have a cigarette with over 5000 chemicals (many of which cause cancer) rather than a bit of raw tobacco?

Oh... Ok.

Er that’s quite a bit of a leap from my big Pharma response to tobacco companies. And are you actually sure that they add over 5000 compounds to the cigarettes or that there are 4000 compounds in cigarette smoke (ie the majority from the combustion of the product)?

According to cancer reserach cigarettes have over 5000 chemicals... So you don't trust Cancer research's 'peer-reviewed' papers?

You mean this?

Over 5,000 different chemicals

Tobacco smoke is made up of thousands of chemicals. These include toxic metals, poisonous gases and chemicals that are known to cause cancer.

The chemicals in tobacco smoke mix when they are inhaled together and cause greater damage to the body. Some chemicals help other cancer-causing chemicals to damage the cells of the body.

I think the important word there is smoke."

Well yeah... you 'smoke' a cigarette... Did you not know that?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

Dude I think I'm going to go...

I hope that if you need any help you get it. I'm serious.

I don't know why the powers that be bother about removing people who tell the truth.

... It's not like most people can ever comprehend it anyway. - Right unto death they'll be completely oblivious.

Useless eaters indeed. - Useless to them, useless to everyone else.

...Neither hot nor cold and spewed out.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

Have a nice one...

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ylonSlutTV/TS
45 weeks ago


"Btw previous experts in curing ills were accused of witchcraft... Just saying.

Big Pharma doesn't like competition or real cures. They profit on people's misery.

I know them fuckers manufacturing antibiotics, beta blockers, a vaccine that eradicated smallpox. We should ban all medicines. Or keep them but not allow these companies to make any profits. We as tax payers should pay for all the billions in research.

Or... Take out all the dangerous ingredients and eliminate the chemicals found in foods, spread through the air, through injections and products etc which cause most of the health problems in the first place and go from there?

Or would that make too much sense?

That would do but then that’s not big Pharma’s fault then is it. Btw all food is made out of chemicals, some naturally contain compounds such as arsenic, such as rice. Should we ban rice?

Well it is their fault, they're all connected at their core requiring approval from the 'powers that be'. Rice milk should be banned because it's full of all sorts of nasties and people could get too much arsenic into them that way.

Basically it boils down to common-sense. Something sadly lacking in the world. "

It all comes from risk and reward rice milk has higher arsenic, I suspect any nut based milk will be higher. Cows milk has all sorts of things that are bad for you but has lots things that are good for you too. All about balance. Taking any medicine or vaccine comes with risks you have to balance that against the risks of not taking a medicine or vaccine.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ikeybr0Man
45 weeks ago


^^^ which is fine when presented with the risks up front, not just a ‘trust us bro’ form Hancock & Whitty.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ylonSlutTV/TS
45 weeks ago


"^^^ which is fine when presented with the risks up front, not just a ‘trust us bro’ form Hancock & Whitty.


That is true. But we can't go with the "vaccine" causes myocarditis without mentioning catching covid unvaccinated is many many times more likely to cause myocarditis. It's all about personal risk and reward. There are no risk free options with regard to medicine and life in general.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
45 weeks ago

"^^^ which is fine when presented with the risks up front, not just a ‘trust us bro’ form Hancock & Whitty.

That is true. But we can't go with the "vaccine" causes myocarditis without mentioning catching covid unvaccinated is many many times more likely to cause myocarditis. It's all about personal risk and reward. There are no risk free options with regard to medicine and life in general."

How about using a credible test to prove this 'virus' exists in the first place? (The PCR has been shown it can't).

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ischiefManaged69Couple
45 weeks ago


"Can't believe people are still regurgitating this nonsense.

Honestly can't you find another band wagon to jump on?

I'm guessing most of you are scared to drink tap water incase of government additives,nanobots and tracking devices?

The tories legalised water fluoridation last year. Go figure

I filter my tap water through an active carbon filter. I eat organic and avoid plastic wrapping, or any plastic utensils etc.

I dosed up on zeolites last year and it was rotten. But it's meant to remove heavy metals. Is their graphene dioxide in the Pfizer jabs? I don't know. Was there some dodgy batches? Probably. Are they as dangerous as some said? Doubtful.

Does binding spike protein to lipid nanoparticles in the jabs which allows the spike to pass the blood brain barrier and end up in our brains? I wouldn't be surprised.

Did the governments take a big backhanded and the pharma companies and mps/Lords make a shit ton of cash out of covid? You bet they did.

Does the corruption bother me? Well, as someone once said "I'm mot mad that you lied to me, I'm angry that I can never believe you again"

I think we've all got a bit of spike in us. Unless you've lived in a bubble for 5 years. If you've been jabbed, has the jab helped it go to parts covid infection wouldn't reach? Maybe

If you last got boosted 2 years ago would there be no risk of shedding via body fluids now? I'd really hope so

The Voodoo magic peddlers are certainly making a shitload of cash out of you

You've just described the exact opposite of pharmaceuticals. One based on science and evidence, the other on faith in the absence of proof.

I'd suggest that voodoo is actually closer in structure to a conspiracy theory (of any sort before anyone gets snippy) than it is to science.

That just my rationale.

If someone dislikes big pharma that much (their right to do so) do you avoid all products produced by pharmaceutical companies? That covers a massive spectrum of everyday items from medicines down to what you wash your socks in!

You're preaching to the converted, check who you're arguing with"

No ones arguing, I asked a question out of genuine curiosity.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ischiefManaged69Couple
45 weeks ago



If someone dislikes big pharma that much (their right to do so) do you avoid all products produced by pharmaceutical companies? That covers a massive spectrum of everyday items from medicines down to what you wash your socks in!

Why can't there be nuance?"

My curiosity stems from challenging the idea that if big pharma were that dishonest about COVID, surely they've been the same about other things too? I'm surprised how many people state their distrust of evil big pharma, but trust plenty of their products to work as advertised.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ischiefManaged69Couple
45 weeks ago



There was life before big pharma.

Got a headache, chew on willow bark.

I'd have a paracetamol if needed but I wouldn't have a mrna jab. It's dumb to suggest it's back and white

Alternatively, one word. Thalidomide."

I don't think it's black and white. I wonder where the line gets drawn, and what thinking goes into that decision

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ischiefManaged69Couple
45 weeks ago


"Btw previous experts in curing ills were accused of witchcraft... Just saying.

Big Pharma doesn't like competition or real cures. They profit on people's misery."

I thought big pharma loved real cured? It's what their products are based on!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ischiefManaged69Couple
45 weeks ago


And for clarity as I can see there are a few people on here who could start a fight in an empty room!

I think that all the opinions people have are valid to them. Anyone forcing their opinion on other people, shouldn't. That goes for both 'sides' as they're referred to for this subject.

Do your own research, make your own mind up. Never be afraid to learn more and admit that you've changed your mind, if you do.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ylonSlutTV/TS
45 weeks ago


"^^^ which is fine when presented with the risks up front, not just a ‘trust us bro’ form Hancock & Whitty.

That is true. But we can't go with the "vaccine" causes myocarditis without mentioning catching covid unvaccinated is many many times more likely to cause myocarditis. It's all about personal risk and reward. There are no risk free options with regard to medicine and life in general.

How about using a credible test to prove this 'virus' exists in the first place? (The PCR has been shown it can't)."

Luckily this virus is big enough to see under a microscope so it definitely exists.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *akequeen90Couple
44 weeks ago


Hundred of billions in profit for Big Pharma. Keep feeding them people

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"^^^ which is fine when presented with the risks up front, not just a ‘trust us bro’ form Hancock & Whitty.

That is true. But we can't go with the "vaccine" causes myocarditis without mentioning catching covid unvaccinated is many many times more likely to cause myocarditis. It's all about personal risk and reward. There are no risk free options with regard to medicine and life in general.

How about using a credible test to prove this 'virus' exists in the first place? (The PCR has been shown it can't).

Luckily this virus is big enough to see under a microscope so it definitely exists."


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"And for clarity as I can see there are a few people on here who could start a fight in an empty room!

I think that all the opinions people have are valid to them. Anyone forcing their opinion on other people, shouldn't. That goes for both 'sides' as they're referred to for this subject.

Do your own research, make your own mind up. Never be afraid to learn more and admit that you've changed your mind, if you do.


This!! No one deserves to be bullied over a person preference. Unjabbed people are treated worse than kiddie fiddlers these days xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *melie LALWoman
44 weeks ago


"Btw previous experts in curing ills were accused of witchcraft... Just saying.

I've noticed you have a smiley face on your profile.

You are aware that medical professionals and scientific experts have recently discovered that being too happy can kill you?

Maybe you should frown a bit more and save your health."

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ischiefManaged69Couple
44 weeks ago


"And for clarity as I can see there are a few people on here who could start a fight in an empty room!

I think that all the opinions people have are valid to them. Anyone forcing their opinion on other people, shouldn't. That goes for both 'sides' as they're referred to for this subject.

