By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
you maybe start your messages with a hello or how are you? before you throw the demand/expectation to do what you want?! if you don't then nothing anyone will say will stop you from being an idiot (lol)
i wasnt suggesting days or weeks worth of messaging, no one has the time or patience for it!! but a simply hello is not only polite but sets the way in which someone thinks of you! by all means say it as it is, be upfront but its the arrogant thinking that they have a gift to make any woman do what they want just because they have said so! "Cant wait for you to suck my cock" shows you think you are irresistible to me no matter if you look like something from a weird science experiment or are old enough to be my grandad....
do people not look at photos and realistically judge if they have a chance, could you really see yourself not on here asking the same question and getting a good response? if you'd be punching above your weight in a pub, cafe, where ever- the same will apply here. when i log on i dont automatically lose my standards and suddenly find attractive what i didn't before. again i'm not being judgemental of looks etc but everyone likes different things, also dislikes different things too! i would not go up to gerrard butler in the street and expect him to do whatever I wanted, i wouldn't stand a chance.... so not that i'm bigging myself up but a 69 year old fat, unshaven with a combover should not think telling me they will fuck me will actually work! its a very thin line between arrogance and desperation, do they just say it in the slim hope of any sort of response? i can say without a shadow of doubt this is the wrong way to go about it.... it will either get ignored, you blocked or a not nice reply that will dent your already fragile ego! i know this reads like i'm being a bitch and picking faults... but i really hope just one person will think before dumb messaging, you are about 90% more likely to get a reply, even if its a polite no thanks and wishing you luck finding someone right for you (yes i always do this if i get a nice witty and polite message!! at best you'll strike up a 2nd and 3rd message which stands you in better chance of actually meeting up with someone as they will now think you are easy to get on with and will be already be slightly comfy with you... if you can crack the 1st message you are half way there as personality really is everything on here, its all you have on here at 1st until you let someone see what you look like... don't blow it with an arrogant as hell message that will only help any normal person to at best ignore it.... i try to do this but sometimes can't help firing a reply off with my thoughts on what they have just demanded of me.... i had to read the utter cringeworthy one liners that come from some- is there a school specialising in bad chat up lines straight from a bad 70's porn film.....
after all that probably repeating myself and not making a great deal of sense, i feel a lot better for getting it out there, have sore fingertips now from all this typing haha!! thank you for your reply to which i do agree to a certain extent-never change who you are! but i very much doubt that every message we get like that is sent from someone who would go up to a stranger and say to their face the same thing! you would find yourself with a police caution haha, keyboard warriors at their lowest form,,, i could go on and on but am even boring myself now with this ranting but it does need to be said, by me or it will continue to annoy me that you don't get what i meant with the original now year old post.......... enough said even though i still have a few more points that would fit in with what i mean.... just be nice, not arrogant, remember if you contact someone its because you liked what you saw so impressing them is the way to get your way lol xx |