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32 times more likely to die from Covid...

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By *lirty and fun OP   Man
over a year ago


If you have NOT been double vaccinated

Statistic was on sky and news agencies from the ONS.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ide standMan
over a year ago


Just get the vaccination

 (closed, thread got too big)

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over a year ago


Been and had my booster today still not grown a third arm despite people saying I would.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *uckscpl_bi_femCouple
over a year ago

Milton Keynes


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Horseshit "

What is?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

You really believe the media and news sad people

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


What is?"

Shit that comes out of horses I’m guessing!!!!


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"You really believe the media and news sad people "

Who would you rather people believed?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Can we keep replies on here rather than ranty inbox messages please.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Try and eat well and cut back on dairy, sugar, salt.

Build up your immune system, no matter if you've had the vaccine or not!

Vit D, Magnesium, Zinc massive help

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *uckscpl_bi_femCouple
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

Look out of the window or get out in the real world and stop listening to the MSM BBC Sky etc.. if they stopped reporting figures and graphs constantly you wouldn’t even know about COVID. I seriously wonder what some of you guys did before all this bollocks, some people have become obsessed by it and seem to want too keep the game going as long as possible.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Try and eat well and cut back on dairy, sugar, salt.

Build up your immune system, no matter if you've had the vaccine or not!

Vit D, Magnesium, Zinc massive help "

So will the vaccine.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Look out of the window or get out in the real world and stop listening to the MSM BBC Sky etc.. if they stopped reporting figures and graphs constantly you wouldn’t even know about COVID. I seriously wonder what some of you guys did before all this bollocks, some people have become obsessed by it and seem to want too keep the game going as long as possible."

I ask this question all the time and never get an answer let's try again. Where would you like People to get their information?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *eptimiusMan
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 02/11/21 15:07:44]

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over a year ago


Obviously from a keyboard doctor.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *eptimiusMan
over a year ago


"Look out of the window or get out in the real world and stop listening to the MSM BBC Sky etc.. if they stopped reporting figures and graphs constantly you wouldn’t even know about COVID. I seriously wonder what some of you guys did before all this bollocks, some people have become obsessed by it and seem to want too keep the game going as long as possible."

Totally agree!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Obviously from a keyboard doctor. "

No from the ONS. You can look yourself.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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over a year ago


"Obviously from a keyboard doctor.

No from the ONS. You can look yourself. "

I was being sarcastic I've heard so much dribble from bloody keyboard doctors that's getting tiresome now

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Obviously from a keyboard doctor.

No from the ONS. You can look yourself. I was being sarcastic I've heard so much dribble from bloody keyboard doctors that's getting tiresome now "

It's only drib el when there is no way of backing it up however there are credible sources reporting this.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Look out of the window or get out in the real world and stop listening to the MSM BBC Sky etc.. if they stopped reporting figures and graphs constantly you wouldn’t even know about COVID. I seriously wonder what some of you guys did before all this bollocks, some people have become obsessed by it and seem to want too keep the game going as long as possible."
you should thank your lucky stars you don't know anyone who has been hospitalised with this, or worse, died. Not know someone who's had their non covid treatment moved. Not everyone is so lucky.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *orl1971Couple
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 02/11/21 15:54:13]

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Look out of the window or get out in the real world and stop listening to the MSM BBC Sky etc.. if they stopped reporting figures and graphs constantly you wouldn’t even know about COVID. I seriously wonder what some of you guys did before all this bollocks, some people have become obsessed by it and seem to want too keep the game going as long as possible."

I did, and still do, statistics for a living. Therefore I know that over a thousand people dying per week due to a serious respiratory disease isn't bollocks.

It's not a game, it's trying to protect the most vulnerable in society FROM DYING.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Look out of the window or get out in the real world and stop listening to the MSM BBC Sky etc.. if they stopped reporting figures and graphs constantly you wouldn’t even know about COVID. I seriously wonder what some of you guys did before all this bollocks, some people have become obsessed by it and seem to want too keep the game going as long as possible.

I ask this question all the time and never get an answer let's try again. Where would you like People to get their information?"

Dave and Karen on Facebook?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *punky0199Man
over a year ago


If you total up all the daily figures that gets reported it would show everyone has had covid at least twice since this all began.

Couldn't believe anything the main stream media report. Everything is exaggerated for headlines.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If you total up all the daily figures that gets reported it would show everyone has had covid at least twice since this all began.

Couldn't believe anything the main stream media report. Everything is exaggerated for headlines. "

Mhm that proves it!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If you total up all the daily figures that gets reported it would show everyone has had covid at least twice since this all began.

Couldn't believe anything the main stream media report. Everything is exaggerated for headlines. "

No, if you add them all up you get 9.1 million.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *udistcpl1Couple
over a year ago


"Look out of the window or get out in the real world and stop listening to the MSM BBC Sky etc.. if they stopped reporting figures and graphs constantly you wouldn’t even know about COVID. I seriously wonder what some of you guys did before all this bollocks, some people have become obsessed by it and seem to want too keep the game going as long as possible.you should thank your lucky stars you don't know anyone who has been hospitalised with this, or worse, died. Not know someone who's had their non covid treatment moved. Not everyone is so lucky. "

Please don't get upset by these people. Just leave them to nature and allow Darwins theory of evolution to take effect i.e., the lower intelligence beings tend not to do so well. Its just a shame that in this case, they can affect others who have taken reasonable precautions.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If you total up all the daily figures that gets reported it would show everyone has had covid at least twice since this all began.

Couldn't believe anything the main stream media report. Everything is exaggerated for headlines. "

No it doesn’t

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Try and eat well and cut back on dairy, sugar, salt.

Build up your immune system, no matter if you've had the vaccine or not!

Vit D, Magnesium, Zinc massive help "

As someone with an autoimmune disease - you don't really want your immune system boosted

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *uckscpl_bi_femCouple
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I don't understand how they can come up with these figures.

Everyone reacts differently whether they're vax or unvax.

They can't take data with two variables and compare it to another set of data with two variables.

One person may die from being unvax but that doesn't mean they wouldn't die if they were vax anyway.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *heHookyMonsterMan
over a year ago


"Look out of the window or get out in the real world and stop listening to the MSM BBC Sky etc.. if they stopped reporting figures and graphs constantly you wouldn’t even know about COVID. I seriously wonder what some of you guys did before all this bollocks, some people have become obsessed by it and seem to want too keep the game going as long as possible.you should thank your lucky stars you don't know anyone who has been hospitalised with this, or worse, died. Not know someone who's had their non covid treatment moved. Not everyone is so lucky.

Please don't get upset by these people. Just leave them to nature and allow Darwins theory of evolution to take effect i.e., the lower intelligence beings tend not to do so well. Its just a shame that in this case, they can affect others who have taken reasonable precautions."

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda "

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda "

The world wants Covid to end. It's cost the world a fortune in both lives and money.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *dam_TinaCouple
over a year ago


"Look out of the window or get out in the real world and stop listening to the MSM BBC Sky etc.. if they stopped reporting figures and graphs constantly you wouldn’t even know about COVID. I seriously wonder what some of you guys did before all this bollocks, some people have become obsessed by it and seem to want too keep the game going as long as possible."

I won't bother having the booster now. I'll just look out of the window.

So glad I logged in today

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *uckscpl_bi_femCouple
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed? "

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *iman2100Man
over a year ago


"Been and had my booster today still not grown a third arm despite people saying I would. "

Do security loops ping when you walk out of shops?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Look out of the window or get out in the real world and stop listening to the MSM BBC Sky etc.. if they stopped reporting figures and graphs constantly you wouldn’t even know about COVID. I seriously wonder what some of you guys did before all this bollocks, some people have become obsessed by it and seem to want too keep the game going as long as possible.

I won't bother having the booster now. I'll just look out of the window.

So glad I logged in today "

It's raining. That has enormous implications for virology

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?"

Because COVID doesn’t kill you instantly

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?"

That's not data manipulation, that's a decision on how to count them. Interestingly, the ONS says that at least 86% of those who die WITH Covid, die directly BECAUSE of Covid. Really it's a pretty good metric. What would be better? Death certificate mentions Covid? Excess deaths?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *uckscpl_bi_femCouple
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

Because COVID doesn’t kill you instantly "

Ok so die in a motorcycle accident 7 days after testing positive?

89 years old riddled with cancer dies 3 weeks after testing positive?

Eaten by a shark 27 after testing positive?

All COVID deaths !!! It is wrong

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

Because COVID doesn’t kill you instantly

Ok so die in a motorcycle accident 7 days after testing positive?

89 years old riddled with cancer dies 3 weeks after testing positive?

Eaten by a shark 27 after testing positive?

