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How many veris is too many?

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I've noticed a trend on posts to shame or remark on the amount of verifications people have on their account. What decides how many veris is TOO many and becomes then off-putting? Most of my veris are from cam, social meets or people I have known for years who just happen to also be on this site and not from people I have actually fucked but does this really have an effect on people's judgements? Should you only display the veris from people you've played with and hide the rest or just have a broad mix?

Where do people draw the line as to being verified too much and it then being off-putting?

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By *iamondjoeMan
over a year ago


Who cares?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I think 5000 would be my limit never seen anyone close to that though. But as Diamondjoe says, who cares

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I couldnt care less. I find veri shaming a bit narrow minded tbh xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Like the OP we have many veries but all are from others we have met at clubs parties whom we have never played with nor would but some have turned into great friends socially,but in past have been slated for it and called prostitues lol

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By *osieWoman
over a year ago


"I think 5000 would be my limit never seen anyone close to that though. But as Diamondjoe says, who cares "

Any more than 50, I think

[ goes to check ]

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By *yrdwomanWoman
over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

I don't show even close to my full list of verifications so how would anyone know? Doesnt matter anyway. The first sign of slut shaming would have me running for the hills.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I think veris should be like feedback on ebay so timewasters can be shamed

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By *razedcatMan
over a year ago

London / Herts

Never really understood why people think there's such a thing as too many verifications. As swingers, surely you will amass quite a lot of veris, over time?

The only aspect of verifications I'd question is their frequency. Someone getting meets three or four times per week may be spending a little too much time having sex XD

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I don't even look at peoples veri's ~ apart from if its someone who has been here years and they have no pics...

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By *iSTARessWoman
over a year ago


There's a lady on here with over 750.

Good for her

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By *roggMan
over a year ago


Mine have taken years to gain and quite alot of them from social events that I have attended

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

It is just another filter. Filters out those who do not bother to actually read the veris.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

It really makes no difference. Nobody knows what anyone does off fab. So could have 1 or 2 here and be sleeping with plenty off the site!

Doll x

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By *atEvolutionCouple
over a year ago

atlantisEVOLUTION Swingers Club. Stoke.

Jeebus Cripes . . .

Verified by 259 people (hangs head in mortal or immortal shame lol

Cat X

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

2. Quality over quantity, and all that.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Thanks for the opinions peeps I didn't think I had too many and people were just nit picking but wanted to just tag in and check

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I couldnt care less. I find veri shaming a bit narrow minded tbh xx"

Thank you!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I've got too many as a woman, blokes can have as many as they like.

But woman can notch up quite a few in one go at a gang bang or dogging.

But if they don't like it theres plenty more single playing females out there.

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By *etter the devil you knowWoman
over a year ago


100. I prefer not to show too many.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Who gives a monkeys

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

To some 10 would seem to many. If over a few days... We don't care, we haven't got that many on this account compared to our previous couples or singles profile but still enough for some to comment

Thing is do really people think that number of verifications equals people you have had sex with.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I don't care about verifications. People are only going to show the good stuff. I mean, if someone gets a bad verification would they really show it on their profile? I doubt it!!

I don't care how many people someone has met, I care more about what the person is like, which i can only decide by chatting to & meeting myself.

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By *rs Mia WallaceWoman
over a year ago


"Never really understood why people think there's such a thing as too many verifications. As swingers, surely you will amass quite a lot of veris, over time?

The only aspect of verifications I'd question is their frequency. Someone getting meets three or four times per week may be spending a little too much time having sex XD"

I agree. It has put me off.

Not because im judging but suggests a deep unhappiness that is being fixed through sex. Not something id want to play a part in.....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 23/03/16 09:27:01]

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By *rs Mia WallaceWoman
over a year ago


To clarify...its not the overall amount but frequency!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

We would have 80 plus if we hadn't deleted profile a few times. Don't like it ,feck off!

No such thing as too many

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By *etter the devil you knowWoman
over a year ago


"Never really understood why people think there's such a thing as too many verifications. As swingers, surely you will amass quite a lot of veris, over time?

