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Taking away our freedom

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

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By *ering SeaMan
over a year ago


You can’t purchase winter clothing, or a birthday card but can purchase cigs and vodka.

People get paid vast sums to dream up this pish.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Consequences of people deciding to exercise their choice and choosing to do their own thing and not choosing to help restrict the spread.

As s result stronger measures need to be taken as the people weren't able. I see no issue. We've elected government to help up where we can't help ourselves.

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By *isaB45Woman
over a year ago


Is it taking away your freedom? Or is it trying to stop the spread of a deadly new disease, and keeping people safe?

Unfortunately some people just think about themselves and their civil rights, and not their civil responsibilities.

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By *rblue38Man
over a year ago


For me, I am marked as an extreme vunerable. I was not allowed out of my property from the 23rd March till the 1st August. That was a struggle. Then I here people struggle for two weeks.

To be honest this is going to be a norm until there is a vaccine. I think it's in our best interest to follow goverment guidelines. It's better to he alive than dead or to pass it on to someone more vulnerable like a older family member

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire

They're trying to stop people dying and the ICU beds being overwhelmed..

If you not being able to go into a shop and buy 'tableware etc' (which can be brought via online if there's an emergency) is you thinking your being controlled I suggest you recalibrate your perceptions..

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

They may take away our clothes shopping, but they'll never take our freedom!

- Albert Einstein

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

No, it doesn't make sense. The government are doing this because people are too stupid to follow simple guidelines.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this "

Why? Why do they want to ‘control our freedom’? Why do they want to impose a lockdown that will cost the economy billions? What is to be gained?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this "

I feel really sorry for business owners that are bearing the brunt of this never ending pile of misery. Your frustration must be mine 100 times over.

I know what will happen next. The next inevitable thing will be police on the border stopping and searching cars. Sad times. Hope you are OK.

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By *lem-H-FandangoMan
over a year ago


Welcome to a little taste of communism!

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By *he-Hosiery-GentMan
over a year ago

Older Hot Guy For 20’s-30’s Girls

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this "

You won’t get any sympathy on here. It’s full of Covidiots who are only too willing to buy into the fear & hysteria the government continue peddling to terrorise them into submission and compliance.

The ignorance, stupidity & lack of common sense is quite alarming really.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is it taking away your freedom? Or is it trying to stop the spread of a deadly new disease, and keeping people safe?

Unfortunately some people just think about themselves and their civil rights, and not their civil responsibilities."

Can't we do both any more ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

I feel really sorry for business owners that are bearing the brunt of this never ending pile of misery. Your frustration must be mine 100 times over.

I know what will happen next. The next inevitable thing will be police on the border stopping and searching cars. Sad times. Hope you are OK."

Why will the police do that? Do they have the resources to man the borders?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

For too long people have had a warped thinking of what freedom is with everything being so easy. Maybe a bit of a mind shift needs to take place and think what freedom really is, what personal choice means, it's responsibilities to go with it, it's impact and consequences. We crave for the social but desire the selfish.

Wake up people. This virus might have a massive long term positive impact on society as a whole if we chose to let it

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is it taking away your freedom? Or is it trying to stop the spread of a deadly new disease, and keeping people safe?

Unfortunately some people just think about themselves and their civil rights, and not their civil responsibilities.

Can't we do both any more ?"

Yes, it is our civil duty to protect ourselves and each other in a time of crisis,

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

They are testing the whole of the UK public, each lockdown they impose it will get that little bit tougher. They want to see how far, we as a nation can be pushed. The more we comply, the harder they will make it the next time until we either crack and all hell breaks loose or they literally own us. They will control every penny we spend. They will know where everyone is and who they're with. At first it was about the virus but now it's about control. They are literally buckling our country and all our ancestors caught war for. It sounded stupid at first but it really doesn't sound so stupid now. Sone day very soon somebody has to say "enough is enough". The virus is a real threat to those who are vulnerable. I'm all for protecting those people, they're all someone's loved one, I totally agree with it and get it but don't take our freedom away. Our kids schools, our jobs etc, something has got to give either way and it's going to very soon.

Just my opinion so please don't rant at me as we are all in this together.

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

You won’t get any sympathy on here. It’s full of Covidiots who are only too willing to buy into the fear & hysteria the government continue peddling to terrorise them into submission and compliance.

The ignorance, stupidity & lack of common sense is quite alarming really. "

You make no sense, why would a government want to destroy large parts of the very sectors that generate tax etc..

Btw it's the latter paragraph that has put us back here, the fuck you elderly and living with underlying health issues plus a poor response by this government in many areas..

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"They are testing the whole of the UK public, each lockdown they impose it will get that little bit tougher. They want to see how far, we as a nation can be pushed. The more we comply, the harder they will make it the next time until we either crack and all hell breaks loose or they literally own us. They will control every penny we spend. They will know where everyone is and who they're with. At first it was about the virus but now it's about control. They are literally buckling our country and all our ancestors caught war for. It sounded stupid at first but it really doesn't sound so stupid now. Sone day very soon somebody has to say "enough is enough". The virus is a real threat to those who are vulnerable. I'm all for protecting those people, they're all someone's loved one, I totally agree with it and get it but don't take our freedom away. Our kids schools, our jobs etc, something has got to give either way and it's going to very soon.

Just my opinion so please don't rant at me as we are all in this together. "

Why though? What is ‘their ‘ end game ?

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By *eddy and legsCouple
over a year ago

the wetlands

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this "

You should speak to someone about those feelings, it's really not healthy.

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

No, it doesn't make sense.

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By *teveanddebsCouple
over a year ago


"Is it taking away your freedom? Or is it trying to stop the spread of a deadly new disease, and keeping people safe?


A disease so deadly that you can catch it by walking within six feet of someone that has it yet needs a swab poked far enough down your throat to make you gag to detect it?

Can you not see just this one inconsistency?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire

"They are testing the whole of the UK public, each lockdown they impose it will get that little bit tougher. They want to see how far, we as a nation can be pushed. The more we comply, the harder they will make it the next time until we either crack and all hell breaks loose or they literally own us. They will control every penny we spend. They will know where everyone is and who they're with. At first it was about the virus but now it's about control. They are literally buckling our country and all our ancestors caught war for. It sounded stupid at first but it really doesn't sound so stupid now. Sone day very soon somebody has to say "enough is enough". The virus is a real threat to those who are vulnerable. I'm all for protecting those people, they're all someone's loved one, I totally agree with it and get it but don't take our freedom away. Our kids schools, our jobs etc, something has got to give either way and it's going to very soon.

Just my opinion so please don't rant at me as we are all in this together. "

It's not 1984..

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

You won’t get any sympathy on here. It’s full of Covidiots who are only too willing to buy into the fear & hysteria the government continue peddling to terrorise them into submission and compliance.

The ignorance, stupidity & lack of common sense is quite alarming really. "


Instead of constantly Negging as you do in other posts, why not contribute to the question asked in an respectful way towards others who may have a different opinion? Unless that's too difficult, then don't waste your breath on something that you don't like.

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By *ob198XaMan
over a year ago


We shouldn’t need a an enforced lockdown but people are not doing enough to avoid spreading the virus. If it is necessary to close none food retail it would be deeply unfair on those business to allow supermarkets to continue to sell those same none items.

Controlling the people is necessary for the well intended objective know as control of the virus. Nothing more, nothing less.

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By *ionelhutzMan
over a year ago


"They are testing the whole of the UK public, each lockdown they impose it will get that little bit tougher. They want to see how far, we as a nation can be pushed. The more we comply, the harder they will make it the next time until we either crack and all hell breaks loose or they literally own us. They will control every penny we spend. They will know where everyone is and who they're with. At first it was about the virus but now it's about control. They are literally buckling our country and all our ancestors caught war for. It sounded stupid at first but it really doesn't sound so stupid now. Sone day very soon somebody has to say "enough is enough". The virus is a real threat to those who are vulnerable. I'm all for protecting those people, they're all someone's loved one, I totally agree with it and get it but don't take our freedom away. Our kids schools, our jobs etc, something has got to give either way and it's going to very soon.

Just my opinion so please don't rant at me as we are all in this together.

Why though? What is ‘their ‘ end game ? "

That's where the theory falls down

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Is it taking away your freedom? Or is it trying to stop the spread of a deadly new disease, and keeping people safe?

A disease so deadly that you can catch it by walking within six feet of someone that has it yet needs a swab poked far enough down your throat to make you gag to detect it?

