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Cine world,

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By *tace 309 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


All 128 cine world cinemas to close. 5500 jobs, to go thanks to the pandemic

Cine world have, announced these, closures. They were hoping the New Bond film which was, due for release In NOVEMBER would help save them but now it has been put back till April 2021 they have said they can no longer operate under the current circumstances, and are losing money hand over fist. This country needs, to get a grip now and fast and, stop hiding away from this virus.. Lockdown is not the answer if people want a future. How many more businesses will fold. How many more people will become unemployed. This is getting ridiculous,. By all means, hide away from the virus if you want to but it will still be there when you re emerge

But will you have a Job to go to and will you have a future. There will be monumental changes,for this, world . The, elite will be fine but for the rest of us an unpleasant future, awaits,

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By *ty31Man
over a year ago

NW London

Yep, sadly things like this are a completely predictable consequence of lockdown and other ham fisted, blunt approaches to dealing with covid.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Then tell it to the people who won't follow the rules that allows us to open up the economy more. Very bluntly, you cannot have things as they were. Therefore people need to find a way to minimise exposure and risk, this, and currently only this, will allow many businesses to continue to trade.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Then tell it to the people who won't follow the rules that allows us to open up the economy more. Very bluntly, you cannot have things as they were. Therefore people need to find a way to minimise exposure and risk, this, and currently only this, will allow many businesses to continue to trade. "

Not been to one recently...but were they still selling food and drinks in cinema's?

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By *ictoriaathomeTV/TS
over a year ago


It's about altering the way people move and respect others.

Shops and venues will need to alter how people move within there premises. Unfortunately smaller enterprises historically had small shops and unit because of rents. Now thoes small outlets wl find it impossible to operate in a safe way. The whole retail and venue section of our community needs to change. It needs change at the top, rental costs, business rates, accessibility, the list h oes on. Its not a quick fix.

The more vulnerable need protection and the rest need to keep the country open for trade.

Working together it would be possible, but we have a 'I'm alright Jack' attitude and that needs to change.

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By *ady LickWoman
over a year ago

Northampton Somewhere

Are you sure it's all Cineworld? I'm sure I read it was the 'regal' part ie smaller towny ones. Either way it's bad obviously but it's a sad, sad day if it's the larger ones to.

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By *ophieslutTV/TS
over a year ago


They're closing due to the reported delays of this film but op blames something else?

Presumably they have had social distancing in their seating but the releases because of Hollywood primarily have been staggered and delayed.

It's very sad to hear this. Assuming they'll be bought up by others

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire

[Removed by poster at 04/10/20 11:44:38]

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire

Op were you not saying that the students should not have returned?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Covid is going to catch the "B" word soon for job losses.

This is bad news, but probably not the last bad news we'll have.

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By *eddy and legsCouple
over a year ago

the wetlands

"All 128 cine world cinemas to close. 5500 jobs, to go thanks to the pandemic

Cine world have, announced these, closures. They were hoping the New Bond film which was, due for release In NOVEMBER would help save them but now it has been put back till April 2021 they have said they can no longer operate under the current circumstances, and are losing money hand over fist. This country needs, to get a grip now and fast and, stop hiding away from this virus.. Lockdown is not the answer if people want a future. How many more businesses will fold. How many more people will become unemployed. This is getting ridiculous,. By all means, hide away from the virus if you want to but it will still be there when you re emerge

But will you have a Job to go to and will you have a future. There will be monumental changes,for this, world . The, elite will be fine but for the rest of us an unpleasant future, awaits, "

Try blaming netflix and illegal online streaming.

Covid may have been a straw but the camel was bent

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By *iddle ManMan
over a year ago


Agree totally. If we're not careful we are risking a worst case scenario of people still dying and becoming ill and still letting perfectly viable businesses go to the wall. We're getting nowhere with this half and half attitude.

Yes people can say lives matter more, but how many lives is that and how. We have to look at the bigger picture now. It will be the younger to middle generations that suffer the most as a result of the virus as they will have to suffer the long term economic cost and failure as a result of this pandemic and poorly managed government.

At this rate we will be to living in 1800s style conditions, but some people can say its OK as we tried to tackle the virus.

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By *ookMan
over a year ago


The bond film would have made a massive difference pre xmas launch

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By *ookMan
over a year ago


And I’ve noticed a lot of streaming sites are down...And been down for most of covid time.

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By *rHotNottsMan
over a year ago

Dubai & Nottingham

Nothing to due with a covid really, another failing business model, only so many idiots prepared to spend a tenner on on a gallon of sugar and water another tenner to park and same again to watch a film that you can buy for a fiver in a few months

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

all to do with covid.

cinemas are still capable of thriving


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By *ercuryMan
over a year ago


Shutting and mothballing will reduce the monthly UK cashburn.

Postponement of Bond has really made up their minds on this action.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

We had Cineworld cards at the start of the year, after losing our jobs we was able to end the contract, plus I didn't fancy going and there wasn't any films I wanted to see.

Sad times as I liked Cineworld, I have a couple of friends who are a couple and they work there, they just bought a new house together about six months before lockdown, so hard on them.

Danish x

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By *oggoneMan
over a year ago


"Nothing to due with a covid really, another failing business model, only so many idiots prepared to spend a tenner on on a gallon of sugar and water another tenner to park and same again to watch a film that you can buy for a fiver in a few months


Indeed. Here's a cold hard fact to ponder, the world is changing. The world of work, business, investment and travel..... Even where we want to live. Sure, somethings will return but a lot of those tried and tested business models will go the way of the dinosaur.

