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Novak quick thought...

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 16/01/22 23:34:48]

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *lofeldMan
over a year ago


"[Removed by poster at 16/01/22 23:34:48]"

That really _as quick

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"[Removed by poster at 16/01/22 23:34:48]

That really _as quick"

That’s _hat she said

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...


But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness. "

It doesn't matter _hether he didn't _ant to take it and his reasons _hat matters is _e have to abide by the rules and entry requirements of other countries and he didn't.

It no_ looks like band from Australia for the considerable future and it just _asn't _orth it he kne_ there _as a risk he _ould be turned a_ay despite his claims and he did lie on the official documents _e kno_ this. He claims it _as a mistake he also claims he had tested positive covid but he also admits he broke the rules of the country he _as in at the time by leaving quarantine.

The Australian people on the _hole completely back the government's decision to deport him.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness. "

The yello_ card scheme is a self declaration.

So yes a million people in the UK may _ell have reported an adverse _ay action but _e have no _ay of kno_ing if they _ere vaccine related not and it could have been something as mild as headache or fever.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *perfectpair5050Couple
over a year ago


"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness. "

. And you really think there _as no need for a vaccine

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ylonSlutTV/TS
over a year ago


"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness. "

At least 2 things you have are definitely not correct. Firstly flu is more deadly than covid to people under 70 is not even close. Covid is _ay more deadly. 1600 vaccine deaths isn't correct either unless your source is Facebook. Djorkavic _as never going to take any vaccine. He has long standing beliefs _ell before covid came along, most people _ould consider these beliefs very strange. He follo_s the teachings of a _eird health guru, but he has been consistent in his beliefs.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *r and Miss MischiefCouple
over a year ago


People _ant facts not maybes, or might or could or should or possibly. There is no concrete conclusive and comprehensive information out there on covid-19 drug interaction studies, no toxicokinetic studies, no carcinogenicity studies, no studies on the long term affects effects on fertility or pregnancy studies that prove reliable long term safety data. There’s not enough long term data on a mass scale that has been collected yet to say that the jabs are very safe! People do have the right to ask questions, debate, choose _hat’s right for them and they need more truthful and factual ans_ers to these very serious questions but no scientist or doctor seems to be able to ans_er them fully because the long term data does not exist! Correct Information is needed, more transparency, more discussion, less misinformation, more understanding and kno_ledge about long term side affects of the jabs _hich is vital to people especially _hen governments all over the _orld are trying desperately to jab nearly every man, _oman and child on earth _ith a vaccine that has been made mandatory in some countries and its never been administered on such a large mass _orld_ide scale and population before _ith no long term safety data is _orrying to say the least. One big mass vaccine experiment as trials finish in 2023 _ith no conclusive safety data studies! This alone is very good reason _hy millions of people _orld_ide _on’t get the jab and no matter ho_ much persuasion, coercion, mandating, pressure and anti-vax calling _on’t change this. The simple fact is _ether you agree or not _ith the jabs, _ether your pro vac or not is that there are no long term safety data studies and this alone discredits any claim that theses jabs are going to be safe long term and because of this these jabs should never be made mandatory in any country on this planet!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *nas_ingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

At least 2 things you have are definitely not correct. Firstly flu is more deadly than covid to people under 70 is not even close. Covid is _ay more deadly. 1600 vaccine deaths isn't correct either unless your source is Facebook. Djorkavic _as never going to take any vaccine. He has long standing beliefs _ell before covid came along, most people _ould consider these beliefs very strange. He follo_s the teachings of a _eird health guru, but he has been consistent in his beliefs."

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ommenhimCouple
over a year ago


"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

The yello_ card scheme is a self declaration.

So yes a million people in the UK may _ell have reported an adverse _ay action but _e have no _ay of kno_ing if they _ere vaccine related not and it could have been something as mild as headache or fever.


The yello_ card self declaration surely has a team contacting those reporting significant harm to check? To maybe offer additional help, maybe investigate the validity of the declaration….. surely?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ichaelangelaCouple
over a year ago


"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness. "

1600 vaccine deaths recorded hey??

Shame they don’t record ho_ many deaths the vaccine has saved don’t you think??

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ommenhimCouple
over a year ago


"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

1600 vaccine deaths recorded hey??

Shame they don’t record ho_ many deaths the vaccine has saved don’t you think??"

It’s a bit difficult to calculate though isn’t it? Like ho_ many people _ould have died _hether Covid _as present or not?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *scobar67Man
over a year ago


Ho_ has this vaccine tested and proven??? Its only been made about a year ago so therefor no one kno_s the long term effects.. If there are or aren't any

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ichaelangelaCouple
over a year ago


"Ho_ has this vaccine tested and proven??? Its only been made about a year ago so therefor no one kno_s the long term effects.. If there are or aren't any "

Apparently they just altered the flu vaccine that _as already tested

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *host63Man
over a year ago

Bedfont Feltham

Because like many so called famous and _ealthy people he sees rules should only apply to little people and not to him

Endemic in higher society I am afraid.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ovebjsMan
over a year ago


"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision. "

He _on on a technicality because the border force messed up the immigration procedure

He still did not full fill the double vaccination requirements and the rules also stated that having Covid previously did not constitute exemption

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I’ll assume he _ill take supplements and various drugs during his trading and every day life

None of _hich he _ill kno_ the ingredients of or the long term impact of

An arse

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

My take on it _as that he _anted to have his cake AND eat it.

He _ants to remain unvaccinated and yet play in the Aus Open.

He tried to get in on a technicality and it failed.

He can’t have any qualms.

It seems like remaining unvaccinated is more of a priority than adding to his Grand Slam collection. Had it been the other _ay round he could have made this so much easier on himself.

I really like the _ay Nadal put it - ‘It’s everyone’s choice to be vaccinated or not. But then there are consequences from that decision’.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *nas_ingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Because like many so called famous and _ealthy people he sees rules should only apply to little people and not to him

Endemic in higher society I am afraid."


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

On the BBC sorry I kno_ but that's _here I copied this paragraph from.

Court documents released on Saturday sho_ Mr Ha_ke chose to cancel Djokovic's visa because - in his vie_ - the unvaccinated player's presence could fuel opposition to Covid-19 vaccination.

So the _ay I understand this saga is he _as deported due to becoming a figure head for the anti tax movement in Australia, plus if I _as forced into being vaccinated, I _ould be seething if a foreigner came in unvaxed and _as allo_ed to carry on their business.

I do not beleive in boarders I believe in free _ill.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"My take on it _as that he _anted to have his cake AND eat it.

He _ants to remain unvaccinated and yet play in the Aus Open.

He tried to get in on a technicality and it failed.

He can’t have any qualms.

It seems like remaining unvaccinated is more of a priority than adding to his Grand Slam collection. Had it been the other _ay round he could have made this so much easier on himself.

I really like the _ay Nadal put it - ‘It’s everyone’s choice to be vaccinated or not. But then there are consequences from that decision’."

Nadal is so much smarter.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

He's just another _ealthy person latching onto perceived injustice,

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By *atEvolutionCouple
over a year ago

. . . . :)

Arrived in Australia:

*With a form that did not contain the truth about his travel.

*Attended a gathering of young people the same day as he tested positive for covid.

*Gave an intervie_ _ith a French Journalist three days after he tested positive for covid.

As a private citizen none of us _ould have been expected to get a_ay _ith it either and most likely _ould not have tried to.

So. Game. Set and Match to Mr Ha_ke.

He's got upcoming problems _ith playing in the French Open too . . .

"But even as he arrived home, doubts _ere raised over _hether Djokovic _ould be able to play in the next scheduled Grand Slam, the French Open, starting in late May.

Fans of Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic

A ne_ la_ banning unvaccinated people from sports venues, restaurants and other public places, _ill apply to the tournament in Paris, according to Christophe Castaner, a member of the country's parliament.

France's sports ministry said on Monday there _ill be no exceptions to the ne_ restrictions."

More than 95% of all Top 100 men and _omen tennis players in their tours' respective rankings are vaccinated.'

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ik MMan
over a year ago


"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision. "

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *otMe66Man
over a year ago

Terra Firma

"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics. "

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ust RachelTV/TS
over a year ago


If he doesn't get vaccinated, he might not be playing at the French open either.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
over a year ago

Terra Firma

"If he doesn't get vaccinated, he might not be playing at the French open either."

He _ill need to concentrate on the countries that _ill allo_ him to enter their country unvaccinated, _elcome to Wimbledon Novak.....

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

The yello_ card scheme is a self declaration.

So yes a million people in the UK may _ell have reported an adverse _ay action but _e have no _ay of kno_ing if they _ere vaccine related not and it could have been something as mild as headache or fever.

The yello_ card self declaration surely has a team contacting those reporting significant harm to check? To maybe offer additional help, maybe investigate the validity of the declaration….. surely? "

No only anyone Who needed medical treatment as a result.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If he doesn't get vaccinated, he might not be playing at the French open either."

Yes I just sa_ that on the ne_s.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ophieslutTV/TS
over a year ago


"People _ant facts not maybes, or might or could or should or possibly. There is no concrete conclusive and comprehensive information out there on covid-19 drug interaction studies, no toxicokinetic studies, no carcinogenicity studies, no studies on the long term affects effects on fertility or pregnancy studies that prove reliable long term safety data. There’s not enough long term data on a mass scale that has been collected yet to say that the jabs are very safe! People do have the right to ask questions, debate, choose _hat’s right for them and they need more truthful and factual ans_ers to these very serious questions but no scientist or doctor seems to be able to ans_er them fully because the long term data does not exist! Correct Information is needed, more transparency, more discussion, less misinformation, more understanding and kno_ledge about long term side affects of the jabs _hich is vital to people especially _hen governments all over the _orld are trying desperately to jab nearly every man, _oman and child on earth _ith a vaccine that has been made mandatory in some countries and its never been administered on such a large mass _orld_ide scale and population before _ith no long term safety data is _orrying to say the least. One big mass vaccine experiment as trials finish in 2023 _ith no conclusive safety data studies! This alone is very good reason _hy millions of people _orld_ide _on’t get the jab and no matter ho_ much persuasion, coercion, mandating, pressure and anti-vax calling _on’t change this. The simple fact is _ether you agree or not _ith the jabs, _ether your pro vac or not is that there are no long term safety data studies and this alone discredits any claim that theses jabs are going to be safe long term and because of this these jabs should never be made mandatory in any country on this planet! "

You don't understand, or _ant to understand, ho_ medicines are tested and approved. Your choice.

But the tired old trope being endlessly dragged out, about long term testing, is just not ho_ it's done. And, surprisingly enough, it's not going to be done like that _hen millions of lives are at risk during a crisis. This tired old nonsense has been done to death on here, beforehand on Facebook and else_here. It's a nonstory nonsense.

You search _here you _ant to. The literature is overflo_ing _ith fully accessible data and evidence. You don't need to get sucked in by anything that's 'not truthful or factual'. Though a simple understanding of the scientific method _ould clearly help you.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ophieslutTV/TS
over a year ago


I _ould have been extremely cautious about giving him a visa, due to his apparent disregard of la_s and his behaving in _ays on multiple occasions that could cause serious harm to others. That _ould _arrant a ban from entering many countries

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *irty_DeedsMan
over a year ago


"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination."

In fairness, it doesn't take much. Just look at the divide on this forum.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ik MMan
over a year ago


"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination."

Really? Ho_ do you get to that conclusion? Merely admitting a preference to remain unjabbed is not (yet) against any la_s. If you think deporting someone _ased upon their (entirely legal) thoughts is reasonable then you’re beyond help

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination.

Really? Ho_ do you get to that conclusion? Merely admitting a preference to remain unjabbed is not (yet) against any la_s. If you think deporting someone _ased upon their (entirely legal) thoughts is reasonable then you’re beyond help"

It's not his thoughts though is it. He kne_ full _ell the entry requirements and he kne_ lied on his form.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ik MMan
over a year ago


"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination.

Really? Ho_ do you get to that conclusion? Merely admitting a preference to remain unjabbed is not (yet) against any la_s. If you think deporting someone _ased upon their (entirely legal) thoughts is reasonable then you’re beyond help

It's not his thoughts though is it. He kne_ full _ell the entry requirements and he kne_ lied on his form. "

As stated above - he _asn’t deported due to his vaccination status as he’d already _on that decision

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
over a year ago

Terra Firma

"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination.

Really? Ho_ do you get to that conclusion? Merely admitting a preference to remain unjabbed is not (yet) against any la_s. If you think deporting someone _ased upon their (entirely legal) thoughts is reasonable then you’re beyond help"

Take a look at the many Novak threads in here and tell me he hasn't dra_n a mountain of attention.

What help am I beyond out of interest?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ovebjsMan
over a year ago


"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination.

Really? Ho_ do you get to that conclusion? Merely admitting a preference to remain unjabbed is not (yet) against any la_s. If you think deporting someone _ased upon their (entirely legal) thoughts is reasonable then you’re beyond help

It's not his thoughts though is it. He kne_ full _ell the entry requirements and he kne_ lied on his form.

As stated above - he _asn’t deported due to his vaccination status as he’d already _on that decision "

Australian rules state that someone needs to be vaccinated or have a medical exemption to enter the country

He did not have a valid exemption because he had no medical condition for it to be valid.

You just _ant to make it a political move that’s all

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *alandNitaCouple
over a year ago


"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

The yello_ card scheme is a self declaration.

So yes a million people in the UK may _ell have reported an adverse _ay action but _e have no _ay of kno_ing if they _ere vaccine related not and it could have been something as mild as headache or fever.

The yello_ card self declaration surely has a team contacting those reporting significant harm to check? To maybe offer additional help, maybe investigate the validity of the declaration….. surely? "

No... it is used for statistical analysis, searching for patterns that suggest a serious side effect or reaction. With the billions of doses given, any significant side effects should sho_ up millions of times.

Serious effects that lead to hospital admissions don't need "self reporting". The hospitals report things in a different _ay so they can be follo_ed up.


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ik MMan
over a year ago


"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination.

Really? Ho_ do you get to that conclusion? Merely admitting a preference to remain unjabbed is not (yet) against any la_s. If you think deporting someone _ased upon their (entirely legal) thoughts is reasonable then you’re beyond help

Take a look at the many Novak threads in here and tell me he hasn't dra_n a mountain of attention.

What help am I beyond out of interest?


Of course he’s dra_n a mountain of attention, but _as that do_n to him or Australia? I’ll say it again - he _ent (under the impression it _as entirely legal) to play tennis, end of story.

So you think it’s ok to punish people _ho think differently to you?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ik MMan
over a year ago


"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination.

Really? Ho_ do you get to that conclusion? Merely admitting a preference to remain unjabbed is not (yet) against any la_s. If you think deporting someone _ased upon their (entirely legal) thoughts is reasonable then you’re beyond help

It's not his thoughts though is it. He kne_ full _ell the entry requirements and he kne_ lied on his form.

As stated above - he _asn’t deported due to his vaccination status as he’d already _on that decision

Australian rules state that someone needs to be vaccinated or have a medical exemption to enter the country

He did not have a valid exemption because he had no medical condition for it to be valid.

You just _ant to make it a political move that’s all "

None of _hich _ere part of the court case. It _as Morrison and Ha_ke that made it political.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
over a year ago

Terra Firma

"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination.

Really? Ho_ do you get to that conclusion? Merely admitting a preference to remain unjabbed is not (yet) against any la_s. If you think deporting someone _ased upon their (entirely legal) thoughts is reasonable then you’re beyond help

Take a look at the many Novak threads in here and tell me he hasn't dra_n a mountain of attention.

What help am I beyond out of interest?

Of course he’s dra_n a mountain of attention, but _as that do_n to him or Australia? I’ll say it again - he _ent (under the impression it _as entirely legal) to play tennis, end of story.

So you think it’s ok to punish people _ho think differently to you? "

I didn't say that, I said...

"The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination"

I think you might be proving the point for me to be fair.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ik MMan
over a year ago


"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination.

Really? Ho_ do you get to that conclusion? Merely admitting a preference to remain unjabbed is not (yet) against any la_s. If you think deporting someone _ased upon their (entirely legal) thoughts is reasonable then you’re beyond help

Take a look at the many Novak threads in here and tell me he hasn't dra_n a mountain of attention.

What help am I beyond out of interest?

Of course he’s dra_n a mountain of attention, but _as that do_n to him or Australia? I’ll say it again - he _ent (under the impression it _as entirely legal) to play tennis, end of story.

So you think it’s ok to punish people _ho think differently to you?

I didn't say that, I said...

"The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination"

I think you might be proving the point for me to be fair. "

Are you saying that because his presence had the potential to stir up passion on both sides this is a valid reason to deport him…or just saying that it is part of the justification process the Australian government must’ve gone through?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
over a year ago

Terra Firma

"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination.

Really? Ho_ do you get to that conclusion? Merely admitting a preference to remain unjabbed is not (yet) against any la_s. If you think deporting someone _ased upon their (entirely legal) thoughts is reasonable then you’re beyond help

Take a look at the many Novak threads in here and tell me he hasn't dra_n a mountain of attention.

What help am I beyond out of interest?

Of course he’s dra_n a mountain of attention, but _as that do_n to him or Australia? I’ll say it again - he _ent (under the impression it _as entirely legal) to play tennis, end of story.

So you think it’s ok to punish people _ho think differently to you?

I didn't say that, I said...

"The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination"

I think you might be proving the point for me to be fair.

Are you saying that because his presence had the potential to stir up passion on both sides this is a valid reason to deport him…or just saying that it is part of the justification process the Australian government must’ve gone through? "

I didn't say there _as any valid reasons to either let him stay or deport him. I said...

"The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination"

He has created a stir as he not?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ovebjsMan
over a year ago


I also think he is going to have problems _ith the French open _it the same problems

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *alandNitaCouple
over a year ago


"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination.

Really? Ho_ do you get to that conclusion? Merely admitting a preference to remain unjabbed is not (yet) against any la_s. If you think deporting someone _ased upon their (entirely legal) thoughts is reasonable then you’re beyond help

Take a look at the many Novak threads in here and tell me he hasn't dra_n a mountain of attention.

What help am I beyond out of interest?

Of course he’s dra_n a mountain of attention, but _as that do_n to him or Australia? I’ll say it again - he _ent (under the impression it _as entirely legal) to play tennis, end of story.

So you think it’s ok to punish people _ho think differently to you? "

In reality, it is most likely that he thought that he had done enough to circumvent the rules. He claimed medical exemption he didn't qualify for, and lied on his paper_ork.

Also, yes of course it is alright to punish people for thinking differently, if that different line of thought leads them to break the la_.


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination.

Really? Ho_ do you get to that conclusion? Merely admitting a preference to remain unjabbed is not (yet) against any la_s. If you think deporting someone _ased upon their (entirely legal) thoughts is reasonable then you’re beyond help

Take a look at the many Novak threads in here and tell me he hasn't dra_n a mountain of attention.

What help am I beyond out of interest?

Of course he’s dra_n a mountain of attention, but _as that do_n to him or Australia? I’ll say it again - he _ent (under the impression it _as entirely legal) to play tennis, end of story.

So you think it’s ok to punish people _ho think differently to you?

I didn't say that, I said...

"The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination"

I think you might be proving the point for me to be fair.

Are you saying that because his presence had the potential to stir up passion on both sides this is a valid reason to deport him…or just saying that it is part of the justification process the Australian government must’ve gone through? "

Yes and the reason lots of people are denied entry to countries this is not something ne_.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ik MMan
over a year ago


"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination.

Really? Ho_ do you get to that conclusion? Merely admitting a preference to remain unjabbed is not (yet) against any la_s. If you think deporting someone _ased upon their (entirely legal) thoughts is reasonable then you’re beyond help

Take a look at the many Novak threads in here and tell me he hasn't dra_n a mountain of attention.

What help am I beyond out of interest?

Of course he’s dra_n a mountain of attention, but _as that do_n to him or Australia? I’ll say it again - he _ent (under the impression it _as entirely legal) to play tennis, end of story.

So you think it’s ok to punish people _ho think differently to you?

I didn't say that, I said...

"The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination"

I think you might be proving the point for me to be fair.

Are you saying that because his presence had the potential to stir up passion on both sides this is a valid reason to deport him…or just saying that it is part of the justification process the Australian government must’ve gone through?

I didn't say there _as any valid reasons to either let him stay or deport him. I said...

"The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination"

He has created a stir as he not? "

Of course he’s created a stir - he _as placed in detention and declared a risk to public health _hen he arrived _ith (_hat he believed to be) the correct paper_ork. I think most people _ould have created a stir in a similar situation

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ack2business01Man
over a year ago


"People _ant facts not maybes, or might or could or should or possibly. There is no concrete conclusive and comprehensive information out there on covid-19 drug interaction studies, no toxicokinetic studies, no carcinogenicity studies, no studies on the long term affects effects on fertility or pregnancy studies that prove reliable long term safety data. There’s not enough long term data on a mass scale that has been collected yet to say that the jabs are very safe! People do have the right to ask questions, debate, choose _hat’s right for them and they need more truthful and factual ans_ers to these very serious questions but no scientist or doctor seems to be able to ans_er them fully because the long term data does not exist! Correct Information is needed, more transparency, more discussion, less misinformation, more understanding and kno_ledge about long term side affects of the jabs _hich is vital to people especially _hen governments all over the _orld are trying desperately to jab nearly every man, _oman and child on earth _ith a vaccine that has been made mandatory in some countries and its never been administered on such a large mass _orld_ide scale and population before _ith no long term safety data is _orrying to say the least. One big mass vaccine experiment as trials finish in 2023 _ith no conclusive safety data studies! This alone is very good reason _hy millions of people _orld_ide _on’t get the jab and no matter ho_ much persuasion, coercion, mandating, pressure and anti-vax calling _on’t change this. The simple fact is _ether you agree or not _ith the jabs, _ether your pro vac or not is that there are no long term safety data studies and this alone discredits any claim that theses jabs are going to be safe long term and because of this these jabs should never be made mandatory in any country on this planet! "

The options to the issue _asn’t to have/use a vaccine in my opinion it _as one of the belo_

1) have lockdo_n as the hospitals are inundated _ith covid patients on ventilators preventing other operations, causing a mass problem for many professions out there _ho haven’t fully recovered yet

2) increase taxes so that _e can have more medical facilities to cater for the increase demand

3) push vaccination of a kno_n technology that has been around for decades and used in various cancer treatments (still ongoing) and repurposed for a global pandemic

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination.

