By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
As a visitor from Canada, on a select mission while in the UK, and used to websites such as these I was prepared to be bombarded with snarky emails, the horny emails, the usual harassment emails, as that is how it happens back where I come from.
Boy, was I surprised here.
I did get what I wanted, but honestly I was not expecting what had also happened.
I had to turn down just about everyone who did email me, mostly men, some couples. And I tried to do it as eloquently and as honestly as I could. Of the 99 percent of people I had to turn down, maybe 1 percent or even less than that was ignorant or mean about it.
Less than 1 percent. Which is where my surprise was. I never expected to hear back from so many men, saying thank you for telling me and good luck. Thank you for even taking the time to email me back. Thank you, and hope you get what you are looking for. Or even just a thank you. Those emails were countless in response to my simply being honest, saying no thank you but good luck, and treating these nameless persons as I would like to be treated.
It takes guts, even online, to approach or email someone, even to say fancy a chat, or worse, as you must be prepared to get your ass handed to you, or hear nothing back at all. But it takes politeness and humbleness to accept rejection as it is, in stride.
Which is why I am saying thank you publicly back.
This could have been a week of hell of dealing with constant angry emails, and instead I was treated very well by everyone. You were all so polite, and so charming.
They say that chivalry is becoming a lost art, and I completely disagree after what I went through this week here. I think men would just like a lady, for whatever obvious and not so obvious reasons; They still would like a lady to be polite to. Even if it is not going to go there way. And these countless men who I had to reject, were more than happy to still hold the door open for me as I walked through it past them. Simply because I treated them as I would like to. With simplicity and with honesty.
That is a true testament to how this country is, and how is it to me.
You ladies here, have no idea what kind of gold mine you are sitting on. All these men want is to please you, and to show you a good time, and have a carefree, positive experience. There are so many sexy, wonderful men here who are looking to just pay attention to someone; and I hope they continue and I hope that you wonderful women allow them in.
I learned myself that it takes nothing out of my life to be nice, even to someone who I would not want to be with on any level. I was just nice about it. And they were just as friendly back; and no one had to be. It just happened that way.
I am going to miss that, as it is not like that in North America at all on these kinds of websites. You truly have it lucky here.
Thank you, thank you and thank you for making this such a wonderful part of my journey. I love the UK, and this is just another notch in the column as to why it is so great.
Please be kind, polite, and good to each other.
Stay sexy!