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NHS at 75

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By *melie LAL OP   Woman
49 weeks ago


Happy birthday for next week.

Newsnight did a special programme discussing (past, present, future) aspects of the NHS. Such as expenditure, quality (cancer survival and heart attacks mortality rates being worse than our European cousins); AI innovations; admin etc.

If you go watch on BBC iPlayer, perhaps you'll want to share your thoughts.

Oh and Dr Xand looks so yummy

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By (user no longer on site)
49 weeks ago

The NHS has basically been set up to fail through underfunding by the current bunch of millionaire Tory grifters, so they can say "Oh look, the public sector isn't working, we better sell it off to private companies" - and more profits for their little cabal of tax dodgers, super-wealthy party supporters, venture capitalists and corporate raiders. This has happened right under our noses. They tested out fleecing the public fiances during Covid and got away with it. Now it's full steam ahead! Shameful.

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By *heRazorsEdgeMan
49 weeks ago

Wales/ All over UK

"The NHS has basically been set up to fail through underfunding by the current bunch of millionaire Tory grifters, so they can say "Oh look, the public sector isn't working, we better sell it off to private companies" - and more profits for their little cabal of tax dodgers, super-wealthy party supporters, venture capitalists and corporate raiders. This has happened right under our noses. They tested out fleecing the public fiances during Covid and got away with it. Now it's full steam ahead! Shameful."


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By *alcon43Woman
49 weeks ago


Having worked for a short period of time within the NHS in two different hospitals and departments I can say that so much money is wasted on trivial things like stationery and forms. Also some of the money is only on paper for example if a patient doesn’t turn up for a. X-ray and CT scan (dementia patient) that costs £1200 or at least it did 10 years ago. That’s not a real cost or loss to the NHS but it is on paper. If you took the cost of missed appointments it would run into £millions. Some of the missed appointments were due to patients actually having died and no one informed the hospital to cancel the appointment. It’s not exactly on anyone’s list of properties.

I don’t believe the NHS is underfunded. It is badly managed and needs an overhaul on how its budgets are worked and bed management.

In Scotland over 100 vacancies a week are advertised on the NHS. It’s difficult to recruit in some areas and that leads to staff shortages.

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By *melie LAL OP   Woman
49 weeks ago



I don’t believe the NHS is underfunded. It is badly managed and needs an overhaul on how its budgets are worked and bed management.

In Scotland over 100 vacancies a week are advertised on the NHS. It’s difficult to recruit in some areas and that leads to staff shortages. "

I've been in the NHS almost a quarter of a century. Nursing shortages have been around that long. Now (dare I say since Brexit, and I voted leave) it's all staff. We need to stop relying on talent from other countries, especially the unethical "stealing".

I'm looking forward to what this government has to say about its long term plan for workforce growth and retention this week.

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By (user no longer on site)
49 weeks ago

It’s a shit show from top to bottom.

The whole bloody circus has no other act but clowns.

Going private is the only hope of any getting any kind of decent care or dignity.

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By *hillguynwMan
49 weeks ago


As an NHS partner who made many sacrifices during Covid etc....I can safely say the wastage with 5 texts and 2 letters to tell you about an appointment is insane.

Middle management who box tick with no medical background is surely crazy.

I have the greatest respect for all nurses, HCA, registrars Consultants......

This country's ship is steered by buffoons

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By *ox1 red leaderMan
49 weeks ago


Have worked in nhs 25 yrs... Its got worse, could it be better? Yes. but you do not want the alternative of it being solely private hc.. People generally have no idea how much treatment costs and at present its all free... Need a new knee 12k-16k... If you don't have the money or can't afford premiums for phc.. Going to be alot of people fooked

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By *hoirCouple
49 weeks ago

Clacton/Bury St. Edmunds

"The NHS has basically been set up to fail through underfunding by the current bunch of millionaire Tory grifters, so they can say "Oh look, the public sector isn't working, we better sell it off to private companies" - and more profits for their little cabal of tax dodgers, super-wealthy party supporters, venture capitalists and corporate raiders. This has happened right under our noses. They tested out fleecing the public fiances during Covid and got away with it. Now it's full steam ahead! Shameful."

The NHS Act that started the allowance of private companies running some services was done under Labour and it has helped. Nothing is being 'sold off'.

The funding is up year on year under the current shambolic government.

The main failing of the NHS is "the only serious black mark against the NHS was its poor record on keeping people alive". That and different pathways to kill people (Liverpool Care Pathway and stories you read of people having food and drink removed to 'ease' their suffering.

The NHS is not fit for purpose but it is not the fault of government.