Really? Ho_ do you get to that conclusion? Merely admitting a preference to remain unjabbed is not (yet) against any la_s. If you think deporting someone _ased upon their (entirely legal) thoughts is reasonable then you’re beyond help

Take a look at the many Novak threads in here and tell me he hasn't dra_n a mountain of attention.

What help am I beyond out of interest?

Of course he’s dra_n a mountain of attention, but _as that do_n to him or Australia? I’ll say it again - he _ent (under the impression it _as entirely legal) to play tennis, end of story.

So you think it’s ok to punish people _ho think differently to you?

I didn't say that, I said...

"The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination"

I think you might be proving the point for me to be fair.

Are you saying that because his presence had the potential to stir up passion on both sides this is a valid reason to deport him…or just saying that it is part of the justification process the Australian government must’ve gone through?

I didn't say there _as any valid reasons to either let him stay or deport him. I said...

"The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination"

He has created a stir as he not?

Of course he’s created a stir - he _as placed in detention and declared a risk to public health _hen he arrived _ith (_hat he believed to be) the correct paper_ork. I think most people _ould have created a stir in a similar situation "

He kne_ it _as not correct! He tried to blame his staff for putting the _rong information.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ik MMan
over a year ago


"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination.

Really? Ho_ do you get to that conclusion? Merely admitting a preference to remain unjabbed is not (yet) against any la_s. If you think deporting someone _ased upon their (entirely legal) thoughts is reasonable then you’re beyond help

Take a look at the many Novak threads in here and tell me he hasn't dra_n a mountain of attention.

What help am I beyond out of interest?

Of course he’s dra_n a mountain of attention, but _as that do_n to him or Australia? I’ll say it again - he _ent (under the impression it _as entirely legal) to play tennis, end of story.

So you think it’s ok to punish people _ho think differently to you?

In reality, it is most likely that he thought that he had done enough to circumvent the rules. He claimed medical exemption he didn't qualify for, and lied on his paper_ork.

Also, yes of course it is alright to punish people for thinking differently, if that different line of thought leads them to break the la_.


None of _hich formed part of the case to deport him.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ik MMan
over a year ago


"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination.

Really? Ho_ do you get to that conclusion? Merely admitting a preference to remain unjabbed is not (yet) against any la_s. If you think deporting someone _ased upon their (entirely legal) thoughts is reasonable then you’re beyond help

Take a look at the many Novak threads in here and tell me he hasn't dra_n a mountain of attention.

What help am I beyond out of interest?

Of course he’s dra_n a mountain of attention, but _as that do_n to him or Australia? I’ll say it again - he _ent (under the impression it _as entirely legal) to play tennis, end of story.

So you think it’s ok to punish people _ho think differently to you?

I didn't say that, I said...

"The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination"

I think you might be proving the point for me to be fair.

Are you saying that because his presence had the potential to stir up passion on both sides this is a valid reason to deport him…or just saying that it is part of the justification process the Australian government must’ve gone through?

I didn't say there _as any valid reasons to either let him stay or deport him. I said...

"The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination"

He has created a stir as he not?

Of course he’s created a stir - he _as placed in detention and declared a risk to public health _hen he arrived _ith (_hat he believed to be) the correct paper_ork. I think most people _ould have created a stir in a similar situation

He kne_ it _as not correct! He tried to blame his staff for putting the _rong information. "

Are you saying that he kne_ prior to boarding his flight because I can’t believe for a minute that he _ould have gone in the first place if he’d kno_n _hat _ould unfold. Or that he created a story to circumvent the questions he _as getting?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination.

Really? Ho_ do you get to that conclusion? Merely admitting a preference to remain unjabbed is not (yet) against any la_s. If you think deporting someone _ased upon their (entirely legal) thoughts is reasonable then you’re beyond help

Take a look at the many Novak threads in here and tell me he hasn't dra_n a mountain of attention.

What help am I beyond out of interest?

Of course he’s dra_n a mountain of attention, but _as that do_n to him or Australia? I’ll say it again - he _ent (under the impression it _as entirely legal) to play tennis, end of story.

So you think it’s ok to punish people _ho think differently to you?

I didn't say that, I said...

"The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination"

I think you might be proving the point for me to be fair.

Are you saying that because his presence had the potential to stir up passion on both sides this is a valid reason to deport him…or just saying that it is part of the justification process the Australian government must’ve gone through?

I didn't say there _as any valid reasons to either let him stay or deport him. I said...

"The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination"

He has created a stir as he not?

Of course he’s created a stir - he _as placed in detention and declared a risk to public health _hen he arrived _ith (_hat he believed to be) the correct paper_ork. I think most people _ould have created a stir in a similar situation

He kne_ it _as not correct! He tried to blame his staff for putting the _rong information.

Are you saying that he kne_ prior to boarding his flight because I can’t believe for a minute that he _ould have gone in the first place if he’d kno_n _hat _ould unfold. Or that he created a story to circumvent the questions he _as getting? "

Yes I am saying that I genuinely think he thought he could be above the rules. He thought if he got on the plane and got to Australia they _ould let him in.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *heHookyMonsterMan
over a year ago


"Ho_ has this vaccine tested and proven??? Its only been made about a year ago so therefor no one kno_s the long term effects.. If there are or aren't any

Apparently they just altered the flu vaccine that _as already tested "

......as happens every year _ith the flu vaccine - and yet people still peddle their bullshit and conspiracy garbage on here and on every other social media outlet they can, time after time.

We squint at the sun because it's bright - _e squint at people because they're not.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *alcon43Woman
over a year ago


"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

The yello_ card scheme is a self declaration.

So yes a million people in the UK may _ell have reported an adverse _ay action but _e have no _ay of kno_ing if they _ere vaccine related not and it could have been something as mild as headache or fever.


I don’t trust the MHRA _ith the Yello_ Card scheme. 1000’s of _omen have recorded side effects and issues _ith mesh and they didn’t take any action. All of a sudden the side effects from 12 months of a vaccine are taken seriously _ith no corroboration.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The irony of nigel farage going over to Serbia to sympathise _ith his parents _hile for last 2 decades has been spouting the UK should adopt border controls like Australia, is laughable

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *nas_ingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"The irony of nigel farage going over to Serbia to sympathise _ith his parents _hile for last 2 decades has been spouting the UK should adopt border controls like Australia, is laughable"


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *hagTonightMan
over a year ago

From the land of haribos.

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness. "

This .

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ik MMan
over a year ago


"The irony of nigel farage going over to Serbia to sympathise _ith his parents _hile for last 2 decades has been spouting the UK should adopt border controls like Australia, is laughable"

I _asn’t a_are that Djokovic _as planning on moving to Australia permanently _ithout any means of supporting himself for the future - perhaps you could elaborate?

Mean_hile, _hile _e’re talking irony - most people _ho might usually despise a politician’s brand of populist machismo, and or deplore the quashing of legal verdicts by those politicians in election year, are quite happy, it seems, to see the Australian PM come out on top on this occasion. Quashing vaccine heresy no_ trumps most other considerations

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *e CapCouple
over a year ago


"People _ant facts not maybes, or might or could or should or possibly. There is no concrete conclusive and comprehensive information out there on covid-19 drug interaction studies, no toxicokinetic studies, no carcinogenicity studies, no studies on the long term affects effects on fertility or pregnancy studies that prove reliable long term safety data. There’s not enough long term data on a mass scale that has been collected yet to say that the jabs are very safe! People do have the right to ask questions, debate, choose _hat’s right for them and they need more truthful and factual ans_ers to these very serious questions but no scientist or doctor seems to be able to ans_er them fully because the long term data does not exist! Correct Information is needed, more transparency, more discussion, less misinformation, more understanding and kno_ledge about long term side affects of the jabs _hich is vital to people especially _hen governments all over the _orld are trying desperately to jab nearly every man, _oman and child on earth _ith a vaccine that has been made mandatory in some countries and its never been administered on such a large mass _orld_ide scale and population before _ith no long term safety data is _orrying to say the least. One big mass vaccine experiment as trials finish in 2023 _ith no conclusive safety data studies! This alone is very good reason _hy millions of people _orld_ide _on’t get the jab and no matter ho_ much persuasion, coercion, mandating, pressure and anti-vax calling _on’t change this. The simple fact is _ether you agree or not _ith the jabs, _ether your pro vac or not is that there are no long term safety data studies and this alone discredits any claim that theses jabs are going to be safe long term and because of this these jabs should never be made mandatory in any country on this planet! "

Completely agree

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *host63Man
over a year ago

Bedfont Feltham

He thought the rules did not apply due to his celebrity status. He found out other_ise. Why should he be treated differently from you or I?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness. "

There clearly is a need - healthcare professionals in my family and _ith _ho I am friends are quite clear, there is a problem and it’s gotten out of hand dangerously at times. This disease has killed many people and contributed to the deaths of many many more. It came out of no_here unannounced into a global population _ith no natural defenses against it It is not harmless.

The mRNA vaccines are ne_, AZ vaccine follo_s a more tried and trusted route. Ho_ever, the mRNA concept _as researched a long time ago and _as fully ready to be utilised as soon as a suitable disease came along. Guess _hat, every drug that’s ever helped _ith pain or treated a condition or saved a life, _as _idely used before the long term effects _ere kno_n. That’s ho_ it _orks. Yes, you have phase I, II, III, IV and so on, clinical trials along the journey _ith more and more patients involved all the time. The drug industry is relatively mature having evolved over the last 150 years or so. They aren’t perfect but generally they kno_ _hat they are doing. Sadly animal testing is often used, but it saves lives. Why are you overly anxious about this particular pharmaceutical? Ho_ many years of your lifetime do you personally _ait til a drug is considered “free of long term effects?” Are _e talking 20, 30, 40 years, or more? Ho_ does that benefit you if you _ait half a lifetime or more? Ho_ do you take anything?

To be honest the number of anti vaxx idiots I kno_ _ho smoke and have no problem taking street drugs and gym supplements are clearly mentally deranged to be questioning vaccines backed by published clinical data. As for a “current criminal investigation logged _ith the metropolitan police” anyone can bring a nuisance complaint, this one probably brought about by people _ho, in a moment of fantastic irony, have the stupid mentality to call other people ‘sheeple’ _hilst being manipulated into taking harmful action that undermines the public good by faceless anonymous strangers online, strangers _ho tell them _hat they _ant to hear and praise them for being special enough to kno_ the truth.

There is no_ a gro_ing number of anti vaxxers _ho are branching out challenging scientific orthodoxy in other areas, for example denying climate change.

In effect _e are regressing to the Middle Ages - science and reason are being undermined by noisy disruptive simpletons- rabid protestors _ho take direct action, yet are nothing but pa_ns and beggars to their o_n demise.

A vaccine _as clearly needed and it’s clearly saving lives. Over 90% of people requiring hospital treatment for covid in the UK, for at least the last 6 months, have been unvaccinated. Oh and they are getting younger. Do you ignore this sobering statistic because it doesn’t suit your agenda or support your argument and must therefore be a lie??? Imagine ho_ much better the NHS _ould be _ith 90% less selfish & misguided anti vaxx Covid patients, unnecessarily putting extra strain on the service unnecessarily.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness. "

Oh, there you are, the "medicinal chemist" _ho kno_s everything about vaccines and mRNA

The vaccines have been tested as _idely as any other medicine. More _idely no_.

The emergency licenses _as to allo_ a ne_ process _here _ork _as carried out in parallel.

The technology has been around for a long time and this is a development of it.

There is no "long term safety data" needed to license any medicine.

No medicine is 100% safe. Not even Paracetamol.

Reporting a symptom after a vaccination in no _ay means that there is a connection. There are very fe_ that have been linked. Pfizer in a certain age group of young men and AZ in a certain age group.

Statistically tiny and lo_er risk than severe Covid or the probability _ith no vaccine in the case of AZ.

More people have NOT died from these vaccines than any others.

There are, sadly, all sorts of "criminal investigations" lodged that _aste Police time. It does not make them valid.

Over the age of 15 you are more likely to die of Covid than Flu, unless you have had a vaccine.

You repeat incorrect data continually.

You are the least scientifically literate alleged "scientist" that has ever existed.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...


He's not an anti-vax hero, he's just a very naughty boy.

Shame the Australian government made such a hash of the process and used Ministerial po_ers outside the judiciary.

Ho_ever, they "have control of their borders" and _e, apparently, _ant to grant our Ministers similar extra-judicial po_ers so all good, right?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ldbutrandyMan
over a year ago

West Midlands

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

There clearly is a need - healthcare professionals in my family and _ith _ho I am friends are quite clear, there is a problem and it’s gotten out of hand dangerously at times. This disease has killed many people and contributed to the deaths of many many more. It came out of no_here unannounced into a global population _ith no natural defenses against it It is not harmless.

The mRNA vaccines are ne_, AZ vaccine follo_s a more tried and trusted route. Ho_ever, the mRNA concept _as researched a long time ago and _as fully ready to be utilised as soon as a suitable disease came along. Guess _hat, every drug that’s ever helped _ith pain or treated a condition or saved a life, _as _idely used before the long term effects _ere kno_n. That’s ho_ it _orks. Yes, you have phase I, II, III, IV and so on, clinical trials along the journey _ith more and more patients involved all the time. The drug industry is relatively mature having evolved over the last 150 years or so. They aren’t perfect but generally they kno_ _hat they are doing. Sadly animal testing is often used, but it saves lives. Why are you overly anxious about this particular pharmaceutical? Ho_ many years of your lifetime do you personally _ait til a drug is considered “free of long term effects?” Are _e talking 20, 30, 40 years, or more? Ho_ does that benefit you if you _ait half a lifetime or more? Ho_ do you take anything?

To be honest the number of anti vaxx idiots I kno_ _ho smoke and have no problem taking street drugs and gym supplements are clearly mentally deranged to be questioning vaccines backed by published clinical data. As for a “current criminal investigation logged _ith the metropolitan police” anyone can bring a nuisance complaint, this one probably brought about by people _ho, in a moment of fantastic irony, have the stupid mentality to call other people ‘sheeple’ _hilst being manipulated into taking harmful action that undermines the public good by faceless anonymous strangers online, strangers _ho tell them _hat they _ant to hear and praise them for being special enough to kno_ the truth.

There is no_ a gro_ing number of anti vaxxers _ho are branching out challenging scientific orthodoxy in other areas, for example denying climate change.

In effect _e are regressing to the Middle Ages - science and reason are being undermined by noisy disruptive simpletons- rabid protestors _ho take direct action, yet are nothing but pa_ns and beggars to their o_n demise.

A vaccine _as clearly needed and it’s clearly saving lives. Over 90% of people requiring hospital treatment for covid in the UK, for at least the last 6 months, have been unvaccinated. Oh and they are getting younger. Do you ignore this sobering statistic because it doesn’t suit your agenda or support your argument and must therefore be a lie??? Imagine ho_ much better the NHS _ould be _ith 90% less selfish & misguided anti vaxx Covid patients, unnecessarily putting extra strain on the service unnecessarily. "

At last. After reading every post for _hat seemed an eternity. An informed. Truthful sensible post _ased on actual science.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *heHookyMonsterMan
over a year ago


"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

There clearly is a need - healthcare professionals in my family and _ith _ho I am friends are quite clear, there is a problem and it’s gotten out of hand dangerously at times. This disease has killed many people and contributed to the deaths of many many more. It came out of no_here unannounced into a global population _ith no natural defenses against it It is not harmless.

The mRNA vaccines are ne_, AZ vaccine follo_s a more tried and trusted route. Ho_ever, the mRNA concept _as researched a long time ago and _as fully ready to be utilised as soon as a suitable disease came along. Guess _hat, every drug that’s ever helped _ith pain or treated a condition or saved a life, _as _idely used before the long term effects _ere kno_n. That’s ho_ it _orks. Yes, you have phase I, II, III, IV and so on, clinical trials along the journey _ith more and more patients involved all the time. The drug industry is relatively mature having evolved over the last 150 years or so. They aren’t perfect but generally they kno_ _hat they are doing. Sadly animal testing is often used, but it saves lives. Why are you overly anxious about this particular pharmaceutical? Ho_ many years of your lifetime do you personally _ait til a drug is considered “free of long term effects?” Are _e talking 20, 30, 40 years, or more? Ho_ does that benefit you if you _ait half a lifetime or more? Ho_ do you take anything?

To be honest the number of anti vaxx idiots I kno_ _ho smoke and have no problem taking street drugs and gym supplements are clearly mentally deranged to be questioning vaccines backed by published clinical data. As for a “current criminal investigation logged _ith the metropolitan police” anyone can bring a nuisance complaint, this one probably brought about by people _ho, in a moment of fantastic irony, have the stupid mentality to call other people ‘sheeple’ _hilst being manipulated into taking harmful action that undermines the public good by faceless anonymous strangers online, strangers _ho tell them _hat they _ant to hear and praise them for being special enough to kno_ the truth.

There is no_ a gro_ing number of anti vaxxers _ho are branching out challenging scientific orthodoxy in other areas, for example denying climate change.

In effect _e are regressing to the Middle Ages - science and reason are being undermined by noisy disruptive simpletons- rabid protestors _ho take direct action, yet are nothing but pa_ns and beggars to their o_n demise.

A vaccine _as clearly needed and it’s clearly saving lives. Over 90% of people requiring hospital treatment for covid in the UK, for at least the last 6 months, have been unvaccinated. Oh and they are getting younger. Do you ignore this sobering statistic because it doesn’t suit your agenda or support your argument and must therefore be a lie??? Imagine ho_ much better the NHS _ould be _ith 90% less selfish & misguided anti vaxx Covid patients, unnecessarily putting extra strain on the service unnecessarily. "

Bravo! If only the clo_ns and the criminally dangerous _ould stop the nonsense.

Having _orked in the medical _orld for 13 years and taught inside it for a further 5 I've lost count of the people _ithin it _ho are at their _its end _ith the misinformation being peddled, never mind being exhausted.

While being pro. vaccine I _ould never _ish to see one forced on anyone, nor _ould I look do_n on anyone _ho doesn't _ish to have it. That _ould set a very dangerous precedent, HOWEVER life is a series of choices (thank god) but _e're all responsible for those choices. The problem _e have in this day and age are those _ho arrogantly believe they are above everyone else and should be allo_ed to do as they please in everything, _hich includes Mr. Djokovic. I fully respect his right to not have been vaccinated, but I've lost every ounce of respect I had for him other_ise no_ in believing he's above rules and thinks he should be treated as 'special'. Why should he be above rules that apply to everyone else? He kne_ he had to be vaccinated to enter the country, but chose to go any_ay, just to dra_ attention to himself once again. You don't get to disrespect other nations la_s.

By all means don't get vaccinated. It doesn't mean you deserve to be disrespected fir it, but at least have the good grace to help stop the circulation of bullshit and crackpot 'statistics', _hich don't actually exist in reality. Ho_ about _e respect people's choices to have or have not, _ithout helping to perpetuate hysteria. We all have the right to choose _hat _e put into our bodies, but _e don't have the right as armchair experts to go out of our _ay to scaremonger. It's totally irresponsible.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"People _ant facts not maybes, or might or could or should or possibly. There is no concrete conclusive and comprehensive information out there on covid-19 drug interaction studies, no toxicokinetic studies, no carcinogenicity studies, no studies on the long term affects effects on fertility or pregnancy studies that prove reliable long term safety data. There’s not enough long term data on a mass scale that has been collected yet to say that the jabs are very safe! People do have the right to ask questions, debate, choose _hat’s right for them and they need more truthful and factual ans_ers to these very serious questions but no scientist or doctor seems to be able to ans_er them fully because the long term data does not exist! Correct Information is needed, more transparency, more discussion, less misinformation, more understanding and kno_ledge about long term side affects of the jabs _hich is vital to people especially _hen governments all over the _orld are trying desperately to jab nearly every man, _oman and child on earth _ith a vaccine that has been made mandatory in some countries and its never been administered on such a large mass _orld_ide scale and population before _ith no long term safety data is _orrying to say the least. One big mass vaccine experiment as trials finish in 2023 _ith no conclusive safety data studies! This alone is very good reason _hy millions of people _orld_ide _on’t get the jab and no matter ho_ much persuasion, coercion, mandating, pressure and anti-vax calling _on’t change this. The simple fact is _ether you agree or not _ith the jabs, _ether your pro vac or not is that there are no long term safety data studies and this alone discredits any claim that theses jabs are going to be safe long term and because of this these jabs should never be made mandatory in any country on this planet!

You don't understand, or _ant to understand, ho_ medicines are tested and approved. Your choice.

But the tired old trope being endlessly dragged out, about long term testing, is just not ho_ it's done. And, surprisingly enough, it's not going to be done like that _hen millions of lives are at risk during a crisis. This tired old nonsense has been done to death on here, beforehand on Facebook and else_here. It's a nonstory nonsense.

You search _here you _ant to. The literature is overflo_ing _ith fully accessible data and evidence. You don't need to get sucked in by anything that's 'not truthful or factual'. Though a simple understanding of the scientific method _ould clearly help you. "

One of the cancer lead compounds in synthesised _as taken to clinical trials and I understand the process and phases and I can assure you it is not possible to gather long term safety data in less than 1 year and certainly not before a clinical trial is concluded.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

There clearly is a need - healthcare professionals in my family and _ith _ho I am friends are quite clear, there is a problem and it’s gotten out of hand dangerously at times. This disease has killed many people and contributed to the deaths of many many more. It came out of no_here unannounced into a global population _ith no natural defenses against it It is not harmless.

The mRNA vaccines are ne_, AZ vaccine follo_s a more tried and trusted route. Ho_ever, the mRNA concept _as researched a long time ago and _as fully ready to be utilised as soon as a suitable disease came along. Guess _hat, every drug that’s ever helped _ith pain or treated a condition or saved a life, _as _idely used before the long term effects _ere kno_n. That’s ho_ it _orks. Yes, you have phase I, II, III, IV and so on, clinical trials along the journey _ith more and more patients involved all the time. The drug industry is relatively mature having evolved over the last 150 years or so. They aren’t perfect but generally they kno_ _hat they are doing. Sadly animal testing is often used, but it saves lives. Why are you overly anxious about this particular pharmaceutical? Ho_ many years of your lifetime do you personally _ait til a drug is considered “free of long term effects?” Are _e talking 20, 30, 40 years, or more? Ho_ does that benefit you if you _ait half a lifetime or more? Ho_ do you take anything?

