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your oddest meet???

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

met up with a couple last night that met a few times, and as often comes up you have a natter and a laugh over past meets,

strangest meet i had was a few years back with a ex i used to swing with, met up with a very posh couple in the country, anyway had sum fun, then was asked if we wanted to see there horses as they had a stable, went out then were left gobsmacked wen fem started giving the horse a blowjob asking if we were turned on by it.... nahhhhhhh, whatever floats ya boat, but we made a b line for home,

whats your weirdest meets ?

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By *ouvakMan
over a year ago

clacton on sea

hmm I think you are treading very close to thin ice on asking people to relate a meet that was odd, if the person or persons you are talking about see it, it could become a very sticky wicket your batting from. only my opinion mind but it's close to naming and shaming a person as you can get without actually using names

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 14/05/10 22:20:59]

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By *ushroom7Man
over a year ago


my oddest meet?

three twins

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

NO ONE IS NAMING NAMES!!!!!for christ sake,

its tongue in cheek as we all have had odd things on meets, we all have a laugh talking about it, does not have to be outrages, could be just something funny,

3 twins

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By *ouvakMan
over a year ago

clacton on sea


my oddest meet?

three twins"

isn't that sextuplete's lol

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By *ngieandMrManCouple
over a year ago


We’ve got no strange ones to report.

NOTE TO SELF… MUST get out more

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

my oddest meet was'nt anything bad just wierd lol

when i was with the ex we met a couple, they came out to our house, it was just a social meet, they just wanted to chat and arrange a meet on a later date if we got on.....fair enough.....only when they got to our house, he pulled out a folder with a A4 sheet of paper with pre printed question on it and started interviewing us, writing the replys down lol

i remember one of the questions was aimed towards me and he asked "if (womans name) went down on you what would you do in return?" so i just looked at him and said....."well it depends how good she is"

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 15/05/10 09:19:42]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


my oddest meet?

three twins"

Is that 6 ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I always meet potential playmates socially to see if they're really subs or dreamers.

I met one such man for dinner, and all through the meal he kept shifting in his seat and breathing heavily. Now I used too men getting breathless and shaking in my presence but this was unnerving.

Any how it got to the point that I had to ask "what's wrong with you?" He said "sorry Miss, I've got a butt plug in and I'm squeezing it!"

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


my oddest meet?

three twins

Is that 6 ?"

A bloke of 7ft 2inches. Single dad to a 9 year old. Tons of ops on dicky joints with a growth illness. Just such a great bloke and laugh on the phone that I thought ..... Fuck it he's a human with no mates and no female company. ( Friends before Fucks n all that )

Just kept an open mind about the possiblity of sex before meeting him. I didn't fancy the idea but hey ho .. I might have died for him so ventured it.

He got lost. His phone ran out of money. His sat nav broke. He could only meet me outside a local police station?! I had to go and find him. Had talked him in like someone guiding a plane down a runway. I think he was shit scared to be fair.

He drove me round in his bmw ( after moaning about me getting sand in it from my feet ) for hours barely stopping anywhere. He wouldn't socialise at all. I offered him lunch. He declined. I suggested EVERY thing you can think of. He only wanted to drive. At one point I did consider if I was going to die that day.

I was desparate for a pee but he still didn't want to go anywhere. He never touched me or tried anything sexual but it was in his eyes. He never ventured it and i wasn't gonna.

In the end my bladder won .... Stop here I said. You coming in with me ? No he says. What you gonna do then I said - Go home? Yep he says..... So i went in the bar and used the loo - got in my car and went home. Then all the texts start about how much he liked me and wanted sex . I never did reply ..... It was like a long bus journey that didn't crank my horn at all.

Im never playing Mother Theresa again. !

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I always meet potential playmates socially to see if they're really subs or dreamers.

I met one such man for dinner, and all through the meal he kept shifting in his seat and breathing heavily. Now I used too men getting breathless and shaking in my presence but this was unnerving.

Any how it got to the point that I had to ask "what's wrong with you?" He said "sorry Miss, I've got a butt plug in and I'm squeezing it!" "


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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

I met a guy a few years ago, very well spoken and he gave me the option of going to his apartment or him coming to me, so obviously i said he come to me.