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By (user no longer on site)
49 weeks ago

"Have worked in nhs 25 yrs... Its got worse, could it be better? Yes. but you do not want the alternative of it being solely private hc.. People generally have no idea how much treatment costs and at present its all free... Need a new knee 12k-16k... If you don't have the money or can't afford premiums for phc.. Going to be alot of people fooked "
I have private healthcare it's how you plan. It's not as horrible people think it is. Personally I have 0 issues with it. Judging by the posts about the NHS I prefer mine hands down.

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By *penbicoupleCouple
49 weeks ago


"Going private is the only hope of any getting any kind of decent care or dignity. "

Didn't work so well for the trains - unless you're one of the lucky ones skimming it for money.

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By *lym4realCouple
49 weeks ago


Happy Birthday !! and funny how so many are keen on the private health ?? and like most things it's set at a price whilst there is genuine competition and anyone in doubt about a wholly private care system should watch "Sicko" by Michael moore aswell and the trouble with the current NHS is it needs to be broken up and run locally or even regionally and if you do allow certain services to go "Private" or be "Bid" on you create yet another level of so called " Management/Pen pushers" to over see the delivery of the "Service" ?? and we know of one such service which had been very well run and effiecently by our local NHS hopsital but it was decided to save "Money" it was to be put out to tender to make it more effiecent etc etc now the bloke/Dr who'd run it was invited to "Bid" to run it ?? so he spent cash to put in a "Bid" ( out of his budget ??) and didn't win the bid ?? and now he works for the firm who won it and the service is terrible plus he now has 4 more "Managers" above him and staff have been sacked or had their hours/wages cut .....and he's quitting ... bit like our local Ambulance service aswell same thing happened ...

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By (user no longer on site)
49 weeks ago

" Happy Birthday !! and funny how so many are keen on the private health ?? and like most things it's set at a price whilst there is genuine competition and anyone in doubt about a wholly private care system should watch "Sicko" by Michael moore aswell and the trouble with the current NHS is it needs to be broken up and run locally or even regionally and if you do allow certain services to go "Private" or be "Bid" on you create yet another level of so called " Management/Pen pushers" to over see the delivery of the "Service" ?? and we know of one such service which had been very well run and effiecently by our local NHS hopsital but it was decided to save "Money" it was to be put out to tender to make it more effiecent etc etc now the bloke/Dr who'd run it was invited to "Bid" to run it ?? so he spent cash to put in a "Bid" ( out of his budget ??) and didn't win the bid ?? and now he works for the firm who won it and the service is terrible plus he now has 4 more "Managers" above him and staff have been sacked or had their hours/wages cut .....and he's quitting ... bit like our local Ambulance service aswell same thing happened ... "
Lmfao.. you need to update your views. Obahma care was passed in 2010. Sicko was a 2007 movie.

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By *lym4realCouple
49 weeks ago


Lmfao.. you need to update your views. Obahma care was passed in 2010. Sicko was a 2007 movie. ...Still as bad but not as bad in America ?? though ???....reason why some Americans travel to mexico for certain drugs ???

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By (user no longer on site)
49 weeks ago

"Lmfao.. you need to update your views. Obahma care was passed in 2010. Sicko was a 2007 movie. ...Still as bad but not as bad in America ?? though ???....reason why some Americans travel to mexico for certain drugs ??? "
They should have planned better don't ya think? Kind of like how your NHS is failing. 1 is personal control the other is government. I would rather being able to see my gp and specialists at anytime instead of being on waiting lists.

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By *lym4realCouple
49 weeks ago


They should have planned better don't ya think? Kind of like how your NHS is failing. 1 is personal control the other is government. I would rather being able to see my gp and specialists at anytime instead of being on waiting lists.....

Yep our NHS is failing and quite ironic that some of our "GP" services are now run by a American Health Care Firm though ?? and one of the worse performing so called private health care provider for NHS services is "Virgin Care" which is wholly owned by yet another American Health Care Firm ?? and NO service is 100 perfect or even system ?? and to say the Government is to blame is putting it midly and we in the Uk spend/invest far less on health care per a person than our nearest European Neighbors and have lower ratio of beds/nurses and Dr's aswell per a person and even have less critical care beds and icu units plus the NHS is operating with roughly 20 thousand less nurses than it was 13 years ago ?? ...

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By (user no longer on site)
49 weeks ago

All well and good saying we should depend on our country people. But look at the statistics how many people enrol for science and mathematics in this country in last 30 years. An astronomical decline. While in China, Singapore and India its the exact opposite. We will be needing foreign talent for the foreseeable future that’s the true reality. More people here study beauty therapy and drama than any other western country.

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By *DAM69Man
49 weeks ago


Totally agree ,.its designed to fail so they can private it to make even more money yet people in the UK are poorer now than in the 80s .

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By (user no longer on site)
49 weeks ago

NHS is overfunded and over managed. No one takes responsibility. Everyone in media and politics treats it like a holy grail. Never allowed to criticise. Its an absolute shambles for years. No one in NHS should get a payrise untill they sort it out

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By *DAM69Man
49 weeks ago


Just Vote this lot out . We need a whole new party . Not the same ones always getting power . West is in trouble . ReformUK.

