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Turned down my vaccine

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By *usybee73 OP   Man
over a year ago

in the sticks

Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong.

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By *alandNitaCouple
over a year ago


"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong. "

That is right. Nobody will be forced to have a jab, and every one has the right to choose.

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By *lirty-CoupleCouple
over a year ago


"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong. "

We're doing the same thing for now and haven't had any pressure. We'll review the situation in due course.

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By *hatawasteMan
over a year ago


"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong. "

Not wrong.. However, depending of what you do for a living.. It might make things difficult in the future

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong. "

What did you expect, men with a net and dart gun coming round to see you? Lol

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By *perfectpair5050Couple
over a year ago


I think you’re wrong to turn the vaccine down I think we should all play our part but totally respect your decision it’s yours to make

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong.

What did you expect, men with a net and dart gun coming round to see you? Lol"

That’s just the virus forum stazi

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By * AND R 777Couple
over a year ago


We lets hope you don't catch it and pass it on to someone who mite die of covid, its very nice of you to help out for the grater good

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By *artyboy89Man
over a year ago


Even when you get the vaccine you can still spread it. The vaccine just protects you so if you catch it basically makes the out come a lot less for yourself. It does not stop the spreading of the actual virus

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By *alandNitaCouple
over a year ago


"Even when you get the vaccine you can still spread it. The vaccine just protects you so if you catch it basically makes the out come a lot less for yourself. It does not stop the spreading of the actual virus "

BUT.... if you have the virus for a shorter time, you have less chance to infect others.

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By * AND R 777Couple
over a year ago


"Even when you get the vaccine you can still spread it. The vaccine just protects you so if you catch it basically makes the out come a lot less for yourself. It does not stop the spreading of the actual virus "

It dose cut down your chances of getting it

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By *AABMan
over a year ago

Not far

That’s all very well but there’s not exactly a shortage of vaccines in the U.K. or likely to be as the government has ordered sufficient for everyone with plenty to spare. 50% of hospitalisations and deaths in South America are due to the P1 variant and it’s only a matter of time before it reaches the U.K.

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By *unloversCouple
over a year ago


"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong. "

What’s putting you off having it done .

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By *yn drwgMan
over a year ago


At least you had the decency no notify them you didn't want the jab, it's a choice for everyone.

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By *elnkazCouple
over a year ago


Well i hope you dont catch it and end up in poorly in hospital then in icu putting more pressure on hard working nhs staff.

And getting covid and spreading it through to others that havent had it and help towards another lockdown.

But thats your choice !!!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong. "

Well done for been strong enough to admit that you have declined the vacinne and completely understand your reasons.

True believer that everyone has a choice and others should respect their decision regardless.

Hubster has had his first vacinne.

I have been offered but have politely declined.

We both respect each other’s decision.

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By *ady LickWoman
over a year ago

Northampton Somewhere

"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong.

We're doing the same thing for now and haven't had any pressure. We'll review the situation in due course."

Same for me. More info becomes available quite regularly so I'm happy to wait.

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By *igsteve43Man
over a year ago


"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong. "

Thats your choice just don't get angry when you can't do things down the line

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By *oycoupleCouple
over a year ago


What a stupid comment you have put,do your research before you criticise someone else

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I see the holier than thou brigade are out

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Even when you get the vaccine you can still spread it. The vaccine just protects you so if you catch it basically makes the out come a lot less for yourself. It does not stop the spreading of the actual virus "

Actually the first studies coming out suggest it reduces the chance of transmission by atleast 40%

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By *usybee73 OP   Man
over a year ago

in the sticks

"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong.

What’s putting you off having it done ."

Almost the same odds of winning the lottery if your under 50 with no underlying conditions... plus I don't see the paranoia, average age of death is 82 ... as someone who owns a business, something stinks about the whole lot

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By *hatawasteMan
over a year ago


"I see the holier than thou brigade are out "

And the opposite of holy is?


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By *ittleMissCaliWoman
over a year ago

trouble most likely, or creating it :)

"Even when you get the vaccine you can still spread it. The vaccine just protects you so if you catch it basically makes the out come a lot less for yourself. It does not stop the spreading of the actual virus "
there is also now a lot of evidence pointing towards the fact that the vaccine does help stop transmission and Lower the chance of you catching it too

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By *usybee73 OP   Man
over a year ago

in the sticks

"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong.

Thats your choice just don't get angry when you can't do things down the line"

Such as?

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By *illyjohnyCouple
over a year ago


"I see the holier than thou brigade are out

And the opposite of holy is?


Level headed who don't judge other people

Everyone should have their freedom of choice without being critiqued

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By *tace 309TV/TS
over a year ago


"I see the holier than thou brigade are out

And the opposite of holy is?


Level headed who don't judge other people

Everyone should have their freedom of choice without being critiqued "

exactly this,

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By *heGriswoldsCouple
over a year ago


"We lets hope you don't catch it and pass it on to someone who mite die of covid, its very nice of you to help out for the grater good "

Why does everyone seem to think the vaccine stops the spread - it doesn’t!!! It reduces the persons chances of getting really poorly and in turn helps the nhs..... the government are only worried about protecting the nhs, not the people!!

It’s not selfish - it’s personal choice

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By *ucka39Man
over a year ago


Their has been footballers who are physically fit who would also have ex amount of stamina and a strong immune system but we're still infected with the virus

So it's like if the virus wants you it will

End of its a virus that your body isn't familiar with and this is a global presence which makes it more scary

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By *iger4uWoman
over a year ago

In my happy place

So would people turn down the hpv vaccine or mmmr and others?

Just interested.

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By *ittleMissCaliWoman
over a year ago

trouble most likely, or creating it :)

"We lets hope you don't catch it and pass it on to someone who mite die of covid, its very nice of you to help out for the grater good

Why does everyone seem to think the vaccine stops the spread - it doesn’t!!! It reduces the persons chances of getting really poorly and in turn helps the nhs..... the government are only worried about protecting the nhs, not the people!!

It’s not selfish - it’s personal choice "

perhaps because up to date research shows that it does help to stop the spread as well as reduce the chances or getting really poorly.

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By *heGriswoldsCouple
over a year ago


"Their has been footballers who are physically fit who would also have ex amount of stamina and a strong immune system but we're still infected with the virus

So it's like if the virus wants you it will

End of its a virus that your body isn't familiar with and this is a global presence which makes it more scary"

There have also been exceptionally fit footballers collapse on the pitch and die of a heart attack.....sometimes we just just don’t know we actually have an underlying condition!! If I was a betting woman I’d would say more fit footballers have died through that than of the virus....:

When your times up, it up!!! Virus or no virus.....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"We lets hope you don't catch it and pass it on to someone who mite die of covid, its very nice of you to help out for the grater good

Why does everyone seem to think the vaccine stops the spread - it doesn’t!!! It reduces the persons chances of getting really poorly and in turn helps the nhs..... the government are only worried about protecting the nhs, not the people!!

It’s not selfish - it’s personal choice "

Well said!

I work with someone who has had both their vaccines and still caught Covid.

The vacinnes do not make you invincible x

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By *igsteve43Man
over a year ago


"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong.

Thats your choice just don't get angry when you can't do things down the line

Such as? "

Go on holiday abroad go to live events eat at certain restaurants etc

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By *oncupiscence73Woman
over a year ago


"We lets hope you don't catch it and pass it on to someone who mite die of covid, its very nice of you to help out for the grater good

Why does everyone seem to think the vaccine stops the spread - it doesn’t!!! It reduces the persons chances of getting really poorly and in turn helps the nhs..... the government are only worried about protecting the nhs, not the people!!

It’s not selfish - it’s personal choice

Well said!

I work with someone who has had both their vaccines and still caught Covid.

The vacinnes do not make you invincible x"

- virtually eliminate your chances of being hospitalised/ die

- reduce symptoms significantly

- if caught viral load is so reduced that transmission is very unlikely.

Works for me ... no vaccine makes you invincible but I’m pretty sure all the kids and their parents who have had the polio vaccine and don’t have to go through what kids did in the 50s would say you’re wrong to sneer at vaccines.

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By *oncupiscence73Woman
over a year ago


"We lets hope you don't catch it and pass it on to someone who mite die of covid, its very nice of you to help out for the grater good

Why does everyone seem to think the vaccine stops the spread - it doesn’t!!! It reduces the persons chances of getting really poorly and in turn helps the nhs..... the government are only worried about protecting the nhs, not the people!!

It’s not selfish - it’s personal choice "

Personal choice yes .. selfish debatable - you think it’s not I think it is.

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By *ucka39Man
over a year ago


"Their has been footballers who are physically fit who would also have ex amount of stamina and a strong immune system but we're still infected with the virus

So it's like if the virus wants you it will

End of its a virus that your body isn't familiar with and this is a global presence which makes it more scary

There have also been exceptionally fit footballers collapse on the pitch and die of a heart attack.....sometimes we just just don’t know we actually have an underlying condition!! If I was a betting woman I’d would say more fit footballers have died through that than of the virus....:

When your times up, it up!!! Virus or no virus..... "

But between a global pandemic with huge amount of lost lives in just over one year globally is still only a small percentage to footballers ie dropping like flies

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By *oncupiscence73Woman
over a year ago


Being completely honest the people refusing won’t make any difference to herd immunity as thankfully refusers are by far in the minority. sooo apart from the NHS who will have to suffer the consequences of the decision it’s just yourself and loved ones that will be hurt. Which makes it less impactful for society as a whole however devastating for the individuals.