Can you not see just this one inconsistency?"

A disease so *infectious* that you can catch it within that distance.

A disease with serious health consequences, including unknown

A disease we want to make sure we're diagnosing correctly, so we require DNA testing.

Hope that helps.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Drakeford has only done it to try and be fair to other retailers who have been forced to shut

Why should Tesco, Asda etc be allowed to sell clothes when all other clothes shops have been forced to close, same with toys etc. I can see his logic.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"They are testing the whole of the UK public, each lockdown they impose it will get that little bit tougher. They want to see how far, we as a nation can be pushed. The more we comply, the harder they will make it the next time until we either crack and all hell breaks loose or they literally own us. They will control every penny we spend. They will know where everyone is and who they're with. At first it was about the virus but now it's about control. They are literally buckling our country and all our ancestors caught war for. It sounded stupid at first but it really doesn't sound so stupid now. Sone day very soon somebody has to say "enough is enough". The virus is a real threat to those who are vulnerable. I'm all for protecting those people, they're all someone's loved one, I totally agree with it and get it but don't take our freedom away. Our kids schools, our jobs etc, something has got to give either way and it's going to very soon.

Just my opinion so please don't rant at me as we are all in this together.

Why though? What is ‘their ‘ end game ?

That's where the theory falls down"

Stop the spread of a dangerous disease we don't know how to treat properly yet?

Or destroy the economy, piss people off, disrupt education for... Hmm dunno but *maniacal laughter*

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Drakeford has only done it to try and be fair to other retailers who have been forced to shut

Why should Tesco, Asda etc be allowed to sell clothes when all other clothes shops have been forced to close, same with toys etc. I can see his logic. "

Because they are massive and powerful and have a lot of say in government?

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

You should speak to someone about those feelings, it's really not healthy."

Like I said, it's just my opinion so don't rant at me. We are all entitled to our opinion !

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By * Plus ECouple
over a year ago

The South

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this "

I think your perception about have your freedoms taken away needs adjusting and your understanding of Covid 19, the way it spreads, the way it kills and debilitates people's lives, even when it doesn't kill them needs a major overhaul.

Attitude adjustment needed are my thoughts.


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

You should speak to someone about those feelings, it's really not healthy. Like I said, it's just my opinion so don't rant at me. We are all entitled to our opinion ! "

They gave you their thoughts, which is what you asked for.

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By *eavenscentitCouple
over a year ago


The virus will still be present when they allow people out of hiding. There is no telling restrictions will be lifted. Who the fuck decided what us essential ?

This is about controlling the peasants whilst, the rich and powerful do what they want.

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By *ty31Man
over a year ago

NW London

It makes no sense and it appears that the First Minister is on his own little power trip.

Luckily this "firebreak" is only for a short time (unless they decide to copy Scotland and extend it at will).

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By *ob198XaMan
over a year ago


"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

You won’t get any sympathy on here. It’s full of Covidiots who are only too willing to buy into the fear & hysteria the government continue peddling to terrorise them into submission and compliance.

The ignorance, stupidity & lack of common sense is quite alarming really. "

I thought those willing to buy into to the control the virus arguments of the government (and most governments around the work) are referred to as sheep by Covididiots and Covidiots is the term sheep use for those who are unwilling to comply... your switching of the terms now has me confused

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Drakeford has only done it to try and be fair to other retailers who have been forced to shut

Why should Tesco, Asda etc be allowed to sell clothes when all other clothes shops have been forced to close, same with toys etc. I can see his logic. "

They didn't impose this on the first national lockdown when all non essential closed so why now ?!

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By *he-Hosiery-GentMan
over a year ago

Older Hot Guy For 20’s-30’s Girls

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this "

As you’re seeing from the comments. Many people have been completely brainwashed

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)


This is about controlling the peasants whilst, the rich and powerful do what they want. "

... I think you'll find that the government have always done that

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By *lem-H-FandangoMan
over a year ago


"Is it taking away your freedom? Or is it trying to stop the spread of a deadly new disease, and keeping people safe?

A disease so "deadly" that you can catch it by walking within six feet of someone that has it yet needs a swab poked far enough down your throat to make you gag to detect it?

Can you not see just this one inconsistency?"


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By *ookMan
over a year ago


My personal opinion is... common sense applies... if someone is buying 300 toilet rolls or the usual hoarded items, pills, pasta, etc then no no no! But anything else should be allowed now from a retail perspective. Stopping people buying from the middle of Lidl or Aldi etc is madness... even better idea use the local shops. If we all made a small Local purchase rather than buying online from amazon it would Solve many problems.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Drakeford has only done it to try and be fair to other retailers who have been forced to shut

Why should Tesco, Asda etc be allowed to sell clothes when all other clothes shops have been forced to close, same with toys etc. I can see his logic.

Because they are massive and powerful and have a lot of say in government?"

Well they've been stopped from selling such items so can't be that powerful

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

I think your perception about have your freedoms taken away needs adjusting and your understanding of Covid 19, the way it spreads, the way it kills and debilitates people's lives, even when it doesn't kill them needs a major overhaul.

Attitude adjustment needed are my thoughts.


I'm entitled to my opinion just as you're entitled to yours!

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By *lem-H-FandangoMan
over a year ago


Should waitrose close? Can over priced goods ever be considered "essential"?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Should waitrose close? Can over priced goods ever be considered "essential"? "

No and yes

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

I think your perception about have your freedoms taken away needs adjusting and your understanding of Covid 19, the way it spreads, the way it kills and debilitates people's lives, even when it doesn't kill them needs a major overhaul.

Attitude adjustment needed are my thoughts.

E I'm entitled to my opinion just as you're entitled to yours! "

... And we're not stopping you stating your opinion. We're stating ours.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Drakeford has only done it to try and be fair to other retailers who have been forced to shut

Why should Tesco, Asda etc be allowed to sell clothes when all other clothes shops have been forced to close, same with toys etc. I can see his logic. They didn't impose this on the first national lockdown when all non essential closed so why now ?! "

Non essential retailers were closed for months last time

This is 17 days

I'm not saying I agree with it I can just see what he is trying to do. I can manage 17 days without buying new clothes, or kitchen ware or books etc

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

As you’re seeing from the comments. Many people have been completely brainwashed "

I was simply expressing my opinion which of course we are all entitled to do... don't want a rant over this !!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ionelhutzMan
over a year ago


"Drakeford has only done it to try and be fair to other retailers who have been forced to shut

Why should Tesco, Asda etc be allowed to sell clothes when all other clothes shops have been forced to close, same with toys etc. I can see his logic. "

Its the same with pubs

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By *ob198XaMan
over a year ago


"The virus will still be present when they allow people out of hiding. There is no telling restrictions will be lifted. Who the fuck decided what us essential ?

This is about controlling the peasants whilst, the rich and powerful do what they want. "

Control for the sake of control, in a democracy? Really. Surely no better way to get unelected!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Drakeford has only done it to try and be fair to other retailers who have been forced to shut

Why should Tesco, Asda etc be allowed to sell clothes when all other clothes shops have been forced to close, same with toys etc. I can see his logic. They didn't impose this on the first national lockdown when all non essential closed so why now ?!

Non essential retailers were closed for months last time

This is 17 days

I'm not saying I agree with it I can just see what he is trying to do. I can manage 17 days without buying new clothes, or kitchen ware or books etc"

I'm trying to think. I'm not sure I've been inside what was/is a non essential retailer since March.

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

As you’re seeing from the comments. Many people have been completely brainwashed I was simply expressing my opinion which of course we are all entitled to do... don't want a rant over this !!!"

You've called one sentence replies rants.

Do you not believe that people who believe differently to you are allowed to express their views?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"They are testing the whole of the UK public, each lockdown they impose it will get that little bit tougher. They want to see how far, we as a nation can be pushed. The more we comply, the harder they will make it the next time until we either crack and all hell breaks loose or they literally own us. They will control every penny we spend. They will know where everyone is and who they're with. At first it was about the virus but now it's about control. They are literally buckling our country and all our ancestors caught war for. It sounded stupid at first but it really doesn't sound so stupid now. Sone day very soon somebody has to say "enough is enough". The virus is a real threat to those who are vulnerable. I'm all for protecting those people, they're all someone's loved one, I totally agree with it and get it but don't take our freedom away. Our kids schools, our jobs etc, something has got to give either way and it's going to very soon.