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By *hoirCouple
49 weeks ago

Clacton/Bury St. Edmunds

"Going private is the only hope of any getting any kind of decent care or dignity.

Didn't work so well for the trains - unless you're one of the lucky ones skimming it for money."

Didn't it? The core infrastructure of trains was all public owned. The contracts were given out to private companies and only a select few ever failed. The contract givers tried to screw private firms though and give contracts back to public owned train companies.

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By *penbicoupleCouple
49 weeks ago


"Going private is the only hope of any getting any kind of decent care or dignity.

Didn't work so well for the trains - unless you're one of the lucky ones skimming it for money.

Didn't it? "

No, it didn't.

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By *lym4realCouple
49 weeks ago


Well according to a bloke who's done the numbers the railways have cost us all at least £64 billion more than it would if we still owned it ??? xxx ps if privatisation had worked as promised we'd all be alot better off due to not having to pay huge sums over ?? xx pps and all our bills would alot cheaper and we'd have more choice xx

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By *ylonSlutTV/TS
49 weeks ago


"Going private is the only hope of any getting any kind of decent care or dignity.

Didn't work so well for the trains - unless you're one of the lucky ones skimming it for money.

Didn't it? The core infrastructure of trains was all public owned. The contracts were given out to private companies and only a select few ever failed. The contract givers tried to screw private firms though and give contracts back to public owned train companies. "

Franchising the railways has been a disaster and even the conservatives have come to that conclusion. You have to run a franchise horrendously to have it taken off them. Quite a few have given it back because they didn't make as much money as they thought, on the east coast it has happened 3 times already. Fare are at least 30 % higher than comparable counties. The only beneficiaries out of this mess are high up executives and share holders. The health service can't be ram like this.

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By *rauntonbananaMan
49 weeks ago


"The NHS has basically been set up to fail through underfunding by the current bunch of millionaire Tory grifters, so they can say "Oh look, the public sector isn't working, we better sell it off to private companies" - and more profits for their little cabal of tax dodgers, super-wealthy party supporters, venture capitalists and corporate raiders. This has happened right under our noses. They tested out fleecing the public fiances during Covid and got away with it. Now it's full steam ahead! Shameful."

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By *rauntonbananaMan
49 weeks ago


"The NHS has basically been set up to fail through underfunding by the current bunch of millionaire Tory grifters, so they can say "Oh look, the public sector isn't working, we better sell it off to private companies" - and more profits for their little cabal of tax dodgers, super-wealthy party supporters, venture capitalists and corporate raiders. This has happened right under our noses. They tested out fleecing the public fiances during Covid and got away with it. Now it's full steam ahead! Shameful."

More lefty conspiracy bollocks… keep up the good work “Wolfie “ power to the people

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By *melie LAL OP   Woman
49 weeks ago


"The NHS has basically been set up to fail through underfunding by the current bunch of millionaire Tory grifters, so they can say "Oh look, the public sector isn't working, we better sell it off to private companies" - and more profits for their little cabal of tax dodgers, super-wealthy party supporters, venture capitalists and corporate raiders. This has happened right under our noses. They tested out fleecing the public fiances during Covid and got away with it. Now it's full steam ahead! Shameful.

The NHS Act that started the allowance of private companies running some services was done under Labour and it has helped. Nothing is being 'sold off'.

The funding is up year on year under the current shambolic government.

The main failing of the NHS is "the only serious black mark against the NHS was its poor record on keeping people alive". That and different pathways to kill people (Liverpool Care Pathway and stories you read of people having food and drink removed to 'ease' their suffering.

The NHS is not fit for purpose but it is not the fault of government.


Funding is up but so is population, so are lifestyle induced illnesses, so is the elderly population with their complex co-morbidities. But we spend less than our European cousins re GDP

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By *melie LAL OP   Woman
49 weeks ago


"The NHS has basically been set up to fail through underfunding by the current bunch of millionaire Tory grifters, so they can say "Oh look, the public sector isn't working, we better sell it off to private companies" - and more profits for their little cabal of tax dodgers, super-wealthy party supporters, venture capitalists and corporate raiders. This has happened right under our noses. They tested out fleecing the public fiances during Covid and got away with it. Now it's full steam ahead! Shameful.

The NHS Act that started the allowance of private companies running some services was done under Labour and it has helped. Nothing is being 'sold off'.

The funding is up year on year under the current shambolic government.

The main failing of the NHS is "the only serious black mark against the NHS was its poor record on keeping people alive". That and different pathways to kill people (Liverpool Care Pathway and stories you read of people having food and drink removed to 'ease' their suffering.

The NHS is not fit for purpose but it is not the fault of government.


