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covid vaccination to get or not?

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Do what you want.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Do what you want."

the best reply ever.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

This is going straight in my fuckit bucket.

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By *ovebjsMan
over a year ago


"This is going straight in my fuckit bucket. "

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By *ex HolesMan
over a year ago

Up North

It’s not Gibraltar it’s Andorra.

Gibraltar has such a high rate cause it’s the 4th highest testing country in the world, circa 14million tests and only 33K people living there. More testing equals more opportunities to detect it.

You’re very welcome OP

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By *ovebjsMan
over a year ago


"It’s not Gibraltar it’s Andorra.

Gibraltar has such a high rate cause it’s the 4th highest testing country in the world, circa 14million tests and only 33K people living there. More testing equals more opportunities to detect it.

You’re very welcome OP "

But their not being judgmental

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By *olymalelincsMan
over a year ago

nr spalding

Your choice and your life OP but if you catch one of the other variants that isn't omicron (they havent just vanished) then you take your chances that you dont end up in hospital seriously ill as asking for the vaccine then wont do you any good. But if you feel lucky then it's up to you, I am fully vaccinated as the person I care for is extremely vulnerable so I will do everything I can to reduce the risk of catching it to protect her

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

For a little help on your chances with the 'non cold' covid

The Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC), which has been monitoring activity throughout the pandemic, provides information on admissions to intensive care.3 Its latest report, published on 31 December, showed that the proportion of patients admitted to critical care in December 2021 with confirmed covid-19 who were unvaccinated was 61%. This proportion had previously fallen from 75% in May 2021 to 47% in October 2021—consistent with the decreasing proportion of the general population who were unvaccinated—before rising again in December 2021.

The proportion of unvaccinated patients in intensive care varied by English region, with the highest rates recorded in London (66%), the south west, and the north west. Being unvaccinated was classed as a person having no record of receiving any vaccination or having had a first dose administered within 14 days of receiving a positive covid test, and only 1.9% of the “unvaccinated” group had received a first dose within that period.

The 61% figure is lower than the 80-90% reported at some hospitals. But the latest ICNARC data span only to 15 December, and the proportion of patients in intensive care who are unvaccinated may have increased as the omicron variant spread in December. Some hospitals will also have been more badly affected than others.

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By *ebjonnsonMan
over a year ago


The first time in medical history that the limitations of a vaccine has been blamed on those that won’t take it.

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By *ophieslutTV/TS
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 14/01/22 20:32:26]

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By *ophieslutTV/TS
over a year ago


I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The first time in medical history that the limitations of a vaccine has been blamed on those that won’t take it."

This was bollocks the first time it was posted and it's bollocks now.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it "

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

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By *iggstimpyCouple
over a year ago

South East

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?"

Depends on their motivation, or lack of, to get vaxed. If they have not had it because they are young fit and healthy then falling ill would make them staggeringly unlucky.

As such, they would probably seek treatment if they were that lucky the same way as they would get treatment for a fractured skull if a coconut fell on their head – even if they weren’t walking around in a helmet.

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By *iggstimpyCouple
over a year ago

South East

[Removed by poster at 14/01/22 23:40:05]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

fair point

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By *an JuniperoCouple
over a year ago

North East

"Do what you want."

Advice for life haha.

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By *ylonSlutTV/TS
over a year ago


I can't believe this is being dragged up again. Was discusses to death about 6 months ago. As pointed out gibraltar has high testing rates. Has a highly transient population and therefore more infection, most of the people that work there live in main land Spain. The high vaccination rate, which was/is higher than the actual population at one point can be explained but none residents getting their jabs in Gibraltar.

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By *ikerguylondonMan
over a year ago

NW Kent

If you want it, get it, if not, then don't.

Unless you in a group where the vaccine posses a significant risk to your health then I'd recommend it to anyone but it's your choice.

The reasons for getting it are:

Helps reduce the effect if/when you get it so your less likely to need medical assistance, yes Omicron is less severe than Delta just like how buckshot is less severe than breaching rounds but I'd still take the body amour if offered it. And as said Delta is still out there.

If you get infected then your less likely to infect others (e.g. friends and family)

If you do get ill it's highly likely to not last as long

You are less likely to develop long covid

The reasons not to get it will be handed to you before you get your shot in print as a disclaimer of all potential ill effects and the likely hood of them happening need to be openly shared ahead of time by law.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *uddy laneMan
over a year ago


The reason why i have not taken the opportunity of the vaccine is that i have caught covid twice, and i have a natural immunity to the virus the second infection proved that with only mild effects from the delta variant, alpha was my first infection early Feb 2020 was on my back for a week and fatigue for the following 8 months, on a side note I have been reading through the data that is out there on admissions to hospitals of people who have been previously infected with the covid virus there was a study in Israel and the figure was around 1% of admitted had a previous infection and that was an article from a medical journal.

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By *hagTonightMan
over a year ago

From the land of haribos.

"Do what you want.

the best reply ever."

This .

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By *otMe66Man
over a year ago

Terra Firma

"The reason why i have not taken the opportunity of the vaccine is that i have caught covid twice, and i have a natural immunity to the virus the second infection proved that with only mild effects from the delta variant, alpha was my first infection early Feb 2020 was on my back for a week and fatigue for the following 8 months, on a side note I have been reading through the data that is out there on admissions to hospitals of people who have been previously infected with the covid virus there was a study in Israel and the figure was around 1% of admitted had a previous infection and that was an article from a medical journal.


Not following the logic here... If you had covid twice the first time you had it didn't make you immune from the second time, or you wouldn't have had it twice. That makes me ask why you now believe you are immune to catching it again?

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By *he-Hosiery-GentMan
over a year ago

Older Hot Guy For 20’s-30’s Girls

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )"

Penny starting to drop with another one

More and more people brainwashed by the scaremongering propaganda come round each day

Where have you been all this time lol

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By *otMe66Man
over a year ago

Terra Firma

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )

Penny starting to drop with another one

More and more people brainwashed by the scaremongering propaganda come round each day

Where have you been all this time lol"

It isn't easy trying to change the minds of the majority who listened to health professionals that care about their health is it?

You are consistent which is nice to see and I applaud your stamina. I think you could do good things if you put your mind to it.

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By *irldnCouple
over a year ago


"The reason why i have not taken the opportunity of the vaccine is that i have caught covid twice, and i have a natural immunity to the virus the second infection proved that with only mild effects from the delta variant, alpha was my first infection early Feb 2020 was on my back for a week and fatigue for the following 8 months, on a side note I have been reading through the data that is out there on admissions to hospitals of people who have been previously infected with the covid virus there was a study in Israel and the figure was around 1% of admitted had a previous infection and that was an article from a medical journal.

Not following the logic here... If you had covid twice the first time you had it didn't make you immune from the second time, or you wouldn't have had it twice. That makes me ask why you now believe you are immune to catching it again?


Not my place to answer for @buddy_lane but swap “immunity” for “immune response” and it makes sense.

Just as the vaccine teaches the immune system how to fight Covid so too does a previous infection.

So I read Buddy’s post as “had alpha and was quite ill but many months later when I caught delta I was far less unwell because my immune response was primed and ready”

Makes total sense. There are some theories around that people who had SARS back in early 2000s have a stronger immune response to Covid.

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By *rFunBoyMan
over a year ago


"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?"

A friend is an ICU Nurse and lost count the number of times she been asked by patients about to be put on oxygen or into a coma, if they can "have the vaccine now".

Like she says "it's a bit feckin late by then".

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By *olden RatioWoman
over a year ago


Hello fellow fabbers. I had covid over the new year and am assuming it was Omicron. From personal experience I would say that it wasn't like a cold... I've certainly never had my temperature spike to 38.1 degrees just from a cold. Thankfully it didn't affect my respiratory system at all and I am very grateful for that. It's left me pretty wiped out and I certainly wouldn't want to catch it again.

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By *otMe66Man
over a year ago

Terra Firma

"Hello fellow fabbers. I had covid over the new year and am assuming it was Omicron. From personal experience I would say that it wasn't like a cold... I've certainly never had my temperature spike to 38.1 degrees just from a cold. Thankfully it didn't affect my respiratory system at all and I am very grateful for that. It's left me pretty wiped out and I certainly wouldn't want to catch it again."

I hope you're feeling better now

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By *otMe66Man
over a year ago

Terra Firma

"The reason why i have not taken the opportunity of the vaccine is that i have caught covid twice, and i have a natural immunity to the virus the second infection proved that with only mild effects from the delta variant, alpha was my first infection early Feb 2020 was on my back for a week and fatigue for the following 8 months, on a side note I have been reading through the data that is out there on admissions to hospitals of people who have been previously infected with the covid virus there was a study in Israel and the figure was around 1% of admitted had a previous infection and that was an article from a medical journal.

Not following the logic here... If you had covid twice the first time you had it didn't make you immune from the second time, or you wouldn't have had it twice. That makes me ask why you now believe you are immune to catching it again?

Not my place to answer for @buddy_lane but swap “immunity” for “immune response” and it makes sense.

Just as the vaccine teaches the immune system how to fight Covid so too does a previous infection.

So I read Buddy’s post as “had alpha and was quite ill but many months later when I caught delta I was far less unwell because my immune response was primed and ready”

Makes total sense. There are some theories around that people who had SARS back in early 2000s have a stronger immune response to Covid."

Is this proven, as in scientists are saying once you have caught covid the body is permanently adapted to fight covid? Or does this vary person to person in terms of time and effectiveness?

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By *ustamanMan
over a year ago


Yes it is, at the very least by being immunised you'll be helping to suppress the existing variants, new ones may crop up as viruses can and do mutate but generally it appears they mutate to a less hazardous form. Not being vaccinated allows the original form to prevail.

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By *irldnCouple
over a year ago


"The reason why i have not taken the opportunity of the vaccine is that i have caught covid twice, and i have a natural immunity to the virus the second infection proved that with only mild effects from the delta variant, alpha was my first infection early Feb 2020 was on my back for a week and fatigue for the following 8 months, on a side note I have been reading through the data that is out there on admissions to hospitals of people who have been previously infected with the covid virus there was a study in Israel and the figure was around 1% of admitted had a previous infection and that was an article from a medical journal.

Not following the logic here... If you had covid twice the first time you had it didn't make you immune from the second time, or you wouldn't have had it twice. That makes me ask why you now believe you are immune to catching it again?

Not my place to answer for @buddy_lane but swap “immunity” for “immune response” and it makes sense.

Just as the vaccine teaches the immune system how to fight Covid so too does a previous infection.

So I read Buddy’s post as “had alpha and was quite ill but many months later when I caught delta I was far less unwell because my immune response was primed and ready”

Makes total sense. There are some theories around that people who had SARS back in early 2000s have a stronger immune response to Covid.

Is this proven, as in scientists are saying once you have caught covid the body is permanently adapted to fight covid? Or does this vary person to person in terms of time and effectiveness? "

As far as I know there are multiple research projects looking into a range of things around “natural immunity” or a naturally induced immune response. No idea of conclusions etc but there are findings on various factors that appear to be helping drive effective natural immune responses. These include previous/historic infection with other diseases (SARS being one) and also exploration of genetics.

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By *otMe66Man
over a year ago

Terra Firma

"The reason why i have not taken the opportunity of the vaccine is that i have caught covid twice, and i have a natural immunity to the virus the second infection proved that with only mild effects from the delta variant, alpha was my first infection early Feb 2020 was on my back for a week and fatigue for the following 8 months, on a side note I have been reading through the data that is out there on admissions to hospitals of people who have been previously infected with the covid virus there was a study in Israel and the figure was around 1% of admitted had a previous infection and that was an article from a medical journal.

Not following the logic here... If you had covid twice the first time you had it didn't make you immune from the second time, or you wouldn't have had it twice. That makes me ask why you now believe you are immune to catching it again?

Not my place to answer for @buddy_lane but swap “immunity” for “immune response” and it makes sense.

Just as the vaccine teaches the immune system how to fight Covid so too does a previous infection.

So I read Buddy’s post as “had alpha and was quite ill but many months later when I caught delta I was far less unwell because my immune response was primed and ready”

Makes total sense. There are some theories around that people who had SARS back in early 2000s have a stronger immune response to Covid.

Is this proven, as in scientists are saying once you have caught covid the body is permanently adapted to fight covid? Or does this vary person to person in terms of time and effectiveness?

As far as I know there are multiple research projects looking into a range of things around “natural immunity” or a naturally induced immune response. No idea of conclusions etc but there are findings on various factors that appear to be helping drive effective natural immune responses. These include previous/historic infection with other diseases (SARS being one) and also exploration of genetics."

It would be good to know how natural immunity is stacking up under scientific scrutiny. I read a positive PCR gives a level of protection for 6 months and is the reason people can travel as proof of recovering without being vaccinated, but I'm unaware of what that means for the following months 7, 8 etc.

