By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"So, as I'm sure if the same for many people, who have friends who get it, and friends who don't. We were getting into the lifestyle, chatting to a few different people, no meets (well someone not turning up!) but a bit of online play/ and dare I say BDSM training
Anyway, a bit of background. (skip to end to get to point/ is this right section for this?)
On a night out with my wifes friends (like 1st time I had been out with them, and they are grade 1 prudes), my wife got a bit d*unk, and after a bit of misunderstanding she went up to the bar and started chatting up this guy who tbh intimidated the fuck out of me (like 6ft6, built, tattoos etc). Anyway, after like 10 mins, all her friends are just looking at me, I'm just feeling really uncomfortable and before my wife comes back over, one of her friends goes over to her, says a couple of things to her and drags her away.
Anyway, my wife realises that its awkward and ends up telling them that I asked her to go up, and that we mess around a bit. They just look at us with disgust!
So anyway, one of the girls is my wifes new best mate (she hadn't been living in Swansea for that long) and was actually to be a brides made at her wedding. She's a bit off with my wife but they are still friendly ect. About 2 weeks after the wedding, my wife asks her whats up, and she just gets pissy with her.
My wife was upset so deleted her on Facebook - fuck me, this girl took it like she had fucked her husband and just went mental, totally slating us all over her Facebook. I thought it was just a tiff, so put something on my Facebook during my lunch hours about 'funny how people can be friends one day and not the next'
I have a professional job, and getting a text from someone you don't know that well in work, that I might want to delete the post because its looking pretty bad gets a bit worrying! The girl went fucking mental, and in the space of 2hrs made about 40 posts (so its now appearing at the top off everyone's feeds) about how we are fucking disgusting, saying my wife is sleeping around, shit about me, about the lifestyle, like really bad shit! When you start getting PM's from people on the other side of the world, you know a lot of people have seen it!
We of course ended up blocking her, and all the other accounts she was using! We were actually heading away for the weekend, and ended up seeing 3 of my cousins who had all seen it, and my aunt, and then when I got back to work people were talking about it - so were the car guys I know and even my sisters had seen it which means my parents know
Well we just put a brave face on it, called her a crazy bitch, pointed out were in their wedding photos (ha ha!!) and just tried to laugh it off. Well, because of this now my wife is really nervous about the whole thing, and hence the profile/ me doing the forum talk.
Anyone else gone through anything similar? And on a side note, if you did see this on FB, its us! Say hi!!!" wow hey that's why I don't have facebook deleted it from phone ,businesses use it to keep a check on their workforce I don't like it ,yours is quite an extreme example of what can go wrong mind  |