Just my opinion so please don't rant at me as we are all in this together. "

I hear you and genuinely feel the fear but maybe, just maybe things have suddenly got too much and the fears are taking over and a sense of rational has been displace.

Just on a couple issues you mention.

The government already know where you are. Your address and poste code.

Schools. I don't believe that the kids will suffer as much as many people are trying to suggest. Education is far broader than sitting in a classroom, being managed half the day and teaching the other half.

Government wouldnt be wiping out their own economy just to control the masses. They have far easier and better ways of doing that.

It's still all about the virus and yes they are needing to get the naughty people in line now to help and curb the spread and as a result we all have to comply.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *lem-H-FandangoMan
over a year ago


Seems the Welsh and Scottish administrations have "short man" syndrome.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eavenscentitCouple
over a year ago


"Drakeford has only done it to try and be fair to other retailers who have been forced to shut

Why should Tesco, Asda etc be allowed to sell clothes when all other clothes shops have been forced to close, same with toys etc. I can see his logic. They didn't impose this on the first national lockdown when all non essential closed so why now ?!

Non essential retailers were closed for months last time

This is 17 days

I'm not saying I agree with it I can just see what he is trying to do. I can manage 17 days without buying new clothes, or kitchen ware or books etc"

Then another 17days then another.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *lem-H-FandangoMan
over a year ago


Good excuse to raid pension funds to get some cash back though. Yet another "temporary" measure im sure....

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Drakeford has only done it to try and be fair to other retailers who have been forced to shut

Why should Tesco, Asda etc be allowed to sell clothes when all other clothes shops have been forced to close, same with toys etc. I can see his logic. They didn't impose this on the first national lockdown when all non essential closed so why now ?!

Non essential retailers were closed for months last time

This is 17 days

I'm not saying I agree with it I can just see what he is trying to do. I can manage 17 days without buying new clothes, or kitchen ware or books etc"

And if people were to see the whole picture, these stores have removed all non essentials from their shelves and stockiNg the shelves up with essentials.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Drakeford has only done it to try and be fair to other retailers who have been forced to shut

Why should Tesco, Asda etc be allowed to sell clothes when all other clothes shops have been forced to close, same with toys etc. I can see his logic. They didn't impose this on the first national lockdown when all non essential closed so why now ?!

Non essential retailers were closed for months last time

This is 17 days

I'm not saying I agree with it I can just see what he is trying to do. I can manage 17 days without buying new clothes, or kitchen ware or books etc

Then another 17days then another."

Only if a) the virus doesn't get under control, b) you believe this is some conspiracy or c) you're unable to order online.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ickthelick2001Man
over a year ago


I'm not sure if you are aware, but as from 9 November, when the so called firebreak ends, "A new set of national rules will be introduced, covering how people can meet and how the public sector and businesses operate" and that's on the welsh gov website,

Looks like Scotland will be next and then England. Looks very very bad in my opinion

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

As you’re seeing from the comments. Many people have been completely brainwashed I was simply expressing my opinion which of course we are all entitled to do... don't want a rant over this !!!

You've called one sentence replies rants.

Do you not believe that people who believe differently to you are allowed to express their views?"

Like I said, we are all entitled to our opinion and to express what we believe but the more I hear about this the more it makes complete sense.

Unfortunately there are a lot of "brainwashed" people about!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eavenscentitCouple
over a year ago


"Drakeford has only done it to try and be fair to other retailers who have been forced to shut

Why should Tesco, Asda etc be allowed to sell clothes when all other clothes shops have been forced to close, same with toys etc. I can see his logic. They didn't impose this on the first national lockdown when all non essential closed so why now ?!

Non essential retailers were closed for months last time

This is 17 days

I'm not saying I agree with it I can just see what he is trying to do. I can manage 17 days without buying new clothes, or kitchen ware or books etc

Then another 17days then another.

Only if a) the virus doesn't get under control, b) you believe this is some conspiracy or c) you're unable to order online."

It's never going to be under control, that's the point. It's a virus

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"I'm not sure if you are aware, but as from 9 November, when the so called firebreak ends, "A new set of national rules will be introduced, covering how people can meet and how the public sector and businesses operate" and that's on the welsh gov website,

Looks like Scotland will be next and then England. Looks very very bad in my opinion"

The wording makes it sound like they're looking at a consistent national system after the firebreak.

Of course, it could be that the inferno is engulfing us all and at least the Welsh government are brave enough to take action.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

As you’re seeing from the comments. Many people have been completely brainwashed I was simply expressing my opinion which of course we are all entitled to do... don't want a rant over this !!!

You've called one sentence replies rants.

Do you not believe that people who believe differently to you are allowed to express their views? Like I said, we are all entitled to our opinion and to express what we believe but the more I hear about this the more it makes complete sense.

Unfortunately there are a lot of "brainwashed" people about!"

What makes sense? That the government are inflicting costly restrictions on the nation in order to ‘control them’ ? Why ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *lem-H-FandangoMan
over a year ago


The message really is buy online, let the shops close. Work from home, let the pubs and restaurants close, and stop socialising. Because 1% of the population (who are already very ill) might die.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ickthelick2001Man
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Drakeford has only done it to try and be fair to other retailers who have been forced to shut

Why should Tesco, Asda etc be allowed to sell clothes when all other clothes shops have been forced to close, same with toys etc. I can see his logic. They didn't impose this on the first national lockdown when all non essential closed so why now ?!

Non essential retailers were closed for months last time

This is 17 days

I'm not saying I agree with it I can just see what he is trying to do. I can manage 17 days without buying new clothes, or kitchen ware or books etc

Then another 17days then another.

Only if a) the virus doesn't get under control, b) you believe this is some conspiracy or c) you're unable to order online.

It's never going to be under control, that's the point. It's a virus"

Yes that's clearly the case. I'm sure we all know children who've died of the virus smallpox or been personally confronted by children paralysed by polio. Measles rips through all the time.

No, viruses can never be controlled.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Good excuse to raid pension funds to get some cash back though. Yet another "temporary" measure im sure.... "

No it isn’t

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *teveanddebsCouple
over a year ago



A disease we want to make sure we're diagnosing correctly, so we require DNA testing.


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *lem-H-FandangoMan
over a year ago


"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

As you’re seeing from the comments. Many people have been completely brainwashed I was simply expressing my opinion which of course we are all entitled to do... don't want a rant over this !!!

You've called one sentence replies rants.

Do you not believe that people who believe differently to you are allowed to express their views? Like I said, we are all entitled to our opinion and to express what we believe but the more I hear about this the more it makes complete sense.

Unfortunately there are a lot of "brainwashed" people about!

What makes sense? That the government are inflicting costly restrictions on the nation in order to ‘control them’ ? Why ? "

Did boris tell the Welsh to do this? Did boris tell Scottish pubs to stop selling alcohol?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"For me, I am marked as an extreme vunerable. I was not allowed out of my property from the 23rd March till the 1st August. That was a struggle. Then I here people struggle for two weeks.

To be honest this is going to be a norm until there is a vaccine. I think it's in our best interest to follow goverment guidelines. It's better to he alive than dead or to pass it on to someone more vulnerable like a older family member"

Some people would happily lock all the vulnerable people up forever just so they are free to fuck around, get pissed in public and buy more clothes they don't need.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *lem-H-FandangoMan
over a year ago



A disease we want to make sure we're diagnosing correctly, so we require DNA testing.


DNA collection.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *lem-H-FandangoMan
over a year ago


"For me, I am marked as an extreme vunerable. I was not allowed out of my property from the 23rd March till the 1st August. That was a struggle. Then I here people struggle for two weeks.

To be honest this is going to be a norm until there is a vaccine. I think it's in our best interest to follow goverment guidelines. It's better to he alive than dead or to pass it on to someone more vulnerable like a older family member

Some people would happily lock all the vulnerable people up forever just so they are free to fuck around, get pissed in public and buy more clothes they don't need. "

Better we're all locked away i guess...

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The message really is buy online, let the shops close. Work from home, let the pubs and restaurants close, and stop socialising. Because 1% of the population (who are already very ill) might die. "

The alternative is a world wide conspiracy to ‘control’ the world ? Who is in charge ? Is it the lizard kings ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

As you’re seeing from the comments. Many people have been completely brainwashed I was simply expressing my opinion which of course we are all entitled to do... don't want a rant over this !!!

You've called one sentence replies rants.