Do your own research, make your own mind up. Never be afraid to learn more and admit that you've changed your mind, if you do.

This!! No one deserves to be bullied over a person preference. Unjabbed people are treated worse than kiddie fiddlers these days xx"

There's an irony in that statement given your (presumably) mask mocking profile pic.

I won't have seen every post on the subject, but. Every one I have seen lately has been unvaccinated making a point about not being vaccinated. A lot of the same profiles bring the subject up in unrelated posts.


Again for clarity, that's based on what I've seen and I'm not stating it as fact, it's an opinion.

If your profile pic is making fun of mask wearing, why? It's been a long time since the mask guidance ended, it's not topical unless you want to keep that topic alive.

In the event that your profile pic relates to something totally different, I apologise for misunderstanding.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *arriorstrong OP   Man
44 weeks ago


"And for clarity as I can see there are a few people on here who could start a fight in an empty room!

I think that all the opinions people have are valid to them. Anyone forcing their opinion on other people, shouldn't. That goes for both 'sides' as they're referred to for this subject.

Do your own research, make your own mind up. Never be afraid to learn more and admit that you've changed your mind, if you do.

This!! No one deserves to be bullied over a person preference. Unjabbed people are treated worse than kiddie fiddlers these days xx

There's an irony in that statement given your (presumably) mask mocking profile pic.

I won't have seen every post on the subject, but. Every one I have seen lately has been unvaccinated making a point about not being vaccinated. A lot of the same profiles bring the subject up in unrelated posts.



Because I don't want you to share the DNA (that Pfizer lied about being in the vaccines) which is not able to be broken down by the usual enzymes that should degrade it, because it's in the LNP that goes to every organ including the ovaries.

You knew that though, right?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

Yes, but did the moon landings happen??

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *melie LALWoman
44 weeks ago


"And for clarity as I can see there are a few people on here who could start a fight in an empty room!

I think that all the opinions people have are valid to them. Anyone forcing their opinion on other people, shouldn't. That goes for both 'sides' as they're referred to for this subject.

Do your own research, make your own mind up. Never be afraid to learn more and admit that you've changed your mind, if you do.

This!! No one deserves to be bullied over a person preference. Unjabbed people are treated worse than kiddie fiddlers these days xx

There's an irony in that statement given your (presumably) mask mocking profile pic.

I won't have seen every post on the subject, but. Every one I have seen lately has been unvaccinated making a point about not being vaccinated. A lot of the same profiles bring the subject up in unrelated posts.


Because I don't want you to share the DNA (that Pfizer lied about being in the vaccines) which is not able to be broken down by the usual enzymes that should degrade it, because it's in the LNP that goes to every organ including the ovaries.

You knew that though, right? "

Are you saying Pfizer et al's mRNA vaccines are DNA?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eadingCouple1963Couple
44 weeks ago


"And for clarity as I can see there are a few people on here who could start a fight in an empty room!

I think that all the opinions people have are valid to them. Anyone forcing their opinion on other people, shouldn't. That goes for both 'sides' as they're referred to for this subject.

Do your own research, make your own mind up. Never be afraid to learn more and admit that you've changed your mind, if you do.

This!! No one deserves to be bullied over a person preference. Unjabbed people are treated worse than kiddie fiddlers these days xx

There's an irony in that statement given your (presumably) mask mocking profile pic.

I won't have seen every post on the subject, but. Every one I have seen lately has been unvaccinated making a point about not being vaccinated. A lot of the same profiles bring the subject up in unrelated posts.


Because I don't want you to share the DNA (that Pfizer lied about being in the vaccines) which is not able to be broken down by the usual enzymes that should degrade it, because it's in the LNP that goes to every organ including the ovaries.

You knew that though, right?

Are you saying Pfizer et al's mRNA vaccines are DNA?"

He would appear to be saying that….

Gotta love ‘em

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"And for clarity as I can see there are a few people on here who could start a fight in an empty room!

I think that all the opinions people have are valid to them. Anyone forcing their opinion on other people, shouldn't. That goes for both 'sides' as they're referred to for this subject.

Do your own research, make your own mind up. Never be afraid to learn more and admit that you've changed your mind, if you do.

This!! No one deserves to be bullied over a person preference. Unjabbed people are treated worse than kiddie fiddlers these days xx

There's an irony in that statement given your (presumably) mask mocking profile pic.

I won't have seen every post on the subject, but. Every one I have seen lately has been unvaccinated making a point about not being vaccinated. A lot of the same profiles bring the subject up in unrelated posts.


Again for clarity, that's based on what I've seen and I'm not stating it as fact, it's an opinion.

If your profile pic is making fun of mask wearing, why? It's been a long time since the mask guidance ended, it's not topical unless you want to keep that topic alive.

In the event that your profile pic relates to something totally different, I apologise for misunderstanding.


Nope you're bang on the money, no different from all the virtue signalling I've had my vaccine frames on social media, why would I want to let everyone forget about the mass genocide just a few years ago? People still talk about the Holocaust and how do you think they convinced people during the Holocaust to hand over the Jewish people? Propaganda and coercion just like what they used to get people to wear masks, take jabs and report their neighbours for hugging their granny while Hancock murdered granny with midazolam or remdesivir and blamed YOU it blows me away that people can't see that history is repeating itself. These people are sick and dangerous xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

The name sausageparty also references the adult cartoon where the sausage found out the truth about the great beyond and tried to warn the others but they called him a conspiracy theorist and wouldn't listen

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eadingCouple1963Couple
44 weeks ago


"And for clarity as I can see there are a few people on here who could start a fight in an empty room!

I think that all the opinions people have are valid to them. Anyone forcing their opinion on other people, shouldn't. That goes for both 'sides' as they're referred to for this subject.

Do your own research, make your own mind up. Never be afraid to learn more and admit that you've changed your mind, if you do.

This!! No one deserves to be bullied over a person preference. Unjabbed people are treated worse than kiddie fiddlers these days xx

There's an irony in that statement given your (presumably) mask mocking profile pic.

I won't have seen every post on the subject, but. Every one I have seen lately has been unvaccinated making a point about not being vaccinated. A lot of the same profiles bring the subject up in unrelated posts.


Again for clarity, that's based on what I've seen and I'm not stating it as fact, it's an opinion.

If your profile pic is making fun of mask wearing, why? It's been a long time since the mask guidance ended, it's not topical unless you want to keep that topic alive.

In the event that your profile pic relates to something totally different, I apologise for misunderstanding.

Nope you're bang on the money, no different from all the virtue signalling I've had my vaccine frames on social media, why would I want to let everyone forget about the mass genocide just a few years ago? People still talk about the Holocaust and how do you think they convinced people during the Holocaust to hand over the Jewish people? Propaganda and coercion just like what they used to get people to wear masks, take jabs and report their neighbours for hugging their granny while Hancock murdered granny with midazolam or remdesivir and blamed YOU it blows me away that people can't see that history is repeating itself. These people are sick and dangerous xx"

In the 4 years since COVID arrived this has got to be one of the craziest posts we’ve ever seen. PS - why the change of profile name?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"And for clarity as I can see there are a few people on here who could start a fight in an empty room!

I think that all the opinions people have are valid to them. Anyone forcing their opinion on other people, shouldn't. That goes for both 'sides' as they're referred to for this subject.

Do your own research, make your own mind up. Never be afraid to learn more and admit that you've changed your mind, if you do.

This!! No one deserves to be bullied over a person preference. Unjabbed people are treated worse than kiddie fiddlers these days xx

There's an irony in that statement given your (presumably) mask mocking profile pic.

I won't have seen every post on the subject, but. Every one I have seen lately has been unvaccinated making a point about not being vaccinated. A lot of the same profiles bring the subject up in unrelated posts.


Again for clarity, that's based on what I've seen and I'm not stating it as fact, it's an opinion.

If your profile pic is making fun of mask wearing, why? It's been a long time since the mask guidance ended, it's not topical unless you want to keep that topic alive.

In the event that your profile pic relates to something totally different, I apologise for misunderstanding.

Nope you're bang on the money, no different from all the virtue signalling I've had my vaccine frames on social media, why would I want to let everyone forget about the mass genocide just a few years ago? People still talk about the Holocaust and how do you think they convinced people during the Holocaust to hand over the Jewish people? Propaganda and coercion just like what they used to get people to wear masks, take jabs and report their neighbours for hugging their granny while Hancock murdered granny with midazolam or remdesivir and blamed YOU it blows me away that people can't see that history is repeating itself. These people are sick and dangerous xx

In the 4 years since COVID arrived this has got to be one of the craziest posts we’ve ever seen. PS - why the change of profile name? "

You really don't see this? Did you ever read about Anne Frank and think how the hell did they convince everyone to hand people over? I can't believe they convinced people to take the injection and not just take it but turn on people who didn't, shop their neighbours for having a visitor etc xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eadingCouple1963Couple
44 weeks ago


"And for clarity as I can see there are a few people on here who could start a fight in an empty room!