Want to elaborate about the Liverpool care pathway? I can assure you it was a great pathway but the many don't understand the differences there has to be between proactive care and palliative. You cannot apply the same principles.

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By *heRazorsEdgeMan
49 weeks ago

Wales/ All over UK

"Just Vote this lot out . We need a whole new party . Not the same ones always getting power . West is in trouble . ReformUK. "

Isn’t that Farage’s new lot?… You are aware he’s 100% behind privatisation of the NHS right?

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By *ussieson susanTV/TS
49 weeks ago


It’s down to poor management I remember a hospital in the South East The person given the job to run the hospital had previously been a manager of a paper mill WTF how in hells name does a person running a paper mill know about running anything medical never mind a hospital Needless to say the hospital was soon in the dodah and came under Special Measures

Also the Minister of Health should be from the medical background

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By *heGateKeeperMan
49 weeks ago


I’ve been meaning to watch it as I’ve worked in the NHS and have a few friends that work at the hospital where Newsnight was filmed and Rishi paid a visit today as part of the Workforce plan launch

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By *melie LAL OP   Woman
49 weeks ago


"I’ve been meaning to watch it as I’ve worked in the NHS and have a few friends that work at the hospital where Newsnight was filmed and Rishi paid a visit today as part of the Workforce plan launch "

The workforce plan has been published on the NHS England website.

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By *heGateKeeperMan
49 weeks ago


"I’ve been meaning to watch it as I’ve worked in the NHS and have a few friends that work at the hospital where Newsnight was filmed and Rishi paid a visit today as part of the Workforce plan launch

The workforce plan has been published on the NHS England website."

Yeah I was listening to the discussion on LBC about it today, and saw the pics Rishi posted from the Trust earlier. Interesting to see how it all pans out

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By *melie LAL OP   Woman
49 weeks ago


I will look at the plan at some point. The summary picks out the plan's aims re train, retain, reform. However it's too succinct to discuss pointers.

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By *entlemanrogueMan
49 weeks ago


"The NHS has basically been set up to fail through underfunding by the current bunch of millionaire Tory grifters, so they can say "Oh look, the public sector isn't working, we better sell it off to private companies" - and more profits for their little cabal of tax dodgers, super-wealthy party supporters, venture capitalists and corporate raiders. This has happened right under our noses. They tested out fleecing the public fiances during Covid and got away with it. Now it's full steam ahead! Shameful."

I wish the people down south would stop voting these scumbags in.

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By *oobyliciousnessWoman
49 weeks ago

outside Llanelli.

It was never designed to fail !! It’s failing through poor management and planning. And everyone’s expectations have changed as most have only known life with the nhs !!

It is still free just use is wisely

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By *estivalMan
49 weeks ago


"The NHS has basically been set up to fail through underfunding by the current bunch of millionaire Tory grifters, so they can say "Oh look, the public sector isn't working, we better sell it off to private companies" - and more profits for their little cabal of tax dodgers, super-wealthy party supporters, venture capitalists and corporate raiders. This has happened right under our noses. They tested out fleecing the public fiances during Covid and got away with it. Now it's full steam ahead! Shameful.

I wish the people down south would stop voting these scumbags in. "

think it was all those northern labour voters who got them in last time

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By *andC1000Couple
49 weeks ago


"Having worked for a short period of time within the NHS in two different hospitals and departments I can say that so much money is wasted on trivial things like stationery and forms. Also some of the money is only on paper for example if a patient doesn’t turn up for a. X-ray and CT scan (dementia patient) that costs £1200 or at least it did 10 years ago. That’s not a real cost or loss to the NHS but it is on paper. If you took the cost of missed appointments it would run into £millions. Some of the missed appointments were due to patients actually having died and no one informed the hospital to cancel the appointment. It’s not exactly on anyone’s list of properties.

I don’t believe the NHS is underfunded. It is badly managed and needs an overhaul on how its budgets are worked and bed management.

In Scotland over 100 vacancies a week are advertised on the NHS. It’s difficult to recruit in some areas and that leads to staff shortages. "

Bad management has been a problem for a long time and to a degree Joe public are not as innocent in the whole situation either.

Having a paramedic friend, the amount of times they’ve said that get called out for trival things that could all so often be treated at a chemist or at home also has a knock on effect of on cost.

Everyone wants everything for nothing and sadly we have a generation of people who should be capable of looking after themselves and using some common sense but expect someone to do it for them.

I’m sure will get shot down for this but there are certain issues that should not be placed on the nhs to fund. People need to take some responsibility for themselves and their own health and not be funded by every other bugger

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By *armandwet50Couple
49 weeks ago


"The NHS has basically been set up to fail through underfunding by the current bunch of millionaire Tory grifters, so they can say "Oh look, the public sector isn't working, we better sell it off to private companies" - and more profits for their little cabal of tax dodgers, super-wealthy party supporters, venture capitalists and corporate raiders. This has happened right under our noses. They tested out fleecing the public fiances during Covid and got away with it. Now it's full steam ahead! Shameful."