Do you not believe that people who believe differently to you are allowed to express their views? Like I said, we are all entitled to our opinion and to express what we believe but the more I hear about this the more it makes complete sense.

Unfortunately there are a lot of "brainwashed" people about!

What makes sense? That the government are inflicting costly restrictions on the nation in order to ‘control them’ ? Why ?

Did boris tell the Welsh to do this? Did boris tell Scottish pubs to stop selling alcohol?"

Wales has a government and Wales is a nation. Hope this helps.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

As you’re seeing from the comments. Many people have been completely brainwashed I was simply expressing my opinion which of course we are all entitled to do... don't want a rant over this !!!

You've called one sentence replies rants.

Do you not believe that people who believe differently to you are allowed to express their views? Like I said, we are all entitled to our opinion and to express what we believe but the more I hear about this the more it makes complete sense.

Unfortunately there are a lot of "brainwashed" people about!

What makes sense? That the government are inflicting costly restrictions on the nation in order to ‘control them’ ? Why ?

Did boris tell the Welsh to do this? Did boris tell Scottish pubs to stop selling alcohol?"

Who did tell them? Who is in charge of this world wide conspiracy to control the world? Who are ‘they’ and what are they trying to achieve .

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *osweet69Couple
over a year ago


"Is it taking away your freedom? Or is it trying to stop the spread of a deadly new disease, and keeping people safe?

A disease so deadly that you can catch it by walking within six feet of someone that has it yet needs a swab poked far enough down your throat to make you gag to detect it?

Can you not see just this one inconsistency?"

There are none as blind as those that can see.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"The message really is buy online, let the shops close. Work from home, let the pubs and restaurants close, and stop socialising. Because 1% of the population (who are already very ill) might die.

The alternative is a world wide conspiracy to ‘control’ the world ? Who is in charge ? Is it the lizard kings ? "

I wanna do what I want and if I can't *they* are out to get me. It doesn't matter that no rationale can be found for this or the evidence that it's for virus suppression is clear

The truth is out there sheeple and we need to loose our chains!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eddy and legsCouple
over a year ago

the wetlands

"Is it taking away your freedom? Or is it trying to stop the spread of a deadly new disease, and keeping people safe?

A disease so deadly that you can catch it by walking within six feet of someone that has it yet needs a swab poked far enough down your throat to make you gag to detect it?

Can you not see just this one inconsistency?"

Absolutely not, why would we ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)


A disease we want to make sure we're diagnosing correctly, so we require DNA testing.

DNA collection. "

Oh. It's RNA I remember. My bad.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eavenscentitCouple
over a year ago


"The message really is buy online, let the shops close. Work from home, let the pubs and restaurants close, and stop socialising. Because 1% of the population (who are already very ill) might die.

The alternative is a world wide conspiracy to ‘control’ the world ? Who is in charge ? Is it the lizard kings ? "

The same group that are always in charge.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *he-Hosiery-GentMan
over a year ago

Older Hot Guy For 20’s-30’s Girls

“There are two types of people. Those who think the government is looking after their best interests and those that think”.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The message really is buy online, let the shops close. Work from home, let the pubs and restaurants close, and stop socialising. Because 1% of the population (who are already very ill) might die.

The alternative is a world wide conspiracy to ‘control’ the world ? Who is in charge ? Is it the lizard kings ?

The same group that are always in charge. "

Who are they , come on, enlighten us

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"“There are two types of people. Those who think the government is looking after their best interests and those that think”."

Haha, are you upset because the supermarkets have stopped selling tin foil

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *teveanddebsCouple
over a year ago



What makes sense? That the government are inflicting costly restrictions on the nation in order to ‘control them’ ? Why ? "

Do you really think that MPs will suffer in the same way that we plebs will?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *moothman2000Man
over a year ago


"Who is in charge of this world wide conspiracy to control the world? Who are ‘they’ and what are they trying to achieve . "

You'll never get a sane answer to an insane question.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)


What makes sense? That the government are inflicting costly restrictions on the nation in order to ‘control them’ ? Why ?

Do you really think that MPs will suffer in the same way that we plebs will?


No. But they never do.

Doesn't mean that this isn't real.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eddy and legsCouple
over a year ago

the wetlands


A disease we want to make sure we're diagnosing correctly, so we require DNA testing.

DNA collection.

Oh. It's RNA I remember. My bad."

What point are you trying to make there anyway ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *moothman2000Man
over a year ago


"“There are two types of people. Those who think the government is looking after their best interests and those that think”."

Obviously not.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

You won’t get any sympathy on here. It’s full of Covidiots who are only too willing to buy into the fear & hysteria the government continue peddling to terrorise them into submission and compliance.

The ignorance, stupidity & lack of common sense is quite alarming really.

You make no sense, why would a government want to destroy large parts of the very sectors that generate tax etc..

Btw it's the latter paragraph that has put us back here, the fuck you elderly and living with underlying health issues plus a poor response by this government in many areas.."

I'm not particularly bothered as shopping isn't my thing. However I'm not quite sure how someone picking up a blouse equates to fuck the elderly and those with underlying conditions.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


What makes sense? That the government are inflicting costly restrictions on the nation in order to ‘control them’ ? Why ?

Do you really think that MPs will suffer in the same way that we plebs will?


No, and they never have , that doesn’t explain why they are choosing to crash the economy in order to control the world

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eavenscentitCouple
over a year ago


"The message really is buy online, let the shops close. Work from home, let the pubs and restaurants close, and stop socialising. Because 1% of the population (who are already very ill) might die.

The alternative is a world wide conspiracy to ‘control’ the world ? Who is in charge ? Is it the lizard kings ?

The same group that are always in charge.

Who are they , come on, enlighten us "

Those with money and power. In this Country mainly public school boys.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *teveanddebsCouple
over a year ago


"“There are two types of people. Those who think the government is looking after their best interests and those that think”."

When has anyone in parliament ever cared about anyone but themselves.

Martin Bell being the exception to the norm.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"“There are two types of people. Those who think the government is looking after their best interests and those that think”."

There are people who find quotes to simplify things and those who understand nuance and complexity.

I have no love for the UK government. Never have. When they were doing what seemed to be the best thing supported by evidence I supported them. Because this isn't a yes/no question, they aren't a rival football team.

I don't care who brings us the answers and the way to bring this disease under control. As long as it's done and the disease burden is reduced.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The message really is buy online, let the shops close. Work from home, let the pubs and restaurants close, and stop socialising. Because 1% of the population (who are already very ill) might die.

The alternative is a world wide conspiracy to ‘control’ the world ? Who is in charge ? Is it the lizard kings ?

The same group that are always in charge.

Who are they , come on, enlighten us

Those with money and power. In this Country mainly public school boys."

Public school boys have nearly always been in charge of the country that doesn’t explain how they have managed to create a world wide conspiracy ??

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eavenscentitCouple
over a year ago


"The message really is buy online, let the shops close. Work from home, let the pubs and restaurants close, and stop socialising. Because 1% of the population (who are already very ill) might die.

The alternative is a world wide conspiracy to ‘control’ the world ? Who is in charge ? Is it the lizard kings ?

The same group that are always in charge.

Who are they , come on, enlighten us

Those with money and power. In this Country mainly public school boys.

Public school boys have nearly always been in charge of the country that doesn’t explain how they have managed to create a world wide conspiracy ??"

Personally, I'm not talking about conspiracy theories. I answered your question put to me.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *uttyjonnMan
over a year ago


I don't believe all decisions are based on saving lives, they would not spend this sort of money on cancer / dementia etc deaths or feeding children

I think there is too much politics at play and egos on power trips are behind many decisions being made, e.g. we are willing to go into lockdown if you give us enough money.

There are political agendas behind the scenes which is seen by politicians making decisions and then ignoring the rules, they don't really believe in them.

Also I don't believe all data is in the public domain, we are being fed small amounts of data to support decisions being made

And yes I know the virus is real and agree we need to change our social attitudes to stop the spread

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)


A disease we want to make sure we're diagnosing correctly, so we require DNA testing.

DNA collection.

Oh. It's RNA I remember. My bad.

What point are you trying to make there anyway ?"

In the original post I was replying to the notion that "the disease is spread by close contact but is tested for by invasive measures, isn't that ridiculous" (along those lines).

