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By *harming OP   Man
over a year ago


Ok i am a site supporter, i pay money to come chat on this site and to enjoy it, its a swingiers site not a convent. why is it if i put a few kisses after someones name as a greeting i am being told off under rule 7??? how is me saying bifemale xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a bad thing??? i aint directing i aint wanking i aint doing anything illegal i aint using caps. can some one please please please give rule 7 a good looking at and define what flooding is and inform the mods of that as i am so pissed off its unreal!!! or if too meny kisses is flooding then can some one tell me how meny kisses i can put?

if your angry with rule 7 too, please leave a comment and lets get fabswinger.com to define exactly what flooding is and let us show some love in the room. thank you x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

the rule 7 is really not very clear

i get given a warning for putting'xxxx' after a name to one person in the room

as far as i was aware flooding was if you did it over and over and over again

please can it be defined

im 41 not a child i pay every month to be on here to have a clean chat and have a giggle......i understand there have to be rules but some people with the power to look after the room seem to be a little zealous sometimes

it needs claifying

please help soon as it will make the regular people go elsewhere very soon


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By *harming OP   Man
over a year ago


"Ok i am a site supporter, i pay money to come chat on this site and to enjoy it, its a swingiers site not a convent. why is it if i put a few kisses after someones name as a greeting i am being told off under rule 7??? how is me saying someones xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a bad thing??? i aint directing i aint wanking i aint doing anything illegal i aint using caps. can some one please please please give rule 7 a good looking at and define what flooding is and inform the mods of that as i am so pissed off its unreal!!! or if too meny kisses is flooding then can some one tell me how meny kisses i can put?

if your angry with rule 7 too, please leave a comment and lets get fabswinger.com to define exactly what flooding is and let us show some love in the room. thank you x"

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By *harming OP   Man
over a year ago


thank you for you imput i am sure we are not the only ones to have had this happen to us

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

its a very cloudy rule,dont understand why giving kisses to folks is classed as spamming.just dont get it.

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By *harming OP   Man
over a year ago


this is what we are trying to clear up, and thank you for you addition

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I fell foul of the "flooding" rule in the chatroom, a few days ago ...... I used excessive characters to try to add emphasis to what I was trying to say (I think I said I'd had a "shiiiiiiiiiiiite day" - sorry, Mods! xxxx).

In the chat room, it's sometimes difficult for us to get our points across, and because capitals are also frowned upon, we need to find an alternative way to emphasize the important words in our sentences. (Is the answer to emphasise things by putting them between * and * ? And are we allowed to send lots of kisses to peeps in this way? Cuz personally, I think that lots of kisses is a *good* thing! Spread the love!)

But all credit to the chatroom Mods - they do a very difficult task, for no pay. They out anyone who is being offensive, and anyone who abuses the non-directing status of the General Chat room. In effect, they put the needs of the general members above their own, and if they get it only 95% right .... well, I still prefer it when one (or more) mods are in the room.

Thanks, Mods! xxxxx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


I just looked a rule 7

Glad I did now as I have used xxxx a few times after a name!

Think I always will to lol am sure 4 kisses won't get a ban surly?


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By *harming OP   Man
over a year ago


in deed the issue aint the mods, its the rule and the the stupidness of it and its unclarity that the mods are having to enforce, when things are left to interpritation things get fucked up, i want to know exactly what flooding is! and exactly what is aloud and what isn't, not left to interpitations. but thank you for your post

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

rule 7 is not against putting a few xxxxxxxx its when some members are typing yeeeesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss or hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii etc., it takes space up in chat and members complain, i dont think by just putting a few xxxxxxx thats flooding the room.

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By *harming OP   Man
over a year ago


yet strangly enough its the xxxxxxxxxxxx's thats gettin people warned, ass stated by myself and another and a few more privatly. this is not just me on a one man crusaid, this is something that is bugging alot of people and needs to be addressed! we need a clear deffinition of what flooding is and we need the mods wh granted have a hard job to stick to that deffinition no one should be repremanded for xxxxxxxx's

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By *aughty_kittyWoman
over a year ago

finger licking good

is it just me, but in chat if u type..

hi how are you


takes up the same line????

spamming is when u repert something line after line after line,

fab rules are just getting shitter and shitter, soon u wont be able to shag cos it be too naughty.... adult site? yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

You can give me as many kisses as you like and if you are really good, i shall flood over you like niagara falls

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

what about the ones that take a few lines and say hhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii or yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss if you have two members doing that in one room all the time the rest of us have trouble chatting I believe that is flooding the room its just common courtesy, we may be a swing site but we should still show consideration to other paying members, well thats wot i think anyway

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Rule 7 isn't anything to do with spamming, it's flooding.