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By *inky-MinxWoman
over a year ago


"Do what you want.

the best reply ever."

He is right

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By *ad NannaWoman
over a year ago

East London

Looking at it from a purely selfish angle, if you want to reduce the risk of you getting very ill, or dying from it, then get vaccinated.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I've just recovered from Covid, unvaxxed, a day spent in bed, banging headache and felt a bit rough in general for a week.. Caught it off my triple jabbed papa.. Only reason I know is he came to stay from Spain over New year..I'm alive

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?"

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

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By *rouble1977Woman
over a year ago


"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )"

Try getting all of your facts right before you spout shit

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By *ust PeachyWoman
over a year ago


"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )"

I had omicron op. I eat healthily, am double vaccinated and walk an hour a day. It still absolutely floored me for weeks though. Had a constant splitting headache and felt so weak that if I made a cup of tea it was a major achievement. Ached everywhere.

However it counts as ‘mild’ because I wasn’t hospitalised. In no way did it feel anything like any cold I’ve ever had - and I’m definitely in no hurry to catch it again. I still have headaches pretty much daily for several hours - and I still need more sleep than before - one month on.

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way. "

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles.

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By *adyH and GrissomCouple
over a year ago


Have three Pfizer doses and the flu jab and absolutely fine, husband has ms and medication for heart failure, had two Oxford jabs and a Pfizer booster plus his flu jab and is also absolutely fine. Get jabbed the science works

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By *itygamesMan
over a year ago


Ive been wondering if to many of the same vaccination jabs will make the immune system weak/give up

i.e its saying i dont need to work anymore ..i keep getting help

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Ive been wondering if to many of the same vaccination jabs will make the immune system weak/give up

i.e its saying i dont need to work anymore ..i keep getting help"

The way vaccines work is they give the immune system something to work on. Just something that's much safer than the actual disease. So no.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles."

But the vaccine is still in trail phase. Thousands and thousands of you / middle aged healthy people dead and injured through adverse reactions. This makes no sense to me with a survival rate of over 99%. I see it as an absolute catastrophie. We all have our views and shouldn't be ridiculed either way or coerced which is what's happening on a daily basis.

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles.

But the vaccine is still in trail phase. Thousands and thousands of you / middle aged healthy people dead and injured through adverse reactions. This makes no sense to me with a survival rate of over 99%. I see it as an absolute catastrophie. We all have our views and shouldn't be ridiculed either way or coerced which is what's happening on a daily basis. "

I'm sorry you have been taken in by misinformation, I really am.

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By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )"

"People" are not virologists, immunologists, epidemiologists or public health specialists.

Of you can trust "people" over those who are knowledgeable and practised in understanding the science and data then you are free to. Is there a reason why?

Some people who caught Alpha we're fine. Many millions became severely ill, many millions died. Omicron is less severe than Alpha or Delta but not "mild".

Covid is not the same as the common cold, nor are the consequences of catching so there is no comparison to be made.

A vaccine is not "worthless" if it reduces spread of the virus. It is not worthless if it reduces the chances of becoming severely ill or dying. It is not worthless if it allows life to become more normal faster.

Treating the consequences of the disease is cheaper than preventing it, and as a bonus fewer people become very ill or die.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles.

But the vaccine is still in trail phase. Thousands and thousands of you / middle aged healthy people dead and injured through adverse reactions. This makes no sense to me with a survival rate of over 99%. I see it as an absolute catastrophie. We all have our views and shouldn't be ridiculed either way or coerced which is what's happening on a daily basis.

I'm sorry you have been taken in by misinformation, I really am."

. Wow.. Stay safe missy.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *incsladyandscotsmanCouple
over a year ago

North fife

Out of principal I will never get the covid passport. I don't care what I cannot visit it is stupid, immoral and simply does not work.

How is it right that I cannot take my son to watch our local team as the stadium is too big, however can to an opponents team which has a smaller stadium? I can sit in a bar up to a time then need to show my passport to a stranger to continue sitting in the bar. Does covid not spread in smaller stadiums? Does covid not spread in pubs before a certain time?

As the first minister of Scotland said, the passport is being used to coerce people to get the vaccine/booster.

Rant over.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *TMA that man againMan
over a year ago


"It’s not Gibraltar it’s Andorra.

Gibraltar has such a high rate cause it’s the 4th highest testing country in the world, circa 14million tests and only 33K people living there. More testing equals more opportunities to detect it.

You’re very welcome OP "

Also, thanks to vaccines, very very low death rate.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *TMA that man againMan
over a year ago


"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles.

But the vaccine is still in trail phase. Thousands and thousands of you / middle aged healthy people dead and injured through adverse reactions. This makes no sense to me with a survival rate of over 99%. I see it as an absolute catastrophie. We all have our views and shouldn't be ridiculed either way or coerced which is what's happening on a daily basis.

I'm sorry you have been taken in by misinformation, I really am."

some people seem very poor at filtering crap from actual facts/science.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *ittleMissCaliWoman
over a year ago

trouble most likely, or creating it :)

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )"

my healthy 25 year old daughter is law has just been admitted to hospital with this not so serious version of covid. She had decided against the vaccine as she was a fit and healthy young lady. Plus she was pregnant... and didn't want to risk the baby.

She now wishes that she had taken the vaccine....

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts ) my healthy 25 year old daughter is law has just been admitted to hospital with this not so serious version of covid. She had decided against the vaccine as she was a fit and healthy young lady. Plus she was pregnant... and didn't want to risk the baby.

She now wishes that she had taken the vaccine.... "

Hope she and the baby are ok.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *ausageNmashCouple
over a year ago


It's only a little prick

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts ) my healthy 25 year old daughter is law has just been admitted to hospital with this not so serious version of covid. She had decided against the vaccine as she was a fit and healthy young lady. Plus she was pregnant... and didn't want to risk the baby.

She now wishes that she had taken the vaccine.... "

I'm so sorry

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *olymalelincsMan
over a year ago

nr spalding

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts ) my healthy 25 year old daughter is law has just been admitted to hospital with this not so serious version of covid. She had decided against the vaccine as she was a fit and healthy young lady. Plus she was pregnant... and didn't want to risk the baby.

She now wishes that she had taken the vaccine.... "

Hoping she gets through this and her and baby are ok

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )

Penny starting to drop with another one

More and more people brainwashed by the scaremongering propaganda come round each day

Where have you been all this time lol"

Penny's dropping left right and centre at the moment.

Probably because we've all something in common the vaxi/non-vax none of us will ever be fully jabbed booster 4 shortly

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )

Penny starting to drop with another one

More and more people brainwashed by the scaremongering propaganda come round each day

Where have you been all this time lol

Penny's dropping left right and centre at the moment.

Probably because we've all something in common the vaxi/non-vax none of us will ever be fully jabbed booster 4 shortly "

I had jab four a month ago

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles.

But the vaccine is still in trail phase. Thousands and thousands of you / middle aged healthy people dead and injured through adverse reactions. This makes no sense to me with a survival rate of over 99%. I see it as an absolute catastrophie. We all have our views and shouldn't be ridiculed either way or coerced which is what's happening on a daily basis.

I'm sorry you have been taken in by misinformation, I really am. some people seem very poor at filtering crap from actual facts/science."

What's the stuff that should have been filtered out?

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )

Penny starting to drop with another one

More and more people brainwashed by the scaremongering propaganda come round each day

Where have you been all this time lol

Penny's dropping left right and centre at the moment.

Probably because we've all something in common the vaxi/non-vax none of us will ever be fully jabbed booster 4 shortly

I had jab four a month ago "

Not had jab 5 yet buddy

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )

Penny starting to drop with another one

More and more people brainwashed by the scaremongering propaganda come round each day

Where have you been all this time lol

Penny's dropping left right and centre at the moment.

Probably because we've all something in common the vaxi/non-vax none of us will ever be fully jabbed booster 4 shortly

I had jab four a month ago

Not had jab 5 yet buddy "

I've had flu jab 20 though. And I'll have 21 next year. Oooh, scary

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *immyinreadingMan
over a year ago

henley on thames

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )"

Millions of lives saved already.

We wound still be in hard lockdown (like first few months) if the vaccines had not been rolled out.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *I TwoCouple
over a year ago

all around

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )

Penny starting to drop with another one

More and more people brainwashed by the scaremongering propaganda come round each day

Where have you been all this time lol

Penny's dropping left right and centre at the moment.

Probably because we've all something in common the vaxi/non-vax none of us will ever be fully jabbed booster 4 shortly "

What do you mean "fully jabbed" is that a even a thing lol

I'd guess booster 2 and 3 would come before booster 4 ?

I'm fully protected at present, from Covid, Influenza, tetanus, hepb and others but I'll be needing several boosters for various things so what are exactly is your point ?

I've a few spare spoons here if you need another lol

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )

Penny starting to drop with another one

More and more people brainwashed by the scaremongering propaganda come round each day

Where have you been all this time lol

Penny's dropping left right and centre at the moment.

Probably because we've all something in common the vaxi/non-vax none of us will ever be fully jabbed booster 4 shortly

What do you mean "fully jabbed" is that a even a thing lol

I'd guess booster 2 and 3 would come before booster 4 ?

I'm fully protected at present, from Covid, Influenza, tetanus, hepb and others but I'll be needing several boosters for various things so what are exactly is your point ?

I've a few spare spoons here if you need another lol"

I don't know if it's still the case, but when I was growing up, if you stood on a rusty nail, you nipped off to the doctor to get it treated plus a tetanus shot.

I'll never be fully vaccinated against tetanus because an accident might happen. Oh noes

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )

Penny starting to drop with another one

More and more people brainwashed by the scaremongering propaganda come round each day

Where have you been all this time lol

Penny's dropping left right and centre at the moment.

Probably because we've all something in common the vaxi/non-vax none of us will ever be fully jabbed booster 4 shortly

What do you mean "fully jabbed" is that a even a thing lol

I'd guess booster 2 and 3 would come before booster 4 ?

I'm fully protected at present, from Covid, Influenza, tetanus, hepb and others but I'll be needing several boosters for various things so what are exactly is your point ?

I've a few spare spoons here if you need another lol"

Funny that but the guys I called tin foil hatters 2 years ago for saying they'll be rolling out 6 monthly vaccinations to force rollout of a vaccine pass I said similar to you. I just asked if they'd guess the lottery for me too.

I was talking about 3 monthly or 6 monthly boosters to keep health status on the future medical pass.

Fir instance if you're double jabbed youre not upto date on many vaccine status apps. So sane status as the unjabbed. 2 Jabs to freedom, they said.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )

Penny starting to drop with another one

More and more people brainwashed by the scaremongering propaganda come round each day

Where have you been all this time lol

Penny's dropping left right and centre at the moment.

Probably because we've all something in common the vaxi/non-vax none of us will ever be fully jabbed booster 4 shortly

I had jab four a month ago

Not had jab 5 yet buddy

I've had flu jab 20 though. And I'll have 21 next year. Oooh, scary "

What's the definition of a vaccine?

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles.

But the vaccine is still in trail phase. Thousands and thousands of you / middle aged healthy people dead and injured through adverse reactions. This makes no sense to me with a survival rate of over 99%. I see it as an absolute catastrophie. We all have our views and shouldn't be ridiculed either way or coerced which is what's happening on a daily basis.

I'm sorry you have been taken in by misinformation, I really am."

Can I just ask one favour from the vaccinated people who have some scientific background and understanding of this area of science. Please I am trying to understand if the interview with one of the inventors of the mRNA vaccine is factual. Please can I get feedback from people to listen to the whole podcast and let me know what theyj believe.

Podcast Joe Rogan Dr Robert Malone on Spotify. I am hoping I can get opinion from someone who gas different belief to me so I am not being biased.

Who is willing to go beyond their own bias to say they truly have an open mind.

The second Podcast is also Dr Peter McCullough.

Please if you critique the podcasts it must be based on actually listening to them fully.


Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )

Penny starting to drop with another one

More and more people brainwashed by the scaremongering propaganda come round each day

Where have you been all this time lol

Penny's dropping left right and centre at the moment.

Probably because we've all something in common the vaxi/non-vax none of us will ever be fully jabbed booster 4 shortly

I had jab four a month ago

Not had jab 5 yet buddy

I've had flu jab 20 though. And I'll have 21 next year. Oooh, scary

What's the definition of a vaccine? "

An agent used to stimulate an immune response to a pathogen without the disease caused by the pathogen.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *immyinreadingMan
over a year ago

henley on thames

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )

Penny starting to drop with another one

More and more people brainwashed by the scaremongering propaganda come round each day

Where have you been all this time lol

Penny's dropping left right and centre at the moment.

Probably because we've all something in common the vaxi/non-vax none of us will ever be fully jabbed booster 4 shortly

What do you mean "fully jabbed" is that a even a thing lol

I'd guess booster 2 and 3 would come before booster 4 ?