It is spread by respiratory droplets and thus close contact. But the accepted form of test (rightly or wrongly) requires an amount of genetic material and thus requires a deep swab. We're testing that specifically to make sure it is this particular disease, with a higher level of certainty.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"I don't believe all decisions are based on saving lives, they would not spend this sort of money on cancer / dementia etc deaths or feeding children

I think there is too much politics at play and egos on power trips are behind many decisions being made, e.g. we are willing to go into lockdown if you give us enough money.

There are political agendas behind the scenes which is seen by politicians making decisions and then ignoring the rules, they don't really believe in them.

Also I don't believe all data is in the public domain, we are being fed small amounts of data to support decisions being made

And yes I know the virus is real and agree we need to change our social attitudes to stop the spread"

Decisions are always a balance between competing priorities.

No, not all the data is being given. A lot is out there if you go looking.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ensualguy70TV/TS
over a year ago


"No, it doesn't make sense. The government are doing this because people are too stupid to follow simple guidelines."

I take it you were not referring to Cummings or Calderwood there????

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The message really is buy online, let the shops close. Work from home, let the pubs and restaurants close, and stop socialising. Because 1% of the population (who are already very ill) might die.

The alternative is a world wide conspiracy to ‘control’ the world ? Who is in charge ? Is it the lizard kings ?

The same group that are always in charge.

Who are they , come on, enlighten us

Those with money and power. In this Country mainly public school boys.

Public school boys have nearly always been in charge of the country that doesn’t explain how they have managed to create a world wide conspiracy ??

Personally, I'm not talking about conspiracy theories. I answered your question put to me."

And I agreed, do you think the government are imposing costly restrictions on the public in order to ‘control’ them

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ob198XaMan
over a year ago


"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

As you’re seeing from the comments. Many people have been completely brainwashed I was simply expressing my opinion which of course we are all entitled to do... don't want a rant over this !!!

You've called one sentence replies rants.

Do you not believe that people who believe differently to you are allowed to express their views? Like I said, we are all entitled to our opinion and to express what we believe but the more I hear about this the more it makes complete sense.

Unfortunately there are a lot of "brainwashed" people about!"

On both sides of the debate...

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *moothman2000Man
over a year ago



The alternative is a world wide conspiracy to ‘control’ the world ? Who is in charge ? Is it the lizard kings ?

The same group that are always in charge.

Who are they , come on, enlighten us

Those with money and power. In this Country mainly public school boys."

Oh right.

So it's a bunch of kids wearing silly hats that are behind this...

How does making it marginally awkward for Susan to buy a toaster feed into this plan for world domination?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eddy and legsCouple
over a year ago

the wetlands

I'd have thought countries like Russia had already pretty good control over their people

Very strange then that they are taking part of this world fraud ?

Even N Korea is getting in on the act

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *mmabluTV/TS
over a year ago

upton wirral

"Is it taking away your freedom? Or is it trying to stop the spread of a deadly new disease, and keeping people safe?

Unfortunately some people just think about themselves and their civil rights, and not their civil responsibilities."

Very true,it is about trying to preserve are freedoms in the long run

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"I'd have thought countries like Russia had already pretty good control over their people

Very strange then that they are taking part of this world fraud ?

Even N Korea is getting in on the act"

But but but...

You're all sheeple!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *mmabluTV/TS
over a year ago

upton wirral


The alternative is a world wide conspiracy to ‘control’ the world ? Who is in charge ? Is it the lizard kings ?

The same group that are always in charge.

Who are they , come on, enlighten us

Those with money and power. In this Country mainly public school boys.

Oh right.

So it's a bunch of kids wearing silly hats that are behind this...

How does making it marginally awkward for Susan to buy a toaster feed into this plan for world domination?


What stops Susan buying a toaster?You can get them in the supermarket,online etc

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *pursChick aka ShortieWoman
over a year ago

On a mooch

Most of the things you can now get online and delivered, so personally I don’t see a problem with it, e Cory fir those businesses that have had to unfortunately close for a couple of weeks

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


The alternative is a world wide conspiracy to ‘control’ the world ? Who is in charge ? Is it the lizard kings ?

The same group that are always in charge.

Who are they , come on, enlighten us

Those with money and power. In this Country mainly public school boys.

Oh right.

So it's a bunch of kids wearing silly hats that are behind this...

How does making it marginally awkward for Susan to buy a toaster feed into this plan for world domination?

What stops Susan buying a toaster?You can get them in the supermarket,online etc"

She doesnt like toast

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ob198XaMan
over a year ago



What makes sense? That the government are inflicting costly restrictions on the nation in order to ‘control them’ ? Why ?

Do you really think that MPs will suffer in the same way that we plebs will?

No. But they never do.

Doesn't mean that this isn't real."

We have 650 MPs, they are not all elites sitting on mega fortunes, many are fairly ordinary middle class people, many if unseated from parliament return to being plebs like the rest of us. All have parents, siblings, offspring and friends who are plebs like the rest of us. So yes in the wider picture most MPs stand to suffer just the same as any average member of society! Becoming an MP doesn’t put you in a protective bubble for life, immune to the challenges we all face!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)


What makes sense? That the government are inflicting costly restrictions on the nation in order to ‘control them’ ? Why ?

Do you really think that MPs will suffer in the same way that we plebs will?

No. But they never do.

Doesn't mean that this isn't real.

We have 650 MPs, they are not all elites sitting on mega fortunes, many are fairly ordinary middle class people, many if unseated from parliament return to being plebs like the rest of us. All have parents, siblings, offspring and friends who are plebs like the rest of us. So yes in the wider picture most MPs stand to suffer just the same as any average member of society! Becoming an MP doesn’t put you in a protective bubble for life, immune to the challenges we all face!"


While they're MPs they'll do better than most of us.

The rich will always be able to insulate themselves better than those who aren't.

But "they'll be fine, so this is fake and oppression" is nonsense on stilts.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eddy and legsCouple
over a year ago

the wetlands


What makes sense? That the government are inflicting costly restrictions on the nation in order to ‘control them’ ? Why ?

Do you really think that MPs will suffer in the same way that we plebs will?

No. But they never do.

Doesn't mean that this isn't real.

We have 650 MPs, they are not all elites sitting on mega fortunes, many are fairly ordinary middle class people, many if unseated from parliament return to being plebs like the rest of us. All have parents, siblings, offspring and friends who are plebs like the rest of us. So yes in the wider picture most MPs stand to suffer just the same as any average member of society! Becoming an MP doesn’t put you in a protective bubble for life, immune to the challenges we all face!


While they're MPs they'll do better than most of us.

The rich will always be able to insulate themselves better than those who aren't.

But "they'll be fine, so this is fake and oppression" is nonsense on stilts."

Boris didn't do too well insulating himself.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Has Wales got it's own special scientists, that have advised Drakeford you need to lock down or something or has he made a political judgement that this needs to be done ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)


What makes sense? That the government are inflicting costly restrictions on the nation in order to ‘control them’ ? Why ?

Do you really think that MPs will suffer in the same way that we plebs will?

No. But they never do.

Doesn't mean that this isn't real.

We have 650 MPs, they are not all elites sitting on mega fortunes, many are fairly ordinary middle class people, many if unseated from parliament return to being plebs like the rest of us. All have parents, siblings, offspring and friends who are plebs like the rest of us. So yes in the wider picture most MPs stand to suffer just the same as any average member of society! Becoming an MP doesn’t put you in a protective bubble for life, immune to the challenges we all face!


While they're MPs they'll do better than most of us.

The rich will always be able to insulate themselves better than those who aren't.

But "they'll be fine, so this is fake and oppression" is nonsense on stilts.

Boris didn't do too well insulating himself."

Indeed not. But he had the resources to, he just didn't.

He stood a better chance of avoiding than most.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire


What makes sense? That the government are inflicting costly restrictions on the nation in order to ‘control them’ ? Why ?

Do you really think that MPs will suffer in the same way that we plebs will?

No. But they never do.

Doesn't mean that this isn't real.

We have 650 MPs, they are not all elites sitting on mega fortunes, many are fairly ordinary middle class people, many if unseated from parliament return to being plebs like the rest of us. All have parents, siblings, offspring and friends who are plebs like the rest of us. So yes in the wider picture most MPs stand to suffer just the same as any average member of society! Becoming an MP doesn’t put you in a protective bubble for life, immune to the challenges we all face!


While they're MPs they'll do better than most of us.

The rich will always be able to insulate themselves better than those who aren't.

But "they'll be fine, so this is fake and oppression" is nonsense on stilts.

Boris didn't do too well insulating himself."