I think that all the opinions people have are valid to them. Anyone forcing their opinion on other people, shouldn't. That goes for both 'sides' as they're referred to for this subject.

Do your own research, make your own mind up. Never be afraid to learn more and admit that you've changed your mind, if you do.

This!! No one deserves to be bullied over a person preference. Unjabbed people are treated worse than kiddie fiddlers these days xx

There's an irony in that statement given your (presumably) mask mocking profile pic.

I won't have seen every post on the subject, but. Every one I have seen lately has been unvaccinated making a point about not being vaccinated. A lot of the same profiles bring the subject up in unrelated posts.


Again for clarity, that's based on what I've seen and I'm not stating it as fact, it's an opinion.

If your profile pic is making fun of mask wearing, why? It's been a long time since the mask guidance ended, it's not topical unless you want to keep that topic alive.

In the event that your profile pic relates to something totally different, I apologise for misunderstanding.

Nope you're bang on the money, no different from all the virtue signalling I've had my vaccine frames on social media, why would I want to let everyone forget about the mass genocide just a few years ago? People still talk about the Holocaust and how do you think they convinced people during the Holocaust to hand over the Jewish people? Propaganda and coercion just like what they used to get people to wear masks, take jabs and report their neighbours for hugging their granny while Hancock murdered granny with midazolam or remdesivir and blamed YOU it blows me away that people can't see that history is repeating itself. These people are sick and dangerous xx

In the 4 years since COVID arrived this has got to be one of the craziest posts we’ve ever seen. PS - why the change of profile name?

You really don't see this? Did you ever read about Anne Frank and think how the hell did they convince everyone to hand people over? I can't believe they convinced people to take the injection and not just take it but turn on people who didn't, shop their neighbours for having a visitor etc xx"

We don't really think you're helping yourself here with these comparisons, but each to their own. Hope the panties were clean.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"And for clarity as I can see there are a few people on here who could start a fight in an empty room!

I think that all the opinions people have are valid to them. Anyone forcing their opinion on other people, shouldn't. That goes for both 'sides' as they're referred to for this subject.

Do your own research, make your own mind up. Never be afraid to learn more and admit that you've changed your mind, if you do.

This!! No one deserves to be bullied over a person preference. Unjabbed people are treated worse than kiddie fiddlers these days xx

There's an irony in that statement given your (presumably) mask mocking profile pic.

I won't have seen every post on the subject, but. Every one I have seen lately has been unvaccinated making a point about not being vaccinated. A lot of the same profiles bring the subject up in unrelated posts.


Again for clarity, that's based on what I've seen and I'm not stating it as fact, it's an opinion.

If your profile pic is making fun of mask wearing, why? It's been a long time since the mask guidance ended, it's not topical unless you want to keep that topic alive.

In the event that your profile pic relates to something totally different, I apologise for misunderstanding.

Nope you're bang on the money, no different from all the virtue signalling I've had my vaccine frames on social media, why would I want to let everyone forget about the mass genocide just a few years ago? People still talk about the Holocaust and how do you think they convinced people during the Holocaust to hand over the Jewish people? Propaganda and coercion just like what they used to get people to wear masks, take jabs and report their neighbours for hugging their granny while Hancock murdered granny with midazolam or remdesivir and blamed YOU it blows me away that people can't see that history is repeating itself. These people are sick and dangerous xx

In the 4 years since COVID arrived this has got to be one of the craziest posts we’ve ever seen. PS - why the change of profile name?

You really don't see this? Did you ever read about Anne Frank and think how the hell did they convince everyone to hand people over? I can't believe they convinced people to take the injection and not just take it but turn on people who didn't, shop their neighbours for having a visitor etc xx

We don't really think you're helping yourself here with these comparisons, but each to their own. Hope the panties were clean. "

I don't need any help lol I'm absolutely fine the panties we're clean

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ischiefManaged69Couple
44 weeks ago


"And for clarity as I can see there are a few people on here who could start a fight in an empty room!

I think that all the opinions people have are valid to them. Anyone forcing their opinion on other people, shouldn't. That goes for both 'sides' as they're referred to for this subject.

Do your own research, make your own mind up. Never be afraid to learn more and admit that you've changed your mind, if you do.

This!! No one deserves to be bullied over a person preference. Unjabbed people are treated worse than kiddie fiddlers these days xx

There's an irony in that statement given your (presumably) mask mocking profile pic.

I won't have seen every post on the subject, but. Every one I have seen lately has been unvaccinated making a point about not being vaccinated. A lot of the same profiles bring the subject up in unrelated posts.


Again for clarity, that's based on what I've seen and I'm not stating it as fact, it's an opinion.

If your profile pic is making fun of mask wearing, why? It's been a long time since the mask guidance ended, it's not topical unless you want to keep that topic alive.

In the event that your profile pic relates to something totally different, I apologise for misunderstanding.

Nope you're bang on the money, no different from all the virtue signalling I've had my vaccine frames on social media, why would I want to let everyone forget about the mass genocide just a few years ago? People still talk about the Holocaust and how do you think they convinced people during the Holocaust to hand over the Jewish people? Propaganda and coercion just like what they used to get people to wear masks, take jabs and report their neighbours for hugging their granny while Hancock murdered granny with midazolam or remdesivir and blamed YOU it blows me away that people can't see that history is repeating itself. These people are sick and dangerous xx"

I'd say that level of vitriol aimed at anyone is sick and dangerous, regardless of the beliefs behind it.

I think comparing the Holocaust to a global pandemic, recognised and proven by thousands of scientists (independent and pharmaceutical) is appalling. That's genuine hate speech, but devoid of any context of understanding.

I hope you have access to the help you need.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ischiefManaged69Couple
44 weeks ago


"And for clarity as I can see there are a few people on here who could start a fight in an empty room!

I think that all the opinions people have are valid to them. Anyone forcing their opinion on other people, shouldn't. That goes for both 'sides' as they're referred to for this subject.

Do your own research, make your own mind up. Never be afraid to learn more and admit that you've changed your mind, if you do.

This!! No one deserves to be bullied over a person preference. Unjabbed people are treated worse than kiddie fiddlers these days xx

There's an irony in that statement given your (presumably) mask mocking profile pic.

I won't have seen every post on the subject, but. Every one I have seen lately has been unvaccinated making a point about not being vaccinated. A lot of the same profiles bring the subject up in unrelated posts.


Again for clarity, that's based on what I've seen and I'm not stating it as fact, it's an opinion.

If your profile pic is making fun of mask wearing, why? It's been a long time since the mask guidance ended, it's not topical unless you want to keep that topic alive.

In the event that your profile pic relates to something totally different, I apologise for misunderstanding.

Nope you're bang on the money, no different from all the virtue signalling I've had my vaccine frames on social media, why would I want to let everyone forget about the mass genocide just a few years ago? People still talk about the Holocaust and how do you think they convinced people during the Holocaust to hand over the Jewish people? Propaganda and coercion just like what they used to get people to wear masks, take jabs and report their neighbours for hugging their granny while Hancock murdered granny with midazolam or remdesivir and blamed YOU it blows me away that people can't see that history is repeating itself. These people are sick and dangerous xx

I'd say that level of vitriol aimed at anyone is sick and dangerous, regardless of the beliefs behind it.

I think comparing the Holocaust to a global pandemic, recognised and proven by thousands of scientists (independent and pharmaceutical) is appalling. That's genuine hate speech, but devoid of any context of understanding.

I hope you have access to the help you need. "

Just so it's clear, you're entitled to whatever opinion you want. But the kind of hate and vitriol you're sharing here is really worrying, and suggests deeper issues. It seems like you're going out of your way to insult people,not make a reasoned point.

Its a shame because all this does is give fuel to someone who thinks that those who are anti vax are a bit extreme. This will eventually be why humanity does out. As a species we're too stupid to last.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *melie LALWoman
44 weeks ago


"And for clarity as I can see there are a few people on here who could start a fight in an empty room!

I think that all the opinions people have are valid to them. Anyone forcing their opinion on other people, shouldn't. That goes for both 'sides' as they're referred to for this subject.

Do your own research, make your own mind up. Never be afraid to learn more and admit that you've changed your mind, if you do.

This!! No one deserves to be bullied over a person preference. Unjabbed people are treated worse than kiddie fiddlers these days xx

There's an irony in that statement given your (presumably) mask mocking profile pic.

I won't have seen every post on the subject, but. Every one I have seen lately has been unvaccinated making a point about not being vaccinated. A lot of the same profiles bring the subject up in unrelated posts.


Again for clarity, that's based on what I've seen and I'm not stating it as fact, it's an opinion.

If your profile pic is making fun of mask wearing, why? It's been a long time since the mask guidance ended, it's not topical unless you want to keep that topic alive.

In the event that your profile pic relates to something totally different, I apologise for misunderstanding.

