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why be nasty?

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I have been a member of fab for a couple of years and often read the forums but rarely post because of the egotistical idiots that take it upon them selves to belittle others.

" oh not this question again"

"search the forums for this topic as im sick of seeing it"

Or they view their profile then rips the OP to bits.

There really is no need for the sarcastic and nasty comments that many of the forum clique make just to feed their ego or get a laugh at anothers expense.

Fab is about fun and often new people post on here for help or just to join in with the community to just be shot down and made to feel stupid.

Must be so hard to be as perfect as many of you seem to think you are but if being perfect means being rude, intimidating, obnoxious, nasty, and mean for personal gain then im quite happy keeping my many flaws.

To lighten the mood lets make another "kiss, pass, or fuck" thread that the fab possy seem to not mind being posted over and over again.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *abioMan
over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

so your reaction to firebomb posts.... is to start a firebomb thread....

whistle innocently whilst it all goes off around you..... whilst lighting the blue touch paper

actually.... maybe the best answer is to maintain a certain amount of dignity....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The very reason why our posts are kept to short, non committal pleasantries

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Or get some cockspit up your fartpipe im told that works!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Not at all and im prepared to take the lynching that will so obviously come because i have dared to make a thread saying what so many fab members feel.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Cock snot! Correction

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I have no real comment on the first part of your post, as I'm sure I'm probably guilty of the appalling sarcasm you take offence to, in fact I know I am, (although I'm not one of the clique so perhaps it's ok?) But I hope you appreciate the irony of your last paragraph which seems to moan about the kiss fuck pass threads being started all time time, while you've complained above that people whinge about the same topics appearing over and over again

If you look for the negative in the forums you'll see it. But you'll also see people posting and receiving support from others, having a laugh , discussing and debating things which they might not normally talk about and being friendly to one another; it's the same as the 'real world' in that respect. I hope you join in with that side of things

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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman
over a year ago

Crumpet Castle

[Removed by poster at 07/04/15 11:25:04]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Welcome to the world of holier than thou, high horses riders and faux shock.

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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman
over a year ago

Crumpet Castle

[Removed by poster at 07/04/15 11:26:41]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Oh no , not another kiss , pass or fuck thread

On a serious note , I completely agree with the op , and the points she makes are why so many don't post on the forums . This is a shame as we would have a more diverse community with more members feeling comfortable posting .

It is very irritating to see a new op asking a valid question , only to be told they should search the forums for the answer . Why shouldn't they ask on an open forum ?

If the clique don't want to answer , ignore it .

And profile critiques are not allowed unless asked for .

Good points from the op on this one , well done

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By *abioMan
over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Not at all and im prepared to take the lynching that will so obviously come because i have dared to make a thread saying what so many fab members feel. "

so..martyrdom then...okay!!!!!

so you start a threat about being nasty... and in that post you are being quite nasty yourself about others who you deem to be nasty..... and that solves what exactly?????

again....... dignity!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm sorry, but I will side with the OP in this.

Too many posts are inflammatory or degrading and this certainly doesn't help to attract new people to the site, or for people to stay.

This site is for everyone, and not the few who are able to sit on this site day in, day out. It doesn't give them an automatic right to pass some form of judgement over various other posters.

Just because a thread has been done before, or the same topic keeps popping up, it doesn't mean that the poster of such a thread is entitled to receive such comments as 'oh, here we go again' or 'search the forums, this has been done to death'.

The poster is entitled to ask questions, raise topics and have general interaction here as they have earned the right to use the forums either by being verified or photo-verified etc, meaning they've tsken the time to attempt to interact and join in. It can be the difference in keeping people active on the site or forcing them away.

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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman
over a year ago

Crumpet Castle

Will you all stop jumping in when I haven't quoted.

In reference to the Opening Post. That's the nastiest most inflamatory and accusative post i've read all week.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

well if you could mention which threads people are nasty on I might know what you mean.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Im leaving.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"But I hope you appreciate the irony of your last paragraph which seems to moan about the kiss fuck pass threads being started all time time, while you've complained above that people whinge about the same topics appearing over and over again "

Merely pointing out that whats not acceptable for many is for the "perfect people" obviously cant take the sarcasm you so readily give.

This place is so busy its impossible to not post a thread that someone may have covered in 2011 and people shouldnt be arseholes about it

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Im leaving."


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By *oward1978Man
over a year ago


I try to be as nice and pleasant as possible at all times. But some people are taking the piss with the threads they start. They are asking for trouble really.