I agree with you totally except for the part "The NHS has basically been set up" You all brought it on yourselves, if it happens, as you say it will

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By *armandwet50Couple
49 weeks ago


"Having worked for a short period of time within the NHS in two different hospitals and departments I can say that so much money is wasted on trivial things like stationery and forms. Also some of the money is only on paper for example if a patient doesn’t turn up for a. X-ray and CT scan (dementia patient) that costs £1200 or at least it did 10 years ago. That’s not a real cost or loss to the NHS but it is on paper. If you took the cost of missed appointments it would run into £millions. Some of the missed appointments were due to patients actually having died and no one informed the hospital to cancel the appointment. It’s not exactly on anyone’s list of properties.

I don’t believe the NHS is underfunded. It is badly managed and needs an overhaul on how its budgets are worked and bed management.

In Scotland over 100 vacancies a week are advertised on the NHS. It’s difficult to recruit in some areas and that leads to staff shortages.

Bad management has been a problem for a long time and to a degree Joe public are not as innocent in the whole situation either.

Having a paramedic friend, the amount of times they’ve said that get called out for trival things that could all so often be treated at a chemist or at home also has a knock on effect of on cost.

Everyone wants everything for nothing and sadly we have a generation of people who should be capable of looking after themselves and using some common sense but expect someone to do it for them.

I’m sure will get shot down for this but there are certain issues that should not be placed on the nhs to fund. People need to take some responsibility for themselves and their own health and not be funded by every other bugger "

Well said!

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By *melie LAL OP   Woman
49 weeks ago


"Having worked for a short period of time within the NHS in two different hospitals and departments I can say that so much money is wasted on trivial things like stationery and forms. Also some of the money is only on paper for example if a patient doesn’t turn up for a. X-ray and CT scan (dementia patient) that costs £1200 or at least it did 10 years ago. That’s not a real cost or loss to the NHS but it is on paper. If you took the cost of missed appointments it would run into £millions. Some of the missed appointments were due to patients actually having died and no one informed the hospital to cancel the appointment. It’s not exactly on anyone’s list of properties.

I don’t believe the NHS is underfunded. It is badly managed and needs an overhaul on how its budgets are worked and bed management.

In Scotland over 100 vacancies a week are advertised on the NHS. It’s difficult to recruit in some areas and that leads to staff shortages.

Bad management has been a problem for a long time and to a degree Joe public are not as innocent in the whole situation either.

Having a paramedic friend, the amount of times they’ve said that get called out for trival things that could all so often be treated at a chemist or at home also has a knock on effect of on cost.

Everyone wants everything for nothing and sadly we have a generation of people who should be capable of looking after themselves and using some common sense but expect someone to do it for them.

I’m sure will get shot down for this but there are certain issues that should not be placed on the nhs to fund. People need to take some responsibility for themselves and their own health and not be funded by every other bugger "

People who try to use an ambulance as a free taxi to A&E cos they aren't registered with a GP, but know the key words to get the ambulance.

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By *melie LAL OP   Woman
49 weeks ago


"Having worked for a short period of time within the NHS in two different hospitals and departments I can say that so much money is wasted on trivial things like stationery and forms. Also some of the money is only on paper for example if a patient doesn’t turn up for a. X-ray and CT scan (dementia patient) that costs £1200 or at least it did 10 years ago. That’s not a real cost or loss to the NHS but it is on paper. If you took the cost of missed appointments it would run into £millions. Some of the missed appointments were due to patients actually having died and no one informed the hospital to cancel the appointment. It’s not exactly on anyone’s list of properties.

I don’t believe the NHS is underfunded. It is badly managed and needs an overhaul on how its budgets are worked and bed management.

In Scotland over 100 vacancies a week are advertised on the NHS. It’s difficult to recruit in some areas and that leads to staff shortages.

Bad management has been a problem for a long time and to a degree Joe public are not as innocent in the whole situation either.

Having a paramedic friend, the amount of times they’ve said that get called out for trival things that could all so often be treated at a chemist or at home also has a knock on effect of on cost.

Everyone wants everything for nothing and sadly we have a generation of people who should be capable of looking after themselves and using some common sense but expect someone to do it for them.

I’m sure will get shot down for this but there are certain issues that should not be placed on the nhs to fund. People need to take some responsibility for themselves and their own health and not be funded by every other bugger

People who try to use an ambulance as a free taxi to A&E cos they aren't registered with a GP, but know the key words to get the ambulance."

I didn't finish my thoughts . These people should be put in stocks and shamed!

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By (user no longer on site)
49 weeks ago

100 percent totally agree with you .

As a current employee of the service it's mind boggling how much money is wasted.