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By *elsh_naturist_coupleCouple
over a year ago


"Then tell it to the people who won't follow the rules that allows us to open up the economy more. Very bluntly, you cannot have things as they were. Therefore people need to find a way to minimise exposure and risk, this, and currently only this, will allow many businesses to continue to trade. "

Spot on!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"All 128 cine world cinemas to close. 5500 jobs, to go thanks to the pandemic

Cine world have, announced these, closures. They were hoping the New Bond film which was, due for release In NOVEMBER would help save them but now it has been put back till April 2021 they have said they can no longer operate under the current circumstances, and are losing money hand over fist. This country needs, to get a grip now and fast and, stop hiding away from this virus.. Lockdown is not the answer if people want a future. How many more businesses will fold. How many more people will become unemployed. This is getting ridiculous,. By all means, hide away from the virus if you want to but it will still be there when you re emerge

But will you have a Job to go to and will you have a future. There will be monumental changes,for this, world . The, elite will be fine but for the rest of us an unpleasant future, awaits,

Try blaming netflix and illegal online streaming.

Covid may have been a straw but the camel was bent"

Aww bless. You have idea how the movie industry works do you. Netflix didn't stop BVS from making a billion dollars or Avengers Endgame breaking movies. The studios then sell their product to the streaming services. Yes the pirate services do slice up a little profit but piracy has been around as long as the movie industry has.

All the industries dying because of covid are dying because 100 years of cronie capitalism has funneled all the money up to individuals who end up with millions or billions and the poor with nothing. Now the rich are losing their businesses because they don't want to put their hands in their own pocket to keep things going.

The Rich don't care period and why should they. Sell your assets and cool off while things blow over. Then when the dust settles they can come out of their hidy hole and rebuild. Nevermind the millions of plebs that they left to die.

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By *lirtymr_mrsCouple
over a year ago


In the same way some people discovered they could work successfully at home, some cinema goers discovered online streaming met their needs. Then the film studios started releasing online or not at all. (Disney+, Borat2 on Amazon). At the moment there are few reasons to go to the cinema and many reasons not to.

Ultimately people want to consume amazing stories, where they do this is secondary, they will go to where the stories are told.

Cineworld stated earlier in the year they had 12 months of cash in the bank, not sure how this announcement changes that. Is it an excuse to access more govt money and aggressive layoffs or are they now done as a company sooner than even they thought?

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By *heBirminghamWeekendMan
over a year ago


"It is hoped that the Cineworld cinemas will be able to reopen next year, with staff being asked to accept redundancy in the hope of rejoining the company when theatres open again."

Temporary closing of the sites.

Odeon have the right idea by opening newer, smaller more comfortable theatres (Odeon Luxe).

If Cineworld use this downtime to review their business they will see there is still demand for the cinema experience - but they need to make their experience more appealing to the consumer.

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By *elsh_naturist_coupleCouple
over a year ago


"All 128 cine world cinemas to close. 5500 jobs, to go thanks to the pandemic

Cine world have, announced these, closures. They were hoping the New Bond film which was, due for release In NOVEMBER would help save them but now it has been put back till April 2021 they have said they can no longer operate under the current circumstances, and are losing money hand over fist. This country needs, to get a grip now and fast and, stop hiding away from this virus.. Lockdown is not the answer if people want a future. How many more businesses will fold. How many more people will become unemployed. This is getting ridiculous,. By all means, hide away from the virus if you want to but it will still be there when you re emerge

But will you have a Job to go to and will you have a future. There will be monumental changes,for this, world . The, elite will be fine but for the rest of us an unpleasant future, awaits, "

Its very sad! But if people did what they are supposed to be doing then we wouldn't be having local lockdowns and tinkering on the edge of a full lockdown!

Mainly due to people not taking responsibility for there own actions. Everyone locking for the loop hole to do what they want or just completely ignoring the rules.

Then you hot stupid people thinking this is all just a method to control and break our civil liberties. And see fit to protest against putting innocent lives at risk!

Maybe that needs to be addressed first!

Its said that a big organisation is potentially going with loss of a lot of jobs. But what about all the small companies.

No government wants this pandemic. The government are doing there best to control relying on peoples good well.

The only other way they can do it is Marshall law and put soldiers on the street to make people do it!

You obviously disagree with the way things are being done in the absence of a vaccine what do you think should happen?

Carry on regardless and live with the death toll?

Maybe you should look at USA for an example of how that is working and how many are dieing to keep the economy open! Is the deaths worth it? Trump thinks so but is at odds with his state officials who are left trying to control it and put in place lockdowns.

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By *ove2pleaseseukMan
over a year ago


Loads have lost there jobs in the theater industry this is just an carry on from that you need a full auditorium to make it worth wile..

Hopefully they can all reopen one day....