The only aspect of verifications I'd question is their frequency. Someone getting meets three or four times per week may be spending a little too much time having sex XD

I agree. It has put me off.

Not because im judging but suggests a deep unhappiness that is being fixed through sex. Not something id want to play a part in....."

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By *ordonBennettMan
over a year ago


It helps if what is written in the veris chimes with what is portrayed in the profile.

They also indicate that, on those occasions, the person turned up for the meet so you need to display enough of those to show the profiler is reasonably reliable...

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By *aked_ShenanigansCouple
over a year ago


"Thing is do really people think that number of verifications equals people you have had sex with. "

We don't care how many verifications someone does or doesn't have. If we like the look of them and they are fun and we get on with them then we would meet them. To shame someone because they have a lot of verifications is daft. Just because we don't conform to a number you were thinking doesn't entitle that person to say something rude! X

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I like to see a good few. 1 from 12 months ago does not inspire confidence they will turn up. There cannot be too many for me.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I think too some pple, too many veris might come across as 'going for quantity over quality' hence a put off!

But do understand some might have been acquired over yrs,from socials & reg meets.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Never really understood why people think there's such a thing as too many verifications. As swingers, surely you will amass quite a lot of veris, over time?

The only aspect of verifications I'd question is their frequency. Someone getting meets three or four times per week may be spending a little too much time having sex XD

I agree. It has put me off.

Not because im judging but suggests a deep unhappiness that is being fixed through sex. Not something id want to play a part in....."

or maybe just a happy sex life.... When we were on as singles we would both pick up a couple a week... But reality was it was much more...

Cant speak for everyone but ours was just a pair of horny gits.. And also life was in a place we could do it. Family/ work and real life has been putting a dampener on that recently... Plus the fact we now meet only together means it has cut Down on meets and its damned hard to find 4 people that get on.

I'm happy bunny when sex life is good...

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By *nlyfun3Woman
over a year ago

NEAR Berkhamsted,Herts

I have veris that range from knowing people over 18 years. They are select but some see only numbers. The 1s that criticise tend to be people who complain about not getting meets or join a swinging site to find 1 play partner.... go figure

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By *aked_ShenanigansCouple
over a year ago


"I think too some pple, too many veris might come across as 'going for quantity over quality' hence a put off!

But do understand some might have been acquired over yrs,from socials & reg meets. "

How can someone categorise someone's veris to form an assumption they would just shag anyone? It could be they like group action in a club. This could result from 10 in one night!

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By *rightonsteveMan
over a year ago

Brighton - even Hove!

I don't care how many verifications someone had unless it's zero or one in a year or more or something. More the merrier, I say. It's a blunt tool for assessing whether or not someone is worth meeting, basing a decision on numbers as some people don't show them or meet elsewhere as well.

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By *lik and PaulCouple
over a year ago



Oooo...we've got 41...just one more to go

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I think too some pple, too many veris might come across as 'going for quantity over quality' hence a put off!

But do understand some might have been acquired over yrs,from socials & reg meets. "

Another Judgemental comment. Quantity over quality.

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over a year ago

stourbridge area

I like to read people s varis ... it helps me decide if I would like to meet them ....especially if they have contacted me ...

You can tell by what others think of that person if they are decent people ....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I don't show even close to my full list of verifications so how would anyone know? Doesnt matter anyway. The first sign of slut shaming would have me running for the hills."

Exactly people can chose to show or not show.

Only having one or two might not mean you are a classy choosy person, you might be a crap shag and had 100s of meets but can't get a decent veri.

It's nice to have verifications to prove you do genuinely meet etc but other than that....who cares

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Must admit I don't veri neither do I ask or want I'm not a bloody ebay transaction if people want gen people phone call where all four speak soon sorts out fakers no excuses and a cam chat to ensure pic matches current appearance. .