I'm fully protected at present, from Covid, Influenza, tetanus, hepb and others but I'll be needing several boosters for various things so what are exactly is your point ?

I've a few spare spoons here if you need another lol

I don't know if it's still the case, but when I was growing up, if you stood on a rusty nail, you nipped off to the doctor to get it treated plus a tetanus shot.

I'll never be fully vaccinated against tetanus because an accident might happen. Oh noes "

Yeah I have had several tetanus shots over the years, usually a precaution after an accident.

Norman stuff really. Have also had the usual childhood jabs and holiday ones.

Never understood people being afraid of them or being reluctant to get protected

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *I TwoCouple
over a year ago

all around


I was talking about 3 monthly or 6 monthly boosters to keep health status on the future medical pass.

Fir instance if you're double jabbed youre not upto date on many vaccine status apps. So sane status as the unjabbed. 2 Jabs to freedom, they said."

Something "you were talking about" doesn't really mean much to me or anyone else that believe in facts

"Many vaccine status apps" can you please list some that would be relevant to me or the others in fab ?

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )

Penny starting to drop with another one

More and more people brainwashed by the scaremongering propaganda come round each day

Where have you been all this time lol

Penny's dropping left right and centre at the moment.

Probably because we've all something in common the vaxi/non-vax none of us will ever be fully jabbed booster 4 shortly

What do you mean "fully jabbed" is that a even a thing lol

I'd guess booster 2 and 3 would come before booster 4 ?

I'm fully protected at present, from Covid, Influenza, tetanus, hepb and others but I'll be needing several boosters for various things so what are exactly is your point ?

I've a few spare spoons here if you need another lol

I don't know if it's still the case, but when I was growing up, if you stood on a rusty nail, you nipped off to the doctor to get it treated plus a tetanus shot.

I'll never be fully vaccinated against tetanus because an accident might happen. Oh noes

Yeah I have had several tetanus shots over the years, usually a precaution after an accident.

Norman stuff really. Have also had the usual childhood jabs and holiday ones.

Never understood people being afraid of them or being reluctant to get protected "

I dislike needles, but I put my big girl pants on. *shrug*

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *immyinreadingMan
over a year ago

henley on thames

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )

Penny starting to drop with another one

More and more people brainwashed by the scaremongering propaganda come round each day

Where have you been all this time lol

Penny's dropping left right and centre at the moment.

Probably because we've all something in common the vaxi/non-vax none of us will ever be fully jabbed booster 4 shortly

What do you mean "fully jabbed" is that a even a thing lol

I'd guess booster 2 and 3 would come before booster 4 ?

I'm fully protected at present, from Covid, Influenza, tetanus, hepb and others but I'll be needing several boosters for various things so what are exactly is your point ?

I've a few spare spoons here if you need another lol

Funny that but the guys I called tin foil hatters 2 years ago for saying they'll be rolling out 6 monthly vaccinations to force rollout of a vaccine pass I said similar to you. I just asked if they'd guess the lottery for me too.

I was talking about 3 monthly or 6 monthly boosters to keep health status on the future medical pass.

Fir instance if you're double jabbed youre not upto date on many vaccine status apps. So sane status as the unjabbed. 2 Jabs to freedom, they said."

They never said that 2 jabs would give lifetime protection. But those 2 jabs did get us out of lockdown, exactly as they said.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *I TwoCouple
over a year ago

all around

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )

Penny starting to drop with another one

More and more people brainwashed by the scaremongering propaganda come round each day

Where have you been all this time lol

Penny's dropping left right and centre at the moment.

Probably because we've all something in common the vaxi/non-vax none of us will ever be fully jabbed booster 4 shortly

I had jab four a month ago

Not had jab 5 yet buddy

I've had flu jab 20 though. And I'll have 21 next year. Oooh, scary

What's the definition of a vaccine? "

A substance that causes the subject to recognize and produce anti bodies to fight an infection and help prevent serious illness should they catch the infection.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )

Penny starting to drop with another one

More and more people brainwashed by the scaremongering propaganda come round each day

Where have you been all this time lol

Penny's dropping left right and centre at the moment.

Probably because we've all something in common the vaxi/non-vax none of us will ever be fully jabbed booster 4 shortly

What do you mean "fully jabbed" is that a even a thing lol

I'd guess booster 2 and 3 would come before booster 4 ?

I'm fully protected at present, from Covid, Influenza, tetanus, hepb and others but I'll be needing several boosters for various things so what are exactly is your point ?

I've a few spare spoons here if you need another lol

Funny that but the guys I called tin foil hatters 2 years ago for saying they'll be rolling out 6 monthly vaccinations to force rollout of a vaccine pass I said similar to you. I just asked if they'd guess the lottery for me too.

I was talking about 3 monthly or 6 monthly boosters to keep health status on the future medical pass.

Fir instance if you're double jabbed youre not upto date on many vaccine status apps. So sane status as the unjabbed. 2 Jabs to freedom, they said.

They never said that 2 jabs would give lifetime protection. But those 2 jabs did get us out of lockdown, exactly as they said. "

And imagine situations changing as we learn more

Imagine that. One day women might be allowed to travel on trains, because we might discover that super fast travel does not dislodge our wombs. Nope. Can't have that. Learning things is bad

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *I TwoCouple
over a year ago

all around

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles.

But the vaccine is still in trail phase. Thousands and thousands of you / middle aged healthy people dead and injured through adverse reactions. This makes no sense to me with a survival rate of over 99%. I see it as an absolute catastrophie. We all have our views and shouldn't be ridiculed either way or coerced which is what's happening on a daily basis.

I'm sorry you have been taken in by misinformation, I really am.

Can I just ask one favour from the vaccinated people who have some scientific background and understanding of this area of science. Please I am trying to understand if the interview with one of the inventors of the mRNA vaccine is factual. Please can I get feedback from people to listen to the whole podcast and let me know what theyj believe.

Podcast Joe Rogan Dr Robert Malone on Spotify. I am hoping I can get opinion from someone who gas different belief to me so I am not being biased.

Who is willing to go beyond their own bias to say they truly have an open mind.

The second Podcast is also Dr Peter McCullough.

Please if you critique the podcasts it must be based on actually listening to them fully.


Facts are verified and published in recognized scientific journals

Rumours are spread on YouTube, Spotify, Twitter and other unverified sources

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *immyinreadingMan
over a year ago

henley on thames

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )

Penny starting to drop with another one

More and more people brainwashed by the scaremongering propaganda come round each day

Where have you been all this time lol

Penny's dropping left right and centre at the moment.

Probably because we've all something in common the vaxi/non-vax none of us will ever be fully jabbed booster 4 shortly

What do you mean "fully jabbed" is that a even a thing lol

I'd guess booster 2 and 3 would come before booster 4 ?

I'm fully protected at present, from Covid, Influenza, tetanus, hepb and others but I'll be needing several boosters for various things so what are exactly is your point ?

I've a few spare spoons here if you need another lol

Funny that but the guys I called tin foil hatters 2 years ago for saying they'll be rolling out 6 monthly vaccinations to force rollout of a vaccine pass I said similar to you. I just asked if they'd guess the lottery for me too.

I was talking about 3 monthly or 6 monthly boosters to keep health status on the future medical pass.

Fir instance if you're double jabbed youre not upto date on many vaccine status apps. So sane status as the unjabbed. 2 Jabs to freedom, they said.

They never said that 2 jabs would give lifetime protection. But those 2 jabs did get us out of lockdown, exactly as they said.

And imagine situations changing as we learn more

Imagine that. One day women might be allowed to travel on trains, because we might discover that super fast travel does not dislodge our wombs. Nope. Can't have that. Learning things is bad "

Yeah the situation is evolving, and as new strategies prove to be the best way forward, thru should be adopted. But only once proven to be a better way forward. And finding new, better ways forward, does not invalidate what preceded them or mean they they were wrong.

Vaccine programmes have massively improved the prognosis for the world, to the extent that complacency is now rampant. Complacency is a big danger

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles.

But the vaccine is still in trail phase. Thousands and thousands of you / middle aged healthy people dead and injured through adverse reactions. This makes no sense to me with a survival rate of over 99%. I see it as an absolute catastrophie. We all have our views and shouldn't be ridiculed either way or coerced which is what's happening on a daily basis.

I'm sorry you have been taken in by misinformation, I really am.

Can I just ask one favour from the vaccinated people who have some scientific background and understanding of this area of science. Please I am trying to understand if the interview with one of the inventors of the mRNA vaccine is factual. Please can I get feedback from people to listen to the whole podcast and let me know what theyj believe.

Podcast Joe Rogan Dr Robert Malone on Spotify. I am hoping I can get opinion from someone who gas different belief to me so I am not being biased.

Who is willing to go beyond their own bias to say they truly have an open mind.

The second Podcast is also Dr Peter McCullough.

Please if you critique the podcasts it must be based on actually listening to them fully.


Facts are verified and published in recognized scientific journals

Rumours are spread on YouTube, Spotify, Twitter and other unverified sources"

Even if they are providing references to said articles, journals and clinical studies in their discussions? Even if they are the most cited medical doctor in the world or that they invented the technology being given to people currently?

Can you be less ignorant and give it a try. You might like it.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *I TwoCouple
over a year ago

all around

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles.

But the vaccine is still in trail phase. Thousands and thousands of you / middle aged healthy people dead and injured through adverse reactions. This makes no sense to me with a survival rate of over 99%. I see it as an absolute catastrophie. We all have our views and shouldn't be ridiculed either way or coerced which is what's happening on a daily basis.

I'm sorry you have been taken in by misinformation, I really am.

Can I just ask one favour from the vaccinated people who have some scientific background and understanding of this area of science. Please I am trying to understand if the interview with one of the inventors of the mRNA vaccine is factual. Please can I get feedback from people to listen to the whole podcast and let me know what theyj believe.

Podcast Joe Rogan Dr Robert Malone on Spotify. I am hoping I can get opinion from someone who gas different belief to me so I am not being biased.

Who is willing to go beyond their own bias to say they truly have an open mind.

The second Podcast is also Dr Peter McCullough.

Please if you critique the podcasts it must be based on actually listening to them fully.


Facts are verified and published in recognized scientific journals

Rumours are spread on YouTube, Spotify, Twitter and other unverified sources

Even if they are providing references to said articles, journals and clinical studies in their discussions? Even if they are the most cited medical doctor in the world or that they invented the technology being given to people currently?

Can you be less ignorant and give it a try. You might like it."

Of course, you can quote any research you want but context is everything.

Believe it or not, scientists will not do what they are told by politicians, if there is a cover up it will not be released on Twitter and not be investigated by every scientist working in the field as they love to prove others were wrong.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )

Penny starting to drop with another one

More and more people brainwashed by the scaremongering propaganda come round each day

Where have you been all this time lol

Penny's dropping left right and centre at the moment.

Probably because we've all something in common the vaxi/non-vax none of us will ever be fully jabbed booster 4 shortly

What do you mean "fully jabbed" is that a even a thing lol

I'd guess booster 2 and 3 would come before booster 4 ?

I'm fully protected at present, from Covid, Influenza, tetanus, hepb and others but I'll be needing several boosters for various things so what are exactly is your point ?

I've a few spare spoons here if you need another lol

Funny that but the guys I called tin foil hatters 2 years ago for saying they'll be rolling out 6 monthly vaccinations to force rollout of a vaccine pass I said similar to you. I just asked if they'd guess the lottery for me too.

I was talking about 3 monthly or 6 monthly boosters to keep health status on the future medical pass.

Fir instance if you're double jabbed youre not upto date on many vaccine status apps. So sane status as the unjabbed. 2 Jabs to freedom, they said.

They never said that 2 jabs would give lifetime protection. But those 2 jabs did get us out of lockdown, exactly as they said.

And imagine situations changing as we learn more

Imagine that. One day women might be allowed to travel on trains, because we might discover that super fast travel does not dislodge our wombs. Nope. Can't have that. Learning things is bad

Yeah the situation is evolving, and as new strategies prove to be the best way forward, thru should be adopted. But only once proven to be a better way forward. And finding new, better ways forward, does not invalidate what preceded them or mean they they were wrong.

Vaccine programmes have massively improved the prognosis for the world, to the extent that complacency is now rampant. Complacency is a big danger "

Absolutely. I'm happy to roll with what we learn. Because that's how we get the best outcomes

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I've had none and do not intend to,I'm not alone there is about 85000 nhs workers not had it,even doctors etc,it's not mandatory so all good

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles.

But the vaccine is still in trail phase. Thousands and thousands of you / middle aged healthy people dead and injured through adverse reactions. This makes no sense to me with a survival rate of over 99%. I see it as an absolute catastrophie. We all have our views and shouldn't be ridiculed either way or coerced which is what's happening on a daily basis.

I'm sorry you have been taken in by misinformation, I really am.

