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Hospitalizations up on the vaxxed

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

From public health (via sky news today)

55% of the hospitalised with delta were un-vaxxed

35% double vaxxed

10% one vax

90% of the population Is vaxed.

Remind me again why we all got the vax lol. Its a coin flip

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By *sBlueWoman
over a year ago

Up North

But how many of those 35% have other health conditions.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Erm I think its quite obvious from the stats you just put up why we should all be vaccinated

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By *dwalu2Couple
over a year ago


Because it reduces the effects of the virus compared to being unvaccinated, as the figures above show.

And because also reduces the level of hospitalisation required for those hospitalised, which the figures above do not refer to.

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By *S2004Man
over a year ago


"From public health (via sky news today)

55% of the hospitalised with delta were un-vaxxed

35% double vaxxed

10% one vax

90% of the population Is vaxed.

Remind me again why we all got the vax lol. Its a coin flip "

You seem to have forgotten that approx 90% of the adult population have had some form of vaccination so the 55% in hospital unvaxxed are taken from a very small cohort. Clearly no coin flip

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"From public health (via sky news today)

55% of the hospitalised with delta were un-vaxxed

35% double vaxxed

10% one vax

90% of the population Is vaxed.

Remind me again why we all got the vax lol. Its a coin flip

You seem to have forgotten that approx 90% of the adult population have had some form of vaccination so the 55% in hospital unvaxxed are taken from a very small cohort. Clearly no coin flip"


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

simple maths if 90% of the adult population has been vaxx then its pretty obvious surely ??

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By *outhlondon_guyMan
over a year ago


"From public health (via sky news today)

55% of the hospitalised with delta were un-vaxxed

35% double vaxxed

10% one vax

90% of the population Is vaxed.

Remind me again why we all got the vax lol. Its a coin flip "

Quite amusing you present this data trying to make some kind of smug point, yet the data points to quite literally the opposite of how you're interpreting it.

You can give people all the information in the world, but if they don't have the critical skills required to draw the correct information out of it, it seems to do more harm than good, as so ably demonstrated by your post

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Your statistics prove beyond any doubt that it is far less lightly that you will end up in hospital if you have had a vaccination.

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By *dwalu2Couple
over a year ago


"From public health (via sky news today)

55% of the hospitalised with delta were un-vaxxed

35% double vaxxed

10% one vax

90% of the population Is vaxed.

Remind me again why we all got the vax lol. Its a coin flip

Quite amusing you present this data trying to make some kind of smug point, yet the data points to quite literally the opposite of how you're interpreting it.

You can give people all the information in the world, but if they don't have the critical skills required to draw the correct information out of it, it seems to do more harm than good, as so ably demonstrated by your post "

It’s the irony of the anti-vaxxers / covid conspiracy types - they all talk about critical thinking, while continually displaying an inability to think critically.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

And this is why data analysis is so awesome. Your interpretations will be on the whole correct for whichever side of the fence you're on. Statistically speaking of course

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The start of this thread is hilariously ironic.

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By *lenderfoxMan
over a year ago


This is good news, the more people vaccinated, obviously the higher percentage of hospitalisations will come from them as they make up a greater proportion of the population

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By *traight_no_iceMan
over a year ago


"From public health (via sky news today)

55% of the hospitalised with delta were un-vaxxed

35% double vaxxed

10% one vax

90% of the population Is vaxed.

Remind me again why we all got the vax lol. Its a coin flip "

It is not difficult to understand. With the majority of the adult population vaccinated and with the Delta variant more infectuous and likely to infect some of the vaccinated ones, it does not come as a surprise that some of the hospitalised will be double vaccinated (and some of them could be eldery). What the vaccine does is to reduce the chance of people getting hospitalised in a serious state. This one some people who are not in favour of the vaccine seem to ignore. My 85 year old mother who has a few health issues as well is double vaccinated and still got covid some months after. She got hospitalised, she had some lung infection but still she did not end to a state where she had to be intubated. So there you go, the vaccine works even to save the already vulnerable. Can you say the same for the 58 and the 56 year old guys (both in the news, yesterday and today) with no health conditions who chose to believe conspiracies, remained unvaccinated and passed away from something that both of them could have prevented?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

So, going by your data...

10% of the population are unvaccinated, yet they make up the majority of hospitalisations.