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By *abioMan
over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

more than 1.... less than 1000..........

it does make me laugh as i love to know who gets to make the decisions.... too many? over what time? what happens if you meet 250 people at a social and they all verify you? play or social or dont' care!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Who cares how many someone has? They can easily be hidden... Others use many more sites or just a night out in general... If you are on a swinging site you will gain them... That's what u are here for... If one judges u based on it they are not worth ur time..

I personally like veris cos you can get an idea of what the person is like and if you would want to meet them.. It's nice to have

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By *etter the devil you knowWoman
over a year ago


"I think too some pple, too many veris might come across as 'going for quantity over quality' hence a put off!

But do understand some might have been acquired over yrs,from socials & reg meets. "

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I don't mind at all how many veris a person has . I've alot but half are social and the other are play. ...... so I'm popular what can I say

Seriously though . I don't like it when people Diss how many veris one has. My opinion sorry !!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The OP is not first to ask same questions

When I was on here with my 1st wife and then later with a fem FB, we would post all verifications given on the basis if someone wanted to say thanks, it only seemed right.

Those that feel uncomforatable with the number people post, seem to forget that if they (assuming married or attached) posted a veri every time they had sex at home, the would not be enough paper lol -

I would agree that multiple very from same person/people can be a bit OTT, but when they are genuine comments, why not let the world of Fb's know......I think that made sense

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I like fucking a lot of guys, so what. Got a high sex drive and like sex. If i had one guy i'd be fucking him loads but i don't have just one and have to have many.

No need to excuse anything as 'mine are mostly socials' coz then it looks like those who fuck a lot are in the wrong.

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By *angtidy10Couple
over a year ago


Just asked the same question as I hadn't seen this thread!

I think if you have lots of veris it just shows you like swinging/chatting. What's the problem isn't that what we are all here for

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Fair play to those that display loads of veris....lets be honest we all know the ones that dissapear and then reappear as newbies only to be verified by those they met before....fabs a game in so many ways to some arseholes

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Veris don't always mean you've had sex with them so why can you have to many ??

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The person who is looking to meet you is the only one who may be botheredby how many you have .

If you have too many , don't display them all .

Simple .

We have a few ..... and 90% aren't on display

We like a quantity of quality

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I've noticed a trend on posts to shame or remark on the amount of verifications people have on their account. What decides how many veris is TOO many and becomes then off-putting? Most of my veris are from cam, social meets or people I have known for years who just happen to also be on this site and not from people I have actually fucked but does this really have an effect on people's judgements? Should you only display the veris from people you've played with and hide the rest or just have a broad mix?

Where do people draw the line as to being verified too much and it then being off-putting?"

It's the voice within that determines how many or how less veri's are acceptable. There is no definitive right or wrong answer, such as pretty much everyting in life it is down to personal preferance as to what is acceptable. My opinion is along the lines of; "How long is a piece of string" ? As in no matter who you ask the answer will differ.

My personal thoughts/opinion would be to display what you want & hide whatever veri YOU want, but most importantly do what YOU want for yourself/be yourself. Let the haters hate & relish it.. .. Get some more veris on there..

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The amount someone has doesn't bother me or who they are.

The type of verification does. If they are all webcam verifications then that tells me something.

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By *imiUKMan
over a year ago


I don't like the way that the veris from people who have left stay on your summary.... it's annoying.

I've ben told I have too many in the past...meh.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

If someone had a meet (a sex meet - not a social ) every day then I'd be put off - primarily because I'd think they really need to get a life - and also because I don't wish to be one of a constant, forgettable train of meets!

Other than that - I really don't mind!

If a guy has quite a few veris it means he's grasped the concept of nsa sex - which is surely a good thing on a site like this? X

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By *roggMan
over a year ago


"more than 1.... less than 1000..........

it does make me laugh as i love to know who gets to make the decisions.... too many? over what time? what happens if you meet 250 people at a social and they all verify you? play or social or dont' care!"

people who organize socials will have alot so too will club owners and party organisers

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Too many for who? You or a stranger on the Internet supposedly looking for casual sex? If it's you, then only you will know that. If it's for someone judging you for actually having sex with other like minded people...then why would you care what they think?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Ditch the internet and go to clubs, you will meet less hypocrites.