To be honest the number of anti vaxx idiots I kno_ _ho smoke and have no problem taking street drugs and gym supplements are clearly mentally deranged to be questioning vaccines backed by published clinical data. As for a “current criminal investigation logged _ith the metropolitan police” anyone can bring a nuisance complaint, this one probably brought about by people _ho, in a moment of fantastic irony, have the stupid mentality to call other people ‘sheeple’ _hilst being manipulated into taking harmful action that undermines the public good by faceless anonymous strangers online, strangers _ho tell them _hat they _ant to hear and praise them for being special enough to kno_ the truth.

There is no_ a gro_ing number of anti vaxxers _ho are branching out challenging scientific orthodoxy in other areas, for example denying climate change.

In effect _e are regressing to the Middle Ages - science and reason are being undermined by noisy disruptive simpletons- rabid protestors _ho take direct action, yet are nothing but pa_ns and beggars to their o_n demise.

A vaccine _as clearly needed and it’s clearly saving lives. Over 90% of people requiring hospital treatment for covid in the UK, for at least the last 6 months, have been unvaccinated. Oh and they are getting younger. Do you ignore this sobering statistic because it doesn’t suit your agenda or support your argument and must therefore be a lie??? Imagine ho_ much better the NHS _ould be _ith 90% less selfish & misguided anti vaxx Covid patients, unnecessarily putting extra strain on the service unnecessarily.

At last. After reading every post for _hat seemed an eternity. An informed. Truthful sensible post _ased on actual science. "

That's not true. Go to public health England surveillance report for January. Pages 39-43, it's there in black and _hite. Also public health Scotland. There are 20% cases, hospitalisations and deaths amongst people _ho have received 0 doses. The remaining 80% are made up of vaccinated individuals mainly double vaccinated.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

Oh, there you are, the "medicinal chemist" _ho kno_s everything about vaccines and mRNA

The vaccines have been tested as _idely as any other medicine. More _idely no_.

The emergency licenses _as to allo_ a ne_ process _here _ork _as carried out in parallel.

The technology has been around for a long time and this is a development of it.

There is no "long term safety data" needed to license any medicine.

No medicine is 100% safe. Not even Paracetamol.

Reporting a symptom after a vaccination in no _ay means that there is a connection. There are very fe_ that have been linked. Pfizer in a certain age group of young men and AZ in a certain age group.

Statistically tiny and lo_er risk than severe Covid or the probability _ith no vaccine in the case of AZ.

More people have NOT died from these vaccines than any others.

There are, sadly, all sorts of "criminal investigations" lodged that _aste Police time. It does not make them valid.

Over the age of 15 you are more likely to die of Covid than Flu, unless you have had a vaccine.

You repeat incorrect data continually.

You are the least scientifically literate alleged "scientist" that has ever existed."

So if a 14 year old child dies from a reaction to the vaccine it's _asting police time?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

The yello_ card scheme is a self declaration.

So yes a million people in the UK may _ell have reported an adverse _ay action but _e have no _ay of kno_ing if they _ere vaccine related not and it could have been something as mild as headache or fever.

I don’t trust the MHRA _ith the Yello_ Card scheme. 1000’s of _omen have recorded side effects and issues _ith mesh and they didn’t take any action. All of a sudden the side effects from 12 months of a vaccine are taken seriously _ith no corroboration. "

But you trust cases and deaths _ith 28 days statistics.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Ho_ has this vaccine tested and proven??? Its only been made about a year ago so therefor no one kno_s the long term effects.. If there are or aren't any

Apparently they just altered the flu vaccine that _as already tested "

Please tell me you're not being serious. This is the level of understanding of these vaccines amongst the population and _e're called the nuts. This is so _rong it's dangerous.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ayjay218Man
over a year ago


"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

There clearly is a need - healthcare professionals in my family and _ith _ho I am friends are quite clear, there is a problem and it’s gotten out of hand dangerously at times. This disease has killed many people and contributed to the deaths of many many more. It came out of no_here unannounced into a global population _ith no natural defenses against it It is not harmless.

The mRNA vaccines are ne_, AZ vaccine follo_s a more tried and trusted route. Ho_ever, the mRNA concept _as researched a long time ago and _as fully ready to be utilised as soon as a suitable disease came along. Guess _hat, every drug that’s ever helped _ith pain or treated a condition or saved a life, _as _idely used before the long term effects _ere kno_n. That’s ho_ it _orks. Yes, you have phase I, II, III, IV and so on, clinical trials along the journey _ith more and more patients involved all the time. The drug industry is relatively mature having evolved over the last 150 years or so. They aren’t perfect but generally they kno_ _hat they are doing. Sadly animal testing is often used, but it saves lives. Why are you overly anxious about this particular pharmaceutical? Ho_ many years of your lifetime do you personally _ait til a drug is considered “free of long term effects?” Are _e talking 20, 30, 40 years, or more? Ho_ does that benefit you if you _ait half a lifetime or more? Ho_ do you take anything?

To be honest the number of anti vaxx idiots I kno_ _ho smoke and have no problem taking street drugs and gym supplements are clearly mentally deranged to be questioning vaccines backed by published clinical data. As for a “current criminal investigation logged _ith the metropolitan police” anyone can bring a nuisance complaint, this one probably brought about by people _ho, in a moment of fantastic irony, have the stupid mentality to call other people ‘sheeple’ _hilst being manipulated into taking harmful action that undermines the public good by faceless anonymous strangers online, strangers _ho tell them _hat they _ant to hear and praise them for being special enough to kno_ the truth.

There is no_ a gro_ing number of anti vaxxers _ho are branching out challenging scientific orthodoxy in other areas, for example denying climate change.

In effect _e are regressing to the Middle Ages - science and reason are being undermined by noisy disruptive simpletons- rabid protestors _ho take direct action, yet are nothing but pa_ns and beggars to their o_n demise.

A vaccine _as clearly needed and it’s clearly saving lives. Over 90% of people requiring hospital treatment for covid in the UK, for at least the last 6 months, have been unvaccinated. Oh and they are getting younger. Do you ignore this sobering statistic because it doesn’t suit your agenda or support your argument and must therefore be a lie??? Imagine ho_ much better the NHS _ould be _ith 90% less selfish & misguided anti vaxx Covid patients, unnecessarily putting extra strain on the service unnecessarily.

At last. After reading every post for _hat seemed an eternity. An informed. Truthful sensible post _ased on actual science.

That's not true. Go to public health England surveillance report for January. Pages 39-43, it's there in black and _hite. Also public health Scotland. There are 20% cases, hospitalisations and deaths amongst people _ho have received 0 doses. The remaining 80% are made up of vaccinated individuals mainly double vaccinated. "

in black and _hite you say? Ho_ many statistics/data/medical journals etc that are in black and _hite have you chosen to ignore or disregard as inaccurate, false, propaganda?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

There clearly is a need - healthcare professionals in my family and _ith _ho I am friends are quite clear, there is a problem and it’s gotten out of hand dangerously at times. This disease has killed many people and contributed to the deaths of many many more. It came out of no_here unannounced into a global population _ith no natural defenses against it It is not harmless.

The mRNA vaccines are ne_, AZ vaccine follo_s a more tried and trusted route. Ho_ever, the mRNA concept _as researched a long time ago and _as fully ready to be utilised as soon as a suitable disease came along. Guess _hat, every drug that’s ever helped _ith pain or treated a condition or saved a life, _as _idely used before the long term effects _ere kno_n. That’s ho_ it _orks. Yes, you have phase I, II, III, IV and so on, clinical trials along the journey _ith more and more patients involved all the time. The drug industry is relatively mature having evolved over the last 150 years or so. They aren’t perfect but generally they kno_ _hat they are doing. Sadly animal testing is often used, but it saves lives. Why are you overly anxious about this particular pharmaceutical? Ho_ many years of your lifetime do you personally _ait til a drug is considered “free of long term effects?” Are _e talking 20, 30, 40 years, or more? Ho_ does that benefit you if you _ait half a lifetime or more? Ho_ do you take anything?

To be honest the number of anti vaxx idiots I kno_ _ho smoke and have no problem taking street drugs and gym supplements are clearly mentally deranged to be questioning vaccines backed by published clinical data. As for a “current criminal investigation logged _ith the metropolitan police” anyone can bring a nuisance complaint, this one probably brought about by people _ho, in a moment of fantastic irony, have the stupid mentality to call other people ‘sheeple’ _hilst being manipulated into taking harmful action that undermines the public good by faceless anonymous strangers online, strangers _ho tell them _hat they _ant to hear and praise them for being special enough to kno_ the truth.

There is no_ a gro_ing number of anti vaxxers _ho are branching out challenging scientific orthodoxy in other areas, for example denying climate change.

In effect _e are regressing to the Middle Ages - science and reason are being undermined by noisy disruptive simpletons- rabid protestors _ho take direct action, yet are nothing but pa_ns and beggars to their o_n demise.

A vaccine _as clearly needed and it’s clearly saving lives. Over 90% of people requiring hospital treatment for covid in the UK, for at least the last 6 months, have been unvaccinated. Oh and they are getting younger. Do you ignore this sobering statistic because it doesn’t suit your agenda or support your argument and must therefore be a lie??? Imagine ho_ much better the NHS _ould be _ith 90% less selfish & misguided anti vaxx Covid patients, unnecessarily putting extra strain on the service unnecessarily.

At last. After reading every post for _hat seemed an eternity. An informed. Truthful sensible post _ased on actual science.

That's not true. Go to public health England surveillance report for January. Pages 39-43, it's there in black and _hite. Also public health Scotland. There are 20% cases, hospitalisations and deaths amongst people _ho have received 0 doses. The remaining 80% are made up of vaccinated individuals mainly double vaccinated. in black and _hite you say? Ho_ many statistics/data/medical journals etc that are in black and _hite have you chosen to ignore or disregard as inaccurate, false, propaganda? "

Have you just done _hat you're accusing me of? Go look then come back.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

There clearly is a need - healthcare professionals in my family and _ith _ho I am friends are quite clear, there is a problem and it’s gotten out of hand dangerously at times. This disease has killed many people and contributed to the deaths of many many more. It came out of no_here unannounced into a global population _ith no natural defenses against it It is not harmless.

The mRNA vaccines are ne_, AZ vaccine follo_s a more tried and trusted route. Ho_ever, the mRNA concept _as researched a long time ago and _as fully ready to be utilised as soon as a suitable disease came along. Guess _hat, every drug that’s ever helped _ith pain or treated a condition or saved a life, _as _idely used before the long term effects _ere kno_n. That’s ho_ it _orks. Yes, you have phase I, II, III, IV and so on, clinical trials along the journey _ith more and more patients involved all the time. The drug industry is relatively mature having evolved over the last 150 years or so. They aren’t perfect but generally they kno_ _hat they are doing. Sadly animal testing is often used, but it saves lives. Why are you overly anxious about this particular pharmaceutical? Ho_ many years of your lifetime do you personally _ait til a drug is considered “free of long term effects?” Are _e talking 20, 30, 40 years, or more? Ho_ does that benefit you if you _ait half a lifetime or more? Ho_ do you take anything?

To be honest the number of anti vaxx idiots I kno_ _ho smoke and have no problem taking street drugs and gym supplements are clearly mentally deranged to be questioning vaccines backed by published clinical data. As for a “current criminal investigation logged _ith the metropolitan police” anyone can bring a nuisance complaint, this one probably brought about by people _ho, in a moment of fantastic irony, have the stupid mentality to call other people ‘sheeple’ _hilst being manipulated into taking harmful action that undermines the public good by faceless anonymous strangers online, strangers _ho tell them _hat they _ant to hear and praise them for being special enough to kno_ the truth.

There is no_ a gro_ing number of anti vaxxers _ho are branching out challenging scientific orthodoxy in other areas, for example denying climate change.

In effect _e are regressing to the Middle Ages - science and reason are being undermined by noisy disruptive simpletons- rabid protestors _ho take direct action, yet are nothing but pa_ns and beggars to their o_n demise.

A vaccine _as clearly needed and it’s clearly saving lives. Over 90% of people requiring hospital treatment for covid in the UK, for at least the last 6 months, have been unvaccinated. Oh and they are getting younger. Do you ignore this sobering statistic because it doesn’t suit your agenda or support your argument and must therefore be a lie??? Imagine ho_ much better the NHS _ould be _ith 90% less selfish & misguided anti vaxx Covid patients, unnecessarily putting extra strain on the service unnecessarily.

At last. After reading every post for _hat seemed an eternity. An informed. Truthful sensible post _ased on actual science. "

Science you didn't verify just took as gospel. Go look pages 39-43 phe surveillance report

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ayjay218Man
over a year ago


"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

There clearly is a need - healthcare professionals in my family and _ith _ho I am friends are quite clear, there is a problem and it’s gotten out of hand dangerously at times. This disease has killed many people and contributed to the deaths of many many more. It came out of no_here unannounced into a global population _ith no natural defenses against it It is not harmless.

The mRNA vaccines are ne_, AZ vaccine follo_s a more tried and trusted route. Ho_ever, the mRNA concept _as researched a long time ago and _as fully ready to be utilised as soon as a suitable disease came along. Guess _hat, every drug that’s ever helped _ith pain or treated a condition or saved a life, _as _idely used before the long term effects _ere kno_n. That’s ho_ it _orks. Yes, you have phase I, II, III, IV and so on, clinical trials along the journey _ith more and more patients involved all the time. The drug industry is relatively mature having evolved over the last 150 years or so. They aren’t perfect but generally they kno_ _hat they are doing. Sadly animal testing is often used, but it saves lives. Why are you overly anxious about this particular pharmaceutical? Ho_ many years of your lifetime do you personally _ait til a drug is considered “free of long term effects?” Are _e talking 20, 30, 40 years, or more? Ho_ does that benefit you if you _ait half a lifetime or more? Ho_ do you take anything?

To be honest the number of anti vaxx idiots I kno_ _ho smoke and have no problem taking street drugs and gym supplements are clearly mentally deranged to be questioning vaccines backed by published clinical data. As for a “current criminal investigation logged _ith the metropolitan police” anyone can bring a nuisance complaint, this one probably brought about by people _ho, in a moment of fantastic irony, have the stupid mentality to call other people ‘sheeple’ _hilst being manipulated into taking harmful action that undermines the public good by faceless anonymous strangers online, strangers _ho tell them _hat they _ant to hear and praise them for being special enough to kno_ the truth.

There is no_ a gro_ing number of anti vaxxers _ho are branching out challenging scientific orthodoxy in other areas, for example denying climate change.

In effect _e are regressing to the Middle Ages - science and reason are being undermined by noisy disruptive simpletons- rabid protestors _ho take direct action, yet are nothing but pa_ns and beggars to their o_n demise.

A vaccine _as clearly needed and it’s clearly saving lives. Over 90% of people requiring hospital treatment for covid in the UK, for at least the last 6 months, have been unvaccinated. Oh and they are getting younger. Do you ignore this sobering statistic because it doesn’t suit your agenda or support your argument and must therefore be a lie??? Imagine ho_ much better the NHS _ould be _ith 90% less selfish & misguided anti vaxx Covid patients, unnecessarily putting extra strain on the service unnecessarily.

At last. After reading every post for _hat seemed an eternity. An informed. Truthful sensible post _ased on actual science.

That's not true. Go to public health England surveillance report for January. Pages 39-43, it's there in black and _hite. Also public health Scotland. There are 20% cases, hospitalisations and deaths amongst people _ho have received 0 doses. The remaining 80% are made up of vaccinated individuals mainly double vaccinated. in black and _hite you say? Ho_ many statistics/data/medical journals etc that are in black and _hite have you chosen to ignore or disregard as inaccurate, false, propaganda?

Have you just done _hat you're accusing me of? Go look then come back. "

Touché! So I’m guilty as charged! Does that mean you have not done any of that of the question I asked? Not an accusation _hich I’d say _ould be a statement!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

There clearly is a need - healthcare professionals in my family and _ith _ho I am friends are quite clear, there is a problem and it’s gotten out of hand dangerously at times. This disease has killed many people and contributed to the deaths of many many more. It came out of no_here unannounced into a global population _ith no natural defenses against it It is not harmless.

The mRNA vaccines are ne_, AZ vaccine follo_s a more tried and trusted route. Ho_ever, the mRNA concept _as researched a long time ago and _as fully ready to be utilised as soon as a suitable disease came along. Guess _hat, every drug that’s ever helped _ith pain or treated a condition or saved a life, _as _idely used before the long term effects _ere kno_n. That’s ho_ it _orks. Yes, you have phase I, II, III, IV and so on, clinical trials along the journey _ith more and more patients involved all the time. The drug industry is relatively mature having evolved over the last 150 years or so. They aren’t perfect but generally they kno_ _hat they are doing. Sadly animal testing is often used, but it saves lives. Why are you overly anxious about this particular pharmaceutical? Ho_ many years of your lifetime do you personally _ait til a drug is considered “free of long term effects?” Are _e talking 20, 30, 40 years, or more? Ho_ does that benefit you if you _ait half a lifetime or more? Ho_ do you take anything?

To be honest the number of anti vaxx idiots I kno_ _ho smoke and have no problem taking street drugs and gym supplements are clearly mentally deranged to be questioning vaccines backed by published clinical data. As for a “current criminal investigation logged _ith the metropolitan police” anyone can bring a nuisance complaint, this one probably brought about by people _ho, in a moment of fantastic irony, have the stupid mentality to call other people ‘sheeple’ _hilst being manipulated into taking harmful action that undermines the public good by faceless anonymous strangers online, strangers _ho tell them _hat they _ant to hear and praise them for being special enough to kno_ the truth.

There is no_ a gro_ing number of anti vaxxers _ho are branching out challenging scientific orthodoxy in other areas, for example denying climate change.

In effect _e are regressing to the Middle Ages - science and reason are being undermined by noisy disruptive simpletons- rabid protestors _ho take direct action, yet are nothing but pa_ns and beggars to their o_n demise.

A vaccine _as clearly needed and it’s clearly saving lives. Over 90% of people requiring hospital treatment for covid in the UK, for at least the last 6 months, have been unvaccinated. Oh and they are getting younger. Do you ignore this sobering statistic because it doesn’t suit your agenda or support your argument and must therefore be a lie??? Imagine ho_ much better the NHS _ould be _ith 90% less selfish & misguided anti vaxx Covid patients, unnecessarily putting extra strain on the service unnecessarily.

At last. After reading every post for _hat seemed an eternity. An informed. Truthful sensible post _ased on actual science.

That's not true. Go to public health England surveillance report for January. Pages 39-43, it's there in black and _hite. Also public health Scotland. There are 20% cases, hospitalisations and deaths amongst people _ho have received 0 doses. The remaining 80% are made up of vaccinated individuals mainly double vaccinated. in black and _hite you say? Ho_ many statistics/data/medical journals etc that are in black and _hite have you chosen to ignore or disregard as inaccurate, false, propaganda?

Have you just done _hat you're accusing me of? Go look then come back. Touché! So I’m guilty as charged! Does that mean you have not done any of that of the question I asked? Not an accusation _hich I’d say _ould be a statement!"

Can you please point me to the journals you talk about because I really _ant to make sure I am not being biased so please enlighten me.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ayjay218Man
over a year ago


"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

There clearly is a need - healthcare professionals in my family and _ith _ho I am friends are quite clear, there is a problem and it’s gotten out of hand dangerously at times. This disease has killed many people and contributed to the deaths of many many more. It came out of no_here unannounced into a global population _ith no natural defenses against it It is not harmless.

The mRNA vaccines are ne_, AZ vaccine follo_s a more tried and trusted route. Ho_ever, the mRNA concept _as researched a long time ago and _as fully ready to be utilised as soon as a suitable disease came along. Guess _hat, every drug that’s ever helped _ith pain or treated a condition or saved a life, _as _idely used before the long term effects _ere kno_n. That’s ho_ it _orks. Yes, you have phase I, II, III, IV and so on, clinical trials along the journey _ith more and more patients involved all the time. The drug industry is relatively mature having evolved over the last 150 years or so. They aren’t perfect but generally they kno_ _hat they are doing. Sadly animal testing is often used, but it saves lives. Why are you overly anxious about this particular pharmaceutical? Ho_ many years of your lifetime do you personally _ait til a drug is considered “free of long term effects?” Are _e talking 20, 30, 40 years, or more? Ho_ does that benefit you if you _ait half a lifetime or more? Ho_ do you take anything?

To be honest the number of anti vaxx idiots I kno_ _ho smoke and have no problem taking street drugs and gym supplements are clearly mentally deranged to be questioning vaccines backed by published clinical data. As for a “current criminal investigation logged _ith the metropolitan police” anyone can bring a nuisance complaint, this one probably brought about by people _ho, in a moment of fantastic irony, have the stupid mentality to call other people ‘sheeple’ _hilst being manipulated into taking harmful action that undermines the public good by faceless anonymous strangers online, strangers _ho tell them _hat they _ant to hear and praise them for being special enough to kno_ the truth.

There is no_ a gro_ing number of anti vaxxers _ho are branching out challenging scientific orthodoxy in other areas, for example denying climate change.

In effect _e are regressing to the Middle Ages - science and reason are being undermined by noisy disruptive simpletons- rabid protestors _ho take direct action, yet are nothing but pa_ns and beggars to their o_n demise.

A vaccine _as clearly needed and it’s clearly saving lives. Over 90% of people requiring hospital treatment for covid in the UK, for at least the last 6 months, have been unvaccinated. Oh and they are getting younger. Do you ignore this sobering statistic because it doesn’t suit your agenda or support your argument and must therefore be a lie??? Imagine ho_ much better the NHS _ould be _ith 90% less selfish & misguided anti vaxx Covid patients, unnecessarily putting extra strain on the service unnecessarily.

At last. After reading every post for _hat seemed an eternity. An informed. Truthful sensible post _ased on actual science.

That's not true. Go to public health England surveillance report for January. Pages 39-43, it's there in black and _hite. Also public health Scotland. There are 20% cases, hospitalisations and deaths amongst people _ho have received 0 doses. The remaining 80% are made up of vaccinated individuals mainly double vaccinated. in black and _hite you say? Ho_ many statistics/data/medical journals etc that are in black and _hite have you chosen to ignore or disregard as inaccurate, false, propaganda?

Have you just done _hat you're accusing me of? Go look then come back. Touché! So I’m guilty as charged! Does that mean you have not done any of that of the question I asked? Not an accusation _hich I’d say _ould be a statement!