Nope you're bang on the money, no different from all the virtue signalling I've had my vaccine frames on social media, why would I want to let everyone forget about the mass genocide just a few years ago? People still talk about the Holocaust and how do you think they convinced people during the Holocaust to hand over the Jewish people? Propaganda and coercion just like what they used to get people to wear masks, take jabs and report their neighbours for hugging their granny while Hancock murdered granny with midazolam or remdesivir and blamed YOU it blows me away that people can't see that history is repeating itself. These people are sick and dangerous xx"

Fuuuuuuuuck. Just - how can you compare? Worldwide I doubt the total number of Covid (related) deaths could reach the number killed in concentration camps.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *arriorstrong OP   Man
44 weeks ago



Are you saying Pfizer et al's mRNA vaccines are DNA?"

Apparently Pfizer used SV40 to up-regulate EColi mRNA production. These potentially oncogenic pieces of DNA should have been dissolved with enzymes and washes in the mRNA purification process. Apparently, the contractors making the products took shortcuts.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *arriorstrong OP   Man
44 weeks ago



He would appear to be saying that….

Gotta love ‘em "

I hope you enjoy your self own

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ikeybr0Man
44 weeks ago


They’re comparing the way propaganda was used to turn people against anyone who was against covid restrictions and mandatory vaccination. In a similar way to how the Nazi government did it to discriminate against people who defended the Jews. It’s hard reading but it’s true; they did. In fact the same name for both sets of people was used in the press, refuseniks.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *arriorstrong OP   Man
44 weeks ago



Fuuuuuuuuck. Just - how can you compare? Worldwide I doubt the total number of Covid (related) deaths could reach the number killed in concentration camps."

There is evidence some tories would quite like to kill most of us, so it's not completely irrational.

Fact: Ben Bradley, mp for Mansfield, said poor people should have vasectomies to stop breeding

Fact: Tory youth group Activate discussed "gassing chavs"

Fact: Rees-Mogg guest of honour with eugenics advocate at right-wing dinner

Fact: Nazis celebrated eugenics

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *melie LALWoman
44 weeks ago



Are you saying Pfizer et al's mRNA vaccines are DNA?

Apparently Pfizer used SV40 to up-regulate EColi mRNA production. These potentially oncogenic pieces of DNA should have been dissolved with enzymes and washes in the mRNA purification process. Apparently, the contractors making the products took shortcuts."

So you're saying they used contaminated equipment?

A virologist can tackle you on the ins and outs of a simian DNA virus.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *melie LALWoman
44 weeks ago



Fuuuuuuuuck. Just - how can you compare? Worldwide I doubt the total number of Covid (related) deaths could reach the number killed in concentration camps.

There is evidence some tories would quite like to kill most of us, so it's not completely irrational.

Fact: Ben Bradley, mp for Mansfield, said poor people should have vasectomies to stop breeding

Fact: Tory youth group Activate discussed "gassing chavs"

Fact: Rees-Mogg guest of honour with eugenics advocate at right-wing dinner

Fact: Nazis celebrated eugenics"

They need us minions to Lord it over, how else will they feel superior?

The vasectomies are not a new idea. Historically people with learning disabilities had depot injections in this country.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *melie LALWoman
44 weeks ago



Fuuuuuuuuck. Just - how can you compare? Worldwide I doubt the total number of Covid (related) deaths could reach the number killed in concentration camps.

There is evidence some tories would quite like to kill most of us, so it's not completely irrational.

Fact: Ben Bradley, mp for Mansfield, said poor people should have vasectomies to stop breeding

Fact: Tory youth group Activate discussed "gassing chavs"

Fact: Rees-Mogg guest of honour with eugenics advocate at right-wing dinner

Fact: Nazis celebrated eugenics

They need us minions to Lord it over, how else will they feel superior?

The vasectomies are not a new idea. Historically people with learning disabilities had depot injections in this country."

Birth control

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *arriorstrong OP   Man
44 weeks ago




Birth control"

How is birth control not a scandal?

I guess it gets drowned out by all the other scandals that are ignored

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *melie LALWoman
44 weeks ago


"They’re comparing the way propaganda was used to turn people against anyone who was against covid restrictions and mandatory vaccination. In a similar way to how the Nazi government did it to discriminate against people who defended the Jews. It’s hard reading but it’s true; they did. In fact the same name for both sets of people was used in the press, refuseniks. "

I studied it at O-level many years ago.

The poster could have composed the post better. The propaganda started years before the Holocaust. Children grew up with the expectation to grass their parents and other adults if the party line wasn't observed.

The Jews weren't the only undesirables but were the largest number. Also included Romanies/gypsies and tramps.

But to mention the Holocaust then the murder of your grannies by Hancock, it wasn't just a propaganda comparison.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *melie LALWoman
44 weeks ago




Birth control

How is birth control not a scandal?

I guess it gets drowned out by all the other scandals that are ignored"

It was a scandal. I stated it wasn't a new idea

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

I used to believe that if it's for sale in the shop then it must be safety checked and harmless, if it's on the news it must be truth and if the health professionals want to give it to me then it must be beneficial because they want me to be fit and healthy in order to work and pay taxes. The starting point for my turn around was when my pony was unwell and the vets kept doing the same thing over and over and getting nowhere (the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results) then a girl told me about a woman who completely reversed this condition with probiotics and so I started researching and I've now had this pony 12 year's and haven't had a vet near him for 10 years. My research that I had done for my pony I started to apply to my own health and the people around me and when I see the dangerous damaging suggestions that come from so called health professionals it terrifies me. I don't own a TV, I don't listen to the radio or but papers so I'm void of any fear mongering and I wish the same for everyone, I don't buy pharmaceuticals or any personal care products etc from these companies I use all natural, I but organic food where possible so I'm not contributing to the demand for harmful products and I'm not enabling these criminals to harm people (search any one of them and type in criminal history). Everything starts out with good intentions but unfortunately our government, food supplier's, health professionals and just about everything has become corrupt so yes I find it frustrating when people fund and enable them and at the same attack the people who are standing up for you and your rights and your health and freedom. I have a question too, why can't we just have one thread to find what we want on here? If you like something that I'm not I'm fine with that, you do you, I don't understand your attraction to certain traits etc but I don't have to it's nothing to do with me xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *melie LALWoman
44 weeks ago


That's a strong allegation of all being corrupt. As a patient I have had a shoddy deal but I don't tar all trusts with the same brush as the one that failed me.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"That's a strong allegation of all being corrupt. As a patient I have had a shoddy deal but I don't tar all trusts with the same brush as the one that failed me."
It's very strong and I see it clearly now because I'm aware of other options. Our bodies are amazing and they were designed to function in perfect harmony with everything else, our soil should be rich in minerals and so our food should be grown full of minerals but it isn't, it's over farmed and depleted of minerals so the food is sub standard from the get go but then in order to get a bigger yield of wheat our wheat was hybridised in the 1950's and the gluten became indigestible to most people (I had been going to the doctors with swelling under my right ribs, nausea, dizziness, lower back/flank pain and severe brain fog and I kept getting sent away, turned out it was gluten and I done an elimination diet myself to find this) then the crop is sprayed with pesticides and to make sure that it's all harvested in good weather to get maximum harvest it's sprayed off with glyphosate to kill the plant, glyphosate works by disrupting the shikimate pathway in the cell which is how the cell makes its energy and so killing it and people believe that glyphosate is harmless to humans because we don't use the shikimate pathway in our cells to make energy but what they forget is that our gut microbiome does use a shikimate pathway and we are more microbes than anything, our microbiome is absolutely critical for health and another thing that destroys it are antibiotics (they should be reserved for life saving emergency only). So now that we've got our mineral deficient wheat sprayed with pesticides and herbicides let's grind it up and make some products for big commercial brands and ad in some carcinogenic seed oils (seeds are healthy but once heat has been used to extract the oil the double bonds are broken and the oil is now toxic) now we'll throw in some preservatives, colouring etc and you have yourself some pretty deadly bread or cake etc. I could go on all day but if anyone has made it this far well done xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

Type in to Google companies owned by nestle or mars etc and go to images and see how just about everything is owned by a handful of companies and nestle also make build up drinks used in hospitals etc it's a real eye opener x

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"Type in to Google companies owned by nestle or mars etc and go to images and see how just about everything is owned by a handful of companies and nestle also make build up drinks used in hospitals etc it's a real eye opener x"
and then most of them are owned by Monsanto who make glyphosate

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eadingCouple1963Couple
44 weeks ago


"Type in to Google companies owned by nestle or mars etc and go to images and see how just about everything is owned by a handful of companies and nestle also make build up drinks used in hospitals etc it's a real eye opener x"

Interesting, most hospitals in the UK use Ensure drinks as build up / supplements. I lived off them for three months whilst going through cancer treatment. Ensures are owned by Abbot Laboratories, but hey, why let the facts get in the way of a nice conspiracy

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"Type in to Google companies owned by nestle or mars etc and go to images and see how just about everything is owned by a handful of companies and nestle also make build up drinks used in hospitals etc it's a real eye opener x

Interesting, most hospitals in the UK use Ensure drinks as build up / supplements. I lived off them for three months whilst going through cancer treatment. Ensures are owned by Abbot Laboratories, but hey, why let the facts get in the way of a nice conspiracy "

Ensure and nestle are competitors in the market

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *melie LALWoman
44 weeks ago


Definitely wear masks when using glysophate. I've been poorly - headache and sore throat, after use.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ylonSlutTV/TS
44 weeks ago


"Type in to Google companies owned by nestle or mars etc and go to images and see how just about everything is owned by a handful of companies and nestle also make build up drinks used in hospitals etc it's a real eye opener x and then most of them are owned by Monsanto who make glyphosate "

Their patent ran out in 2000 so loads of companies make generic glyphosate these days.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *melie LALWoman
44 weeks ago


Fortisip and Complan - Nutricia (Danone).

