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Do you desire Anonymity on line?

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Right I don’t know about everyone else but I personally don’t give out all my details on this or any other site. I even have one or two red herrings on me profile...


Because every Tom, Dick and Harry can look....

I think a certain amount of anonymity is good.

I don't want people knowing where I live or recognising me so only my friends get me extra pictures.

Knowledge is power and nobody’s getting one over on me thanks.

I never give people more info than required r/time.....people who tell all are daft as they supply the ammo for their downfall.

Unfortunately the populous as a whole are selfish, greedy, jealous and just love interfering in other people’s business.....so why help them out?

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By *emima_puddlefuckCouple
over a year ago


Well it seems like you have everything susssed,so why the post?

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By *ensual temptressWoman
over a year ago


you dont want people recognising you .....yet you have face pic for all to see lol !!! kinda defeats your logic there lol

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By *ensual temptressWoman
over a year ago


ohh unless a afke picture is one of the red herrings you spoke of lol !!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Well it seems like you have everything susssed,so why the post?"

Did you actually read the title? That was the question I was posing and I was wondering what others views were on anonymity (that means people not knowing who you are)

The content of the thread is what I do and some of my viewpoints. I could have put the thread title up and just 'discuss' within it but I thought it was better to explain how I viewed things as it is more polite to do so.

Sorry but this is not a poster above you thread and takes some mental thinking to be able to understand and reply to.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"you dont want people recognising you .....yet you have face pic for all to see lol !!! kinda defeats your logic there lol "

My face picture is quite vague and at an angle and only an small profile one. It does not display any information for a third party tracking me down through names dates of birth or other factors.

At some point you will meet someone or hope to and an exchange of pictures is an almost given. Its the more serious issue of details to name you and your location that I should have highlighted on.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I am always quite vague..

Most dont even know where I live till after a social meet.

Katie. x

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I am always quite vague..

Most dont even know where I live till after a social meet.

Katie. x"

That is very much what i was trying to aim at and put across. At some point if your going to meet then you have to exchange some details but I am very reluctant to do so unless I feel there is a very real chance of meeting. I know people have to leave details of where they are going as I do if I am visiting someone but you also have to be sensible and keep many of your personal details to your self as you are in effect talking to perfect strangers when your chatting down a wire on the internet.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

As i rarely have meets at my house, very few know where i live and i would rather keep it that way as i live on a main road through an estate. I have a face picture but set as private, only friends can see, and those i choose to via a message.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I am always quite vague..

Most dont even know where I live till after a social meet.

Katie. x

That is very much what i was trying to aim at and put across. At some point if your going to meet then you have to exchange some details but I am very reluctant to do so unless I feel there is a very real chance of meeting. I know people have to leave details of where they are going as I do if I am visiting someone but you also have to be sensible and keep many of your personal details to your self as you are in effect talking to perfect strangers when your chatting down a wire on the internet. "

Well maybe you should have thought for longer and put more effort into your original post and constructed it in a way others could understand it!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

i know what ur saying gothica. I hate peeps asking me what i do for a living, let alone where i live. I try to keep all details about my real life as vague as possible, for as long as possible.

ps just read ur profile, couldnt find any mention of fish though? (my little joke)


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I prefer to be open and honest. Peeps can ask me any questions, and if I do not feel comfortable to answer, I shan't!

I have been to a few social events and got to know quite a few peeps via FAB, some of them know what I do and where I live and more!

I prefer straight forward peeps who offer information freely too. Otherwise I feel they may have something to hide, and that would put me off them!

All my own humble opinion, of course!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

It makes me laugh when guys hide who they really are calling themselves Stallion when really they are called Fred confuses the hell out of me

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By *oantrimcpl2010Couple
over a year ago


for us living in a small country that still have views from way back in the dark ages we dont give out any personal details until we have either meet or we have become very gd friends and socialise together... i personally feel uncomfortable if peeps ask to many personal question(and wont answer them anyway) before we get to know them but thats just my views we all differnt

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I don't tell anyone anything to do with finance. Everything else is fair game to me, as I do not feel I have anything to hide.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

We keep our face pics private and only give out to people we are interested in meeting.We dont give any personal details out online although when we actually meet people we dont mind chatting about what we do etc.

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

We don't give any information out, very few people know our first names, no one has our numbers and when we arrange meets the person gets the number of a play phone.

No one knows anything about our private lives and we like to keep it that, not for any other reason than this isn't connected to our vanilla life, and we don't want to two to mix.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I keep my face pic private and only send it to people I intend meeting, or people who I've been chatting to via the forums.

As for meets, the majority of my playmates are "professionals" who happily tell me where they work etc. It's not something I ask, it comes up during conversation. I tell them where I work and what I do...it's never been a problem.