You answered your own question.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I wonder if the original poster will ever realise they screwed up with this attempt at scaremongering.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"From public health (via sky news today)

55% of the hospitalised with delta were un-vaxxed

35% double vaxxed

10% one vax

90% of the population Is vaxed.

Remind me again why we all got the vax lol. Its a coin flip "

You didn't think this through did you

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"From public health (via sky news today)

55% of the hospitalised with delta were un-vaxxed

35% double vaxxed

10% one vax

90% of the population Is vaxed.

Remind me again why we all got the vax lol. Its a coin flip "

Which is better... 35% of 6,000 people... or 35% of 40,000 people being in hospital?

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By * Plus ECouple
over a year ago

The South

"From public health (via sky news today)

55% of the hospitalised with delta were un-vaxxed

35% double vaxxed

10% one vax

90% of the population Is vaxed.

Remind me again why we all got the vax lol. Its a coin flip "

If 90% are vaccinated, 10% aren't.

Sooooooo, thats 55% of 10%

Not so dramalama now is it.

Put your coin back in your pocket.


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By *dam_TinaCouple
over a year ago


Backfired much OP ?

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

Soooo. Let's take these figures.

We have 100 000 people. Let's say 1000 are in hospital. (Obviously these figures are an invention, but everything that follows is based on the figures in the OP)

90% are vaccinated, so, 90k people. 10k are not.

55% of 1000 is 550, leaving 450 with some level of vaccination (that's not broken down so I can differentiate).

550/10k is the odds of being hospitalised if you're unvaccinated. 5.5%

450/90k is the odds of being hospitalised if you have some level of vaccination. (Let's forget for now that the most vulnerable are most likely to be vaccinated). 0.5%

So you're 11x more likely to be hospitalised if you're unvaccinated.

... I think I don't need to editorialise, do I?

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By *ovebjsMan
over a year ago


"From public health (via sky news today)

55% of the hospitalised with delta were un-vaxxed

35% double vaxxed

10% one vax

90% of the population Is vaxed.

Remind me again why we all got the vax lol. Its a coin flip "

Yet another desperate post to try discredit vaccination

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By *ovebjsMan
over a year ago


"Backfired much OP ?"


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Erm I think its quite obvious from the stats you just put up why we should all be vaccinated "

45 % have had the jab lol

Coin flip

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Erm I think its quite obvious from the stats you just put up why we should all be vaccinated

45 % have had the jab lol

Coin flip "

Yes 45% of 90%

Where as 55% of 10%.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Backfired much OP ?"

No , not at all

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By * Plus ECouple
over a year ago

The South

"Erm I think its quite obvious from the stats you just put up why we should all be vaccinated

45 % have had the jab lol

Coin flip "

From your very own opening comment, "90% are vaccinated".

I'd quit while you're behind if I was you.


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Backfired much OP ?

No , not at all "

It has though hasn't it!

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By *heRazorsEdgeMan
over a year ago

Wales/ All over UK

"Soooo. Let's take these figures.

We have 100 000 people. Let's say 1000 are in hospital. (Obviously these figures are an invention, but everything that follows is based on the figures in the OP)

90% are vaccinated, so, 90k people. 10k are not.

55% of 1000 is 550, leaving 450 with some level of vaccination (that's not broken down so I can differentiate).

550/10k is the odds of being hospitalised if you're unvaccinated. 5.5%

450/90k is the odds of being hospitalised if you have some level of vaccination. (Let's forget for now that the most vulnerable are most likely to be vaccinated). 0.5%

So you're 11x more likely to be hospitalised if you're unvaccinated.

... I think I don't need to editorialise, do I?"

Data is beautiful!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

You guys just are in love with the vax lol. And for all you who think all this totalitarian insanity is still about covid then I pity you.

You are giving away your freedoms without a whimper and also injecting something you have no idea of the side effects for something that 97.9 % survival rate

Under 70 the influenza has a higher fatality rate

So so sad

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Enjoy your jabs

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"You guys just are in love with the vax lol. And for all you who think all this totalitarian insanity is still about covid then I pity you.

You are giving away your freedoms without a whimper and also injecting something you have no idea of the side effects for something that 97.9 % survival rate

Under 70 the influenza has a higher fatality rate

So so sad


The stats expert speaks once more.

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By *ungBlackTopMan
over a year ago


Oh you lot get over yourselves. OP doesn't even care as they haven't entertained your teaching enough to reply.