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By *ove2pleaseseukMan
over a year ago


"All 128 cine world cinemas to close. 5500 jobs, to go thanks to the pandemic

Cine world have, announced these, closures. They were hoping the New Bond film which was, due for release In NOVEMBER would help save them but now it has been put back till April 2021 they have said they can no longer operate under the current circumstances, and are losing money hand over fist. This country needs, to get a grip now and fast and, stop hiding away from this virus.. Lockdown is not the answer if people want a future. How many more businesses will fold. How many more people will become unemployed. This is getting ridiculous,. By all means, hide away from the virus if you want to but it will still be there when you re emerge

But will you have a Job to go to and will you have a future. There will be monumental changes,for this, world . The, elite will be fine but for the rest of us an unpleasant future, awaits, "

So are you really suggesting we just go back to how it was end of 2019 beginning of 2020 for get the last 10 months

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By *uadzillaMan
over a year ago


Cineworld is owned by Blackstone's equity and here are a few of their notable investments Allied Waste, AlliedBarton Security Services, TRW Automotive,Legoland, Madame Tussauds, Pinnacle Foods, Hilton Hotels Corporation, The Weather Channel Busch Entertainment

Hilton Worldwide, Center Parcs UK, Wyndham Worldwide and that's just a few of them. They have a total value of over £35 BILLION all of the staff have been on furlough so the CEO can't buy his new Bentley this week or they have made their million this week best thing to do is shut the business down and lay off over 5500 staff. Nowt to do with covid it's just greed from the richest as per usual

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By *uadzillaMan
over a year ago


"Cineworld is owned by Blackstone's equity and here are a few of their notable investments Allied Waste, AlliedBarton Security Services, TRW Automotive,Legoland, Madame Tussauds, Pinnacle Foods, Hilton Hotels Corporation, The Weather Channel Busch Entertainment

Hilton Worldwide, Center Parcs UK, Wyndham Worldwide and that's just a few of them. They have a total value of over £35 BILLION all of the staff have been on furlough so the CEO can't buy his new Bentley this week or they have made their million this week best thing to do is shut the business down and lay off over 5500 staff. Nowt to do with covid it's just greed from the richest as per usual"

Oh and they'll be there with their greedy hands out looking for a bale out from the government

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By *omerset tvTV/TS
over a year ago


Ive seen conflicting reports some say the closure is temporarly until things pick up again but some saying its permanent so not really sure whats going on but always sad when people loose their jobs

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By *eeker of truthMan
over a year ago


"Ive seen conflicting reports some say the closure is temporarly until things pick up again but some saying its permanent so not really sure whats going on but always sad when people loose their jobs "

Just wait till furlough ends end of October.

Its scary the amount of people that will be jobless soon.

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By *etcplCouple
over a year ago

Gapping Fanny

Just read the BBC article which appears to imply its a temporary closure.

Its a shame, we have been Cineworld card holders for 10 years, and at one point racked up seeing over 70 movies in a single year.

We havent been at all in 2020, and 2019 was a slow year.

Now with Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney + and YouTube premium there is less reason to keep the subscription active.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Cineworld is owned by Blackstone's equity and here are a few of their notable investments Allied Waste, AlliedBarton Security Services, TRW Automotive,Legoland, Madame Tussauds, Pinnacle Foods, Hilton Hotels Corporation, The Weather Channel Busch Entertainment

Hilton Worldwide, Center Parcs UK, Wyndham Worldwide and that's just a few of them. They have a total value of over £35 BILLION all of the staff have been on furlough so the CEO can't buy his new Bentley this week or they have made their million this week best thing to do is shut the business down and lay off over 5500 staff. Nowt to do with covid it's just greed from the richest as per usual"

a company being worth £35 billion only means it has assets to that value not cash ... and that will be their last set of annual accounts, the fair value (ie sellable value) of most of the assets will have reduced considerably during covid because lets face it who wants to buy stock of cinemas that nobody wants to visit

most of those other companies will be losing money hand over fist just now too hilton, centre parcs, madame tussads, lego land

and how many peoples pensions do you think will be dropping as the value of blackstone equity drops in line with its companies?

your assumption that letting these companies continue to hemmorage money is just to save the rich man is so misunderstood ... directors also have a LEGAL obligation to work for the best interests of a companies shareholders and protect the assets ... wether those shareholders be the big man or the little man doesn’t matter its a criminal offence not to do what every you can to protect their investment

you need to take off your pity party hat and stop this rich man trying to screw me narrative and look at the bigger picture ... nobody is benefitting from this situation

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By *tace 309 OP   TV/TS
over a year ago


"Just read the BBC article which appears to imply its a temporary closure.

Its a shame, we have been Cineworld card holders for 10 years, and at one point racked up seeing over 70 movies in a single year.

We havent been at all in 2020, and 2019 was a slow year.

Now with Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney + and YouTube premium there is less reason to keep the subscription active."

don't think it's temporary

they are, talking of paying people from as soon as tomorrow,

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By *HaRiFMan
over a year ago

Beyond the shadows.

They are temporarily closing, with the hope that when they do start back up they will re-employ the staff they have made redundant. Which I suppose isn't too bad if the staff get a decent redundancy package and they do open back up.

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By *estivalMan
over a year ago


end of october is when your gona see unemployment shoot up.the gov aint gona keep helping buisnesses that are pretty much finished.only ones going to be getting help are the ones that still stand a chance of surviving.my place laid 25 people of begining of august the rest of us that are left should be finding out in the next ten days what the future holds for us.could be that some stay and some go could be thanks but thats your lot.the ones who were made redundant had to claim it from the goverment as the firm isnt solvent

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Ive seen conflicting reports some say the closure is temporarly until things pick up again but some saying its permanent so not really sure whats going on but always sad when people loose their jobs

Just wait till furlough ends end of October.