It's not underfunded it's badly managed

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By *ackformore100Man
49 weeks ago

Tin town

"Happy birthday for next week.

Newsnight did a special programme discussing (past, present, future) aspects of the NHS. Such as expenditure, quality (cancer survival and heart attacks mortality rates being worse than our European cousins); AI innovations; admin etc.

If you go watch on BBC iPlayer, perhaps you'll want to share your thoughts.

Oh and Dr Xand looks so yummy "

Yeah its great. Its just the way health care should be set up today and for the next 50 years. We should pour ever more money into it. Its the way all 1st world nations provide health care after all. They are queueing up to seek our expertise.

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By *mp411Man
49 weeks ago


Far too many diversity and inclusive managers on £100k+ and many other “made up” jobs on mega bucks

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By *ylonSlutTV/TS
49 weeks ago


"Far too many diversity and inclusive managers on £100k+ and many other “made up” jobs on mega bucks "

And those have any real effect on the 70 billion nhs budget

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By *ylonSlutTV/TS
49 weeks ago


"Far too many diversity and inclusive managers on £100k+ and many other “made up” jobs on mega bucks "

Even Michelle mones' 122 million she pretty much stole fraudulently selling ppe to the nhs is not that much.

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By *armandwet50Couple
49 weeks ago


"Far too many diversity and inclusive managers on £100k+ and many other “made up” jobs on mega bucks

And those have any real effect on the 70 billion nhs budget "

It's not just about their salaries it's also about their incompetence

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By *idnight RamblerMan
49 weeks ago


Healthcare needs re-thinking for the 21st Century. The NHS was a good concept in it'd day, but has grown into a lumbering dinosaur. For a start, it's way too big and needs breaking down into smaller specialised units - probably privately run. Keep 'free at the point of use' the principle, but introduce nominal charges for seeing a GP. Make more efficient use of resources : buildings. equipment and people.

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By *un and Frolics 1Woman
49 weeks ago


My daughter was trained as an Occupational therapist by the NHS, 3 years no return of service , why not and I think this is the same for most medical professionals, my daughter had a busury which paid for her training, and she has after 8 years paid her loans back , she could just have gone to Australia and never paid any money back all, wrong.

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By *iberatedduoCouple
49 weeks ago


"Have worked in nhs 25 yrs... Its got worse, could it be better? Yes. but you do not want the alternative of it being solely private hc.. People generally have no idea how much treatment costs and at present its all free... Need a new knee 12k-16k... If you don't have the money or can't afford premiums for phc.. Going to be alot of people fooked "

It’s not free, we pay out of taxation. If the nhs went private then we’d have to take some sort of insurance to cover cost of services.

It comes to something when my pet gets swift and better treatment at the vets than what we get.

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By *ackformore100Man
49 weeks ago

Tin town

"It was never designed to fail !! It’s failing through poor management and planning. And everyone’s expectations have changed as most have only known life with the nhs !!

It is still free just use is wisely "

Where do you get the notion that it's free from? All 1.5m employees are working for free? The economics of the nhs need to be better understood before a sensible debate can be had.

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple
48 weeks ago


Whenever private healthcare companies have tried to fully run NHS services, under the same financial constraints as the NHS, they fail, see Circle Holdings at Hinchingbrooke, DMC Healthcare, Babylon Health etc.

People say the NHS should be run by private companies but seem unable to say why this would be better.

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By *ackformore100Man
48 weeks ago

Tin town

"Whenever private healthcare companies have tried to fully run NHS services, under the same financial constraints as the NHS, they fail, see Circle Holdings at Hinchingbrooke, DMC Healthcare, Babylon Health etc.

People say the NHS should be run by private companies but seem unable to say why this would be better."

Its a good point of its true. Assuming the point is true. And the service can not be run by private or public ownership. Would surely lead one to the conclusion that whats trying to be achieved, cant be achieves and perhaps we could do what other countries with better health care provision do?

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple
48 weeks ago


"Whenever private healthcare companies have tried to fully run NHS services, under the same financial constraints as the NHS, they fail, see Circle Holdings at Hinchingbrooke, DMC Healthcare, Babylon Health etc.

People say the NHS should be run by private companies but seem unable to say why this would be better.

Its a good point of its true. Assuming the point is true. And the service can not be run by private or public ownership. Would surely lead one to the conclusion that whats trying to be achieved, cant be achieves and perhaps we could do what other countries with better health care provision do? "

They don’t underfund their health service. We had the best, most efficient health service in the world in 2010, then our government chose to underfund it. We spent 18% less than the OECD average on healthcare between 2010 and 2019. We are suffering the results of that now.

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By *ackformore100Man
48 weeks ago

Tin town

"Whenever private healthcare companies have tried to fully run NHS services, under the same financial constraints as the NHS, they fail, see Circle Holdings at Hinchingbrooke, DMC Healthcare, Babylon Health etc.

