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Looking forward...

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By *litterbabe OP   Woman
over a year ago

hiding from cock pics.

Something that really seems to play on my mind at the moment is I feel I have nothing left to look forward to

The future feels a bit grim and everything I was looking forward to has in its own time, all been cancelled.

I know there are much bigger problems in the world right now, but this still weighs heavily on my mind.

Does anybody else feel like this?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Something that really seems to play on my mind at the moment is I feel I have nothing left to look forward to

The future feels a bit grim and everything I was looking forward to has in its own time, all been cancelled.

I know there are much bigger problems in the world right now, but this still weighs heavily on my mind.

Does anybody else feel like this?"

Yes totally. Ive had 3 holidays cancelled. No social life. Spend most of my time alone. Sit waiting for the next announcement on restrictions. Got so depressed i contacted my doctor to be told he cant give me anything have a look oune for self help. Not quite what I expected. Im normally a very positive person. Just feel so down

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By *avid4olderMan
over a year ago

North Coast

Yes and it’s very hard to get excited about anything or look forward to it as you’ve always got that feeling that it may be cancelled.

I even see myself watching tv shows from before lockdown and finding it strange people being together or hugging etc ... weird.

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By *litterbabe OP   Woman
over a year ago

hiding from cock pics.

I even feel very selfish feeling this way because I know people have so much more to deal with, I'm also normally a very positive person. I've now been without my friends on the scene mostly since March and it really is hard to keep positive.

There just doesn't seem to be much good news.

I normally really like halloween, but I almost feel like I want to hide from it this year as it will be a non-event.

Sorry for the sad thread.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I even feel very selfish feeling this way because I know people have so much more to deal with, I'm also normally a very positive person. I've now been without my friends on the scene mostly since March and it really is hard to keep positive.

There just doesn't seem to be much good news.

I normally really like halloween, but I almost feel like I want to hide from it this year as it will be a non-event.

Sorry for the sad thread."

Nothing wrong with it, it's an honest reflection of the reality for far too many people today.

You're not alone by a long way.

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By *ichelle999Couple
over a year ago


Never be sorry have you thought about starting a group chat with your friends couple times a week or people on here you can trust stay strong and think of all the good times you can have when it's all over and one day it will

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By *litterbabe OP   Woman
over a year ago

hiding from cock pics.

Thank you.

Normally I really look forward to weekends, seeing family and friends.

As well as seeing people I really miss being able to give people a hug, I didn't realise what a big hugger I am.

Part of me is also scared that we will never feel like its safe to hug people again and it will become just a way of life staying a distance from everybody.

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By *avid4olderMan
over a year ago

North Coast

"Thank you.

Normally I really look forward to weekends, seeing family and friends.

As well as seeing people I really miss being able to give people a hug, I didn't realise what a big hugger I am.

Part of me is also scared that we will never feel like its safe to hug people again and it will become just a way of life staying a distance from everybody."

Yes such a surreal feeling.

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By *amaraBeaverbankWoman
over a year ago

Benidorm Spain

Absolutely the same here. I’ve not worked since March except one gig a couple of months ago. So no income other than erte (little bit like furlough in the UK. My sister ya just moved her wedding for the third time. Friends who were coming to visit unable to come over.

I keep reminding myself at least I have a roof over my head bit still feel quite despondent. I desperately want some sexy fun but won’t while all this is going on...

Sweety, you’re not alone feeling this way. All I can do is meditate a bit, sleep a lot and moan these days.

We will come through this somehow, but knowing others feel the same way is a little comforting. Stay safe, chin up and know we will prevail.

Sending love and positive thoughts your way babe x

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By *litterbabe OP   Woman
over a year ago

hiding from cock pics.

Thank you so much for the replies on here, it helps to know I'm not the only person feeling like this.

I just really hope we come out the other side as soon as possible.

I count my blessings all the time.

Although I don't have any work because of the virus I do have a roof over my head and food for myself and my family.

I'm very grateful for all of that.

My industry has been hit really hard (hospitality and entertainment) so it is likely I will need to retrain.

Every job I've been looking at has so many people applying and it's tough having to consider not staying in the the career I enjoy.