Its scary the amount of people that will be jobless soon.



And if people dont have jobs, they dont have money to spend.

And so on..

We're all gonna end up living in tents in the parks

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By *uadzillaMan
over a year ago


"Cineworld is owned by Blackstone's equity and here are a few of their notable investments Allied Waste, AlliedBarton Security Services, TRW Automotive,Legoland, Madame Tussauds, Pinnacle Foods, Hilton Hotels Corporation, The Weather Channel Busch Entertainment

Hilton Worldwide, Center Parcs UK, Wyndham Worldwide and that's just a few of them. They have a total value of over £35 BILLION all of the staff have been on furlough so the CEO can't buy his new Bentley this week or they have made their million this week best thing to do is shut the business down and lay off over 5500 staff. Nowt to do with covid it's just greed from the richest as per usual

a company being worth £35 billion only means it has assets to that value not cash ... and that will be their last set of annual accounts, the fair value (ie sellable value) of most of the assets will have reduced considerably during covid because lets face it who wants to buy stock of cinemas that nobody wants to visit

most of those other companies will be losing money hand over fist just now too hilton, centre parcs, madame tussads, lego land

and how many peoples pensions do you think will be dropping as the value of blackstone equity drops in line with its companies?

your assumption that letting these companies continue to hemmorage money is just to save the rich man is so misunderstood ... directors also have a LEGAL obligation to work for the best interests of a companies shareholders and protect the assets ... wether those shareholders be the big man or the little man doesn’t matter its a criminal offence not to do what every you can to protect their investment

you need to take off your pity party hat and stop this rich man trying to screw me narrative and look at the bigger picture ... nobody is benefitting from this situation "

Agree to disagree. I was making a generalisation point however when you look deeper into Blackstone's financial side they have not been hemorrhaging money. Also your statement of nobody is benefitting from this !! If nobody is benefitting then there is no need to close and lay of staff, so I'd stop being naive and see that someone will be benefitting

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By *uliaChrisCouple
over a year ago


"Nothing to due with a covid really, another failing business model, only so many idiots prepared to spend a tenner on on a gallon of sugar and water another tenner to park and same again to watch a film that you can buy for a fiver in a few months


Sadly I agree, although to be fair I think cinema admissions were at a record high a couple of years ago, no idea why.

Add that to sitting with noisy strangers, watching CGI rubbish with no sense of humour, half an hour of ads, etc etc

I miss the eighties. a good Arnie or Sly or Bruce real action pic. Instead we get Marnie and me or chipmunks farting or big metal dustbins hitting each other, Jeez.

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By *ostafunMan
over a year ago

near ipswich

"All 128 cine world cinemas to close. 5500 jobs, to go thanks to the pandemic

Cine world have, announced these, closures. They were hoping the New Bond film which was, due for release In NOVEMBER would help save them but now it has been put back till April 2021 they have said they can no longer operate under the current circumstances, and are losing money hand over fist. This country needs, to get a grip now and fast and, stop hiding away from this virus.. Lockdown is not the answer if people want a future. How many more businesses will fold. How many more people will become unemployed. This is getting ridiculous,. By all means, hide away from the virus if you want to but it will still be there when you re emerge

But will you have a Job to go to and will you have a future. There will be monumental changes,for this, world . The, elite will be fine but for the rest of us an unpleasant future, awaits, "

so on one hand you are saying we should stop hiding and yet on the other you are saying that uni,s should not have opened make your mind up.

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By *mmabluTV/TS
over a year ago

upton wirral

"All 128 cine world cinemas to close. 5500 jobs, to go thanks to the pandemic

Cine world have, announced these, closures. They were hoping the New Bond film which was, due for release In NOVEMBER would help save them but now it has been put back till April 2021 they have said they can no longer operate under the current circumstances, and are losing money hand over fist. This country needs, to get a grip now and fast and, stop hiding away from this virus.. Lockdown is not the answer if people want a future. How many more businesses will fold. How many more people will become unemployed. This is getting ridiculous,. By all means, hide away from the virus if you want to but it will still be there when you re emerge

But will you have a Job to go to and will you have a future. There will be monumental changes,for this, world . The, elite will be fine but for the rest of us an unpleasant future, awaits, "

Cinemas will reopen when we get on top of virus but very unfortunate for staff in the short term

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Cineworld is owned by Blackstone's equity and here are a few of their notable investments Allied Waste, AlliedBarton Security Services, TRW Automotive,Legoland, Madame Tussauds, Pinnacle Foods, Hilton Hotels Corporation, The Weather Channel Busch Entertainment

Hilton Worldwide, Center Parcs UK, Wyndham Worldwide and that's just a few of them. They have a total value of over £35 BILLION all of the staff have been on furlough so the CEO can't buy his new Bentley this week or they have made their million this week best thing to do is shut the business down and lay off over 5500 staff. Nowt to do with covid it's just greed from the richest as per usual

a company being worth £35 billion only means it has assets to that value not cash ... and that will be their last set of annual accounts, the fair value (ie sellable value) of most of the assets will have reduced considerably during covid because lets face it who wants to buy stock of cinemas that nobody wants to visit

most of those other companies will be losing money hand over fist just now too hilton, centre parcs, madame tussads, lego land

and how many peoples pensions do you think will be dropping as the value of blackstone equity drops in line with its companies?

