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Are there any non-smoking single Bi-Fems out there willing to meet?

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By *tarling and Robin OP   Couple
over a year ago

North East

just wondering if any other couples are having the same problem as us?

we have been looking for a non-smoking single Bi-fem for a while now and when we do a search all the single women that come up are on the site as single women but when you e-mail them they all have F***Buddies and are part of a couple!

Starting to get a little disillusioned by the rudeness of some of the women by not even replying even just to say no thanks, but instead just ignoring you! I don't want to generalise as I am a women myself, but from our experience the majority seem to be this way.

Any suggestions?

Starling (fem)


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I am single, bi, female and a non smoker!! Lol see they do exist and I have exactly the same problem with couples approaching me who are smokers and expect you just to put up with it.

I'm by no stretch of the imagination an "anti-smoker" I just don't like the taste or smell on people I may meet

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By *ummy mummyWoman
over a year ago


also a single non smoking bi fem...my only thing is still reluctant to meet couples outside a club situation after being completely messed about and harrassed by a couple this summer.but we do exist

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Am a single non smoking bi fem too, but I have a swing partner and we have a cpl profile on this site, but we also have single profiles on the site as well.

I always reply to anyone who can string a couple of sentences together and are polite.

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By *ensualfire88Man
over a year ago


I am also a single, non-smoking, bi-fem who is willing to meet.

(i only use this profile to put off single guys)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I am also a single, non-smoking, bi-fem who is willing to meet.

(i only use this profile to put off single guys)"

very good

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By *harpDressed ManMan
over a year ago

Here occasionally, but mostly somewhere else

"just wondering if any other couples are having the same problem as us?



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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"just wondering if any other couples are having the same problem as us?


of thousands

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By *he_original_poloWoman
over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

Smoking single fem..... yeah I know it said non-smoking, but I just wanted to add that I am more than disillusioned with the rudeness of people calling other people rude for not sending replies

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By *ertnbeckyCouple
over a year ago


maybe you should all take up smoking its not really bad for you. it dont cause cancer or dog breath or chest infections.really no really.

ok it does then.

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By *uss PussWoman
over a year ago

east cheshire

"Smoking single fem..... yeah I know it said non-smoking, but I just wanted to add that I am more than disillusioned with the rudeness of people calling other people rude for not sending replies "

what she said...i smoke and delete lots n lots of mails Im a bad person....i just dont care tho

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By *ardybumsCouple
over a year ago

peekin under duvet is it safe?

* sighs heavily *

the vast majority read and delete !

but there have been one or two who have taken the time to reply just to say no thanks and one or two in particular which might develop further ...whoohoo

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

i'm part of a couple that is allowed to play as a single if i wish...

and i'm bi...

social smoker though... i just cant handle the peer pressure!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

no sorry, smelly fag breath here lol

Got to admit tho never had anyone turn me down for smoking before, infact every single guy who has messaged me who have stated 'wont meet smokers' on their profile have been more than happy to over look this matter if it ment them meeting me

And just be careful before you all start accusing them of being desparate, i could take offence lol

thing is at the end of the day you dont have to reply to mail, i probably only reply to about 20% of the messages i get, simply because as a single female i just get far to many, i dont even read a lot of them never mind reply

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By *he_original_poloWoman
over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"no sorry, smelly fag breath here lol

Got to admit tho never had anyone turn me down for smoking before, infact every single guy who has messaged me who have stated 'wont meet smokers' on their profile have been more than happy to over look this matter if it ment them meeting me


Not to mention how many of the non-smokers ask to cadge a ciggie.... if they haven't brought their own.

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By *adcowWoman
over a year ago


never smoked, am bi ( not curious) single

yes i have a couple of fb but that does not mean i play all the time with them. i do meet others including couples for fun. none of them have complained

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"no sorry, smelly fag breath here lol

Got to admit tho never had anyone turn me down for smoking before, infact every single guy who has messaged me who have stated 'wont meet smokers' on their profile have been more than happy to over look this matter if it ment them meeting me

Not to mention how many of the non-smokers ask to cadge a ciggie.... if they haven't brought their own."

i did actually have that from a guy i ment once lol

he had on his profile, none smoker and wouldnt meet smokers, then sat smoking mine all night

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

maybe if you stopped looking at single women who choose to use this site as some sort of commodity who you have a right to, you would have more success?

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By *uss PussWoman
over a year ago

east cheshire

"maybe if you stopped looking at single women who choose to use this site as some sort of commodity who you have a right to, you would have more success?"

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"maybe if you stopped looking at single women who choose to use this site as some sort of commodity who you have a right to, you would have more success?


something wrong with your eyes there _uss puss?? xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

single bi fem with not a fb in sight and now been 3 weeks without a cig go me!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"maybe if you stopped looking at single women who choose to use this site as some sort of commodity who you have a right to, you would have more success?"

ahh on reflection this was a bit harsh of me! forums really dont agree with me im not sure why i get involved lol

i guess what i mean is we're people not sex dolls where you pick characteristics from a list?? although of course non smoking is youre preference.

at the end of the day single bi women are always going to be the sought after minority so i guess you just have to be patient

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Well done for realising your mistake and openly admitted it, took me 3 forum bans (including one for 12 months) to tone down my responses, 12 months is a long time to read back what you have written and see how it comes accross to others even when it wasn't intended to be so harsh.

As for the checklist, yes keep your checklist, we all have our meeting criteria and nobody should compromise it for what they want. Just be prepared for a long wait to find it and perhaps never finding the right person/people.

I have more respect for people who are willing to hold out for thier ideals than those who end up taking "any old thing" (not actually meaning any old thing to be personal against people) but you know what I mean

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Err hello!!

But there again probably too old

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By *ruitWoman
over a year ago

near kings lynn

I agree there are many none smoking bi single fems on here and also many smoking bi fems on here.

But remember if your a couple only looking for a single fem so not meeting single men and couples thne you educe your options down. But single women that meet couples and single males and maybe even other single fems will be getting massive amounts of people mailing them.

Maybe they dont live near you or fit your criteria or you theirs.

Plese remember us single fems can get loads of messages but cant read them all. So we delete those we know from reading the message that they havent read the profile or not in our age range .....but still maybe have 35 messages to read and respond and get to know.

Then its finding the time to meet theee people. Its not easy xx

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By *umourCouple
over a year ago


"I have more respect for people who are willing to hold out for thier ideals than those who end up taking "any old thing" (not actually meaning any old thing to be personal against people) but you know what I mean "

You mean like the people who say on their profile "Won't meet smokers" But do because after all, it's a shag!

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By *tarling and Robin OP   Couple
over a year ago

North East

Thanks for everyones comments and we appreciate everyone's opinions. It has been really good actually as we can now understand things from all sides.


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By *irtyGirlWoman
over a year ago


Reading this just made me want a ciggie!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"no sorry, smelly fag breath here lol

Got to admit tho never had anyone turn me down for smoking before, infact every single guy who has messaged me who have stated 'wont meet smokers' on their profile have been more than happy to over look this matter if it ment them meeting me

Not to mention how many of the non-smokers ask to cadge a ciggie.... if they haven't brought their own."

spot on

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"maybe if you stopped looking at single women who choose to use this site as some sort of commodity who you have a right to, you would have more success?"

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