Hi all,
Just a bit of fun... I was thinking about this the other day about what goes into a "meet"... and I'm talking about just going out for a night out at a club, let alone trying to actually arrange something with a real person!
So whats your "thing" you HAVE to do before goign on a meet?
So here is my/our list...
Early preparations 3 weeks ahead.
Yep, we have to start planning at least 3 weeks ahead. Arrange a babysitter! there are only a few people we trust to leave the kids with over night and as such, need to give them plenty of notice.
No So early prep 7-10 days prior
I start watching what I eat. Can lose a few pounds in a week and always feel better and more confident for it.
I also change my diet to be more fruit based... especially pineapple Kate genuinely notices the difference shall we say, and its for the better....;-)
Kate roughly choses her outifit and tries it on (Thank you lord )This highlights any need for additional underwear / stockings etc and for some reason usually results in me agreeing to a new pair of shoes
1-3 days before hand
If I'm feeling in the mood I may even go for a very light false tan. I'm pasty at the best of times and again, feel more comfortable if all I'm goign to be wearing is a towel.
Kate will probably get hair done, along with nails and pedicure.
1 day before
This is usually when any "intimate" pruning will be done. Gives it a day just to calm down if there is any redness.
4 hours before.
Early prep starts, cleaning my shoes, having a decent meal - we'll probably just pick and snack through the evening.
Book the taxi now if we're coming home after.
2 - 0 Hours before.
Its all happening now! - Showers, face shave (for Me.. - Dave!), Nasal hair, pluck the odd gray out of my side burns. Moisturise, aftershafe, lucky pants, new pair of socks, nails trimmed, hands and feet, brush and floss of teeth and hair done! After shafe... not too much but a gentle mist all over.
For Kate, it'll depend if we are staying over or goign straight there. If we are staying over then she'll do her makeup and everything at home but leave outfit until we're in the room.
Otherwise, now is the tricky bit, hiding the fact she is dressed up to the nines underneath.... But we are getting better at this...
Finally get in the taxi or drive if we are staying... I'm in by best clothes.
Arraive at club - walk 20 yards, take it all off and sit around in a towel
But its always worth it.
I read somewhere you should treat every meet as you would a first date with regards to prearations and cleanliness which we think is the perfect plan.
Anyone else have any "pre-meet" rituals?
D&K |