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Christmas Day and Boxing Day

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By *olly_chromatic OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


Christmas day marked the UK hitting 70 thousand dead.

Boxing day marked the USA hitting one person dead in every one thousand of the population.

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By *olly_chromatic OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


UK is now getting above 35 thousand new cases every day, and averaging over 500 deaths every day.

USA is getting approximately 200 thousand new cases every day, and about 3000 deaths every day.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"UK is now getting above 35 thousand new cases every day, and averaging over 500 deaths every day.

USA is getting approximately 200 thousand new cases every day, and about 3000 deaths every day."

I think we are gonna be confined to barracks for a while yet

Certainly in the South East

Daily numbers are scary

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By *ustforfun49Man
over a year ago


"UK is now getting above 35 thousand new cases every day, and averaging over 500 deaths every day.

USA is getting approximately 200 thousand new cases every day, and about 3000 deaths every day.

I think we are gonna be confined to barracks for a while yet

Certainly in the South East

Daily numbers are scary"

But it's the cold season to

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By *ustforfun49Man
over a year ago


What do you get when you have a bad cold the same symptoms as the virus eg lose of taste and sence of smell a temperature and a cough.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What do you get when you have a bad cold the same symptoms as the virus eg lose of taste and sence of smell a temperature and a cough. "

I dont understand your point

Can you elaborate please?

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By *olly_chromatic OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


"What do you get when you have a bad cold the same symptoms as the virus eg lose of taste and sence of smell a temperature and a cough. "

I've had plenty of colds, but never lost the senses of taste and smell to the extent that covid sufferers seem to report.

Also the effects of colds are generally restricted just to the upper respiratory system. Covid however has been found to be more of a whole body infection, that is carried around to all organs by the blood. The cold-type symptoms are merely the start for covid.

It does all depend on how fast an individuals immune system can get fighting back against this virus. In many cases antibodies seem to be produced fast enough to catch up with and overcome the virus while it still has only a small foothold within the body. However for at least 1 in a hundred people, antibodies cannot be made fast enough, the virus spreads throughout the body faster than it can be killed, and eventually death results.

Long covid is the people between these extremes - where virus and antibodies are neck and neck, and the battle can go on for ages.

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By *olly_chromatic OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


In many ways, the common cold is very similar to covid. The real big difference is that almost everyone in the world has been exposed to some version of the cold virus before, so the immune system has a head start on making the right kind of antibodies. The cold virus does keep mutating, which is why you can get another vold every year, but your body can get started on antibodies that are halfway good while it figures out the necessary "upgrade" to kill the latest version of cold.

Once in a while though, some remote group that have never been exposed to colds before comes into contact with modern society. There have been cases where this has led to catastrophic consequences, with entire tribes being totally wiped out just by the common cold.

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By *olly_chromatic OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


This is where we are now with regards to covid. It is a virus that is sufficiently different to anything that most people have been exposed to before, that the immune system does not have any halfway decent starting point. So the virus can get more established in the body before the fight back even starts - it's like being in a running race where your opponent has a head start, and the race is going to continue until either you overtake him, or you drop. But the opponent is in front, and they keep grabbing the energy drinks leaving none for you. If you don't overtake very soon, you're going to get weaker, your opponent is going to get stronger... and then it's only a matter of time before you lose.

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By *ools and the brainCouple
over a year ago

couple, us we him her.

"UK is now getting above 35 thousand new cases every day, and averaging over 500 deaths every day.

USA is getting approximately 200 thousand new cases every day, and about 3000 deaths every day.

I think we are gonna be confined to barracks for a while yet

Certainly in the South East

Daily numbers are scary

But it's the cold season to "

I don't understand why you think this is funny?

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By *ustforfun49Man
over a year ago


"UK is now getting above 35 thousand new cases every day, and averaging over 500 deaths every day.

USA is getting approximately 200 thousand new cases every day, and about 3000 deaths every day.

I think we are gonna be confined to barracks for a while yet

Certainly in the South East

Daily numbers are scary

But it's the cold season to

I don't understand why you think this is funny?"

I never said it was funny

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By *edandLouCouple
over a year ago


This virus isn't going to disappear anytime soon by the looks of things. All the reasons to be optimistic when the arrival of vaccines were announced now seem to have disappeared with the news of variants and MPs hinting at months of lockdown.