People say the NHS should be run by private companies but seem unable to say why this would be better.

Its a good point of its true. Assuming the point is true. And the service can not be run by private or public ownership. Would surely lead one to the conclusion that whats trying to be achieved, cant be achieves and perhaps we could do what other countries with better health care provision do?

They don’t underfund their health service. We had the best, most efficient health service in the world in 2010, then our government chose to underfund it. We spent 18% less than the OECD average on healthcare between 2010 and 2019. We are suffering the results of that now."

Is the answer to put the missing 18% into it and it would all be fine and the health service of the future?

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By *mp411Man
48 weeks ago


"Far too many diversity and inclusive managers on £100k+ and many other “made up” jobs on mega bucks

And those have any real effect on the 70 billion nhs budget "

Times the £100k by 20,000 then it does count

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By *mp411Man
48 weeks ago


[Removed by poster at 02/07/23 21:31:39]

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By *entlemanrogueMan
48 weeks ago


"The NHS has basically been set up to fail through underfunding by the current bunch of millionaire Tory grifters, so they can say "Oh look, the public sector isn't working, we better sell it off to private companies" - and more profits for their little cabal of tax dodgers, super-wealthy party supporters, venture capitalists and corporate raiders. This has happened right under our noses. They tested out fleecing the public fiances during Covid and got away with it. Now it's full steam ahead! Shameful.

I wish the people down south would stop voting these scumbags in. think it was all those northern labour voters who got them in last time"

I mean south of the border, not south England

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple
48 weeks ago


"Whenever private healthcare companies have tried to fully run NHS services, under the same financial constraints as the NHS, they fail, see Circle Holdings at Hinchingbrooke, DMC Healthcare, Babylon Health etc.

People say the NHS should be run by private companies but seem unable to say why this would be better.

Its a good point of its true. Assuming the point is true. And the service can not be run by private or public ownership. Would surely lead one to the conclusion that whats trying to be achieved, cant be achieves and perhaps we could do what other countries with better health care provision do?

They don’t underfund their health service. We had the best, most efficient health service in the world in 2010, then our government chose to underfund it. We spent 18% less than the OECD average on healthcare between 2010 and 2019. We are suffering the results of that now.

Is the answer to put the missing 18% into it and it would all be fine and the health service of the future? "

It would be a start, obviously you would have to backdate that so the NHS could start dealing with the maintenance backlog and then work on retaining and recruiting staff.

We've gone from the best health service on the planet to being towards the bottom of the table when it comes to OECD countries, in 13 years. It's probably going to take a decade to get back to where we were.

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By *melie LAL OP   Woman
48 weeks ago


Happy birthday NHS

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By *csheffMan
46 weeks ago


"The NHS has basically been set up to fail through underfunding by the current bunch of millionaire Tory grifters, so they can say "Oh look, the public sector isn't working, we better sell it off to private companies" - and more profits for their little cabal of tax dodgers, super-wealthy party supporters, venture capitalists and corporate raiders. This has happened right under our noses. They tested out fleecing the public fiances during Covid and got away with it. Now it's full steam ahead! Shameful.

The NHS Act that started the allowance of private companies running some services was done under Labour and it has helped. Nothing is being 'sold off'.

The funding is up year on year under the current shambolic government.

The main failing of the NHS is "the only serious black mark against the NHS was its poor record on keeping people alive". That and different pathways to kill people (Liverpool Care Pathway and stories you read of people having food and drink removed to 'ease' their suffering.

The NHS is not fit for purpose but it is not the fault of government.


Well said not to mention putting DNR's on disabled people without there families consent or knowledge or public health England deciding to ship elderly covid patients back to care homes to free up hospital beds..

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By (user no longer on site)
46 weeks ago

What a load of bollicks!

Just taken my Dad to have an injection in his knee. The Dr is around 70. I asked him if he was joining the strikes. Absolutely not he said. I became a GP to help patients. End of. His inside option is that there is now a hard core of militant workers who are causing the problems (his words), plus too much Management.

If they want 34% give them it but:

* You work 5 days a week

* Work a proper rota inc weekends

* If you’re salaried by the NHS then no private work

* If you decide to go overseas within the first 10 years then you pay back the money it cost to train you

That’ll sort it

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By *melie LAL OP   Woman
46 weeks ago


"The NHS has basically been set up to fail through underfunding by the current bunch of millionaire Tory grifters, so they can say "Oh look, the public sector isn't working, we better sell it off to private companies" - and more profits for their little cabal of tax dodgers, super-wealthy party supporters, venture capitalists and corporate raiders. This has happened right under our noses. They tested out fleecing the public fiances during Covid and got away with it. Now it's full steam ahead! Shameful.