your assumption that letting these companies continue to hemmorage money is just to save the rich man is so misunderstood ... directors also have a LEGAL obligation to work for the best interests of a companies shareholders and protect the assets ... wether those shareholders be the big man or the little man doesn’t matter its a criminal offence not to do what every you can to protect their investment

you need to take off your pity party hat and stop this rich man trying to screw me narrative and look at the bigger picture ... nobody is benefitting from this situation

Agree to disagree. I was making a generalisation point however when you look deeper into Blackstone's financial side they have not been hemorrhaging money. Also your statement of nobody is benefitting from this !! If nobody is benefitting then there is no need to close and lay of staff, so I'd stop being naive and see that someone will be benefitting "

i meant the pandemic... nobody is benefitting from the pandemic

and read my post and you will see i said some of the companies blackstone invest in will be haemorrhaging money ... it will trickle up at some point but it wont be cash it will be value wiped off their balance sheet and subsequently peoples pensions

yes the shareholders of cineworld will benefit by closing them down ... well as much as you can call cutting your losses at shares being worth 20% of the value they were in january a benefit

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By *i1971Man
over a year ago


"All 128 cine world cinemas to close. 5500 jobs, to go thanks to the pandemic

Cine world have, announced these, closures. They were hoping the New Bond film which was, due for release In NOVEMBER would help save them but now it has been put back till April 2021 they have said they can no longer operate under the current circumstances, and are losing money hand over fist. This country needs, to get a grip now and fast and, stop hiding away from this virus.. Lockdown is not the answer if people want a future. How many more businesses will fold. How many more people will become unemployed. This is getting ridiculous,. By all means, hide away from the virus if you want to but it will still be there when you re emerge

But will you have a Job to go to and will you have a future. There will be monumental changes,for this, world . The, elite will be fine but for the rest of us an unpleasant future, awaits,

Try blaming netflix and illegal online streaming.

Covid may have been a straw but the camel was bent"

What this is undoubtedly bad news for all those affected, I've actually wondered how the local cinemas stayed open pre covid, as they were rarely full and it has to be costly to run.

It might be my perception but there doesn't appear to be the same sort of numbers in town anyway, so I suspect it'll all have a knock on effect.

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By *uadzillaMan
over a year ago


"Cineworld is owned by Blackstone's equity and here are a few of their notable investments Allied Waste, AlliedBarton Security Services, TRW Automotive,Legoland, Madame Tussauds, Pinnacle Foods, Hilton Hotels Corporation, The Weather Channel Busch Entertainment

Hilton Worldwide, Center Parcs UK, Wyndham Worldwide and that's just a few of them. They have a total value of over £35 BILLION all of the staff have been on furlough so the CEO can't buy his new Bentley this week or they have made their million this week best thing to do is shut the business down and lay off over 5500 staff. Nowt to do with covid it's just greed from the richest as per usual

a company being worth £35 billion only means it has assets to that value not cash ... and that will be their last set of annual accounts, the fair value (ie sellable value) of most of the assets will have reduced considerably during covid because lets face it who wants to buy stock of cinemas that nobody wants to visit

most of those other companies will be losing money hand over fist just now too hilton, centre parcs, madame tussads, lego land

and how many peoples pensions do you think will be dropping as the value of blackstone equity drops in line with its companies?

your assumption that letting these companies continue to hemmorage money is just to save the rich man is so misunderstood ... directors also have a LEGAL obligation to work for the best interests of a companies shareholders and protect the assets ... wether those shareholders be the big man or the little man doesn’t matter its a criminal offence not to do what every you can to protect their investment

you need to take off your pity party hat and stop this rich man trying to screw me narrative and look at the bigger picture ... nobody is benefitting from this situation

Agree to disagree. I was making a generalisation point however when you look deeper into Blackstone's financial side they have not been hemorrhaging money. Also your statement of nobody is benefitting from this !! If nobody is benefitting then there is no need to close and lay of staff, so I'd stop being naive and see that someone will be benefitting

i meant the pandemic... nobody is benefitting from the pandemic

and read my post and you will see i said some of the companies blackstone invest in will be haemorrhaging money ... it will trickle up at some point but it wont be cash it will be value wiped off their balance sheet and subsequently peoples pensions

yes the shareholders of cineworld will benefit by closing them down ... well as much as you can call cutting your losses at shares being worth 20% of the value they were in january a benefit "

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The bosses describe it as an unviable business model under Corona regulations.

Sadly there'll be plenty more to follow.

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By *D835Man
over a year ago


"Ive seen conflicting reports some say the closure is temporarly until things pick up again but some saying its permanent so not really sure whats going on but always sad when people loose their jobs

Just wait till furlough ends end of October.

Its scary the amount of people that will be jobless soon.


And if people dont have jobs, they dont have money to spend.

And so on..

We're all gonna end up living in tents in the parks"

And here’s me hoping I can share a tent with you if that happens......

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Its a shame as the one in Eastbourne, just moved from a retail park to a shopping centre. God knows how much that cost to build, I am sure it obviously added to the decision to close these places.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Just been announced that all uk cinemas will close on Thursday and the same with the usa...over 700 cinemas in total.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The human cost is incredibly sad. Another 5500 jobs gone. There will be many thousands of families hugely impacted by this change to their income.