Problem sorted!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Number of Veris will never be exact anyway - no-one veris every time they repeat meet people.

Meet who you want to - it's your sex life not anyone else's.


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I've noticed a trend on posts to shame or remark on the amount of verifications people have on their account. What decides how many veris is TOO many and becomes then off-putting? Most of my veris are from cam, social meets or people I have known for years who just happen to also be on this site and not from people I have actually fucked but does this really have an effect on people's judgements? Should you only display the veris from people you've played with and hide the rest or just have a broad mix?

Where do people draw the line as to being verified too much and it then being off-putting?"

between 60 and 845 especially if you gained them in two months

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"No need to excuse anything as 'mine are mostly socials' coz then it looks like those who fuck a lot are in the wrong."
And this!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Number of Veris will never be exact anyway - no-one veris every time they repeat meet people.

Meet who you want to - it's your sex life not anyone else's.

Sarah "

exactly this Sarah who cares what others think and where's my two sexy redheads

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By *anky_PankyWoman
over a year ago

Filthy Fuckeryville

Someone pulled me the other day for gaining so many in a year - asked did I not feel slutty!?

Pointed out I've been on here since at least 2009 and possibly earlier -can't actually remember when I joined, was going off my oldest pic as have used the site spasmodically over the years....

He still tried to have a poke when I said I wouldn't meet him so he joined the party out the back (the block list)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

People on a swingers site who judge other people on a swinging site for having meets is hypocrisy in the extreme. It's the tired old a man's a stud but a woman's a slag misogynistic crap

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By *iss_tressWoman
over a year ago


I can't get my head around people on a swinging site "put off" because others on same site meet others and document it.

*Shakes head at the hypocrisy*

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By *anky_PankyWoman
over a year ago

Filthy Fuckeryville

"I can't get my head around people on a swinging site "put off" because others on same site meet others and document it.

*Shakes head at the hypocrisy*"

Mind you I bow hide all my veris and partly for this reason.... I had someone go mad at me cause I met someone else before him!!

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By *ickawitchCouple
over a year ago

Away with the fairies (Liverpool to you)

I have got over 140 veri's but I have only had sex with 12 men in my whole life....11 of them in the last 2 1/2 years so to a lot of people I have too many veri's but I know people who have had sex with more people than me in one weekend and I don't really care what anyone thinks - it's a swinger site so surely the more veri's you have the more successful you are at using the site for its intended purpose?*

*not for a second telling anyone how they should be using the site*

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

God forbid anyone has sex on here and more than once

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By *ickawitchCouple
over a year ago

Away with the fairies (Liverpool to you)

"God forbid anyone has sex on here and more than once "


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"God forbid anyone has sex on here and more than once

Sluts "


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By *ickawitchCouple
over a year ago

Away with the fairies (Liverpool to you)

"God forbid anyone has sex on here and more than once

Sluts harlots "


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"God forbid anyone has sex on here and more than once

Sluts harlots

Hussies "


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By *ickawitchCouple
over a year ago

Away with the fairies (Liverpool to you)

"God forbid anyone has sex on here and more than once

Sluts harlots

Hussies delectables "

Ooooooh I like that

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"God forbid anyone has sex on here and more than once

Sluts harlots

Hussies delectables

Ooooooh I like that


do you I like it as well

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By *ickawitchCouple
over a year ago

Away with the fairies (Liverpool to you)

"God forbid anyone has sex on here and more than once

Sluts harlots

Hussies delectables

Ooooooh I like that

do you I like it as well "

I like your emoji's too

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"God forbid anyone has sex on here and more than once

Sluts harlots

Hussies delectables

Ooooooh I like that

do you I like it as well

I like your emoji's too "

many women like my humour and my emojees but their are a few that don't ,I think I bring a splash of colour to what is sometimes a drab place

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Number of Veris will never be exact anyway - no-one veris every time they repeat meet people.

Meet who you want to - it's your sex life not anyone else's.