All COVID deaths !!! It is wrong "

Are there lots of fatal shark attacks in the UK then? Better get my shark repellant ASAP.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

That's not data manipulation, that's a decision on how to count them. Interestingly, the ONS says that at least 86% of those who die WITH Covid, die directly BECAUSE of Covid. Really it's a pretty good metric. What would be better? Death certificate mentions Covid? Excess deaths?"

Some die with Covid after 28 days too, and yet people fixate on this number as if it proves something. It's a shorthand that came about during an uncertain and rapidly changing period at the beginning of the pandemic. As you say, there are other measures.

The death certificate measure, which is good enough for any other cause of death, is also ignored by the same people. Even though (or maybe because) it produces a similar figure.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *dam_TinaCouple
over a year ago


"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

Because COVID doesn’t kill you instantly

Ok so die in a motorcycle accident 7 days after testing positive?

89 years old riddled with cancer dies 3 weeks after testing positive?

Eaten by a shark 27 after testing positive?

All COVID deaths !!! It is wrong "

You clearly believe there's a media and government agenda to inflate the number of covid deaths. Care to share why you think they're doing that ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

Because COVID doesn’t kill you instantly

Ok so die in a motorcycle accident 7 days after testing positive?

89 years old riddled with cancer dies 3 weeks after testing positive?

Eaten by a shark 27 after testing positive?

All COVID deaths !!! It is wrong

You clearly believe there's a media and government agenda to inflate the number of covid deaths. Care to share why you think they're doing that ?"

Maybe they're secretly trying to cover up all them fatal shark attacks in the inner cities?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

That's not data manipulation, that's a decision on how to count them. Interestingly, the ONS says that at least 86% of those who die WITH Covid, die directly BECAUSE of Covid. Really it's a pretty good metric. What would be better? Death certificate mentions Covid? Excess deaths?

Some die with Covid after 28 days too, and yet people fixate on this number as if it proves something. It's a shorthand that came about during an uncertain and rapidly changing period at the beginning of the pandemic. As you say, there are other measures.

The death certificate measure, which is good enough for any other cause of death, is also ignored by the same people. Even though (or maybe because) it produces a similar figure."

Death certificates actually produces a figure 16% higher.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *aughtyAsian4funMan
over a year ago


There's so much bs stats they use on the news and on radio. There was never talk bout getting double jabbed once ppl start doing it they brought in boosters. Forget that ppl can't afford healthy food as it's too expensive. Nobody says cut down on fastfoods like McDonald's and KFC and shot but it's just jab Jab and another jab and still people die. Some things don't make sense. I am double jabbed by the way but reluctant to have a booster but going fir a healthier lifestyle

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

Because COVID doesn’t kill you instantly

Ok so die in a motorcycle accident 7 days after testing positive?

89 years old riddled with cancer dies 3 weeks after testing positive?

Eaten by a shark 27 after testing positive?

All COVID deaths !!! It is wrong "

How many people have been eaten by sharks? How many people have died by motor cycle accident ? How many 89 year olds ‘riddled with cancer ‘ have died? Btw, you can have cancer, catch Covid and die due to Covid

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Are there lots of fatal shark attacks in the UK then? Better get my shark repellant ASAP."

It's in the Home Essentials aisle, next to the tin foil (free hat in every pack).

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

That's not data manipulation, that's a decision on how to count them. Interestingly, the ONS says that at least 86% of those who die WITH Covid, die directly BECAUSE of Covid. Really it's a pretty good metric. What would be better? Death certificate mentions Covid? Excess deaths?

Some die with Covid after 28 days too, and yet people fixate on this number as if it proves something. It's a shorthand that came about during an uncertain and rapidly changing period at the beginning of the pandemic. As you say, there are other measures.

The death certificate measure, which is good enough for any other cause of death, is also ignored by the same people. Even though (or maybe because) it produces a similar figure.

Death certificates actually produces a figure 16% higher."


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"There's so much bs stats they use on the news and on radio. There was never talk bout getting double jabbed once ppl start doing it they brought in boosters. Forget that ppl can't afford healthy food as it's too expensive. Nobody says cut down on fastfoods like McDonald's and KFC and shot but it's just jab Jab and another jab and still people die. Some things don't make sense. I am double jabbed by the way but reluctant to have a booster but going fir a healthier lifestyle"

Healthy diet isn't a panacea against disease.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *uckscpl_bi_femCouple
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

Because COVID doesn’t kill you instantly

Ok so die in a motorcycle accident 7 days after testing positive?

89 years old riddled with cancer dies 3 weeks after testing positive?

Eaten by a shark 27 after testing positive?

All COVID deaths !!! It is wrong

You clearly believe there's a media and government agenda to inflate the number of covid deaths. Care to share why you think they're doing that ?"

They are exaggerating the number of deaths to keep the whole thing going to justify masks future lockdowns etc..

like I said before a lot of people are making a lot of money out of this Hancock’s mistresses father even his publican ffs and 37 billion on a fucking App for your phone!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

Because COVID doesn’t kill you instantly

Ok so die in a motorcycle accident 7 days after testing positive?

89 years old riddled with cancer dies 3 weeks after testing positive?

Eaten by a shark 27 after testing positive?

All COVID deaths !!! It is wrong

You clearly believe there's a media and government agenda to inflate the number of covid deaths. Care to share why you think they're doing that ?

Maybe they're secretly trying to cover up all them fatal shark attacks in the inner cities?"

Tbh, I am reluctant to get the booster now due to the possibility of a shark attack

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"There's so much bs stats they use on the news and on radio. There was never talk bout getting double jabbed once ppl start doing it they brought in boosters. Forget that ppl can't afford healthy food as it's too expensive. Nobody says cut down on fastfoods like McDonald's and KFC and shot but it's just jab Jab and another jab and still people die. Some things don't make sense. I am double jabbed by the way but reluctant to have a booster but going fir a healthier lifestyle"

I think this sort of thing is the problem with 24/7 media. There's so much noise all the time, people get confused by it all, throw up their hands and give up.

It's made worse by a government that's well known for lying and a leader who's a proven liar. So nobody trusts them either.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


They are exaggerating the number of deaths to keep the whole thing going to justify masks future lockdowns etc..

like I said before a lot of people are making a lot of money out of this Hancock’s mistresses father even his publican ffs and 37 billion on a fucking App for your phone!! "

I'll ask again. What do you think would be an appropriate metric?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"There's so much bs stats they use on the news and on radio. There was never talk bout getting double jabbed once ppl start doing it they brought in boosters. Forget that ppl can't afford healthy food as it's too expensive. Nobody says cut down on fastfoods like McDonald's and KFC and shot but it's just jab Jab and another jab and still people die. Some things don't make sense. I am double jabbed by the way but reluctant to have a booster but going fir a healthier lifestyle

I think this sort of thing is the problem with 24/7 media. There's so much noise all the time, people get confused by it all, throw up their hands and give up.

It's made worse by a government that's well known for lying and a leader who's a proven liar. So nobody trusts them either."

I don’t trust this government, they are corrupt, but they haven’t inflated the figures because it makes them look incompetent

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

Because COVID doesn’t kill you instantly

Ok so die in a motorcycle accident 7 days after testing positive?

89 years old riddled with cancer dies 3 weeks after testing positive?

Eaten by a shark 27 after testing positive?

All COVID deaths !!! It is wrong

You clearly believe there's a media and government agenda to inflate the number of covid deaths. Care to share why you think they're doing that ?

They are exaggerating the number of deaths to keep the whole thing going to justify masks future lockdowns etc..

like I said before a lot of people are making a lot of money out of this Hancock’s mistresses father even his publican ffs and 37 billion on a fucking App for your phone!! "

Our lamentable government have indeed made a shitload of money from the pandemic. But they do want it to end. Locking down the country costs a lot. And the longer Covd goes on for in a major way, the more their popularity is likely to dip. Ultimately, Covid might finish off this government.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *uckscpl_bi_femCouple
over a year ago

Milton Keynes


They are exaggerating the number of deaths to keep the whole thing going to justify masks future lockdowns etc..

like I said before a lot of people are making a lot of money out of this Hancock’s mistresses father even his publican ffs and 37 billion on a fucking App for your phone!!

I'll ask again. What do you think would be an appropriate metric?"

How about just report it like they used to do with flu deaths and nobody got hysterical then

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

Because COVID doesn’t kill you instantly

Ok so die in a motorcycle accident 7 days after testing positive?

89 years old riddled with cancer dies 3 weeks after testing positive?

Eaten by a shark 27 after testing positive?

All COVID deaths !!! It is wrong

You clearly believe there's a media and government agenda to inflate the number of covid deaths. Care to share why you think they're doing that ?

They are exaggerating the number of deaths to keep the whole thing going to justify masks future lockdowns etc..

like I said before a lot of people are making a lot of money out of this Hancock’s mistresses father even his publican ffs and 37 billion on a fucking App for your phone!!

