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fabbing photos

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Mr asked me recently why I only fab couples and girls photos. He said surely there must be guys photos I liked.

So I explained..

I used to fab guys photos that while I had no wish to meet them I found the photo itself good in some way.. maybe it was funny or well thought out.. perhaps it was just obvious he had made an effort.. or more often had a nice car or bike in it or nice tattoos.

However, this would often lead to the guys then messaging and then getting a little put out that if I liked their photo... Why wouldn't I meet..

So are there reasons you don't fab or do fab.

I like to fab photos I know Mr will enjoy. He likes to fab photos that will make me to


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I fab a photo if I like it. It often prompts a message but I just fab a hot photo because it's hot. Girls or guys.

I tend not to fab straight guy pics because some of them take offence.

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By *rettyLittleThingWoman
over a year ago


"Mr asked me recently why I only fab couples and girls photos. He said surely there must be guys photos I liked.

So I explained..

I used to fab guys photos that while I had no wish to meet them I found the photo itself good in some way.. maybe it was funny or well thought out.. perhaps it was just obvious he had made an effort.. or more often had a nice car or bike in it or nice tattoos.

However, this would often lead to the guys then messaging and then getting a little put out that if I liked their photo... Why wouldn't I meet..

So are there reasons you don't fab or do fab.

I like to fab photos I know Mr will enjoy. He likes to fab photos that will make me to


I'm selective in what I Fab and its different for each sex..

Guys I mainly fab as I find them a turn on and attractive. However for couples or females it will mainly be because its artistic or well thought out. I guess rarely do I find those photos a turn on as much as the male ones I Fab.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I fab a photo if I like it. It often prompts a message but I just fab a hot photo because it's hot. Girls or guys.

I tend not to fab straight guy pics because some of them take offence. "

All of my fabs with a couple of exceptions have been from guys lol. I don't take offence I'm just glad somebody likes them!

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By *ythenshawefredMan
over a year ago


I'd doubt ladies have time to fab many pictures but I do agree I've fabbed a good amount of pictures due to reasons other than the amount of flesh on show, quite often of people I'm not interested in I do agree it can be a minefield I have been messaged complaining that I had fabbed a couple of face and dressed pictures but not the rude ones

a lot of the time less really is more

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I fab a lot of pics, if I like them, I'm straight but have fabbed guys pics if I think they are decent. As someone else said, it can be a minefield where people may get the hump if you fab 8 out of 10 pics for instance, I've been messaged asking what's up with the other 2. If I think a pics fab I fab it basically

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I fab lots of pics. Men women and couples and yes sometimes men take it as I must want to meet.I.just say no thanks and carry on Fabbing

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Oh maybe this explains why my photo's are not fabbed much by the ladies , but by the gay/tv fabbers , i'm not homophobic by any means , a fab is a fab after all lol ,or maybe it's just that the ladies don't like them much

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Oh maybe this explains why my photo's are not fabbed much by the ladies , but by the gay/tv fabbers , i'm not homophobic by any means , a fab is a fab after all lol ,or maybe it's just that the ladies don't like them much "

I'm the same as you mate. Nothing wrong with getting a fab but I do think women are very cautious about men's pics they fab because they will get hounded with messages. I just like to have a nosey and fab pics back

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By (user no longer on site)
Forum Mod

over a year ago

I very rarely fab women as we get loads anyway

I fab the men because they get left behind in the fabbing stakes

If they message and assume I want to meet I just tell them its nothing more than appreciation of a good picture

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Oh maybe this explains why my photo's are not fabbed much by the ladies , but by the gay/tv fabbers , i'm not homophobic by any means , a fab is a fab after all lol ,or maybe it's just that the ladies don't like them much

I'm the same as you mate. Nothing wrong with getting a fab but I do think women are very cautious about men's pics they fab

because they will get hounded with

messages. I just like to have a nosey and fab

pics back"

With you on that fella

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By *uestandpinkCouple
over a year ago


We find it useful to keep an eye on peeps whoay be for us....sort of like a softer version of a wink etc to say we might be interested x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'll fab a nice sexy pic, it's nothing more than a nod in the subjects direction. Some however spark something more primal and lead me to want to know more...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 30/03/15 10:30:15]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I fab what i like the look of, i'd approach more of the women I fab if their profiles didn't have the usual spiel about how many messages they get a day.