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By *usybee73 OP   Man
over a year ago

in the sticks

"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong.

Thats your choice just don't get angry when you can't do things down the line

Such as?

Go on holiday abroad go to live events eat at certain restaurants etc"

Any evidence? Especially restaurants...

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By *litterbabeWoman
over a year ago

hiding from cock pics.

This thread made me think, the people who have had the vaccine maybe more likely to spread it, as they may not have as obvious symptoms as someone who has not had it, and they are likely to not feel very ill therefore not realise that they may have have contacted it.

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over a year ago

Wherever I'm hosting

"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong. "

No and don't be made to feel guilty either

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over a year ago

Wherever I'm hosting

"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong.

Thats your choice just don't get angry when you can't do things down the line

Such as?

Go on holiday abroad go to live events eat at certain restaurants etc"

People will still be able to do all these things!! Might have to do a test thats all but won't have to have the vaccine

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By *heGriswoldsCouple
over a year ago


"We lets hope you don't catch it and pass it on to someone who mite die of covid, its very nice of you to help out for the grater good

Why does everyone seem to think the vaccine stops the spread - it doesn’t!!! It reduces the persons chances of getting really poorly and in turn helps the nhs..... the government are only worried about protecting the nhs, not the people!!

It’s not selfish - it’s personal choice

Well said!

I work with someone who has had both their vaccines and still caught Covid.

The vacinnes do not make you invincible x

- virtually eliminate your chances of being hospitalised/ die

- reduce symptoms significantly

- if caught viral load is so reduced that transmission is very unlikely.

Works for me ... no vaccine makes you invincible but I’m pretty sure all the kids and their parents who have had the polio vaccine and don’t have to go through what kids did in the 50s would say you’re wrong to sneer at vaccines. "

I’m not sneering at vaccines, I have my second one booked for next week.....

I’m sneering at people who are sneering at those who don’t want it!!!

Why? Because it’s their right to choose!!

None of us yet know of the long term effects of having the vaccines. If people don’t trust them yet - I understand and respect their right to say no, sit back and wait!!!

And I’ve been very personally affected by the virus before I get the wait till someone you loves gets it!! My Dad nearly died and is severely affected and will probably still die as a result of it......

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By *ucka39Man
over a year ago


"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong.

Thats your choice just don't get angry when you can't do things down the line

Such as?

Go on holiday abroad go to live events eat at certain restaurants etc

Any evidence? Especially restaurants..."

I'm sure just like Boris stated leaving it up to pubs on how they decided to conduct in a safe way to open their business and provide a service will remain I'm sure with other businesses no vaccine no go because if people are infected can take legal action and this wouldn't be great for any business to claps if a person said if others aren't vaccinated I'm not sitting next to them and so on

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By *oncupiscence73Woman
over a year ago


"We lets hope you don't catch it and pass it on to someone who mite die of covid, its very nice of you to help out for the grater good

Why does everyone seem to think the vaccine stops the spread - it doesn’t!!! It reduces the persons chances of getting really poorly and in turn helps the nhs..... the government are only worried about protecting the nhs, not the people!!

It’s not selfish - it’s personal choice

Well said!

I work with someone who has had both their vaccines and still caught Covid.

The vacinnes do not make you invincible x

- virtually eliminate your chances of being hospitalised/ die

- reduce symptoms significantly

- if caught viral load is so reduced that transmission is very unlikely.

Works for me ... no vaccine makes you invincible but I’m pretty sure all the kids and their parents who have had the polio vaccine and don’t have to go through what kids did in the 50s would say you’re wrong to sneer at vaccines.

I’m not sneering at vaccines, I have my second one booked for next week.....

I’m sneering at people who are sneering at those who don’t want it!!!

Why? Because it’s their right to choose!!

None of us yet know of the long term effects of having the vaccines. If people don’t trust them yet - I understand and respect their right to say no, sit back and wait!!!

And I’ve been very personally affected by the virus before I get the wait till someone you loves gets it!! My Dad nearly died and is severely affected and will probably still die as a result of it......


As I said all they’re doing it harming themselves had the situation been different then yes it would have had devastating ramifications but luckily most have taken the vaccine. Personally I wouldn’t be so kid back about someone choosing to put my loved ones in danger but fair play to you if you can.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"This thread made me think, the people who have had the vaccine maybe more likely to spread it, as they may not have as obvious symptoms as someone who has not had it, and they are likely to not feel very ill therefore not realise that they may have have contacted it."

Indications at this stage show the vaccines also minimise transmission, which is excellent news.

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By *inky_CarpenterMan
over a year ago


As a liberal- I have always respected and defended bodily autonomy, and the individual's rights to make stupid decisions!

As a Secular Humanist I also advocate for making informed, data driven, decisions, using sound logic and/or the scientific method. As well as for social justice and individual responsibility!

You are perfectly entitled to refuse the Vacine. I would hope that Its a well informed descision, _ased on sound reasoning and valid logic. Oalsoalso that you've carefully considered the full ramifications of this choice, not only on yourself, and those you care about, but also for anybody you interact With or inadvertently place in danger.

I would also hope that you have made an informed decision to fully accept the wider wider social consequences, and opportunity costs associated with this choice.

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By *oncupiscence73Woman
over a year ago


"This thread made me think, the people who have had the vaccine maybe more likely to spread it, as they may not have as obvious symptoms as someone who has not had it, and they are likely to not feel very ill therefore not realise that they may have have contacted it."

Everyone is being encouraged to twice weekly lateral flow test now too which will help.

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By *rman82Man
over a year ago


Makes sense given your circumstances, it is still a clinical trial at the moment so can understand people having reluctance to take part.

Personally I think it’s quite shocking the way some people have reacted on here, it’s everyone’s personal choice, or should be, the fact that some people feel the need to dig you out, say you’re not fulfilling your civil duty is quite ridiculous really. It really is quite sad.

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By * F 2018Couple
over a year ago


"Makes sense given your circumstances, it is still a clinical trial at the moment so can understand people having reluctance to take part.

Personally I think it’s quite shocking the way some people have reacted on here, it’s everyone’s personal choice, or should be, the fact that some people feel the need to dig you out, say you’re not fulfilling your civil duty is quite ridiculous really. It really is quite sad.


Its everyone's choice whether they have it or not. like everyone has their own options. Some hospitals won't do ops unless you've had the jab

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By *mmabluTV/TS
over a year ago

upton wirral

"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong. "

Crazy you are wrong to be polite and your doctor is a discrace

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"So would people turn down the hpv vaccine or mmmr and others?

Just interested. "

Yes. I didn’t have my HPV vaccine.

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By *igsteve43Man
over a year ago


"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong.

Thats your choice just don't get angry when you can't do things down the line

Such as?

Go on holiday abroad go to live events eat at certain restaurants etc

People will still be able to do all these things!! Might have to do a test thats all but won't have to have the vaccine "

You don't go on cruises do you, they require both vaccines, as for other things it remains to be seen, however my brother in law works at an airport and they are talking of requiring two vaccines or a negative test done at the airport at a cost of 140 euros

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By *rman82Man
over a year ago


"Makes sense given your circumstances, it is still a clinical trial at the moment so can understand people having reluctance to take part.

Personally I think it’s quite shocking the way some people have reacted on here, it’s everyone’s personal choice, or should be, the fact that some people feel the need to dig you out, say you’re not fulfilling your civil duty is quite ridiculous really. It really is quite sad.

Its everyone's choice whether they have it or not. like everyone has their own options. Some hospitals won't do ops unless you've had the jab"

Hospitals aren’t doing ops anyway, the NHS simply isn’t fit for purpose so this doesn’t surprise me... its so badly managed it’s unreal.

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By *mmabluTV/TS
over a year ago

upton wirral

Cannot believe the number of people agree with OP it horrifies me.

We will never get rid of tis covid problem with this attitude and lack of government enforcement

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By *rman82Man
over a year ago


"Cannot believe the number of people agree with OP it horrifies me.

We will never get rid of tis covid problem with this attitude and lack of government enforcement"

And I’m sure a lot of them can’t believe your reaction either. Government enforcement? What a scary world you want to live in. People can still be sensible and not have the vaccine.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"We lets hope you don't catch it and pass it on to someone who mite die of covid, its very nice of you to help out for the grater good

Why does everyone seem to think the vaccine stops the spread - it doesn’t!!! It reduces the persons chances of getting really poorly and in turn helps the nhs..... the government are only worried about protecting the nhs, not the people!!

It’s not selfish - it’s personal choice

Well said!

I work with someone who has had both their vaccines and still caught Covid.

The vacinnes do not make you invincible x

- virtually eliminate your chances of being hospitalised/ die

- reduce symptoms significantly

- if caught viral load is so reduced that transmission is very unlikely.

Works for me ... no vaccine makes you invincible but I’m pretty sure all the kids and their parents who have had the polio vaccine and don’t have to go through what kids did in the 50s would say you’re wrong to sneer at vaccines. "

- virtually but not completely. I've read the data from the initial trials and there was a percentage of people who still caught Covid and were hospitalised.