Our lamentable government have indeed made a shitload of money from the pandemic. But they do want it to end. Locking down the country costs a lot. And the longer Covd goes on for in a major way, the more their popularity is likely to dip. Ultimately, Covid might finish off this government."

Like it did for the Donald

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *iman2100Man
over a year ago


"If you total up all the daily figures that gets reported it would show everyone has had covid at least twice since this all began.

Couldn't believe anything the main stream media report. Everything is exaggerated for headlines. "

You are dead right!! Covid is a Government hoax; it does not exist. It was to provide an excuse to have a go at China. Mainstream media are responsible! If you want the truth then go to Q-Anon, OAN and Brietbart and Fox News.

Yet another hoax like HIV which was created to shame gay men. And Ebola to limit African tourism for the benefit of European resorts.

It is all made up by big pharma to make profits from vaccinations that are just saline and not required. My mate Stan told me all this. He could tell you too but he died of a bad cold 6 months ago. They said it was Covid but I don't believe them.

I have to go now my psychiatric nurse is here with my medication. But, you know what? They are wrong!! I am not mad. I really am Louis XIV!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


They are exaggerating the number of deaths to keep the whole thing going to justify masks future lockdowns etc..

like I said before a lot of people are making a lot of money out of this Hancock’s mistresses father even his publican ffs and 37 billion on a fucking App for your phone!!

I'll ask again. What do you think would be an appropriate metric?

How about just report it like they used to do with flu deaths and nobody got hysterical then "

So 140,000 in the UK and 5,000,000 worldwide so far.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


They are exaggerating the number of deaths to keep the whole thing going to justify masks future lockdowns etc..

like I said before a lot of people are making a lot of money out of this Hancock’s mistresses father even his publican ffs and 37 billion on a fucking App for your phone!!

I'll ask again. What do you think would be an appropriate metric?

How about just report it like they used to do with flu deaths and nobody got hysterical then "

How do you think flu deaths are estimated? It's not as simple as you seem to think.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


They are exaggerating the number of deaths to keep the whole thing going to justify masks future lockdowns etc..

like I said before a lot of people are making a lot of money out of this Hancock’s mistresses father even his publican ffs and 37 billion on a fucking App for your phone!!

I'll ask again. What do you think would be an appropriate metric?

How about just report it like they used to do with flu deaths and nobody got hysterical then

How do you think flu deaths are estimated? It's not as simple as you seem to think."

Plus the fact that a bad flu year is 30,000 deaths and we are WAY beyond that.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


They are exaggerating the number of deaths to keep the whole thing going to justify masks future lockdowns etc..

like I said before a lot of people are making a lot of money out of this Hancock’s mistresses father even his publican ffs and 37 billion on a fucking App for your phone!!

I'll ask again. What do you think would be an appropriate metric?

How about just report it like they used to do with flu deaths and nobody got hysterical then

How do you think flu deaths are estimated? It's not as simple as you seem to think.

Plus the fact that a bad flu year is 30,000 deaths and we are WAY beyond that. "

Plus this is all after lockdowns, masks, social distancing, vaccines etc across much of the world. If we'd done nothing at all, the death toll from Covid would have been immense.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *heHookyMonsterMan
over a year ago


"If you total up all the daily figures that gets reported it would show everyone has had covid at least twice since this all began.

Couldn't believe anything the main stream media report. Everything is exaggerated for headlines.

You are dead right!! Covid is a Government hoax; it does not exist. It was to provide an excuse to have a go at China. Mainstream media are responsible! If you want the truth then go to Q-Anon, OAN and Brietbart and Fox News.

Yet another hoax like HIV which was created to shame gay men. And Ebola to limit African tourism for the benefit of European resorts.

It is all made up by big pharma to make profits from vaccinations that are just saline and not required. My mate Stan told me all this. He could tell you too but he died of a bad cold 6 months ago. They said it was Covid but I don't believe them.

I have to go now my psychiatric nurse is here with my medication. But, you know what? They are wrong!! I am not mad. I really am Louis XIV!! "

Brilliantly written!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If you total up all the daily figures that gets reported it would show everyone has had covid at least twice since this all began.

Couldn't believe anything the main stream media report. Everything is exaggerated for headlines. "

Huh? 7.73m people have tested positive for covid and the population of the UK is around 67m so you may want to do the maths again.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda "

How do you know the figures are being manipulated? again I will ask where you are getting your information from because I've asked twice and been totally ignored by you.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *udistcpl1Couple
over a year ago



They are exaggerating the number of deaths to keep the whole thing going to justify masks future lockdowns etc..

like I said before a lot of people are making a lot of money out of this Hancock’s mistresses father even his publican ffs and 37 billion on a fucking App for your phone!!

I'll ask again. What do you think would be an appropriate metric?

How about just report it like they used to do with flu deaths and nobody got hysterical then

So 140,000 in the UK and 5,000,000 worldwide so far."

I've said it once - I'll say it again then leave. Don't take the bait, don't get upset - just leave it to Darwins theory of evolution. Just by probability alone, the people who continuously push all of this as some ridiculous conspiracy will lose more of their number when compared to the general population. Just leave it to Darwin.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Shall I have chicken chow main or egg Foo young. ? Blimey just can't decide

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?"

But it doesn't. They are recorded as a death within 28 days of a positive covid test, that is not the same as being recorded as dying from covid.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

Because COVID doesn’t kill you instantly

Ok so die in a motorcycle accident 7 days after testing positive?

89 years old riddled with cancer dies 3 weeks after testing positive?

Eaten by a shark 27 after testing positive?

All COVID deaths !!! It is wrong

You clearly believe there's a media and government agenda to inflate the number of covid deaths. Care to share why you think they're doing that ?

They are exaggerating the number of deaths to keep the whole thing going to justify masks future lockdowns etc..

like I said before a lot of people are making a lot of money out of this Hancock’s mistresses father even his publican ffs and 37 billion on a fucking App for your phone!! "

Why would they want to justify masks because they are no longer a legal requirement. Again where are you getting your information from that the numbers are being manipulated?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

Because COVID doesn’t kill you instantly

Ok so die in a motorcycle accident 7 days after testing positive?

89 years old riddled with cancer dies 3 weeks after testing positive?

Eaten by a shark 27 after testing positive?

All COVID deaths !!! It is wrong

You clearly believe there's a media and government agenda to inflate the number of covid deaths. Care to share why you think they're doing that ?"

Maybe because 'covid' deaths are down to a fraction of what they were and yet overall, the number of people who have died so far in 2021 is within 3% of the same point in 2020.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *dam_TinaCouple
over a year ago


"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

How do you know the figures are being manipulated? again I will ask where you are getting your information from because I've asked twice and been totally ignored by you. "

You need to be patient. Karen's phone is engaged

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Shall I have chicken chow main or egg Foo young. ? Blimey just can't decide"

No idea but wrong thread.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *uckscpl_bi_femCouple
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

But it doesn't. They are recorded as a death within 28 days of a positive covid test, that is not the same as being recorded as dying from covid. "

I wonder what the daily graphs would look like if they actually showed figures of dying FROM and dying WITH COVID not half as scaremongering and dramatic I suspect

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

But it doesn't. They are recorded as a death within 28 days of a positive covid test, that is not the same as being recorded as dying from covid.

I wonder what the daily graphs would look like if they actually showed figures of dying FROM and dying WITH COVID not half as scaremongering and dramatic I suspect "

It doesn't matter though.

Covid is only put on a death certificate if it is a contributary factor. My mum died in 2006 and there when 5 things listed as contributary factors.

She died of pneumonia but probably wouldn't have if she didn't have the other 5 factors. Do you get it now?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

But it doesn't. They are recorded as a death within 28 days of a positive covid test, that is not the same as being recorded as dying from covid.

I wonder what the daily graphs would look like if they actually showed figures of dying FROM and dying WITH COVID not half as scaremongering and dramatic I suspect "

I really don't think you know how deaths from certain illnesses are estimated. It's nowhere near as easy as you seem to think.

And you're very, very wrong if you think our government is upscaling the figures or wants to prolong the pandemic. They've been downplaying it and trying to get back to normal, as if nothing's wrong, for ages. At a huge cost in lives lost.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *uckscpl_bi_femCouple
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

But it doesn't. They are recorded as a death within 28 days of a positive covid test, that is not the same as being recorded as dying from covid.

I wonder what the daily graphs would look like if they actually showed figures of dying FROM and dying WITH COVID not half as scaremongering and dramatic I suspect

It doesn't matter though.

Covid is only put on a death certificate if it is a contributary factor. My mum died in 2006 and there when 5 things listed as contributary factors.

She died of pneumonia but probably wouldn't have if she didn't have the other 5 factors. Do you get it now?"

So if you die in a traffic accident 3 weeks after testing positive is that then a contributory factor?