Can you please point me to the journals you talk about because I really _ant to make sure I am not being biased so please enlighten me. "

I’m sure you can find them if you _anted to! I do kno_ many people believe that the vaccination and ne_ly developed treatments have saved their lives and that of many many more. I am sure nobody _ho took their choice not to have the vaccination thinks that that has saved their life!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

There clearly is a need - healthcare professionals in my family and _ith _ho I am friends are quite clear, there is a problem and it’s gotten out of hand dangerously at times. This disease has killed many people and contributed to the deaths of many many more. It came out of no_here unannounced into a global population _ith no natural defenses against it It is not harmless.

The mRNA vaccines are ne_, AZ vaccine follo_s a more tried and trusted route. Ho_ever, the mRNA concept _as researched a long time ago and _as fully ready to be utilised as soon as a suitable disease came along. Guess _hat, every drug that’s ever helped _ith pain or treated a condition or saved a life, _as _idely used before the long term effects _ere kno_n. That’s ho_ it _orks. Yes, you have phase I, II, III, IV and so on, clinical trials along the journey _ith more and more patients involved all the time. The drug industry is relatively mature having evolved over the last 150 years or so. They aren’t perfect but generally they kno_ _hat they are doing. Sadly animal testing is often used, but it saves lives. Why are you overly anxious about this particular pharmaceutical? Ho_ many years of your lifetime do you personally _ait til a drug is considered “free of long term effects?” Are _e talking 20, 30, 40 years, or more? Ho_ does that benefit you if you _ait half a lifetime or more? Ho_ do you take anything?

To be honest the number of anti vaxx idiots I kno_ _ho smoke and have no problem taking street drugs and gym supplements are clearly mentally deranged to be questioning vaccines backed by published clinical data. As for a “current criminal investigation logged _ith the metropolitan police” anyone can bring a nuisance complaint, this one probably brought about by people _ho, in a moment of fantastic irony, have the stupid mentality to call other people ‘sheeple’ _hilst being manipulated into taking harmful action that undermines the public good by faceless anonymous strangers online, strangers _ho tell them _hat they _ant to hear and praise them for being special enough to kno_ the truth.

There is no_ a gro_ing number of anti vaxxers _ho are branching out challenging scientific orthodoxy in other areas, for example denying climate change.

In effect _e are regressing to the Middle Ages - science and reason are being undermined by noisy disruptive simpletons- rabid protestors _ho take direct action, yet are nothing but pa_ns and beggars to their o_n demise.

A vaccine _as clearly needed and it’s clearly saving lives. Over 90% of people requiring hospital treatment for covid in the UK, for at least the last 6 months, have been unvaccinated. Oh and they are getting younger. Do you ignore this sobering statistic because it doesn’t suit your agenda or support your argument and must therefore be a lie??? Imagine ho_ much better the NHS _ould be _ith 90% less selfish & misguided anti vaxx Covid patients, unnecessarily putting extra strain on the service unnecessarily.

At last. After reading every post for _hat seemed an eternity. An informed. Truthful sensible post _ased on actual science.

That's not true. Go to public health England surveillance report for January. Pages 39-43, it's there in black and _hite. Also public health Scotland. There are 20% cases, hospitalisations and deaths amongst people _ho have received 0 doses. The remaining 80% are made up of vaccinated individuals mainly double vaccinated. in black and _hite you say? Ho_ many statistics/data/medical journals etc that are in black and _hite have you chosen to ignore or disregard as inaccurate, false, propaganda?

Have you just done _hat you're accusing me of? Go look then come back. Touché! So I’m guilty as charged! Does that mean you have not done any of that of the question I asked? Not an accusation _hich I’d say _ould be a statement!

Can you please point me to the journals you talk about because I really _ant to make sure I am not being biased so please enlighten me. I’m sure you can find them if you _anted to! I do kno_ many people believe that the vaccination and ne_ly developed treatments have saved their lives and that of many many more. I am sure nobody _ho took their choice not to have the vaccination thinks that that has saved their life! "

The statistics sho_ Im at absolutely zero risk for Covid 19 so I didn't have it. I _as given Covid by a vaccinated person playing squash. I had mild symptoms and isolated, didn't pass it to anyone.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

There clearly is a need - healthcare professionals in my family and _ith _ho I am friends are quite clear, there is a problem and it’s gotten out of hand dangerously at times. This disease has killed many people and contributed to the deaths of many many more. It came out of no_here unannounced into a global population _ith no natural defenses against it It is not harmless.

The mRNA vaccines are ne_, AZ vaccine follo_s a more tried and trusted route. Ho_ever, the mRNA concept _as researched a long time ago and _as fully ready to be utilised as soon as a suitable disease came along. Guess _hat, every drug that’s ever helped _ith pain or treated a condition or saved a life, _as _idely used before the long term effects _ere kno_n. That’s ho_ it _orks. Yes, you have phase I, II, III, IV and so on, clinical trials along the journey _ith more and more patients involved all the time. The drug industry is relatively mature having evolved over the last 150 years or so. They aren’t perfect but generally they kno_ _hat they are doing. Sadly animal testing is often used, but it saves lives. Why are you overly anxious about this particular pharmaceutical? Ho_ many years of your lifetime do you personally _ait til a drug is considered “free of long term effects?” Are _e talking 20, 30, 40 years, or more? Ho_ does that benefit you if you _ait half a lifetime or more? Ho_ do you take anything?

To be honest the number of anti vaxx idiots I kno_ _ho smoke and have no problem taking street drugs and gym supplements are clearly mentally deranged to be questioning vaccines backed by published clinical data. As for a “current criminal investigation logged _ith the metropolitan police” anyone can bring a nuisance complaint, this one probably brought about by people _ho, in a moment of fantastic irony, have the stupid mentality to call other people ‘sheeple’ _hilst being manipulated into taking harmful action that undermines the public good by faceless anonymous strangers online, strangers _ho tell them _hat they _ant to hear and praise them for being special enough to kno_ the truth.

There is no_ a gro_ing number of anti vaxxers _ho are branching out challenging scientific orthodoxy in other areas, for example denying climate change.

In effect _e are regressing to the Middle Ages - science and reason are being undermined by noisy disruptive simpletons- rabid protestors _ho take direct action, yet are nothing but pa_ns and beggars to their o_n demise.

A vaccine _as clearly needed and it’s clearly saving lives. Over 90% of people requiring hospital treatment for covid in the UK, for at least the last 6 months, have been unvaccinated. Oh and they are getting younger. Do you ignore this sobering statistic because it doesn’t suit your agenda or support your argument and must therefore be a lie??? Imagine ho_ much better the NHS _ould be _ith 90% less selfish & misguided anti vaxx Covid patients, unnecessarily putting extra strain on the service unnecessarily.

At last. After reading every post for _hat seemed an eternity. An informed. Truthful sensible post _ased on actual science.

That's not true. Go to public health England surveillance report for January. Pages 39-43, it's there in black and _hite. Also public health Scotland. There are 20% cases, hospitalisations and deaths amongst people _ho have received 0 doses. The remaining 80% are made up of vaccinated individuals mainly double vaccinated. in black and _hite you say? Ho_ many statistics/data/medical journals etc that are in black and _hite have you chosen to ignore or disregard as inaccurate, false, propaganda?

Have you just done _hat you're accusing me of? Go look then come back. Touché! So I’m guilty as charged! Does that mean you have not done any of that of the question I asked? Not an accusation _hich I’d say _ould be a statement!

Can you please point me to the journals you talk about because I really _ant to make sure I am not being biased so please enlighten me. I’m sure you can find them if you _anted to! I do kno_ many people believe that the vaccination and ne_ly developed treatments have saved their lives and that of many many more. I am sure nobody _ho took their choice not to have the vaccination thinks that that has saved their life! "

Fact is you can't reference anything because you actually haven't a clue. Just coming out _ith bull shit statements. I can ho_ever point you to over 1000 research papers shno_ing Covid vaccine harms and deaths.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ayjay218Man
over a year ago


"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

There clearly is a need - healthcare professionals in my family and _ith _ho I am friends are quite clear, there is a problem and it’s gotten out of hand dangerously at times. This disease has killed many people and contributed to the deaths of many many more. It came out of no_here unannounced into a global population _ith no natural defenses against it It is not harmless.

The mRNA vaccines are ne_, AZ vaccine follo_s a more tried and trusted route. Ho_ever, the mRNA concept _as researched a long time ago and _as fully ready to be utilised as soon as a suitable disease came along. Guess _hat, every drug that’s ever helped _ith pain or treated a condition or saved a life, _as _idely used before the long term effects _ere kno_n. That’s ho_ it _orks. Yes, you have phase I, II, III, IV and so on, clinical trials along the journey _ith more and more patients involved all the time. The drug industry is relatively mature having evolved over the last 150 years or so. They aren’t perfect but generally they kno_ _hat they are doing. Sadly animal testing is often used, but it saves lives. Why are you overly anxious about this particular pharmaceutical? Ho_ many years of your lifetime do you personally _ait til a drug is considered “free of long term effects?” Are _e talking 20, 30, 40 years, or more? Ho_ does that benefit you if you _ait half a lifetime or more? Ho_ do you take anything?

To be honest the number of anti vaxx idiots I kno_ _ho smoke and have no problem taking street drugs and gym supplements are clearly mentally deranged to be questioning vaccines backed by published clinical data. As for a “current criminal investigation logged _ith the metropolitan police” anyone can bring a nuisance complaint, this one probably brought about by people _ho, in a moment of fantastic irony, have the stupid mentality to call other people ‘sheeple’ _hilst being manipulated into taking harmful action that undermines the public good by faceless anonymous strangers online, strangers _ho tell them _hat they _ant to hear and praise them for being special enough to kno_ the truth.

There is no_ a gro_ing number of anti vaxxers _ho are branching out challenging scientific orthodoxy in other areas, for example denying climate change.

In effect _e are regressing to the Middle Ages - science and reason are being undermined by noisy disruptive simpletons- rabid protestors _ho take direct action, yet are nothing but pa_ns and beggars to their o_n demise.

A vaccine _as clearly needed and it’s clearly saving lives. Over 90% of people requiring hospital treatment for covid in the UK, for at least the last 6 months, have been unvaccinated. Oh and they are getting younger. Do you ignore this sobering statistic because it doesn’t suit your agenda or support your argument and must therefore be a lie??? Imagine ho_ much better the NHS _ould be _ith 90% less selfish & misguided anti vaxx Covid patients, unnecessarily putting extra strain on the service unnecessarily.

At last. After reading every post for _hat seemed an eternity. An informed. Truthful sensible post _ased on actual science.

That's not true. Go to public health England surveillance report for January. Pages 39-43, it's there in black and _hite. Also public health Scotland. There are 20% cases, hospitalisations and deaths amongst people _ho have received 0 doses. The remaining 80% are made up of vaccinated individuals mainly double vaccinated. in black and _hite you say? Ho_ many statistics/data/medical journals etc that are in black and _hite have you chosen to ignore or disregard as inaccurate, false, propaganda?

Have you just done _hat you're accusing me of? Go look then come back. Touché! So I’m guilty as charged! Does that mean you have not done any of that of the question I asked? Not an accusation _hich I’d say _ould be a statement!

Can you please point me to the journals you talk about because I really _ant to make sure I am not being biased so please enlighten me. I’m sure you can find them if you _anted to! I do kno_ many people believe that the vaccination and ne_ly developed treatments have saved their lives and that of many many more. I am sure nobody _ho took their choice not to have the vaccination thinks that that has saved their life!

The statistics sho_ Im at absolutely zero risk for Covid 19 so I didn't have it. I _as given Covid by a vaccinated person playing squash. I had mild symptoms and isolated, didn't pass it to anyone. "

that is good that you only had mild symptoms and of course vaccinated people can have covid and pass it on I don’t think anyone is claiming other_ise. Ho_ you can actually tell for sure _ho it _as you contracted it from? Absolute zero that is surely not true? People similar to yourself have unfortunately died of covid

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ayjay218Man
over a year ago


"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

There clearly is a need - healthcare professionals in my family and _ith _ho I am friends are quite clear, there is a problem and it’s gotten out of hand dangerously at times. This disease has killed many people and contributed to the deaths of many many more. It came out of no_here unannounced into a global population _ith no natural defenses against it It is not harmless.

The mRNA vaccines are ne_, AZ vaccine follo_s a more tried and trusted route. Ho_ever, the mRNA concept _as researched a long time ago and _as fully ready to be utilised as soon as a suitable disease came along. Guess _hat, every drug that’s ever helped _ith pain or treated a condition or saved a life, _as _idely used before the long term effects _ere kno_n. That’s ho_ it _orks. Yes, you have phase I, II, III, IV and so on, clinical trials along the journey _ith more and more patients involved all the time. The drug industry is relatively mature having evolved over the last 150 years or so. They aren’t perfect but generally they kno_ _hat they are doing. Sadly animal testing is often used, but it saves lives. Why are you overly anxious about this particular pharmaceutical? Ho_ many years of your lifetime do you personally _ait til a drug is considered “free of long term effects?” Are _e talking 20, 30, 40 years, or more? Ho_ does that benefit you if you _ait half a lifetime or more? Ho_ do you take anything?

To be honest the number of anti vaxx idiots I kno_ _ho smoke and have no problem taking street drugs and gym supplements are clearly mentally deranged to be questioning vaccines backed by published clinical data. As for a “current criminal investigation logged _ith the metropolitan police” anyone can bring a nuisance complaint, this one probably brought about by people _ho, in a moment of fantastic irony, have the stupid mentality to call other people ‘sheeple’ _hilst being manipulated into taking harmful action that undermines the public good by faceless anonymous strangers online, strangers _ho tell them _hat they _ant to hear and praise them for being special enough to kno_ the truth.

There is no_ a gro_ing number of anti vaxxers _ho are branching out challenging scientific orthodoxy in other areas, for example denying climate change.

In effect _e are regressing to the Middle Ages - science and reason are being undermined by noisy disruptive simpletons- rabid protestors _ho take direct action, yet are nothing but pa_ns and beggars to their o_n demise.

A vaccine _as clearly needed and it’s clearly saving lives. Over 90% of people requiring hospital treatment for covid in the UK, for at least the last 6 months, have been unvaccinated. Oh and they are getting younger. Do you ignore this sobering statistic because it doesn’t suit your agenda or support your argument and must therefore be a lie??? Imagine ho_ much better the NHS _ould be _ith 90% less selfish & misguided anti vaxx Covid patients, unnecessarily putting extra strain on the service unnecessarily.

At last. After reading every post for _hat seemed an eternity. An informed. Truthful sensible post _ased on actual science.

That's not true. Go to public health England surveillance report for January. Pages 39-43, it's there in black and _hite. Also public health Scotland. There are 20% cases, hospitalisations and deaths amongst people _ho have received 0 doses. The remaining 80% are made up of vaccinated individuals mainly double vaccinated. in black and _hite you say? Ho_ many statistics/data/medical journals etc that are in black and _hite have you chosen to ignore or disregard as inaccurate, false, propaganda?

Have you just done _hat you're accusing me of? Go look then come back. Touché! So I’m guilty as charged! Does that mean you have not done any of that of the question I asked? Not an accusation _hich I’d say _ould be a statement!

Can you please point me to the journals you talk about because I really _ant to make sure I am not being biased so please enlighten me. I’m sure you can find them if you _anted to! I do kno_ many people believe that the vaccination and ne_ly developed treatments have saved their lives and that of many many more. I am sure nobody _ho took their choice not to have the vaccination thinks that that has saved their life!

Fact is you can't reference anything because you actually haven't a clue. Just coming out _ith bull shit statements. I can ho_ever point you to over 1000 research papers shno_ing Covid vaccine harms and deaths."

that’s good that you have researched it that thoroughly maybe you should try and research the benefits of the vaccine too! Again nobody is denying that there’s been a very small proportion of deaths due to reactions to the vaccine. Surely you have to admit that those numbers are multiplied 10,000 fold by the deaths and long term effects that covid has caused?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I've proven it. Absolutely zero risk for me as my body _as able to fight it off. So I have proven it.

Covid has killed not many at all _ithout co-morbidities especially belo_ 60 years.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ayjay218Man
over a year ago


"I've proven it. Absolutely zero risk for me as my body _as able to fight it off. So I have proven it.

Covid has killed not many at all _ithout co-morbidities especially belo_ 60 years. "

not many? So _hat figure do you think that is more accurate for people _ho have been relatively healthy? Less than _ho have died from a reaction to the vaccine?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

There clearly is a need - healthcare professionals in my family and _ith _ho I am friends are quite clear, there is a problem and it’s gotten out of hand dangerously at times. This disease has killed many people and contributed to the deaths of many many more. It came out of no_here unannounced into a global population _ith no natural defenses against it It is not harmless.

The mRNA vaccines are ne_, AZ vaccine follo_s a more tried and trusted route. Ho_ever, the mRNA concept _as researched a long time ago and _as fully ready to be utilised as soon as a suitable disease came along. Guess _hat, every drug that’s ever helped _ith pain or treated a condition or saved a life, _as _idely used before the long term effects _ere kno_n. That’s ho_ it _orks. Yes, you have phase I, II, III, IV and so on, clinical trials along the journey _ith more and more patients involved all the time. The drug industry is relatively mature having evolved over the last 150 years or so. They aren’t perfect but generally they kno_ _hat they are doing. Sadly animal testing is often used, but it saves lives. Why are you overly anxious about this particular pharmaceutical? Ho_ many years of your lifetime do you personally _ait til a drug is considered “free of long term effects?” Are _e talking 20, 30, 40 years, or more? Ho_ does that benefit you if you _ait half a lifetime or more? Ho_ do you take anything?

To be honest the number of anti vaxx idiots I kno_ _ho smoke and have no problem taking street drugs and gym supplements are clearly mentally deranged to be questioning vaccines backed by published clinical data. As for a “current criminal investigation logged _ith the metropolitan police” anyone can bring a nuisance complaint, this one probably brought about by people _ho, in a moment of fantastic irony, have the stupid mentality to call other people ‘sheeple’ _hilst being manipulated into taking harmful action that undermines the public good by faceless anonymous strangers online, strangers _ho tell them _hat they _ant to hear and praise them for being special enough to kno_ the truth.

There is no_ a gro_ing number of anti vaxxers _ho are branching out challenging scientific orthodoxy in other areas, for example denying climate change.

In effect _e are regressing to the Middle Ages - science and reason are being undermined by noisy disruptive simpletons- rabid protestors _ho take direct action, yet are nothing but pa_ns and beggars to their o_n demise.

A vaccine _as clearly needed and it’s clearly saving lives. Over 90% of people requiring hospital treatment for covid in the UK, for at least the last 6 months, have been unvaccinated. Oh and they are getting younger. Do you ignore this sobering statistic because it doesn’t suit your agenda or support your argument and must therefore be a lie??? Imagine ho_ much better the NHS _ould be _ith 90% less selfish & misguided anti vaxx Covid patients, unnecessarily putting extra strain on the service unnecessarily.

At last. After reading every post for _hat seemed an eternity. An informed. Truthful sensible post _ased on actual science.

That's not true. Go to public health England surveillance report for January. Pages 39-43, it's there in black and _hite. Also public health Scotland. There are 20% cases, hospitalisations and deaths amongst people _ho have received 0 doses. The remaining 80% are made up of vaccinated individuals mainly double vaccinated. in black and _hite you say? Ho_ many statistics/data/medical journals etc that are in black and _hite have you chosen to ignore or disregard as inaccurate, false, propaganda?

Have you just done _hat you're accusing me of? Go look then come back. Touché! So I’m guilty as charged! Does that mean you have not done any of that of the question I asked? Not an accusation _hich I’d say _ould be a statement!

Can you please point me to the journals you talk about because I really _ant to make sure I am not being biased so please enlighten me. I’m sure you can find them if you _anted to! I do kno_ many people believe that the vaccination and ne_ly developed treatments have saved their lives and that of many many more. I am sure nobody _ho took their choice not to have the vaccination thinks that that has saved their life!

Fact is you can't reference anything because you actually haven't a clue. Just coming out _ith bull shit statements. I can ho_ever point you to over 1000 research papers shno_ing Covid vaccine harms and deaths. that’s good that you have researched it that thoroughly maybe you should try and research the benefits of the vaccine too! Again nobody is denying that there’s been a very small proportion of deaths due to reactions to the vaccine. Surely you have to admit that those numbers are multiplied 10,000 fold by the deaths and long term effects that covid has caused? "

Actually if you look at the ages of those vaccine deaths and harms and look at the average age of death to Covid 19 (_ithin 28 days of test) 82. Then the life years lost to vaccine deaths significantly chjgalkenges the benefit.

You then thro_ into the equation the nonsense hysteric overreactions and life years lost to suicide, hospital backlog, job loss and increased poverty, a ruined economy for a generation at least. The cost of advertising, track and trace, testing.. _e _ill be paying _ith lost life and lo_er standards for years to come.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ayjay218Man
over a year ago


"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

There clearly is a need - healthcare professionals in my family and _ith _ho I am friends are quite clear, there is a problem and it’s gotten out of hand dangerously at times. This disease has killed many people and contributed to the deaths of many many more. It came out of no_here unannounced into a global population _ith no natural defenses against it It is not harmless.

The mRNA vaccines are ne_, AZ vaccine follo_s a more tried and trusted route. Ho_ever, the mRNA concept _as researched a long time ago and _as fully ready to be utilised as soon as a suitable disease came along. Guess _hat, every drug that’s ever helped _ith pain or treated a condition or saved a life, _as _idely used before the long term effects _ere kno_n. That’s ho_ it _orks. Yes, you have phase I, II, III, IV and so on, clinical trials along the journey _ith more and more patients involved all the time. The drug industry is relatively mature having evolved over the last 150 years or so. They aren’t perfect but generally they kno_ _hat they are doing. Sadly animal testing is often used, but it saves lives. Why are you overly anxious about this particular pharmaceutical? Ho_ many years of your lifetime do you personally _ait til a drug is considered “free of long term effects?” Are _e talking 20, 30, 40 years, or more? Ho_ does that benefit you if you _ait half a lifetime or more? Ho_ do you take anything?

To be honest the number of anti vaxx idiots I kno_ _ho smoke and have no problem taking street drugs and gym supplements are clearly mentally deranged to be questioning vaccines backed by published clinical data. As for a “current criminal investigation logged _ith the metropolitan police” anyone can bring a nuisance complaint, this one probably brought about by people _ho, in a moment of fantastic irony, have the stupid mentality to call other people ‘sheeple’ _hilst being manipulated into taking harmful action that undermines the public good by faceless anonymous strangers online, strangers _ho tell them _hat they _ant to hear and praise them for being special enough to kno_ the truth.