I would apply rule 7 if someone was constantly typing Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii




It isn't an exact science and is left to the mods discretion, but personally if someone added a few xxxxxxx's or a hiiiiiiiiii or a Mwahhhhhhhh once in a while, I'd not take any action, however if it was line after line constantly then they'd be warned and if they continued, banned

Hope this has gone some way to explain how I deal with rule 7. In fact I've never banned anyone or even warned anyone for it so far ..

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By *aughty_kittyWoman
over a year ago

finger licking good






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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Kitty you a piss taking git

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Iiiiiisssssnnnntttt sssshhhhheeeeee llllloooolllll xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Iiiiiisssssnnnntttt sssshhhhheeeeee llllloooolllll xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "

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By (user no longer on site)
Forum Mod

over a year ago

People sond like snakes on this thread wieh all the sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

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By *ilandlarryCouple
over a year ago

more north lincs than mids!

"Ok i am a site supporter, i pay money to come chat on this site and to enjoy it, its a swingiers site not a convent. why is it if i put a few kisses after someones name as a greeting i am being told off under rule 7??? how is me saying bifemale xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a bad thing??? i aint directing i aint wanking i aint doing anything illegal i aint using caps. can some one please please please give rule 7 a good looking at and define what flooding is and inform the mods of that as i am so pissed off its unreal!!! or if too meny kisses is flooding then can some one tell me how meny kisses i can put?

if your angry with rule 7 too, please leave a comment and lets get fabswinger.com to define exactly what flooding is and let us show some love in the room. thank you x"

Contact admin, tell them what time and what room and let them decide if it was flooding or not.

They were the ones who made the rules after all, not the mods. We just have the thankless task of trying to initiate them and then taking the flack when someone doesn't agree.

Yes, the rules are quite vague and some mod discretion is called for. Would you rather there was 101 different rules specifically setting out what can and cannot be done? We are all adults after all and should be treated as such, however the minority of users who f*ck about and make the site a bit unpleasant for users means that rules must be made.

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By *aughty_kittyWoman
over a year ago

finger licking good

"Kitty you a piss taking git "

meeeeeeeee???? LOL xx

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo


Contact admin, tell them what time and what room and let them decide if it was flooding or not.

They were the ones who made the rules after all, not the mods. We just have the thankless task of trying to initiate them and then taking the flack when someone doesn't agree.

Yes, the rules are quite vague and some mod discretion is called for. Would you rather there was 101 different rules specifically setting out what can and cannot be done? We are all adults after all and should be treated as such, however the minority of users who f*ck about and make the site a bit unpleasant for users means that rules must be made."


The problem the mods now have is all and sundry are taking the piss and putting as many repeat letters on the same line as they can, almost like goading the mods to ban you.

You ask to be treated like adults and then do that.

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By *harming OP   Man
over a year ago


lilandgary thank you for your imput that was very useful thank you

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

from now on u all geting 1 x lol

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By *ortheastcoupleukCouple
over a year ago

easington were the sun dont shine

am sure admin will look at the rule and come up with something ,but as a FREE site and the extras we pay for are a option ,the site owners have kept it as free of a site as they can ,and its up to us the members to keep the site running as well as it does ,some one asked about adding videos to profiles am sure this could be done but thats where we would be heading towards a pay site as extra band width would be needed ,just look how many new members we are getting everyday this is a ever growing site getting up there with the so called bigger sites ,so like i say its up to us the members to keep this site free and running smooth. all mods mod differently and we are in the chat rooms for chat and fun to .admin do like to see some input from members and do take onboard and am sure this will be looked at so untill then lets all keep this great site site running smoothly together as its us the users mods and admin that makes a good site,.....team fab

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

"from now on u all geting 1 x lol "

Moderation is the key ( except for sex of course then you do it as much as you can !! )

If people are excessive with anything in chat it will probably get you being asked to tone it down by a mod