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"Definitely wear masks when using glysophate. I've been poorly - headache and sore throat, after use."

Why wear a mask if you're going to eat it anyway?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

Ensure seems like another nice company In 1995, the Center for Science in the Public Interest said that ads for Ensure were "the most misleading food ad" of that year.[4] In 1997, Abbott settled charges from the Federal Trade Commission that it was falsely marketing Ensure as having similar amounts of vitamins as multivitamin supplements, and as recommended by doctors more than any other nutritional supplement as a way for people to stay active and healthy.[4][6]

Ensure has been used in the force feeding of hunger-striking prisoners at the United States' Guantanamo Bay detention camps.[7]

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

The ingredients are awful in this drink

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *melie LALWoman
44 weeks ago


"Definitely wear masks when using glysophate. I've been poorly - headache and sore throat, after use.

Why wear a mask if you're going to eat it anyway? "

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"Type in to Google companies owned by nestle or mars etc and go to images and see how just about everything is owned by a handful of companies and nestle also make build up drinks used in hospitals etc it's a real eye opener x and then most of them are owned by Monsanto who make glyphosate

Their patent ran out in 2000 so loads of companies make generic glyphosate these days."

Perhaps but they created it

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"Definitely wear masks when using glysophate. I've been poorly - headache and sore throat, after use.

Why wear a mask if you're going to eat it anyway?


I'm not being smart but it's not washed off your food, you need to avoid it completely x

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eadingCouple1963Couple
44 weeks ago


"The ingredients are awful in this drink"

They kept me alive…..

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eadingCouple1963Couple
44 weeks ago


"The ingredients are awful in this drink"

So, you’ve been diagnosed with throat cancer, the RT and Chemotherapy have made it impossible to eat solid food do you a) take the supplements prescribed by your oncologist or b) die…… ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *arriorstrong OP   Man
44 weeks ago


"They’re comparing the way propaganda was used to turn people against anyone who was against covid restrictions and mandatory vaccination. In a similar way to how the Nazi government did it to discriminate against people who defended the Jews. It’s hard reading but it’s true; they did. In fact the same name for both sets of people was used in the press, refuseniks.

I studied it at O-level many years ago.

The poster could have composed the post better. The propaganda started years before the Holocaust. Children grew up with the expectation to grass their parents and other adults if the party line wasn't observed.

The Jews weren't the only undesirables but were the largest number. Also included Romanies/gypsies and tramps.

But to mention the Holocaust then the murder of your grannies by Hancock, it wasn't just a propaganda comparison."

Is the Liverpool pathway finished now, or will there be more murders marked down as covid?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *arriorstrong OP   Man
44 weeks ago


"That's a strong allegation of all being corrupt. As a patient I have had a shoddy deal but I don't tar all trusts with the same brush as the one that failed me."

The Lucy Letby affair shines a light on the endemic corruption in NHS Trusts: the culture is toxic, and I would say, widespread.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *arriorstrong OP   Man
44 weeks ago


"That's a strong allegation of all being corrupt. As a patient I have had a shoddy deal but I don't tar all trusts with the same brush as the one that failed me. It's very strong and I see it clearly now because I'm aware of other options. Our bodies are amazing and they were designed to function in perfect harmony with everything else, our soil should be rich in minerals and so our food should be grown full of minerals but it isn't, it's over farmed and depleted of minerals so the food is sub standard from the get go but then in order to get a bigger yield of wheat our wheat was hybridised in the 1950's and the gluten became indigestible to most people (I had been going to the doctors with swelling under my right ribs, nausea, dizziness, lower back/flank pain and severe brain fog and I kept getting sent away, turned out it was gluten and I done an elimination diet myself to find this) then the crop is sprayed with pesticides and to make sure that it's all harvested in good weather to get maximum harvest it's sprayed off with glyphosate to kill the plant, glyphosate works by disrupting the shikimate pathway in the cell which is how the cell makes its energy and so killing it and people believe that glyphosate is harmless to humans because we don't use the shikimate pathway in our cells to make energy but what they forget is that our gut microbiome does use a shikimate pathway and we are more microbes than anything, our microbiome is absolutely critical for health and another thing that destroys it are antibiotics (they should be reserved for life saving emergency only). So now that we've got our mineral deficient wheat sprayed with pesticides and herbicides let's grind it up and make some products for big commercial brands and ad in some carcinogenic seed oils (seeds are healthy but once heat has been used to extract the oil the double bonds are broken and the oil is now toxic) now we'll throw in some preservatives, colouring etc and you have yourself some pretty deadly bread or cake etc. I could go on all day but if anyone has made it this far well done xx"

Spot on. For the uninitiated watch "chemical farming and the loss of human health" on youtube

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *arriorstrong OP   Man
44 weeks ago


"Definitely wear masks when using glysophate. I've been poorly - headache and sore throat, after use.

Why wear a mask if you're going to eat it anyway?

I'm not being smart but it's not washed off your food, you need to avoid it completely x"

Gluten intolerance = roundup intolerance

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *melie LALWoman
44 weeks ago


"They’re comparing the way propaganda was used to turn people against anyone who was against covid restrictions and mandatory vaccination. In a similar way to how the Nazi government did it to discriminate against people who defended the Jews. It’s hard reading but it’s true; they did. In fact the same name for both sets of people was used in the press, refuseniks.

I studied it at O-level many years ago.

The poster could have composed the post better. The propaganda started years before the Holocaust. Children grew up with the expectation to grass their parents and other adults if the party line wasn't observed.

The Jews weren't the only undesirables but were the largest number. Also included Romanies/gypsies and tramps.

But to mention the Holocaust then the murder of your grannies by Hancock, it wasn't just a propaganda comparison.

Is the Liverpool pathway finished now, or will there be more murders marked down as covid?"

The Liverpool Care Pathway ended years ago. It was replaced by Trusts own versions, End of Life Pathways. Btw I'm an advocate of it!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *melie LALWoman
44 weeks ago


"Definitely wear masks when using glysophate. I've been poorly - headache and sore throat, after use.

Why wear a mask if you're going to eat it anyway?

I'm not being smart but it's not washed off your food, you need to avoid it completely x

Gluten intolerance = roundup intolerance "

I steer clear of wheat products.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *arriorstrong OP   Man
44 weeks ago



I steer clear of wheat products."

Same. Then after 4 beers I order pizza ??

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *arriorstrong OP   Man
44 weeks ago


So the purpose of my op was to connect with uv swingers. Anyone?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"Definitely wear masks when using glysophate. I've been poorly - headache and sore throat, after use.

Why wear a mask if you're going to eat it anyway?

I'm not being smart but it's not washed off your food, you need to avoid it completely x

Gluten intolerance = roundup intolerance

I steer clear of wheat products."

Me too but it's on more than just wheat x

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"So the purpose of my op was to connect with uv swingers. Anyone?"

I think you found them lol

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ophieslutTV/TS
44 weeks ago


"So the purpose of my op was to connect with uv swingers. Anyone?"

Forum posts always bring people together . Sometimes our searches are like needles in haystacks or tougher - and you single men on Fab do face especially challenging graft.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *londebiguyMan
44 weeks ago


"Btw previous experts in curing ills were accused of witchcraft... Just saying.

Big Pharma doesn't like competition or real cures. They profit on people's misery.

I know them fuckers manufacturing antibiotics, beta blockers, a vaccine that eradicated smallpox. We should ban all medicines. Or keep them but not allow these companies to make any profits. We as tax payers should pay for all the billions in research.

Or... Take out all the dangerous ingredients and eliminate the chemicals found in foods, spread through the air, through injections and products etc which cause most of the health problems in the first place and go from there?

Or would that make too much sense?

That would do but then that’s not big Pharma’s fault then is it. Btw all food is made out of chemicals, some naturally contain compounds such as arsenic, such as rice. Should we ban rice?

Well it is their fault, they're all connected at their core requiring approval from the 'powers that be'. Rice milk should be banned because it's full of all sorts of nasties and people could get too much arsenic into them that way.

Basically it boils down to common-sense. Something sadly lacking in the world.