- reduces symptoms significantly? It's a well know fact that hundreds of people have actually had Covid and not shown any symptoms at all. What proof is there that it reduces symptoms in people who have had the vacinne when no-one knows yet why it affects people differently and some people show no symptoms at all?

- if caught viral load is so reduced that transmission is very unlikely? Data source? No-one can know 100% where they have picked up the virus. So how is transmission recorded?

I'm not anti vax just believe everyone should have a choice.

The vacinne is still been used as "emergency use" only. The "trials" and complete trial data won't be available until 2023.

I'm happy to wait.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eeleyWoman
over a year ago


"We lets hope you don't catch it and pass it on to someone who mite die of covid, its very nice of you to help out for the grater good

Why does everyone seem to think the vaccine stops the spread - it doesn’t!!! It reduces the persons chances of getting really poorly and in turn helps the nhs..... the government are only worried about protecting the nhs, not the people!!

It’s not selfish - it’s personal choice "

It is selfish, by not having the vaccine other people are put at risk. If they are entitled to choose to put other people at risk, I am damn well entitled to judge them for it and call them selfish.

It also does reduce the spread btw.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eeleyWoman
over a year ago


"We lets hope you don't catch it and pass it on to someone who mite die of covid, its very nice of you to help out for the grater good

Why does everyone seem to think the vaccine stops the spread - it doesn’t!!! It reduces the persons chances of getting really poorly and in turn helps the nhs..... the government are only worried about protecting the nhs, not the people!!

It’s not selfish - it’s personal choice

Well said!

I work with someone who has had both their vaccines and still caught Covid.

The vacinnes do not make you invincible x

- virtually eliminate your chances of being hospitalised/ die

- reduce symptoms significantly

- if caught viral load is so reduced that transmission is very unlikely.

Works for me ... no vaccine makes you invincible but I’m pretty sure all the kids and their parents who have had the polio vaccine and don’t have to go through what kids did in the 50s would say you’re wrong to sneer at vaccines.

- virtually but not completely. I've read the data from the initial trials and there was a percentage of people who still caught Covid and were hospitalised.

- reduces symptoms significantly? It's a well know fact that hundreds of people have actually had Covid and not shown any symptoms at all. What proof is there that it reduces symptoms in people who have had the vacinne when no-one knows yet why it affects people differently and some people show no symptoms at all?

- if caught viral load is so reduced that transmission is very unlikely? Data source? No-one can know 100% where they have picked up the virus. So how is transmission recorded?

I'm not anti vax just believe everyone should have a choice.

The vacinne is still been used as "emergency use" only. The "trials" and complete trial data won't be available until 2023.

I'm happy to wait.


Wait then, but please stay away from people who have chosen to do the right thing.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ob198XaMan
over a year ago


"Even when you get the vaccine you can still spread it. The vaccine just protects you so if you catch it basically makes the out come a lot less for yourself. It does not stop the spreading of the actual virus "

Vaccination very dramatically reduces the likelihood of you spreading the virus! This fact is being downplayed to discourage vaccinated people changing their behaviour which would inevitably reduce levels of compliance amongst the unvaccinated! If you have had chicken pox you now have immunity to chicken pox. Chicken pox can still get into your body but is quickly neutralised by your immune system. As someone immune to chicken pox you could transmit it to someone else but it is very very unlikely.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"We lets hope you don't catch it and pass it on to someone who mite die of covid, its very nice of you to help out for the grater good

Why does everyone seem to think the vaccine stops the spread - it doesn’t!!! It reduces the persons chances of getting really poorly and in turn helps the nhs..... the government are only worried about protecting the nhs, not the people!!

It’s not selfish - it’s personal choice

Well said!

I work with someone who has had both their vaccines and still caught Covid.

The vacinnes do not make you invincible x

- virtually eliminate your chances of being hospitalised/ die

- reduce symptoms significantly

- if caught viral load is so reduced that transmission is very unlikely.

Works for me ... no vaccine makes you invincible but I’m pretty sure all the kids and their parents who have had the polio vaccine and don’t have to go through what kids did in the 50s would say you’re wrong to sneer at vaccines.

- virtually but not completely. I've read the data from the initial trials and there was a percentage of people who still caught Covid and were hospitalised.

- reduces symptoms significantly? It's a well know fact that hundreds of people have actually had Covid and not shown any symptoms at all. What proof is there that it reduces symptoms in people who have had the vacinne when no-one knows yet why it affects people differently and some people show no symptoms at all?

- if caught viral load is so reduced that transmission is very unlikely? Data source? No-one can know 100% where they have picked up the virus. So how is transmission recorded?

I'm not anti vax just believe everyone should have a choice.

The vacinne is still been used as "emergency use" only. The "trials" and complete trial data won't be available until 2023.

I'm happy to wait.

Wait then, but please stay away from people who have chosen to do the right thing. "

Do the right thing?

By choosing to have the vaccine because it's what you believe is the right thing to do?

There really is no right or wrong decision. There are thousands of people who CAN'T have the vacinne for one reason or another. Will you tell them to "stay away from people"?

If you knew me personally who'd know I am one on the most unselfish people you'd meet. I always put others before me and do whatever I can to help people. Everyone's circumstances are different, I believe everyone should be allowed to do their own risk assessment and make their own decisions.

You don't know my circumstances and I don't know yours.

I don't judge.



 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ucka39Man
over a year ago


People are waiting until it's licensed

Yet drink smoke both licensed and can cause terminal illness and death people take various types of medicine that has one million chance of you being of one of the major side effects which can cause terminal cancer or something else but still take you breathe the air with so much pollution that causes white dots on the brain plus smoking causes this too the list goes on but those who are waiting until it's been licensed I do hope you do have a healthy lifestyle and remain safe virus free but also think wisely when the time is right

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"People are waiting until it's licensed

Yet drink smoke both licensed and can cause terminal illness and death people take various types of medicine that has one million chance of you being of one of the major side effects which can cause terminal cancer or something else but still take you breathe the air with so much pollution that causes white dots on the brain plus smoking causes this too the list goes on but those who are waiting until it's been licensed I do hope you do have a healthy lifestyle and remain safe virus free but also think wisely when the time is right "

Difference is people know the risks in doing most of these things and CHOOSE to engage in such activities or not to.

They aren't judged should they need medical attention.

Looking at the Yellow Card Data and VAERS data (which isn't true data as not all people know about it - truly believe everyone who has a vacinne should have to register even if it's to records no side effects) shows that there are a lot of people suffering long term effects after having the vacinne.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ushtakerMan
over a year ago


By all means don’t have the vaccine if you don’t want it


Don’t turn up at hospital saying I need to be cared for when you catch it

Same as smokers shouldn’t be treated for lung cancer you knew the risks why should the rest of us pay for your care

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I’m wondering how people would feel if everyone refused the vaccine?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

No vaccines and no lockdowns?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

No vaccines? No lockdowns? No masks?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

No vaccines, no lockdowns, no masks, no social distancing?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"By all means don’t have the vaccine if you don’t want it


Don’t turn up at hospital saying I need to be cared for when you catch it

Same as smokers shouldn’t be treated for lung cancer you knew the risks why should the rest of us pay for your care


Whether you've had the vacinne or not you can still catch Covid. The data from the original trials (before they were released for emergency use only) show that a percentage of people did and some were even hospitalised.

Would you say the same thing to someone who had the vacinne and had adverse side effects?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

No vaccines, no lockdowns, no masks, no social distancing, and no quarantining with symptoms?

After all they are all infringements on our liberty?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ntrepid ExplorersCouple
over a year ago


So that makes you some kind of hero? What a joke.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ushtakerMan
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 15/04/21 23:08:47]

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ushtakerMan
over a year ago


No if you’ve had the vaccine and then need care not your fault

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ushtakerMan
over a year ago


"No vaccines, no lockdowns, no masks, no social distancing, and no quarantining with symptoms?

After all they are all infringements on our liberty?"

Welcome to Brazil

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *allySlinkyWoman
over a year ago


"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong. "

Have you chosen who in the world deserves your vaccine and how you will get it to them ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"By all means don’t have the vaccine if you don’t want it


Don’t turn up at hospital saying I need to be cared for when you catch it

Same as smokers shouldn’t be treated for lung cancer you knew the risks why should the rest of us pay for your care


I assume you’ll be turning down treatment if you catch a dose of gonorrhoea?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ushtakerMan
over a year ago


I’ll take appropriate care so that I don’t but if I should at least I’ll have tried to prevent it

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong. "

Sure. Covids repelled by 8 mile walks

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inky_couple2020Couple
over a year ago

North West

"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong.

Sure. Covids repelled by 8 mile walks "

Fresh air blows it away, innit. Or summat

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

460,000 hospitalised due to Covid

150,000 where Covid is listed as a cause on the death certificate.

Think of the pain it has caused to individuals and familes and will continue to until brought under control.

We have vaccines that protect against severe illness and may also prevent transmission due to higher levels of immunity. Why is it even a decision to make? Surely for anyone with a smidgen of common sense and humanity knows it is a no brainer to protect themselves, thier loved ones and others.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I’ll take appropriate care so that I don’t but if I should at least I’ll have tried to prevent it "
fair enough

Fair enough. However I prefer compassion even when we make ill informed decisions. We’ve all done it.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ucka39Man
over a year ago


"People are waiting until it's licensed

Yet drink smoke both licensed and can cause terminal illness and death people take various types of medicine that has one million chance of you being of one of the major side effects which can cause terminal cancer or something else but still take you breathe the air with so much pollution that causes white dots on the brain plus smoking causes this too the list goes on but those who are waiting until it's been licensed I do hope you do have a healthy lifestyle and remain safe virus free but also think wisely when the time is right

Difference is people know the risks in doing most of these things and CHOOSE to engage in such activities or not to.