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By *harming OP   Man
over a year ago


northeast couple, there is no dispute that this is a brilliant site, there is also no dispute that the mods work hard and are very valued, the only dispute is that people are being penalised under rule 7 for innocent things as stated in my original statement. i dontwant the site to change, i aint calling for cival unrest, i am sinply asking that we are aloud t put xxxxxxxxxxxxx's after someones name as a friendly greeting without the fear of being warned under rule 7. that is all this is about. honestly. i like this site and it is full of meny brilliant people who i have had the pleasure to talk to, and so far EVERY MOD i have come into ocntact with have been really nice people, doing there job, i am simply asking that rule 7 be addapted or better defined so that there is no cinfusion on this matter because we dont like being warned, and i am sure the mods dont really like giving out warning. x

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

7.Flooding the room with characters (e.g. 11111111111111111111111111111111111's) or persistantly flooooooodddddddddddddiiiiiiingggggggggggg itttttttttttttttt withhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh extra letters is annoying for the other users and will get you a timeout so please don't do it

There you go, it is clarified there.

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

It sounds like the problem is, you don't actually like being warned. Most mods see this as a reminder to a chatter rather to than ban someone..... using their discretion.

It might be wise to let any mods know you don't want to be reminded and want banning straight away.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"7.Flooding the room with characters (e.g. 11111111111111111111111111111111111's) or persistantly flooooooodddddddddddddiiiiiiingggggggggggg itttttttttttttttt withhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh extra letters is annoying for the other users and will get you a timeout so please don't do it

There you go, it is clarified there."

no flooding the fourms lol hehehehehe xxxxxxx just kidding the zoo was slowing me lappy down so come in here

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo


I like the zoo until you stick your cam on, then I can't keep up...am going back in, wish me luck !!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Think typing a warning in chat will use more bandwidth than someone using a few x’s after someone’s name


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By *harming OP   Man
over a year ago


no my problem is i dont understand being warned for a few poxy xxxxxxxx's

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


I like the zoo until you stick your cam on, then I can't keep up...am going back in, wish me luck !!"

good luck hun lol count how many whispers u get of the animals lol xxx

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

"Think typing a warning in chat will use more bandwidth than someone using a few x’s after someone’s name


lol not even a peck?

It is just when used excessive.....it isn't hard to understand really unless people want to "stretch" the rules.

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

"no my problem is i dont understand being warned for a few poxy xxxxxxxx's"

Well I have never warned you for them Charmer, but your kisses are hardly just a few in chat.

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo


I like the zoo until you stick your cam on, then I can't keep up...am going back in, wish me luck !! good luck hun lol count how many whispers u get of the animals lol xxx "

Oh I ignore them Richy, cos I won't whisper back and when I say yes whisperer, all of the people whispering say ah good lol

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By *harming OP   Man
over a year ago


i really dont think my kisses are exsessive

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By *ilandlarryCouple
over a year ago

more north lincs than mids!

"i really dont think my kisses are exsessive


were you banned?

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By *obletonMan
over a year ago

A Home Among The Woodland Creatures

where do I find the chatroom rules?

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By *ilandlarryCouple
over a year ago

more north lincs than mids!

click the chat link at the top of the page and under where the rooms are listed is a link to the rules

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By *harming OP   Man
over a year ago


i aint banned i a m just pointing out the fact that when xxxxxxx's are used i dont see why rule 7 should be used against you as a warning

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

"i aint banned i a m just pointing out the fact that when xxxxxxx's are used i dont see why rule 7 should be used against you as a warning"

If you only put a few kisses in and are not excessive with them, then you will have nothing to worry about.

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By *obletonMan
over a year ago

A Home Among The Woodland Creatures


im 41 not a child i pay every month to be on here to have a clean chat and have a giggle......i understand there have to be rules but some people with the power to look after the room seem to be a little zealous sometimes


Indeed - in general the mods to a good job, but I've seen some laughably bad and overzealous moderating that just treats us like fookin children.

example 1:

Chatter1 (not on webcam): So what would you like me to wear for our meet then.

Chatter2 : well perhaps you could try a few different outfits and put on a fashion show FOR me and your partner.

Mod: chatter 1 stop directing chatter 2.

Wot the fooook????????

Example 2.

Chatter1: So who's goinG TO THE SOCIAL TONIGHT?

Chatter1: awww feck - sorry about the caps guys

(30 seconds later - plenty of time for apology to be read and noted)

Mod: Chatter1 please dont type in caps

A good mod is a mod who only feels the need to step in when there is a genuine reason - if there are occasions where the site can manage itself then the mods should stay out of it.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


im 41 not a child i pay every month to be on here to have a clean chat and have a giggle......i understand there have to be rules but some people with the power to look after the room seem to be a little zealous sometimes

Indeed - in general the mods to a good job, but I've seen some laughably bad and overzealous moderating that just treats us like fookin children.

example 1:

Chatter1 (not on webcam): So what would you like me to wear for our meet then.