I just could not imagine a year ago that the world would feel like this. I guess we just have to hang tight and hope that next year brings a brighter future

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By *iger4uWoman
over a year ago

In my happy place

To all the singles... You are not alone.

I am in a support Bubble with my mum thankfully.

Ive just bought a house so that has kept me busy.

Home is now my workplace.

Fed up with that but my job is secure.

Ive had events and hols cancelled.

Luckily my friends stay in touch, as we cant meet even for coffee now in my region.

Reaching out to others stops me wallowing.

Although I was in tears when I smashed the oven inner glass door today.

Its ok to have a bad day.

Be kind to yourself if you can.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Something that really seems to play on my mind at the moment is I feel I have nothing left to look forward to

The future feels a bit grim and everything I was looking forward to has in its own time, all been cancelled.

I know there are much bigger problems in the world right now, but this still weighs heavily on my mind.

Does anybody else feel like this?"

I feel lucky to be able to adapt to a situation Even during these unprecedented times I’m cautious but I’m not worrying about the future what will be will be. I think try not to get your hopes up too much and don’t rely on taking it all for granted

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By *eatrice BadinageWoman
over a year ago

In a Sparkly Dress

I'm only looking as far as March, lots of things will change again and we will have a large amount of new knowledge about the vaccines as we enter large infection rates there is plenty of people available for research.

Once we learn our limitations with this virus we can move forward

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By *unloversCouple
over a year ago


Yes I agree with the above

We just ha e to try and think positive and stick to the rules

Shame lots have ignored it all and that’s why we are in this state

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By *estivalMan
over a year ago


ive got to the stage where i just not stressing about any of it now.have missed a holiday have missed a birthday am slowly startibg to fall behind with bills.im now taking the view i cant make it end quicker so why worry.also stopped watchibg the news months ago that helps a lot

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By *orthern StarsCouple
over a year ago

Corrajelo,Spain, Durham, North Yorkshire and can travel

We have all had plans cancelled and are missing out on so much, but no point brooding over things that we can't control.

Keep looking forwards and try to do something every day that you enjoy, just a simple something.

Brighter days are ahead, we just have to ride the storm. Life is a rollercoaster, just got to ride it.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I even feel very selfish feeling this way because I know people have so much more to deal with, I'm also normally a very positive person. I've now been without my friends on the scene mostly since March and it really is hard to keep positive.

There just doesn't seem to be much good news.

I normally really like halloween, but I almost feel like I want to hide from it this year as it will be a non-event.

Sorry for the sad thread."

Its ok. We all feel the same so you are not alone. Ive bern on my own since March and broke my leg at Xstasia so had to deal with it from February but I hot through it. Butvi miss my club friends and dancing and socialising. Its very lonely and this side of life you can't discuss with your kids lol.

I know there are a lot in a worse position and I really sympathise but on the selfish side I just want my life back.

Hope you feel better soon. Always here to talk

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"We have all had plans cancelled and are missing out on so much, but no point brooding over things that we can't control.

Keep looking forwards and try to do something every day that you enjoy, just a simple something.

Brighter days are ahead, we just have to ride the storm. Life is a rollercoaster, just got to ride it."

When you are in a couple at least you have each other. Something single people don't have. I dnt think anyone is brooding just helping someone who is feeling down. All my family live 250 miles away and my partner so it is difficult to get a bubble.

Trying to do something everyday is difficult when rules keep changing so yes great idea but not always practical

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By *litterbabe OP   Woman
over a year ago

hiding from cock pics.

I do feel selfish for wanting my life back but I know but there's nothing I can do and I just have to sit tight.

I do appreciate everybody who replied as I feel less alone in my feelings now, and that honestly does help.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

we need the Vaccinne...its the only way some form of normality, health and confidence will return

those who are anti vaccine, its their chose not to take it./...let the majority that do get back to whatever normal will be...its got to be better than now

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Wow. So many negatives. Think about people in Africa for a moment who are dying of starvation or drinking dirty water. No roofs over your head. At least you have hot food in your stomach and a roof etc. You heed to think positive and make your own entertainment. Hobbies etc. As piers on GMB states. People need to Man UP.