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By *dam_TinaCouple
over a year ago


"You guys just are in love with the vax lol. And for all you who think all this totalitarian insanity is still about covid then I pity you.

You are giving away your freedoms without a whimper and also injecting something you have no idea of the side effects for something that 97.9 % survival rate

Under 70 the influenza has a higher fatality rate

So so sad


You'll find a much better audience for this drivel on Facebook

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By *ools and the brainCouple
over a year ago

couple, us we him her.

"From public health (via sky news today)

55% of the hospitalised with delta were un-vaxxed

35% double vaxxed

10% one vax

90% of the population Is vaxed.

Remind me again why we all got the vax lol. Its a coin flip "

Do you wear black panther cologne by chance?

60% of the time it works every time.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I love the cope in this forum

So easy lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"You guys just are in love with the vax lol. And for all you who think all this totalitarian insanity is still about covid then I pity you.

You are giving away your freedoms without a whimper and also injecting something you have no idea of the side effects for something that 97.9 % survival rate

Under 70 the influenza has a higher fatality rate

So so sad


I'm a little bit confused because how am I giving away my freedom's?

I can go to a nightclub in September can you?

I don't have to self isolate if I go a none red list country can you?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Oh you lot get over yourselves. OP doesn't even care as they haven't entertained your teaching enough to reply."

They have replied!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

That all vaxed not vaxed is a bs... everyone has a right how to be.Statistics? Where they come from? This topic shouldnt be even started, everyone has own opinnions and beliefs.so nopnes more right than others in this case. Peace

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"You guys just are in love with the vax lol. And for all you who think all this totalitarian insanity is still about covid then I pity you.

You are giving away your freedoms without a whimper and also injecting something you have no idea of the side effects for something that 97.9 % survival rate

Under 70 the influenza has a higher fatality rate

So so sad

I'm a little bit confused because how am I giving away my freedom's?

I can go to a nightclub in September can you?

I don't have to self isolate if I go a none red list country can you?"

I love your replys

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"That all vaxed not vaxed is a bs... everyone has a right how to be.Statistics? Where they come from? This topic shouldnt be even started, everyone has own opinnions and beliefs.so nopnes more right than others in this case. Peace "

Um... ok

 (thread closed by moderator)

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By * Plus ECouple
over a year ago

The South

"You guys just are in love with the vax lol. And for all you who think all this totalitarian insanity is still about covid then I pity you.

You are giving away your freedoms without a whimper and also injecting something you have no idea of the side effects for something that 97.9 % survival rate

Under 70 the influenza has a higher fatality rate

So so sad


I'm not aware of giving away any freedoms, I don't know anyone who has.

Totalitarian....to quote Inigo Montoya, "you keep on using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means".

Where does the 97.9 % survival rate come from and what do you think it says?


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"You guys just are in love with the vax lol. And for all you who think all this totalitarian insanity is still about covid then I pity you.

You are giving away your freedoms without a whimper and also injecting something you have no idea of the side effects for something that 97.9 % survival rate

Under 70 the influenza has a higher fatality rate

So so sad

I'm a little bit confused because how am I giving away my freedom's?

I can go to a nightclub in September can you?

I don't have to self isolate if I go a none red list country can you?

I love your replys "

Thank you. But could you answer the question please. How am i giving away any freedoms?

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"That all vaxed not vaxed is a bs... everyone has a right how to be.Statistics? Where they come from? This topic shouldnt be even started, everyone has own opinnions and beliefs.so nopnes more right than others in this case. Peace "

Too sensible an answer ... 3 days ban for you

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"You guys just are in love with the vax lol. And for all you who think all this totalitarian insanity is still about covid then I pity you.

You are giving away your freedoms without a whimper and also injecting something you have no idea of the side effects for something that 97.9 % survival rate

Under 70 the influenza has a higher fatality rate

So so sad

I'm a little bit confused because how am I giving away my freedom's?

I can go to a nightclub in September can you?

I don't have to self isolate if I go a none red list country can you?

I love your replys "

And I love the irony that this thread is doing the exact opposite of what you intended.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"You guys just are in love with the vax lol. And for all you who think all this totalitarian insanity is still about covid then I pity you.

You are giving away your freedoms without a whimper and also injecting something you have no idea of the side effects for something that 97.9 % survival rate

Under 70 the influenza has a higher fatality rate

So so sad

I'm a little bit confused because how am I giving away my freedom's?