2021 may not be much different to 2020.

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By *ustforfun49Man
over a year ago


"What do you get when you have a bad cold the same symptoms as the virus eg lose of taste and sence of smell a temperature and a cough.

I dont understand your point

Can you elaborate please?"

If you get a cold or the flu you loose your sence of taste and smell last year I had a really bad cold could not smell or taste anything for a couple of weeks had a high temperature and a really bad cough and even got out of breath just walking up the stairs so if I got the same this year I would be worried thinking i got covid but last year I thought nothing of it.

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By *rhugesMan
over a year ago


I thunk there is a hell of a lot of scare mongering around .if you're under 40 you've got something like a 99.8%survival rate if you have no under laying conditions. The average age of the people who have died of vivid is something like 82.4.

I'm not trivialising it but these lock downs are getting rediculous, the mental health issues and the delays in cancer treatment will far out way this virus

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By *allySlinkyWoman
over a year ago


Maybe you did have Covid. From December last year people had it before it was officially recognised

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By *ustforfun49Man
over a year ago


"Maybe you did have Covid. From December last year people had it before it was officially recognised"

That is my point so how many people did have it last year and got over it and we just got on with things normally.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Its unlikely the virus will ever disappear certainly not for years to come if it keeps mutating at the rate it appears to vaccine development wont be able to keep pace with the mutation fortunately treatments are getting better though as the virus is understood more. Lockdowns and tiers don't seem to work unless its going to be a total lockdown and heavily controlled/polices with no one allowed out of their homes except those essential all supplies delivered etc etc. Thats the only way a lockdown would work.

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By *ustforfun49Man
over a year ago


"Its unlikely the virus will ever disappear certainly not for years to come if it keeps mutating at the rate it appears to vaccine development wont be able to keep pace with the mutation fortunately treatments are getting better though as the virus is understood more. Lockdowns and tiers don't seem to work unless its going to be a total lockdown and heavily controlled/polices with no one allowed out of their homes except those essential all supplies delivered etc etc. Thats the only way a lockdown would work."

Someone said every time it mutants it gets weaker.

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By *ackformore100Man
over a year ago

Tin town

"Its unlikely the virus will ever disappear certainly not for years to come if it keeps mutating at the rate it appears to vaccine development wont be able to keep pace with the mutation fortunately treatments are getting better though as the virus is understood more. Lockdowns and tiers don't seem to work unless its going to be a total lockdown and heavily controlled/polices with no one allowed out of their homes except those essential all supplies delivered etc etc. Thats the only way a lockdown would work."

Agreed, I think the term lockdown is extremely pejorative, especially as so far we have been very far from a lockdown. Just a few restrictions of movement really...that and trashing the pubs and restaurants (save for the ludicrous eat out to help out campaign for a few weeks). If we are going to lockdown do it fast, hard and don't take the breaks off until the community spread is reduced.

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By *icecouple561Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

East Sussex

"What do you get when you have a bad cold the same symptoms as the virus eg lose of taste and sence of smell a temperature and a cough.

I dont understand your point

Can you elaborate please?

If you get a cold or the flu you loose your sence of taste and smell last year I had a really bad cold could not smell or taste anything for a couple of weeks had a high temperature and a really bad cough and even got out of breath just walking up the stairs so if I got the same this year I would be worried thinking i got covid but last year I thought nothing of it. "

I guess you'd go and get a covid test. If it was negative it wouldn't be added to the figures and if it was positive it would.

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By *ustforfun49Man
over a year ago


"What do you get when you have a bad cold the same symptoms as the virus eg lose of taste and sence of smell a temperature and a cough.

I dont understand your point

Can you elaborate please?

If you get a cold or the flu you loose your sence of taste and smell last year I had a really bad cold could not smell or taste anything for a couple of weeks had a high temperature and a really bad cough and even got out of breath just walking up the stairs so if I got the same this year I would be worried thinking i got covid but last year I thought nothing of it.