For those saying the business model doesn’t work anymore, it was perfectly viable before COVID, I think I read profits were over £100m for the group in the first half of 2019. Hope that by mothballing their sites they will have the cash reserves to see through to the other side and be able to offer mass employment again

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By *ercuryMan
over a year ago


536 Regal cinemas in the US, as well as 127 Cineworlds in the UK. That involves some 45000 employees.

Their share price dropped 50% in the first 15 mins of trading this morning.

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By *lirtymr_mrsCouple
over a year ago



Their share price dropped 50% in the first 15 mins of trading this morning. "

Stabilised to -29% now. A business that doesn't trade, in an industry that has no future is worth zero. Does it even own the cinema buildings? they aren't worth much anyway right now, but without them Cineworld is effectively a worthless shell come Thursday when they ditch all their experienced staff where the corporate knowhow sits.

Even at this price it's probably better shorting the shares than going long. (Or just leave it well alone and invest in a good business).

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Their share price dropped 50% in the first 15 mins of trading this morning.

Stabilised to -29% now. A business that doesn't trade, in an industry that has no future is worth zero. Does it even own the cinema buildings? they aren't worth much anyway right now, but without them Cineworld is effectively a worthless shell come Thursday when they ditch all their experienced staff where the corporate knowhow sits.

Even at this price it's probably better shorting the shares than going long. (Or just leave it well alone and invest in a good business)."


Some people still invested in blockbuster, even when the end was in sight

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Then tell it to the people who won't follow the rules that allows us to open up the economy more. Very bluntly, you cannot have things as they were. Therefore people need to find a way to minimise exposure and risk, this, and currently only this, will allow many businesses to continue to trade. "

Sadly, it's following the Covid rules that has forced them to close.

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By *ndecidedMan
over a year ago


Sad to see them go, had many an enjoyable evening with delightful company, in their comfy chairs, ignoring the movie!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Then tell it to the people who won't follow the rules that allows us to open up the economy more. Very bluntly, you cannot have things as they were. Therefore people need to find a way to minimise exposure and risk, this, and currently only this, will allow many businesses to continue to trade.

Sadly, it's following the Covid rules that has forced them to close."

Or maybe lack of film releases due to covid?

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By *lirtymr_mrsCouple
over a year ago



Some people still invested in blockbuster, even when the end was in sight "

There is still an empty blockbuster video shop near us. Such a bad location it was never rented out again... Maybe same for Cineworld? or would they get re-purposed to flats or cinemas again under new owners... It's not like Mecca bingo will be buying up even more venues!

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By *aintscoupleCouple
over a year ago

st helens

Maybe they could keep them open and show socially distanced adult films on a weekend

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By *ap d agde coupleCouple
over a year ago


When other people lose there job it’s a recession when you lose yours it’s a Depression, this just the start Unemployment beckons for millions 2 Trillion in debt rosey future

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Never nice to hear about people losing jobs! The thing that put me off going was the price they charge for drinks and food. Popcorn surely can't cost that much to make and then pass the high cost on. The pricing of admission was also too high. Last time I went it was two adults and two kids! Four drinks, four snacks and a couple of popcorns! Was best part of £65! Not the cheapest night out and you get the annoying people sitting next to you. Used to live the cinema but now it's not good enough value for money (in my opinion) rather wait and get it on TV.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Never nice to hear about people losing jobs! The thing that put me off going was the price they charge for drinks and food. Popcorn surely can't cost that much to make and then pass the high cost on. The pricing of admission was also too high. Last time I went it was two adults and two kids! Four drinks, four snacks and a couple of popcorns! Was best part of £65! Not the cheapest night out and you get the annoying people sitting next to you. Used to live the cinema but now it's not good enough value for money (in my opinion) rather wait and get it on TV. "

To be fair alot of films they've churned out the last few years have been absolutely dire as well

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Then tell it to the people who won't follow the rules that allows us to open up the economy more. Very bluntly, you cannot have things as they were. Therefore people need to find a way to minimise exposure and risk, this, and currently only this, will allow many businesses to continue to trade. "

everybody will get this virusat some point, so why not get it now and recover and have your immune system fight it without a unknown vaccine added to it??? you staying locked in your house aint doing your immune system any favours!!

and just remember 99.7 % actually recover too

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By *ap d agde coupleCouple
over a year ago


"Then tell it to the people who won't follow the rules that allows us to open up the economy more. Very bluntly, you cannot have things as they were. Therefore people need to find a way to minimise exposure and risk, this, and currently only this, will allow many businesses to continue to trade.

everybody will get this virusat some point, so why not get it now and recover and have your immune system fight it without a unknown vaccine added to it??? you staying locked in your house aint doing your immune system any favours!!

and just remember 99.7 % actually recover too "

Exactly most if not all will get this virus

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"All 128 cine world cinemas to close. 5500 jobs, to go thanks to the pandemic

Cine world have, announced these, closures. They were hoping the New Bond film which was, due for release In NOVEMBER would help save them but now it has been put back till April 2021 they have said they can no longer operate under the current circumstances, and are losing money hand over fist. This country needs, to get a grip now and fast and, stop hiding away from this virus.. Lockdown is not the answer if people want a future. How many more businesses will fold. How many more people will become unemployed. This is getting ridiculous,. By all means, hide away from the virus if you want to but it will still be there when you re emerge

But will you have a Job to go to and will you have a future. There will be monumental changes,for this, world . The, elite will be fine but for the rest of us an unpleasant future, awaits, "

It’s a shame that the Bond movie has been put back to 2021 I’m sure if they released it now it would be a cinema saviour Why can’t they show re runs of the classics?

