By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
So, this post is a little bit tongue in cheek, but the subject got me thinking tonight, and it's a bit of a spin on the "is it rude to not reply" threads that pop up on here.
Let me start by saying, we reply to every wink or message we get, the only exception being if the message is just rude, vulgar, ignorant etc.
Now, we rarely use FAB these days to arrange meets privately, more so for club meets, or to keep in touch with people we have met, and would like to continue to do so, and we rarely use it to go looking for people to meet.
That being said, if a profile really jumps out at us, we are open to meeting under different circumstances to a club meet.
We don't get lots of messages particularly, but when we do get a message, or see a wink, our arrangement is, that we only reply individually without consultation with the other, if we don't feel we'd like to meet, (what's the point in conferring with each other if one of us isn't happy to meet?)
90% of the time, our "thanks, but no thanks" replies, which we do take care to word politely and respectfully are instantly deleted, no reply no thanks, nothing. So after my waffling, is it consider rude to reply with a rejection? Is it not better to just ignore or block from the outset?
We don't get particularly disgruntled about it, but we have found, on the odd occasion, that a response to our no thanks message, has sparked a conversation and then led somewhere.
And as said, whilst we don't get dozens upon dozens of messages, even for the very limited amount we do respond to, it does still make us wonder, why do we bother to reply?