It all comes from risk and reward rice milk has higher arsenic, I suspect any nut based milk will be higher. Cows milk has all sorts of things that are bad for you but has lots things that are good for you too. All about balance. Taking any medicine or vaccine comes with risks you have to balance that against the risks of not taking a medicine or vaccine."

Cows milk does not have anything that our bodies need after weaning that we cannot get from other sources.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *londebiguyMan
44 weeks ago


"So the purpose of my op was to connect with uv swingers. Anyone?"

You probably could have made that clearer.

I do not really understand why anyway...

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *arriorstrong OP   Man
44 weeks ago


"So the purpose of my op was to connect with uv swingers. Anyone?

You probably could have made that clearer.


I realised that now

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *arriorstrong OP   Man
44 weeks ago


"So the purpose of my op was to connect with uv swingers. Anyone?

I think you found them lol"

You're looking for a uv female and so am I, where are the uv females?!?!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *entle_lover_xMan
44 weeks ago

Great Dunmow

"So the purpose of my op was to connect with uv swingers. Anyone?

I think you found them lol

You're looking for a uv female and so am I, where are the uv females?!?!"

Can't help but read that as ultra-violet female. Think you need to buy a uv torch and go around shining them on ladies at a club to see who glows in the dark.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *isaB45Woman
44 weeks ago


"So the purpose of my op was to connect with uv swingers. Anyone?

I think you found them lol

You're looking for a uv female and so am I, where are the uv females?!?!"

OP.. how are you going to check that someone hasn't received any vaccinations of any kind? Will you be doing blood tests?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *entle_lover_xMan
44 weeks ago

Great Dunmow

"So the purpose of my op was to connect with uv swingers. Anyone?

I think you found them lol

You're looking for a uv female and so am I, where are the uv females?!?!

OP.. how are you going to check that someone hasn't received any vaccinations of any kind? Will you be doing blood tests? "

Are you suggesting people might lie to get a meet? Surely not

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *isaB45Woman
44 weeks ago


"So the purpose of my op was to connect with uv swingers. Anyone?

I think you found them lol

You're looking for a uv female and so am I, where are the uv females?!?!

OP.. how are you going to check that someone hasn't received any vaccinations of any kind? Will you be doing blood tests?

Are you suggesting people might lie to get a meet? Surely not "

Absolutely not..

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *arry and MegsCouple
44 weeks ago


Being bored last night we undertook the "find an unvaxxed challenge"

I took two random couples who are seeking "pure blood" and went through their verifications, then the verifications of those that verified them if you follow what I mean ....

Didn't take too long to find the people with "fully vaxxed" proudly displayed on their profile.

I guess they aren't really that fussy after all whe it comes to a quick roll in the hay ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"Being bored last night we undertook the "find an unvaxxed challenge"

I took two random couples who are seeking "pure blood" and went through their verifications, then the verifications of those that verified them if you follow what I mean ....

Didn't take too long to find the people with "fully vaxxed" proudly displayed on their profile.

I guess they aren't really that fussy after all whe it comes to a quick roll in the hay ?"

People can verify after a social or a club meet tho so it doesn't mean they swapped juices however some people are just awkward and like attention and some drama so there could well be x

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *entle_lover_xMan
44 weeks ago

Great Dunmow

"Being bored last night we undertook the "find an unvaxxed challenge"

I took two random couples who are seeking "pure blood" and went through their verifications, then the verifications of those that verified them if you follow what I mean ....

Didn't take too long to find the people with "fully vaxxed" proudly displayed on their profile.

I guess they aren't really that fussy after all whe it comes to a quick roll in the hay ?

People can verify after a social or a club meet tho so it doesn't mean they swapped juices however some people are just awkward and like attention and some drama so there could well be x"

True and perhaps they kissed wearing a "face diaper"

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *winga2Man
44 weeks ago


"Being bored last night we undertook the "find an unvaxxed challenge"

I took two random couples who are seeking "pure blood" and went through their verifications, then the verifications of those that verified them if you follow what I mean ....

Didn't take too long to find the people with "fully vaxxed" proudly displayed on their profile.

I guess they aren't really that fussy after all whe it comes to a quick roll in the hay ?"

Sounds about right lol

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"So the purpose of my op was to connect with uv swingers. Anyone?

I think you found them lol

You're looking for a uv female and so am I, where are the uv females?!?!"

The ones who aren't shouting at you if you search unvaccinated in the forum search bar then you can read through some old post's are see what people are all about xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *winga2Man
44 weeks ago


"So the purpose of my op was to connect with uv swingers. Anyone?

I think you found them lol

You're looking for a uv female and so am I, where are the uv females?!?!

The ones who aren't shouting at you if you search unvaccinated in the forum search bar then you can read through some old post's are see what people are all about xx"

I'm pretty sure wearing knickers on your head will stop the spike protein surrounding the vaxxed from entering your body at social meets so you're all good xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *rsmith21zMan
44 weeks ago


Would never get it

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *isaB45Woman
44 weeks ago


"Would never get it"

Have you had any vaccinations at all, ever?

Diphtheria? Polio? Hepatitis? Tetanus?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *isaB45Woman
44 weeks ago


OP.. please stick to the thread

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

Are people offended by unjabbed people looking for other unjabbed people? Xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *orfolkmark70Man
44 weeks ago


Imagine being an anti vaxxer..... it seems more anti everything er despite being vaccinated against everything as a child and being gutted that the vaccine didn't kill millions of us and you've missed the opportunity to say I told you so.

What a sad life.

We breathe, eat and drink stuff constantly that could kill us and yet look at life expectancy now in comparison to when there was no "big Pharma" out to get us. All those people trying to kill us and we just keep living longer.... they must be rubbish at their jobs.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eadingCouple1963Couple
44 weeks ago


"So the purpose of my op was to connect with uv swingers. Anyone?

I think you found them lol

You're looking for a uv female and so am I, where are the uv females?!?!

The ones who aren't shouting at you if you search unvaccinated in the forum search bar then you can read through some old post's are see what people are all about xx"

Apart from your own thread the most recent is 28 weeks ago.... So many folk looking for purebloods

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"Imagine being an anti vaxxer..... it seems more anti everything er despite being vaccinated against everything as a child and being gutted that the vaccine didn't kill millions of us and you've missed the opportunity to say I told you so.

What a sad life.

We breathe, eat and drink stuff constantly that could kill us and yet look at life expectancy now in comparison to when there was no "big Pharma" out to get us. All those people trying to kill us and we just keep living longer.... they must be rubbish at their jobs."

This is a very odd and judgemental perception. On the flip side I can't imagine being someone who turns up at the office of a distributor for companies that profit from sick people to be injected with something you don't know the ingredients of and neither does the person giving it to you. Millions of people did die and had their lives ruined but the media isn't showing it but as someone who doesn't own a TV I gather my own information and not the propaganda force fed to people obedient to the media.

We do breathe and eat poison every day that's why it's important to learn about this so we can minimise it and detox accordingly, our bodies are amazing and amazing things happen when you stop poisoning yourself xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

Excuse my partial replies I'm working. I doubt this generation will live as long as their parents did unfortunately, they have normalised autism, seizures, children being non verbal is becoming very common and no one is asking why? It's almost like you're not allowed to talk about it and since the jab roll out we're normalising sudden adult death syndrome too. Let me ask you a question. Where do all these diseases come from? Do you believe that we can go around eating and breathing chemicals and being injected with them, eating food with little to no minerals and one day along comes a tumor or an autoimmune disease and we go ooopsie how on earth did this happen? It must be completely unrelated to all the poisons we ingested let's get some radiation and some more chemicals to stop the symptoms so I can carry on living on fake food and cola for another few years until something else goes wrong. Then along comes me the conspiracy nut lunatic who goes hey guys I've discovered if we eat clean nutritious food and detox these chemicals we get healthy again! What an absolute psycho I must be xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"So the purpose of my op was to connect with uv swingers. Anyone?

I think you found them lol

You're looking for a uv female and so am I, where are the uv females?!?!

The ones who aren't shouting at you if you search unvaccinated in the forum search bar then you can read through some old post's are see what people are all about xx

Apart from your own thread the most recent is 28 weeks ago.... So many folk looking for purebloods "

Yeah some are quite old but hopefully still unvaccinated, I'm sure you will be able to tell pretty quickly xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

I've personally helped people detox and reverse disease and I would be more than happy to give information to anyone here who wanted it too so no I don't wish you all dead at all.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *orfolkmark70Man
44 weeks ago


You doubt..... OK, that's all the evidence anybody will ever need then. Honestly, try education.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eadingCouple1963Couple
44 weeks ago


"I've personally helped people detox and reverse disease and I would be more than happy to give information to anyone here who wanted it too so no I don't wish you all dead at all. "

“Reverse disease” how insulting.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"You doubt..... OK, that's all the evidence anybody will ever need then. Honestly, try education. "

That's all you took from that? Sigh xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"Imagine being an anti vaxxer..... it seems more anti everything er despite being vaccinated against everything as a child and being gutted that the vaccine didn't kill millions of us and you've missed the opportunity to say I told you so.