You get it now?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

But it doesn't. They are recorded as a death within 28 days of a positive covid test, that is not the same as being recorded as dying from covid.

I wonder what the daily graphs would look like if they actually showed figures of dying FROM and dying WITH COVID not half as scaremongering and dramatic I suspect

It doesn't matter though.

Covid is only put on a death certificate if it is a contributary factor. My mum died in 2006 and there when 5 things listed as contributary factors.

She died of pneumonia but probably wouldn't have if she didn't have the other 5 factors. Do you get it now?

So if you die in a traffic accident 3 weeks after testing positive is that then a contributory factor?

You get it now?"

Can you give me one example of anybody but has died in a car accident and been recorded as a covid death please.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

But it doesn't. They are recorded as a death within 28 days of a positive covid test, that is not the same as being recorded as dying from covid.

I wonder what the daily graphs would look like if they actually showed figures of dying FROM and dying WITH COVID not half as scaremongering and dramatic I suspect

It doesn't matter though.

Covid is only put on a death certificate if it is a contributary factor. My mum died in 2006 and there when 5 things listed as contributary factors.

She died of pneumonia but probably wouldn't have if she didn't have the other 5 factors. Do you get it now?

So if you die in a traffic accident 3 weeks after testing positive is that then a contributory factor?

You get it now?"

One more time with feeling. Name a better metric. Bet you can't.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

But it doesn't. They are recorded as a death within 28 days of a positive covid test, that is not the same as being recorded as dying from covid.

I wonder what the daily graphs would look like if they actually showed figures of dying FROM and dying WITH COVID not half as scaremongering and dramatic I suspect

It doesn't matter though.

Covid is only put on a death certificate if it is a contributary factor. My mum died in 2006 and there when 5 things listed as contributary factors.

She died of pneumonia but probably wouldn't have if she didn't have the other 5 factors. Do you get it now?

So if you die in a traffic accident 3 weeks after testing positive is that then a contributory factor?

You get it now?"

That has never happened , even if it did, it would account for about 50 deaths

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acreadCouple
over a year ago

central scotland

Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

But it doesn't. They are recorded as a death within 28 days of a positive covid test, that is not the same as being recorded as dying from covid.

I wonder what the daily graphs would look like if they actually showed figures of dying FROM and dying WITH COVID not half as scaremongering and dramatic I suspect

It doesn't matter though.

Covid is only put on a death certificate if it is a contributary factor. My mum died in 2006 and there when 5 things listed as contributary factors.

She died of pneumonia but probably wouldn't have if she didn't have the other 5 factors. Do you get it now?

So if you die in a traffic accident 3 weeks after testing positive is that then a contributory factor?

You get it now?

That has never happened , even if it did, it would account for about 50 deaths "

And seeing as road traffic deaths have actually been down in the last 18 months.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

But it doesn't. They are recorded as a death within 28 days of a positive covid test, that is not the same as being recorded as dying from covid.

I wonder what the daily graphs would look like if they actually showed figures of dying FROM and dying WITH COVID not half as scaremongering and dramatic I suspect

It doesn't matter though.

Covid is only put on a death certificate if it is a contributary factor. My mum died in 2006 and there when 5 things listed as contributary factors.

She died of pneumonia but probably wouldn't have if she didn't have the other 5 factors. Do you get it now?

So if you die in a traffic accident 3 weeks after testing positive is that then a contributory factor?

You get it now?"

You're being grossly misled if you think that's what goes on. Just look up "traffic accident covid" and read what the actual process is from an official source. It's very different to what you seem to think it is.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are."

The how do you you know and have you seen the death certificates?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *iker boy 69Man
over a year ago


Fuck it, live your life the way you want. Take vax, dont take vax lifes too short to listen to what others say you should do. Do whats right for you.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *D835Man
over a year ago


"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

Because COVID doesn’t kill you instantly

Ok so die in a motorcycle accident 7 days after testing positive?

89 years old riddled with cancer dies 3 weeks after testing positive?

Eaten by a shark 27 after testing positive?

All COVID deaths !!! It is wrong "

".....Ok so die in a motorcycle accident 7 days after testing positive...."


It is not true that someone who tests positive but dies in a motorcycle accident within 28 days gets counted as a covid death.

According to the ONS there are over 160,000 people with covid on their death certificate, yet we have only 130,000+ as the official figure for covid deaths.

The 130,000 are those whose death were as a direct cause of covid.

The remaining 30,000 ( which make up the total 160,000) are those who died after testing positive, but covid was not the direct cause of death ( this would include someone who dies in a motorcycle accident) It also includes those who tested positive but die after 28 days.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Fuck it, live your life the way you want. Take vax, dont take vax lifes too short to listen to what others say you should do. Do whats right for you. "

This sort of comment keeps popping up. But the logic is flat out wrong. It's not just about individuals. Vaccination campaigns are far more effective when the vast majority of us get them.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acreadCouple
over a year ago

central scotland

[Removed by poster at 02/11/21 17:07:09]

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acreadCouple
over a year ago

central scotland

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are.

The how do you you know and have you seen the death certificates?


\Of course I have not I am hardly likely to ask them to show me them to prove it but as honest people they are not going to make shit like that up why would they?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are."

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are."

The only figures I trust are total deaths since that's pretty hard to manipulate. What we actually see is a statistically irrelevant difference between 2021 and 2020 as of week 42.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are.

The how do you you know and have you seen the death certificates?

\Of course I have not I am hardly likely to ask them to show me them to prove it but as honest people they are not going to make shit like that up why would they?"

Because lots of people are in denial about covid unfortunately.

You have no idea whether these people had covid either.

A friend of ours told us his aunt died of an asthma attack and hadn't positively tested for covid but had it put on her death certificate. After speaking with his mum she had tested positive 9 days before and admitted to hospital and died 4 days later.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are.

The only figures I trust are total deaths since that's pretty hard to manipulate. What we actually see is a statistically irrelevant difference between 2021 and 2020 as of week 42. "

Where do you get that from?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

Because COVID doesn’t kill you instantly

Ok so die in a motorcycle accident 7 days after testing positive?

89 years old riddled with cancer dies 3 weeks after testing positive?

Eaten by a shark 27 after testing positive?

All COVID deaths !!! It is wrong

You clearly believe there's a media and government agenda to inflate the number of covid deaths. Care to share why you think they're doing that ?

Maybe they're secretly trying to cover up all them fatal shark attacks in the inner cities?"

It's working.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are.

The only figures I trust are total deaths since that's pretty hard to manipulate. What we actually see is a statistically irrelevant difference between 2021 and 2020 as of week 42.

Where do you get that from? "

ONS weekly deaths, England and Wales figures

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are.

The only figures I trust are total deaths since that's pretty hard to manipulate. What we actually see is a statistically irrelevant difference between 2021 and 2020 as of week 42.

Where do you get that from?

ONS weekly deaths, England and Wales figures "

You tried this last time and the figures did not add up in the way you wanted them too.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are.

The only figures I trust are total deaths since that's pretty hard to manipulate. What we actually see is a statistically irrelevant difference between 2021 and 2020 as of week 42.

Where do you get that from?

ONS weekly deaths, England and Wales figures "

Is that the combined total for the entire year?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are.

The only figures I trust are total deaths since that's pretty hard to manipulate. What we actually see is a statistically irrelevant difference between 2021 and 2020 as of week 42.

Where do you get that from?

ONS weekly deaths, England and Wales figures

You tried this last time and the figures did not add up in the way you wanted them too. "

They do, sorry if you can't write a SUM formula in excel

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are.

The only figures I trust are total deaths since that's pretty hard to manipulate. What we actually see is a statistically irrelevant difference between 2021 and 2020 as of week 42.

Where do you get that from?

ONS weekly deaths, England and Wales figures

Is that the combined total for the entire year?"

That's the total up to and including week 42

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are.

The only figures I trust are total deaths since that's pretty hard to manipulate. What we actually see is a statistically irrelevant difference between 2021 and 2020 as of week 42.

Where do you get that from?

ONS weekly deaths, England and Wales figures

You tried this last time and the figures did not add up in the way you wanted them too.

They do, sorry if you can't write a SUM formula in excel "

Last time you were comparing 2 completely different bits of data and the way they had been recorded had changed and that was pointed out to you but you still weren't having it. There is absolutely no doubts that deaths in 2020 were higher than those in the previous 5 years.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acreadCouple
over a year ago

central scotland

I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are.

The only figures I trust are total deaths since that's pretty hard to manipulate. What we actually see is a statistically irrelevant difference between 2021 and 2020 as of week 42.

Where do you get that from?

ONS weekly deaths, England and Wales figures

Is that the combined total for the entire year?

That's the total up to and including week 42"

That’s not right , you need to do better research

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are.