They aren't judged should they need medical attention.

Looking at the Yellow Card Data and VAERS data (which isn't true data as not all people know about it - truly believe everyone who has a vacinne should have to register even if it's to records no side effects) shows that there are a lot of people suffering long term effects after having the vacinne."

I totally understand you but same time people's lifestyle plays a role with medicine as well and I do believe given how far medicine has come rather than either giving someone something to help cure they just give something just to control as the body only needs a boost so it's able to repair and taking long term medicine just does further damage people get advise just keep taking it because the multi trillian pharmaceutical market

It's just another way to use human life same way animals get used to test drugs yes might be a little knock on effect once stopped but this is the body regaining control the ability to repair the damage

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ushtakerMan
over a year ago


I have an employee who smokes

Had kidney cancer due to smoking

£40,000.0 cost to nhs recently had triple hart by pass

£120,000.0 cost to nhs

Still smoking roll ups

Not right should have to pay for smoking insurance

Same as no vaccine

Your choice but should have to pay for insurance to cover your care

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *rman82Man
over a year ago


"460,000 hospitalised due to Covid

150,000 where Covid is listed as a cause on the death certificate.

Think of the pain it has caused to individuals and familes and will continue to until brought under control.

We have vaccines that protect against severe illness and may also prevent transmission due to higher levels of immunity. Why is it even a decision to make? Surely for anyone with a smidgen of common sense and humanity knows it is a no brainer to protect themselves, thier loved ones and others.


The people that take it, will be protected, the people that don’t... won’t. It’s their choice and they really aren’t affecting anybody but themselves. You really don’t need to bring all this civil obligation into it.

Or is it a case of...

“I’ve had my vaccine but if you have your vaccine my vaccination will work gooder”

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ushtakerMan
over a year ago


Unfortunately yours won’t be enough

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I have an employee who smokes

Had kidney cancer due to smoking

£40,000.0 cost to nhs recently had triple hart by pass

£120,000.0 cost to nhs

Still smoking roll ups

Not right should have to pay for smoking insurance

Same as no vaccine

Your choice but should have to pay for insurance to cover your care "

Smoking is addiction. We need to address the causes in multiple dimensions. I’d prefer to see healthcare freely available to all.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ucka39Man
over a year ago


"I have an employee who smokes

Had kidney cancer due to smoking

£40,000.0 cost to nhs recently had triple hart by pass

£120,000.0 cost to nhs

Still smoking roll ups

Not right should have to pay for smoking insurance

Same as no vaccine

Your choice but should have to pay for insurance to cover your care "

And should you face any legal cost from others being infected taking legal action

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ushtakerMan
over a year ago


It’s addictive I smoked in my 20s but stopped

Drug addicts getting drugs on script Wrong

I like I cream could eat it all day no one going to give it me free

That’s what’s wrong with the lot of you

Your own fault

You want to take smack your own fault

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ophieslutTV/TS
over a year ago


The vaccines help our society to become more functional and safer for us all. No vaccine is perfect and not everyone can have them. Thus we are helped to achieve everyones' goals and health through as many people as possible having the vaccine as possible. We develop our individual immunity to each help others. 1 person stopped from being infected, may be a life saved. All vaccines are our own choice of whether to have them or not. With new variants emerging, our collective safety will be helped by as many people being protected and helping to protect others as possible. We have more vaccine than the whole population, so it's a great opportunity to help diminish the damage that the virus can cause here. Every jab may be 1 less mutation that could occur.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ushtakerMan
over a year ago


Difficult to prove they caught from you

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"460,000 hospitalised due to Covid

150,000 where Covid is listed as a cause on the death certificate.

Think of the pain it has caused to individuals and familes and will continue to until brought under control.

We have vaccines that protect against severe illness and may also prevent transmission due to higher levels of immunity. Why is it even a decision to make? Surely for anyone with a smidgen of common sense and humanity knows it is a no brainer to protect themselves, thier loved ones and others.

The people that take it, will be protected, the people that don’t... won’t. It’s their choice and they really aren’t affecting anybody but themselves. You really don’t need to bring all this civil obligation into it.

Or is it a case of...

“I’ve had my vaccine but if you have your vaccine my vaccination will work gooder”"

But then you are missing the point, the higher the percentage of people vaccinated the less chance for it to grow expotentialy and mutate into a more virulent strain (as has happened in South Africa and Brazil) so yes those that dont increase that risk to not just themselves but also to others, even those vaccinated. If only it was as simple as those who are vaccinated are protected and those that arent take the risk. Those that arent are taking the risk for everyone. Thats the nature of virus's they need a host to thrive and survive and an unvacinated person is a very yummy host indeed.

As for me having the vaccine, well yes in that way im happy im less at risk of severe illness but I will still be maintaining social distancing because I dont want to risk transmitting the disease to anyone, vulnerable or otherwise.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The vaccines help our society to become more functional and safer for us all. No vaccine is perfect and not everyone can have them. Thus we are helped to achieve everyones' goals and health through as many people as possible having the vaccine as possible. We develop our individual immunity to each help others. 1 person stopped from being infected, may be a life saved. All vaccines are our own choice of whether to have them or not. With new variants emerging, our collective safety will be helped by as many people being protected and helping to protect others as possible. We have more vaccine than the whole population, so it's a great opportunity to help diminish the damage that the virus can cause here. Every jab may be 1 less mutation that could occur. "

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Difficult to prove they caught from you"

Ever used the NHS?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *rman82Man
over a year ago


"460,000 hospitalised due to Covid

150,000 where Covid is listed as a cause on the death certificate.

Think of the pain it has caused to individuals and familes and will continue to until brought under control.

We have vaccines that protect against severe illness and may also prevent transmission due to higher levels of immunity. Why is it even a decision to make? Surely for anyone with a smidgen of common sense and humanity knows it is a no brainer to protect themselves, thier loved ones and others.

The people that take it, will be protected, the people that don’t... won’t. It’s their choice and they really aren’t affecting anybody but themselves. You really don’t need to bring all this civil obligation into it.

Or is it a case of...

“I’ve had my vaccine but if you have your vaccine my vaccination will work gooder”

But then you are missing the point, the higher the percentage of people vaccinated the less chance for it to grow expotentialy and mutate into a more virulent strain (as has happened in South Africa and Brazil) so yes those that dont increase that risk to not just themselves but also to others, even those vaccinated. If only it was as simple as those who are vaccinated are protected and those that arent take the risk. Those that arent are taking the risk for everyone. Thats the nature of virus's they need a host to thrive and survive and an unvacinated person is a very yummy host indeed.

As for me having the vaccine, well yes in that way im happy im less at risk of severe illness but I will still be maintaining social distancing because I dont want to risk transmitting the disease to anyone, vulnerable or otherwise."

The mutant strains tend to be weaker than the original, this is how the virus mutates. It gets weaker and that’s how it survives. I wouldn’t worry too much about the mutant strains.

As for being vaccinated and still maintaining social distance? I don’t understand this either... you’re still a carrier of the disease you are immune to? This is some crazy thinking it really is.

We need to go back to the good old days, pre Covid, to remember what we had already learnt about diseases...This new crazy science is bonkers.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ustforfun49Man
over a year ago


"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong.

We're doing the same thing for now and haven't had any pressure. We'll review the situation in due course."

Ok but what if you go somewhere and you can't get in because you have to have the jab

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ushtakerMan
over a year ago


I have

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Completely respect your decision.

I’ve had my 1st vaccine back in January and have my 2nd this coming Saturday however in March I still caught COVID, was in hospital and still suffer with shortness of breath and fatigue now. I have two thoughts in relation to this..... 1, I wonder how bad it would of been if I hadn’t had the 1st vaccine. 2, did the vaccine actually do anything at all?!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"We lets hope you don't catch it and pass it on to someone who mite die of covid, its very nice of you to help out for the grater good

Why does everyone seem to think the vaccine stops the spread - it doesn’t!!! It reduces the persons chances of getting really poorly and in turn helps the nhs..... the government are only worried about protecting the nhs, not the people!!

It’s not selfish - it’s personal choice

Well said!

I work with someone who has had both their vaccines and still caught Covid.

The vacinnes do not make you invincible x"

i know someone who used a condom and still had a baby , condoms dont make you invisible , bareback all the way

you see the logic? not having 100% protection is a daft justification for avoiding all possible mitigation

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eeleyWoman
over a year ago



Do the right thing?

By choosing to have the vaccine because it's what you believe is the right thing to do?

There really is no right or wrong decision. There are thousands of people who CAN'T have the vacinne for one reason or another. Will you tell them to "stay away from people"?

If you knew me personally who'd know I am one on the most unselfish people you'd meet. I always put others before me and do whatever I can to help people. Everyone's circumstances are different, I believe everyone should be allowed to do their own risk assessment and make their own decisions.

You don't know my circumstances and I don't know yours.

I don't judge.