I meet at home, but my playmates also have to accommodate, so I have their addresses too, again, I've yet to have a problem.

For my playmates and I it's all part of the trust we've built up over many years. They feel comfortable with me as they know I'll never cross the line as this is purely fantasy.

I'm more bothered by the fact my daughters have my picture and the inside of my house spread all over their Facebook pages.

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By *emima_puddlefuckCouple
over a year ago


"I am always quite vague..

Most dont even know where I live till after a social meet.

Katie. x

That is very much what i was trying to aim at and put across. At some point if your going to meet then you have to exchange some details but I am very reluctant to do so unless I feel there is a very real chance of meeting. I know people have to leave details of where they are going as I do if I am visiting someone but you also have to be sensible and keep many of your personal details to your self as you are in effect talking to perfect strangers when your chatting down a wire on the internet.

Well maybe you should have thought for longer and put more effort into your original post and constructed it in a way others could understand it! "

I'm glad i was nt the only one confused,the title seemed rhetorical as the OP simply seemed to be stating why he believed his was the best way.

i think life is too wonderfully complex to have hard and fast rules.i also believe most of us are far too self absorbed,thinking others are seriously bothered about what we do.

i keep my swinging and D/s activities to close friends,or those already involved in the swinging D/s scenes.This is mainly because my parents would not understand.

As to giving out where we live,well mmf would be difficult if the guy couldnt find the place The idea of separating "nilla" of always intrigues me,i just have one life.I would love to know these cat like people with more than one,but so far have not discovered the secret.

There often seems to be an assumption that this means people have no discretion or ability to compartmentalise their lives.But to those who would think this I would say that do you tell your gran about your sexual activities?No,you are aware of appropriate behaviour.

As for red herrings,why bother,no one is that interested in you.Thats not being rude,just realistic,no one is that interested in any of us.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I am always quite vague..

Most dont even know where I live till after a social meet.

Katie. x

That is very much what i was trying to aim at and put across. At some point if your going to meet then you have to exchange some details but I am very reluctant to do so unless I feel there is a very real chance of meeting. I know people have to leave details of where they are going as I do if I am visiting someone but you also have to be sensible and keep many of your personal details to your self as you are in effect talking to perfect strangers when your chatting down a wire on the internet.

Well maybe you should have thought for longer and put more effort into your original post and constructed it in a way others could understand it!

I'm glad i was nt the only one confused,the title seemed rhetorical as the OP simply seemed to be stating why he believed his was the best way.

i think life is too wonderfully complex to have hard and fast rules.i also believe most of us are far too self absorbed,thinking others are seriously bothered about what we do.

i keep my swinging and D/s activities to close friends,or those already involved in the swinging D/s scenes.This is mainly because my parents would not understand.

As to giving out where we live,well mmf would be difficult if the guy couldnt find the place The idea of separating "nilla" of always intrigues me,i just have one life.I would love to know these cat like people with more than one,but so far have not discovered the secret.

There often seems to be an assumption that this means people have no discretion or ability to compartmentalise their lives.But to those who would think this I would say that do you tell your gran about your sexual activities?No,you are aware of appropriate behaviour.

As for red herrings,why bother,no one is that interested in you.Thats not being rude,just realistic,no one is that interested in any of us.


*Nods in agreement*

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By *agman n angelCouple
over a year ago


As two consenting adults who's children are in thier mid 20's no we dont mind who knows what we do, its not illegal and not something we are ashamed of.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

i dont advertise my private life however if someone does start to ask too many personal questions i tend not to answer unless i know them fairly well, im quite a private person by nature anyway but i do agree with you gothica there are people out there who like to cause problems

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Well it seems like you have everything susssed,so why the post?

Did you actually read the title? That was the question I was posing and I was wondering what others views were on anonymity (that means people not knowing who you are)

The content of the thread is what I do and some of my viewpoints. I could have put the thread title up and just 'discuss' within it but I thought it was better to explain how I viewed things as it is more polite to do so.

Sorry but this is not a poster above you thread and takes some mental thinking to be able to understand and reply to."

"mental thinking"...that is so cute.

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By *emima_puddlefuckCouple
over a year ago


"Well it seems like you have everything susssed,so why the post?

Did you actually read the title? That was the question I was posing and I was wondering what others views were on anonymity (that means people not knowing who you are)

The content of the thread is what I do and some of my viewpoints. I could have put the thread title up and just 'discuss' within it but I thought it was better to explain how I viewed things as it is more polite to do so.

Sorry but this is not a poster above you thread and takes some mental thinking to be able to understand and reply to.

"mental thinking"...that is so cute. "

i know, philosophys greatest loss is clearly on fab

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

well everyone and our granny knows what we do . we are not ashamed of it and will only stop when we want to stop.but i suppose its up to individuals lol

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