He arrived with 2 bottles of moet, a bottle of baileys a bottle of cherry brandy about 6 boxes of chocolates and enough fruit to fill tescos and a large quantity of illegal substances and a couple of porn videos. Anyway we started drinking the first bottle of moet and he asked if he could remove some of his clothes we where in the bedroom and i obviously said yes. Under his trendy jeans and top he was wearing a black leotard, black tights and ankle socks. Now how was i ment to keep a straight face after that. But the booze and food kept jay and i going for a while lol

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By *ngieandMrManCouple
over a year ago


"I always meet potential playmates socially to see if they're really subs or dreamers.

I met one such man for dinner, and all through the meal he kept shifting in his seat and breathing heavily. Now I used too men getting breathless and shaking in my presence but this was unnerving.

Any how it got to the point that I had to ask "what's wrong with you?" He said "sorry Miss, I've got a butt plug in and I'm squeezing it!" "

It’s ok for you lot to have a good laugh… it took me three days to get that butt plug out!!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

It’s ok for you lot to have a good laugh… it took me three days to get that butt plug out!!

murder them thing aint they

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By *unPeteMan
over a year ago

Near Bristol

I always find it odd that as soon as I get out of my car on a meet I hear the sound of squealing tyres as a car nearly runs me over in its haste to leave the pub's carpark ... and for some reason the meet doesn't show.

Hmmm ... wonder if it's linked?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I always find it odd that as soon as I get out of my car on a meet I hear the sound of squealing tyres as a car nearly runs me over in its haste to leave the pub's carpark ... and for some reason the meet doesn't show.

Hmmm ... wonder if it's linked? "

i think you are making that up, i always make a point of running over your feet on my way

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By *lumsy colinMan
over a year ago


i am missing out somewhere all the people i have arranged to meet have been great really friendly warm and fun nothing odd to report on

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By *ngieandMrManCouple
over a year ago


"i am missing out somewhere all the people i have arranged to meet have been great really friendly warm and fun nothing odd to report on "

Yes but have you tried meeting swingers?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

No odd meets to report, had a few no shows but only one bad meet where the lady was, how can I say it delicately, somewhat lacking in the feminine hygene department.

Had to make my excuses there.

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By *evnsueCouple
over a year ago


Few years ago went too meet a couple in notts in a pub we coud,nt see them anywhere sat for an hour or so them was approched by a guy who said he was friends with couple in question but they coud,nt come so would he do instead.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

We met a man who wanted to wear my knickers while playing.

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By *irtydanMan
over a year ago



my oddest meet?

three twins"

gosh very lucky

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By *irtydanMan
over a year ago



my oddest meet?

three twins

Is that 6 ?

A bloke of 7ft 2inches. Single dad to a 9 year old. Tons of ops on dicky joints with a growth illness. Just such a great bloke and laugh on the phone that I thought ..... Fuck it he's a human with no mates and no female company. ( Friends before Fucks n all that )

Just kept an open mind about the possiblity of sex before meeting him. I didn't fancy the idea but hey ho .. I might have died for him so ventured it.

He got lost. His phone ran out of money. His sat nav broke. He could only meet me outside a local police station?! I had to go and find him. Had talked him in like someone guiding a plane down a runway. I think he was shit scared to be fair.

He drove me round in his bmw ( after moaning about me getting sand in it from my feet ) for hours barely stopping anywhere. He wouldn't socialise at all. I offered him lunch. He declined. I suggested EVERY thing you can think of. He only wanted to drive. At one point I did consider if I was going to die that day.

I was desparate for a pee but he still didn't want to go anywhere. He never touched me or tried anything sexual but it was in his eyes. He never ventured it and i wasn't gonna.

In the end my bladder won .... Stop here I said. You coming in with me ? No he says. What you gonna do then I said - Go home? Yep he says..... So i went in the bar and used the loo - got in my car and went home. Then all the texts start about how much he liked me and wanted sex . I never did reply ..... It was like a long bus journey that didn't crank my horn at all.