#bekindalways "

Yes, do the right thing, have the vaccine because it helps protect those people that can't have it.

All this #bekind stuff is bullshit when you're sitting there refusing to have a vaccine because you think you know better than the people that created, tested, authorised it etc. A quick tip for you, you don't know better than them.

Do you think those people with compromised immune systems or those with allergies that are terrified of catching covid, and would love to be able to take the vaccine, will thankyou if you pass it onto them because you refused the vaccine _ased on your own 'risk assessment'?

I'm entitled to think anyone refusing the vaccine without a medical reason is selfish, I stand by that.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inky_couple2020Couple
over a year ago

North West

"Completely respect your decision.

I’ve had my 1st vaccine back in January and have my 2nd this coming Saturday however in March I still caught COVID, was in hospital and still suffer with shortness of breath and fatigue now. I have two thoughts in relation to this..... 1, I wonder how bad it would of been if I hadn’t had the 1st vaccine. 2, did the vaccine actually do anything at all?!"

It's very likely your symptoms were less due to having the vaccine. And this highlights why two doses are needed, one is insufficient. Out of interest, which vaccine did you have, if you don't mind me asking?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Completely respect your decision.

I’ve had my 1st vaccine back in January and have my 2nd this coming Saturday however in March I still caught COVID, was in hospital and still suffer with shortness of breath and fatigue now. I have two thoughts in relation to this..... 1, I wonder how bad it would of been if I hadn’t had the 1st vaccine. 2, did the vaccine actually do anything at all?!"

Was it the Pfizer BioNtec vaccine?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oubleswing2019Man
over a year ago


"I have an employee who smokes

Had kidney cancer due to smoking

£40,000.0 cost to nhs recently had triple hart by pass

£120,000.0 cost to nhs

Still smoking roll ups

Not right should have to pay for smoking insurance

Same as no vaccine

Your choice but should have to pay for insurance to cover your care "

There are several problems with making judgements concerning person X, who has lifestyle Y, and they need treatment Z.

1. Cause and Effect is never guaranteed

Y may have directly caused Z. It may not have directly caused Z. It may have contributed towards Z. It may have combined with another comorbidity, which was unrelated but actually caused Z.

2. Lifestyle Y may be perfectly legal. It may not. It doesn't matter.

3. Treatment Z has a cost implication. Some of those costs can be astronomical.

Sure, private insurance can cover some of the cost. But not everyone can afford private insurance. By requiring them to do so, you are charging them to enjoy their lifestyle, in essence double taxation. Some won't be able to perform the lifestyle. Bob loves rock climbing, but cannot afford the insurance to do so. So he stays at home, depressed, which also has a cost impact.

It gets messy doesn't it ?

Our existing system, whilst not perfect, is a heck of lot more compassionate and affordable (at the point of care) than many other countries. It is also less judgemental, if at all.

It means we can all do things, without fear of recrimination, and exercise our freedoms fully, knowing that we all put in to the pot, and it's there for us when needed. No fuss, no hassle.

And for those who cannot contribute...no worries...we got you covered too.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Completely respect your decision.

I’ve had my 1st vaccine back in January and have my 2nd this coming Saturday however in March I still caught COVID, was in hospital and still suffer with shortness of breath and fatigue now. I have two thoughts in relation to this..... 1, I wonder how bad it would of been if I hadn’t had the 1st vaccine. 2, did the vaccine actually do anything at all?!

It's very likely your symptoms were less due to having the vaccine. And this highlights why two doses are needed, one is insufficient. Out of interest, which vaccine did you have, if you don't mind me asking?"

I think you are right personally and I am grateful that I had it. I had the Pfizer vaccine and got it due to work. It honestly scares me to think of what it could of been like.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ucka39Man
over a year ago


"460,000 hospitalised due to Covid

150,000 where Covid is listed as a cause on the death certificate.

Think of the pain it has caused to individuals and familes and will continue to until brought under control.

We have vaccines that protect against severe illness and may also prevent transmission due to higher levels of immunity. Why is it even a decision to make? Surely for anyone with a smidgen of common sense and humanity knows it is a no brainer to protect themselves, thier loved ones and others.

The people that take it, will be protected, the people that don’t... won’t. It’s their choice and they really aren’t affecting anybody but themselves. You really don’t need to bring all this civil obligation into it.

Or is it a case of...

“I’ve had my vaccine but if you have your vaccine my vaccination will work gooder”

But then you are missing the point, the higher the percentage of people vaccinated the less chance for it to grow expotentialy and mutate into a more virulent strain (as has happened in South Africa and Brazil) so yes those that dont increase that risk to not just themselves but also to others, even those vaccinated. If only it was as simple as those who are vaccinated are protected and those that arent take the risk. Those that arent are taking the risk for everyone. Thats the nature of virus's they need a host to thrive and survive and an unvacinated person is a very yummy host indeed.

As for me having the vaccine, well yes in that way im happy im less at risk of severe illness but I will still be maintaining social distancing because I dont want to risk transmitting the disease to anyone, vulnerable or otherwise.

The mutant strains tend to be weaker than the original, this is how the virus mutates. It gets weaker and that’s how it survives. I wouldn’t worry too much about the mutant strains.

As for being vaccinated and still maintaining social distance? I don’t understand this either... you’re still a carrier of the disease you are immune to? This is some crazy thinking it really is.

We need to go back to the good old days, pre Covid, to remember what we had already learnt about diseases...This new crazy science is bonkers."

You are immune to serious infection which is more manageable to control which puts less pressure on the hospital and the patient rather than being critical as for social distance because you have those who are against being vaccinated or those awaiting for vaccine but also stop further transmission if had the vaccine because it takes time to work plus you need both jabs so your immune system is able to adjust/adapt so technically if a person was given a stronger dose at one time this must be fatal

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Do the right thing?

By choosing to have the vaccine because it's what you believe is the right thing to do?

There really is no right or wrong decision. There are thousands of people who CAN'T have the vacinne for one reason or another. Will you tell them to "stay away from people"?

If you knew me personally who'd know I am one on the most unselfish people you'd meet. I always put others before me and do whatever I can to help people. Everyone's circumstances are different, I believe everyone should be allowed to do their own risk assessment and make their own decisions.

You don't know my circumstances and I don't know yours.

I don't judge.



Yes, do the right thing, have the vaccine because it helps protect those people that can't have it.

All this #bekind stuff is bullshit when you're sitting there refusing to have a vaccine because you think you know better than the people that created, tested, authorised it etc. A quick tip for you, you don't know better than them.

Do you think those people with compromised immune systems or those with allergies that are terrified of catching covid, and would love to be able to take the vaccine, will thankyou if you pass it onto them because you refused the vaccine _ased on your own 'risk assessment'?

I'm entitled to think anyone refusing the vaccine without a medical reason is selfish, I stand by that.


I have not and would not tell anyone to do something, especially when I did not know them or their personal circumstances.

I have never once professed to know better than anyone else about anything, especially the virus and the vacinne.

It's all new, even to the scientist and the government, hence the reason for "emergency use" only vaccines.

I have made a decision as have you. Difference is I don't vilify you for the decision you have made.

You assume far too much without any justice.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *orty-coupleCouple
over a year ago


I had to block my GP practice from the constant text invites.

I'm not having the jab because I just don't want it.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Or is it a case of...

“I’ve had my vaccine but if you have your vaccine my vaccination will work gooder” "

who wants to tell him that with his attempt at a sarky comment he just discovered how herd immunity works?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ady LickWoman
over a year ago

Northampton Somewhere

"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong.

We're doing the same thing for now and haven't had any pressure. We'll review the situation in due course.

Ok but what if you go somewhere and you can't get in because you have to have the jab "

Most places will probably let you in if you have a negative test.

Some comments on this thread and most others in relation to the vaccine are ridiculous. People can make their own choices, have it or don't, end of!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

" The mutant strains tend to be weaker than the original, this is how the virus mutates. It gets weaker and that’s how it survives. I wouldn’t worry too much about the mutant strains. "

where are the facts backing that up? yes a virus mutates to attempt to survive, there is no guarantee it will mutate weaker

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inky_couple2020Couple
over a year ago

North West

"Completely respect your decision.

I’ve had my 1st vaccine back in January and have my 2nd this coming Saturday however in March I still caught COVID, was in hospital and still suffer with shortness of breath and fatigue now. I have two thoughts in relation to this..... 1, I wonder how bad it would of been if I hadn’t had the 1st vaccine. 2, did the vaccine actually do anything at all?!

It's very likely your symptoms were less due to having the vaccine. And this highlights why two doses are needed, one is insufficient. Out of interest, which vaccine did you have, if you don't mind me asking?

I think you are right personally and I am grateful that I had it. I had the Pfizer vaccine and got it due to work. It honestly scares me to think of what it could of been like. "

It's concerned me the whole way through that leaving 12 weeks between doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine would result in this sort of thing. The good (ish) news is that because you had Covid recently, the second dose you are due will act as a strong booster. I hope you are feeling fully recovered soon.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong.

We're doing the same thing for now and haven't had any pressure. We'll review the situation in due course.

Ok but what if you go somewhere and you can't get in because you have to have the jab

Most places will probably let you in if you have a negative test.