Can I just ask one favour from the vaccinated people who have some scientific background and understanding of this area of science. Please I am trying to understand if the interview with one of the inventors of the mRNA vaccine is factual. Please can I get feedback from people to listen to the whole podcast and let me know what theyj believe.

Podcast Joe Rogan Dr Robert Malone on Spotify. I am hoping I can get opinion from someone who gas different belief to me so I am not being biased.

Who is willing to go beyond their own bias to say they truly have an open mind.

The second Podcast is also Dr Peter McCullough.

Please if you critique the podcasts it must be based on actually listening to them fully.


Facts are verified and published in recognized scientific journals

Rumours are spread on YouTube, Spotify, Twitter and other unverified sources

Even if they are providing references to said articles, journals and clinical studies in their discussions? Even if they are the most cited medical doctor in the world or that they invented the technology being given to people currently?

Can you be less ignorant and give it a try. You might like it.

Of course, you can quote any research you want but context is everything.

Believe it or not, scientists will not do what they are told by politicians, if there is a cover up it will not be released on Twitter and not be investigated by every scientist working in the field as they love to prove others were wrong.


Will you listen to the podcast? Prove me wrong.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 16/01/22 19:33:07]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

He wouldnt have read the bits that tax his brain to much only the bits they make him think that people are going to say you need my neigbour is 54 no underlying issues been in 12 weeks now been 50/50 for five weeks just started to talk again without being out of breath its your choice but glad i got mine

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Leo from sleaford get yourself a superman cape

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I e had my three all ive got to do now is get a invite to the next rave at no 10 and i will be made up

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles.

But the vaccine is still in trail phase. Thousands and thousands of you / middle aged healthy people dead and injured through adverse reactions. This makes no sense to me with a survival rate of over 99%. I see it as an absolute catastrophie. We all have our views and shouldn't be ridiculed either way or coerced which is what's happening on a daily basis.

I'm sorry you have been taken in by misinformation, I really am.

Can I just ask one favour from the vaccinated people who have some scientific background and understanding of this area of science. Please I am trying to understand if the interview with one of the inventors of the mRNA vaccine is factual. Please can I get feedback from people to listen to the whole podcast and let me know what theyj believe.

Podcast Joe Rogan Dr Robert Malone on Spotify. I am hoping I can get opinion from someone who gas different belief to me so I am not being biased.

Who is willing to go beyond their own bias to say they truly have an open mind.

The second Podcast is also Dr Peter McCullough.

Please if you critique the podcasts it must be based on actually listening to them fully.


Dr Peter Malone claims to have "invented" the mRNA vaccine. However, if you spend a few minutes looking, it would seem that he was certainly involved in some part of the development, but as with most things he is one of many. Strangely, nobody else involved seems to be as sceptical as the man who feels overlooked financially and in credit.

He had the Moderna vaccine.

In the interview with the right wing vaccine sceptic he invented an entirely new branch of psychology "mass formation psychosis".

Dr McCullough is a cardiologist. Generally speaking, I would value the opinion of a specialist in the matter concerned over that of a cardiologist. Certainly the opinion of many, many, many of them. So meh.

Any more? Someone published a lost of anti-vaccine Doctors from an unspecified source and in two minutes of checking a few names it turned out to be pretty bogus.

So, in summary, I'm not qualified to fully assess medical claims. I'm reasonably competent to assess how reliable a source they may be.

The opinions of two doctors with some limited information do not really overrule those of thousands of specialists in multiple fields. Not by a long way.

What's your opinion?

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *ylonSlutTV/TS
over a year ago


"I've had none and do not intend to,I'm not alone there is about 85000 nhs workers not had it,even doctors etc,it's not mandatory so all good"

But 1.3 million nhs workers have had a covid vaccine have just for balance.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles.

But the vaccine is still in trail phase. Thousands and thousands of you / middle aged healthy people dead and injured through adverse reactions. This makes no sense to me with a survival rate of over 99%. I see it as an absolute catastrophie. We all have our views and shouldn't be ridiculed either way or coerced which is what's happening on a daily basis.

I'm sorry you have been taken in by misinformation, I really am.

Can I just ask one favour from the vaccinated people who have some scientific background and understanding of this area of science. Please I am trying to understand if the interview with one of the inventors of the mRNA vaccine is factual. Please can I get feedback from people to listen to the whole podcast and let me know what theyj believe.

Podcast Joe Rogan Dr Robert Malone on Spotify. I am hoping I can get opinion from someone who gas different belief to me so I am not being biased.

Who is willing to go beyond their own bias to say they truly have an open mind.

The second Podcast is also Dr Peter McCullough.

Please if you critique the podcasts it must be based on actually listening to them fully.


Dr Peter Malone claims to have "invented" the mRNA vaccine. However, if you spend a few minutes looking, it would seem that he was certainly involved in some part of the development, but as with most things he is one of many. Strangely, nobody else involved seems to be as sceptical as the man who feels overlooked financially and in credit.

He had the Moderna vaccine.

In the interview with the right wing vaccine sceptic he invented an entirely new branch of psychology "mass formation psychosis".

Dr McCullough is a cardiologist. Generally speaking, I would value the opinion of a specialist in the matter concerned over that of a cardiologist. Certainly the opinion of many, many, many of them. So meh.

Any more? Someone published a lost of anti-vaccine Doctors from an unspecified source and in two minutes of checking a few names it turned out to be pretty bogus.

So, in summary, I'm not qualified to fully assess medical claims. I'm reasonably competent to assess how reliable a source they may be.

The opinions of two doctors with some limited information do not really overrule those of thousands of specialists in multiple fields. Not by a long way.

What's your opinion?"

Did your fact checks come from the first page of a Google search? So regurgitation of other people's opinions not actually your own. That's quite ignorant.

Thanks for clarifying.

Robert Malone's name is on the patent for mRNA technology, he's pretty significant. And if you listen to the podcast he debunks the fact checks that you regurgitated.

Peter McCullough ok he's a cardiologist but gives his basis for why he is a credible source.

I'm challenging you and anyone else to show you're not ignorant and willing to debate science.

Whitty , Boris and van tampon are not the only people to listen to on this matter.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *dysseusukMan
over a year ago


"If Gibraltar is the highest vaccinated why do they have such a high case of covid?? Is it worth people getting the vaccination after all? Each vaccination is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, It is worthless if omicron can get around it.

Please don't say that it reduces the illness as people have been saying that omicron is not that severe as delta. ( on a personal thought ) If omicron is not that bad I don't think that vaccinations are important. Data supplied by various peoples are stating that is similar to the common cold. As far as I know, there is not a vaccination for the common cold. ( I'm not being judgmental just expressing my thoughts )"

Have you considered that whilst Omicron may prove to be milder in itself, that vaccines are also part of the reason why it is proving less deadly. We will all get Covid at some stage, but the vaccines contribute to helping train our immune systems to recognise the basic fundamentals of the virus' genetic make-up. It's like having driving lessons. But if you want to take your immune system out for a drive without any lessons, the likelihood of a serious crash is much higher!

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I've had none and do not intend to,I'm not alone there is about 85000 nhs workers not had it,even doctors etc,it's not mandatory so all good

But 1.3 million nhs workers have had a covid vaccine have just for balance. "

How many so they could just go on holiday

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *ylonSlutTV/TS
over a year ago


"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles.

But the vaccine is still in trail phase. Thousands and thousands of you / middle aged healthy people dead and injured through adverse reactions. This makes no sense to me with a survival rate of over 99%. I see it as an absolute catastrophie. We all have our views and shouldn't be ridiculed either way or coerced which is what's happening on a daily basis.

I'm sorry you have been taken in by misinformation, I really am.

Can I just ask one favour from the vaccinated people who have some scientific background and understanding of this area of science. Please I am trying to understand if the interview with one of the inventors of the mRNA vaccine is factual. Please can I get feedback from people to listen to the whole podcast and let me know what theyj believe.

Podcast Joe Rogan Dr Robert Malone on Spotify. I am hoping I can get opinion from someone who gas different belief to me so I am not being biased.

Who is willing to go beyond their own bias to say they truly have an open mind.

The second Podcast is also Dr Peter McCullough.

Please if you critique the podcasts it must be based on actually listening to them fully.


Dr Peter Malone claims to have "invented" the mRNA vaccine. However, if you spend a few minutes looking, it would seem that he was certainly involved in some part of the development, but as with most things he is one of many. Strangely, nobody else involved seems to be as sceptical as the man who feels overlooked financially and in credit.

He had the Moderna vaccine.

In the interview with the right wing vaccine sceptic he invented an entirely new branch of psychology "mass formation psychosis".

Dr McCullough is a cardiologist. Generally speaking, I would value the opinion of a specialist in the matter concerned over that of a cardiologist. Certainly the opinion of many, many, many of them. So meh.

Any more? Someone published a lost of anti-vaccine Doctors from an unspecified source and in two minutes of checking a few names it turned out to be pretty bogus.

So, in summary, I'm not qualified to fully assess medical claims. I'm reasonably competent to assess how reliable a source they may be.

The opinions of two doctors with some limited information do not really overrule those of thousands of specialists in multiple fields. Not by a long way.

What's your opinion?

Did your fact checks come from the first page of a Google search? So regurgitation of other people's opinions not actually your own. That's quite ignorant.

Thanks for clarifying.

Robert Malone's name is on the patent for mRNA technology, he's pretty significant. And if you listen to the podcast he debunks the fact checks that you regurgitated.

Peter McCullough ok he's a cardiologist but gives his basis for why he is a credible source.

I'm challenging you and anyone else to show you're not ignorant and willing to debate science.

Whitty , Boris and van tampon are not the only people to listen to on this matter."

Robert Malone is not the inventor of mRNA vaccines. He one of hundreds who was involved in research that went towards the development of the mRNA vaccines he certainly isn't the most important person involved. Why he is the way he is now not for me to but he seems angry about being slighted financially by some people and organisations. He repeats false information that an intelligent man like him must know isn't true. E.g some vaccinations make COVID infections worse. He has said loads of things that are easily disapproved it makes it hard to take anything he says as credible. Even if some things he says are correct.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

"I've had none and do not intend to,I'm not alone there is about 85000 nhs workers not had it,even doctors etc,it's not mandatory so all good"

That's about 5%, so 1.5 million NHS staff have been vaccinated. Even Doctors etc.

I'll clap for them by getting a vaccine.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

"I've had none and do not intend to,I'm not alone there is about 85000 nhs workers not had it,even doctors etc,it's not mandatory so all good

But 1.3 million nhs workers have had a covid vaccine have just for balance.

How many so they could just go on holiday"

I don't know. Do you?

Do you know what proportion of the rest of the population got a vaccination?

So meaningless.

Let's say 0% got vaccinated to go on holiday and all of them did it to minimise the chance of catching and transmitting Covid

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 16/01/22 20:28:45]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles.

But the vaccine is still in trail phase. Thousands and thousands of you / middle aged healthy people dead and injured through adverse reactions. This makes no sense to me with a survival rate of over 99%. I see it as an absolute catastrophie. We all have our views and shouldn't be ridiculed either way or coerced which is what's happening on a daily basis.

I'm sorry you have been taken in by misinformation, I really am.

Can I just ask one favour from the vaccinated people who have some scientific background and understanding of this area of science. Please I am trying to understand if the interview with one of the inventors of the mRNA vaccine is factual. Please can I get feedback from people to listen to the whole podcast and let me know what theyj believe.

Podcast Joe Rogan Dr Robert Malone on Spotify. I am hoping I can get opinion from someone who gas different belief to me so I am not being biased.

Who is willing to go beyond their own bias to say they truly have an open mind.

The second Podcast is also Dr Peter McCullough.

Please if you critique the podcasts it must be based on actually listening to them fully.


Dr Peter Malone claims to have "invented" the mRNA vaccine. However, if you spend a few minutes looking, it would seem that he was certainly involved in some part of the development, but as with most things he is one of many. Strangely, nobody else involved seems to be as sceptical as the man who feels overlooked financially and in credit.

He had the Moderna vaccine.

In the interview with the right wing vaccine sceptic he invented an entirely new branch of psychology "mass formation psychosis".

Dr McCullough is a cardiologist. Generally speaking, I would value the opinion of a specialist in the matter concerned over that of a cardiologist. Certainly the opinion of many, many, many of them. So meh.

Any more? Someone published a lost of anti-vaccine Doctors from an unspecified source and in two minutes of checking a few names it turned out to be pretty bogus.

So, in summary, I'm not qualified to fully assess medical claims. I'm reasonably competent to assess how reliable a source they may be.

The opinions of two doctors with some limited information do not really overrule those of thousands of specialists in multiple fields. Not by a long way.

What's your opinion?

Did your fact checks come from the first page of a Google search? So regurgitation of other people's opinions not actually your own. That's quite ignorant.

Thanks for clarifying.

Robert Malone's name is on the patent for mRNA technology, he's pretty significant. And if you listen to the podcast he debunks the fact checks that you regurgitated.