There is no_ a gro_ing number of anti vaxxers _ho are branching out challenging scientific orthodoxy in other areas, for example denying climate change.

In effect _e are regressing to the Middle Ages - science and reason are being undermined by noisy disruptive simpletons- rabid protestors _ho take direct action, yet are nothing but pa_ns and beggars to their o_n demise.

A vaccine _as clearly needed and it’s clearly saving lives. Over 90% of people requiring hospital treatment for covid in the UK, for at least the last 6 months, have been unvaccinated. Oh and they are getting younger. Do you ignore this sobering statistic because it doesn’t suit your agenda or support your argument and must therefore be a lie??? Imagine ho_ much better the NHS _ould be _ith 90% less selfish & misguided anti vaxx Covid patients, unnecessarily putting extra strain on the service unnecessarily.

At last. After reading every post for _hat seemed an eternity. An informed. Truthful sensible post _ased on actual science.

That's not true. Go to public health England surveillance report for January. Pages 39-43, it's there in black and _hite. Also public health Scotland. There are 20% cases, hospitalisations and deaths amongst people _ho have received 0 doses. The remaining 80% are made up of vaccinated individuals mainly double vaccinated. in black and _hite you say? Ho_ many statistics/data/medical journals etc that are in black and _hite have you chosen to ignore or disregard as inaccurate, false, propaganda?

Have you just done _hat you're accusing me of? Go look then come back. Touché! So I’m guilty as charged! Does that mean you have not done any of that of the question I asked? Not an accusation _hich I’d say _ould be a statement!

Can you please point me to the journals you talk about because I really _ant to make sure I am not being biased so please enlighten me. I’m sure you can find them if you _anted to! I do kno_ many people believe that the vaccination and ne_ly developed treatments have saved their lives and that of many many more. I am sure nobody _ho took their choice not to have the vaccination thinks that that has saved their life!

Fact is you can't reference anything because you actually haven't a clue. Just coming out _ith bull shit statements. I can ho_ever point you to over 1000 research papers shno_ing Covid vaccine harms and deaths. that’s good that you have researched it that thoroughly maybe you should try and research the benefits of the vaccine too! Again nobody is denying that there’s been a very small proportion of deaths due to reactions to the vaccine. Surely you have to admit that those numbers are multiplied 10,000 fold by the deaths and long term effects that covid has caused?

Actually if you look at the ages of those vaccine deaths and harms and look at the average age of death to Covid 19 (_ithin 28 days of test) 82. Then the life years lost to vaccine deaths significantly chjgalkenges the benefit.

You then thro_ into the equation the nonsense hysteric overreactions and life years lost to suicide, hospital backlog, job loss and increased poverty, a ruined economy for a generation at least. The cost of advertising, track and trace, testing.. _e _ill be paying _ith lost life and lo_er standards for years to come. "

yes covid is far more dangerous for the elderly that is undeniable. It should also be noted though that approx 25% of covid deaths are in the 18-64 age group. Which at a rough guess must amount to near 40,000.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ovebjsMan
over a year ago


"I've proven it. Absolutely zero risk for me as my body _as able to fight it off. So I have proven it.

Covid has killed not many at all _ithout co-morbidities especially belo_ 60 years. "

Absolutly Zero?

maybe get in touch _ith the medical council and get some tests doen then as you might be the ans_er they have all been looking for

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I've proven it. Absolutely zero risk for me as my body _as able to fight it off. So I have proven it.

Covid has killed not many at all _ithout co-morbidities especially belo_ 60 years.

Absolutly Zero?

maybe get in touch _ith the medical council and get some tests doen then as you might be the ans_er they have all been looking for "

It's called the immune system, conspiracy theory aye _hooooooo

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

There clearly is a need - healthcare professionals in my family and _ith _ho I am friends are quite clear, there is a problem and it’s gotten out of hand dangerously at times. This disease has killed many people and contributed to the deaths of many many more. It came out of no_here unannounced into a global population _ith no natural defenses against it It is not harmless.

The mRNA vaccines are ne_, AZ vaccine follo_s a more tried and trusted route. Ho_ever, the mRNA concept _as researched a long time ago and _as fully ready to be utilised as soon as a suitable disease came along. Guess _hat, every drug that’s ever helped _ith pain or treated a condition or saved a life, _as _idely used before the long term effects _ere kno_n. That’s ho_ it _orks. Yes, you have phase I, II, III, IV and so on, clinical trials along the journey _ith more and more patients involved all the time. The drug industry is relatively mature having evolved over the last 150 years or so. They aren’t perfect but generally they kno_ _hat they are doing. Sadly animal testing is often used, but it saves lives. Why are you overly anxious about this particular pharmaceutical? Ho_ many years of your lifetime do you personally _ait til a drug is considered “free of long term effects?” Are _e talking 20, 30, 40 years, or more? Ho_ does that benefit you if you _ait half a lifetime or more? Ho_ do you take anything?

To be honest the number of anti vaxx idiots I kno_ _ho smoke and have no problem taking street drugs and gym supplements are clearly mentally deranged to be questioning vaccines backed by published clinical data. As for a “current criminal investigation logged _ith the metropolitan police” anyone can bring a nuisance complaint, this one probably brought about by people _ho, in a moment of fantastic irony, have the stupid mentality to call other people ‘sheeple’ _hilst being manipulated into taking harmful action that undermines the public good by faceless anonymous strangers online, strangers _ho tell them _hat they _ant to hear and praise them for being special enough to kno_ the truth.

There is no_ a gro_ing number of anti vaxxers _ho are branching out challenging scientific orthodoxy in other areas, for example denying climate change.

In effect _e are regressing to the Middle Ages - science and reason are being undermined by noisy disruptive simpletons- rabid protestors _ho take direct action, yet are nothing but pa_ns and beggars to their o_n demise.

A vaccine _as clearly needed and it’s clearly saving lives. Over 90% of people requiring hospital treatment for covid in the UK, for at least the last 6 months, have been unvaccinated. Oh and they are getting younger. Do you ignore this sobering statistic because it doesn’t suit your agenda or support your argument and must therefore be a lie??? Imagine ho_ much better the NHS _ould be _ith 90% less selfish & misguided anti vaxx Covid patients, unnecessarily putting extra strain on the service unnecessarily.

At last. After reading every post for _hat seemed an eternity. An informed. Truthful sensible post _ased on actual science.

That's not true. Go to public health England surveillance report for January. Pages 39-43, it's there in black and _hite. Also public health Scotland. There are 20% cases, hospitalisations and deaths amongst people _ho have received 0 doses. The remaining 80% are made up of vaccinated individuals mainly double vaccinated. in black and _hite you say? Ho_ many statistics/data/medical journals etc that are in black and _hite have you chosen to ignore or disregard as inaccurate, false, propaganda?

Have you just done _hat you're accusing me of? Go look then come back. Touché! So I’m guilty as charged! Does that mean you have not done any of that of the question I asked? Not an accusation _hich I’d say _ould be a statement!

Can you please point me to the journals you talk about because I really _ant to make sure I am not being biased so please enlighten me. I’m sure you can find them if you _anted to! I do kno_ many people believe that the vaccination and ne_ly developed treatments have saved their lives and that of many many more. I am sure nobody _ho took their choice not to have the vaccination thinks that that has saved their life!

Fact is you can't reference anything because you actually haven't a clue. Just coming out _ith bull shit statements. I can ho_ever point you to over 1000 research papers shno_ing Covid vaccine harms and deaths. that’s good that you have researched it that thoroughly maybe you should try and research the benefits of the vaccine too! Again nobody is denying that there’s been a very small proportion of deaths due to reactions to the vaccine. Surely you have to admit that those numbers are multiplied 10,000 fold by the deaths and long term effects that covid has caused?

Actually if you look at the ages of those vaccine deaths and harms and look at the average age of death to Covid 19 (_ithin 28 days of test) 82. Then the life years lost to vaccine deaths significantly chjgalkenges the benefit.

You then thro_ into the equation the nonsense hysteric overreactions and life years lost to suicide, hospital backlog, job loss and increased poverty, a ruined economy for a generation at least. The cost of advertising, track and trace, testing.. _e _ill be paying _ith lost life and lo_er standards for years to come. yes covid is far more dangerous for the elderly that is undeniable. It should also be noted though that approx 25% of covid deaths are in the 18-64 age group. Which at a rough guess must amount to near 40,000. "

That's an absolute disgusting lie. Ho_ can you average 82 years old if 25% are 65. The rest _ould have had to be older than 100. Either blatant lie or completely thick.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

After thinking about this saga I kno_ its rare for me gave mea little headache.

It looks to me that _e all have been _arned, do as _e say or _e _ill ensure your life is disrupted in as many _ays as _e can muster.

And seeing ho_ many agree _ith the deportation, the Australian government have been given a green light to proceed _ith their agenda.

I hate boarders as they are man made, and designed to keep a population at the mercy of those they chose to lead them.

I think the Australians have missed a chance to return to normal no_, and they _ill remain at the mercy of their chosen leaders, as they sho_ed anger at novack for his vac status.

If this happens here if he came to Wimbledon _hat _ould _e _ant our government to do?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *I T_oCouple
over a year ago

PDI 12-26th Nov 24


If this happens here if he came to Wimbledon _hat _ould _e _ant our government to do?"

Tell everyone to stay at home and invite him to an_ine and cheese party?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *I T_oCouple
over a year ago

PDI 12-26th Nov 24

"I've proven it. Absolutely zero risk for me as my body _as able to fight it off. So I have proven it.

Covid has killed not many at all _ithout co-morbidities especially belo_ 60 years. "

Lol, several years ago my schoolmate _as hit by a car and he didn't die, he made a full recovery, 20 years later he can barely _alk.

Why do _e have these senseless controls on drivers

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *lik and PaulCouple
over a year ago


"After thinking about this saga I kno_ its rare for me gave mea little headache.

It looks to me that _e all have been _arned, do as _e say or _e _ill ensure your life is disrupted in as many _ays as _e can muster.

And seeing ho_ many agree _ith the deportation, the Australian government have been given a green light to proceed _ith their agenda.

I hate boarders as they are man made, and designed to keep a population at the mercy of those they chose to lead them.

I think the Australians have missed a chance to return to normal no_, and they _ill remain at the mercy of their chosen leaders, as they sho_ed anger at novack for his vac status.

If this happens here if he came to Wimbledon _hat _ould _e _ant our government to do?"

Apply the rules in force at the time _ithout making a special case just because of _ho someone is.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Yes keep a population at home for months, keep them scared and a_ay from other family and friends make them distance themselves.

then release them back to life _hen a cure has been found, but do not let the ones _ho _ill not comply live their lives shame them call them names disrupt them as much as possible so they can take the cure.

What the,,,refuse medical treatment if they do not take the cure.

If your not concerned then the kids are next.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"After thinking about this saga I kno_ its rare for me gave mea little headache.

It looks to me that _e all have been _arned, do as _e say or _e _ill ensure your life is disrupted in as many _ays as _e can muster.

And seeing ho_ many agree _ith the deportation, the Australian government have been given a green light to proceed _ith their agenda.

I hate boarders as they are man made, and designed to keep a population at the mercy of those they chose to lead them.

I think the Australians have missed a chance to return to normal no_, and they _ill remain at the mercy of their chosen leaders, as they sho_ed anger at novack for his vac status.

If this happens here if he came to Wimbledon _hat _ould _e _ant our government to do?

Apply the rules in force at the time _ithout making a special case just because of _ho someone is."

And _ill that be the same case for you?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


If this happens here if he came to Wimbledon _hat _ould _e _ant our government to do?

Tell everyone to stay at home and invite him to an_ine and cheese party?"

Haha that's about the short and curlies of it.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *lik and PaulCouple
over a year ago


"After thinking about this saga I kno_ its rare for me gave mea little headache.

It looks to me that _e all have been _arned, do as _e say or _e _ill ensure your life is disrupted in as many _ays as _e can muster.

And seeing ho_ many agree _ith the deportation, the Australian government have been given a green light to proceed _ith their agenda.

I hate boarders as they are man made, and designed to keep a population at the mercy of those they chose to lead them.

I think the Australians have missed a chance to return to normal no_, and they _ill remain at the mercy of their chosen leaders, as they sho_ed anger at novack for his vac status.

If this happens here if he came to Wimbledon _hat _ould _e _ant our government to do?

Apply the rules in force at the time _ithout making a special case just because of _ho someone is.

And _ill that be the same case for you?"

Of course

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

Oh, there you are, the "medicinal chemist" _ho kno_s everything about vaccines and mRNA

The vaccines have been tested as _idely as any other medicine. More _idely no_.

The emergency licenses _as to allo_ a ne_ process _here _ork _as carried out in parallel.

The technology has been around for a long time and this is a development of it.

There is no "long term safety data" needed to license any medicine.

No medicine is 100% safe. Not even Paracetamol.

Reporting a symptom after a vaccination in no _ay means that there is a connection. There are very fe_ that have been linked. Pfizer in a certain age group of young men and AZ in a certain age group.

Statistically tiny and lo_er risk than severe Covid or the probability _ith no vaccine in the case of AZ.

More people have NOT died from these vaccines than any others.

There are, sadly, all sorts of "criminal investigations" lodged that _aste Police time. It does not make them valid.

Over the age of 15 you are more likely to die of Covid than Flu, unless you have had a vaccine.

You repeat incorrect data continually.

You are the least scientifically literate alleged "scientist" that has ever existed.

So if a 14 year old child dies from a reaction to the vaccine it's _asting police time?"

Oh, super. The "medicinal chemist" _ho does not seem to understand his o_n industry ignores everything in the response except the emotive one

The Police are able to investigate the effect of a vaccine due to their medical kno_ledge?

As you _ould kno_ as a "medicinal chemist", despite not trusting his o_n (alleged) industry or profession, the process of registering Sid effects triggers investigations into if they are linked to vaccines or not as part of the licensing process.

Until that is done or not done there is no "crime" to investigate. Is there actually an investigation into the death of a 14 year old or are you just making it up? Ho_ credible is it? Any idea or just repeating something that suits you?

All side effects and deaths are investigated, if there are links they are identified, as has been pointed out. Fortunately this _ork is conducted by people _ho understand the science, unlike you.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

There clearly is a need - healthcare professionals in my family and _ith _ho I am friends are quite clear, there is a problem and it’s gotten out of hand dangerously at times. This disease has killed many people and contributed to the deaths of many many more. It came out of no_here unannounced into a global population _ith no natural defenses against it It is not harmless.

The mRNA vaccines are ne_, AZ vaccine follo_s a more tried and trusted route. Ho_ever, the mRNA concept _as researched a long time ago and _as fully ready to be utilised as soon as a suitable disease came along. Guess _hat, every drug that’s ever helped _ith pain or treated a condition or saved a life, _as _idely used before the long term effects _ere kno_n. That’s ho_ it _orks. Yes, you have phase I, II, III, IV and so on, clinical trials along the journey _ith more and more patients involved all the time. The drug industry is relatively mature having evolved over the last 150 years or so. They aren’t perfect but generally they kno_ _hat they are doing. Sadly animal testing is often used, but it saves lives. Why are you overly anxious about this particular pharmaceutical? Ho_ many years of your lifetime do you personally _ait til a drug is considered “free of long term effects?” Are _e talking 20, 30, 40 years, or more? Ho_ does that benefit you if you _ait half a lifetime or more? Ho_ do you take anything?

To be honest the number of anti vaxx idiots I kno_ _ho smoke and have no problem taking street drugs and gym supplements are clearly mentally deranged to be questioning vaccines backed by published clinical data. As for a “current criminal investigation logged _ith the metropolitan police” anyone can bring a nuisance complaint, this one probably brought about by people _ho, in a moment of fantastic irony, have the stupid mentality to call other people ‘sheeple’ _hilst being manipulated into taking harmful action that undermines the public good by faceless anonymous strangers online, strangers _ho tell them _hat they _ant to hear and praise them for being special enough to kno_ the truth.

There is no_ a gro_ing number of anti vaxxers _ho are branching out challenging scientific orthodoxy in other areas, for example denying climate change.

In effect _e are regressing to the Middle Ages - science and reason are being undermined by noisy disruptive simpletons- rabid protestors _ho take direct action, yet are nothing but pa_ns and beggars to their o_n demise.

A vaccine _as clearly needed and it’s clearly saving lives. Over 90% of people requiring hospital treatment for covid in the UK, for at least the last 6 months, have been unvaccinated. Oh and they are getting younger. Do you ignore this sobering statistic because it doesn’t suit your agenda or support your argument and must therefore be a lie??? Imagine ho_ much better the NHS _ould be _ith 90% less selfish & misguided anti vaxx Covid patients, unnecessarily putting extra strain on the service unnecessarily.

At last. After reading every post for _hat seemed an eternity. An informed. Truthful sensible post _ased on actual science.

That's not true. Go to public health England surveillance report for January. Pages 39-43, it's there in black and _hite. Also public health Scotland. There are 20% cases, hospitalisations and deaths amongst people _ho have received 0 doses. The remaining 80% are made up of vaccinated individuals mainly double vaccinated. in black and _hite you say? Ho_ many statistics/data/medical journals etc that are in black and _hite have you chosen to ignore or disregard as inaccurate, false, propaganda?

Have you just done _hat you're accusing me of? Go look then come back. Touché! So I’m guilty as charged! Does that mean you have not done any of that of the question I asked? Not an accusation _hich I’d say _ould be a statement!

Can you please point me to the journals you talk about because I really _ant to make sure I am not being biased so please enlighten me. I’m sure you can find them if you _anted to! I do kno_ many people believe that the vaccination and ne_ly developed treatments have saved their lives and that of many many more. I am sure nobody _ho took their choice not to have the vaccination thinks that that has saved their life!

Fact is you can't reference anything because you actually haven't a clue. Just coming out _ith bull shit statements. I can ho_ever point you to over 1000 research papers shno_ing Covid vaccine harms and deaths. that’s good that you have researched it that thoroughly maybe you should try and research the benefits of the vaccine too! Again nobody is denying that there’s been a very small proportion of deaths due to reactions to the vaccine. Surely you have to admit that those numbers are multiplied 10,000 fold by the deaths and long term effects that covid has caused?

Actually if you look at the ages of those vaccine deaths and harms and look at the average age of death to Covid 19 (_ithin 28 days of test) 82. Then the life years lost to vaccine deaths significantly chjgalkenges the benefit.

You then thro_ into the equation the nonsense hysteric overreactions and life years lost to suicide, hospital backlog, job loss and increased poverty, a ruined economy for a generation at least. The cost of advertising, track and trace, testing.. _e _ill be paying _ith lost life and lo_er standards for years to come. "

For a "scientist" you do just make a lot of things up don't you?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

"I've proven it. Absolutely zero risk for me as my body _as able to fight it off. So I have proven it.

Covid has killed not many at all _ithout co-morbidities especially belo_ 60 years. "

You prove your lo_ risk of severe illness and death from Covid by catching it?

That is, absolutely, the dumbest thing that I have seen you _rite

Ho_ _ould you "prove" that a seatbelt does not reduce risk in a car crash? Have a car crash?

Statistics being _hat they are, you could have been particularly susceptible and died having taken no precautions to mitigate the risk by, oh, getting vaccinated for instance.

If you don't _ant to get vaccinated, that's fine but do not try to reinterpret data to attempt to justify your position.

You very clearly understand less than virologists, immunologists, epidemiologists, physicians public health experts and genuine chemists and pharmacologists as the vast majority disagree _ith you completely and utterly.

Wait, are you going to say that there is a secret survey that you carried out but cannot share that "proves" that healthcare professionals are terrified of the Covid vaccines?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ayjay218Man
over a year ago


"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness.

There clearly is a need - healthcare professionals in my family and _ith _ho I am friends are quite clear, there is a problem and it’s gotten out of hand dangerously at times. This disease has killed many people and contributed to the deaths of many many more. It came out of no_here unannounced into a global population _ith no natural defenses against it It is not harmless.

The mRNA vaccines are ne_, AZ vaccine follo_s a more tried and trusted route. Ho_ever, the mRNA concept _as researched a long time ago and _as fully ready to be utilised as soon as a suitable disease came along. Guess _hat, every drug that’s ever helped _ith pain or treated a condition or saved a life, _as _idely used before the long term effects _ere kno_n. That’s ho_ it _orks. Yes, you have phase I, II, III, IV and so on, clinical trials along the journey _ith more and more patients involved all the time. The drug industry is relatively mature having evolved over the last 150 years or so. They aren’t perfect but generally they kno_ _hat they are doing. Sadly animal testing is often used, but it saves lives. Why are you overly anxious about this particular pharmaceutical? Ho_ many years of your lifetime do you personally _ait til a drug is considered “free of long term effects?” Are _e talking 20, 30, 40 years, or more? Ho_ does that benefit you if you _ait half a lifetime or more? Ho_ do you take anything?

To be honest the number of anti vaxx idiots I kno_ _ho smoke and have no problem taking street drugs and gym supplements are clearly mentally deranged to be questioning vaccines backed by published clinical data. As for a “current criminal investigation logged _ith the metropolitan police” anyone can bring a nuisance complaint, this one probably brought about by people _ho, in a moment of fantastic irony, have the stupid mentality to call other people ‘sheeple’ _hilst being manipulated into taking harmful action that undermines the public good by faceless anonymous strangers online, strangers _ho tell them _hat they _ant to hear and praise them for being special enough to kno_ the truth.

There is no_ a gro_ing number of anti vaxxers _ho are branching out challenging scientific orthodoxy in other areas, for example denying climate change.

In effect _e are regressing to the Middle Ages - science and reason are being undermined by noisy disruptive simpletons- rabid protestors _ho take direct action, yet are nothing but pa_ns and beggars to their o_n demise.

A vaccine _as clearly needed and it’s clearly saving lives. Over 90% of people requiring hospital treatment for covid in the UK, for at least the last 6 months, have been unvaccinated. Oh and they are getting younger. Do you ignore this sobering statistic because it doesn’t suit your agenda or support your argument and must therefore be a lie??? Imagine ho_ much better the NHS _ould be _ith 90% less selfish & misguided anti vaxx Covid patients, unnecessarily putting extra strain on the service unnecessarily.

At last. After reading every post for _hat seemed an eternity. An informed. Truthful sensible post _ased on actual science.

That's not true. Go to public health England surveillance report for January. Pages 39-43, it's there in black and _hite. Also public health Scotland. There are 20% cases, hospitalisations and deaths amongst people _ho have received 0 doses. The remaining 80% are made up of vaccinated individuals mainly double vaccinated. in black and _hite you say? Ho_ many statistics/data/medical journals etc that are in black and _hite have you chosen to ignore or disregard as inaccurate, false, propaganda?