Im never playing Mother Theresa again. !"

great storey

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

is it only me that had the boak at the horse bit????

thanks for sharin the stories really made me laugh and be thankful iv been lucky so far.......xx

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By *oe_Steve_NWestCouple
over a year ago


"is it only me that had the boak at the horse bit????

thanks for sharin the stories really made me laugh and be thankful iv been lucky so far.......xx"

We've had a great mixed bag of meets - mainly good, some odd but all 'interesting'! She must have had a huge mouth to give a horse a blow job - and yep - that did make me feel quite sick when I read it! Z

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

funniest one for us was when we met another couple,in a pub and chatted for awhile over a few drinks. he explained that they had started swinging because of his jealousy. he couldnt stand to see another man speak to his wfe without wanting to kill them!! and that swinging had cured him!! i for one didnt want to put this to the test, somade our excuses and ran!!

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By *unterslickCouple
over a year ago


lol,some great stories,,,

our weirdest meet was a few years back,we met this couple and at the start all was goin well until the man asked j to rim him and play with his anus,he was really into it and came hard on js tits,then jumped up and went to bathroom and only came out when his wife had car started to go

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"is it only me that had the boak at the horse bit????

thanks for sharin the stories really made me laugh and be thankful iv been lucky so far.......xx"

No hun, I turned all shades of green too!

There are some strange/deviant folk around!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"lol,some great stories,,, our weirdest meet was a few years back,we met this couple and at the start all was goin well until the man asked j to rim him and play with his anus,he was really into it and came hard on js tits,then jumped up and went to bathroom and only came out when his wife had car started to go"
i enjoy a rim from time to time but i couldn't have it done by someone i just met. the weirdest thing that happend to me was on my first ever meet i was introduced to one of their children, which made me feel a little awkward

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

had a meet a few months back with someone from another site...went out had a nice dinner...came back to mine and started playing...he started sucking my nipples and I looked down to find him looking up at me with a doe eyed expression saying "mmm I like mama's milk"...freaked me right out!!! I love having my nipples sucked...and I breastfed my 3 kids...but the 2 are in NO WAY related, do not feel the same ...just not at all the same experience...I stopped him and said that is the kind of thing you tell someone you are into. the thing that freaked me out even more was that he got me lactating again(which after lots of searching found out is normal ...can happen years after stopping sometimes...so I calmed down a bit...lol)needless to say the meet stopped and he went on his way...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"had a meet a few months back with someone from another site...went out had a nice dinner...came back to mine and started playing...he started sucking my nipples and I looked down to find him looking up at me with a doe eyed expression saying "mmm I like mama's milk"...freaked me right out!!! I love having my nipples sucked...and I breastfed my 3 kids...but the 2 are in NO WAY related, do not feel the same ...just not at all the same experience...I stopped him and said that is the kind of thing you tell someone you are into. the thing that freaked me out even more was that he got me lactating again(which after lots of searching found out is normal ...can happen years after stopping sometimes...so I calmed down a bit...lol)needless to say the meet stopped and he went on his way..."

A "little Britain" moment lol xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"had a meet a few months back with someone from another site...went out had a nice dinner...came back to mine and started playing...he started sucking my nipples and I looked down to find him looking up at me with a doe eyed expression saying "mmm I like mama's milk"...freaked me right out!!! I love having my nipples sucked...and I breastfed my 3 kids...but the 2 are in NO WAY related, do not feel the same ...just not at all the same experience...I stopped him and said that is the kind of thing you tell someone you are into. the thing that freaked me out even more was that he got me lactating again(which after lots of searching found out is normal ...can happen years after stopping sometimes...so I calmed down a bit...lol)needless to say the meet stopped and he went on his way...

A "little Britain" moment lol xx "

lol...definately but I am not into bitty....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I met a guy a few years ago, very well spoken and he gave me the option of going to his apartment or him coming to me, so obviously i said he come to me.

He arrived with 2 bottles of moet, a bottle of baileys a bottle of cherry brandy about 6 boxes of chocolates and enough fruit to fill tescos and a large quantity of illegal substances and a couple of porn videos. Anyway we started drinking the first bottle of moet and he asked if he could remove some of his clothes we where in the bedroom and i obviously said yes. Under his trendy jeans and top he was wearing a black leotard, black tights and ankle socks. Now how was i ment to keep a straight face after that. But the booze and food kept jay and i going for a while lol"

If Cliff Richard did swinging lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Some of the stories that people had posted have had me crying with laughter

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