Can't help stupid..

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ob198XaMan
over a year ago



Boris didn't do too well insulating himself."

How long until the first “but Boris faked it” response to this

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Has Wales got it's own special scientists, that have advised Drakeford you need to lock down or something or has he made a political judgement that this needs to be done ?"

He made a political judgement, same as the UK government are making the political decision not to impose a short lockdown, which their scientists have been calling for for a month.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this "


well with your added idiocy, we are where we are.

I want everything opened up, I want my 'normal' life back again.

but it IS proven we are a small nation of idiots.


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eddy and legsCouple
over a year ago

the wetlands


Boris didn't do too well insulating himself.

How long until the first “but Boris faked it” response to this "

At least he had the decency to take a few days off unlike Mr Trump

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"I want everything opened up, I want my 'normal' life back again"

Me too. When it's safe.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire

"I want everything opened up, I want my 'normal' life back again

Me too. When it's safe."


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Has Wales got it's own special scientists, that have advised Drakeford you need to lock down or something or has he made a political judgement that this needs to be done ?

He made a political judgement, same as the UK government are making the political decision not to impose a short lockdown, which their scientists have been calling for for a month."

He would also have taken guidance from TAC

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Has Wales got it's own special scientists, that have advised Drakeford you need to lock down or something or has he made a political judgement that this needs to be done ?"

TAC provide guidance to the WAG in cases of national emergency such as this

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Has Wales got it's own special scientists, that have advised Drakeford you need to lock down or something or has he made a political judgement that this needs to be done ?

TAC provide guidance to the WAG in cases of national emergency such as this"

I think some people think "politicians make different decisions therefore the science isn't clear"

The scientific consensus over the bare minimum facts is pretty robust at this stage. But politicians make decisions for political reasons, which don't always correlate with science. Look at Trump going "oooh Biden will listen to the scientists if he's elected!" (Biden's response was... Well yeah)

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ed VoluptaWoman
over a year ago


"For me, I am marked as an extreme vunerable. I was not allowed out of my property from the 23rd March till the 1st August. That was a struggle. Then I here people struggle for two weeks.

To be honest this is going to be a norm until there is a vaccine. I think it's in our best interest to follow goverment guidelines. It's better to he alive than dead or to pass it on to someone more vulnerable like a older family member

Some people would happily lock all the vulnerable people up forever just so they are free to fuck around, get pissed in public and buy more clothes they don't need. "

Some people will always be selfish. This virus situation is making it a lot easier to spot them

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"OP wants to talk about freedoms:

wear a mask in public,dont visit other households.

IF this 'mysterious they' really wanted to 'control' us, they'd fucking do a better job and be more 'chynaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' like.


Find the other. Suppress them because "we" hate them and they don't deserve rights.

Oh. This group are also other. Ditto.

Asylum seekers, prisoners, people on welfare, the working poor, foreigners, etc.

Expand as necessary. Remove human rights protections.

Oh... Did I describe a thing that's happening in the UK? Nothing to do with the virus? Oh. So I did.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *s Fussy BiatchWoman
over a year ago

somewhere along the fylde

"They are testing the whole of the UK public, each lockdown they impose it will get that little bit tougher. They want to see how far, we as a nation can be pushed. The more we comply, the harder they will make it the next time until we either crack and all hell breaks loose or they literally own us. They will control every penny we spend. They will know where everyone is and who they're with. At first it was about the virus but now it's about control. They are literally buckling our country and all our ancestors caught war for. It sounded stupid at first but it really doesn't sound so stupid now. Sone day very soon somebody has to say "enough is enough". The virus is a real threat to those who are vulnerable. I'm all for protecting those people, they're all someone's loved one, I totally agree with it and get it but don't take our freedom away. Our kids schools, our jobs etc, something has got to give either way and it's going to very soon.

Just my opinion so please don't rant at me as we are all in this together. "

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

I think your perception about have your freedoms taken away needs adjusting and your understanding of Covid 19, the way it spreads, the way it kills and debilitates people's lives, even when it doesn't kill them needs a major overhaul.

Attitude adjustment needed are my thoughts.


Maybe their perception is perfectly spot on why should they adjust their attitude just because it doesnt toe the party line. People can be so sanctimonious to anyone that questions anything. Life is pretty dangerous and there are any number of things out there that of they dont outright kill us will make life damn hard.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *tephanjMan
over a year ago


I'm glad I don't live in Wales or any area with tier 3 restrictions. I do think the Welsh assembly have gone to far banning stuff being sold in supermarkets,maybe a lot of them own small businesses and can't get any help from handouts so they thought they would stop everyone else getting money and possibly saving jobs

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *he-Hosiery-GentMan
over a year ago

Older Hot Guy For 20’s-30’s Girls

"I'm glad I don't live in Wales or any area with tier 3 restrictions. I do think the Welsh assembly have gone to far banning stuff being sold in supermarkets,maybe a lot of them own small businesses and can't get any help from handouts so they thought they would stop everyone else getting money and possibly saving jobs"

Everywhere will be in 3 before long. And once in it, it’ll be months before you’re out of it.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm glad I don't live in Wales or any area with tier 3 restrictions. I do think the Welsh assembly have gone to far banning stuff being sold in supermarkets,maybe a lot of them own small businesses and can't get any help from handouts so they thought they would stop everyone else getting money and possibly saving jobs

Everywhere will be in 3 before long. And once in it, it’ll be months before you’re out of it. "

If that is the case and it is based on data, is that a bad thing?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

You won’t get any sympathy on here. It’s full of Covidiots who are only too willing to buy into the fear & hysteria the government continue peddling to terrorise them into submission and compliance.

The ignorance, stupidity & lack of common sense is quite alarming really. "

Fab is full of these Covidiots.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ostafunMan
over a year ago

near ipswich

"They are testing the whole of the UK public, each lockdown they impose it will get that little bit tougher. They want to see how far, we as a nation can be pushed. The more we comply, the harder they will make it the next time until we either crack and all hell breaks loose or they literally own us. They will control every penny we spend. They will know where everyone is and who they're with. At first it was about the virus but now it's about control. They are literally buckling our country and all our ancestors caught war for. It sounded stupid at first but it really doesn't sound so stupid now. Sone day very soon somebody has to say "enough is enough". The virus is a real threat to those who are vulnerable. I'm all for protecting those people, they're all someone's loved one, I totally agree with it and get it but don't take our freedom away. Our kids schools, our jobs etc, something has got to give either way and it's going to very soon.

Just my opinion so please don't rant at me as we are all in this together. "

Who are these people that want control???????

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this "

My thoughts...

The tinfoil hat may ruin your hair

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oggoneMan
over a year ago


"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this "

May I ask which of these do you regard as more important. Your right to buy shite or reducing the transmission of the coronavirus?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm glad I don't live in Wales or any area with tier 3 restrictions. I do think the Welsh assembly have gone to far banning stuff being sold in supermarkets,maybe a lot of them own small businesses and can't get any help from handouts so they thought they would stop everyone else getting money and possibly saving jobs"

Typical socialist claptrap designed to make us all equal. Except in this case equally bad off. These rules make Margaret Thatcher look like Mother Theresa.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *perfectpair5050Couple
over a year ago


So if the government are doing it to control our freedom could somebody please explain to me what they gain by doing that apart from costing the country billions of pounds doesn’t make a lot of sense when you think about it??

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

Why? Why do they want to ‘control our freedom’? Why do they want to impose a lockdown that will cost the economy billions? What is to be gained? "

In the most definitive term, compliance.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *limmatureguyMan
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 24/10/20 12:46:33]

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *limmatureguyMan
over a year ago


"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

Why? Why do they want to ‘control our freedom’? Why do they want to impose a lockdown that will cost the economy billions? What is to be gained?

In the most definitive term, compliance."

This is the natural extension of the 'Health and safety gone mad' culture where government believes it can prevent every death by removing all risk.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"They're trying to stop people dying and the ICU beds being overwhelmed..

If you not being able to go into a shop and buy 'tableware etc' (which can be brought via online if there's an emergency) is you thinking your being controlled I suggest you recalibrate your perceptions..


Dare I suggest being told what you can and cannot buy in the same shop is the perfect definition of being controlled.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eddy and legsCouple
over a year ago

the wetlands

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

Why? Why do they want to ‘control our freedom’? Why do they want to impose a lockdown that will cost the economy billions? What is to be gained?

In the most definitive term, compliance.