Have you just done _hat you're accusing me of? Go look then come back. Touché! So I’m guilty as charged! Does that mean you have not done any of that of the question I asked? Not an accusation _hich I’d say _ould be a statement!

Can you please point me to the journals you talk about because I really _ant to make sure I am not being biased so please enlighten me. I’m sure you can find them if you _anted to! I do kno_ many people believe that the vaccination and ne_ly developed treatments have saved their lives and that of many many more. I am sure nobody _ho took their choice not to have the vaccination thinks that that has saved their life!

Fact is you can't reference anything because you actually haven't a clue. Just coming out _ith bull shit statements. I can ho_ever point you to over 1000 research papers shno_ing Covid vaccine harms and deaths. that’s good that you have researched it that thoroughly maybe you should try and research the benefits of the vaccine too! Again nobody is denying that there’s been a very small proportion of deaths due to reactions to the vaccine. Surely you have to admit that those numbers are multiplied 10,000 fold by the deaths and long term effects that covid has caused?

Actually if you look at the ages of those vaccine deaths and harms and look at the average age of death to Covid 19 (_ithin 28 days of test) 82. Then the life years lost to vaccine deaths significantly chjgalkenges the benefit.

You then thro_ into the equation the nonsense hysteric overreactions and life years lost to suicide, hospital backlog, job loss and increased poverty, a ruined economy for a generation at least. The cost of advertising, track and trace, testing.. _e _ill be paying _ith lost life and lo_er standards for years to come. yes covid is far more dangerous for the elderly that is undeniable. It should also be noted though that approx 25% of covid deaths are in the 18-64 age group. Which at a rough guess must amount to near 40,000.

That's an absolute disgusting lie. Ho_ can you average 82 years old if 25% are 65. The rest _ould have had to be older than 100. Either blatant lie or completely thick."

I _ould check the government _ebsite on the demographics of covid deaths before you say “its a disgusting lie” I’d have thought you _ould have come across that in the 1000’s of papers and articles that you’ve read on it?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination.

Really? Ho_ do you get to that conclusion? Merely admitting a preference to remain unjabbed is not (yet) against any la_s. If you think deporting someone _ased upon their (entirely legal) thoughts is reasonable then you’re beyond help

Take a look at the many Novak threads in here and tell me he hasn't dra_n a mountain of attention.

What help am I beyond out of interest?


You are beyond the help of the media! Or you _ould be _ithout a ‘gripe to _hinge about’ if it _asn’t for the media. I think you’ll find it’s due to media reporting that shit gets stirred.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *hestyDra_Woman
over a year ago

Here and There

"Ho_ has this vaccine tested and proven??? Its only been made about a year ago so therefor no one kno_s the long term effects.. If there are or aren't any "
Wheras the long term effects of dying are _ell proven…

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
over a year ago

Terra Firma

"What I understand is that he _as deported due to risk he posed to civil order.

As he _as unvaccinated and is vie_s to_ards being vaccinated are _ell kno_n, the Australian government argued that his presence in the country could cause civil unrest at the open tournament so it _as decided that for safety to deport him.

So he _asn't deported due to his vaccination status he had already _on that decision.

This keeps getting glossed over because it _ould appear the majority are happy _ith the end result. It certainly appears that the main 2 reasons behind his deportation are that he is classed as a ‘danger to public health’ and that he had the potential to become an ‘icon for free choice’.

Is Djokovic an idiot, has he behaved irresponsibly, does he have some unconventional ideas _ith regard to health? I doubt anyone could dispute these points but either individually or together these _ere not reasons to revoke his visa nor did they form the basis of Australia’s case against him.

What doesn’t make any sense to me - do you really think Djokovic set off kno_ing: that he might not be allo_ed in; that he could be banned from ever returning; the furore it _as going to cause? The man just _anted to play tennis and believed that he _as going there legally for that reason alone.

I said it at the time and stand by it that the biggest mistake Djokovic made _as to announce his departure. This allo_ed forces against him to mobilise their arguments as he _as en route. The fact that 3 others had entered Australia _ith the same exemption and the same visa sho_ this _as not about processes but personalities and politics.

The Australian government are not _rong in their opinion of him stirring up the emotions of those that are anti and pro vaccination.

Really? Ho_ do you get to that conclusion? Merely admitting a preference to remain unjabbed is not (yet) against any la_s. If you think deporting someone _ased upon their (entirely legal) thoughts is reasonable then you’re beyond help

Take a look at the many Novak threads in here and tell me he hasn't dra_n a mountain of attention.

What help am I beyond out of interest?

You are beyond the help of the media! Or you _ould be _ithout a ‘gripe to _hinge about’ if it _asn’t for the media. I think you’ll find it’s due to media reporting that shit gets stirred. "

The media do stir up a lot of noise, that is for sure. Ho_ever _hich is greater, noise that is stirred up by the media or noise from people not being able to read and understand _hat is _ritten in front of them

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ebjonnsonMan
over a year ago


"Ho_ has this vaccine tested and proven??? Its only been made about a year ago so therefor no one kno_s the long term effects.. If there are or aren't any Wheras the long term effects of dying are _ell proven…"

But not complete. We need someone that has actually died to report and tell us _hat happens next.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness. "

WTF. Of course they are still on clinical trials , paracetamol is still in clinical trials and _hen _as that invented?. Different modes of action , efficacies, synthesis routes and learning never stops.

But the clinical trial data is huge compared to any other drug meaning that the science and data is the most complete data set allo_ing statistically significant conclusions to be dra_n. There are rules here being follo_ed for safety , it’s not an uncontrolled process ffs

If you don’t believe in the process that creates vaccines then fine , and Novak should s_allo_ that. But vaccines protect other people …..the fact that he _ants the freedom that being vaccinated beings by lying on his movements means he doesn’t care about others . And that is the saddest as he is _illing to risk other peoples health, the very people _hom pay for him to earn millions hitting a ball over a net

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *heHookyMonsterMan
over a year ago


"Ho_ has this vaccine tested and proven??? Its only been made about a year ago so therefor no one kno_s the long term effects.. If there are or aren't any Wheras the long term effects of dying are _ell proven…

But not complete. We need someone that has actually died to report and tell us _hat happens next."

It _asn't made a year ago in effect. The basis for it has been around for years and the pricess of creating vaccines is tried and tested. Obviously it took a bit of time to get exactly ho_ they _anted it prior to beginning the vaccination process, but it _as simply a case of t_eaking an already existing one in the right _ay, using a similar process to the _ay they do _ith the flu vaccine each year.

No question there are some t_eaks/differences as you'd expect from anything designed to help protect from a ne_ threat, but in essence people have been using scare tactics unlike anything _e've ever seen before. The only true difference _ith this one _as the speed _ith _hich it came out, leaving some fearful, _hich is understandable, but the speed _as do_n to not needing to aquire funding (_hich takes on average three years for most ne_ drugs) and the drug companies cooperating instead of competing for once.

I'm not about telling people they should or shouldn't get vaccinated, i believe in and respect personal choice, but I am against people (mainly media) hyping things up in a _ay that's been hugely unhelpful and littered _ith inaccuracy.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *unkym34Man
over a year ago


"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...


so here is the problem

1. Why is he not allo_ed his o_n opinions and to decide _hat he does to his o_n body?

2. The vaccine is not proven and full details of side effects can’t possibly be kno_n as it’s only been in use for 12 months

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
over a year ago

Terra Firma

[Removed by poster at 18/01/22 19:18:02]

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
over a year ago

Terra Firma

"so here is the problem

1. Why is he not allo_ed his o_n opinions and to decide _hat he does to his o_n body?

2. The vaccine is not proven and full details of side effects can’t possibly be kno_n as it’s only been in use for 12 months "

He is allo_ed his o_n opinions and to do _hatever he _ants _ith his body, just not in Australia. If he doesn't like their rules he shouldn't have travelled.

Your second point is _rong and I'm not going to try and explain _hy because it _ont change a thing for you

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *unkym34Man
over a year ago


"so here is the problem

1. Why is he not allo_ed his o_n opinions and to decide _hat he does to his o_n body?

2. The vaccine is not proven and full details of side effects can’t possibly be kno_n as it’s only been in use for 12 months

He is allo_ed his o_n opinions and to do _hatever he _ants _ith his body, just not in Australia. If he doesn't like their rules he shouldn't have travelled.

Your second point is _rong and I'm not going to try and explain _hy because it _ont change a thing for you"

but the 2nd point is not _rong

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
over a year ago

Terra Firma

"so here is the problem

1. Why is he not allo_ed his o_n opinions and to decide _hat he does to his o_n body?

2. The vaccine is not proven and full details of side effects can’t possibly be kno_n as it’s only been in use for 12 months

He is allo_ed his o_n opinions and to do _hatever he _ants _ith his body, just not in Australia. If he doesn't like their rules he shouldn't have travelled.

Your second point is _rong and I'm not going to try and explain _hy because it _ont change a thing for you but the 2nd point is not _rong "

It is and that is _hy I'm not talking to you about it, because you kno_ it is.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *I T_oCouple
over a year ago

PDI 12-26th Nov 24

"so here is the problem

1. Why is he not allo_ed his o_n opinions and to decide _hat he does to his o_n body?

2. The vaccine is not proven and full details of side effects can’t possibly be kno_n as it’s only been in use for 12 months

He is allo_ed his o_n opinions and to do _hatever he _ants _ith his body, just not in Australia. If he doesn't like their rules he shouldn't have travelled.

Your second point is _rong and I'm not going to try and explain _hy because it _ont change a thing for you but the 2nd point is not _rong "

It is actually _rong it's been in use for more than 12 months

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *enuineguy76Man
over a year ago


"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness. "

the number of professional athletes falling foul to the vaccine _ould have been a concern. And _hat happened to the French professional tennis player, Jeremy Chardy , _ould also have been a factor. He has _eighed up the pros and cons; done his risk benefit analysis and decided not to take it. I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *I T_oCouple
over a year ago

PDI 12-26th Nov 24

" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not. "

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *unkym34Man
over a year ago


"so here is the problem

1. Why is he not allo_ed his o_n opinions and to decide _hat he does to his o_n body?

2. The vaccine is not proven and full details of side effects can’t possibly be kno_n as it’s only been in use for 12 months

He is allo_ed his o_n opinions and to do _hatever he _ants _ith his body, just not in Australia. If he doesn't like their rules he shouldn't have travelled.

Your second point is _rong and I'm not going to try and explain _hy because it _ont change a thing for you but the 2nd point is not _rong

It is actually _rong it's been in use for more than 12 months"

sorry I do apologise 13 months

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *unkym34Man
over a year ago


" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies."

lots and lots of those are also unvaccinated and some of those that are vaccinated have done it not because the _ant to but because they have had too. Bit of good for thought

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ostafunMan
over a year ago

near ips_ich

The 1st sportsman to get banned for not taking drugs

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *I T_oCouple
over a year ago

PDI 12-26th Nov 24

" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies. lots and lots of those are also unvaccinated and some of those that are vaccinated have done it not because the _ant to but because they have had too. Bit of good for thought "

Go on, do the sums and give us some _orld_ide percentages for the millions that are vaccinated vs the "lots and lots"

I still think I'll believe my doctor over a french tennis player lol

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *enuineguy76Man
over a year ago


" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies."

he doesn’t need to depend on another scientist in a _hite coat to figure out that the risk of vaccine adverse reaction is greater than the risk of covid - factor in the long term unkno_ns risks of the jabs and you can see ho_ he has made a logical and sound decision especially for a healthy man in his 30s.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ackformore100Man
over a year ago

Tin to_n

Using highly Popular and visible sports events to push political agendas is no_ a thing. Watch out for further global events being hijacked for political purposes.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *unkym34Man
over a year ago


" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies. lots and lots of those are also unvaccinated and some of those that are vaccinated have done it not because the _ant to but because they have had too. Bit of good for thought

Go on, do the sums and give us some _orld_ide percentages for the millions that are vaccinated vs the "lots and lots"

I still think I'll believe my doctor over a french tennis player lol


your doctor is more than likely not vaccinated

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies."

Where have I heard that before?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ackformore100Man
over a year ago

Tin to_n

" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies."

I suppose _hat he does kno_ is _hat he chooses to put in his o_n body. His t_o bouts of covid don't seem to have done him too much harm just yet.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness. the number of professional athletes falling foul to the vaccine _ould have been a concern. And _hat happened to the French professional tennis player, Jeremy Chardy , _ould also have been a factor. He has _eighed up the pros and cons; done his risk benefit analysis and decided not to take it. I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not. "

Really? What proportion of athletes _ho have taken the vaccine "fallen foul" of it?

What does that even mean?

Why _ould I trust the opinion of a mediocre tennis player, or even the best tennis player even the _orld more than the over_helming number of medical professionals in the _orld on the subject of vaccination?

Why do you trust him more?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies. lots and lots of those are also unvaccinated and some of those that are vaccinated have done it not because the _ant to but because they have had too. Bit of good for thought

Go on, do the sums and give us some _orld_ide percentages for the millions that are vaccinated vs the "lots and lots"

I still think I'll believe my doctor over a french tennis player lol

your doctor is more than likely not vaccinated "

You have absolutely zero information to justify this.

You are just lying. Why _ould you do that?

Don't get vaccinated if you don't _ant to, but _hy make things up to try and justify your foolishness?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies. he doesn’t need to depend on another scientist in a _hite coat to figure out that the risk of vaccine adverse reaction is greater than the risk of covid - factor in the long term unkno_ns risks of the jabs and you can see ho_ he has made a logical and sound decision especially for a healthy man in his 30s. "

This is not true in any _ay. You can just look at the statistics for that along _ith the comparison to the long term adverse reactions of Covid.

You can also compare the chance of a healthy man in his 30s being seriously ill from Covid if he is vaccinated or unvaccinated.

Sho_ us the data. The data that you trust that "proves this". You _ouldn't _rite this unless it _ere "true", right?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies.

I suppose _hat he does kno_ is _hat he chooses to put in his o_n body. His t_o bouts of covid don't seem to have done him too much harm just yet. "

Did him spreading it around do anyone else any harm?

I guess if he's alright, that's all that matters, eh?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ackformore100Man
over a year ago

Tin to_n

" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies.

I suppose _hat he does kno_ is _hat he chooses to put in his o_n body. His t_o bouts of covid don't seem to have done him too much harm just yet.

Did him spreading it around do anyone else any harm?

I guess if he's alright, that's all that matters, eh?"

Well as you're the one _ho is al_ays calling for evidence and data to support your assertions. Where is your proof that he spread it to anyone at all? There is none. And as you so eloquently put above, stop spreading lies.

As for selfishness. Can you not see the irony in demanding _hat others choose to do _ith their bodies?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies.

I suppose _hat he does kno_ is _hat he chooses to put in his o_n body. His t_o bouts of covid don't seem to have done him too much harm just yet.

Did him spreading it around do anyone else any harm?

I guess if he's alright, that's all that matters, eh?

Well as you're the one _ho is al_ays calling for evidence and data to support your assertions. Where is your proof that he spread it to anyone at all? There is none. And as you so eloquently put above, stop spreading lies.

As for selfishness. Can you not see the irony in demanding _hat others choose to do _ith their bodies? "

That is rather the point of taking precautions, especially if you kno_ that you have Covid.

Are you saying that _e need to prove that Covid can be transmitted from person to person or that transmission has occurred in this specific instance? Was it just a French intervie_ team? Do you think he takes precautions _ondering around to_n or that his staff do? Do you think that Serbia _ill be tracing any of this.

There is a _hole thread _here someone suggested not taking tests so that nobody _orries about it.

He does not HAVE to have a vaccine. He just cannot travel to Australia _ithout one. Their choice. His choice.

I think it is reasonable to take precautions not to infect other people if you kno_ that you have the disease. Is that reasonable, or not?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *abioMan
over a year ago

Ne_castle and Gateshead

Are _e going to have this argument again _hen the french open comes around… because the la_ says to compete in France in any sport, you must be vaccinated!!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *lik and PaulCouple
over a year ago


"Are _e going to have this argument again _hen the french open comes around… because the la_ says to compete in France in any sport, you must be vaccinated!!!"

Hopefully not but don't hold your breath.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ackformore100Man
over a year ago

Tin to_n

"Are _e going to have this argument again _hen the french open comes around… because the la_ says to compete in France in any sport, you must be vaccinated!!!

Hopefully not but don't hold your breath. "

It _ill affect the 6nations too

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

"Are _e going to have this argument again _hen the french open comes around… because the la_ says to compete in France in any sport, you must be vaccinated!!!"

They already put out a statement.

There are only three unvaccinated on the tour any_ay, apparently.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *enuineguy76Man
over a year ago


" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies. he doesn’t need to depend on another scientist in a _hite coat to figure out that the risk of vaccine adverse reaction is greater than the risk of covid - factor in the long term unkno_ns risks of the jabs and you can see ho_ he has made a logical and sound decision especially for a healthy man in his 30s.

This is not true in any _ay. You can just look at the statistics for that along _ith the comparison to the long term adverse reactions of Covid.

You can also compare the chance of a healthy man in his 30s being seriously ill from Covid if he is vaccinated or unvaccinated.

Sho_ us the data. The data that you trust that "proves this". You _ouldn't _rite this unless it _ere "true", right?"

an updated report from government MHRA yello_ card reporting system as follo_s;

Pfizer vaccine - deaths 1 in 36,988

AstraZeneca- deaths 1 in 21,066

The risk of covid death for someone under 50 years old is 0.002% _hich equates to 1 in 50,000 (includes those _ith underlying health conditions _hich Novak hasn’t so the risk is much less again for someone _ho is not obese and has no medical issues and is in good health)

As you can see the risk of death from the vaccine is greater than the risk of death from covid infection.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies. he doesn’t need to depend on another scientist in a _hite coat to figure out that the risk of vaccine adverse reaction is greater than the risk of covid - factor in the long term unkno_ns risks of the jabs and you can see ho_ he has made a logical and sound decision especially for a healthy man in his 30s.

This is not true in any _ay. You can just look at the statistics for that along _ith the comparison to the long term adverse reactions of Covid.

You can also compare the chance of a healthy man in his 30s being seriously ill from Covid if he is vaccinated or unvaccinated.

Sho_ us the data. The data that you trust that "proves this". You _ouldn't _rite this unless it _ere "true", right? an updated report from government MHRA yello_ card reporting system as follo_s;

Pfizer vaccine - deaths 1 in 36,988

AstraZeneca- deaths 1 in 21,066

The risk of covid death for someone under 50 years old is 0.002% _hich equates to 1 in 50,000 (includes those _ith underlying health conditions _hich Novak hasn’t so the risk is much less again for someone _ho is not obese and has no medical issues and is in good health)

As you can see the risk of death from the vaccine is greater than the risk of death from covid infection.


It _ould appear that you you do not understand the Yello_ Card scheme.

From the ONS

'What is the Yello_ Card Scheme?

MHRA’s role is to continually monitor the safety of any medicine or vaccine once they are approved for use. Yello_ Card is a _ebsite _here any member of the public or health professional can report any suspected side effect. This includes deaths, _hich are reported by others on behalf of the deceased person. As the information is self-reported, it means that the suspected side effects are not al_ays proven and some of the side effects may have occurred regardless of the vaccine.

The usefulness of the Yello_ Card Scheme is that anyone can report their symptoms and the information can be provided quickly as it is _ased on notifications, meaning that people can provide information on a possible side effect as soon as it occurs. A summary of reports about COVID-19 vaccines from the Yello_ Card scheme is provided _eekly _here they further explain the scheme and note the importance that the information is not interpreted as proven side effects.

The COVID-19 vaccination programme led to a very large number of people receiving vaccinations in a relatively short period. Some people _ill, sadly, die by chance shortly after receiving a vaccine, so the death can be mistakenly attributed to the COVID-19 vaccination by a family member or carer. In the course of such a large-scale programme, this could add up to a large number.'

'The Yello_ Card Scheme data, by contrast, give an important early _arning about possible deaths relating to COVID-19 vaccinations, and form a basis for further investigations. Ho_ever, the numbers don’t sho_ confirmed cases of deaths linked to the vaccines and should not be used for this purpose. Many of these deaths _ill actually have had other causes, _hich explains _hy these numbers are so much higher than the deaths registrations.'

4 people have died as a direct consequence of a vaccination in the UK.

133,000 people have died of Covid.

938.9 per 100,000 unvaccinated

33.6 per 100,000 vaccinated

As you can see the risk of death from the vaccine is lo_er than the risk of death from covid infection.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The man is a total Clo_n . End of story get the fuk vaccinated and stop craving attention

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

Is a "deactivation mechanism" better than a vaccine?


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *regoniansCouple
over a year ago


The Times has reported tonight that Djokovic has been revealed to be the majority shareholder in a company trying to develop a non-vaccine covid treatment. Well I never.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *Man
over a year ago


... is an idiot (my quick thought)

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *nas_ingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"The Times has reported tonight that Djokovic has been revealed to be the majority shareholder in a company trying to develop a non-vaccine covid treatment. Well I never."

Follo_ the money

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *e CapCouple
over a year ago


It looks like some people can not really see anything beyond covid. What’s _rong _ith you guys? This guy is perhaps one of the healthiest people on the planet. And he already had covid. And he pissed on it. All your data is equal zero for him. The data _hich you trying to sho_ is for the entire population. I can’t see ho_ your numbers are relevant for Djokovic or for any healthy person on this planet.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *enuineguy76Man
over a year ago


" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies. he doesn’t need to depend on another scientist in a _hite coat to figure out that the risk of vaccine adverse reaction is greater than the risk of covid - factor in the long term unkno_ns risks of the jabs and you can see ho_ he has made a logical and sound decision especially for a healthy man in his 30s.

This is not true in any _ay. You can just look at the statistics for that along _ith the comparison to the long term adverse reactions of Covid.

You can also compare the chance of a healthy man in his 30s being seriously ill from Covid if he is vaccinated or unvaccinated.

Sho_ us the data. The data that you trust that "proves this". You _ouldn't _rite this unless it _ere "true", right? an updated report from government MHRA yello_ card reporting system as follo_s;

Pfizer vaccine - deaths 1 in 36,988

AstraZeneca- deaths 1 in 21,066

The risk of covid death for someone under 50 years old is 0.002% _hich equates to 1 in 50,000 (includes those _ith underlying health conditions _hich Novak hasn’t so the risk is much less again for someone _ho is not obese and has no medical issues and is in good health)

As you can see the risk of death from the vaccine is greater than the risk of death from covid infection.

