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CLAP for SIR TOM 6PM TONIGHT 3rd Feb 2021

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By *halk N Cheese OP   Couple
over a year ago

Stansted Essex.

* I certainly support Boris's call Lets CLAP for Sir Tom More Tonight @6PM.

I personally wish to Thank Sir TOM x

Anyone else? xx

Complete Dignity throughout.

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By *incskittenWoman
over a year ago


I personally wont be but each to their own.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I’d rather see an undertaking to support the NHS to the fullest of his party and the Government’s ability in the name of Sir Tom than make a hypocritical and thoroughly empty gesture of a hand clap.

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By *ittleMissCaliWoman
over a year ago

trouble most likely, or creating it :)

Yes I will be... xx

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By *irty_DeedsMan
over a year ago


I won't be, I'll be in middle of my daily 7 miles but I will think of him.

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By *rgasmickMan
over a year ago


No thankyou

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By *aretobareCouple
over a year ago

Central Portugal

I will raise a glass to Tom but I will not be told by someone who shook hands with covid patients, encouraged the spread with eat out to help out and ignored scientific advice repeatedly. If Tom had been in charge I am sure like so many other countries he would have put people first rather than Nicholas Cummings. I will clap when Boris resigns!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

No a pointless exercise but if people want to that's fine I'd rather donate money to his foundation

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By *V-AliceTV/TS
over a year ago


"I will raise a glass to Tom but I will not be told by someone who shook hands with covid patients, encouraged the spread with eat out to help out and ignored scientific advice repeatedly. If Tom had been in charge I am sure like so many other countries he would have put people first rather than Dominic Cummings. I will clap when Boris resigns!"

Indeed. If you are going to clap in his memory, fair enough - what he did is worthy of recognition.

But bear in mind that at least 50,000 people have died, who need not have died, because the man asking you to clap is an indecisive fuckwit, unwilling - when it mattered most - to act on the advice being given to him by medical and scientific experts.

He has blood on his hands - and no amount of him and his cabinet wanking on about what a great job they've all done with vaccines, is going to bring back a single person who has died because he thought going ahead with the Cheltenham Festival was more important than people dying.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I would absolutely

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By *andi_CDTV/TS
over a year ago


"I will raise a glass to Tom but I will not be told by someone who shook hands with covid patients, encouraged the spread with eat out to help out and ignored scientific advice repeatedly. If Tom had been in charge I am sure like so many other countries he would have put people first rather than Dominic Cummings. I will clap when Boris resigns!

Indeed. If you are going to clap in his memory, fair enough - what he did is worthy of recognition.

But bear in mind that at least 50,000 people have died, who need not have died, because the man asking you to clap is an indecisive fuckwit, unwilling - when it mattered most - to act on the advice being given to him by medical and scientific experts.

He has blood on his hands - and no amount of him and his cabinet wanking on about what a great job they've all done with vaccines, is going to bring back a single person who has died because he thought going ahead with the Cheltenham Festival was more important than people dying."

Spot on

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By *rx1Couple
over a year ago

Nr Driffield


This is about one man, A real hero. He didnt do it for himself, he did it for everyone. He didn't moan about his civil liberties or how hard done by he is. He Served his Country to the end. Not a bloody snowflake

Yet still the Haters of Boris are out in full swing. Why drag politics into it.

All this shite about how many have died. We know how many died, far too many, it is world wide, not just here If Boris imposed 100% lockdown, people still would moan.

Leave all the political fighting for another day

If you cannot give Captain Sir Tom 30 seconds of your time, you should be ashamed of yourself.

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By *ionelhutzMan
over a year ago



This is about one man, A real hero. He didnt do it for himself, he did it for everyone. He didn't moan about his civil liberties or how hard done by he is. He Served his Country to the end. Not a bloody snowflake

Yet still the Haters of Boris are out in full swing. Why drag politics into it.

All this shite about how many have died. We know how many died, far too many, it is world wide, not just here If Boris imposed 100% lockdown, people still would moan.

Leave all the political fighting for another day

If you cannot give Captain Sir Tom 30 seconds of your time, you should be ashamed of yourself."

No you shouldnt.

It's a personal decision..no one has the right to 'shame 'people into doing anything.