I can go to a nightclub in September can you?

I don't have to self isolate if I go a none red list country can you?

I love your replys

And I love the irony that this thread is doing the exact opposite of what you intended."

 (thread closed by moderator)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"You guys just are in love with the vax lol. And for all you who think all this totalitarian insanity is still about covid then I pity you.

You are giving away your freedoms without a whimper and also injecting something you have no idea of the side effects for something that 97.9 % survival rate

Under 70 the influenza has a higher fatality rate

So so sad

I'm a little bit confused because how am I giving away my freedom's?

I can go to a nightclub in September can you?

I don't have to self isolate if I go a none red list country can you?

I love your replys

And I love the irony that this thread is doing the exact opposite of what you intended."

It's actually done exactly what I wanted

 (thread closed by moderator)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"You guys just are in love with the vax lol. And for all you who think all this totalitarian insanity is still about covid then I pity you.

You are giving away your freedoms without a whimper and also injecting something you have no idea of the side effects for something that 97.9 % survival rate

Under 70 the influenza has a higher fatality rate

So so sad

I'm a little bit confused because how am I giving away my freedom's?

I can go to a nightclub in September can you?

I don't have to self isolate if I go a none red list country can you?

I love your replys

And I love the irony that this thread is doing the exact opposite of what you intended.


Yup that's my reaction

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"From public health (via sky news today)

55% of the hospitalised with delta were un-vaxxed

35% double vaxxed

10% one vax

90% of the population Is vaxed.

Remind me again why we all got the vax lol. Its a coin flip "

I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain to you just how stupid this makes you look.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"And this is why data analysis is so awesome. Your interpretations will be on the whole correct for whichever side of the fence you're on. Statistically speaking of course "

Exactly what this guy says

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By *dam_TinaCouple
over a year ago


"You guys just are in love with the vax lol. And for all you who think all this totalitarian insanity is still about covid then I pity you.

You are giving away your freedoms without a whimper and also injecting something you have no idea of the side effects for something that 97.9 % survival rate

Under 70 the influenza has a higher fatality rate

So so sad

I'm a little bit confused because how am I giving away my freedom's?

I can go to a nightclub in September can you?

I don't have to self isolate if I go a none red list country can you?

I love your replys

And I love the irony that this thread is doing the exact opposite of what you intended.

It's actually done exactly what I wanted "

What, you wanted it to make you look stupid ? Job done then I guess

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"From public health (via sky news today)

55% of the hospitalised with delta were un-vaxxed

35% double vaxxed

10% one vax

90% of the population Is vaxed.

Remind me again why we all got the vax lol. Its a coin flip

Quite amusing you present this data trying to make some kind of smug point, yet the data points to quite literally the opposite of how you're interpreting it.

You can give people all the information in the world, but if they don't have the critical skills required to draw the correct information out of it, it seems to do more harm than good, as so ably demonstrated by your post

It’s the irony of the anti-vaxxers / covid conspiracy types - they all talk about critical thinking, while continually displaying an inability to think critically."

It's crazy isn't it!

They put up the data that shows even with a pre gcse level of mathematical understanding that they are completely and utterly wrong

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By *olly_chromaticTV/TS
over a year ago


"From public health (via sky news today)

55% of the hospitalised with delta were un-vaxxed

35% double vaxxed

10% one vax

90% of the population Is vaxed.

Remind me again why we all got the vax lol. Its a coin flip "

Population is 70,000,000 (ish)

90% with either single or double vax = 63,000,000 vaccinated (ish), 7,000,000 unvaccinated (ish)

Assume say 10000 hospitalised (doesn't matter actual figure as it will divide out anyway)

= 10,000 x 0.55 = 5,500 un-vaxxed, 10,000 x 0.45 = 4500 vaxxed

Relative rate of hospitalisation un-vaxxed vs vaxxed =

( total_pop x unvaxxed_in_hosp / total_unvaxxed x total_in_hosp ) vs ( total_pop x vaxxed_in_hosp / total_vaxxed x total_in_hosp )

= ( 70,000,000 x 5,500 / 7,000,000 x 10,000 ) vs ( 70,000,000 x 4,500 / 63,000,000 x 10,000 )

= 5.5 vs 0.5

= Unvaxxed are 11 times more likely to end up in hospital with covid than vaxxed are.