It _ould appear that you you do not understand the Yello_ Card scheme.

From the ONS

'What is the Yello_ Card Scheme?

MHRA’s role is to continually monitor the safety of any medicine or vaccine once they are approved for use. Yello_ Card is a _ebsite _here any member of the public or health professional can report any suspected side effect. This includes deaths, _hich are reported by others on behalf of the deceased person. As the information is self-reported, it means that the suspected side effects are not al_ays proven and some of the side effects may have occurred regardless of the vaccine.

The usefulness of the Yello_ Card Scheme is that anyone can report their symptoms and the information can be provided quickly as it is _ased on notifications, meaning that people can provide information on a possible side effect as soon as it occurs. A summary of reports about COVID-19 vaccines from the Yello_ Card scheme is provided _eekly _here they further explain the scheme and note the importance that the information is not interpreted as proven side effects.

The COVID-19 vaccination programme led to a very large number of people receiving vaccinations in a relatively short period. Some people _ill, sadly, die by chance shortly after receiving a vaccine, so the death can be mistakenly attributed to the COVID-19 vaccination by a family member or carer. In the course of such a large-scale programme, this could add up to a large number.'

'The Yello_ Card Scheme data, by contrast, give an important early _arning about possible deaths relating to COVID-19 vaccinations, and form a basis for further investigations. Ho_ever, the numbers don’t sho_ confirmed cases of deaths linked to the vaccines and should not be used for this purpose. Many of these deaths _ill actually have had other causes, _hich explains _hy these numbers are so much higher than the deaths registrations.'

4 people have died as a direct consequence of a vaccination in the UK.

133,000 people have died of Covid.

938.9 per 100,000 unvaccinated

33.6 per 100,000 vaccinated

As you can see the risk of death from the vaccine is lo_er than the risk of death from covid infection."

the most recent MHRA data sho_s the total number of fatalities reported _as 1,932 (not 4).

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *enuineguy76Man
over a year ago


" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies. he doesn’t need to depend on another scientist in a _hite coat to figure out that the risk of vaccine adverse reaction is greater than the risk of covid - factor in the long term unkno_ns risks of the jabs and you can see ho_ he has made a logical and sound decision especially for a healthy man in his 30s.

This is not true in any _ay. You can just look at the statistics for that along _ith the comparison to the long term adverse reactions of Covid.

You can also compare the chance of a healthy man in his 30s being seriously ill from Covid if he is vaccinated or unvaccinated.

Sho_ us the data. The data that you trust that "proves this". You _ouldn't _rite this unless it _ere "true", right? an updated report from government MHRA yello_ card reporting system as follo_s;

Pfizer vaccine - deaths 1 in 36,988

AstraZeneca- deaths 1 in 21,066

The risk of covid death for someone under 50 years old is 0.002% _hich equates to 1 in 50,000 (includes those _ith underlying health conditions _hich Novak hasn’t so the risk is much less again for someone _ho is not obese and has no medical issues and is in good health)

As you can see the risk of death from the vaccine is greater than the risk of death from covid infection.

It _ould appear that you you do not understand the Yello_ Card scheme.

From the ONS

'What is the Yello_ Card Scheme?

MHRA’s role is to continually monitor the safety of any medicine or vaccine once they are approved for use. Yello_ Card is a _ebsite _here any member of the public or health professional can report any suspected side effect. This includes deaths, _hich are reported by others on behalf of the deceased person. As the information is self-reported, it means that the suspected side effects are not al_ays proven and some of the side effects may have occurred regardless of the vaccine.

The usefulness of the Yello_ Card Scheme is that anyone can report their symptoms and the information can be provided quickly as it is _ased on notifications, meaning that people can provide information on a possible side effect as soon as it occurs. A summary of reports about COVID-19 vaccines from the Yello_ Card scheme is provided _eekly _here they further explain the scheme and note the importance that the information is not interpreted as proven side effects.

The COVID-19 vaccination programme led to a very large number of people receiving vaccinations in a relatively short period. Some people _ill, sadly, die by chance shortly after receiving a vaccine, so the death can be mistakenly attributed to the COVID-19 vaccination by a family member or carer. In the course of such a large-scale programme, this could add up to a large number.'

'The Yello_ Card Scheme data, by contrast, give an important early _arning about possible deaths relating to COVID-19 vaccinations, and form a basis for further investigations. Ho_ever, the numbers don’t sho_ confirmed cases of deaths linked to the vaccines and should not be used for this purpose. Many of these deaths _ill actually have had other causes, _hich explains _hy these numbers are so much higher than the deaths registrations.'

4 people have died as a direct consequence of a vaccination in the UK.

133,000 people have died of Covid.

938.9 per 100,000 unvaccinated

33.6 per 100,000 vaccinated

As you can see the risk of death from the vaccine is lo_er than the risk of death from covid infection. the most recent MHRA data sho_s the total number of fatalities reported _as 1,932 (not 4). "

1,739 “fatal events” _ere reported to the MHRA Yello_ Card scheme follo_ing a Covid-19 vaccination bet_een December 2020 and 27th October 2021

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *alandNitaCouple
over a year ago


" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies. he doesn’t need to depend on another scientist in a _hite coat to figure out that the risk of vaccine adverse reaction is greater than the risk of covid - factor in the long term unkno_ns risks of the jabs and you can see ho_ he has made a logical and sound decision especially for a healthy man in his 30s.

This is not true in any _ay. You can just look at the statistics for that along _ith the comparison to the long term adverse reactions of Covid.

You can also compare the chance of a healthy man in his 30s being seriously ill from Covid if he is vaccinated or unvaccinated.

Sho_ us the data. The data that you trust that "proves this". You _ouldn't _rite this unless it _ere "true", right? an updated report from government MHRA yello_ card reporting system as follo_s;

Pfizer vaccine - deaths 1 in 36,988

AstraZeneca- deaths 1 in 21,066

The risk of covid death for someone under 50 years old is 0.002% _hich equates to 1 in 50,000 (includes those _ith underlying health conditions _hich Novak hasn’t so the risk is much less again for someone _ho is not obese and has no medical issues and is in good health)

As you can see the risk of death from the vaccine is greater than the risk of death from covid infection.

It _ould appear that you you do not understand the Yello_ Card scheme.

From the ONS

'What is the Yello_ Card Scheme?

MHRA’s role is to continually monitor the safety of any medicine or vaccine once they are approved for use. Yello_ Card is a _ebsite _here any member of the public or health professional can report any suspected side effect. This includes deaths, _hich are reported by others on behalf of the deceased person. As the information is self-reported, it means that the suspected side effects are not al_ays proven and some of the side effects may have occurred regardless of the vaccine.

The usefulness of the Yello_ Card Scheme is that anyone can report their symptoms and the information can be provided quickly as it is _ased on notifications, meaning that people can provide information on a possible side effect as soon as it occurs. A summary of reports about COVID-19 vaccines from the Yello_ Card scheme is provided _eekly _here they further explain the scheme and note the importance that the information is not interpreted as proven side effects.

The COVID-19 vaccination programme led to a very large number of people receiving vaccinations in a relatively short period. Some people _ill, sadly, die by chance shortly after receiving a vaccine, so the death can be mistakenly attributed to the COVID-19 vaccination by a family member or carer. In the course of such a large-scale programme, this could add up to a large number.'

'The Yello_ Card Scheme data, by contrast, give an important early _arning about possible deaths relating to COVID-19 vaccinations, and form a basis for further investigations. Ho_ever, the numbers don’t sho_ confirmed cases of deaths linked to the vaccines and should not be used for this purpose. Many of these deaths _ill actually have had other causes, _hich explains _hy these numbers are so much higher than the deaths registrations.'

4 people have died as a direct consequence of a vaccination in the UK.

133,000 people have died of Covid.

938.9 per 100,000 unvaccinated

33.6 per 100,000 vaccinated

As you can see the risk of death from the vaccine is lo_er than the risk of death from covid infection. the most recent MHRA data sho_s the total number of fatalities reported _as 1,932 (not 4). 1,739 “fatal events” _ere reported to the MHRA Yello_ Card scheme follo_ing a Covid-19 vaccination bet_een December 2020 and 27th October 2021"

Bearing in mind that the Yello_ Card Scheme is a "Self Reporting" system, it is quite evident that the vaccines are actually creating hordes of "Undead", _ho are reporting their o_n deaths on the Yello_ Card Scheme before they begin the search for brains to snack on.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Corrected for stupid autocorrect errors

All the hard _ork and sacrifices he’s made to get to be in the cusp of being all time number one.

So ho_ on earth does he reconcile _ith himself that being vaccinated is a sacrifice, a step too far?

His diet and fitness regime are extreme by anyone’s standards, something as safe and proven as a vaccine ought not cause such anxiety and panic in him that he’s no_ risking jeopardising greatness.

Second thought - he’s a tennis pro. I presume he _ouldn’t take tennis advice from doctors epidemiologists virologists etc, _hereas many of those figures have dedicated their lives to the science of healthcare. The vast majority ARE in agreement (yes their are contrarians and outliers - the tobacco companies had stooges that definitively said smoking does not cause cancer). Maybe he should listen to them about _earing masks and not carrying on as per usual _hilst kno_ing he tested positive for Covid the day before. That’s ignorant and selfish.

Queue the mayhem...

But these are completely ne_ medical technology, never been used as vaccines before. They are still in clinical trial and are not due for full approval until 2023 at the earliest. There is absolutely no _ay any long term safety can ge gathered on them in the fe_ months it took them to get them emergency authorised.

Also the government data has sho_n over 1600 vaccine related deaths in many age groups and over 1 million reported adverse reactions in the UK alone (UK government yello_ card reporting). In the US these vaccines have killed more than all vaccines recorded in the last 20 years (go check VAERS _ebsite).

There is currently a criminal investigation logged _ith Metropolitan police to investigate vaccine deaths amongst the young population and NHS _histle blo_ers and families of vaccine injury victims are amongst the _itness statements.

If you are under 70 you have statistically less chance of dying _ith Covid compared to seasonal influenza.

To push a vaccine on the _orld _hen there's no need is madness. "

Boring!!! Stop reading the Daily Mail.. get your o_n facts

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ovebjsMan
over a year ago


"The Times has reported tonight that Djokovic has been revealed to be the majority shareholder in a company trying to develop a non-vaccine covid treatment. Well I never.

Follo_ the money "

I _onder if he is going to _ait 10+ years before his possible cure is authorised

After all it by some on here be called an experimental drug for at least that log

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aseMan
over a year ago


Ffs get over it ! Rules are Rules

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *heBirminghamWeekendMan
over a year ago


“Andrey Rublev says he tested positive for Covid pre-flight but Australia's Border Force still let him in to compete at the Australian Open.”

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *I T_oCouple
over a year ago

PDI 12-26th Nov 24

"“Andrey Rublev says he tested positive for Covid pre-flight but Australia's Border Force still let him in to compete at the Australian Open.”


My mates cousin says he has a 9" cock

I don't believe everything I hear especially _hen I read he tested positive at Christmas

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *heBirminghamWeekendMan
over a year ago


“I personally am not being tested no_ because I just got over the coronavirus. When I fle_ to Australia, I _as still positive, but the level of kovid SS, as it is called, I _ill not lie, it _as very lo_ and not dangerous. I _as allo_ed to enter the country. In addition, I spent more than ten days in quarantine,” - Andrey Rublev

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *I T_oCouple
over a year ago

PDI 12-26th Nov 24

"“I personally am not being tested no_ because I just got over the coronavirus. When I fle_ to Australia, I _as still positive, but the level of kovid SS, as it is called, I _ill not lie, it _as very lo_ and not dangerous. I _as allo_ed to enter the country. In addition, I spent more than ten days in quarantine,” - Andrey Rublev"

What you described is _holly _ithin the regulations as far as I kno_. He had the same "excuse" Novak "tried" to use

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *I T_oCouple
over a year ago

PDI 12-26th Nov 24

* assuming testing positive by pcr

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *heBirminghamWeekendMan
over a year ago


"“I personally am not being tested no_ because I just got over the coronavirus. When I fle_ to Australia, I _as still positive, but the level of kovid SS, as it is called, I _ill not lie, it _as very lo_ and not dangerous. I _as allo_ed to enter the country. In addition, I spent more than ten days in quarantine,” - Andrey Rublev

What you described is _holly _ithin the regulations as far as I kno_. He had the same "excuse" Novak "tried" to use"

I haven’t described anything

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *heBirminghamWeekendMan
over a year ago


An interesting public health policy on the part of the Australia government ?

One entrant - negative but unvaccinated

Another entrant - positive but vaccinated

Which entrant poses the greater risk?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ik MMan
over a year ago


"An interesting public health policy on the part of the Australia government ?

One entrant - negative but unvaccinated

Another entrant - positive but vaccinated

Which entrant poses the greater risk?


The risk of _inning The Australian Open and discrediting the government you mean

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"An interesting public health policy on the part of the Australia government ?

One entrant - negative but unvaccinated

Another entrant - positive but vaccinated

Which entrant poses the greater risk?

The risk of _inning The Australian Open and discrediting the government you mean "

Ho_ _ould the Australian Govmnt be discredited? and _ho _ith?. Australians over_helmingly supported Djokovic been denied entry. Not the fist time nor the last a government has denied entry to a foreign national _ho they deem not to be in the national interest. Our govmnt does it, every govmnt does it.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies. he doesn’t need to depend on another scientist in a _hite coat to figure out that the risk of vaccine adverse reaction is greater than the risk of covid - factor in the long term unkno_ns risks of the jabs and you can see ho_ he has made a logical and sound decision especially for a healthy man in his 30s.

This is not true in any _ay. You can just look at the statistics for that along _ith the comparison to the long term adverse reactions of Covid.

You can also compare the chance of a healthy man in his 30s being seriously ill from Covid if he is vaccinated or unvaccinated.

Sho_ us the data. The data that you trust that "proves this". You _ouldn't _rite this unless it _ere "true", right? an updated report from government MHRA yello_ card reporting system as follo_s;

Pfizer vaccine - deaths 1 in 36,988

AstraZeneca- deaths 1 in 21,066

The risk of covid death for someone under 50 years old is 0.002% _hich equates to 1 in 50,000 (includes those _ith underlying health conditions _hich Novak hasn’t so the risk is much less again for someone _ho is not obese and has no medical issues and is in good health)

As you can see the risk of death from the vaccine is greater than the risk of death from covid infection.

It _ould appear that you you do not understand the Yello_ Card scheme.

From the ONS

'What is the Yello_ Card Scheme?

MHRA’s role is to continually monitor the safety of any medicine or vaccine once they are approved for use. Yello_ Card is a _ebsite _here any member of the public or health professional can report any suspected side effect. This includes deaths, _hich are reported by others on behalf of the deceased person. As the information is self-reported, it means that the suspected side effects are not al_ays proven and some of the side effects may have occurred regardless of the vaccine.

The usefulness of the Yello_ Card Scheme is that anyone can report their symptoms and the information can be provided quickly as it is _ased on notifications, meaning that people can provide information on a possible side effect as soon as it occurs. A summary of reports about COVID-19 vaccines from the Yello_ Card scheme is provided _eekly _here they further explain the scheme and note the importance that the information is not interpreted as proven side effects.

The COVID-19 vaccination programme led to a very large number of people receiving vaccinations in a relatively short period. Some people _ill, sadly, die by chance shortly after receiving a vaccine, so the death can be mistakenly attributed to the COVID-19 vaccination by a family member or carer. In the course of such a large-scale programme, this could add up to a large number.'

'The Yello_ Card Scheme data, by contrast, give an important early _arning about possible deaths relating to COVID-19 vaccinations, and form a basis for further investigations. Ho_ever, the numbers don’t sho_ confirmed cases of deaths linked to the vaccines and should not be used for this purpose. Many of these deaths _ill actually have had other causes, _hich explains _hy these numbers are so much higher than the deaths registrations.'

4 people have died as a direct consequence of a vaccination in the UK.

133,000 people have died of Covid.

938.9 per 100,000 unvaccinated

33.6 per 100,000 vaccinated

As you can see the risk of death from the vaccine is lo_er than the risk of death from covid infection. the most recent MHRA data sho_s the total number of fatalities reported _as 1,932 (not 4). "

I have literally quoted _hat the MHRA data means. Did you read and understand it? Do you understand _hat little significance the number holds?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ik MMan
over a year ago


"An interesting public health policy on the part of the Australia government ?

One entrant - negative but unvaccinated

Another entrant - positive but vaccinated

Which entrant poses the greater risk?

The risk of _inning The Australian Open and discrediting the government you mean

Ho_ _ould the Australian Govmnt be discredited? and _ho _ith?. Australians over_helmingly supported Djokovic been denied entry. Not the fist time nor the last a government has denied entry to a foreign national _ho they deem not to be in the national interest. Our govmnt does it, every govmnt does it."

Ho_ - By an infidel _inning their tournament for one.

Who _ith - their public, the ones they’re in the process of trying to convince they need a vaccine. Someone, specifically Djokovic turning up and _inning goes against all the rhetoric they’ve been fed… not to mention ho_ he might’ve been capable of such _hen he should have Long Covid.

A relatively unkno_n player _ho realistically had no chance of _inning the tournament _as allo_ed into Oz on the same visa and exemption that Djokovic _as eventually deported for

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"An interesting public health policy on the part of the Australia government ?

One entrant - negative but unvaccinated

Another entrant - positive but vaccinated

Which entrant poses the greater risk?

The risk of _inning The Australian Open and discrediting the government you mean

Ho_ _ould the Australian Govmnt be discredited? and _ho _ith?. Australians over_helmingly supported Djokovic been denied entry. Not the fist time nor the last a government has denied entry to a foreign national _ho they deem not to be in the national interest. Our govmnt does it, every govmnt does it.

Ho_ - By an infidel _inning their tournament for one.

Who _ith - their public, the ones they’re in the process of trying to convince they need a vaccine. Someone, specifically Djokovic turning up and _inning goes against all the rhetoric they’ve been fed… not to mention ho_ he might’ve been capable of such _hen he should have Long Covid.

A relatively unkno_n player _ho realistically had no chance of _inning the tournament _as allo_ed into Oz on the same visa and exemption that Djokovic _as eventually deported for"

not sure _hat you mean by using the term 'infidel' im sure it makes sense to you.

Dont ignore the fact that the australian population over_helmingly supported the governments position. So no comeback there from the voters.

And as you rightly say the government is trying to get as many as possible vaccinated, so _hy _ould they allo_ in someone the australian 'anti vax' brigade see as a hero. Like I said not in the national interest.

As a foreign national entry is at the gift of the nation you are going to. It isnt a right you have to visit any country you _ant and any nation can decide to say no your'e not _elcome.

Black and White as that. He may _ell hit similar issues _ith France and Spain. But if so I suspect they _ont go through the same drama sho_ Australia did and just deny him entry before he flies.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ik MMan
over a year ago


"An interesting public health policy on the part of the Australia government ?

One entrant - negative but unvaccinated

Another entrant - positive but vaccinated

Which entrant poses the greater risk?

The risk of _inning The Australian Open and discrediting the government you mean

Ho_ _ould the Australian Govmnt be discredited? and _ho _ith?. Australians over_helmingly supported Djokovic been denied entry. Not the fist time nor the last a government has denied entry to a foreign national _ho they deem not to be in the national interest. Our govmnt does it, every govmnt does it.

Ho_ - By an infidel _inning their tournament for one.

Who _ith - their public, the ones they’re in the process of trying to convince they need a vaccine. Someone, specifically Djokovic turning up and _inning goes against all the rhetoric they’ve been fed… not to mention ho_ he might’ve been capable of such _hen he should have Long Covid.

A relatively unkno_n player _ho realistically had no chance of _inning the tournament _as allo_ed into Oz on the same visa and exemption that Djokovic _as eventually deported for

not sure _hat you mean by using the term 'infidel' im sure it makes sense to you.

Dont ignore the fact that the australian population over_helmingly supported the governments position. So no comeback there from the voters.

And as you rightly say the government is trying to get as many as possible vaccinated, so _hy _ould they allo_ in someone the australian 'anti vax' brigade see as a hero. Like I said not in the national interest.

As a foreign national entry is at the gift of the nation you are going to. It isnt a right you have to visit any country you _ant and any nation can decide to say no your'e not _elcome.

Black and White as that. He may _ell hit similar issues _ith France and Spain. But if so I suspect they _ont go through the same drama sho_ Australia did and just deny him entry before he flies."

Infidel - You can use the _ord more lightly to mean someone _ho doesn't share a common belief or opinion.

Of course the general public supported the decision, they’ve been subjected to one of the most severe lockdo_ns any_here. You may _ell be comfortable that national interest has been expanded to (entirely legal) thought processes, I’m not.

As for France and Spain, only time _ill tell. My issue has never been _ith a country’s right to refuse entry to unvaccinated, it’s the _ay Djokovic has been treated by a government trying to _in votes by flexing its muscles in an election year. If the rules had been clear I can’t believe he _ould have set off - and they _ouldn’t have allo_ed entry to some no mark

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
over a year ago

Terra Firma

"An interesting public health policy on the part of the Australia government ?

One entrant - negative but unvaccinated

Another entrant - positive but vaccinated

Which entrant poses the greater risk?

The risk of _inning The Australian Open and discrediting the government you mean

Ho_ _ould the Australian Govmnt be discredited? and _ho _ith?. Australians over_helmingly supported Djokovic been denied entry. Not the fist time nor the last a government has denied entry to a foreign national _ho they deem not to be in the national interest. Our govmnt does it, every govmnt does it.

Ho_ - By an infidel _inning their tournament for one.

Who _ith - their public, the ones they’re in the process of trying to convince they need a vaccine. Someone, specifically Djokovic turning up and _inning goes against all the rhetoric they’ve been fed… not to mention ho_ he might’ve been capable of such _hen he should have Long Covid.

A relatively unkno_n player _ho realistically had no chance of _inning the tournament _as allo_ed into Oz on the same visa and exemption that Djokovic _as eventually deported for

not sure _hat you mean by using the term 'infidel' im sure it makes sense to you.

Dont ignore the fact that the australian population over_helmingly supported the governments position. So no comeback there from the voters.

And as you rightly say the government is trying to get as many as possible vaccinated, so _hy _ould they allo_ in someone the australian 'anti vax' brigade see as a hero. Like I said not in the national interest.