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By *incskittenWoman
over a year ago



This is about one man, A real hero. He didnt do it for himself, he did it for everyone. He didn't moan about his civil liberties or how hard done by he is. He Served his Country to the end. Not a bloody snowflake

Yet still the Haters of Boris are out in full swing. Why drag politics into it.

All this shite about how many have died. We know how many died, far too many, it is world wide, not just here If Boris imposed 100% lockdown, people still would moan.

Leave all the political fighting for another day

If you cannot give Captain Sir Tom 30 seconds of your time, you should be ashamed of yourself."

I'm not ashamed..it's called choice .

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


This is about one man, A real hero. He didnt do it for himself, he did it for everyone. He didn't moan about his civil liberties or how hard done by he is. He Served his Country to the end. Not a bloody snowflake

Yet still the Haters of Boris are out in full swing. Why drag politics into it.

All this shite about how many have died. We know how many died, far too many, it is world wide, not just here If Boris imposed 100% lockdown, people still would moan.

Leave all the political fighting for another day

If you cannot give Captain Sir Tom 30 seconds of your time, you should be ashamed of yourself."

I struggle with the sheer hypocrisy of the man who suggested it , who leads the party committed to defunding and selling off the NHS and who, along with his cabinet, have been singularly responsible for overwhelming the NHS with sick and dying patients rather than sticking to a clear course where instead they lied, vacillated and misled in the belief that strength and leadership would be perceived by echoing a wartime leader’s tone and expressions.

It is no surprise that England is way behind vaccinating carehome residents and older people, the ones like Sir Tom who have the best pensions.... Nothing the Tory leaders have done is designed to save lives, it’s about saving money belonging to themselves or big business or donors.

There are many ways to honour Sir Tom but joining in a clapfest that seeks to hide the culpability of the government’s actions is crass, meaningless and misguided.

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By *oved Up 2Couple
over a year ago


"I will raise a glass to Tom but I will not be told by someone who shook hands with covid patients, encouraged the spread with eat out to help out and ignored scientific advice repeatedly. If Tom had been in charge I am sure like so many other countries he would have put people first rather than Dominic Cummings. I will clap when Boris resigns!

Indeed. If you are going to clap in his memory, fair enough - what he did is worthy of recognition.

But bear in mind that at least 50,000 people have died, who need not have died, because the man asking you to clap is an indecisive fuckwit, unwilling - when it mattered most - to act on the advice being given to him by medical and scientific experts.

He has blood on his hands - and no amount of him and his cabinet wanking on about what a great job they've all done with vaccines, is going to bring back a single person who has died because he thought going ahead with the Cheltenham Festival was more important than people dying.

Spot on"

My thoughts exactly. I think Boris is looking for positive PR. Crass in my opinion

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By *usybee73Man
over a year ago

in the sticks

Wont be doing it as think it's government doing its normal thing, jumping on band wagons for pr

What would Tom want you to do? Probably ask you to raise a glass instead

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By *arlomaleMan
over a year ago


How come this has turned into a boris/government bashing thread same old whingebags spouting the same old drivel and no I won’t be clapping don’t see the point but I’ll spare a thought for the old chap

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

IMO it’s called having a Social Conscience. Radical, I know.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

" * I certainly support Boris's call Lets CLAP for Sir Tom More Tonight @6PM.

I personally wish to Thank Sir TOM x

Anyone else? xx

Complete Dignity throughout. "

I won’t be.

a lovely guy who by fortune became a focus within this pandemic but I’ve seen a couple of hundred people killed by this virus, they where equally as lovely, down to earth and brave.

I feel the act has more to do with politics and people wanting to fill their Facebook timelines with a post to show they are in touch with a topic which given a few days they will have forgotten.

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By *ionelhutzMan
over a year ago


"IMO it’s called having a Social Conscience. Radical, I know. "

It's also called being allowed to have an opinion

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By *eatrice BadinageWoman
over a year ago

In a Sparkly Dress

I shan't be clapping. I will spend two minutes of my time to remember what a hero he was Instead

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By *ionelhutzMan
over a year ago


" * I certainly support Boris's call Lets CLAP for Sir Tom More Tonight @6PM.

I personally wish to Thank Sir TOM x

Anyone else? xx

Complete Dignity throughout.

I won’t be.

a lovely guy who by fortune became a focus within this pandemic but I’ve seen a couple of hundred people killed by this virus, they where equally as lovely, down to earth and brave.

