"What illness are we talking about here? You are sharing lots of personal information but not that?"
Sorry, I forgot to include that part.
I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis almost 20yrs ago and have been managing to live with it fairly well until about 4yrs ago when things started to slide downhill.
I appreciate that (heaven forbid) my sister's cancer 'could' kill her and that the MS is 'only' debilitating, but dare I say it, cancer these days IS CURABLE and breast cancer has the best recovery statistics of all cancers, MS isn't curable.
I truly do not mean to belittle what my sister or anyone with any type of cancer is going/has been through in my previous sentence, but I can say that when I had my MS diagnosis I was probably just as scared as my sister is now.
Also, just to answer one or two people saying that my sister may have been jealous in the past of the attention I received because of my condition. Firstly, I never got any attention where the MS or anything else is concerned. My sister has NEVER been jealous of me for anything, there are only us two siblings therefore she is the baby of the family and has always been the favourite, could never do any wrong, always got the cuddles and was generally spoilt, so maybe, as a child, I was the jealous one, but this has definitely not been brought through life with me, I have my own life and am very happy with it.
As I said in my original post, I do dearly love my sister and she knows that I would do absolutely anything for her and have done so in the past (I even offered eggs when she discovered that she would need IVF to have children), what more could a loving sister do? But my dilemma has always been that in order to be believed about anything with either my sister or mum, I always have to PROVE everything, nothing is every taken as read, I had to prove my diagnosis, I've had to prove that I've had hospital visits whenever I've been, I went on holiday this year and ended up in hospital, she even phoned the hospital just to check that I was actually there, but when sis phones me and says that she has breast cancer, I take her word for it, I don't ask her for proof, in my mind there are a few reasons, firstly I wouldn't lower myself to her standards, then, asking the question seems callous, plus, why would someone ever want to make something like that up? Oooh, hang on a minute ... why would I want to make up a diagnosis of MS, it's not like measles that will be gone in a couple of weeks, oh no, this is here to stay ... FOR LIFE.
I'm sorry, I'm ranting, but it's your choice whether you read these posts or not and you can walk away and forget it all within a few minutes, but there are occasions when I just feel the need to get things of my chest and seeing the counsellor twice a month isn't enough for me to do that, so I am apologising for my moaning and groaning.
At the end of the day (I hate that phrase), she is my sister, we both have serious health conditions, whether or not she is there for me when I need her, I will always be there for her, that's just me and the way I am. She will never know that I am upset and angry about her treatment of me and my condition, maybe one day I will be able to let it go or even talk to her about it, but for now, yes, the minute she picks up the phone and says 'I need you' or 'can you help me' everyone who knows me, knows that I will be there like a flash. I truly can't bear to imagine my world without her as a part of it.