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By *pursChick aka ShortieWoman
over a year ago

On a mooch

You are not alone OP but it’s best not to think about it too much and realise it will be like this for a while.

Since early March I haven’t seen any of my friends, although I did get to see my parents once in the summer, which was a huge morale boost for us all. We’ve already agreed that, that would be the only time this year we would see each other.

I’m a single mum so at least during the week I have my son to converse with in the evenings and we are trying to keep each other upbeat. He is planning Halloween, Christmas and his first new year for us both, so that is keeping him occupied outside of school life and it makes me smile to see how excited he is about it all, even though it will just be the two of us. I’m thankfully he gets to go to school and interact with his friends, been a huge boost for him.

Next year I imagine to be much the same, I’ve already discussed with my mum that our joint 50/70 birthday is likely to be on hold and her wish for us to be together on the day is unlikely to happen, we’ll just make a big deal out of 51/71 instead.

I leave the house once every 10/14 days to do a food shop, other than that I am indoors with no purpose except to clean and there is only so much of that you can do

Just got to take one day at a time, learn or read something new every day, one to keep the mind ticking over and two so you have something to actually talk about with family and friends.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Wow. So many negatives. Think about people in Africa for a moment who are dying of starvation or drinking dirty water. No roofs over your head. At least you have hot food in your stomach and a roof etc. You heed to think positive and make your own entertainment. Hobbies etc. As piers on GMB states. People need to Man UP. "
...Man up?....that does not offer any practical advice...nonsense statement

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By *orthern StarsCouple
over a year ago

Corrajelo,Spain, Durham, North Yorkshire and can travel

"We have all had plans cancelled and are missing out on so much, but no point brooding over things that we can't control.

Keep looking forwards and try to do something every day that you enjoy, just a simple something.

Brighter days are ahead, we just have to ride the storm. Life is a rollercoaster, just got to ride it.

When you are in a couple at least you have each other. Something single people don't have. I dnt think anyone is brooding just helping someone who is feeling down. All my family live 250 miles away and my partner so it is difficult to get a bubble.

Trying to do something everyday is difficult when rules keep changing so yes great idea but not always practical "

We are a couple yes, but that doesn't make it necessarily easier. You dont know how much time we actually get together.

When I said something you enjoy, it doesn't have to be something big. It could be something as simple as running a hot bath and listening to your favourite music, or going for a walk and soaking up the sunshine.

We know it's not easy, believe us. We have a lot of pressures and worries on us, but we also know that worrying didn't make it any better.

So we try to appreciate the simple things in life.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Wow. So many negatives. Think about people in Africa for a moment who are dying of starvation or drinking dirty water. No roofs over your head. At least you have hot food in your stomach and a roof etc. You heed to think positive and make your own entertainment. Hobbies etc. As piers on GMB states. People need to Man UP. "

If this thread is not for you dnt comment. This is to help someone take your comments elsewhere. We are all aware of what goes on around the world. This isnt what this thread is snout. Move on

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Wow. So many negatives. Think about people in Africa for a moment who are dying of starvation or drinking dirty water. No roofs over your head. At least you have hot food in your stomach and a roof etc. You heed to think positive and make your own entertainment. Hobbies etc. As piers on GMB states. People need to Man UP.

If this thread is not for you dnt comment. This is to help someone take your comments elsewhere. We are all aware of what goes on around the world. This isnt what this thread is snout. Move on"

About I meant but maybe snout is the right word lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"We have all had plans cancelled and are missing out on so much, but no point brooding over things that we can't control.

Keep looking forwards and try to do something every day that you enjoy, just a simple something.

Brighter days are ahead, we just have to ride the storm. Life is a rollercoaster, just got to ride it.

When you are in a couple at least you have each other. Something single people don't have. I dnt think anyone is brooding just helping someone who is feeling down. All my family live 250 miles away and my partner so it is difficult to get a bubble.

Trying to do something everyday is difficult when rules keep changing so yes great idea but not always practical

We are a couple yes, but that doesn't make it necessarily easier. You dont know how much time we actually get together.

When I said something you enjoy, it doesn't have to be something big. It could be something as simple as running a hot bath and listening to your favourite music, or going for a walk and soaking up the sunshine.