Sarah "

I agree with you. I always look at verifications! Shows what the person is like to meet, whether it's socially or for a sexual meet. The more verification the more I feel comfortable

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Number of Veris will never be exact anyway - no-one veris every time they repeat meet people.

Meet who you want to - it's your sex life not anyone else's.


I agree with you. I always look at verifications! Shows what the person is like to meet, whether it's socially or for a sexual meet. The more verification the more I feel comfortable "

And there's the sensible and logical answer .

We meet loads of first timers , women , men and couples who have never swung before . It's a sometimes daunting prospect .

We are constantly told it's because they feel,safe with us . No pressure , no drama , just an opportunity to explore .

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I think any more than 421,342 verifications is definitely too many!

If anyone has more than that - I won't be meeting them!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I think any more than 421,342 verifications is definitely too many!

If anyone has more than that - I won't be meeting them! "

Phew , we are good for at least a couple of years then.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Who gives a shit

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I don't take notice of the number of verifications anyone has. I don't care about quantity

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Don't people tend to want something that they can see other people want, as a kind of reassurance? Popularity breeds popularity? On that basis people with more veris may look more desirable, and those with few or no veris may look undesirable. Mind you, there probably comes a point where more is less. No-one is going to read more than a few anyway.

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By *yrdwomanWoman
over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

"I think any more than 421,342 verifications is definitely too many!

If anyone has more than that - I won't be meeting them! "

Shit, there goes my target for Swingfields

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By *ungBlackTopMan
over a year ago


"2. Quality over quantity, and all that."

we like you

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I think 5000 would be my limit never seen anyone close to that though. But as Diamondjoe says, who cares "

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I think any more than 421,342 verifications is definitely too many!

If anyone has more than that - I won't be meeting them!

Shit, there goes my target for Swingfields "

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Heehee, thanks guys I'll just try to be less bothered by the "too many meets for me" brigade. It is utterly ridiculous anyways, I prefer to see myself as skilled as opposed to a whore lol. And so far my club meets have got me 2 verifications when I've definitely had more than that lol. I get too horny to even count how many hands are wandering at once actually no...i am a whore lol. I'll get a tshirt made or something

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

nver have too many

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By *imiUKMan
over a year ago


"People on a swingers site who judge other people on a swinging site for having meets is hypocrisy in the extreme. It's the tired old a man's a stud but a woman's a slag misogynistic crap"

Not entirely true - I've been told that I have too many by females professing to be on the search for "quality over quantity". Because clearly, you can't have both.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

a will aim for 2000 then sit back and assess if i need more

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By *ptimusDMan
over a year ago


No amount is too much. If you've got it and feel like putting it out, why not?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Do you have more than 20 if so theirs no looking back you've scored

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"It really makes no difference. Nobody knows what anyone does off fab. So could have 1 or 2 here and be sleeping with plenty off the site!

Doll x "

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By *iss_tressWoman
over a year ago


"Don't people tend to want something that they can see other people want, as a kind of reassurance? Popularity breeds popularity? On that basis people with more veris may look more desirable, and those with few or no veris may look undesirable. Mind you, there probably comes a point where more is less. No-one is going to read more than a few anyway. "

I could careless what a total stranger has to say about another total stranger. When deciding who to take into my home and bed that decision is 100% my choice.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

We had a comment made about our verifications. There's only 2 out of the 14 that we played with. The rest are from people we've chatted to in clubs. Again it goes to show that people don't read profiles properly. There's far to many people on here that like to judge.

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By *he Ladies of the ManorCouple
over a year ago

Swansea - Guildford

424 5/8ths

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By *etter the devil you knowWoman
over a year ago


I deleted my profile last year so I could get rid of my verifications.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Who cares?


LOL!!! Exactly!

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By *rtemisiaWoman
over a year ago


Ok, so a man has muchos verifications, is he a slut or a slag or a nympho or a whore? A woman; is she a stud, a stag, a virile champion?

Neither should be either. Either should just be sexy, lucky fuckers!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I deleted my profile last year so I could get rid of my verifications."

So did we !

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