The only figures I trust are total deaths since that's pretty hard to manipulate. What we actually see is a statistically irrelevant difference between 2021 and 2020 as of week 42.

Where do you get that from?

ONS weekly deaths, England and Wales figures

Is that the combined total for the entire year?

That's the total up to and including week 42

That’s not right , you need to do better research "

It is right. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020 and 2021?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.


Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are.

The only figures I trust are total deaths since that's pretty hard to manipulate. What we actually see is a statistically irrelevant difference between 2021 and 2020 as of week 42.

Where do you get that from?

ONS weekly deaths, England and Wales figures

Is that the combined total for the entire year?

That's the total up to and including week 42

That’s not right , you need to do better research

It is right. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020 and 2021? "

You have the figures? Tell me

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are.

The only figures I trust are total deaths since that's pretty hard to manipulate. What we actually see is a statistically irrelevant difference between 2021 and 2020 as of week 42.

Where do you get that from?

ONS weekly deaths, England and Wales figures

Is that the combined total for the entire year?

That's the total up to and including week 42

That’s not right , you need to do better research

It is right. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020 and 2021? "

You seem to know so tell us.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are.

The only figures I trust are total deaths since that's pretty hard to manipulate. What we actually see is a statistically irrelevant difference between 2021 and 2020 as of week 42.

Where do you get that from?

ONS weekly deaths, England and Wales figures

You tried this last time and the figures did not add up in the way you wanted them too.

They do, sorry if you can't write a SUM formula in excel

Last time you were comparing 2 completely different bits of data and the way they had been recorded had changed and that was pointed out to you but you still weren't having it. There is absolutely no doubts that deaths in 2020 were higher than those in the previous 5 years. "

Not true. I continued the conversation with a couple who could locate the data, you couldn't for some reason. They were determined to make false comparisons by comparing 52 weeks of data against 41 and blocked me.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are.

The only figures I trust are total deaths since that's pretty hard to manipulate. What we actually see is a statistically irrelevant difference between 2021 and 2020 as of week 42.

Where do you get that from?

ONS weekly deaths, England and Wales figures

Is that the combined total for the entire year?

That's the total up to and including week 42

That’s not right , you need to do better research

It is right. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020 and 2021? "

I am slightly confused with your point. Covid was here in 2020 & 2021 ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are.

The only figures I trust are total deaths since that's pretty hard to manipulate. What we actually see is a statistically irrelevant difference between 2021 and 2020 as of week 42.

Where do you get that from?

ONS weekly deaths, England and Wales figures

Is that the combined total for the entire year?

That's the total up to and including week 42

That’s not right , you need to do better research

It is right. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020 and 2021?

You have the figures? Tell me "

You show your true colours. You say I'm wrong but then can't answer basic questions. If i could screenshot the data then I'd happily post it here for all to see. Your refusal to answer such a basic question shows you're not really interested in facts so I'm not going to reply to your gish gallop.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are.

The only figures I trust are total deaths since that's pretty hard to manipulate. What we actually see is a statistically irrelevant difference between 2021 and 2020 as of week 42.

Where do you get that from?

ONS weekly deaths, England and Wales figures

Is that the combined total for the entire year?

That's the total up to and including week 42

That’s not right , you need to do better research

It is right. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020 and 2021?

You have the figures? Tell me

You show your true colours. You say I'm wrong but then can't answer basic questions. If i could screenshot the data then I'd happily post it here for all to see. Your refusal to answer such a basic question shows you're not really interested in facts so I'm not going to reply to your gish gallop."

Do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acreadCouple
over a year ago

central scotland

"Both been double vaccinated here but still believe the figures are being manipulated as We know one man who was up for work and died with a cup of coffee still on the table his workmate called to pick him up and found him dead and a relative whos wife died suddenly both put down as covid deaths and both families argued against it but no change to death certificates which makes me very cynical about the true statistics if we know at least two covid deaths that certainly were not, I do know it kills but wonder what the true figures really are.

The only figures I trust are total deaths since that's pretty hard to manipulate. What we actually see is a statistically irrelevant difference between 2021 and 2020 as of week 42.

Where do you get that from?

ONS weekly deaths, England and Wales figures

You tried this last time and the figures did not add up in the way you wanted them too.

They do, sorry if you can't write a SUM formula in excel

Last time you were comparing 2 completely different bits of data and the way they had been recorded had changed and that was pointed out to you but you still weren't having it. There is absolutely no doubts that deaths in 2020 were higher than those in the previous 5 years. "

Yes and my own mother was one of them she was afit older woman who still had her health and faculties about her but had a fall very in the first lock down and no doctor came out and just said they can't and to give her painkillers even though there was something wrong as she was in a good deal of pain and she died 5 days later I wonder how many of the early high death toll was because people that needed medical attention got absolutely none. Oh and she never did see a doctor.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.


That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *den-Valley-coupleCouple
over a year ago


Omg covid still a thing to some of you guys let it go and live your life..

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows."

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021? "

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Omg covid still a thing to some of you guys let it go and live your life.."

Covid is still a thing for everybody because it hasn't disappeared.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ustcurious1000Couple
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

My age is more likely to die in a car accident but still double jabbed and suffering from the side affects of it . People do what’s bets for them

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Omg covid still a thing to some of you guys let it go and live your life.."

If you don't like it being discussed, maybe best avoid a section dedicated to it?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question. "

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acreadCouple
over a year ago

central scotland

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.


I said insinuating like the stupid emoji fabstastic999 put up as a reply to my post for one.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019"

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acreadCouple
over a year ago

central scotland

"My age is more likely to die in a car accident but still double jabbed and suffering from the side affects of it . People do what’s bets for them "

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

I said insinuating like the stupid emoji fabstastic999 put up as a reply to my post for one. "

I have heard loads of these ‘I know a person’ stories, they are usually rubbish, i apologies for the emoji but I am sceptical about your ‘story ‘

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

I said insinuating like the stupid emoji fabstastic999 put up as a reply to my post for one. "

There isn't an emoji to insinuate lying.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *iker boy 69Man
over a year ago


"Fuck it, live your life the way you want. Take vax, dont take vax lifes too short to listen to what others say you should do. Do whats right for you.

This sort of comment keeps popping up. But the logic is flat out wrong. It's not just about individuals. Vaccination campaigns are far more effective when the vast majority of us get them."

Ive had both mine. Im saying people should NOT be telling others what to do. People should decide themselves

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021? "

We had covid in both years? And thousands died in the winter of 2020, we need to complete the year and find the weekly average

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acreadCouple
over a year ago

central scotland

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021? "

And how many died because they were not allowed to get to a hospital or receive any medical attention due to doctors refusing to see them? Those statistics were added to the death toll for that term.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

And how many died because they were not allowed to get to a hospital or receive any medical attention due to doctors refusing to see them? Those statistics were added to the death toll for that term."

So, what was the alternative? Forget about lockdowns? Carry on as normal?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acreadCouple
over a year ago

central scotland

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

I said insinuating like the stupid emoji fabstastic999 put up as a reply to my post for one.

There isn't an emoji to insinuate lying.


Ok then what do you think the rolling eyes mean?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

We had covid in both years? And thousands died in the winter of 2020, we need to complete the year and find the weekly average "

I'm not interested in your gish gallop. I made a claim about the difference between those 2 numbers and you said it was wrong. It's not wrong, you are wrong. That's why you don't want to say what they are.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

And how many died because they were not allowed to get to a hospital or receive any medical attention due to doctors refusing to see them? Those statistics were added to the death toll for that term."

People have not turned away from an A&E at any point or been refused emergency treatment.

Yes there has been knock on affect to services which unfortunately will result in deaths but it is not a case of people have not been allowed treatment.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

I said insinuating like the stupid emoji fabstastic999 put up as a reply to my post for one.

There isn't an emoji to insinuate lying.

Ok then what do you think the rolling eyes mean?"

That they are bored or exasperated by a comment. Not that someone is lying.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

We had covid in both years? And thousands died in the winter of 2020, we need to complete the year and find the weekly average

I'm not interested in your gish gallop. I made a claim about the difference between those 2 numbers and you said it was wrong. It's not wrong, you are wrong. That's why you don't want to say what they are. "

Because the stats are irrelevant and prove nothing, what is ‘Gish gallop’?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *egasus NobMan
over a year ago


Some of you like to live in fear, at this point it is comedy to watch.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

I said insinuating like the stupid emoji fabstastic999 put up as a reply to my post for one.

There isn't an emoji to insinuate lying.

Ok then what do you think the rolling eyes mean?"

It means here we go again, another ‘I know someone ‘ story,

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Some of you like to live in fear, at this point it is comedy to watch."

Some of you like to live in denial, it’s comedy to watch

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

We had covid in both years? And thousands died in the winter of 2020, we need to complete the year and find the weekly average

I'm not interested in your gish gallop. I made a claim about the difference between those 2 numbers and you said it was wrong. It's not wrong, you are wrong. That's why you don't want to say what they are.