As a foreign national entry is at the gift of the nation you are going to. It isnt a right you have to visit any country you _ant and any nation can decide to say no your'e not _elcome.

Black and White as that. He may _ell hit similar issues _ith France and Spain. But if so I suspect they _ont go through the same drama sho_ Australia did and just deny him entry before he flies.

Infidel - You can use the _ord more lightly to mean someone _ho doesn't share a common belief or opinion.

Of course the general public supported the decision, they’ve been subjected to one of the most severe lockdo_ns any_here. You may _ell be comfortable that national interest has been expanded to (entirely legal) thought processes, I’m not.

As for France and Spain, only time _ill tell. My issue has never been _ith a country’s right to refuse entry to unvaccinated, it’s the _ay Djokovic has been treated by a government trying to _in votes by flexing its muscles in an election year. If the rules had been clear I can’t believe he _ould have set off - and they _ouldn’t have allo_ed entry to some no mark


I agree it _as a shambles, but both sides _ere equally shambolic.

Djokovic _as either _illingly playing _ith fire or he has sho_n the _orld he isn't the sharpest tool in the box.

The Australian government took the ball, punctured it and thre_ it over the fence, metaphorically speaking.

The question is, _ho _ere the _inners and _ho _ere the losers. In my opinion _e don't have a _inner, everyone lost _hich is _hy it is time to dra_ a line under this.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ik MMan
over a year ago


"An interesting public health policy on the part of the Australia government ?

One entrant - negative but unvaccinated

Another entrant - positive but vaccinated

Which entrant poses the greater risk?

The risk of _inning The Australian Open and discrediting the government you mean

Ho_ _ould the Australian Govmnt be discredited? and _ho _ith?. Australians over_helmingly supported Djokovic been denied entry. Not the fist time nor the last a government has denied entry to a foreign national _ho they deem not to be in the national interest. Our govmnt does it, every govmnt does it.

Ho_ - By an infidel _inning their tournament for one.

Who _ith - their public, the ones they’re in the process of trying to convince they need a vaccine. Someone, specifically Djokovic turning up and _inning goes against all the rhetoric they’ve been fed… not to mention ho_ he might’ve been capable of such _hen he should have Long Covid.

A relatively unkno_n player _ho realistically had no chance of _inning the tournament _as allo_ed into Oz on the same visa and exemption that Djokovic _as eventually deported for

not sure _hat you mean by using the term 'infidel' im sure it makes sense to you.

Dont ignore the fact that the australian population over_helmingly supported the governments position. So no comeback there from the voters.

And as you rightly say the government is trying to get as many as possible vaccinated, so _hy _ould they allo_ in someone the australian 'anti vax' brigade see as a hero. Like I said not in the national interest.

As a foreign national entry is at the gift of the nation you are going to. It isnt a right you have to visit any country you _ant and any nation can decide to say no your'e not _elcome.

Black and White as that. He may _ell hit similar issues _ith France and Spain. But if so I suspect they _ont go through the same drama sho_ Australia did and just deny him entry before he flies.

Infidel - You can use the _ord more lightly to mean someone _ho doesn't share a common belief or opinion.

Of course the general public supported the decision, they’ve been subjected to one of the most severe lockdo_ns any_here. You may _ell be comfortable that national interest has been expanded to (entirely legal) thought processes, I’m not.

As for France and Spain, only time _ill tell. My issue has never been _ith a country’s right to refuse entry to unvaccinated, it’s the _ay Djokovic has been treated by a government trying to _in votes by flexing its muscles in an election year. If the rules had been clear I can’t believe he _ould have set off - and they _ouldn’t have allo_ed entry to some no mark

I agree it _as a shambles, but both sides _ere equally shambolic.

Djokovic _as either _illingly playing _ith fire or he has sho_n the _orld he isn't the sharpest tool in the box.

The Australian government took the ball, punctured it and thre_ it over the fence, metaphorically speaking.

The question is, _ho _ere the _inners and _ho _ere the losers. In my opinion _e don't have a _inner, everyone lost _hich is _hy it is time to dra_ a line under this. "

Agreed - good metaphor too

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *heHookyMonsterMan
over a year ago


"An interesting public health policy on the part of the Australia government ?

One entrant - negative but unvaccinated

Another entrant - positive but vaccinated

Which entrant poses the greater risk?

The risk of _inning The Australian Open and discrediting the government you mean

Ho_ _ould the Australian Govmnt be discredited? and _ho _ith?. Australians over_helmingly supported Djokovic been denied entry. Not the fist time nor the last a government has denied entry to a foreign national _ho they deem not to be in the national interest. Our govmnt does it, every govmnt does it.

Ho_ - By an infidel _inning their tournament for one.

Who _ith - their public, the ones they’re in the process of trying to convince they need a vaccine. Someone, specifically Djokovic turning up and _inning goes against all the rhetoric they’ve been fed… not to mention ho_ he might’ve been capable of such _hen he should have Long Covid.

A relatively unkno_n player _ho realistically had no chance of _inning the tournament _as allo_ed into Oz on the same visa and exemption that Djokovic _as eventually deported for

not sure _hat you mean by using the term 'infidel' im sure it makes sense to you.

Dont ignore the fact that the australian population over_helmingly supported the governments position. So no comeback there from the voters.

And as you rightly say the government is trying to get as many as possible vaccinated, so _hy _ould they allo_ in someone the australian 'anti vax' brigade see as a hero. Like I said not in the national interest.

As a foreign national entry is at the gift of the nation you are going to. It isnt a right you have to visit any country you _ant and any nation can decide to say no your'e not _elcome.

Black and White as that. He may _ell hit similar issues _ith France and Spain. But if so I suspect they _ont go through the same drama sho_ Australia did and just deny him entry before he flies.

Infidel - You can use the _ord more lightly to mean someone _ho doesn't share a common belief or opinion.

Of course the general public supported the decision, they’ve been subjected to one of the most severe lockdo_ns any_here. You may _ell be comfortable that national interest has been expanded to (entirely legal) thought processes, I’m not.

As for France and Spain, only time _ill tell. My issue has never been _ith a country’s right to refuse entry to unvaccinated, it’s the _ay Djokovic has been treated by a government trying to _in votes by flexing its muscles in an election year. If the rules had been clear I can’t believe he _ould have set off - and they _ouldn’t have allo_ed entry to some no mark

I agree it _as a shambles, but both sides _ere equally shambolic.

Djokovic _as either _illingly playing _ith fire or he has sho_n the _orld he isn't the sharpest tool in the box.

The Australian government took the ball, punctured it and thre_ it over the fence, metaphorically speaking.

The question is, _ho _ere the _inners and _ho _ere the losers. In my opinion _e don't have a _inner, everyone lost _hich is _hy it is time to dra_ a line under this. "

Sums it all up rather _ell.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *abioMan
over a year ago

Ne_castle and Gateshead

"“I personally am not being tested no_ because I just got over the coronavirus. When I fle_ to Australia, I _as still positive, but the level of kovid SS, as it is called, I _ill not lie, it _as very lo_ and not dangerous. I _as allo_ed to enter the country. In addition, I spent more than ten days in quarantine,” - Andrey Rublev

What you described is _holly _ithin the regulations as far as I kno_. He had the same "excuse" Novak "tried" to use

I haven’t described anything


In _hich case the other difference is the _hole “quarantine” thing…. Novak is not a fan of that either…. Remember, he _as fighting to not have to do that either

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *enuineguy76Man
over a year ago


" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies. he doesn’t need to depend on another scientist in a _hite coat to figure out that the risk of vaccine adverse reaction is greater than the risk of covid - factor in the long term unkno_ns risks of the jabs and you can see ho_ he has made a logical and sound decision especially for a healthy man in his 30s.

This is not true in any _ay. You can just look at the statistics for that along _ith the comparison to the long term adverse reactions of Covid.

You can also compare the chance of a healthy man in his 30s being seriously ill from Covid if he is vaccinated or unvaccinated.

Sho_ us the data. The data that you trust that "proves this". You _ouldn't _rite this unless it _ere "true", right? an updated report from government MHRA yello_ card reporting system as follo_s;

Pfizer vaccine - deaths 1 in 36,988

AstraZeneca- deaths 1 in 21,066

The risk of covid death for someone under 50 years old is 0.002% _hich equates to 1 in 50,000 (includes those _ith underlying health conditions _hich Novak hasn’t so the risk is much less again for someone _ho is not obese and has no medical issues and is in good health)

As you can see the risk of death from the vaccine is greater than the risk of death from covid infection.

It _ould appear that you you do not understand the Yello_ Card scheme.

From the ONS

'What is the Yello_ Card Scheme?

MHRA’s role is to continually monitor the safety of any medicine or vaccine once they are approved for use. Yello_ Card is a _ebsite _here any member of the public or health professional can report any suspected side effect. This includes deaths, _hich are reported by others on behalf of the deceased person. As the information is self-reported, it means that the suspected side effects are not al_ays proven and some of the side effects may have occurred regardless of the vaccine.

The usefulness of the Yello_ Card Scheme is that anyone can report their symptoms and the information can be provided quickly as it is _ased on notifications, meaning that people can provide information on a possible side effect as soon as it occurs. A summary of reports about COVID-19 vaccines from the Yello_ Card scheme is provided _eekly _here they further explain the scheme and note the importance that the information is not interpreted as proven side effects.

The COVID-19 vaccination programme led to a very large number of people receiving vaccinations in a relatively short period. Some people _ill, sadly, die by chance shortly after receiving a vaccine, so the death can be mistakenly attributed to the COVID-19 vaccination by a family member or carer. In the course of such a large-scale programme, this could add up to a large number.'

'The Yello_ Card Scheme data, by contrast, give an important early _arning about possible deaths relating to COVID-19 vaccinations, and form a basis for further investigations. Ho_ever, the numbers don’t sho_ confirmed cases of deaths linked to the vaccines and should not be used for this purpose. Many of these deaths _ill actually have had other causes, _hich explains _hy these numbers are so much higher than the deaths registrations.'

4 people have died as a direct consequence of a vaccination in the UK.

133,000 people have died of Covid.

938.9 per 100,000 unvaccinated

33.6 per 100,000 vaccinated

As you can see the risk of death from the vaccine is lo_er than the risk of death from covid infection. the most recent MHRA data sho_s the total number of fatalities reported _as 1,932 (not 4).

I have literally quoted _hat the MHRA data means. Did you read and understand it? Do you understand _hat little significance the number holds?"

The risk of covid death for someone under 50 years old is 0.002% _hich equates to 1 in 50,000.

Pfizer vaccine- Deaths: 1 in 36,988 people vaccinated.

AstraZeneca- Deaths: 1 in 21,066 people vaccinated

Tips the balance for me in not taking the vaccines- and let’s face it ; the effectiveness of the jabs are being questioned no_ and it is becoming more and more apparent that the vaccines _ere oversold _hen they _ere first rolled out to the public.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *alandNitaCouple
over a year ago


" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies. he doesn’t need to depend on another scientist in a _hite coat to figure out that the risk of vaccine adverse reaction is greater than the risk of covid - factor in the long term unkno_ns risks of the jabs and you can see ho_ he has made a logical and sound decision especially for a healthy man in his 30s.

This is not true in any _ay. You can just look at the statistics for that along _ith the comparison to the long term adverse reactions of Covid.

You can also compare the chance of a healthy man in his 30s being seriously ill from Covid if he is vaccinated or unvaccinated.

Sho_ us the data. The data that you trust that "proves this". You _ouldn't _rite this unless it _ere "true", right? an updated report from government MHRA yello_ card reporting system as follo_s;

Pfizer vaccine - deaths 1 in 36,988

AstraZeneca- deaths 1 in 21,066

The risk of covid death for someone under 50 years old is 0.002% _hich equates to 1 in 50,000 (includes those _ith underlying health conditions _hich Novak hasn’t so the risk is much less again for someone _ho is not obese and has no medical issues and is in good health)

As you can see the risk of death from the vaccine is greater than the risk of death from covid infection.

It _ould appear that you you do not understand the Yello_ Card scheme.

From the ONS

'What is the Yello_ Card Scheme?

MHRA’s role is to continually monitor the safety of any medicine or vaccine once they are approved for use. Yello_ Card is a _ebsite _here any member of the public or health professional can report any suspected side effect. This includes deaths, _hich are reported by others on behalf of the deceased person. As the information is self-reported, it means that the suspected side effects are not al_ays proven and some of the side effects may have occurred regardless of the vaccine.

The usefulness of the Yello_ Card Scheme is that anyone can report their symptoms and the information can be provided quickly as it is _ased on notifications, meaning that people can provide information on a possible side effect as soon as it occurs. A summary of reports about COVID-19 vaccines from the Yello_ Card scheme is provided _eekly _here they further explain the scheme and note the importance that the information is not interpreted as proven side effects.

The COVID-19 vaccination programme led to a very large number of people receiving vaccinations in a relatively short period. Some people _ill, sadly, die by chance shortly after receiving a vaccine, so the death can be mistakenly attributed to the COVID-19 vaccination by a family member or carer. In the course of such a large-scale programme, this could add up to a large number.'

'The Yello_ Card Scheme data, by contrast, give an important early _arning about possible deaths relating to COVID-19 vaccinations, and form a basis for further investigations. Ho_ever, the numbers don’t sho_ confirmed cases of deaths linked to the vaccines and should not be used for this purpose. Many of these deaths _ill actually have had other causes, _hich explains _hy these numbers are so much higher than the deaths registrations.'

4 people have died as a direct consequence of a vaccination in the UK.

133,000 people have died of Covid.

938.9 per 100,000 unvaccinated

33.6 per 100,000 vaccinated

As you can see the risk of death from the vaccine is lo_er than the risk of death from covid infection. the most recent MHRA data sho_s the total number of fatalities reported _as 1,932 (not 4).

I have literally quoted _hat the MHRA data means. Did you read and understand it? Do you understand _hat little significance the number holds? The risk of covid death for someone under 50 years old is 0.002% _hich equates to 1 in 50,000.

Pfizer vaccine- Deaths: 1 in 36,988 people vaccinated.

AstraZeneca- Deaths: 1 in 21,066 people vaccinated

Tips the balance for me in not taking the vaccines- and let’s face it ; the effectiveness of the jabs are being questioned no_ and it is becoming more and more apparent that the vaccines _ere oversold _hen they _ere first rolled out to the public.


I don't kno_ _here you get your figures from, but they are complete lies.

In the UK, there have been 9 (yes NINE) deaths _here a Covid vaccine has been a contributing factor... although Vaccines _ere mentioned on 13 death certificates.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *heBirminghamWeekendMan
over a year ago


"“I personally am not being tested no_ because I just got over the coronavirus. When I fle_ to Australia, I _as still positive, but the level of kovid SS, as it is called, I _ill not lie, it _as very lo_ and not dangerous. I _as allo_ed to enter the country. In addition, I spent more than ten days in quarantine,” - Andrey Rublev

In _hich case the other difference is the _hole “quarantine” thing…. Novak is not a fan of that either…. Remember, he _as fighting to not have to do that either "

Another difference - one player _as negative, the other actually had covid.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *immyinreadingMan
over a year ago

henley on thames

" I think he kno_s a thing or t_o about health, and he kno_s the time of day _hen it comes to _hat’s good for his body and _hat’s not.

Yes, I suspect he probably thinks he kno_ better than the millions and millions of surgeons, doctors, nurses, scientific researchers and others that have been vaccinated, I mean _hat _ould they possibly kno_ about _hat's good for their bodies. he doesn’t need to depend on another scientist in a _hite coat to figure out that the risk of vaccine adverse reaction is greater than the risk of covid - factor in the long term unkno_ns risks of the jabs and you can see ho_ he has made a logical and sound decision especially for a healthy man in his 30s.

This is not true in any _ay. You can just look at the statistics for that along _ith the comparison to the long term adverse reactions of Covid.

You can also compare the chance of a healthy man in his 30s being seriously ill from Covid if he is vaccinated or unvaccinated.

Sho_ us the data. The data that you trust that "proves this". You _ouldn't _rite this unless it _ere "true", right? an updated report from government MHRA yello_ card reporting system as follo_s;

Pfizer vaccine - deaths 1 in 36,988

AstraZeneca- deaths 1 in 21,066

The risk of covid death for someone under 50 years old is 0.002% _hich equates to 1 in 50,000 (includes those _ith underlying health conditions _hich Novak hasn’t so the risk is much less again for someone _ho is not obese and has no medical issues and is in good health)

As you can see the risk of death from the vaccine is greater than the risk of death from covid infection.

It _ould appear that you you do not understand the Yello_ Card scheme.

From the ONS

'What is the Yello_ Card Scheme?

MHRA’s role is to continually monitor the safety of any medicine or vaccine once they are approved for use. Yello_ Card is a _ebsite _here any member of the public or health professional can report any suspected side effect. This includes deaths, _hich are reported by others on behalf of the deceased person. As the information is self-reported, it means that the suspected side effects are not al_ays proven and some of the side effects may have occurred regardless of the vaccine.

The usefulness of the Yello_ Card Scheme is that anyone can report their symptoms and the information can be provided quickly as it is _ased on notifications, meaning that people can provide information on a possible side effect as soon as it occurs. A summary of reports about COVID-19 vaccines from the Yello_ Card scheme is provided _eekly _here they further explain the scheme and note the importance that the information is not interpreted as proven side effects.

The COVID-19 vaccination programme led to a very large number of people receiving vaccinations in a relatively short period. Some people _ill, sadly, die by chance shortly after receiving a vaccine, so the death can be mistakenly attributed to the COVID-19 vaccination by a family member or carer. In the course of such a large-scale programme, this could add up to a large number.'

'The Yello_ Card Scheme data, by contrast, give an important early _arning about possible deaths relating to COVID-19 vaccinations, and form a basis for further investigations. Ho_ever, the numbers don’t sho_ confirmed cases of deaths linked to the vaccines and should not be used for this purpose. Many of these deaths _ill actually have had other causes, _hich explains _hy these numbers are so much higher than the deaths registrations.'

4 people have died as a direct consequence of a vaccination in the UK.

133,000 people have died of Covid.

938.9 per 100,000 unvaccinated

33.6 per 100,000 vaccinated

As you can see the risk of death from the vaccine is lo_er than the risk of death from covid infection. the most recent MHRA data sho_s the total number of fatalities reported _as 1,932 (not 4).

I have literally quoted _hat the MHRA data means. Did you read and understand it? Do you understand _hat little significance the number holds? The risk of covid death for someone under 50 years old is 0.002% _hich equates to 1 in 50,000.

Pfizer vaccine- Deaths: 1 in 36,988 people vaccinated.

AstraZeneca- Deaths: 1 in 21,066 people vaccinated

Tips the balance for me in not taking the vaccines- and let’s face it ; the effectiveness of the jabs are being questioned no_ and it is becoming more and more apparent that the vaccines _ere oversold _hen they _ere first rolled out to the public.


Please share the source of their stats. They don’t tally _ith anything I have seen.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *e CapCouple
over a year ago


Ne_ study sho_s that naturally acquired immunity is more effective than the vaccines against Delta. So Djokovic _as right and Aussie government _rong. Of course I don’t deny their rights to be _rong or stupid in their o_n country but just saying.


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ackformore100Man
over a year ago

Tin to_n

"Ne_ study sho_s that naturally acquired immunity is more effective than the vaccines against Delta. So Djokovic _as right and Aussie government _rong. Of course I don’t deny their rights to be _rong or stupid in their o_n country but just saying.



Interesting balanced and rather common sense article.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Ne_ study sho_s that naturally acquired immunity is more effective than the vaccines against Delta. So Djokovic _as right and Aussie government _rong. Of course I don’t deny their rights to be _rong or stupid in their o_n country but just saying.


Interesting balanced and rather common sense article. "

It is a bit of a no shit sherlock moment given you have to catch and survive covid first to develop immunity

'Unvaccinated people _ho had previously contracted COVID-19 and survived _ere better protected against the Delta variant than those _ho _ere only vaccinated, according to a ne_ study published on Wednesday.'

What about Omicron?

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By *ovebjsMan
over a year ago


"Ne_ study sho_s that naturally acquired immunity is more effective than the vaccines against Delta. So Djokovic _as right and Aussie government _rong. Of course I don’t deny their rights to be _rong or stupid in their o_n country but just saying.



No he _as not right because he still lied on his forms and did not have a valid exemption.

There _ill be another paid for study claiming something else soon

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Ne_ study sho_s that naturally acquired immunity is more effective than the vaccines against Delta. So Djokovic _as right and Aussie government _rong. Of course I don’t deny their rights to be _rong or stupid in their o_n country but just saying.



Have you read the judge's reasoning to support deportation? Nothing to do _ith ho_ 'immune' Djokavic _as or _asnt. And all to do _ith his status as an tennis icon and that his pressence in the country could foster sentiment that the vaccination _as not necessary. Which is contrary to the government policy.

Heres some of _hat the jude said

The court also ruled that the Australian population could be influenced by Djokovic remaining in the country _ith the potential that his presence ‘might foster anti-vaccination sentiment.’

‘An iconic _orld tennis star may influence people of all ages, young or old, but perhaps especially the young and the impressionable, to emulate him,’ the court ruled.

‘This is not fanciful; it does not need evidence. It is the recognition of human behaviour from a modest familiarity _ith human experience.

‘Even if Mr Djokovic did not _in the Australian Open, the capacity of his presence in Australia playing tennis to encourage those _ho _ould emulate or _ish to be like him is a rational foundation for the vie_ that he might foster anti-vaccination sentiment.

‘In addition, I consider that Mr Djokovic’s ongoing presence in Australia may lead to an increase in anti-vaccination generated in the Australian community, potentially leading to an increase in civil unrest of the kind previously experienced in Australia _ith rallies and protests _hich may themselves be a source of community transmission.’

Djokovic breaking his o_n isolation rules in Serbia by attending an event after testing positive in December for coronavirus _as also taken into account in the court ruling.

The court added ‘there _as evidence that Mr Djokovic had recently disregarded reasonable public health measures overseas by attending activities unmasked _hile COVID positive.’

Where in that ruling does it make comment on the immunity or other_ise to the Delta variant? Kinda a mute point any_ay given that Omicron is no_ the dominant variant

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

He _as deported due to the Australian government decision to label him a danger to public health due to his vie_s concerning vaccination.

Due to his vie_s he could be seen as a role model to the anti vac campaigners and thus incite public discourse.

so he _as deported

I hear that Australia is 95% vaccinated, so the other 5% must be enough to start trouble.

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