I feel the act has more to do with politics and people wanting to fill their Facebook timelines with a post to show they are in touch with a topic which given a few days they will have forgotten. "

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By *udistnorthantsMan
over a year ago


No as I'm still at work. But later this evening I'll have a quiet toast in his honour... Johnny Walker seems quite apt

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By *halk N Cheese OP   Couple
over a year ago

Stansted Essex.

My intention was not for a party political broadcast or options just a thought as directly touch of the funds raised and given not directly to me/Us a place of rest and reflect after holding hands of people continuing passing without there loved ones and only ICU staff. Rest in peace Sir Tom. Tomorrow will be a better day. Xx

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By *heBirminghamWeekendMan
over a year ago


" My intention was not for a party political broadcast or options just a thought as directly touch of the funds raised and given not directly to me/Us a place of rest and reflect after holding hands of people continuing passing without there loved ones and only ICU staff. Rest in peace Sir Tom. Tomorrow will be a better day. Xx"

tomorrow will be a better day

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By *ed VoluptaWoman
over a year ago


" My intention was not for a party political broadcast or options just a thought as directly touch of the funds raised and given not directly to me/Us a place of rest and reflect after holding hands of people continuing passing without there loved ones and only ICU staff. Rest in peace Sir Tom. Tomorrow will be a better day. Xx"

Hear, hear!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

" My intention was not for a party political broadcast or options just a thought as directly touch of the funds raised and given not directly to me/Us a place of rest and reflect after holding hands of people continuing passing without there loved ones and only ICU staff. Rest in peace Sir Tom. Tomorrow will be a better day. Xx"

Wee clapping hands emoji to you both too

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By *halk N Cheese OP   Couple
over a year ago

Stansted Essex.

" My intention was not for a party political broadcast or options just a thought as directly touch of the funds raised and given not directly to me/Us a place of rest and reflect after holding hands of people continuing passing without there loved ones and only ICU staff. Rest in peace Sir Tom. Tomorrow will be a better day. Xx

Wee clapping hands emoji to you both too "

Thank-you x

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By *ficouldMan
over a year ago

a quandary, could you change my mind?

" My intention was not for a party political broadcast or options just a thought as directly touch of the funds raised and given not directly to me/Us a place of rest and reflect after holding hands of people continuing passing without there loved ones and only ICU staff. Rest in peace Sir Tom. Tomorrow will be a better day. Xx"


This is about one man, A real hero. He didnt do it for himself, he did it for everyone. He didn't moan about his civil liberties or how hard done by he is. He Served his Country to the end. "

'Captain Sir Thomas Moore" I Thank you.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


This is about one man, A real hero. He didnt do it for himself, he did it for everyone. He didn't moan about his civil liberties or how hard done by he is. He Served his Country to the end. Not a bloody snowflake

Yet still the Haters of Boris are out in full swing. Why drag politics into it.

All this shite about how many have died. We know how many died, far too many, it is world wide, not just here If Boris imposed 100% lockdown, people still would moan.

Leave all the political fighting for another day

If you cannot give Captain Sir Tom 30 seconds of your time, you should be ashamed of yourself."

I didn't clap and I am not ashamed of myself at all.

I appreciate that Sir Tom did a good thing.

But I am not a sheep to be told what to do

And I feel to clap for a 100 year old man who died of pneumonia due to his age, is a slap in the face for to the families of all the other Covid victims, many of them half Tom's age.

The clap should have been for Tom and ALL Covid victims.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By *ornytoad1362Couple
over a year ago

St. Austell

yes we did but seems only us that did ! a bit disappointing really but not sure wether there was much notice about it given

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By *mmabluTV/TS
over a year ago

upton wirral

"I will raise a glass to Tom but I will not be told by someone who shook hands with covid patients, encouraged the spread with eat out to help out and ignored scientific advice repeatedly. If Tom had been in charge I am sure like so many other countries he would have put people first rather than Nicholas Cummings. I will clap when Boris resigns!"
You will never clap then well maybe in 8 to 10 years time

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By *lixerMan
over a year ago


Not a chance. That fat chancer Johnson can fuck right off. And do you not think he really should comb his fucking hair? And stop grinning. Even when paying his ultra insincere tribute to this decent man, he looked like a clown. I hate him more than I hated Thatch. At least she believed in something.