Because the stats are irrelevant and prove nothing, what is ‘Gish gallop’? "

You said I was wrong about the numbers. I wasn't wrong. I accept your apology in advance.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acreadCouple
over a year ago

central scotland

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

And how many died because they were not allowed to get to a hospital or receive any medical attention due to doctors refusing to see them? Those statistics were added to the death toll for that term.

So, what was the alternative? Forget about lockdowns? Carry on as normal? "

How about doing the job they were paid to do and see people that are clearly in need of medical attention, there were loads of people that had to work on regardless why not doctors because they certainly did not in most cases. The Macmillan nurses were working on as they came in to my own mother on the day before she died and still no doctor.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

We had covid in both years? And thousands died in the winter of 2020, we need to complete the year and find the weekly average

I'm not interested in your gish gallop. I made a claim about the difference between those 2 numbers and you said it was wrong. It's not wrong, you are wrong. That's why you don't want to say what they are.

Because the stats are irrelevant and prove nothing, what is ‘Gish gallop’?

You said I was wrong about the numbers. I wasn't wrong. I accept your apology in advance. "

You are wrong, why are using irrelevant stats, not sure what your trying to prove. What is ‘Gish gallop’

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Some of you like to live in fear, at this point it is comedy to watch."

It's funny to watch that people are frightened?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

And how many died because they were not allowed to get to a hospital or receive any medical attention due to doctors refusing to see them? Those statistics were added to the death toll for that term.

So, what was the alternative? Forget about lockdowns? Carry on as normal?

How about doing the job they were paid to do and see people that are clearly in need of medical attention, there were loads of people that had to work on regardless why not doctors because they certainly did not in most cases. The Macmillan nurses were working on as they came in to my own mother on the day before she died and still no doctor. "

They were, btw, are doctors and nurses immune to COVID?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acreadCouple
over a year ago

central scotland

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

I said insinuating like the stupid emoji fabstastic999 put up as a reply to my post for one.

There isn't an emoji to insinuate lying.

Ok then what do you think the rolling eyes mean?

It means here we go again, another ‘I know someone ‘ story, "

When I write something I write the truth and yes you are right I DO know someone not a fable either.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

And how many died because they were not allowed to get to a hospital or receive any medical attention due to doctors refusing to see them? Those statistics were added to the death toll for that term.

So, what was the alternative? Forget about lockdowns? Carry on as normal?

How about doing the job they were paid to do and see people that are clearly in need of medical attention, there were loads of people that had to work on regardless why not doctors because they certainly did not in most cases. The Macmillan nurses were working on as they came in to my own mother on the day before she died and still no doctor. "

If she had Macmillan nurses she would have been on palliative care and it is unlikely that even in normal times a doctor would have come unless called by the Macmillan nurse.

I think it is an absolute disgrace to suggest that doctors and nurses were not working flat out and doing the best they could in far from ideal circumstances.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ittleMissCaliWoman
over a year ago

trouble most likely, or creating it :)

"Look out of the window or get out in the real world and stop listening to the MSM BBC Sky etc.. if they stopped reporting figures and graphs constantly you wouldn’t even know about COVID. I seriously wonder what some of you guys did before all this bollocks, some people have become obsessed by it and seem to want too keep the game going as long as possible."
by neighbour has just come out of intensive care after several weeks, unfortunately looking out at the world makes me sad as so many are just aching like it's done and dusted..

Was the only people wearing masks today in 2 shops.. the only people social distancing and the only person that sanitised my trolley and hands.

Sadly people are still getting really poorly

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acreadCouple
over a year ago

central scotland

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

And how many died because they were not allowed to get to a hospital or receive any medical attention due to doctors refusing to see them? Those statistics were added to the death toll for that term.

So, what was the alternative? Forget about lockdowns? Carry on as normal?

How about doing the job they were paid to do and see people that are clearly in need of medical attention, there were loads of people that had to work on regardless why not doctors because they certainly did not in most cases. The Macmillan nurses were working on as they came in to my own mother on the day before she died and still no doctor.

They were, btw, are doctors and nurses immune to COVID? "

Of course not but neither are we but we both worked from day one as did millions of others in the country, of course that included doctors and nurses but GPs seemed to sit back and let the phone be answered by a secretary or assistant in our case as well as in many others from what I read only to be told give pain killers and on call back. Give stronger pain killers collect at chemist and that is another service that worked through it

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Look out of the window or get out in the real world and stop listening to the MSM BBC Sky etc.. if they stopped reporting figures and graphs constantly you wouldn’t even know about COVID. I seriously wonder what some of you guys did before all this bollocks, some people have become obsessed by it and seem to want too keep the game going as long as possible. by neighbour has just come out of intensive care after several weeks, unfortunately looking out at the world makes me sad as so many are just aching like it's done and dusted..

Was the only people wearing masks today in 2 shops.. the only people social distancing and the only person that sanitised my trolley and hands.

Sadly people are still getting really poorly "

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *iman2100Man
over a year ago


"If you total up all the daily figures that gets reported it would show everyone has had covid at least twice since this all began.

Couldn't believe anything the main stream media report. Everything is exaggerated for headlines.

You are dead right!! Covid is a Government hoax; it does not exist. It was to provide an excuse to have a go at China. Mainstream media are responsible! If you want the truth then go to Q-Anon, OAN and Brietbart and Fox News.

Yet another hoax like HIV which was created to shame gay men. And Ebola to limit African tourism for the benefit of European resorts.

It is all made up by big pharma to make profits from vaccinations that are just saline and not required. My mate Stan told me all this. He could tell you too but he died of a bad cold 6 months ago. They said it was Covid but I don't believe them.

I have to go now my psychiatric nurse is here with my medication. But, you know what? They are wrong!! I am not mad. I really am Louis XIV!!

Brilliantly written! "

Thank you kind sir!.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

And how many died because they were not allowed to get to a hospital or receive any medical attention due to doctors refusing to see them? Those statistics were added to the death toll for that term.

So, what was the alternative? Forget about lockdowns? Carry on as normal?

How about doing the job they were paid to do and see people that are clearly in need of medical attention, there were loads of people that had to work on regardless why not doctors because they certainly did not in most cases. The Macmillan nurses were working on as they came in to my own mother on the day before she died and still no doctor.

They were, btw, are doctors and nurses immune to COVID?

Of course not but neither are we but we both worked from day one as did millions of others in the country, of course that included doctors and nurses but GPs seemed to sit back and let the phone be answered by a secretary or assistant in our case as well as in many others from what I read only to be told give pain killers and on call back. Give stronger pain killers collect at chemist and that is another service that worked through it"

How do you know that doctors were ‘sitting back ‘?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acreadCouple
over a year ago

central scotland

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

And how many died because they were not allowed to get to a hospital or receive any medical attention due to doctors refusing to see them? Those statistics were added to the death toll for that term.

So, what was the alternative? Forget about lockdowns? Carry on as normal?

How about doing the job they were paid to do and see people that are clearly in need of medical attention, there were loads of people that had to work on regardless why not doctors because they certainly did not in most cases. The Macmillan nurses were working on as they came in to my own mother on the day before she died and still no doctor.

If she had Macmillan nurses she would have been on palliative care and it is unlikely that even in normal times a doctor would have come unless called by the Macmillan nurse.

I think it is an absolute disgrace to suggest that doctors and nurses were not working flat out and doing the best they could in far from ideal circumstances. "

I take it you didnt read what I wrote the Macmillan nurses came the day before she died in when called by a council carer I never once said nurses did not work and but doctors I should have emphasised GPs they most part certainly did not see anyone early on, my argument is she should have had a home visit and been admitted to hospital. Please do not twist my words.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acreadCouple
over a year ago

central scotland

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

And how many died because they were not allowed to get to a hospital or receive any medical attention due to doctors refusing to see them? Those statistics were added to the death toll for that term.

So, what was the alternative? Forget about lockdowns? Carry on as normal?

How about doing the job they were paid to do and see people that are clearly in need of medical attention, there were loads of people that had to work on regardless why not doctors because they certainly did not in most cases. The Macmillan nurses were working on as they came in to my own mother on the day before she died and still no doctor.

They were, btw, are doctors and nurses immune to COVID?

Of course not but neither are we but we both worked from day one as did millions of others in the country, of course that included doctors and nurses but GPs seemed to sit back and let the phone be answered by a secretary or assistant in our case as well as in many others from what I read only to be told give pain killers and on call back. Give stronger pain killers collect at chemist and that is another service that worked through it

How do you know that doctors were ‘sitting back ‘?"