The NHS Act that started the allowance of private companies running some services was done under Labour and it has helped. Nothing is being 'sold off'.

The funding is up year on year under the current shambolic government.

The main failing of the NHS is "the only serious black mark against the NHS was its poor record on keeping people alive". That and different pathways to kill people (Liverpool Care Pathway and stories you read of people having food and drink removed to 'ease' their suffering.

The NHS is not fit for purpose but it is not the fault of government.

Well said not to mention putting DNR's on disabled people without there families consent or knowledge or public health England deciding to ship elderly covid patients back to care homes to free up hospital beds.."

If a person has capacity then DNAR has nothing to do with their families (and capacity inc consciousness). However, there was a hooha about putting DNARs on old people's notes without discussion. I don't know whether this is true or to what extent.

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By *lex.and.SexCouple
46 weeks ago


The whole thing needs to be torn down and started again.

But it's a useful talisman in the new secular religion we seem to have fermented in this country in the last decade or so, and an ever useful stick to bash the Tories.

To be honest, there are about 500 legitimate reasons a day on average to beat the Tories with, not sure why the standard dribblers need to beat this particularly dead horse.

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By (user no longer on site)
46 weeks ago

Too many managers is a common retort by clinical staff not happy that management are actively trying to reduce waiting lists by making them do more work. The actual problem in the nhs is that jobs at lower bands are given out like sweets because you have 300 applicants for band 3 post.

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By *orny PTMan
46 weeks ago


"Having worked for a short period of time within the NHS in two different hospitals and departments I can say that so much money is wasted on trivial things like stationery and forms. Also some of the money is only on paper for example if a patient doesn’t turn up for a. X-ray and CT scan (dementia patient) that costs £1200 or at least it did 10 years ago. That’s not a real cost or loss to the NHS but it is on paper. If you took the cost of missed appointments it would run into £millions. Some of the missed appointments were due to patients actually having died and no one informed the hospital to cancel the appointment. It’s not exactly on anyone’s list of properties.

I don’t believe the NHS is underfunded. It is badly managed and needs an overhaul on how its budgets are worked and bed management.

In Scotland over 100 vacancies a week are advertised on the NHS. It’s difficult to recruit in some areas and that leads to staff shortages. "

Whenever there is talk of NHS, people often fail to mention how much of a bloody mess the DNHS dentistry is, this is how the thieving Tories want the rest of the NHS to go, almost private, this would drag us down to the levels of poor nations, such as the US.

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple
46 weeks ago


I often wonder what people who think the NHS should be replaced, or 'torn down and started again' (essentially rebuilding a jumbo jet mid flight) would replace it with. We know that private healthcare fails miserably when they have to take on the full range of NHS patients rather than cherry picking the relatively fit and healthy ones, so who would run it? How would you employ enough staff? Who would manage it?

We hear all the rubbish about the old fashioned matrons etc. but those days are long gone and they are never coming back. Healthcare has moved on and is a million times more complex than it was even 30 years ago.

People think there is a simple solution to things when there isn't, they have an idea about saving money on buying staples and think they have solved all the NHS's problems. Perhaps we should look back to 2010, when the NHS was the best health service in the world, what was different then, and what has changed since?

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By *melie LAL OP   Woman
46 weeks ago


"I often wonder what people who think the NHS should be replaced, or 'torn down and started again' (essentially rebuilding a jumbo jet mid flight) would replace it with. We know that private healthcare fails miserably when they have to take on the full range of NHS patients rather than cherry picking the relatively fit and healthy ones, so who would run it? How would you employ enough staff? Who would manage it?

We hear all the rubbish about the old fashioned matrons etc. but those days are long gone and they are never coming back. Healthcare has moved on and is a million times more complex than it was even 30 years ago.

People think there is a simple solution to things when there isn't, they have an idea about saving money on buying staples and think they have solved all the NHS's problems. Perhaps we should look back to 2010, when the NHS was the best health service in the world, what was different then, and what has changed since?"

Spot on.

One of the problems in the NHS is that it has to be seen to be moving forward/making improvements when inadequacies are high-lighted. However, staff who have been in the service for donkeys' years will tell you it's a resurgence of an old practice. Improvements are cyclic. Obviously evidence based practice moves with the evidence.

Another problem is when Trusts "bid" to takeover other Trusts. The integration of policies, and updates, taking on new software... It's all a huge expense. Fortunately with digital templates, we are no longer destroying trees with replacement copious forms and letterheads.

And complexities - people living longer but with a growing number of long term conditions - the funding has to rise.

Gone are the days women spent 10 days in hospital after having a baby. It's a conveyor belt . Gone are the days people are in days before elective operations and days after. Medically, There are copious failed discharges because the beds are needed by ED corridor dwellers.

There is more funding than ever before because there is a greater need than ever before. Unfortunately the funding doesn't grow at the same rate as the need.

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