This is the natural extension of the 'Health and safety gone mad' culture where government believes it can prevent every death by removing all risk."

Yes, it would be far better if they could lock up all the covidiots and poss takers but unfortunately ...

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is it taking away your freedom? Or is it trying to stop the spread of a deadly new disease, and keeping people safe?

A disease so deadly that you can catch it by walking within six feet of someone that has it yet needs a swab poked far enough down your throat to make you gag to detect it?

Can you not see just this one inconsistency?"

Have a go at swabbing air... it’s trickier than you think x

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"For me, I am marked as an extreme vunerable. I was not allowed out of my property from the 23rd March till the 1st August. That was a struggle. Then I here people struggle for two weeks.

To be honest this is going to be a norm until there is a vaccine. I think it's in our best interest to follow goverment guidelines. It's better to he alive than dead or to pass it on to someone more vulnerable like a older family member"

Nice to see someone put it into context.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

Why? Why do they want to ‘control our freedom’? Why do they want to impose a lockdown that will cost the economy billions? What is to be gained?

In the most definitive term, compliance."

Yes. Pissing people off by disrupting their lives due to something that hasn't harmed them yet for reasons they don't understand, after decades of savage cuts to the police force. For reasons which look inconsistent.

I assume by compliance you mean civil unrest?

Because maybe I'm not clever enough to understand, but it seems to me that keeping people happy, well fed, entertained, employed, but unable to access any real power is the way to ensure compliance.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"So if the government are doing it to control our freedom could somebody please explain to me what they gain by doing that apart from costing the country billions of pounds doesn’t make a lot of sense when you think about it??"

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

Why? Why do they want to ‘control our freedom’? Why do they want to impose a lockdown that will cost the economy billions? What is to be gained?

In the most definitive term, compliance.

This is the natural extension of the 'Health and safety gone mad' culture where government believes it can prevent every death by removing all risk.

Yes, it would be far better if they could lock up all the covidiots and poss takers but unfortunately ...


They would if they thought they could get away with it.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"So if the government are doing it to control our freedom could somebody please explain to me what they gain by doing that apart from costing the country billions of pounds doesn’t make a lot of sense when you think about it??


It's a conspiracy. If you don't get it you're stupid. If you can deconstruct it you're brainwashed. Covid is designed for our reptilian overlords to take over the moon landing was fake 9/11 was an inside job why are you looking at me like I'm crazy the truth is out there punctuation is for sheeple

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *omerset tvTV/TS
over a year ago


Im lucky enough to be living in the lowest risk area at mo where our only restriction is having no more than 6 people around your home etc. but ive noticed especially in Bristol area people are still meeting regularly for meets on fab even having gangbangs and people are going out dogging still. I just hope people think it is safe and have put it to back of their mind thinking its only happening to people in other areas and not here so its ok to carry on doing whatever we want

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Im lucky enough to be living in the lowest risk area at mo where our only restriction is having no more than 6 people around your home etc. but ive noticed especially in Bristol area people are still meeting regularly for meets on fab even having gangbangs and people are going out dogging still. I just hope people think it is safe and have put it to back of their mind thinking its only happening to people in other areas and not here so its ok to carry on doing whatever we want "

People are meeting as normal in Manchester too.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *eddy and legsCouple
over a year ago

the wetlands

"They're trying to stop people dying and the ICU beds being overwhelmed..

If you not being able to go into a shop and buy 'tableware etc' (which can be brought via online if there's an emergency) is you thinking your being controlled I suggest you recalibrate your perceptions..

Dare I suggest being told what you can and cannot buy in the same shop is the perfect definition of being controlled."

Of course it's being controlled, people can't help themselves they need to be helped.

We noticed in the first lockdown people went shopping, they got what they need and left.

Now they browse the clothes, the books the cards etc and spend much longer in the shops.

I'm not saying it's right but I can understand the reasoning

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"They're trying to stop people dying and the ICU beds being overwhelmed..

If you not being able to go into a shop and buy 'tableware etc' (which can be brought via online if there's an emergency) is you thinking your being controlled I suggest you recalibrate your perceptions..

Dare I suggest being told what you can and cannot buy in the same shop is the perfect definition of being controlled.

Of course it's being controlled, people can't help themselves they need to be helped.

We noticed in the first lockdown people went shopping, they got what they need and left.

Now they browse the clothes, the books the cards etc and spend much longer in the shops.

I'm not saying it's right but I can understand the reasoning"

Sometimes a level of control is necessary.

We're social creatures. We like spending time together and breathing all over each other.

The virus exploits this.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *lem-H-FandangoMan
over a year ago



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By *eddy and legsCouple
over a year ago

the wetlands


Thank goodness the restrictions are working.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *lem-H-FandangoMan
over a year ago


Do you think lockdown has bred this paranoia? I've only really seen it in those who have been stuck at home. Those of us who have worked right through dont seem too bothered. Especially in jobs where social distancing is impossible.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *lem-H-FandangoMan
over a year ago



Thank goodness the restrictions are working.



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By *eddy and legsCouple
over a year ago

the wetlands

"Do you think lockdown has bred this paranoia? I've only really seen it in those who have been stuck at home. Those of us who have worked right through dont seem too bothered. Especially in jobs where social distancing is impossible. "

Don't know really, I haven't met anyone that stays at home but then we're too busy enjoying a safe life.

Tough luck having to work though bud

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire

"They're trying to stop people dying and the ICU beds being overwhelmed..

If you not being able to go into a shop and buy 'tableware etc' (which can be brought via online if there's an emergency) is you thinking your being controlled I suggest you recalibrate your perceptions..

Dare I suggest being told what you can and cannot buy in the same shop is the perfect definition of being controlled."

You may yes and it's a valid point but in the context of how some are saying they are being controlled it's certainly down there with perhaps the rain controlling the fact that I'm not cutting the grass today.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *lem-H-FandangoMan
over a year ago


"Do you think lockdown has bred this paranoia? I've only really seen it in those who have been stuck at home. Those of us who have worked right through dont seem too bothered. Especially in jobs where social distancing is impossible.

Don't know really, I haven't met anyone that stays at home but then we're too busy enjoying a safe life.

Tough luck having to work though bud"

It's been pretty good to be honest, just watching the world go mad for no apparent reason.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Do you think lockdown has bred this paranoia? I've only really seen it in those who have been stuck at home. Those of us who have worked right through dont seem too bothered. Especially in jobs where social distancing is impossible.

Don't know really, I haven't met anyone that stays at home but then we're too busy enjoying a safe life.

Tough luck having to work though bud

It's been pretty good to be honest, just watching the world go mad for no apparent reason."

Aside from the tiny matter of over a million people dying....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

And then Moses came down from the mountain carrying ten commandments and his people cried out "What? I can't commit murder??? Help! I'm being oppressed!!!"

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By *limmatureguyMan
over a year ago


"Do you think lockdown has bred this paranoia? I've only really seen it in those who have been stuck at home. Those of us who have worked right through dont seem too bothered. Especially in jobs where social distancing is impossible.

Don't know really, I haven't met anyone that stays at home but then we're too busy enjoying a safe life.

Tough luck having to work though bud

It's been pretty good to be honest, just watching the world go mad for no apparent reason.

Aside from the tiny matter of over a million people dying...."

I don't remember seeing any posts on here about those dying last year of malaria, unsafe drinking water, tuberculosis, aids, malnutrition etc. It seems we only need to act if people die having had a positive covid test.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Do you think lockdown has bred this paranoia? I've only really seen it in those who have been stuck at home. Those of us who have worked right through dont seem too bothered. Especially in jobs where social distancing is impossible.

Don't know really, I haven't met anyone that stays at home but then we're too busy enjoying a safe life.

Tough luck having to work though bud

It's been pretty good to be honest, just watching the world go mad for no apparent reason.

Aside from the tiny matter of over a million people dying....

I don't remember seeing any posts on here about those dying last year of malaria, unsafe drinking water, tuberculosis, aids, malnutrition etc. It seems we only need to act if people die having had a positive covid test."

This is a weird form of virtue signalling.

"I don't think we should pay attention to Covid, so what about any other form of suffering I never cared about before?"

Those things are often made worse by pandemic based disruption, be that restrictions or people getting sick.

So it's in our interests to contain Covid. You're welcome

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

You won’t get any sympathy on here. It’s full of Covidiots who are only too willing to buy into the fear & hysteria the government continue peddling to terrorise them into submission and compliance.