Well what the hell were they doing because it was hard enough to get past the receptionist let alone get to see one.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acreadCouple
over a year ago

central scotland

Just reading back my posts there and the way I have been writing with all the mistakes etc.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

And how many died because they were not allowed to get to a hospital or receive any medical attention due to doctors refusing to see them? Those statistics were added to the death toll for that term.

So, what was the alternative? Forget about lockdowns? Carry on as normal?

How about doing the job they were paid to do and see people that are clearly in need of medical attention, there were loads of people that had to work on regardless why not doctors because they certainly did not in most cases. The Macmillan nurses were working on as they came in to my own mother on the day before she died and still no doctor.

They were, btw, are doctors and nurses immune to COVID?

Of course not but neither are we but we both worked from day one as did millions of others in the country, of course that included doctors and nurses but GPs seemed to sit back and let the phone be answered by a secretary or assistant in our case as well as in many others from what I read only to be told give pain killers and on call back. Give stronger pain killers collect at chemist and that is another service that worked through it

How do you know that doctors were ‘sitting back ‘?

Well what the hell were they doing because it was hard enough to get past the receptionist let alone get to see one."

Dealing with covid ,

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eavenscentitCouple
over a year ago


Who worked this out ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

over a year ago


"Been and had my booster today still not grown a third arm despite people saying I would.

Do security loops ping when you walk out of shops? "

funny you should say that cos I was in asda and I did set off the alarm. But that might have been the bottle of Johnny Walker's in my bag that mysteriously had the security tag still on it.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Try and eat well and cut back on dairy, sugar, salt.

Build up your immune system, no matter if you've had the vaccine or not!

Vit D, Magnesium, Zinc massive help

So will the vaccine. "

For some yes for some no!

All they have to fall back on is a better healthy eating program!

Let's not forget those that can't take the vaccine, or don't want to for whatever the reason.....

I like to keep an open mind!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acreadCouple
over a year ago

central scotland

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

And how many died because they were not allowed to get to a hospital or receive any medical attention due to doctors refusing to see them? Those statistics were added to the death toll for that term.

People have not turned away from an A&E at any point or been refused emergency treatment.

Yes there has been knock on affect to services which unfortunately will result in deaths but it is not a case of people have not been allowed treatment."

You are right in the fact that people wont be turned away from hospital but in the case of being denied treatment you are wrong. If an older person has a fall and is in a great deal of pain and cannot get to the hospital because it is too painful to move and subsequently ends up in bed and still in pain yet despite numerous calls no one comes out to see her then in my eyes that is being denied medical treatment, as I said previously it was a council worker that made the call that brought in Macmillan nurses or she would have died without even getting the "Palative" care for her last day.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acreadCouple
over a year ago

central scotland

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

And how many died because they were not allowed to get to a hospital or receive any medical attention due to doctors refusing to see them? Those statistics were added to the death toll for that term.

So, what was the alternative? Forget about lockdowns? Carry on as normal?

How about doing the job they were paid to do and see people that are clearly in need of medical attention, there were loads of people that had to work on regardless why not doctors because they certainly did not in most cases. The Macmillan nurses were working on as they came in to my own mother on the day before she died and still no doctor.

They were, btw, are doctors and nurses immune to COVID?

Of course not but neither are we but we both worked from day one as did millions of others in the country, of course that included doctors and nurses but GPs seemed to sit back and let the phone be answered by a secretary or assistant in our case as well as in many others from what I read only to be told give pain killers and on call back. Give stronger pain killers collect at chemist and that is another service that worked through it

How do you know that doctors were ‘sitting back ‘?

Well what the hell were they doing because it was hard enough to get past the receptionist let alone get to see one.

Dealing with covid , "


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *yes146Man
over a year ago

London / Bournemouth

Its nothing to do with intelligence; it's the egos and selfishness that's the issue.

I know a family with both adults under 35years old, no underlined issues. Yet but ended up in hospital leaving 3 kids at home no one to look after them. Another member of family came to help and now hes in hospital too. Luckily, after sometime have slowed started to get better. Their words "when I get discharged I will go and take the vaccination.

I think bit late now. Need to seriously start think about others rather than yourself.

I took the vaccination to protect others; knowing that someone died because of my action, I couldn't live with it. Not willing to take that risk.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ophieslutTV/TS
over a year ago


"You really believe the media and news sad people "

Sounds like you're doing the right thing and sourcing all of your scientific research evidence from reputable sources, ie the credible professional journals. No need to rely on broadcast media sources, which aren't the sources of peer-review processes and publication.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ophieslutTV/TS
over a year ago


"Try and eat well and cut back on dairy, sugar, salt.

Build up your immune system, no matter if you've had the vaccine or not!

Vit D, Magnesium, Zinc massive help

So will the vaccine.

For some yes for some no!

All they have to fall back on is a better healthy eating program!

Let's not forget those that can't take the vaccine, or don't want to for whatever the reason.....

I like to keep an open mind!


With amazingly close to complete protection for all who can have the vaccine, we are all incredibly fortunate to have had the benefits of the vaccines for the last few months

With the onset of increasing risks from more viruses and illnesses during winter, it's definitely helpful for us all to do as much as we can to support our immune system.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

And how many died because they were not allowed to get to a hospital or receive any medical attention due to doctors refusing to see them? Those statistics were added to the death toll for that term.

So, what was the alternative? Forget about lockdowns? Carry on as normal?

How about doing the job they were paid to do and see people that are clearly in need of medical attention, there were loads of people that had to work on regardless why not doctors because they certainly did not in most cases. The Macmillan nurses were working on as they came in to my own mother on the day before she died and still no doctor.

They were, btw, are doctors and nurses immune to COVID?

Of course not but neither are we but we both worked from day one as did millions of others in the country, of course that included doctors and nurses but GPs seemed to sit back and let the phone be answered by a secretary or assistant in our case as well as in many others from what I read only to be told give pain killers and on call back. Give stronger pain killers collect at chemist and that is another service that worked through it

How do you know that doctors were ‘sitting back ‘?

Well what the hell were they doing because it was hard enough to get past the receptionist let alone get to see one.

Dealing with covid ,


Yeah, you do realise that not all covid cases end up in hospital ? Plus I am sure many of them caught Covid and they are subject to the same rules as everyone else

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

And how many died because they were not allowed to get to a hospital or receive any medical attention due to doctors refusing to see them? Those statistics were added to the death toll for that term.

So, what was the alternative? Forget about lockdowns? Carry on as normal?

How about doing the job they were paid to do and see people that are clearly in need of medical attention, there were loads of people that had to work on regardless why not doctors because they certainly did not in most cases. The Macmillan nurses were working on as they came in to my own mother on the day before she died and still no doctor.

They were, btw, are doctors and nurses immune to COVID?

Of course not but neither are we but we both worked from day one as did millions of others in the country, of course that included doctors and nurses but GPs seemed to sit back and let the phone be answered by a secretary or assistant in our case as well as in many others from what I read only to be told give pain killers and on call back. Give stronger pain killers collect at chemist and that is another service that worked through it

How do you know that doctors were ‘sitting back ‘?

Well what the hell were they doing because it was hard enough to get past the receptionist let alone get to see one.

Dealing with covid ,


Yeah, you do realise that not all covid cases end up in hospital ? Plus I am sure many of them caught Covid and they are subject to the same rules as everyone else "

I believe they were ordered from on high to go to phone consult.

Personally I prefer it - I get to speak to someone within days not weeks, and if I do actually need to come in, near empty waiting room (lower risk) and again, days not weeks.

It's a great triage system and sensible when there's a highly contagious novel pathogen going around.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ophieslutTV/TS
over a year ago


"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?"

That's not now how they are officially recorded, as the Office for National Statistics has a very precise methodology, distinguishing between where Covid was the cause of death, from where it was a contributory factor. Obviously it takes some time for all death certification to be completed and then for the ONS to produce the reports that we get the benefits of. There's some explanation here that clarifies things - https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/howdeathsfromcovid19arerecordedbyons

There was an old trope last year about death within 28 days of testing positive and the risk that Doctors would make mistakes and record things wronglyx in their confusion, if someone had died falling off a molehill. We can relax - Doctors know what they are doing and the ONS collates and publishes this data in simple to understand ways.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Based on data from here:


There was 13,062 more deaths in 2020 (up to and including week 42) than 2021. That's a 3pc drop. Although still 10pc higher than 5 year average.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acreadCouple
over a year ago

central scotland

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

And how many died because they were not allowed to get to a hospital or receive any medical attention due to doctors refusing to see them? Those statistics were added to the death toll for that term.

So, what was the alternative? Forget about lockdowns? Carry on as normal?

How about doing the job they were paid to do and see people that are clearly in need of medical attention, there were loads of people that had to work on regardless why not doctors because they certainly did not in most cases. The Macmillan nurses were working on as they came in to my own mother on the day before she died and still no doctor.

They were, btw, are doctors and nurses immune to COVID?