What a sad life.

We breathe, eat and drink stuff constantly that could kill us and yet look at life expectancy now in comparison to when there was no "big Pharma" out to get us. All those people trying to kill us and we just keep living longer.... they must be rubbish at their jobs."

And we laughed and laughed!!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"Imagine being an anti vaxxer..... it seems more anti everything er despite being vaccinated against everything as a child and being gutted that the vaccine didn't kill millions of us and you've missed the opportunity to say I told you so.

What a sad life.

We breathe, eat and drink stuff constantly that could kill us and yet look at life expectancy now in comparison to when there was no "big Pharma" out to get us. All those people trying to kill us and we just keep living longer.... they must be rubbish at their jobs.

This is a very odd and judgemental perception. On the flip side I can't imagine being someone who turns up at the office of a distributor for companies that profit from sick people to be injected with something you don't know the ingredients of and neither does the person giving it to you. Millions of people did die and had their lives ruined but the media isn't showing it but as someone who doesn't own a TV I gather my own information and not the propaganda force fed to people obedient to the media.

We do breathe and eat poison every day that's why it's important to learn about this so we can minimise it and detox accordingly, our bodies are amazing and amazing things happen when you stop poisoning yourself xx"

I’ve just watched Painkiller on Netflix.

You’d have to be pretty stupid to believe the Pharmaceutical companies have our best interests at heart.

I mean. Look at all them antidepressants they’ve produced to help us.

Lovely people.

I mean i more of a preventative. But there’s no dough to be made out of preventions

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *entle_lover_xMan
44 weeks ago

Great Dunmow

"I've personally helped people detox and reverse disease and I would be more than happy to give information to anyone here who wanted it too so no I don't wish you all dead at all. "

Don't disagree that many aspects of modern life are unhealthy but so were many aspects of live decades and centuries ago before modern medicine and pharmaceuticals. Imagine the world without antibiotics for example. Perhaps you think it would be better. I've got friends who are very much in detox and all kinds of alternative remedies including aromatherapy, homeopathy, reiki and rage against big pharma. One of them got breast cancer and went to hospital where she was very happy to be treated with modern medicine and equipment produced by the evil big pharma.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"So the purpose of my op was to connect with uv swingers. Anyone?"

I am unvaccinated

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eadingCouple1963Couple
44 weeks ago


"I've personally helped people detox and reverse disease and I would be more than happy to give information to anyone here who wanted it too so no I don't wish you all dead at all.

Don't disagree that many aspects of modern life are unhealthy but so were many aspects of live decades and centuries ago before modern medicine and pharmaceuticals. Imagine the world without antibiotics for example. Perhaps you think it would be better. I've got friends who are very much in detox and all kinds of alternative remedies including aromatherapy, homeopathy, reiki and rage against big pharma. One of them got breast cancer and went to hospital where she was very happy to be treated with modern medicine and equipment produced by the evil big pharma. "

Yep. I was happy to have RT and Chemotherapy followed by surgery, if only I’d known that possibly I could have been cured in another fashion

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"I've personally helped people detox and reverse disease and I would be more than happy to give information to anyone here who wanted it too so no I don't wish you all dead at all.

Don't disagree that many aspects of modern life are unhealthy but so were many aspects of live decades and centuries ago before modern medicine and pharmaceuticals. Imagine the world without antibiotics for example. Perhaps you think it would be better. I've got friends who are very much in detox and all kinds of alternative remedies including aromatherapy, homeopathy, reiki and rage against big pharma. One of them got breast cancer and went to hospital where she was very happy to be treated with modern medicine and equipment produced by the evil big pharma. "

They have to save people sometimes or no one would go there, I'm glad your friend is doing ok but imagine if we could prevent disease in the first place? Detox is the biggest part but learning how not to retox and learning what minerals our body needs to fix itself is also huge. Iodine and selenium are a massive help for all boob related stuff but it's also getting the right source in the right amount, deodorant containing aluminium contributes massively to breast cancer too and all cancer needs an acidic environment, sugar and low oxygen so although the doctors remove the tumor they don't teach you how to stop it coming back in fact some of the toxic meal replacement drinks that they give to patients contain refined cane sugar which is the absolute worst thing a cancer patient could eat xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"I've personally helped people detox and reverse disease and I would be more than happy to give information to anyone here who wanted it too so no I don't wish you all dead at all.

Don't disagree that many aspects of modern life are unhealthy but so were many aspects of live decades and centuries ago before modern medicine and pharmaceuticals. Imagine the world without antibiotics for example. Perhaps you think it would be better. I've got friends who are very much in detox and all kinds of alternative remedies including aromatherapy, homeopathy, reiki and rage against big pharma. One of them got breast cancer and went to hospital where she was very happy to be treated with modern medicine and equipment produced by the evil big pharma.

Yep. I was happy to have RT and Chemotherapy followed by surgery, if only I’d known that possibly I could have been cured in another fashion "

I'm glad you're doing well, it's never too late to take back control of your health xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"I've personally helped people detox and reverse disease and I would be more than happy to give information to anyone here who wanted it too so no I don't wish you all dead at all.

Don't disagree that many aspects of modern life are unhealthy but so were many aspects of live decades and centuries ago before modern medicine and pharmaceuticals. Imagine the world without antibiotics for example. Perhaps you think it would be better. I've got friends who are very much in detox and all kinds of alternative remedies including aromatherapy, homeopathy, reiki and rage against big pharma. One of them got breast cancer and went to hospital where she was very happy to be treated with modern medicine and equipment produced by the evil big pharma.

Yep. I was happy to have RT and Chemotherapy followed by surgery, if only I’d known that possibly I could have been cured in another fashion "

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy killed my 46 year old mum.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"I've personally helped people detox and reverse disease and I would be more than happy to give information to anyone here who wanted it too so no I don't wish you all dead at all.

Don't disagree that many aspects of modern life are unhealthy but so were many aspects of live decades and centuries ago before modern medicine and pharmaceuticals. Imagine the world without antibiotics for example. Perhaps you think it would be better. I've got friends who are very much in detox and all kinds of alternative remedies including aromatherapy, homeopathy, reiki and rage against big pharma. One of them got breast cancer and went to hospital where she was very happy to be treated with modern medicine and equipment produced by the evil big pharma.

Yep. I was happy to have RT and Chemotherapy followed by surgery, if only I’d known that possibly I could have been cured in another fashion

I'm glad you're doing well, it's never too late to take back control of your health xx"

People don’t. They chuck all sorts of shit into their body. Or won’t see their lives saved and think oh! I’ve a second chance here. Oh no. They’ll still use their bodies with contempt. Then complain.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"I've personally helped people detox and reverse disease and I would be more than happy to give information to anyone here who wanted it too so no I don't wish you all dead at all.

Don't disagree that many aspects of modern life are unhealthy but so were many aspects of live decades and centuries ago before modern medicine and pharmaceuticals. Imagine the world without antibiotics for example. Perhaps you think it would be better. I've got friends who are very much in detox and all kinds of alternative remedies including aromatherapy, homeopathy, reiki and rage against big pharma. One of them got breast cancer and went to hospital where she was very happy to be treated with modern medicine and equipment produced by the evil big pharma.

Yep. I was happy to have RT and Chemotherapy followed by surgery, if only I’d known that possibly I could have been cured in another fashion

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy killed my 46 year old mum. "

I'm so sorry xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"I've personally helped people detox and reverse disease and I would be more than happy to give information to anyone here who wanted it too so no I don't wish you all dead at all.

Don't disagree that many aspects of modern life are unhealthy but so were many aspects of live decades and centuries ago before modern medicine and pharmaceuticals. Imagine the world without antibiotics for example. Perhaps you think it would be better. I've got friends who are very much in detox and all kinds of alternative remedies including aromatherapy, homeopathy, reiki and rage against big pharma. One of them got breast cancer and went to hospital where she was very happy to be treated with modern medicine and equipment produced by the evil big pharma.

Yep. I was happy to have RT and Chemotherapy followed by surgery, if only I’d known that possibly I could have been cured in another fashion

I'm glad you're doing well, it's never too late to take back control of your health xx

People don’t. They chuck all sorts of shit into their body. Or won’t see their lives saved and think oh! I’ve a second chance here. Oh no. They’ll still use their bodies with contempt. Then complain. "

Yes, they can't see the link between the poison they consume and the disease they suffer. Gutted you're straight and miles away btw xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"I've personally helped people detox and reverse disease and I would be more than happy to give information to anyone here who wanted it too so no I don't wish you all dead at all.

Don't disagree that many aspects of modern life are unhealthy but so were many aspects of live decades and centuries ago before modern medicine and pharmaceuticals. Imagine the world without antibiotics for example. Perhaps you think it would be better. I've got friends who are very much in detox and all kinds of alternative remedies including aromatherapy, homeopathy, reiki and rage against big pharma. One of them got breast cancer and went to hospital where she was very happy to be treated with modern medicine and equipment produced by the evil big pharma.