Peter McCullough ok he's a cardiologist but gives his basis for why he is a credible source.

I'm challenging you and anyone else to show you're not ignorant and willing to debate science.

Whitty , Boris and van tampon are not the only people to listen to on this matter.

Robert Malone is not the inventor of mRNA vaccines. He one of hundreds who was involved in research that went towards the development of the mRNA vaccines he certainly isn't the most important person involved. Why he is the way he is now not for me to but he seems angry about being slighted financially by some people and organisations. He repeats false information that an intelligent man like him must know isn't true. E.g some vaccinations make COVID infections worse. He has said loads of things that are easily disapproved it makes it hard to take anything he says as credible. Even if some things he says are correct."

Not true. His name is on the patent, not all researchers names go on the patents. He references peer reviewed research papers, so his claims certainly are true.

Heres a challenge for you. You can say exactly the same as what you've said now but I dare you to give it a listen and come back and say the same comments about credibility. Please, try it. What's there to lose other than a few hours of your life just prove me wrong. But be honest.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles.

But the vaccine is still in trail phase. Thousands and thousands of you / middle aged healthy people dead and injured through adverse reactions. This makes no sense to me with a survival rate of over 99%. I see it as an absolute catastrophie. We all have our views and shouldn't be ridiculed either way or coerced which is what's happening on a daily basis.

I'm sorry you have been taken in by misinformation, I really am.

Can I just ask one favour from the vaccinated people who have some scientific background and understanding of this area of science. Please I am trying to understand if the interview with one of the inventors of the mRNA vaccine is factual. Please can I get feedback from people to listen to the whole podcast and let me know what theyj believe.

Podcast Joe Rogan Dr Robert Malone on Spotify. I am hoping I can get opinion from someone who gas different belief to me so I am not being biased.

Who is willing to go beyond their own bias to say they truly have an open mind.

The second Podcast is also Dr Peter McCullough.

Please if you critique the podcasts it must be based on actually listening to them fully.


Dr Peter Malone claims to have "invented" the mRNA vaccine. However, if you spend a few minutes looking, it would seem that he was certainly involved in some part of the development, but as with most things he is one of many. Strangely, nobody else involved seems to be as sceptical as the man who feels overlooked financially and in credit.

He had the Moderna vaccine.

In the interview with the right wing vaccine sceptic he invented an entirely new branch of psychology "mass formation psychosis".

Dr McCullough is a cardiologist. Generally speaking, I would value the opinion of a specialist in the matter concerned over that of a cardiologist. Certainly the opinion of many, many, many of them. So meh.

Any more? Someone published a lost of anti-vaccine Doctors from an unspecified source and in two minutes of checking a few names it turned out to be pretty bogus.

So, in summary, I'm not qualified to fully assess medical claims. I'm reasonably competent to assess how reliable a source they may be.

The opinions of two doctors with some limited information do not really overrule those of thousands of specialists in multiple fields. Not by a long way.

What's your opinion?

Did your fact checks come from the first page of a Google search? So regurgitation of other people's opinions not actually your own. That's quite ignorant.

Thanks for clarifying.

Robert Malone's name is on the patent for mRNA technology, he's pretty significant. And if you listen to the podcast he debunks the fact checks that you regurgitated.

Peter McCullough ok he's a cardiologist but gives his basis for why he is a credible source.

I'm challenging you and anyone else to show you're not ignorant and willing to debate science.

Whitty , Boris and van tampon are not the only people to listen to on this matter."

No. His name has come up more than once as one of the few vaguely credible antivax doctors.

He isn't even anti-vax as he thinks that vulnerable people should be vaccinated and he took the Modern vaccine himself, after catching Covid.

Malone is one of several names on a patent for part of the process.

He is not insignificant, nor is his opinion more significant than thousands of others in the field.

I will tend to "regurgitate" what thousands of specialists in the field say because, I don't think that I am better qualified than them. I will also "regurgitate" what they say about Malone's opinions because, I don't think that I'm better qualified than them.

I think that the the thousands of other specialists in the field with more data and analysis are better able to understand the topic than Malone alone.

It's lovely that a cardiologist has an opinion on this. So what?

I am ignorant and cannot debate this science as I am neither qualified nor knowledgeable. Are you?

I can debate how science works and it is not based on giving opinions on a podcast.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles.

But the vaccine is still in trail phase. Thousands and thousands of you / middle aged healthy people dead and injured through adverse reactions. This makes no sense to me with a survival rate of over 99%. I see it as an absolute catastrophie. We all have our views and shouldn't be ridiculed either way or coerced which is what's happening on a daily basis.

I'm sorry you have been taken in by misinformation, I really am.

Can I just ask one favour from the vaccinated people who have some scientific background and understanding of this area of science. Please I am trying to understand if the interview with one of the inventors of the mRNA vaccine is factual. Please can I get feedback from people to listen to the whole podcast and let me know what theyj believe.

Podcast Joe Rogan Dr Robert Malone on Spotify. I am hoping I can get opinion from someone who gas different belief to me so I am not being biased.

Who is willing to go beyond their own bias to say they truly have an open mind.

The second Podcast is also Dr Peter McCullough.

Please if you critique the podcasts it must be based on actually listening to them fully.


Dr Peter Malone claims to have "invented" the mRNA vaccine. However, if you spend a few minutes looking, it would seem that he was certainly involved in some part of the development, but as with most things he is one of many. Strangely, nobody else involved seems to be as sceptical as the man who feels overlooked financially and in credit.

He had the Moderna vaccine.

In the interview with the right wing vaccine sceptic he invented an entirely new branch of psychology "mass formation psychosis".

Dr McCullough is a cardiologist. Generally speaking, I would value the opinion of a specialist in the matter concerned over that of a cardiologist. Certainly the opinion of many, many, many of them. So meh.

Any more? Someone published a lost of anti-vaccine Doctors from an unspecified source and in two minutes of checking a few names it turned out to be pretty bogus.

So, in summary, I'm not qualified to fully assess medical claims. I'm reasonably competent to assess how reliable a source they may be.

The opinions of two doctors with some limited information do not really overrule those of thousands of specialists in multiple fields. Not by a long way.

What's your opinion?

Did your fact checks come from the first page of a Google search? So regurgitation of other people's opinions not actually your own. That's quite ignorant.

Thanks for clarifying.

Robert Malone's name is on the patent for mRNA technology, he's pretty significant. And if you listen to the podcast he debunks the fact checks that you regurgitated.

Peter McCullough ok he's a cardiologist but gives his basis for why he is a credible source.

I'm challenging you and anyone else to show you're not ignorant and willing to debate science.

Whitty , Boris and van tampon are not the only people to listen to on this matter.

Robert Malone is not the inventor of mRNA vaccines. He one of hundreds who was involved in research that went towards the development of the mRNA vaccines he certainly isn't the most important person involved. Why he is the way he is now not for me to but he seems angry about being slighted financially by some people and organisations. He repeats false information that an intelligent man like him must know isn't true. E.g some vaccinations make COVID infections worse. He has said loads of things that are easily disapproved it makes it hard to take anything he says as credible. Even if some things he says are correct.

Not true. His name is on the patent, not all researchers names go on the patents. He references peer reviewed research papers, so his claims certainly are true.

Heres a challenge for you. You can say exactly the same as what you've said now but I dare you to give it a listen and come back and say the same comments about credibility. Please, try it. What's there to lose other than a few hours of your life just prove me wrong. But be honest."

I don't think that you understand either how patents work or how they are used.

There will be hundreds of patented compounds and processes used in the development of the vaccines as well as vast amounts of freely available academic data.

You are unable to judge if his claims are true because you do not understand anything written in the papers that he cites.

His claims are unsupported by the rest of the scientific community. Perhaps he got it wrong with some influence from his unhappiness at not being recognised for what he believes to be "his" invention, even though the reality is not that.

Here's a challenge for you, explain why one man's opinion is worth more than thousands of others with more data and more experience in more fields?

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles.

But the vaccine is still in trail phase. Thousands and thousands of you / middle aged healthy people dead and injured through adverse reactions. This makes no sense to me with a survival rate of over 99%. I see it as an absolute catastrophie. We all have our views and shouldn't be ridiculed either way or coerced which is what's happening on a daily basis.

I'm sorry you have been taken in by misinformation, I really am.

Can I just ask one favour from the vaccinated people who have some scientific background and understanding of this area of science. Please I am trying to understand if the interview with one of the inventors of the mRNA vaccine is factual. Please can I get feedback from people to listen to the whole podcast and let me know what theyj believe.

Podcast Joe Rogan Dr Robert Malone on Spotify. I am hoping I can get opinion from someone who gas different belief to me so I am not being biased.

Who is willing to go beyond their own bias to say they truly have an open mind.

The second Podcast is also Dr Peter McCullough.

Please if you critique the podcasts it must be based on actually listening to them fully.


Dr Peter Malone claims to have "invented" the mRNA vaccine. However, if you spend a few minutes looking, it would seem that he was certainly involved in some part of the development, but as with most things he is one of many. Strangely, nobody else involved seems to be as sceptical as the man who feels overlooked financially and in credit.

He had the Moderna vaccine.

In the interview with the right wing vaccine sceptic he invented an entirely new branch of psychology "mass formation psychosis".

Dr McCullough is a cardiologist. Generally speaking, I would value the opinion of a specialist in the matter concerned over that of a cardiologist. Certainly the opinion of many, many, many of them. So meh.

Any more? Someone published a lost of anti-vaccine Doctors from an unspecified source and in two minutes of checking a few names it turned out to be pretty bogus.

So, in summary, I'm not qualified to fully assess medical claims. I'm reasonably competent to assess how reliable a source they may be.

The opinions of two doctors with some limited information do not really overrule those of thousands of specialists in multiple fields. Not by a long way.

What's your opinion?

Did your fact checks come from the first page of a Google search? So regurgitation of other people's opinions not actually your own. That's quite ignorant.

Thanks for clarifying.

Robert Malone's name is on the patent for mRNA technology, he's pretty significant. And if you listen to the podcast he debunks the fact checks that you regurgitated.

Peter McCullough ok he's a cardiologist but gives his basis for why he is a credible source.

I'm challenging you and anyone else to show you're not ignorant and willing to debate science.

Whitty , Boris and van tampon are not the only people to listen to on this matter.

No. His name has come up more than once as one of the few vaguely credible antivax doctors.

He isn't even anti-vax as he thinks that vulnerable people should be vaccinated and he took the Modern vaccine himself, after catching Covid.

Malone is one of several names on a patent for part of the process.

He is not insignificant, nor is his opinion more significant than thousands of others in the field.

I will tend to "regurgitate" what thousands of specialists in the field say because, I don't think that I am better qualified than them. I will also "regurgitate" what they say about Malone's opinions because, I don't think that I'm better qualified than them.

I think that the the thousands of other specialists in the field with more data and analysis are better able to understand the topic than Malone alone.

It's lovely that a cardiologist has an opinion on this. So what?

I am ignorant and cannot debate this science as I am neither qualified nor knowledgeable. Are you?

I can debate how science works and it is not based on giving opinions on a podcast."

I am a medicinal chemist so I 100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss and can form an opinion. I am not an expert in these specific fields obviously butI know enough to know what's false and true or worth further study.

The podcasts are very much evidence and fact based and I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side. I'd like to say I balance my views on the scientific evidence not from the news or governments.

Of the other scientists on the mRNA patent which ones are notable to you who are speaking up for them being no risk?

All I ask is you listen with an open mind and no bias and see what your judgement is. Do you think you could do that?

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles.

But the vaccine is still in trail phase. Thousands and thousands of you / middle aged healthy people dead and injured through adverse reactions. This makes no sense to me with a survival rate of over 99%. I see it as an absolute catastrophie. We all have our views and shouldn't be ridiculed either way or coerced which is what's happening on a daily basis.

I'm sorry you have been taken in by misinformation, I really am.

Can I just ask one favour from the vaccinated people who have some scientific background and understanding of this area of science. Please I am trying to understand if the interview with one of the inventors of the mRNA vaccine is factual. Please can I get feedback from people to listen to the whole podcast and let me know what theyj believe.

Podcast Joe Rogan Dr Robert Malone on Spotify. I am hoping I can get opinion from someone who gas different belief to me so I am not being biased.

Who is willing to go beyond their own bias to say they truly have an open mind.

The second Podcast is also Dr Peter McCullough.

Please if you critique the podcasts it must be based on actually listening to them fully.


Dr Peter Malone claims to have "invented" the mRNA vaccine. However, if you spend a few minutes looking, it would seem that he was certainly involved in some part of the development, but as with most things he is one of many. Strangely, nobody else involved seems to be as sceptical as the man who feels overlooked financially and in credit.

He had the Moderna vaccine.

In the interview with the right wing vaccine sceptic he invented an entirely new branch of psychology "mass formation psychosis".

