It depends what exactly is damaged.
1, Does the device show up in windows and is it stable ? i.e. doesn't keep showing up, vanishing, showing up, making your computer go ding ding ding etc ?
2, IF the above works, can you see the files in whichever file browser you use?
3, Assuming the device appears and is stable to browse the file names...
Can you copy new known working files to the device, and once copied, unplug the device for a few, plug it back in, and copy the file off the device, and open them without problems?
Depending on where the failure occurs, would depend on the appropriate tools needed. Recovery, Repair or Correction.
If you can walk me through exactly what happens from the second you push the device in, any sounds, any signals, any signs of life, what happens with the above steps etc. I can prob make a suggestion but at the moment its kinda vague as to where and what the fault is  |