We know it's not easy, believe us. We have a lot of pressures and worries on us, but we also know that worrying didn't make it any better.

So we try to appreciate the simple things in life."

I walk everyday. Have a hot bath everyday. Pamper myself everyday. I try my best to stay positive but loneliness is a killer.

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By *orthern StarsCouple
over a year ago

Corrajelo,Spain, Durham, North Yorkshire and can travel

"I do feel selfish for wanting my life back but I know but there's nothing I can do and I just have to sit tight.

I do appreciate everybody who replied as I feel less alone in my feelings now, and that honestly does help."

Hey, you're aren't selfish at all and you can't help how you feel, those feelings will pass.

Just keep plodding on, a day at a time, an hour at a time when you're really struggling.

Hugs to you and anyone else who needs them.

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By *orthern StarsCouple
over a year ago

Corrajelo,Spain, Durham, North Yorkshire and can travel

"We have all had plans cancelled and are missing out on so much, but no point brooding over things that we can't control.

Keep looking forwards and try to do something every day that you enjoy, just a simple something.

Brighter days are ahead, we just have to ride the storm. Life is a rollercoaster, just got to ride it.

When you are in a couple at least you have each other. Something single people don't have. I dnt think anyone is brooding just helping someone who is feeling down. All my family live 250 miles away and my partner so it is difficult to get a bubble.

Trying to do something everyday is difficult when rules keep changing so yes great idea but not always practical

We are a couple yes, but that doesn't make it necessarily easier. You dont know how much time we actually get together.

When I said something you enjoy, it doesn't have to be something big. It could be something as simple as running a hot bath and listening to your favourite music, or going for a walk and soaking up the sunshine.

We know it's not easy, believe us. We have a lot of pressures and worries on us, but we also know that worrying didn't make it any better.

So we try to appreciate the simple things in life.

I walk everyday. Have a hot bath everyday. Pamper myself everyday. I try my best to stay positive but loneliness is a killer. "

I think many of us know how difficult loneliness is. It's something many people deal with in life.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Something that really seems to play on my mind at the moment is I feel I have nothing left to look forward to

The future feels a bit grim and everything I was looking forward to has in its own time, all been cancelled.

I know there are much bigger problems in the world right now, but this still weighs heavily on my mind.

Does anybody else feel like this?"

i think you got lots going for you.

when we have spoken in the past ive always found you to be full of energy and an exciting woman.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"We have all had plans cancelled and are missing out on so much, but no point brooding over things that we can't control.

Keep looking forwards and try to do something every day that you enjoy, just a simple something.

Brighter days are ahead, we just have to ride the storm. Life is a rollercoaster, just got to ride it.

When you are in a couple at least you have each other. Something single people don't have. I dnt think anyone is brooding just helping someone who is feeling down. All my family live 250 miles away and my partner so it is difficult to get a bubble.

Trying to do something everyday is difficult when rules keep changing so yes great idea but not always practical

We are a couple yes, but that doesn't make it necessarily easier. You dont know how much time we actually get together.

When I said something you enjoy, it doesn't have to be something big. It could be something as simple as running a hot bath and listening to your favourite music, or going for a walk and soaking up the sunshine.

We know it's not easy, believe us. We have a lot of pressures and worries on us, but we also know that worrying didn't make it any better.

So we try to appreciate the simple things in life.

I walk everyday. Have a hot bath everyday. Pamper myself everyday. I try my best to stay positive but loneliness is a killer.

I think many of us know how difficult loneliness is. It's something many people deal with in life."

Yes i know they do . If you have a partner no matter how little you still have someone. Anyway this isnt about me i came on here to help someone who needed a chat she doesn't need negative comments or anyone saying life can be hard for everyone or stop being lonely or others are worse off. When you feel lonely and down don't kick anybody. Support no matter how little.

This isnt just for you its for anybody who feels they need to say others are worse off. We all know that.

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By *orthern StarsCouple
over a year ago

Corrajelo,Spain, Durham, North Yorkshire and can travel

"We have all had plans cancelled and are missing out on so much, but no point brooding over things that we can't control.

Keep looking forwards and try to do something every day that you enjoy, just a simple something.