Chatter2 : well perhaps you could try a few different outfits and put on a fashion show FOR me and your partner.

Mod: chatter 1 stop directing chatter 2.

Wot the fooook????????

Example 2.

Chatter1: So who's goinG TO THE SOCIAL TONIGHT?

Chatter1: awww feck - sorry about the caps guys

(30 seconds later - plenty of time for apology to be read and noted)

Mod: Chatter1 please dont type in caps

A good mod is a mod who only feels the need to step in when there is a genuine reason - if there are occasions where the site can manage itself then the mods should stay out of it.


on the social bit the G is about the 4 inches away unless he/she has big fingers lol

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By *ilandlarryCouple
over a year ago

more north lincs than mids!

"i aint banned i a m just pointing out the fact that when xxxxxxx's are used i dont see why rule 7 should be used against you as a warning

If you only put a few kisses in and are not excessive with them, then you will have nothing to worry about."

And if you aren't happy about being warned about it then take the opportunity to use the report button on the mods profile. Date, time and room noted in the report along with as much info as you can give. Will help admin determine if the mod is being overzealous or not.

Please also note that there are chatlogs for every room .... including whispers, and these can and will be checked in such instances.

Mods are not above the law, some can be overzealous but please remember that they are human the same as you and can make mistakes. Mistakes that the don't need to be hung for!!!

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

Wow, they are old examples, I am sure we have seen them before now..

As mods are members also, it isn't fair that they should be discussed on an open forum.

If you have any feedback about any mods , good or bad , you can either use the Contact button at the bottom of the page and the sixth option down or REPORT the mod from their profile.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

this was about rule 7 wasnt it??? or have me moved on to slagging the mods off???? lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

where do you find a list of the rules? can someone message us with a list of them please.

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By *ilandlarryCouple
over a year ago

more north lincs than mids!

"where do you find a list of the rules? can someone message us with a list of them please."

click on the chat link at the top of the page and the link to the rules is under the list of rooms to join

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"this was about rule 7 wasnt it??? or have me moved on to slagging the mods off???? lol"

Yeah it was about Rule 7, but it's now moved to Rule 7.22, Para 2, Subsection 11/When, where and How to slag a mod'

Please try to keep up Richy

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"this was about rule 7 wasnt it??? or have me moved on to slagging the mods off???? lol

Yeah it was about Rule 7, but it's now moved to Rule 7.22, Para 2, Subsection 11/When, where and How to slag a mod'

Please try to keep up Richy "

im trying to but its this cheap asda cider lol

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By *aughtyNurse999Woman
over a year ago

Fabville !!!

I am sure we will get clear clarification about the situation off admin.

omgggg hark at me using big words lol

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By *harming OP   Man
over a year ago


naughty nurse if you could and then inform us that would be ideal thank you x

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By *harming OP   Man
over a year ago


can i please clarify i am not slaggin no mods off i have nothing but respect for the thankless task they take on, my problem is that there is no real understanding and so sadly people are getting annoyed and it spoils the atmospher of the chat, lets get this sorted, i dont want rule 7 thrown at me for putting kisses after someones name, simple as. and i will do all i can to make sure that never happens and it only happens because rule 7 is so unclear. that is the only discussion open in this forum. RULE 7 not the MODs

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

It seems the only person whos is confused or annoyed is you.

The rules are laid out on the chat page and on a link that comes through the room itself.

If you use excessive letters in your typing then you will get a time out for it.

The rules could be changed to include xxxxxx but I am guessing Admin are thinking most people can work it out themselves by the examples given.

You seem to have a problem with a mod doing the decent thing and asking you to not flood the chat. If you don't want a reminder then maybe the best thing is not to do it in the first place.

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

As this is just going around in circles....thread closed.

If you have any feedback about a mod who you think shouldn't be using any discrection, then the best thing to do is REPORT if from their profile.

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By *aughtyNurse999Woman
over a year ago

Fabville !!!

rule 7 is not meaning xxxx's after names .

its for people who constantly flood the room with line's of.. eg.



hows youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

lol just and example .. thats the way i see it sure admin will clarify this more

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By *LBishCouple
over a year ago

near bury st edmunds

[Removed by poster at 18/03/10 21:46:10]

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