Some comments on this thread and most others in relation to the vaccine are ridiculous. People can make their own choices, have it or don't, end of!"

to be honest by biggest problem with people that don’t want to have it is the “yeh but no but yeh but no but” sketch show worthy reasons that they peddle out for not taking it - time and time again they just show themselves up as too lazy to actually do any proper research and have settled for what some karen on facebook told them , and others will be at higher risk when coming in contact with them as a result of total misinformation

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Completely respect your decision.

I’ve had my 1st vaccine back in January and have my 2nd this coming Saturday however in March I still caught COVID, was in hospital and still suffer with shortness of breath and fatigue now. I have two thoughts in relation to this..... 1, I wonder how bad it would of been if I hadn’t had the 1st vaccine. 2, did the vaccine actually do anything at all?!

It's very likely your symptoms were less due to having the vaccine. And this highlights why two doses are needed, one is insufficient. Out of interest, which vaccine did you have, if you don't mind me asking?

I think you are right personally and I am grateful that I had it. I had the Pfizer vaccine and got it due to work. It honestly scares me to think of what it could of been like.

It's concerned me the whole way through that leaving 12 weeks between doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine would result in this sort of thing. The good (ish) news is that because you had Covid recently, the second dose you are due will act as a strong booster. I hope you are feeling fully recovered soon."

I got COVID 8 weeks after my 1st Pfizer jab, I am definitely looking forward to my 2nd it’s right on the limit of the 12 weeks as well. Thank you, hopefully won’t take too long, it’s the shortness of breath that does me and the cough, sound like I smoke 60 day

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ady LickWoman
over a year ago

Northampton Somewhere

"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong.

We're doing the same thing for now and haven't had any pressure. We'll review the situation in due course.

Ok but what if you go somewhere and you can't get in because you have to have the jab

Most places will probably let you in if you have a negative test.

Some comments on this thread and most others in relation to the vaccine are ridiculous. People can make their own choices, have it or don't, end of!

to be honest by biggest problem with people that don’t want to have it is the “yeh but no but yeh but no but” sketch show worthy reasons that they peddle out for not taking it - time and time again they just show themselves up as too lazy to actually do any proper research and have settled for what some karen on facebook told them , and others will be at higher risk when coming in contact with them as a result of total misinformation "

Yes, there are people like that but their are also people who are genuinely wary for whatever reason about having it. They are the ones who have researched, talked to people, listened to others pov and still would prefer to wait. And that is ok so long as they take necessary precautions.

What I find annoying are the people who can't understand this.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *an JuniperoCouple
over a year ago

North East

There’s a a lot of different opinions on Fab and that’s ok. However, I do feel that attacking people with condescension and guilt tripping is completely unnecessary. Especially under the guise of looking out for others. It’s not unreasonable to have reservations around the vaccine and no one should be insulted for not wanting it. Looking forward to a time where we can all go back to being swingers as opposed to trying to police each other’s decisions.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ophieslutTV/TS
over a year ago


"460,000 hospitalised due to Covid

150,000 where Covid is listed as a cause on the death certificate.

Think of the pain it has caused to individuals and familes and will continue to until brought under control.

We have vaccines that protect against severe illness and may also prevent transmission due to higher levels of immunity. Why is it even a decision to make? Surely for anyone with a smidgen of common sense and humanity knows it is a no brainer to protect themselves, thier loved ones and others.

The people that take it, will be protected, the people that don’t... won’t. It’s their choice and they really aren’t affecting anybody but themselves. You really don’t need to bring all this civil obligation into it.

Or is it a case of...

“I’ve had my vaccine but if you have your vaccine my vaccination will work gooder”

But then you are missing the point, the higher the percentage of people vaccinated the less chance for it to grow expotentialy and mutate into a more virulent strain (as has happened in South Africa and Brazil) so yes those that dont increase that risk to not just themselves but also to others, even those vaccinated. If only it was as simple as those who are vaccinated are protected and those that arent take the risk. Those that arent are taking the risk for everyone. Thats the nature of virus's they need a host to thrive and survive and an unvacinated person is a very yummy host indeed.

As for me having the vaccine, well yes in that way im happy im less at risk of severe illness but I will still be maintaining social distancing because I dont want to risk transmitting the disease to anyone, vulnerable or otherwise.

The mutant strains tend to be weaker than the original, this is how the virus mutates. It gets weaker and that’s how it survives. I wouldn’t worry too much about the mutant strains.

As for being vaccinated and still maintaining social distance? I don’t understand this either... you’re still a carrier of the disease you are immune to? This is some crazy thinking it really is.

We need to go back to the good old days, pre Covid, to remember what we had already learnt about diseases...This new crazy science is bonkers."

Mutations are random, many probably dead ends. But those with an adaptive benefit have a greater potential to thrive.

Your comments about it surviving because it's weajer is wrong. Any adaptive advantage can aid survival. Please relearn evolutionary principles and theory

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ueenieHWoman
over a year ago


Wish I was offered the vaccine, I still have to wait because im 29 , so I'll have to keep avoiding people and keep away for longer.

Its your decision but just remember if you do catch it and you get it badly the NHS Staff are stressed , tired and having serious mental health issues.

So keep safe and hope you follow guidelines and respect for admitting you rejected it

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong. "

I got my vaccine due to someone else

turning their vaccine down -and am incredibly grateful for this - however I would never turn down the offer of a vaccine. You are unlikely to get ill from Covid but you cannot say you will never spread it to someone who could get seriously ill.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"By all means don’t have the vaccine if you don’t want it


Don’t turn up at hospital saying I need to be cared for when you catch it

Same as smokers shouldn’t be treated for lung cancer you knew the risks why should the rest of us pay for your care

I assume you’ll be turning down treatment if you catch a dose of gonorrhoea?"


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"By all means don’t have the vaccine if you don’t want it


Don’t turn up at hospital saying I need to be cared for when you catch it

Same as smokers shouldn’t be treated for lung cancer you knew the risks why should the rest of us pay for your care


My Dad was a smoker for 40+ years, he stopped smoking last summer.

The lung cancer he got was adenocarcinoma, the most common lung cancer diagnosed in NON smokers. He died in February, only 2 months after diagnosis.

So how would you police it? Do tell...

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aralewisCouple
over a year ago

South Yorkshire

"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

I had the same

But i asked my Gp. my concern was i dont believe its had enough test on safety and does she think its safe

She said she couldn't answer me so il wait till next years to see what effect its having on population

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong. "

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *aralewisCouple
over a year ago

South Yorkshire

[Removed by poster at 16/04/21 05:44:41]

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *perfectpair5050Couple
over a year ago


"Makes sense given your circumstances, it is still a clinical trial at the moment so can understand people having reluctance to take part.

Personally I think it’s quite shocking the way some people have reacted on here, it’s everyone’s personal choice, or should be, the fact that some people feel the need to dig you out, say you’re not fulfilling your civil duty is quite ridiculous really. It really is quite sad.

Its everyone's choice whether they have it or not. like everyone has their own options. Some hospitals won't do ops unless you've had the jab"

. Are You saying hospitals are refusing to treat people unless they’ve had the vaccination ??

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"We lets hope you don't catch it and pass it on to someone who mite die of covid, its very nice of you to help out for the grater good

Why does everyone seem to think the vaccine stops the spread - it doesn’t!!! It reduces the persons chances of getting really poorly and in turn helps the nhs..... the government are only worried about protecting the nhs, not the people!!

It’s not selfish - it’s personal choice

It is selfish, by not having the vaccine other people are put at risk. If they are entitled to choose to put other people at risk, I am damn well entitled to judge them for it and call them selfish.

It also does reduce the spread btw."

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oldswarriorMan
over a year ago


Wow the assumptions made by some people on here astounding.

I feel for OP. Totally your decision.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *leaserforPleasureTV/TS
over a year ago


The blame is a slippery slope, where would you stop free medical treatment (its not actually free if your a taxpayer)?

Do you deny someone treatment for a broken leg because they done it while playing football.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *rsbrooksandjohnCouple
over a year ago


"That’s all very well but there’s not exactly a shortage of vaccines in the U.K. or likely to be as the government has ordered sufficient for everyone with plenty to spare. 50% of hospitalisations and deaths in South America are due to the P1 variant and it’s only a matter of time before it reaches the U.K.


The P1 variant is already here in the uk and various cases have been identified and the spread is being stopped. Currently the kent variant is the more dominant strain in the uk and europe and if nature follows its predicted course may become the dominant variant worldwide

And the vaccines are all effective against it. They are also effe tive against the south african and brazil variants but maybe not to such a high level. And all the vaccine companies are working to improve that.

It time to accept covid is here to stay and we need to leatn to live and deal with it. Like we do the flu and other viruses.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong.

I got my vaccine due to someone else

turning their vaccine down -and am incredibly grateful for this - however I would never turn down the offer of a vaccine. You are unlikely to get ill from Covid but you cannot say you will never spread it to someone who could get seriously ill."

And by having the vacinne you can say you will never spread it to someone else????

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *peak and SpellCouple
over a year ago

Greenwich, SE LONDON

Our view is it selfish on a number of counts. So you are saying that because you are outside a lot of the time, you never socialise or go into shops, pubs etc.?

And by not having the jab....

- you are more likely to catch it ?and potentially pass it onto a more vulnerable person.

- potentially put strain on the NHS (and put their staff at risk too)

- contribute to any virus mutations.