I guess you'd go and get a covid test. If it was negative it wouldn't be added to the figures and if it was positive it would. "

Last year there was no test's for covid

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"This virus isn't going to disappear anytime soon by the looks of things. All the reasons to be optimistic when the arrival of vaccines were announced now seem to have disappeared with the news of variants and MPs hinting at months of lockdown.

2021 may not be much different to 2020."

I've been saying this for months and got shot down in the forums for pessimism.

I couldn't understand why people were so excited at the prospect of a vaccine, as if that was the key to normality within months.

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By *icecouple561Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

East Sussex

"What do you get when you have a bad cold the same symptoms as the virus eg lose of taste and sence of smell a temperature and a cough.

I dont understand your point

Can you elaborate please?

If you get a cold or the flu you loose your sence of taste and smell last year I had a really bad cold could not smell or taste anything for a couple of weeks had a high temperature and a really bad cough and even got out of breath just walking up the stairs so if I got the same this year I would be worried thinking i got covid but last year I thought nothing of it.

I guess you'd go and get a covid test. If it was negative it wouldn't be added to the figures and if it was positive it would.

Last year there was no test's for covid"

This is true but last year we were all blissfully unaware. Are you saying that covid 19 is no worse than a bad cold? In some cases it probably isn't. The reason it's taken more seriously is that for a lot of people it is MUCH worse than a bad cold and all the testing, restrictions and face to get a vaccine is to protect those people as far as possible.

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By *ustforfun49Man
over a year ago


"What do you get when you have a bad cold the same symptoms as the virus eg lose of taste and sence of smell a temperature and a cough.

I dont understand your point

Can you elaborate please?

If you get a cold or the flu you loose your sence of taste and smell last year I had a really bad cold could not smell or taste anything for a couple of weeks had a high temperature and a really bad cough and even got out of breath just walking up the stairs so if I got the same this year I would be worried thinking i got covid but last year I thought nothing of it.

I guess you'd go and get a covid test. If it was negative it wouldn't be added to the figures and if it was positive it would.

Last year there was no test's for covid

This is true but last year we were all blissfully unaware. Are you saying that covid 19 is no worse than a bad cold? In some cases it probably isn't. The reason it's taken more seriously is that for a lot of people it is MUCH worse than a bad cold and all the testing, restrictions and face to get a vaccine is to protect those people as far as possible."

No I'm not saying that I'm saying how many people last year had the symptoms of covid but thought nothing of it and just got on as normal and nothing happen.

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By *icecouple561Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

East Sussex

"What do you get when you have a bad cold the same symptoms as the virus eg lose of taste and sence of smell a temperature and a cough.

I dont understand your point

Can you elaborate please?

If you get a cold or the flu you loose your sence of taste and smell last year I had a really bad cold could not smell or taste anything for a couple of weeks had a high temperature and a really bad cough and even got out of breath just walking up the stairs so if I got the same this year I would be worried thinking i got covid but last year I thought nothing of it.

I guess you'd go and get a covid test. If it was negative it wouldn't be added to the figures and if it was positive it would.

Last year there was no test's for covid

This is true but last year we were all blissfully unaware. Are you saying that covid 19 is no worse than a bad cold? In some cases it probably isn't. The reason it's taken more seriously is that for a lot of people it is MUCH worse than a bad cold and all the testing, restrictions and face to get a vaccine is to protect those people as far as possible.

No I'm not saying that I'm saying how many people last year had the symptoms of covid but thought nothing of it and just got on as normal and nothing happen. "

I'm afraid I can't answer that question and I'm not really sure how it's relevant

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"This is where we are now with regards to covid. It is a virus that is sufficiently different to anything that most people have been exposed to before, that the immune system does not have any halfway decent starting point. So the virus can get more established in the body before the fight back even starts - it's like being in a running race where your opponent has a head start, and the race is going to continue until either you overtake him, or you drop. But the opponent is in front, and they keep grabbing the energy drinks leaving none for you. If you don't overtake very soon, you're going to get weaker, your opponent is going to get stronger... and then it's only a matter of time before you lose."

Very well put

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By *ools and the brainCouple
over a year ago

couple, us we him her.

"What do you get when you have a bad cold the same symptoms as the virus eg lose of taste and sence of smell a temperature and a cough.

I dont understand your point

Can you elaborate please?