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By *arakiss12TV/TS
over a year ago


I did, he deserves the recognition.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

" * I certainly support Boris's call Lets CLAP for Sir Tom More Tonight @6PM.

I personally wish to Thank Sir TOM x

Anyone else? xx

Complete Dignity throughout. "

Thank you Rupert Murdoch for the populist crap.

I was sad when i heard he'd passed away.

A gent, a war hero, an inspiration in difficult times.

I turned green when Boris, The Sun, and others wished to be associated with his gallantry

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

We did it twice because we were watching football and they had a minutes clap just before 6 and then we went outside and clapped again

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By *omsubdevonCouple
over a year ago

Newton Abbot

£350m per week for the NHS would be better BJ..... Another bandwagon he has jumped on.

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By *oelDorianMan
over a year ago


"£350m per week for the NHS would be better BJ..... Another bandwagon he has jumped on. "

That would have been better in my opinion

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I will raise a glass to Tom but I will not be told by someone who shook hands with covid patients, encouraged the spread with eat out to help out and ignored scientific advice repeatedly. If Tom had been in charge I am sure like so many other countries he would have put people first rather than Dominic Cummings. I will clap when Boris resigns!

Indeed. If you are going to clap in his memory, fair enough - what he did is worthy of recognition.

But bear in mind that at least 50,000 people have died, who need not have died, because the man asking you to clap is an indecisive fuckwit, unwilling - when it mattered most - to act on the advice being given to him by medical and scientific experts.

He has blood on his hands - and no amount of him and his cabinet wanking on about what a great job they've all done with vaccines, is going to bring back a single person who has died because he thought going ahead with the Cheltenham Festival was more important than people dying."

Ah Mr Hindsight?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


This is about one man, A real hero. He didnt do it for himself, he did it for everyone. He didn't moan about his civil liberties or how hard done by he is. He Served his Country to the end. Not a bloody snowflake

Yet still the Haters of Boris are out in full swing. Why drag politics into it.

All this shite about how many have died. We know how many died, far too many, it is world wide, not just here If Boris imposed 100% lockdown, people still would moan.

Leave all the political fighting for another day

If you cannot give Captain Sir Tom 30 seconds of your time, you should be ashamed of yourself."

Absolutely Well said

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


This is about one man, A real hero. He didnt do it for himself, he did it for everyone. He didn't moan about his civil liberties or how hard done by he is. He Served his Country to the end. Not a bloody snowflake

Yet still the Haters of Boris are out in full swing. Why drag politics into it.

All this shite about how many have died. We know how many died, far too many, it is world wide, not just here If Boris imposed 100% lockdown, people still would moan.

Leave all the political fighting for another day

If you cannot give Captain Sir Tom 30 seconds of your time, you should be ashamed of yourself.

I struggle with the sheer hypocrisy of the man who suggested it , who leads the party committed to defunding and selling off the NHS and who, along with his cabinet, have been singularly responsible for overwhelming the NHS with sick and dying patients rather than sticking to a clear course where instead they lied, vacillated and misled in the belief that strength and leadership would be perceived by echoing a wartime leader’s tone and expressions.

It is no surprise that England is way behind vaccinating carehome residents and older people, the ones like Sir Tom who have the best pensions.... Nothing the Tory leaders have done is designed to save lives, it’s about saving money belonging to themselves or big business or donors.

There are many ways to honour Sir Tom but joining in a clapfest that seeks to hide the culpability of the government’s actions is crass, meaningless and misguided."

There may be things that happen in the future but that was suggested as something anyone could get involved in within days

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"How come this has turned into a boris/government bashing thread same old whingebags spouting the same old drivel and no I won’t be clapping don’t see the point but I’ll spare a thought for the old chap "

Excellent.. It seems that a tread about anything will turn into a Boris Bashing thread.

The people on here that have turned this thread into a Boris bashing are to blame and equality those who agree and add fuel to the flames

It's a thread to honour Captain Sir Tom Moore.

Leave the bashing to another thread and let this be in honour

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

The thread wasn't an RIP thread so it is fine to chat on it. Please stop telling people what they can talk about.

However this section is meant to be to help people through the virus but all it seems to be is people arguing / telling people what they can and can't talk about / sneering at anyone who happens to have a different view and some turn into political threads.

This isn't pleasant at times, please lets have a bit of tolerance for other peoples views even if you don't agree with them and unless relevant to the thread lets leave the political arguments to the right forum

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