Of course not but neither are we but we both worked from day one as did millions of others in the country, of course that included doctors and nurses but GPs seemed to sit back and let the phone be answered by a secretary or assistant in our case as well as in many others from what I read only to be told give pain killers and on call back. Give stronger pain killers collect at chemist and that is another service that worked through it

How do you know that doctors were ‘sitting back ‘?

Well what the hell were they doing because it was hard enough to get past the receptionist let alone get to see one.

Dealing with covid ,


Yeah, you do realise that not all covid cases end up in hospital ? Plus I am sure many of them caught Covid and they are subject to the same rules as everyone else "

Yes and I also realise that the last place you are going to end up if you have covid is a doctors surgery and the last person who will see you will be a GP so apart from giving advice which in most cases is given by the triage nurse they were not really dealing with covid in person. As far as I am aware they do see people now but not as many patients as before covid.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acreadCouple
over a year ago

central scotland

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

And how many died because they were not allowed to get to a hospital or receive any medical attention due to doctors refusing to see them? Those statistics were added to the death toll for that term.

So, what was the alternative? Forget about lockdowns? Carry on as normal?

How about doing the job they were paid to do and see people that are clearly in need of medical attention, there were loads of people that had to work on regardless why not doctors because they certainly did not in most cases. The Macmillan nurses were working on as they came in to my own mother on the day before she died and still no doctor.

They were, btw, are doctors and nurses immune to COVID?

Of course not but neither are we but we both worked from day one as did millions of others in the country, of course that included doctors and nurses but GPs seemed to sit back and let the phone be answered by a secretary or assistant in our case as well as in many others from what I read only to be told give pain killers and on call back. Give stronger pain killers collect at chemist and that is another service that worked through it

How do you know that doctors were ‘sitting back ‘?

Well what the hell were they doing because it was hard enough to get past the receptionist let alone get to see one.

Dealing with covid ,


Yeah, you do realise that not all covid cases end up in hospital ? Plus I am sure many of them caught Covid and they are subject to the same rules as everyone else

I believe they were ordered from on high to go to phone consult.

Personally I prefer it - I get to speak to someone within days not weeks, and if I do actually need to come in, near empty waiting room (lower risk) and again, days not weeks.

It's a great triage system and sensible when there's a highly contagious novel pathogen going around."

I am not disputing the phone is the safest given that some folk contact doctors for the most trivial thing, what I am saying is if there is a person that clearly has some real damage the doctor should have come out. I believe that woman would have been alive today if some one had as she obviously had internal damage.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *actileGent69Man
over a year ago

East Cheshire

"I ask this question all the time and never get an answer let's try again. Where would you like People to get their information?"

Face to face with doctors, nurses, surgeons, a scientist from one of the companies making the vaccines. The owners/managers of care homes, grieving families who do not understand why the death certificate says covid when they had no symptoms whatsoever yet were expected by all to die from something else, staff working in pharmaceutical companies and last but not least statistics for deaths related to INFLUENZA from the gov.uk website itself.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"I see the usual suspects on this thread insinuating that anyone that posts anything different from their owns views is lying.

Can you show me one person on this thread has tried to say anybody is lying?

Yes I am absolutely certain that some deaths have been recorded wrong because that happens with all causes however it will be tiny numbers and nobody ever has any hard evidence just anecdotes of people that apparently have been recorded as covid deaths when they have not tested positive.

That would be you and fabtastic saying I'm lying when anyone can verify that what I'm saying is true by googling "ONS weekly deaths" and summing 2 rows.

I am not saying your lying, I think your using the wrong data, do you have the weekly averages for 2020 & 2021?

I have no interest in talking to you until you answer my question.

Which is? Why don’t you compare 2020 with 2019

1. How many people died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2020?

2. How many people have died up to and including week 42 in England and Wales for 2021?

And how many died because they were not allowed to get to a hospital or receive any medical attention due to doctors refusing to see them? Those statistics were added to the death toll for that term.

So, what was the alternative? Forget about lockdowns? Carry on as normal?

How about doing the job they were paid to do and see people that are clearly in need of medical attention, there were loads of people that had to work on regardless why not doctors because they certainly did not in most cases. The Macmillan nurses were working on as they came in to my own mother on the day before she died and still no doctor.

They were, btw, are doctors and nurses immune to COVID?

Of course not but neither are we but we both worked from day one as did millions of others in the country, of course that included doctors and nurses but GPs seemed to sit back and let the phone be answered by a secretary or assistant in our case as well as in many others from what I read only to be told give pain killers and on call back. Give stronger pain killers collect at chemist and that is another service that worked through it

How do you know that doctors were ‘sitting back ‘?

Well what the hell were they doing because it was hard enough to get past the receptionist let alone get to see one.

Dealing with covid ,


Yeah, you do realise that not all covid cases end up in hospital ? Plus I am sure many of them caught Covid and they are subject to the same rules as everyone else

I believe they were ordered from on high to go to phone consult.

Personally I prefer it - I get to speak to someone within days not weeks, and if I do actually need to come in, near empty waiting room (lower risk) and again, days not weeks.

It's a great triage system and sensible when there's a highly contagious novel pathogen going around.

I am not disputing the phone is the safest given that some folk contact doctors for the most trivial thing, what I am saying is if there is a person that clearly has some real damage the doctor should have come out. I believe that woman would have been alive today if some one had as she obviously had internal damage.


We all have done our best under enormously challenging circumstances.

Undoubtedly - given the enormity of the pandemic and the strains the NHS has been put under by over a decade of underfunding compared to rising demand - errors have been made.

GPs have been working full time, or more, throughout the pandemic. Like everyone else, they've had to adjust to a different way of working.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

Manipulated how? How is the data being changed?

Please tell me why ANY death within 28 days of a positive test gets recorded as a COVID death?

That's not now how they are officially recorded, as the Office for National Statistics has a very precise methodology, distinguishing between where Covid was the cause of death, from where it was a contributory factor. Obviously it takes some time for all death certification to be completed and then for the ONS to produce the reports that we get the benefits of. There's some explanation here that clarifies things - https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/howdeathsfromcovid19arerecordedbyons

There was an old trope last year about death within 28 days of testing positive and the risk that Doctors would make mistakes and record things wronglyx in their confusion, if someone had died falling off a molehill. We can relax - Doctors know what they are doing and the ONS collates and publishes this data in simple to understand ways. "

It's unfortunate that old, easily disproven, tropes are still being regurgitated like last night's garlic.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ndy8goldMan
over a year ago


Fuk that. Who’s got big tits

Inbox me. Lol.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ndy8goldMan
over a year ago


Apologies but this ain’t question time


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

There must be some phoneless guy sat by a waterfall in the middle of nowhere not realising how scared he should be.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *DGF20Man
over a year ago


No, i would say 134 times more likely

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *297crissy1Couple
over a year ago


"Its nothing to do with intelligence; it's the egos and selfishness that's the issue.

I know a family with both adults under 35years old, no underlined issues. Yet but ended up in hospital leaving 3 kids at home no one to look after them. Another member of family came to help and now hes in hospital too. Luckily, after sometime have slowed started to get better. Their words "when I get discharged I will go and take the vaccination.

I think bit late now. Need to seriously start think about others rather than yourself.

I took the vaccination to protect others; knowing that someone died because of my action, I couldn't live with it. Not willing to take that risk.


But you can still get covid and still pass it on as well so please don’t call unvaxed people selfish . The only person being protected by the vaccine is the person who has had it

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Exactly there are far too many MPs etc.. who are making a lot of money from COVID and do not wish it too end soon.

Maybe I am lucky as I still don’t know anyone who has died from COVID in the last nearly 2 years, still annoys me that the figures are being manipulated to suit the agenda

The world wants Covid to end. It's cost the world a fortune in both lives and money."

It won’t end.

It will become endemic.

In fact there are two new circulating variants now. One of which vaccines don’t protect from.

Good luck. We’ll need it.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Its nothing to do with intelligence; it's the egos and selfishness that's the issue.

I know a family with both adults under 35years old, no underlined issues. Yet but ended up in hospital leaving 3 kids at home no one to look after them. Another member of family came to help and now hes in hospital too. Luckily, after sometime have slowed started to get better. Their words "when I get discharged I will go and take the vaccination.

I think bit late now. Need to seriously start think about others rather than yourself.

I took the vaccination to protect others; knowing that someone died because of my action, I couldn't live with it. Not willing to take that risk.

But you can still get covid and still pass it on as well so please don’t call unvaxed people selfish . The only person being protected by the vaccine is the person who has had it "

Less likely to catch it, less likely to spread it, less likely to use hospital resources.

Vaccination is how we eliminated diseases like polio - which also had breakthrough infections when they were first introduced.

So, not selfish necessarily. But pro disease, and pro restrictions. Because they're not doing what it takes to stop those things.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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