Dr McCullough is a cardiologist. Generally speaking, I would value the opinion of a specialist in the matter concerned over that of a cardiologist. Certainly the opinion of many, many, many of them. So meh.

Any more? Someone published a lost of anti-vaccine Doctors from an unspecified source and in two minutes of checking a few names it turned out to be pretty bogus.

So, in summary, I'm not qualified to fully assess medical claims. I'm reasonably competent to assess how reliable a source they may be.

The opinions of two doctors with some limited information do not really overrule those of thousands of specialists in multiple fields. Not by a long way.

What's your opinion?

Did your fact checks come from the first page of a Google search? So regurgitation of other people's opinions not actually your own. That's quite ignorant.

Thanks for clarifying.

Robert Malone's name is on the patent for mRNA technology, he's pretty significant. And if you listen to the podcast he debunks the fact checks that you regurgitated.

Peter McCullough ok he's a cardiologist but gives his basis for why he is a credible source.

I'm challenging you and anyone else to show you're not ignorant and willing to debate science.

Whitty , Boris and van tampon are not the only people to listen to on this matter.

Robert Malone is not the inventor of mRNA vaccines. He one of hundreds who was involved in research that went towards the development of the mRNA vaccines he certainly isn't the most important person involved. Why he is the way he is now not for me to but he seems angry about being slighted financially by some people and organisations. He repeats false information that an intelligent man like him must know isn't true. E.g some vaccinations make COVID infections worse. He has said loads of things that are easily disapproved it makes it hard to take anything he says as credible. Even if some things he says are correct.

Not true. His name is on the patent, not all researchers names go on the patents. He references peer reviewed research papers, so his claims certainly are true.

Heres a challenge for you. You can say exactly the same as what you've said now but I dare you to give it a listen and come back and say the same comments about credibility. Please, try it. What's there to lose other than a few hours of your life just prove me wrong. But be honest.

I don't think that you understand either how patents work or how they are used.

There will be hundreds of patented compounds and processes used in the development of the vaccines as well as vast amounts of freely available academic data.

You are unable to judge if his claims are true because you do not understand anything written in the papers that he cites.

His claims are unsupported by the rest of the scientific community. Perhaps he got it wrong with some influence from his unhappiness at not being recognised for what he believes to be "his" invention, even though the reality is not that.

Here's a challenge for you, explain why one man's opinion is worth more than thousands of others with more data and more experience in more fields?"

Which other people are they? Can you name some?

And my answer would be Galileo Galilei

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I don't know the situation in many countries other than the UK and the 1 that I am in.

Is OP just another antivax post thats ignoring all of the benefits that the vaccines have given us all? I'd be distressed by how even just the UK would have been without them. Such posts rarely add any statistical modelling alternatives, unless the fbook pages feed them with it

I'd be really interested to know just what a 'vaccine hesitant' or 'anti-vax' individual would do if they were unfortunate enough to need hospital treatment for Covid. Would the refuse the new treatments (or as they would say experimental treatments) that can be administered to save their lives? or accept whatever it takes to pull them through? Is it 'vaccine hesitant' 'anti-vax' unless im directly affected and seriously ill?

I'd like to see if a pro vaxer had serious side effects like many many thousands have if they'd consider yearly boosters for as long as they get told to.

There's two sides to everything. People have to choice to do as they please (for the moment). And shouldn't be judged either way.

A close relative nearly died from a vaccine (not Covid). And I'm still pro vaccine.

Life's complicated, and there are more than two angles.

But the vaccine is still in trail phase. Thousands and thousands of you / middle aged healthy people dead and injured through adverse reactions. This makes no sense to me with a survival rate of over 99%. I see it as an absolute catastrophie. We all have our views and shouldn't be ridiculed either way or coerced which is what's happening on a daily basis.

I'm sorry you have been taken in by misinformation, I really am.

Can I just ask one favour from the vaccinated people who have some scientific background and understanding of this area of science. Please I am trying to understand if the interview with one of the inventors of the mRNA vaccine is factual. Please can I get feedback from people to listen to the whole podcast and let me know what theyj believe.

Podcast Joe Rogan Dr Robert Malone on Spotify. I am hoping I can get opinion from someone who gas different belief to me so I am not being biased.

Who is willing to go beyond their own bias to say they truly have an open mind.

The second Podcast is also Dr Peter McCullough.

Please if you critique the podcasts it must be based on actually listening to them fully.


Dr Peter Malone claims to have "invented" the mRNA vaccine. However, if you spend a few minutes looking, it would seem that he was certainly involved in some part of the development, but as with most things he is one of many. Strangely, nobody else involved seems to be as sceptical as the man who feels overlooked financially and in credit.

He had the Moderna vaccine.

In the interview with the right wing vaccine sceptic he invented an entirely new branch of psychology "mass formation psychosis".

Dr McCullough is a cardiologist. Generally speaking, I would value the opinion of a specialist in the matter concerned over that of a cardiologist. Certainly the opinion of many, many, many of them. So meh.

Any more? Someone published a lost of anti-vaccine Doctors from an unspecified source and in two minutes of checking a few names it turned out to be pretty bogus.

So, in summary, I'm not qualified to fully assess medical claims. I'm reasonably competent to assess how reliable a source they may be.

The opinions of two doctors with some limited information do not really overrule those of thousands of specialists in multiple fields. Not by a long way.

What's your opinion?

Did your fact checks come from the first page of a Google search? So regurgitation of other people's opinions not actually your own. That's quite ignorant.

Thanks for clarifying.

Robert Malone's name is on the patent for mRNA technology, he's pretty significant. And if you listen to the podcast he debunks the fact checks that you regurgitated.

Peter McCullough ok he's a cardiologist but gives his basis for why he is a credible source.

I'm challenging you and anyone else to show you're not ignorant and willing to debate science.

Whitty , Boris and van tampon are not the only people to listen to on this matter.

Robert Malone is not the inventor of mRNA vaccines. He one of hundreds who was involved in research that went towards the development of the mRNA vaccines he certainly isn't the most important person involved. Why he is the way he is now not for me to but he seems angry about being slighted financially by some people and organisations. He repeats false information that an intelligent man like him must know isn't true. E.g some vaccinations make COVID infections worse. He has said loads of things that are easily disapproved it makes it hard to take anything he says as credible. Even if some things he says are correct.

Not true. His name is on the patent, not all researchers names go on the patents. He references peer reviewed research papers, so his claims certainly are true.

Heres a challenge for you. You can say exactly the same as what you've said now but I dare you to give it a listen and come back and say the same comments about credibility. Please, try it. What's there to lose other than a few hours of your life just prove me wrong. But be honest.

I don't think that you understand either how patents work or how they are used.

There will be hundreds of patented compounds and processes used in the development of the vaccines as well as vast amounts of freely available academic data.

You are unable to judge if his claims are true because you do not understand anything written in the papers that he cites.

His claims are unsupported by the rest of the scientific community. Perhaps he got it wrong with some influence from his unhappiness at not being recognised for what he believes to be "his" invention, even though the reality is not that.

Here's a challenge for you, explain why one man's opinion is worth more than thousands of others with more data and more experience in more fields?"

From a biochemical, molecular biology and pharmacological point of view I can fully understand everything written in those papers, patents.

I understand how patents work in drug discovery and in industry in general as I have been involved in patenting early lead discovery for active pharmaceutical ingredients. Yes, a hell of a lot of novel compounds, processes, applications that shows promise will be patented early on. But mRNA technology the patent is the process of manufacture and the application which is the main patents he is named.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *I TwoCouple
over a year ago

all around


I am a medicinal chemist so I 100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss and can form an opinion. I am not an expert in these specific fields obviously butI know enough to know what's false and true or worth further study.

The podcasts are very much evidence and fact based and I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side. I'd like to say I balance my views on the scientific evidence not from the news or governments.

Of the other scientists on the mRNA patent which ones are notable to you who are speaking up for them being no risk?

All I ask is you listen with an open mind and no bias and see what your judgement is. Do you think you could do that?"

Pharmacuetical manufacturing is a very competitive business.

Do you think for even 1 second that if there was any problem with a specific vaccine no matter how miniscule and that an independant had even the slightest hint of evidence that their competitors wouldnt be all over the press holding them to account ?

Its complete bullshit and the scientific world know it thats why its all on the rumourmill of youtube et al

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


I am a medicinal chemist so I 100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss and can form an opinion. I am not an expert in these specific fields obviously butI know enough to know what's false and true or worth further study.

The podcasts are very much evidence and fact based and I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side. I'd like to say I balance my views on the scientific evidence not from the news or governments.

Of the other scientists on the mRNA patent which ones are notable to you who are speaking up for them being no risk?

All I ask is you listen with an open mind and no bias and see what your judgement is. Do you think you could do that?

Pharmacuetical manufacturing is a very competitive business.

Do you think for even 1 second that if there was any problem with a specific vaccine no matter how miniscule and that an independant had even the slightest hint of evidence that their competitors wouldnt be all over the press holding them to account ?

Its complete bullshit and the scientific world know it thats why its all on the rumourmill of youtube et al"

Well it's there as plain as the nose on your face with yellow card and VAERS. Stop making assumptions and just listen to the evidence..

Listen to the podcast. You might learn something

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *I TwoCouple
over a year ago

all around


I am a medicinal chemist so I 100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss and can form an opinion. I am not an expert in these specific fields obviously butI know enough to know what's false and true or worth further study.

The podcasts are very much evidence and fact based and I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side. I'd like to say I balance my views on the scientific evidence not from the news or governments.

Of the other scientists on the mRNA patent which ones are notable to you who are speaking up for them being no risk?

All I ask is you listen with an open mind and no bias and see what your judgement is. Do you think you could do that?

Pharmacuetical manufacturing is a very competitive business.

Do you think for even 1 second that if there was any problem with a specific vaccine no matter how miniscule and that an independant had even the slightest hint of evidence that their competitors wouldnt be all over the press holding them to account ?

Its complete bullshit and the scientific world know it thats why its all on the rumourmill of youtube et al

Well it's there as plain as the nose on your face with yellow card and VAERS. Stop making assumptions and just listen to the evidence..

Listen to the podcast. You might learn something "

the only thing i need to check is the green arrow,

I will leave you to your opinion, you really should take youir evidence to the MHRA, the FDA and the other pharamceutical companies that arent aware of the scam

happy new year

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

"I am a medicinal chemist so I 100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss and can form an opinion. I am not an expert in these specific fields obviously but I know enough to know what's false and true or worth further study.

The podcasts are very much evidence and fact based and I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side. I'd like to say I balance my views on the scientific evidence not from the news or governments.

Of the other scientists on the mRNA patent which ones are notable to you who are speaking up for them being no risk?

All I ask is you listen with an open mind and no bias and see what your judgement is. Do you think you could do that?"

The first thing to do as a "scientist" is to check the source.

Your claim to be a "medicinal chemist" and to "100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss" is 100% unreliable. Convenient for "debating" against people who do not pretend to be so knowledgeable though.

Robert Malone "debated" with a right wing anti-vaxer on his show because he wants more people to be vaccinated? I don't think that he did. He appeared on a show to have a platform to say what he wants, unchallenged. He did make up the term "mass formation psychosis" as a pseudo-scientific term, didn't he? He agreed with the untrue claim that US hospitals were paid for each Covid death reported, didn't he? He compared the government response to the pandemic to the Holocaust, which is completely ridiculous, isn't it?

This phrase you used probably means something too, yet..'I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side.' Sounds impressive, means nothing.

All the other scientists on the patent that Malone appears on are as important, as are all of the scientists on other patents used in the various vaccines. As are all those in related fields.

Happily it isn't possible to listen this podcast because it has been taken down as misinformation, which it is

"Which other people are they? Can you name some?

And my answer would be Galileo Galilei"

Shall we go with Chris Whitty? How about Soumya Swaminathan? Özlem Türeci? Katalin Karikó? Mitchell Wolfe? Drew Weissman?

Of course, it's very foolish to name individuals, because, as you "know", science doesn't work like that at all. Individuals do not invent complex treatments, nor is one person responsible for assessing efficacy or safety or policy.

"From a biochemical, molecular biology and pharmacological point of view I can fully understand everything written in those papers, patents.

I understand how patents work in drug discovery and in industry in general as I have been involved in patenting early lead discovery for active pharmaceutical ingredients. Yes, a hell of a lot of novel compounds, processes, applications that shows promise will be patented early on. But mRNA technology the patent is the process of manufacture and the application which is the main patents he is named"

Sadly, I think that you are a fraud with an anti-vax agenda.

Just one of those things based on everything you write

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

""I am a medicinal chemist so I 100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss and can form an opinion. I am not an expert in these specific fields obviously but I know enough to know what's false and true or worth further study.

The podcasts are very much evidence and fact based and I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side. I'd like to say I balance my views on the scientific evidence not from the news or governments.

Of the other scientists on the mRNA patent which ones are notable to you who are speaking up for them being no risk?