If you get a cold or the flu you loose your sence of taste and smell last year I had a really bad cold could not smell or taste anything for a couple of weeks had a high temperature and a really bad cough and even got out of breath just walking up the stairs so if I got the same this year I would be worried thinking i got covid but last year I thought nothing of it.

I guess you'd go and get a covid test. If it was negative it wouldn't be added to the figures and if it was positive it would.

Last year there was no test's for covid

This is true but last year we were all blissfully unaware. Are you saying that covid 19 is no worse than a bad cold? In some cases it probably isn't. The reason it's taken more seriously is that for a lot of people it is MUCH worse than a bad cold and all the testing, restrictions and face to get a vaccine is to protect those people as far as possible.

No I'm not saying that I'm saying how many people last year had the symptoms of covid but thought nothing of it and just got on as normal and nothing happen. "

But it did happen, the virus continued to spread now we are in a global pandemic and 70,000 people are dead.

So it can't be ignored just because you only had mild symptoms!!

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By *ustforfun49Man
over a year ago


"What do you get when you have a bad cold the same symptoms as the virus eg lose of taste and sence of smell a temperature and a cough.

I dont understand your point

Can you elaborate please?

If you get a cold or the flu you loose your sence of taste and smell last year I had a really bad cold could not smell or taste anything for a couple of weeks had a high temperature and a really bad cough and even got out of breath just walking up the stairs so if I got the same this year I would be worried thinking i got covid but last year I thought nothing of it.

I guess you'd go and get a covid test. If it was negative it wouldn't be added to the figures and if it was positive it would.

Last year there was no test's for covid

This is true but last year we were all blissfully unaware. Are you saying that covid 19 is no worse than a bad cold? In some cases it probably isn't. The reason it's taken more seriously is that for a lot of people it is MUCH worse than a bad cold and all the testing, restrictions and face to get a vaccine is to protect those people as far as possible.

No I'm not saying that I'm saying how many people last year had the symptoms of covid but thought nothing of it and just got on as normal and nothing happen.

But it did happen, the virus continued to spread now we are in a global pandemic and 70,000 people are dead.

So it can't be ignored just because you only had mild symptoms!!"

Ok I give up

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By *ools and the brainCouple
over a year ago

couple, us we him her.

"What do you get when you have a bad cold the same symptoms as the virus eg lose of taste and sence of smell a temperature and a cough.

I dont understand your point

Can you elaborate please?

If you get a cold or the flu you loose your sence of taste and smell last year I had a really bad cold could not smell or taste anything for a couple of weeks had a high temperature and a really bad cough and even got out of breath just walking up the stairs so if I got the same this year I would be worried thinking i got covid but last year I thought nothing of it.

I guess you'd go and get a covid test. If it was negative it wouldn't be added to the figures and if it was positive it would.

Last year there was no test's for covid

This is true but last year we were all blissfully unaware. Are you saying that covid 19 is no worse than a bad cold? In some cases it probably isn't. The reason it's taken more seriously is that for a lot of people it is MUCH worse than a bad cold and all the testing, restrictions and face to get a vaccine is to protect those people as far as possible.

No I'm not saying that I'm saying how many people last year had the symptoms of covid but thought nothing of it and just got on as normal and nothing happen.

But it did happen, the virus continued to spread now we are in a global pandemic and 70,000 people are dead.

So it can't be ignored just because you only had mild symptoms!!

Ok I give up"

Me too

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By *tace 309TV/TS
over a year ago


"This virus isn't going to disappear anytime soon by the looks of things. All the reasons to be optimistic when the arrival of vaccines were announced now seem to have disappeared with the news of variants and MPs hinting at months of lockdown.

2021 may not be much different to 2020.

I've been saying this for months and got shot down in the forums for pessimism.

I couldn't understand why people were so excited at the prospect of a vaccine, as if that was the key to normality within months."

yes, you get shot down on here for being more real. They call you negative and have a, right go at you if you don't side, with them. Vaccine or not this wasn't going to miraculously disappear this year. Most virus take, around 2 years before they tend to ease off. 2021 will be a lot like, 2020. Face facts, you ain't going to be able to go out to play just yet. Yes, be optimistic just don't be stupid at the same time

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