Yes - have done a couple of these, with increasing success! In addition to the instructions...
* Get all of the materials prepped beforehand. Don't be thinking about what to do next as it's quite time critical.
* The moulding material is going to permanently stick in any fabric it splatters onto, so don't do it anywhere near carpet/rug/bedding/clothing/towels. Anything vinyl like lino or shower curtain will be fine.
* Seriously, get rid of all possible hair before trying it. Not only does it make for a better 'clone', it can be painful stuff to try pulling out! Skin is no problem though
* The harder you can make the 'subject' ahead of time the better, and the harder you can keep it for the time the mold is setting, the better too! An extra attentive BJ to start and then a sexy show to keep the attention up has worked very well for us! If keeping firm is a challenge, then a cock ring would be ideal (not a problem for us... )
* You'll be tempted to rush the setting of the mold and the clone - be patient! If anything, leaving the clone a bit longer will help.
* When making the mold, plan your 'angle'as you don't want the goop to drip out causing air pockets. Also avoid cock touching the side of the container or it will make the mold not work. A 'dry' run using just some warm water will give you a good idea of what you'll need to do.
* If you're making the one with a vibrator, it's really important that it doesn't touch the edge of the mold and has a good gap of the filler all the way round. We worked out the best way to do this was to make a disc of cardboard with a hole in and use the battery-cover unscrewed and through the hole, then tightened to hold it in place. Then you can adjust it in the mold and get the position right before mixing and putting in the filler.
* Mix the filler really thoroughly. If you don't you'll get patches which don't cure as quickly as the rest.
* The clone will take a while before all the solvents have evaporated off - after you've taken it out, rinse it several times, and then leave it to dry and air for a couple of days.
With all of that, OK it's a bit messy, but it can be fun to do for both of you, and having a copy allows you to get up to quite a few extra things you can't manage with just one! You might want to use a condom with it as you can still smell the solvents for quite a while if you're sensitive.
The 'clone a pussy' is fun too, but the end result of that is just ornamental, not usable :D