All I ask is you listen with an open mind and no bias and see what your judgement is. Do you think you could do that?"

The first thing to do as a "scientist" is to check the source.

Your claim to be a "medicinal chemist" and to "100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss" is 100% unreliable. Convenient for "debating" against people who do not pretend to be so knowledgeable though.

Robert Malone "debated" with a right wing anti-vaxer on his show because he wants more people to be vaccinated? I don't think that he did. He appeared on a show to have a platform to say what he wants, unchallenged. He did make up the term "mass formation psychosis" as a pseudo-scientific term, didn't he? He agreed with the untrue claim that US hospitals were paid for each Covid death reported, didn't he? He compared the government response to the pandemic to the Holocaust, which is completely ridiculous, isn't it?

This phrase you used probably means something too, yet..'I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side.' Sounds impressive, means nothing.

All the other scientists on the patent that Malone appears on are as important, as are all of the scientists on other patents used in the various vaccines. As are all those in related fields.

Happily it isn't possible to listen this podcast because it has been taken down as misinformation, which it is

"Which other people are they? Can you name some?

And my answer would be Galileo Galilei"

Shall we go with Chris Whitty? How about Soumya Swaminathan? Özlem Türeci? Katalin Karikó? Mitchell Wolfe? Drew Weissman?

Of course, it's very foolish to name individuals, because, as you "know", science doesn't work like that at all. Individuals do not invent complex treatments, nor is one person responsible for assessing efficacy or safety or policy.

"From a biochemical, molecular biology and pharmacological point of view I can fully understand everything written in those papers, patents.

I understand how patents work in drug discovery and in industry in general as I have been involved in patenting early lead discovery for active pharmaceutical ingredients. Yes, a hell of a lot of novel compounds, processes, applications that shows promise will be patented early on. But mRNA technology the patent is the process of manufacture and the application which is the main patents he is named"

Sadly, I think that you are a fraud with an anti-vax agenda.

Just one of those things based on everything you write "

So much incorrect there. But you keep talking lies and rubbish. Just a few,

Lie 1. mass formation psychosis was not coined by Malone. It is a well known term and the mass hysteria and brainwashing of society is similar to many such moments in human history. Just because we live in an age of technology and information doest mean such things aren't possible, the human brain and emotion is still. very much the same. The term was re-used by a Belgian professor of Psychology and statistics and he compared today to such events in the past, like which hunts, cults, the church and Galileo...Malone was re explaining this.

Lie 2. The podcasts are very much still there and very much factual.

Lie 3 He did not compare the current situation to the Holocaust.

Lie 4. He did not say drs were getting paid for each covid death. That was Piers Morgan. Though it is true.

I don't have any anti-vax agenda, just a pro choice and truth.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

""I am a medicinal chemist so I 100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss and can form an opinion. I am not an expert in these specific fields obviously but I know enough to know what's false and true or worth further study.

The podcasts are very much evidence and fact based and I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side. I'd like to say I balance my views on the scientific evidence not from the news or governments.

Of the other scientists on the mRNA patent which ones are notable to you who are speaking up for them being no risk?

All I ask is you listen with an open mind and no bias and see what your judgement is. Do you think you could do that?"

The first thing to do as a "scientist" is to check the source.

Your claim to be a "medicinal chemist" and to "100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss" is 100% unreliable. Convenient for "debating" against people who do not pretend to be so knowledgeable though.

Robert Malone "debated" with a right wing anti-vaxer on his show because he wants more people to be vaccinated? I don't think that he did. He appeared on a show to have a platform to say what he wants, unchallenged. He did make up the term "mass formation psychosis" as a pseudo-scientific term, didn't he? He agreed with the untrue claim that US hospitals were paid for each Covid death reported, didn't he? He compared the government response to the pandemic to the Holocaust, which is completely ridiculous, isn't it?

This phrase you used probably means something too, yet..'I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side.' Sounds impressive, means nothing.

All the other scientists on the patent that Malone appears on are as important, as are all of the scientists on other patents used in the various vaccines. As are all those in related fields.

Happily it isn't possible to listen this podcast because it has been taken down as misinformation, which it is

"Which other people are they? Can you name some?

And my answer would be Galileo Galilei"

Shall we go with Chris Whitty? How about Soumya Swaminathan? Özlem Türeci? Katalin Karikó? Mitchell Wolfe? Drew Weissman?

Of course, it's very foolish to name individuals, because, as you "know", science doesn't work like that at all. Individuals do not invent complex treatments, nor is one person responsible for assessing efficacy or safety or policy.

"From a biochemical, molecular biology and pharmacological point of view I can fully understand everything written in those papers, patents.

I understand how patents work in drug discovery and in industry in general as I have been involved in patenting early lead discovery for active pharmaceutical ingredients. Yes, a hell of a lot of novel compounds, processes, applications that shows promise will be patented early on. But mRNA technology the patent is the process of manufacture and the application which is the main patents he is named"

Sadly, I think that you are a fraud with an anti-vax agenda.

Just one of those things based on everything you write

So much incorrect there. But you keep talking lies and rubbish. Just a few,

Lie 1. mass formation psychosis was not coined by Malone. It is a well known term and the mass hysteria and brainwashing of society is similar to many such moments in human history. Just because we live in an age of technology and information doest mean such things aren't possible, the human brain and emotion is still. very much the same. The term was re-used by a Belgian professor of Psychology and statistics and he compared today to such events in the past, like which hunts, cults, the church and Galileo...Malone was re explaining this.

Lie 2. The podcasts are very much still there and very much factual.

Lie 3 He did not compare the current situation to the Holocaust.

Lie 4. He did not say drs were getting paid for each covid death. That was Piers Morgan. Though it is true.

I don't have any anti-vax agenda, just a pro choice and truth.


Sure, and you conveniently are fully qualified to attest to everything he said as being 100% true with 0% validation.

In my opinion you shouldn't either. You just want to publicise your agenda as widely as possible for whatever reason.

Anyone who suggests that they know the "truth" probably shouldn't be listened to.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

""I am a medicinal chemist so I 100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss and can form an opinion. I am not an expert in these specific fields obviously but I know enough to know what's false and true or worth further study.

The podcasts are very much evidence and fact based and I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side. I'd like to say I balance my views on the scientific evidence not from the news or governments.

Of the other scientists on the mRNA patent which ones are notable to you who are speaking up for them being no risk?

All I ask is you listen with an open mind and no bias and see what your judgement is. Do you think you could do that?"

The first thing to do as a "scientist" is to check the source.

Your claim to be a "medicinal chemist" and to "100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss" is 100% unreliable. Convenient for "debating" against people who do not pretend to be so knowledgeable though.

Robert Malone "debated" with a right wing anti-vaxer on his show because he wants more people to be vaccinated? I don't think that he did. He appeared on a show to have a platform to say what he wants, unchallenged. He did make up the term "mass formation psychosis" as a pseudo-scientific term, didn't he? He agreed with the untrue claim that US hospitals were paid for each Covid death reported, didn't he? He compared the government response to the pandemic to the Holocaust, which is completely ridiculous, isn't it?

This phrase you used probably means something too, yet..'I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side.' Sounds impressive, means nothing.

All the other scientists on the patent that Malone appears on are as important, as are all of the scientists on other patents used in the various vaccines. As are all those in related fields.

Happily it isn't possible to listen this podcast because it has been taken down as misinformation, which it is

"Which other people are they? Can you name some?

And my answer would be Galileo Galilei"

Shall we go with Chris Whitty? How about Soumya Swaminathan? Özlem Türeci? Katalin Karikó? Mitchell Wolfe? Drew Weissman?

Of course, it's very foolish to name individuals, because, as you "know", science doesn't work like that at all. Individuals do not invent complex treatments, nor is one person responsible for assessing efficacy or safety or policy.

"From a biochemical, molecular biology and pharmacological point of view I can fully understand everything written in those papers, patents.

I understand how patents work in drug discovery and in industry in general as I have been involved in patenting early lead discovery for active pharmaceutical ingredients. Yes, a hell of a lot of novel compounds, processes, applications that shows promise will be patented early on. But mRNA technology the patent is the process of manufacture and the application which is the main patents he is named"

Sadly, I think that you are a fraud with an anti-vax agenda.

Just one of those things based on everything you write

So much incorrect there. But you keep talking lies and rubbish. Just a few,

Lie 1. mass formation psychosis was not coined by Malone. It is a well known term and the mass hysteria and brainwashing of society is similar to many such moments in human history. Just because we live in an age of technology and information doest mean such things aren't possible, the human brain and emotion is still. very much the same. The term was re-used by a Belgian professor of Psychology and statistics and he compared today to such events in the past, like which hunts, cults, the church and Galileo...Malone was re explaining this.

Lie 2. The podcasts are very much still there and very much factual.

Lie 3 He did not compare the current situation to the Holocaust.

Lie 4. He did not say drs were getting paid for each covid death. That was Piers Morgan. Though it is true.

I don't have any anti-vax agenda, just a pro choice and truth.

Sure, and you conveniently are fully qualified to attest to everything he said as being 100% true with 0% validation.

In my opinion you shouldn't either. You just want to publicise your agenda as widely as possible for whatever reason.

Anyone who suggests that they know the "truth" probably shouldn't be listened to.


Said the leader of the churchg to Galileo

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

""I am a medicinal chemist so I 100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss and can form an opinion. I am not an expert in these specific fields obviously but I know enough to know what's false and true or worth further study.

The podcasts are very much evidence and fact based and I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side. I'd like to say I balance my views on the scientific evidence not from the news or governments.

Of the other scientists on the mRNA patent which ones are notable to you who are speaking up for them being no risk?

All I ask is you listen with an open mind and no bias and see what your judgement is. Do you think you could do that?"

The first thing to do as a "scientist" is to check the source.

Your claim to be a "medicinal chemist" and to "100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss" is 100% unreliable. Convenient for "debating" against people who do not pretend to be so knowledgeable though.

Robert Malone "debated" with a right wing anti-vaxer on his show because he wants more people to be vaccinated? I don't think that he did. He appeared on a show to have a platform to say what he wants, unchallenged. He did make up the term "mass formation psychosis" as a pseudo-scientific term, didn't he? He agreed with the untrue claim that US hospitals were paid for each Covid death reported, didn't he? He compared the government response to the pandemic to the Holocaust, which is completely ridiculous, isn't it?

This phrase you used probably means something too, yet..'I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side.' Sounds impressive, means nothing.

All the other scientists on the patent that Malone appears on are as important, as are all of the scientists on other patents used in the various vaccines. As are all those in related fields.

Happily it isn't possible to listen this podcast because it has been taken down as misinformation, which it is

"Which other people are they? Can you name some?

And my answer would be Galileo Galilei"

Shall we go with Chris Whitty? How about Soumya Swaminathan? Özlem Türeci? Katalin Karikó? Mitchell Wolfe? Drew Weissman?

Of course, it's very foolish to name individuals, because, as you "know", science doesn't work like that at all. Individuals do not invent complex treatments, nor is one person responsible for assessing efficacy or safety or policy.

"From a biochemical, molecular biology and pharmacological point of view I can fully understand everything written in those papers, patents.

I understand how patents work in drug discovery and in industry in general as I have been involved in patenting early lead discovery for active pharmaceutical ingredients. Yes, a hell of a lot of novel compounds, processes, applications that shows promise will be patented early on. But mRNA technology the patent is the process of manufacture and the application which is the main patents he is named"

Sadly, I think that you are a fraud with an anti-vax agenda.

Just one of those things based on everything you write

So much incorrect there. But you keep talking lies and rubbish. Just a few,

Lie 1. mass formation psychosis was not coined by Malone. It is a well known term and the mass hysteria and brainwashing of society is similar to many such moments in human history. Just because we live in an age of technology and information doest mean such things aren't possible, the human brain and emotion is still. very much the same. The term was re-used by a Belgian professor of Psychology and statistics and he compared today to such events in the past, like which hunts, cults, the church and Galileo...Malone was re explaining this.

Lie 2. The podcasts are very much still there and very much factual.

Lie 3 He did not compare the current situation to the Holocaust.

Lie 4. He did not say drs were getting paid for each covid death. That was Piers Morgan. Though it is true.

I don't have any anti-vax agenda, just a pro choice and truth.


Just for clarity:

"Mass formation psychosis" may be well known by you and other "medicinal chemists", but not by anybody in social psychology. The "Belgian Professor" practises on a different field , correct?

Happily the podcasts are busily being removed. So, jolly good.

You are correct, he didn't make a comparison to the Holocaust, just Nazi Germany.

Rogan claimed that hospitals were paid for Covid deaths and Malone agreed. It is not true.

Vaccines are safe and far, far safer than becoming I'll with Covid.

You are an anti-vaxer with an agenda and appear to lie as freely a BoJo.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *asyukMan
over a year ago

West London

""I am a medicinal chemist so I 100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss and can form an opinion. I am not an expert in these specific fields obviously but I know enough to know what's false and true or worth further study.

