Yes i was really terrified to begin with, Even though i was a member of serveral sites , i couldnt muster the voice i wanted , whether it was feeling inhibited about expressing my sexuality openly , bit of catholic guilt, and feeling unsure of what exactly it was i wanted from other members , i didnt know , and felt very isolated, It was however really a matter of taking my biggest fear , asking someone to meet me , and pushing myself to respond with a positivity and willingness , If you always do what youve always done , youll always get what youve always got! Its okay to admit your nervous , and want to feel comfortable but dont just yet. Little by little , you will realise who sounds a lot like you , and you will start to find your voice , its easy sometimes to find comments by others with which you can relate , and also , that which you can say wholeheartedly you dont . If your not sure , read through each post , and when you see something which clicks with you , tell that person , you find what they say chimes with you , it doesnt have to he about sex , just about common ground , not everyone has to agree with or even like you , dont take it personally , at least you know there are two sides to every view , and be by disagreement you have benefit of someones honest opinion. Good luck , be bold , youll be surprised at how liberating speaking up can be . Was it mark twain said ,” better sometimes. To remain silent and be thought by others a fool , than to open your mouth and remove any doubt ! Friend request coming your way , feel free to ignore it ! Love amd best wishes anna x |