Why on earth did you turn it down? I'm sure you had (and benefited) from vaccinations in the past... Polio, TB etc

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

You have the right to choose

But it’s not really about you the vaccine is about protecting others

I personally think if you choose not to h w it for the benefit of the global population you should face restrictions.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Can someone explain how taking this experimental injection protects others?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *usybee73 OP   Man
over a year ago

in the sticks

"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong.

Have you chosen who in the world deserves your vaccine and how you will get it to them ?"

Hopefully a pensioners or healh related issues in another country

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *usybee73 OP   Man
over a year ago

in the sticks

"Our view is it selfish on a number of counts. So you are saying that because you are outside a lot of the time, you never socialise or go into shops, pubs etc.?

And by not having the jab....

- you are more likely to catch it ?and potentially pass it onto a more vulnerable person.

- potentially put strain on the NHS (and put their staff at risk too)

- contribute to any virus mutations.

Why on earth did you turn it down? I'm sure you had (and benefited) from vaccinations in the past... Polio, TB etc"

How so? If all vulnerable people have had the vaccine?

How many people have died under 50 with no underlying health conditions?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The vaccine will end up being the virus

Everyone should be allowed to make their own choice

Let’s see how many vaccinated people are still around in next few years

*puts tin hat on*

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *allySlinkyWoman
over a year ago



Let’s see how many vaccinated people are still around in next few years


Every single person who had the smallpox vaccine has died

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ady LickWoman
over a year ago

Northampton Somewhere

"There’s a a lot of different opinions on Fab and that’s ok. However, I do feel that attacking people with condescension and guilt tripping is completely unnecessary. Especially under the guise of looking out for others. It’s not unreasonable to have reservations around the vaccine and no one should be insulted for not wanting it. Looking forward to a time where we can all go back to being swingers as opposed to trying to police each other’s decisions. "

100% this

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"There’s a a lot of different opinions on Fab and that’s ok. However, I do feel that attacking people with condescension and guilt tripping is completely unnecessary. Especially under the guise of looking out for others. It’s not unreasonable to have reservations around the vaccine and no one should be insulted for not wanting it. Looking forward to a time where we can all go back to being swingers as opposed to trying to police each other’s decisions.

100% this"

Exactly this

People being coerced into having the vaccine.

Especially people who aren’t vulnerable

By the way,to the people who have had the jab.were you given the Patient Information Leaflet(think for the Pfizer one)that gives you the list of side affects and also informs you that your in a human test until 2023?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"There’s a a lot of different opinions on Fab and that’s ok. However, I do feel that attacking people with condescension and guilt tripping is completely unnecessary. Especially under the guise of looking out for others. It’s not unreasonable to have reservations around the vaccine and no one should be insulted for not wanting it. Looking forward to a time where we can all go back to being swingers as opposed to trying to police each other’s decisions.

100% this"

Actually 98% which represents the figure that recover from a C19 infection.

The choice of being vaccinated or not lies with the individual and they must make that choice or decision _ased on the proven facts.

Nobody should suffer discrimination or sanction if they choose not to be vaccinated. I have followed the science and decided to take the vaccine with a decision taken after speaking with my doctor and other healthcare professionals.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"There’s a a lot of different opinions on Fab and that’s ok. However, I do feel that attacking people with condescension and guilt tripping is completely unnecessary. Especially under the guise of looking out for others. It’s not unreasonable to have reservations around the vaccine and no one should be insulted for not wanting it. Looking forward to a time where we can all go back to being swingers as opposed to trying to police each other’s decisions.

100% this

Exactly this

People being coerced into having the vaccine.

Especially people who aren’t vulnerable

By the way,to the people who have had the jab.were you given the Patient Information Leaflet(think for the Pfizer one)that gives you the list of side affects and also informs you that your in a human test until 2023?


So what? People think this vaccine appeared from nowhere. Big pharma have been R&Ding Covid variants vaccines for at least two decades. They simply adjusted that focus to be Covid 19 specific and took away all the usual Business and political issues to allow sharing of information and development at pace.

Of course every vaccine starts as an experiment and over time they become accepted (or not) the vaccine is a good thing in the fact it provides assurance for people to be able to live again.

I do consider anyone not taking it as selfish short sighted and caught up in the regular conspiracy hyperbole. It’s not about you

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ausageNmashCouple
over a year ago


I know someone who point blank refuses to put this " poison" in their body and yet happily will chomp through little pink pills in clubs and snort and ingest back street made recreational drugs !

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I know someone who point blank refuses to put this " poison" in their body and yet happily will chomp through little pink pills in clubs and snort and ingest back street made recreational drugs ! "

We all know these types

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oncupiscence73Woman
over a year ago


"Our view is it selfish on a number of counts. So you are saying that because you are outside a lot of the time, you never socialise or go into shops, pubs etc.?

And by not having the jab....

- you are more likely to catch it ?and potentially pass it onto a more vulnerable person.

- potentially put strain on the NHS (and put their staff at risk too)

- contribute to any virus mutations.

Why on earth did you turn it down? I'm sure you had (and benefited) from vaccinations in the past... Polio, TB etc

How so? If all vulnerable people have had the vaccine?

How many people have died under 50 with no underlying health conditions?"

I know 3 teachers that have died with no underlying health conditions and 4 more who have long covid 2 of which are still in hospital. One who died was 29... the others in their early 40s.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *estivalMan
over a year ago


"Cannot believe the number of people agree with OP it horrifies me.

We will never get rid of tis covid problem with this attitude and lack of government enforcement"

is down to op wether he has the jab or not.last time i checked you still had that choice in this country.and gov enforcement??? Would you like them to jab people against there will?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oncupiscence73Woman
over a year ago


"Can someone explain how taking this experimental injection protects others?"

..... you have the vaccine which reduces your chance of contracting the virus by anywhere up to 90% (data keeps changing but 70-90% is current thinking)

... logic dictates that if you don’t get it you can’t pass it on

.... if you do get it then your viral load is significantly lower due to the vaccine so your chance of transmission is drastically reduced

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I know someone who point blank refuses to put this " poison" in their body and yet happily will chomp through little pink pills in clubs and snort and ingest back street made recreational drugs ! "

Isnt personal choice a beautiful thing

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oncupiscence73Woman
over a year ago


"Cannot believe the number of people agree with OP it horrifies me.

We will never get rid of tis covid problem with this attitude and lack of government enforcement is down to op wether he has the jab or not.last time i checked you still had that choice in this country.and gov enforcement??? Would you like them to jab people against there will?"

I personally feel if you work in any customer facing role or your kids go to school you should face sanctions if you don’t choose to vaccinate. Luckily not many are refusing so the only people that will suffer are refusers and their families. Had we had a lot less of an uptake then it may have been different.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Can someone explain how taking this experimental injection protects others?

..... you have the vaccine which reduces your chance of contracting the virus by anywhere up to 90% (data keeps changing but 70-90% is current thinking)

... logic dictates that if you don’t get it you can’t pass it on

.... if you do get it then your viral load is significantly lower due to the vaccine so your chance of transmission is drastically reduced "

R u telling me the injected cant pass it on?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oncupiscence73Woman
over a year ago


"I know someone who point blank refuses to put this " poison" in their body and yet happily will chomp through little pink pills in clubs and snort and ingest back street made recreational drugs ! "

Haha isn’t it nuts! Or who happily eat processed food

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *oncupiscence73Woman
over a year ago


"Can someone explain how taking this experimental injection protects others?

..... you have the vaccine which reduces your chance of contracting the virus by anywhere up to 90% (data keeps changing but 70-90% is current thinking)

... logic dictates that if you don’t get it you can’t pass it on

.... if you do get it then your viral load is significantly lower due to the vaccine so your chance of transmission is drastically reduced

R u telling me the injected cant pass it on?"

Nothing is 100% but yes recent data (abs it’s coming out all the time) shows transmission is far far reduced due to viral load.

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By *iverscuMan
over a year ago


With the AZ situation. I think for the people who are worried about having the vaccine, a choice of which one you receive would make things easier and actually increase the uptake.

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By *all me FlikWoman
over a year ago

Galaxy Far Far Away

"Can someone explain how taking this experimental injection protects others?

..... you have the vaccine which reduces your chance of contracting the virus by anywhere up to 90% (data keeps changing but 70-90% is current thinking)

... logic dictates that if you don’t get it you can’t pass it on

.... if you do get it then your viral load is significantly lower due to the vaccine so your chance of transmission is drastically reduced

R u telling me the injected cant pass it on?"

She said drastically reduced.

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By *inky_couple2020Couple
over a year ago

North West

[Removed by poster at 16/04/21 09:05:19]

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By *inky_couple2020Couple
over a year ago

North West

"There’s a a lot of different opinions on Fab and that’s ok. However, I do feel that attacking people with condescension and guilt tripping is completely unnecessary. Especially under the guise of looking out for others. It’s not unreasonable to have reservations around the vaccine and no one should be insulted for not wanting it. Looking forward to a time where we can all go back to being swingers as opposed to trying to police each other’s decisions.

100% this

Exactly this

People being coerced into having the vaccine.

Especially people who aren’t vulnerable

By the way,to the people who have had the jab.were you given the Patient Information Leaflet(think for the Pfizer one)that gives you the list of side affects and also informs you that your in a human test until 2023?


This is the PIL and it says no such thing:


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Our view is it selfish on a number of counts. So you are saying that because you are outside a lot of the time, you never socialise or go into shops, pubs etc.?