The numbers show that the vaccines are not perfect, but they do make your immune system a lot better against covid. 11 times better!!

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By *oublethefun696Couple (MM)
over a year ago


"From public health (via sky news today)

55% of the hospitalised with delta were un-vaxxed

35% double vaxxed

10% one vax

90% of the population Is vaxed.

Remind me again why we all got the vax lol. Its a coin flip "

The answer is in your stats, the 55% untaxed in hospital come from the 10% of the population that are not vaccinated. Surely that shows a lot

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

[Removed by poster at 06/08/21 17:05:12]

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"From public health (via sky news today)

55% of the hospitalised with delta were un-vaxxed

35% double vaxxed

10% one vax

90% of the population Is vaxed.

Remind me again why we all got the vax lol. Its a coin flip

Population is 70,000,000 (ish)

90% with either single or double vax = 63,000,000 vaccinated (ish), 7,000,000 unvaccinated (ish)

Assume say 10000 hospitalised (doesn't matter actual figure as it will divide out anyway)

= 10,000 x 0.55 = 5,500 un-vaxxed, 10,000 x 0.45 = 4500 vaxxed

Relative rate of hospitalisation un-vaxxed vs vaxxed =

( total_pop x unvaxxed_in_hosp / total_unvaxxed x total_in_hosp ) vs ( total_pop x vaxxed_in_hosp / total_vaxxed x total_in_hosp )

= ( 70,000,000 x 5,500 / 7,000,000 x 10,000 ) vs ( 70,000,000 x 4,500 / 63,000,000 x 10,000 )

= 5.5 vs 0.5

= Unvaxxed are 11 times more likely to end up in hospital with covid than vaxxed are.

The numbers show that the vaccines are not perfect, but they do make your immune system a lot better against covid. 11 times better!!"

Given the vulnerable are much more likely to be vaccinated, 11x will be a lowball, but I'm not sure how to quantify that.

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By * Plus ECouple
over a year ago

The South

"You guys just are in love with the vax lol. And for all you who think all this totalitarian insanity is still about covid then I pity you.

You are giving away your freedoms without a whimper and also injecting something you have no idea of the side effects for something that 97.9 % survival rate

Under 70 the influenza has a higher fatality rate

So so sad

I'm a little bit confused because how am I giving away my freedom's?

I can go to a nightclub in September can you?

I don't have to self isolate if I go a none red list country can you?

I love your replys

And I love the irony that this thread is doing the exact opposite of what you intended.

It's actually done exactly what I wanted "

When you've made yourself look a bit of a plum it's not a bad idea to bow out gracefully, as opposed to insinuate your intention was just to wind people up.

Unless it was, in which it's a pretty silly game to play.


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By *olly_chromaticTV/TS
over a year ago


"From public health (via sky news today)

55% of the hospitalised with delta were un-vaxxed

35% double vaxxed

10% one vax

90% of the population Is vaxed.

Remind me again why we all got the vax lol. Its a coin flip

Population is 70,000,000 (ish)

90% with either single or double vax = 63,000,000 vaccinated (ish), 7,000,000 unvaccinated (ish)

Assume say 10000 hospitalised (doesn't matter actual figure as it will divide out anyway)

= 10,000 x 0.55 = 5,500 un-vaxxed, 10,000 x 0.45 = 4500 vaxxed

Relative rate of hospitalisation un-vaxxed vs vaxxed =

( total_pop x unvaxxed_in_hosp / total_unvaxxed x total_in_hosp ) vs ( total_pop x vaxxed_in_hosp / total_vaxxed x total_in_hosp )

= ( 70,000,000 x 5,500 / 7,000,000 x 10,000 ) vs ( 70,000,000 x 4,500 / 63,000,000 x 10,000 )

= 5.5 vs 0.5

= Unvaxxed are 11 times more likely to end up in hospital with covid than vaxxed are.

The numbers show that the vaccines are not perfect, but they do make your immune system a lot better against covid. 11 times better!!"

Bum!! I've just spent half an hour typing that lot out, and Swing got there about 10 posts before me!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Xnice, you could just admit you got it wrong.

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By *imes_berksMan
over a year ago


Here’s a deal for you OP. You give me 50% of £100,000 and I will give you 60% of the money you game me back to you. You will be 10% up

 (thread closed by moderator)

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