Saying that, not all images I fab belong to people I'd meet...there are some sexy arseholes on here!

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By *ythenshawefredMan
over a year ago


If I do get fabbed (rare now I've less pics on show lol) I do tend to message not aiming to meet but polite to say thanks and sometimes have a chat, I know it's a swingers site but not everything has to be sex to be fun and pleasant

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I fab a photo if I like it. It often prompts a message but I just fab a hot photo because it's hot. Girls or guys.

I tend not to fab straight guy pics because some of them take offence.

All of my fabs with a couple of exceptions have been from guys lol. I don't take offence I'm just glad somebody likes them!"

Some do though, plenty of threads with guys complaining they have been fabbed by guys and Tgirls.

I mainly fab female pics as its a well taken pic of the female form that usually catches my eye.

There are some stunning guys on here too but many are straight or pretending to be.

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By *lorious hole bs16Man
over a year ago


Life is much too short to worry about fabbing the wrong guy..

We should all be flattered to have our pics fabbed, regardless of gender/ sexual identidy etc..

I fab every picture i like...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I love fabbing a great pic, will add though if one of mine is fabbed I don't feel the need to email that person/s, just flattered they enjoyed the picture.

Us guys aren't all the same..........honest!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I don't message those who fab my pics because they fab'd my pics, i'll check their profile out & return the favour if i like what i see but if it's love (lust) at first sight, I act as I would when seeing any other profile I like the look of...

promotion to the hotlist,

7 day monitoring period,

initiate contact (delete that sent message) then allow upto 30 days for a reply (any response recieved outside this period is void...unless she's hot!)

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By *od ThrusterMan
over a year ago

Newport Pagnell

Almost all of the fabs on my pics are from men.

I will fab a pic for one of three reasons:

1) It turns me on.

2) I like it as a 'photo' irrespective of content.

3) As a subset of (1) it's a local female or couple that I can't wink or message (usually due to age or being male) but would like to let them know I like their profile in the only way I can.

oh, and 4) I'm taking part in a 'fab a pic from the poster above' thread on here.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I fab pics if I like what I see - not because I'm trying to initiate a meet, if they fab mine back sometimes I'll message if I feel what we are looking for matches and they're not a sily distance away.

I have mixed fabs on mine, women, men (straight guys *ahem*) and TS/TV's - a fab is a fab, just a notification they liked what they saw.

Far too many think it's a hint at a fuck, I tend to think messages give a better suggestion

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

If a pic is good - it's good - PERIOD!

Crass, rude, etc won't get a Fab from me - well thought out, sensual, teasing, clever lighting, etc will

As for those who Fab mine - mainly female but if it is a guy or anyone else I don't get upset but like the fact they've appreciated the time and effort I've taken over them.

No socks on, bathroom cock shots here

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

All of the pics I fab are of men and I fab them because I think they look gorgeous in them!! Would I meet them ? Hell yes!! lol

Hubby has fabbed a few ladies in the past but his is always because they are arty!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

i fab all photos i like whatever sex, so all is open for me. i agree with your point

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"i fab all photos i like whatever sex, so all is open for me. i agree with your point"

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Good point

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By *ruitWoman
over a year ago

near kings lynn

I fab because I like the pic. That could be by a smoker a newbie a mm couple a single or anything.

I haven't read their profile. They could be 19 for all I know.

I just fab because I like it. No alteria motive x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

If I like it, I fab it, doesn't mean I want to meet

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