And by not having the jab....

- you are more likely to catch it ?and potentially pass it onto a more vulnerable person.

- potentially put strain on the NHS (and put their staff at risk too)

- contribute to any virus mutations.

Why on earth did you turn it down? I'm sure you had (and benefited) from vaccinations in the past... Polio, TB etc

How so? If all vulnerable people have had the vaccine?

How many people have died under 50 with no underlying health conditions?

I know 3 teachers that have died with no underlying health conditions and 4 more who have long covid 2 of which are still in hospital. One who died was 29... the others in their early 40s. "

The loss of life from C19 is tragic and devastating of that there is no doubt. However the fact remains that 98% of those who contract the virus recover albeit some with prolonged after effects.

One thing is certain and that is the pandemic is real and in my view the best way to try and deal with it would be to follow the scientific advice to try and limit the damage.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

As an aside at the end of the flu season for 20/21 just over 2.6m people in the UK had been vaccinated against the current seasonal flu. A large medical endeavour which give or take on the numbers happens annually.

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By *allySlinkyWoman
over a year ago


"As an aside at the end of the flu season for 20/21 just over 2.6m people in the UK had been vaccinated against the current seasonal flu. A large medical endeavour which give or take on the numbers happens annually. "

I thought the figure would be higher than 2.6 million as this year everyone over 50 was offered it.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I took my car to the garage the other day. Mechanic phoned me later and said my car needs new brakes. I told him I don't believe in brakes and everyone else's car has brakes, so I should be fine.

Turns out I'm a fucking idiot.


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Can someone explain how taking this experimental injection protects others?

..... you have the vaccine which reduces your chance of contracting the virus by anywhere up to 90% (data keeps changing but 70-90% is current thinking)

Then why does bj want to waste billions testing everyone 2twice a week

... logic dictates that if you don’t get it you can’t pass it on

.... if you do get it then your viral load is significantly lower due to the vaccine so your chance of transmission is drastically reduced

R u telling me the injected cant pass it on?

Nothing is 100% but yes recent data (abs it’s coming out all the time) shows transmission is far far reduced due to viral load. "

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I took my car to the garage the other day. Mechanic phoned me later and said my car needs new brakes. I told him I don't believe in brakes and everyone else's car has brakes, so I should be fine.

Turns out I'm a fucking idiot. Yep complete ballbag

M X"

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By *allySlinkyWoman
over a year ago


"I took my car to the garage the other day. Mechanic phoned me later and said my car needs new brakes. I told him I don't believe in brakes and everyone else's car has brakes, so I should be fine.

Turns out I'm a fucking idiot.

M X"

But what is the point of having brakes ? Cars with breaks can still crash.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Good on you OP, I mean if everyone else gets it why do you need to? if you feel you don’t want/need it. And don’t give me talk about selfish I see people walk past beggars everyday. It’s my Human right to refuse anything be it pills jabs or anything. I don’t trust the WHO or our gov and that’s where I stand and that’s my right. A lot of people are just blind and will do as told but that’s not in my nature.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I took my car to the garage the other day. Mechanic phoned me later and said my car needs new brakes. I told him I don't believe in brakes and everyone else's car has brakes, so I should be fine.

Turns out I'm a fucking idiot.

M X"

Lol totally different how silly

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"As an aside at the end of the flu season for 20/21 just over 2.6m people in the UK had been vaccinated against the current seasonal flu. A large medical endeavour which give or take on the numbers happens annually.

I thought the figure would be higher than 2.6 million as this year everyone over 50 was offered it. "

As of 31 March that was the figure.

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By *inky_couple2020Couple
over a year ago

North West

"As an aside at the end of the flu season for 20/21 just over 2.6m people in the UK had been vaccinated against the current seasonal flu. A large medical endeavour which give or take on the numbers happens annually.

I thought the figure would be higher than 2.6 million as this year everyone over 50 was offered it. "

The figure is probably higher because community pharmacies and other non-GP/hospital settings don't feed into the same reporting system. The data of 2.6 million can be confirmed on the website of the Pharmaceutical Services

Negotiating Committee, page entitled "Flu vaccination data for 2020/21" and there's an Excel file you can download.

Also data on the Nuffield Trust website about how 2020/21 flu vaccine uptake compares against other years and against other countries/internationally. Page is entitled "Adult flu vaccination coverage"

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By *ixieUKMan
over a year ago


"Local gp practice rang me up the other day asked if I wanted a vaccine and if so when I was available. Told them I didn't require it as work outside, fairly healthy, walk 8 miles a day etc and there were more people in the world that needed it.

Surgery was fine, didn't try and persuade me or said I was wrong.

Well done for been strong enough to admit that you have declined the vacinne and completely understand your reasons.

True believer that everyone has a choice and others should respect their decision regardless.

Hubster has had his first vacinne.

I have been offered but have politely declined.

We both respect each other’s decision.


How it should be, I have declined too and respect others choices too... even if it means they no longer want to see me

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By *ave05Man
over a year ago

Chelmsford Essex

"As an aside at the end of the flu season for 20/21 just over 2.6m people in the UK had been vaccinated against the current seasonal flu. A large medical endeavour which give or take on the numbers happens annually.

I thought the figure would be higher than 2.6 million as this year everyone over 50 was offered it. "

My understanding the flu vaccine will have been administered to approx £25m - That was a sample for growth rate which calculates 71.7% on 2019 flu vaccine administered £15.2m - It must be a record as you say with over 50 free and large scale roll out and concerns on Covid and pressures on NHS bed capacity

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By *rSshMan
over a year ago


Good on you, I have done the same. When the average age of death is 84 and sadly a quarter of those where infected in care homes/hospitals you have to start questioning this blind public panic and obsession of being jabbed.

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By *inky_couple2020Couple
over a year ago

North West

"As an aside at the end of the flu season for 20/21 just over 2.6m people in the UK had been vaccinated against the current seasonal flu. A large medical endeavour which give or take on the numbers happens annually.

I thought the figure would be higher than 2.6 million as this year everyone over 50 was offered it.

My understanding the flu vaccine will have been administered to approx £25m - That was a sample for growth rate which calculates 71.7% on 2019 flu vaccine administered £15.2m - It must be a record as you say with over 50 free and large scale roll out and concerns on Covid and pressures on NHS bed capacity "

Check out the sites I mentioned above, which confirm what you are saying and have the data.

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By *haggydogMan
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 16/04/21 09:36:04]

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By *rman82Man
over a year ago


" The mutant strains tend to be weaker than the original, this is how the virus mutates. It gets weaker and that’s how it survives. I wouldn’t worry too much about the mutant strains.

where are the facts backing that up? yes a virus mutates to attempt to survive, there is no guarantee it will mutate weaker "

Ahhh right, Just like there is no guarantee the current vaccine will work against this new strain?

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By *ackformore100Man
over a year ago

Tin town

"Good on you, I have done the same. When the average age of death is 84 and sadly a quarter of those where infected in care homes/hospitals you have to start questioning this blind public panic and obsession of being jabbed. "

Where do you get the average age of death being 84? Book face?

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By *aseMan
over a year ago


Did ye aye..

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By *ackformore100Man
over a year ago

Tin town

"I took my car to the garage the other day. Mechanic phoned me later and said my car needs new brakes. I told him I don't believe in brakes and everyone else's car has brakes, so I should be fine.

Turns out I'm a fucking idiot.


But what is the point of having brakes ? Cars with breaks can still crash. "

I feel the same about my driving test. If everyone else can drive safely they can avoid me... I reserve my rights to drive around with no test. Its all a scam to get me to pay for driving lessons and a test and get my personal data.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Jeez I wouldn't refuse a vaccine...you were lucky to get the call. I can't believe you refused it

At the min in Ireland it's the 65-69 age group that are being done. They have to register first

The older age group as in over 70s just got a call from their GP

I may not even get mine this yr as I'm way down the list of priority

OP you do know you could contract the virus while out walking or in your super market

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Jeez I wouldn't refuse a vaccine...you were lucky to get the call. I can't believe you refused it

At the min in Ireland it's the 65-69 age group that are being done. They have to register first

The older age group as in over 70s just got a call from their GP

I may not even get mine this yr as I'm way down the list of priority

OP you do know you could contract the virus while out walking or in your super market"

That could happen even after the vaccination as it doesn’t stop you contracting it or passing it on.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Jeez I wouldn't refuse a vaccine...you were lucky to get the call. I can't believe you refused it

At the min in Ireland it's the 65-69 age group that are being done. They have to register first

The older age group as in over 70s just got a call from their GP

I may not even get mine this yr as I'm way down the list of priority

OP you do know you could contract the virus while out walking or in your super market

That could happen even after the vaccination as it doesn’t stop you contracting it or passing it on. "

True and some variants are resistant to the vaccine...it's a work in progress...I know Pfeizer are trying to advance their vaccine for the African strain

50 million doses are being dispatched of Pfeizer in the EU and Ireland are to receive a large quantity thankfully

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)


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By *ands4nowCouple
over a year ago

South West Devon


Let’s see how many vaccinated people are still around in next few years

Every single person who had the smallpox vaccine has died "

As Someone who has has the smallpox vaccine (more than once) I can state authoritatively that I am not dead! But I am very glad that smallpox has been eradicated through vaccination.

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