Yep. I was happy to have RT and Chemotherapy followed by surgery, if only I’d known that possibly I could have been cured in another fashion

I'm glad you're doing well, it's never too late to take back control of your health xx

People don’t. They chuck all sorts of shit into their body. Or won’t see their lives saved and think oh! I’ve a second chance here. Oh no. They’ll still use their bodies with contempt. Then complain.

Yes, they can't see the link between the poison they consume and the disease they suffer. Gutted you're straight and miles away btw xx"

My mum got cancer because of the dockyard here and all the shit that comes from it. Literally her, her neighbour and the man across the rd. Within 4 yrs of each other. All in their 40’s.

God I’m getting angry now!!! And will say something i may later regret! She was healthy. She was fit. She was beautiful.

Yeah. Sods law

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"I've personally helped people detox and reverse disease and I would be more than happy to give information to anyone here who wanted it too so no I don't wish you all dead at all.

Don't disagree that many aspects of modern life are unhealthy but so were many aspects of live decades and centuries ago before modern medicine and pharmaceuticals. Imagine the world without antibiotics for example. Perhaps you think it would be better. I've got friends who are very much in detox and all kinds of alternative remedies including aromatherapy, homeopathy, reiki and rage against big pharma. One of them got breast cancer and went to hospital where she was very happy to be treated with modern medicine and equipment produced by the evil big pharma.

Yep. I was happy to have RT and Chemotherapy followed by surgery, if only I’d known that possibly I could have been cured in another fashion

I'm glad you're doing well, it's never too late to take back control of your health xx

People don’t. They chuck all sorts of shit into their body. Or won’t see their lives saved and think oh! I’ve a second chance here. Oh no. They’ll still use their bodies with contempt. Then complain.

Yes, they can't see the link between the poison they consume and the disease they suffer. Gutted you're straight and miles away btw xx

My mum got cancer because of the dockyard here and all the shit that comes from it. Literally her, her neighbour and the man across the rd. Within 4 yrs of each other. All in their 40’s.

God I’m getting angry now!!! And will say something i may later regret! She was healthy. She was fit. She was beautiful.

Yeah. Sods law "

That's awful , you have every right to be angry, more people should be angry but the irony is that every time they kill someone the family gets together and gives money to cancer research so it's never going to end it's a massive business and it's worth more than human life to these bastards xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eadingCouple1963Couple
44 weeks ago


"I've personally helped people detox and reverse disease and I would be more than happy to give information to anyone here who wanted it too so no I don't wish you all dead at all.

Don't disagree that many aspects of modern life are unhealthy but so were many aspects of live decades and centuries ago before modern medicine and pharmaceuticals. Imagine the world without antibiotics for example. Perhaps you think it would be better. I've got friends who are very much in detox and all kinds of alternative remedies including aromatherapy, homeopathy, reiki and rage against big pharma. One of them got breast cancer and went to hospital where she was very happy to be treated with modern medicine and equipment produced by the evil big pharma.

Yep. I was happy to have RT and Chemotherapy followed by surgery, if only I’d known that possibly I could have been cured in another fashion

I'm glad you're doing well, it's never too late to take back control of your health xx

People don’t. They chuck all sorts of shit into their body. Or won’t see their lives saved and think oh! I’ve a second chance here. Oh no. They’ll still use their bodies with contempt. Then complain. "

Speak for yourself

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eadingCouple1963Couple
44 weeks ago


Ok, no more responses from me, Sausageparty is just spouting dangerous rubbish. Hopefully he / she / they will never have to face invasive cancer.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

"Ok, no more responses from me, Sausageparty is just spouting dangerous rubbish. Hopefully he / she / they will never have to face invasive cancer. "

Yeah a clean nutritious diet is really dangerous! Chemicals and radiation is much better xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
44 weeks ago

Sausageparty is now only available for discussion with people who have an IQ higher than pastry xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *irty_DeedsMan
44 weeks ago


"Sausageparty is now only available for discussion with people who have an IQ higher than pastry xx"
Doesn't it get lonely not even being able to talk amongst yourselves?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ldgeezermeMan
44 weeks ago

Newcastle (Throckley)

"Ok, no more responses from me, Sausageparty is just spouting dangerous rubbish. Hopefully he / she / they will never have to face invasive cancer.

Yeah a clean nutritious diet is really dangerous! Chemicals and radiation is much better xx"

Yeah, those radiation free bananas, brazil nuts and beans

Oh yes, and water

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ldgeezermeMan
44 weeks ago

Newcastle (Throckley)

"Sausageparty is now only available for discussion with people who have an IQ higher than pastry xx"

We shall re-engage when your IQ gets to double digits

Unlikely to be any time soon

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *orfolkmark70Man
43 weeks ago


I guess you will be busy stocking your bunker up with Pasta....or is that contaminated too? I hear you can reverse therapy Lasagna but Spaghetti Bolognese has no known cure.

I was pretty sure you would turn out to be quite unhinged but wasn't sure it would be off the Richter scale.

Guys, we all survived the vaccine, doesn't that make you happy? If not you're sick.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *iger4uWoman
43 weeks ago

In my happy place

"How does that song go again? Fuck you I won't do what you tell me?!

I'm not vax free however it has been a while since my last dose so whether its actually doing anything now is debateable.

Also are we just talking covid vaccines or a specific covid vaccine, or all vaccines? Details matter.

There's no debate really. It does nothing for you now in terms of protection. At best it offered waning protection week on week until week 10-12.

The so-called Covid vaccine also presented a myocarditis / pericarditis risk but the avatar-stickered vaccinated cult are not too keen to hear about all that. Less said about the speedy 'emergency' roll-out of a big pharma product, the better really.

Hundreds of people still pass away in the UK with or because of Covid19 so in all honesty those that believed in the vaccine's properties from December 2020 onwards should still do their duty and take boosters for the benefit of protecting the community. Or, maybe everyone just knows now that the vaccine didn't actually reduce the risk of transmission after all and does feck all to reduce severity...unless you are in your 80's.

Thank God normality has resumed and we have returned to individualised medicine but the disease is still here; it's still a pandemic."

No, it's endemic.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
43 weeks ago

"Excuse my partial replies I'm working. I doubt this generation will live as long as their parents did unfortunately, they have normalised autism, seizures, children being non verbal is becoming very common and no one is asking why? It's almost like you're not allowed to talk about it and since the jab roll out we're normalising sudden adult death syndrome too. Let me ask you a question. Where do all these diseases come from? Do you believe that we can go around eating and breathing chemicals and being injected with them, eating food with little to no minerals and one day along comes a tumor or an autoimmune disease and we go ooopsie how on earth did this happen? It must be completely unrelated to all the poisons we ingested let's get some radiation and some more chemicals to stop the symptoms so I can carry on living on fake food and cola for another few years until something else goes wrong. Then along comes me the conspiracy nut lunatic who goes hey guys I've discovered if we eat clean nutritious food and detox these chemicals we get healthy again! What an absolute psycho I must be xx"

Average life expectancy in the U.K is now over 80

Average life expectancy in Ancient Rome was around 25-30. Must have been all the chemicals and big-pharma drugs they were imbibing.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
43 weeks ago

[Removed by poster at 30/08/23 07:02:07]

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
43 weeks ago

"Excuse my partial replies I'm working. I doubt this generation will live as long as their parents did unfortunately, they have normalised autism, seizures, children being non verbal is becoming very common and no one is asking why? It's almost like you're not allowed to talk about it and since the jab roll out we're normalising sudden adult death syndrome too. Let me ask you a question. Where do all these diseases come from? Do you believe that we can go around eating and breathing chemicals and being injected with them, eating food with little to no minerals and one day along comes a tumor or an autoimmune disease and we go ooopsie how on earth did this happen? It must be completely unrelated to all the poisons we ingested let's get some radiation and some more chemicals to stop the symptoms so I can carry on living on fake food and cola for another few years until something else goes wrong. Then along comes me the conspiracy nut lunatic who goes hey guys I've discovered if we eat clean nutritious food and detox these chemicals we get healthy again! What an absolute psycho I must be xx"

Well said

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By (user no longer on site)
43 weeks ago

"How does that song go again? Fuck you I won't do what you tell me?!


That was a band called Rage against the machine who ironically demanded proof of vaccination to enter their shows.

Rage against the machine became part of the machine

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By *irty_DeedsMan
43 weeks ago


"How does that song go again? Fuck you I won't do what you tell me?!

That was a band called Rage against the machine who ironically demanded proof of vaccination to enter their shows.

Rage against the machine became part of the machine "

Yeah that was pretty ironic. That's their perogative though. None of them are particularly young now so were more at risk.

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By *melie LALWoman
43 weeks ago


"How does that song go again? Fuck you I won't do what you tell me?!

That was a band called Rage against the machine who ironically demanded proof of vaccination to enter their shows.

Rage against the machine became part of the machine "

Them or the venue, or legislation as it was?

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