The ignorance, stupidity & lack of common sense is quite alarming really. "

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire

"Do you think lockdown has bred this paranoia? I've only really seen it in those who have been stuck at home. Those of us who have worked right through dont seem too bothered. Especially in jobs where social distancing is impossible.

Don't know really, I haven't met anyone that stays at home but then we're too busy enjoying a safe life.

Tough luck having to work though bud

It's been pretty good to be honest, just watching the world go mad for no apparent reason.

Aside from the tiny matter of over a million people dying....

I don't remember seeing any posts on here about those dying last year of malaria, unsafe drinking water, tuberculosis, aids, malnutrition etc. It seems we only need to act if people die having had a positive covid test."

Start a thread perhaps,such things have sadly been going on for too long..

Or is it a case of you actually care not a jot but it's a handy thing to trot out in some bizarre suffering and death top trumps?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Do you think lockdown has bred this paranoia? I've only really seen it in those who have been stuck at home. Those of us who have worked right through dont seem too bothered. Especially in jobs where social distancing is impossible.

Don't know really, I haven't met anyone that stays at home but then we're too busy enjoying a safe life.

Tough luck having to work though bud

It's been pretty good to be honest, just watching the world go mad for no apparent reason.

Aside from the tiny matter of over a million people dying....

I don't remember seeing any posts on here about those dying last year of malaria, unsafe drinking water, tuberculosis, aids, malnutrition etc. It seems we only need to act if people die having had a positive covid test."

That's because most of the things you mentioned aren't exponentially contagious viruses. Try arriving at Heathrow to immigrate into the UK without a lung x-ray for TB...

Between 1918 and 1920 50 million people died from Spanish flu. I know some people on here relish the thought of that happening again (except on a larger scale) but some of us think it's a bad idea. Silly us. Never have 50 million people died in 3 years from poor drinking water. We have antimalarials but no chemical to prevent Covid-19. So how can you be comparing these things?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

How do people get so far into a pandemic and not understand the basic concepts?

Most of these urban legends don't even make sense when you stop and think about them. Others get dispelled by a 30 second Google search.

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By *he-Hosiery-GentMan
over a year ago

Older Hot Guy For 20’s-30’s Girls

"Do you think lockdown has bred this paranoia? "

It’s what’s referred to as the Illusory Truth Effect.

When people are told or exposed to false information repeatedly, they end up believing it.

You’re witnessing this phenomenon to great affect here on the forums.

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"How do people get so far into a pandemic and not understand the basic concepts?

Most of these urban legends don't even make sense when you stop and think about them. Others get dispelled by a 30 second Google search."

They don't want to, they don't care, and think they know more than experts.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"They're trying to stop people dying and the ICU beds being overwhelmed..

If you not being able to go into a shop and buy 'tableware etc' (which can be brought via online if there's an emergency) is you thinking your being controlled I suggest you recalibrate your perceptions..

Dare I suggest being told what you can and cannot buy in the same shop is the perfect definition of being controlled.

You may yes and it's a valid point but in the context of how some are saying they are being controlled it's certainly down there with perhaps the rain controlling the fact that I'm not cutting the grass today.


That analogy is utter nonsense.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"How do people get so far into a pandemic and not understand the basic concepts?

Most of these urban legends don't even make sense when you stop and think about them. Others get dispelled by a 30 second Google search.

They don't want to, they don't care, and think they know more than experts."

I think it's more about accepting a reality that suits them better. The moment they accept the reality of Covid-19 then they have to except that their behaviour is reckless and irresponsible. So they will adamantly deny that 1 + 1 = 2 if it backs up their stance.

We have over a million people dead and that's WITH all the measures taken. What would it be without those measures?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *naswingdressWoman
over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"How do people get so far into a pandemic and not understand the basic concepts?

Most of these urban legends don't even make sense when you stop and think about them. Others get dispelled by a 30 second Google search.

They don't want to, they don't care, and think they know more than experts.

I think it's more about accepting a reality that suits them better. The moment they accept the reality of Covid-19 then they have to except that their behaviour is reckless and irresponsible. So they will adamantly deny that 1 + 1 = 2 if it backs up their stance.

We have over a million people dead and that's WITH all the measures taken. What would it be without those measures? "

I shudder to think.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By * Plus ECouple
over a year ago

The South

"So as of 6pm last night, Wales went back into lockdown closing all non essential stores only this time making it tougher by preventing us from buying what is considered as "non essential" items! Now what might not be "essential" to one person might be considered "essential" to another.

This has gotten out of hand now and the government are no doubt controlling us and taking away our freedom. Yes, at first it was about the virus but now it's just about control and the more we comply the tougher it will become.

Makes sense ?? Love to hear peoples thoughts on this

I think your perception about have your freedoms taken away needs adjusting and your understanding of Covid 19, the way it spreads, the way it kills and debilitates people's lives, even when it doesn't kill them needs a major overhaul.

Attitude adjustment needed are my thoughts.


I'm entitled to my opinion just as you're entitled to yours! "

You asked for people's thoughts. I gave you mine.

If you only want people to agree with your perspective, maybe just ask people to only comment if they agree with you.

Which ironically is actually taking away a freedom.

So, pray tell. What freedoms has the lockdown taken away from you.


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By *ophieslutTV/TS
over a year ago


Thankfully it's for a limited time, unlike the first lockdown. We also know that inability to buy is due to rules, rather than shortages.

It must be tough for you, I'm not in. Wales and hoping you come out of it with a safer future

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By * Plus ECouple
over a year ago

The South

"Do you think lockdown has bred this paranoia? I've only really seen it in those who have been stuck at home. Those of us who have worked right through dont seem too bothered. Especially in jobs where social distancing is impossible.

Don't know really, I haven't met anyone that stays at home but then we're too busy enjoying a safe life.

Tough luck having to work though bud

It's been pretty good to be honest, just watching the world go mad for no apparent reason.

Aside from the tiny matter of over a million people dying....

I don't remember seeing any posts on here about those dying last year of malaria, unsafe drinking water, tuberculosis, aids, malnutrition etc. It seems we only need to act if people die having had a positive covid test."

Its not Death Toll Top Trumps FFS.

Presumably as you listed those death causes you know how they're spread.

And presumably you know how the spread of Covid 19 is wholly and entirely different.

Given your posting content in these threads I'm surprised you didn't mention the flu.


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 24/10/20 14:50:35]

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By * Plus ECouple
over a year ago

The South

"They're trying to stop people dying and the ICU beds being overwhelmed..

If you not being able to go into a shop and buy 'tableware etc' (which can be brought via online if there's an emergency) is you thinking your being controlled I suggest you recalibrate your perceptions..

Dare I suggest being told what you can and cannot buy in the same shop is the perfect definition of being controlled.

You may yes and it's a valid point but in the context of how some are saying they are being controlled it's certainly down there with perhaps the rain controlling the fact that I'm not cutting the grass today.

That analogy is utter nonsense.


I'm not convinced you understand analogys.


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Freedoms have not been "taken" away

During WW2, if the Luftwaffe were on their way to bomb and kill you, the air sirens sounded and you went underground or into bunkers. This was the government "telling" you to do something for your safety!..not the taking away of your civil liberties.. Once the war was over, those sirens stopped...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I have decided that I will take a stance to defend my freedom. The freedom to speed.

I have a fast car that can go 150mph so why does the government limit me to 70? They're just trying to control me. It's MY choice to decide if I want to die in a car crash, no one else's.

And before anyone mentions that I'll be endangering others, let me point out that that if you don't want to die on the roads you should stay at home. It's all about me.

Planes go faster than 70mph and they are supposedly safer than cars so it doesn't make sense?

And those tin signs telling me to stop. Seriously? Who let's their lives be controlled by bits of red tin. Those lights that change colour. Screw that. Red, green amber.... I'm going. Don't try to curb my freedom with a light!

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By *evilandTheBeastCouple
over a year ago

Peterborough and Bedford

"Welcome to a little taste of communism!"

At least in communism (a lot of the time) you don't have items readily available on the shops shelves. Or you can only buy a certain amount of stuff using coupons provided. It all goes out of the window though if you have American dollars, are a member of the party or have good "friends". At least that's how it was in Poland when I was growing up (Devil here).

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By *lem-H-FandangoMan
over a year ago


Why are clothes and cleaning products considered non essential? If your kids need winter clothes, or you want to keep your house clean, why is it ok to be forced not to?

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