You can't start a 'hey look at me everybody what do you think of my profile?' thread then get upset when people say what they think of your profile. If you can't stand the heat get out of the fire.

And don't even get me started on 'cock size' threads! We don't need eight of these a day. They're asking to have the micky taken out of them. A lot of people only start them to bring attention to themselves anyway.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I don't take any notice my interest is obvious and I go on any blackman/bbc threads that I see and just answer the op,those threads are of interest to me x everytime a thread is put up about it, there are alot of oh not this again and that puts the op and others off posting, if I'm not interested in a thread I don't go on it, there are lots of repetitive threads and some don't know that its been said before, I Don't mind being a parrot

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I have been a member of fab for a couple of years and often read the forums but rarely post because of the egotistical idiots that take it upon them selves to belittle others.

" oh not this question again"

"search the forums for this topic as im sick of seeing it"

Or they view their profile then rips the OP to bits.

There really is no need for the sarcastic and nasty comments that many of the forum clique make just to feed their ego or get a laugh at anothers expense.

Fab is about fun and often new people post on here for help or just to join in with the community to just be shot down and made to feel stupid.

Must be so hard to be as perfect as many of you seem to think you are but if being perfect means being rude, intimidating, obnoxious, nasty, and mean for personal gain then im quite happy keeping my many flaws.

To lighten the mood lets make another "kiss, pass, or fuck" thread that the fab possy seem to not mind being posted over and over again."

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By *bi HaiveMan
Forum Mod

over a year ago

Cheeseville, Somerset

"Oh no , not another kiss , pass or fuck thread

On a serious note , I completely agree with the op , and the points she makes are why so many don't post on the forums . This is a shame as we would have a more diverse community with more members feeling comfortable posting .

It is very irritating to see a new op asking a valid question , only to be told they should search the forums for the answer . Why shouldn't they ask on an open forum ?

If the clique don't want to answer , ignore it .

And profile critiques are not allowed unless asked for .

Good points from the op on this one , well done "

This is a very similar thread to one started 21 weeks ago that soon got shut down. (Yes I hit the green arrow)

It's a thread topic that crops up regularly - like many others.

Will things ever change?

You're more likely to see an end to kiss/pass/fuck threads.

Any post is just words on a screen typed commonly by people you'll never meet. If it's abusive? Report it. If it's not? Ignore it, argue against it or agree with it.


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

""But I hope you appreciate the irony of your last paragraph which seems to moan about the kiss fuck pass threads being started all time time, while you've complained above that people whinge about the same topics appearing over and over again "

Merely pointing out that whats not acceptable for many is for the "perfect people" obviously cant take the sarcasm you so readily give.

This place is so busy its impossible to not post a thread that someone may have covered in 2011 and people shouldnt be arseholes about it"

That wasn't sarcastic, actually neither was anything on my post. The only time I see the "search the forums" response tends to be on the posts where people have asked for advice about their profile and why they're not doing well on the site. In those cases, I think searching the forums for previous threads (of which there are many every day) is a valid reply because there will have been advice given on them that's probably relevant but the person might not be around to type it all out again every time. If that's not what you mean, could you give us a specific example of some threads where what you're talking about has happened?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm sorry, but I will side with the OP in this.

Too many posts are inflammatory or degrading and this certainly doesn't help to attract new people to the site, or for people to stay.

This site is for everyone, and not the few who are able to sit on this site day in, day out. It doesn't give them an automatic right to pass some form of judgement over various other posters.

Just because a thread has been done before, or the same topic keeps popping up, it doesn't mean that the poster of such a thread is entitled to receive such comments as 'oh, here we go again' or 'search the forums, this has been done to death'.

The poster is entitled to ask questions, raise topics and have general interaction here as they have earned the right to use the forums either by being verified or photo-verified etc, meaning they've tsken the time to attempt to interact and join in. It can be the difference in keeping people active on the site or forcing them away."

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By (user no longer on site)
Forum Mod

over a year ago

These threads never go well

How about everyone respecting everyone else and that includes those who are rude about forum regulars,report posts that you think break rules

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"These threads never go well

How about everyone respecting everyone else and that includes those who are rude about forum regulars,report posts that you think break rules "

Fair enough.

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By *bi HaiveMan
Forum Mod

over a year ago

Cheeseville, Somerset

I don't think its newbies or oldies or any particular segment of the fab population that throws the 'c bomb' out there.

More often than not its a 'get out of jail free' card played when a thread doesn't go how someone planned or someone doesn't get the responses (usually agreement) that they'd hoped for.

It's an easy word to use to justify the responses received.


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