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By *incskittenWoman
over a year ago


"Then tell it to the people who won't follow the rules that allows us to open up the economy more. Very bluntly, you cannot have things as they were. Therefore people need to find a way to minimise exposure and risk, this, and currently only this, will allow many businesses to continue to trade.

everybody will get this virusat some point, so why not get it now and recover and have your immune system fight it without a unknown vaccine added to it??? you staying locked in your house aint doing your immune system any favours!!

and just remember 99.7 % actually recover too Exactly most if not all will get this virus "

Suddenly everyone's an expert !

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Then tell it to the people who won't follow the rules that allows us to open up the economy more. Very bluntly, you cannot have things as they were. Therefore people need to find a way to minimise exposure and risk, this, and currently only this, will allow many businesses to continue to trade.

everybody will get this virusat some point, so why not get it now and recover and have your immune system fight it without a unknown vaccine added to it??? you staying locked in your house aint doing your immune system any favours!!

and just remember 99.7 % actually recover too "

Ever played russian roulette? Sounds like it might be just your sort of game.

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By *ess n BenCouple
over a year ago


Just been on the lunch time bbc news, all cineworld cinema’s in the UK and the USA will close and be mothballed from Thursday

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Then tell it to the people who won't follow the rules that allows us to open up the economy more. Very bluntly, you cannot have things as they were. Therefore people need to find a way to minimise exposure and risk, this, and currently only this, will allow many businesses to continue to trade.

everybody will get this virusat some point, so why not get it now and recover and have your immune system fight it without a unknown vaccine added to it??? you staying locked in your house aint doing your immune system any favours!!

and just remember 99.7 % actually recover too

Ever played russian roulette? Sounds like it might be just your sort of game. "

more chance of dying playing russian roulette if you ask me!! unless you have serious health problems,, think about it

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Then tell it to the people who won't follow the rules that allows us to open up the economy more. Very bluntly, you cannot have things as they were. Therefore people need to find a way to minimise exposure and risk, this, and currently only this, will allow many businesses to continue to trade.

everybody will get this virusat some point, so why not get it now and recover and have your immune system fight it without a unknown vaccine added to it??? you staying locked in your house aint doing your immune system any favours!!

and just remember 99.7 % actually recover too

Ever played russian roulette? Sounds like it might be just your sort of game.

more chance of dying playing russian roulette if you ask me!! unless you have serious health problems,, think about it"

Hope you've been fully checked for all those underlying health conditions. You know, the ones that don't show up in any of the normal national medical checks the population go through. Then, if you do get it, you have to avoid any of the long term and sometimes permanent health conditions that come with infection. Given that they don't figure in your "recovery" rate.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The human cost is incredibly sad. Another 5500 jobs gone. There will be many thousands of families hugely impacted by this change to their income.

For those saying the business model doesn’t work anymore, it was perfectly viable before COVID, I think I read profits were over £100m for the group in the first half of 2019. Hope that by mothballing their sites they will have the cash reserves to see through to the other side and be able to offer mass employment again "

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm very sad about the closures, i feel sorry for the staff and hope they get their jobs back in the future.

Personally i love going to the cinema, we go to the local cineworld, its cheaper than showcase and vue. The picture and sound are great, seats are comfy, we go at times when its not busy. You dont have to buy their food and drinks, we often take our own.

We have been in the past few months, it felt safe with the use of masks, social distancing and cleaning.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Then tell it to the people who won't follow the rules that allows us to open up the economy more. Very bluntly, you cannot have things as they were. Therefore people need to find a way to minimise exposure and risk, this, and currently only this, will allow many businesses to continue to trade.

everybody will get this virusat some point, so why not get it now and recover and have your immune system fight it without a unknown vaccine added to it??? you staying locked in your house aint doing your immune system any favours!!

and just remember 99.7 % actually recover too

Ever played russian roulette? Sounds like it might be just your sort of game.

more chance of dying playing russian roulette if you ask me!! unless you have serious health problems,, think about it

Hope you've been fully checked for all those underlying health conditions. You know, the ones that don't show up in any of the normal national medical checks the population go through. Then, if you do get it, you have to avoid any of the long term and sometimes permanent health conditions that come with infection. Given that they don't figure in your "recovery" rate. "

like i said,,more likely to die from something else rather than covid virus!!!

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By *atEvolutionCouple
over a year ago

atlantisEVOLUTION Swingers Club. Stoke.

Batman and Dune have been delayed too.

So 'No Time To Die'. No Batman to the Rescue. Or being off your head in Dune.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Then tell it to the people who won't follow the rules that allows us to open up the economy more. Very bluntly, you cannot have things as they were. Therefore people need to find a way to minimise exposure and risk, this, and currently only this, will allow many businesses to continue to trade.

everybody will get this virusat some point, so why not get it now and recover and have your immune system fight it without a unknown vaccine added to it??? you staying locked in your house aint doing your immune system any favours!!

and just remember 99.7 % actually recover too

Ever played russian roulette? Sounds like it might be just your sort of game.

more chance of dying playing russian roulette if you ask me!! unless you have serious health problems,, think about it

Hope you've been fully checked for all those underlying health conditions. You know, the ones that don't show up in any of the normal national medical checks the population go through. Then, if you do get it, you have to avoid any of the long term and sometimes permanent health conditions that come with infection. Given that they don't figure in your "recovery" rate.

like i said,,more likely to die from something else rather than covid virus!!!"