Brighter days are ahead, we just have to ride the storm. Life is a rollercoaster, just got to ride it.

When you are in a couple at least you have each other. Something single people don't have. I dnt think anyone is brooding just helping someone who is feeling down. All my family live 250 miles away and my partner so it is difficult to get a bubble.

Trying to do something everyday is difficult when rules keep changing so yes great idea but not always practical

We are a couple yes, but that doesn't make it necessarily easier. You dont know how much time we actually get together.

When I said something you enjoy, it doesn't have to be something big. It could be something as simple as running a hot bath and listening to your favourite music, or going for a walk and soaking up the sunshine.

We know it's not easy, believe us. We have a lot of pressures and worries on us, but we also know that worrying didn't make it any better.

So we try to appreciate the simple things in life.

I walk everyday. Have a hot bath everyday. Pamper myself everyday. I try my best to stay positive but loneliness is a killer.

I think many of us know how difficult loneliness is. It's something many people deal with in life.

Yes i know they do . If you have a partner no matter how little you still have someone. Anyway this isnt about me i came on here to help someone who needed a chat she doesn't need negative comments or anyone saying life can be hard for everyone or stop being lonely or others are worse off. When you feel lonely and down don't kick anybody. Support no matter how little.

This isnt just for you its for anybody who feels they need to say others are worse off. We all know that. "

We haven't knocked anyone, at all. We have as offered support and some advice, the same as we always do

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By *ostafunMan
over a year ago

near ipswich

"Something that really seems to play on my mind at the moment is I feel I have nothing left to look forward to

The future feels a bit grim and everything I was looking forward to has in its own time, all been cancelled.

I know there are much bigger problems in the world right now, but this still weighs heavily on my mind.

Does anybody else feel like this?"

Just hold on a little longer im sure things will be different in 6 months time.x

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By *olvesfunguyMan
over a year ago


"Wow. So many negatives. Think about people in Africa for a moment who are dying of starvation or drinking dirty water. No roofs over your head. At least you have hot food in your stomach and a roof etc. You heed to think positive and make your own entertainment. Hobbies etc. As piers on GMB states. People need to Man UP. "

What a comment! Take it your day job is not counselling.

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By *atEvolutionCouple
over a year ago

atlantisEVOLUTION Swingers Club. Stoke.

"Something that really seems to play on my mind at the moment is I feel I have nothing left to look forward to

The future feels a bit grim and everything I was looking forward to has in its own time, all been cancelled.

I know there are much bigger problems in the world right now, but this still weighs heavily on my mind.

Does anybody else feel like this?"

Yes. In many ways. But . . . Try and do as much as you can do but maybe in smaller ways. I have agreements now with people I love to hug and snuggle because we are trusting each other to look after the micro things so that the macro things are more likely to be safe.

We have been to Alton Towers 9 times already this year. We are making 'planned meals' together instead of just eating. We are putting in a full week of work at home on new businesses. IKEA is great even just for a walk around (bit of an IKEA nut here lol) even if we don't buy anything (and we always do) we have a fun time. We have learned that spending time together is the most precious thing.

This is all a blip - a big fooking blip - but a blip all the same. It saps so much energy and spirit and sets so many people up against each other. I used to get quite annoyed at some of the stuff that people write here, now it makes me laugh, I mean really laugh!

You have got to try and find the fun in among the poop.

Hope you can find a better way through.

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By *litterbabe OP   Woman
over a year ago

hiding from cock pics.

"Something that really seems to play on my mind at the moment is I feel I have nothing left to look forward to

The future feels a bit grim and everything I was looking forward to has in its own time, all been cancelled.

I know there are much bigger problems in the world right now, but this still weighs heavily on my mind.

Does anybody else feel like this?

Yes. In many ways. But . . . Try and do as much as you can do but maybe in smaller ways. I have agreements now with people I love to hug and snuggle because we are trusting each other to look after the micro things so that the macro things are more likely to be safe.

We have been to Alton Towers 9 times already this year. We are making 'planned meals' together instead of just eating. We are putting in a full week of work at home on new businesses. IKEA is great even just for a walk around (bit of an IKEA nut here lol) even if we don't buy anything (and we always do) we have a fun time. We have learned that spending time together is the most precious thing.