The podcasts are very much evidence and fact based and I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side. I'd like to say I balance my views on the scientific evidence not from the news or governments.

Of the other scientists on the mRNA patent which ones are notable to you who are speaking up for them being no risk?

All I ask is you listen with an open mind and no bias and see what your judgement is. Do you think you could do that?"

The first thing to do as a "scientist" is to check the source.

Your claim to be a "medicinal chemist" and to "100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss" is 100% unreliable. Convenient for "debating" against people who do not pretend to be so knowledgeable though.

Robert Malone "debated" with a right wing anti-vaxer on his show because he wants more people to be vaccinated? I don't think that he did. He appeared on a show to have a platform to say what he wants, unchallenged. He did make up the term "mass formation psychosis" as a pseudo-scientific term, didn't he? He agreed with the untrue claim that US hospitals were paid for each Covid death reported, didn't he? He compared the government response to the pandemic to the Holocaust, which is completely ridiculous, isn't it?

This phrase you used probably means something too, yet..'I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side.' Sounds impressive, means nothing.

All the other scientists on the patent that Malone appears on are as important, as are all of the scientists on other patents used in the various vaccines. As are all those in related fields.

Happily it isn't possible to listen this podcast because it has been taken down as misinformation, which it is

"Which other people are they? Can you name some?

And my answer would be Galileo Galilei"

Shall we go with Chris Whitty? How about Soumya Swaminathan? Özlem Türeci? Katalin Karikó? Mitchell Wolfe? Drew Weissman?

Of course, it's very foolish to name individuals, because, as you "know", science doesn't work like that at all. Individuals do not invent complex treatments, nor is one person responsible for assessing efficacy or safety or policy.

"From a biochemical, molecular biology and pharmacological point of view I can fully understand everything written in those papers, patents.

I understand how patents work in drug discovery and in industry in general as I have been involved in patenting early lead discovery for active pharmaceutical ingredients. Yes, a hell of a lot of novel compounds, processes, applications that shows promise will be patented early on. But mRNA technology the patent is the process of manufacture and the application which is the main patents he is named"

Sadly, I think that you are a fraud with an anti-vax agenda.

Just one of those things based on everything you write

So much incorrect there. But you keep talking lies and rubbish. Just a few,

Lie 1. mass formation psychosis was not coined by Malone. It is a well known term and the mass hysteria and brainwashing of society is similar to many such moments in human history. Just because we live in an age of technology and information doest mean such things aren't possible, the human brain and emotion is still. very much the same. The term was re-used by a Belgian professor of Psychology and statistics and he compared today to such events in the past, like which hunts, cults, the church and Galileo...Malone was re explaining this.

Lie 2. The podcasts are very much still there and very much factual.

Lie 3 He did not compare the current situation to the Holocaust.

Lie 4. He did not say drs were getting paid for each covid death. That was Piers Morgan. Though it is true.

I don't have any anti-vax agenda, just a pro choice and truth.

Sure, and you conveniently are fully qualified to attest to everything he said as being 100% true with 0% validation.

In my opinion you shouldn't either. You just want to publicise your agenda as widely as possible for whatever reason.

Anyone who suggests that they know the "truth" probably shouldn't be listened to.

Said the leader of the churchg to Galileo"

Actually, the church claimed to know "the truth".

Galileo had a good theory that seemed to make sense.

You understand science, right?

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By *immyinreadingMan
over a year ago

henley on thames

"I've had none and do not intend to,I'm not alone there is about 85000 nhs workers not had it,even doctors etc,it's not mandatory so all good"

I hope that doesn’t cause you problems, or mean that you unnecessarily impact others.

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By *immyinreadingMan
over a year ago

henley on thames

""I am a medicinal chemist so I 100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss and can form an opinion. I am not an expert in these specific fields obviously but I know enough to know what's false and true or worth further study.

The podcasts are very much evidence and fact based and I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side. I'd like to say I balance my views on the scientific evidence not from the news or governments.

Of the other scientists on the mRNA patent which ones are notable to you who are speaking up for them being no risk?

All I ask is you listen with an open mind and no bias and see what your judgement is. Do you think you could do that?"

The first thing to do as a "scientist" is to check the source.

Your claim to be a "medicinal chemist" and to "100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss" is 100% unreliable. Convenient for "debating" against people who do not pretend to be so knowledgeable though.

Robert Malone "debated" with a right wing anti-vaxer on his show because he wants more people to be vaccinated? I don't think that he did. He appeared on a show to have a platform to say what he wants, unchallenged. He did make up the term "mass formation psychosis" as a pseudo-scientific term, didn't he? He agreed with the untrue claim that US hospitals were paid for each Covid death reported, didn't he? He compared the government response to the pandemic to the Holocaust, which is completely ridiculous, isn't it?

This phrase you used probably means something too, yet..'I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side.' Sounds impressive, means nothing.

All the other scientists on the patent that Malone appears on are as important, as are all of the scientists on other patents used in the various vaccines. As are all those in related fields.

Happily it isn't possible to listen this podcast because it has been taken down as misinformation, which it is

"Which other people are they? Can you name some?

And my answer would be Galileo Galilei"

Shall we go with Chris Whitty? How about Soumya Swaminathan? Özlem Türeci? Katalin Karikó? Mitchell Wolfe? Drew Weissman?

Of course, it's very foolish to name individuals, because, as you "know", science doesn't work like that at all. Individuals do not invent complex treatments, nor is one person responsible for assessing efficacy or safety or policy.

"From a biochemical, molecular biology and pharmacological point of view I can fully understand everything written in those papers, patents.

I understand how patents work in drug discovery and in industry in general as I have been involved in patenting early lead discovery for active pharmaceutical ingredients. Yes, a hell of a lot of novel compounds, processes, applications that shows promise will be patented early on. But mRNA technology the patent is the process of manufacture and the application which is the main patents he is named"

Sadly, I think that you are a fraud with an anti-vax agenda.

Just one of those things based on everything you write

So much incorrect there. But you keep talking lies and rubbish. Just a few,

Lie 1. mass formation psychosis was not coined by Malone. It is a well known term and the mass hysteria and brainwashing of society is similar to many such moments in human history. Just because we live in an age of technology and information doest mean such things aren't possible, the human brain and emotion is still. very much the same. The term was re-used by a Belgian professor of Psychology and statistics and he compared today to such events in the past, like which hunts, cults, the church and Galileo...Malone was re explaining this.

Lie 2. The podcasts are very much still there and very much factual.

Lie 3 He did not compare the current situation to the Holocaust.

Lie 4. He did not say drs were getting paid for each covid death. That was Piers Morgan. Though it is true.

I don't have any anti-vax agenda, just a pro choice and truth.


If it really is truth that you are after, then stop ignoring it.

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By *irldnCouple
over a year ago


"I've had none and do not intend to,I'm not alone there is about 85000 nhs workers not had it,even doctors etc,it's not mandatory so all good

I hope that doesn’t cause you problems, or mean that you unnecessarily impact others. "

If they are testing every day and are acutely aware of symptoms, then how will they impact others?

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By *immyinreadingMan
over a year ago

henley on thames

"I've had none and do not intend to,I'm not alone there is about 85000 nhs workers not had it,even doctors etc,it's not mandatory so all good

I hope that doesn’t cause you problems, or mean that you unnecessarily impact others.

If they are testing every day and are acutely aware of symptoms, then how will they impact others?"

Where does it say he is getting tested every day and is acutely aware of the symptoms?

The post I replied to simply stated a refusal to get vaccinated, and no explanation of why.

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By *irldnCouple
over a year ago


"I've had none and do not intend to,I'm not alone there is about 85000 nhs workers not had it,even doctors etc,it's not mandatory so all good

I hope that doesn’t cause you problems, or mean that you unnecessarily impact others.

If they are testing every day and are acutely aware of symptoms, then how will they impact others?

Where does it say he is getting tested every day and is acutely aware of the symptoms?

The post I replied to simply stated a refusal to get vaccinated, and no explanation of why. "

Not read all the posts so I may have missed something but is this person working in NHS? I took the “not alone” and “85,000 NHS” to mean that, ie testing etc

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By *DGF20Man
over a year ago


"The first time in medical history that the limitations of a vaccine has been blamed on those that won’t take it."


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The first time in medical history that the limitations of a vaccine has been blamed on those that won’t take it.

This "

This this

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

""I am a medicinal chemist so I 100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss and can form an opinion. I am not an expert in these specific fields obviously but I know enough to know what's false and true or worth further study.

The podcasts are very much evidence and fact based and I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side. I'd like to say I balance my views on the scientific evidence not from the news or governments.

Of the other scientists on the mRNA patent which ones are notable to you who are speaking up for them being no risk?

All I ask is you listen with an open mind and no bias and see what your judgement is. Do you think you could do that?"

The first thing to do as a "scientist" is to check the source.

Your claim to be a "medicinal chemist" and to "100% understand the technical discussion and scientific principals they discuss" is 100% unreliable. Convenient for "debating" against people who do not pretend to be so knowledgeable though.

Robert Malone "debated" with a right wing anti-vaxer on his show because he wants more people to be vaccinated? I don't think that he did. He appeared on a show to have a platform to say what he wants, unchallenged. He did make up the term "mass formation psychosis" as a pseudo-scientific term, didn't he? He agreed with the untrue claim that US hospitals were paid for each Covid death reported, didn't he? He compared the government response to the pandemic to the Holocaust, which is completely ridiculous, isn't it?

This phrase you used probably means something too, yet..'I listen to them with my full skepticism as I don't want to consider myself blinkered it cognitive dissonant from the alternative side.' Sounds impressive, means nothing.

All the other scientists on the patent that Malone appears on are as important, as are all of the scientists on other patents used in the various vaccines. As are all those in related fields.

Happily it isn't possible to listen this podcast because it has been taken down as misinformation, which it is

"Which other people are they? Can you name some?

And my answer would be Galileo Galilei"

Shall we go with Chris Whitty? How about Soumya Swaminathan? Özlem Türeci? Katalin Karikó? Mitchell Wolfe? Drew Weissman?

Of course, it's very foolish to name individuals, because, as you "know", science doesn't work like that at all. Individuals do not invent complex treatments, nor is one person responsible for assessing efficacy or safety or policy.

"From a biochemical, molecular biology and pharmacological point of view I can fully understand everything written in those papers, patents.

I understand how patents work in drug discovery and in industry in general as I have been involved in patenting early lead discovery for active pharmaceutical ingredients. Yes, a hell of a lot of novel compounds, processes, applications that shows promise will be patented early on. But mRNA technology the patent is the process of manufacture and the application which is the main patents he is named"

Sadly, I think that you are a fraud with an anti-vax agenda.

Just one of those things based on everything you write

So much incorrect there. But you keep talking lies and rubbish. Just a few,

Lie 1. mass formation psychosis was not coined by Malone. It is a well known term and the mass hysteria and brainwashing of society is similar to many such moments in human history. Just because we live in an age of technology and information doest mean such things aren't possible, the human brain and emotion is still. very much the same. The term was re-used by a Belgian professor of Psychology and statistics and he compared today to such events in the past, like which hunts, cults, the church and Galileo...Malone was re explaining this.

Lie 2. The podcasts are very much still there and very much factual.

Lie 3 He did not compare the current situation to the Holocaust.

Lie 4. He did not say drs were getting paid for each covid death. That was Piers Morgan. Though it is true.

I don't have any anti-vax agenda, just a pro choice and truth.

Just for clarity:

"Mass formation psychosis" may be well known by you and other "medicinal chemists", but not by anybody in social psychology. The "Belgian Professor" practises on a different field , correct?

Happily the podcasts are busily being removed. So, jolly good.

You are correct, he didn't make a comparison to the Holocaust, just Nazi Germany.

Rogan claimed that hospitals were paid for Covid deaths and Malone agreed. It is not true.

Vaccines are safe and far, far safer than becoming I'll with Covid.

You are an anti-vaxer with an agenda and appear to lie as freely a BoJo."

Yet you believe everything BoJo tells you. That says it all.


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

If you're on the fence or you're now starting to question this whole nonsense. Search Dr Robert Malone interview on Spotify.

If that pricks your ears up, then listen to Dr Peter McCullough.

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By *usiclover87Man
over a year ago

south wales

"The first time in medical history that the limitations of a vaccine has been blamed on those that won’t take it.


This this "

This this this

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By *usiclover87Man
over a year ago

south wales

If someone thought that the risks of the vaccine are higher than the risks of Covid, why on earth do you think they’d be begging for it just because they got ill?

Also, if you’re under 70 without pre-existing conditions, your chances of ending up in hospital are minuscule, and that’s before excluding the amount of patients who are in hospital for non-Covid related things that happen to have had a positive test within the last month, or indeed those who catch it in hospital.

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