So that's ok then? To make a conscious choice to kill a few more people by intentionally exposing them to a disease with unknown risks?

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By *ionelhutzMan
over a year ago


"Then tell it to the people who won't follow the rules that allows us to open up the economy more. Very bluntly, you cannot have things as they were. Therefore people need to find a way to minimise exposure and risk, this, and currently only this, will allow many businesses to continue to trade.

everybody will get this virusat some point, so why not get it now and recover and have your immune system fight it without a unknown vaccine added to it??? you staying locked in your house aint doing your immune system any favours!!

and just remember 99.7 % actually recover too

Ever played russian roulette? Sounds like it might be just your sort of game.

more chance of dying playing russian roulette if you ask me!! unless you have serious health problems,, think about it

Hope you've been fully checked for all those underlying health conditions. You know, the ones that don't show up in any of the normal national medical checks the population go through. Then, if you do get it, you have to avoid any of the long term and sometimes permanent health conditions that come with infection. Given that they don't figure in your "recovery" rate.

like i said,,more likely to die from something else rather than covid virus!!!

So that's ok then? To make a conscious choice to kill a few more people by intentionally exposing them to a disease with unknown risks?"

Apparently so

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By *kslutncuckCouple
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

It says temporary for all cineworlds hope this is the case

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By *erfume-LoverMan
over a year ago

Fife Coast

Maybe in the future if they reopen they will come back with sensible admission prices and also for food and drink

Sorry - but no loss to me anymore

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

cinemas are finished.

disney will see to that as they are leading the way in direct premiers to home via their subscription channels.

soon as it takes off netflix and others will cash in on it.

the majority of people will prefer to sit at home, watch a premier at a time of their choosing than travelling to a cinema.

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By *ackformore100Man
over a year ago

Tin town

"cinemas are finished.

disney will see to that as they are leading the way in direct premiers to home via their subscription channels.

soon as it takes off netflix and others will cash in on it.

the majority of people will prefer to sit at home, watch a premier at a time of their choosing than travelling to a cinema."

Agreed. Like many businesses. Using the excuse of covid and lockdown to rationalise, restructure and refocus their businesses "for free". And that is their right. Just rather disingenuous of some of them.

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By *atEvolutionCouple
over a year ago

atlantisEVOLUTION Swingers Club. Stoke.

"cinemas are finished.

disney will see to that as they are leading the way in direct premiers to home via their subscription channels.

soon as it takes off netflix and others will cash in on it.

the majority of people will prefer to sit at home, watch a premier at a time of their choosing than travelling to a cinema."

I love Cinema I do really. What annoys me about Cinema is the cost of food and drink, which when added to the bill is often more than twice the price of the original tickets. Items that can be bought for less than a third of the price from any high-street supermarket.

Affording it isn't the issue at all, it's the shear cheek of asking such inflated prices. What is also annoying is the overly long lead-in to the main event. Last time I went, just before March, it was 1 hour and 10 minutes of nothing but adverts. for an 8pm start time. (the movie started at 9.10pm).

The BIG TV isn't just one off now every room in the house has one - the main one with a better sound system than the cinema pro-rata to my house.

Netflix doesn't really go for 'new' cinema releases but it has a whole raft of very high quality and original miniseries.

What DVD is to VHS I think Streaming will become to Cinema.

Plus there is the biggest factor of all - THE PAUSE BUTTON.

3 Hour movie - Hot snacks in-between - endless Bar. No Problem. No Driving. No Taxis.

The World is changing - rapidly.

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By *heBirminghamWeekendMan
over a year ago


" I love Cinema I do really. What annoys me about Cinema is the cost of food and drink, which when added to the bill is often more than twice the price of the original tickets "

If you are hungry - eat a decent meal before going to watch the film, that way you avoid spending a fortune on nasty processed stuff that stinks out the cinema and spoils the experience for those around you

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By *00STERMan
over a year ago


I think Cineworld are playing a political gamble here against the movie studios, they already had started a bit of sabre rattling with universal over the digital release of trolls, refusing to show any universal movies (which seems counter productive) frankly I’d like to see all movies released digitally at the same time as the cinema, watching at home for me is just like going to the cinema, just without the added distraction of other people being noisy, rattling sweet wrappers and popcorn boxes and better still no kids !

Bring on the digital revolution!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

what disney did many years ago was see that parents could sit the kids down with a vhs/dvd and brainwash them.

now they own espn, starwars and all the big brands which they needed to start disney+.

the whole purpose of that was to cut out the middleman i.e. cinemas

they get you paying a monthly subscription then on top of that you can watch the new disney pixars film for £10 and because the kids know you have to buy it.

you'll spend more than £10 at the cinema and disney know this so they will capitalise on this media and i if this lockdown continues past april i bet the new james bond movie appears on all streaming channels for a fee.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The truth is cinemas have changed over the last 15 years, nobody actually makes movies anymore, there's no film stars, most of them being made are utter crap, mass markets stopped going and prices went sky high, then they have to brainwash you into going to watch marvel wolverine spider egghead remake..

Or to sum up, it's shit and it's costing £70, sadly the music industry isn't far behind.

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