This is all a blip - a big fooking blip - but a blip all the same. It saps so much energy and spirit and sets so many people up against each other. I used to get quite annoyed at some of the stuff that people write here, now it makes me laugh, I mean really laugh!

You have got to try and find the fun in among the poop.

Hope you can find a better way through.


Thank you so much I am trying to do small things to keep me positive and I've done so much DIY on my house and learnt new skills that I am proud of.

I am also actually planning to go to IKEA next week, there's a few bits but I would like to get and I do always enjoy a look round.

I guess some days just feel heavier than others and I just seem to miss my social life and friends quite a lot although I realise that can't be helped for the moment.

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By *atEvolutionCouple
over a year ago

atlantisEVOLUTION Swingers Club. Stoke.

"Something that really seems to play on my mind at the moment is I feel I have nothing left to look forward to

The future feels a bit grim and everything I was looking forward to has in its own time, all been cancelled.

I know there are much bigger problems in the world right now, but this still weighs heavily on my mind.

Does anybody else feel like this?

Yes. In many ways. But . . . Try and do as much as you can do but maybe in smaller ways. I have agreements now with people I love to hug and snuggle because we are trusting each other to look after the micro things so that the macro things are more likely to be safe.

We have been to Alton Towers 9 times already this year. We are making 'planned meals' together instead of just eating. We are putting in a full week of work at home on new businesses. IKEA is great even just for a walk around (bit of an IKEA nut here lol) even if we don't buy anything (and we always do) we have a fun time. We have learned that spending time together is the most precious thing.

This is all a blip - a big fooking blip - but a blip all the same. It saps so much energy and spirit and sets so many people up against each other. I used to get quite annoyed at some of the stuff that people write here, now it makes me laugh, I mean really laugh!

You have got to try and find the fun in among the poop.

Hope you can find a better way through.

Thank you so much I am trying to do small things to keep me positive and I've done so much DIY on my house and learnt new skills that I am proud of.

I am also actually planning to go to IKEA next week, there's a few bits but I would like to get and I do always enjoy a look round.

I guess some days just feel heavier than others and I just seem to miss my social life and friends quite a lot although I realise that can't be helped for the moment."

Chin high and Strut. And the Restaurant is back open (with bookings and waiter service) Whoohoo. lol.

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By *he Ring WraithMan
over a year ago


"Something that really seems to play on my mind at the moment is I feel I have nothing left to look forward to

The future feels a bit grim and everything I was looking forward to has in its own time, all been cancelled.

I know there are much bigger problems in the world right now, but this still weighs heavily on my mind.

Does anybody else feel like this?"

Yes I feel the same, there is no future beyond Covid and the stupid government restrictions !

We are all going to live under the control of Boris till he says it is okay to live, and that is never going to happen !

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm only looking as far as March, lots of things will change again and we will have a large amount of new knowledge about the vaccines as we enter large infection rates there is plenty of people available for research.

Once we learn our limitations with this virus we can move forward "

Same. Think I picked March because that will be a year on from lockdown.

Even the most cheerful people I know are feeling crap. In some weird way that makes me feel better because we are in it together.

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By *eah BabyCouple
over a year ago

Cheshire, Windermere ,Cumbria

"Something that really seems to play on my mind at the moment is I feel I have nothing left to look forward to

The future feels a bit grim and everything I was looking forward to has in its own time, all been cancelled.

I know there are much bigger problems in the world right now, but this still weighs heavily on my mind.

Does anybody else feel like this?"

Totally with you on this one, feel like my life’s been robbed, totally understand that people have lost their life with covid but do any of us know what time we actually have left and not being able to live it as you usually would is really saddening, I say this as we have both lost most of our family at an early age so feel our days are numbered anyway so to live now doing nothing much when we could be dead tomorrow is hard to deal with.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Big time here...Im defined only by work..and yet I was a dancer and performer and so much more...now all is gone...no event on the horizon. Nothing to spend on as theres nowhere to go or do. After all this time of 6 to 7 days a week I ve become very very boring.

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By *litterbabe OP   Woman
over a year ago

hiding from cock pics.

Group virtual hugs to all of you.

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