By *hirley OP Man 12 weeks ago
somewhere |
Felt a bit philosophical about that age old fab issue, me and anyone reading this will also know all too well. I've been trying to work out when people (let's be honest, most typically, but not exclusively, 20-40 something year old men with profiles that are a month or too old) complain, usually here, about their lack of action or confidence knocks as their experience has not matched their expectations. Then from the other side of that, the outpouring of regret you get from that people have been restricted from something.
For this to be such a widespread and regular occurance, I have come to the conclusion that it can't just be social influences, but also more likely some innate or instinctive ones. I can't get behind that so much bad advice to bemoan your luck is given out and/or that we are always so naive to take that as the only option. Everyone with just slight ability for reasoning knows that woa is me is rarely or ever going to get you where you want, and definitely not sexually, who wants to fuck negativity or depression? I mean its no different to complaining that you have applied for loads of jobs you want but haven't made it past the first interview and that's someone elses fault, it's just more emotive when it's sex because it's 100% personal. But does that mean both men and women are naive? Maybe not as clever as we think/expect of ourselves? I think it's quite possible and a better word; probable. It's more than we like anyway to admit to keep up appearances. It's the glitch in the matrix, for want of a better phrase, how you hold out high hopes for a moment you want, only for it to be used against you, consciously or not, to destroy your dreams. Ironic.
Quite frankly I find it bizarre that people want/try to rack up a 'body count' like this... I could as have many that seemingly get ignored, advise of much more lucrative methods. It's each to their own with that as I'm not saying you shouldn't at least try to if you want. For example, some in high numbers would/have complained about having only 1-2 meets or less in the time they have been on fab, which could be as I've seen just 6 months to 6 years or more. Personally if I was the single man trying to rack up numbers here as such I'd be happy with that lol, but maybe that's hindsight. I guess if that's what you want out of fab/life and you aren't hurting anyone then that's your perogative, it appears that works well for some and shows at least some success. But I don't think how me or anyone personally feels is relevant to find out why something happens like this, as its just a result of experience and can't be used generally.
Now I would like to say, it is my intention to be civil and discuss with a light hearted approach for anyone who may have a similar or contrasting opinion, as we know this does tend to spark an inflammatory emotional response mostly so don't confuse that is what I'm doing. My opinions are just that, more to give context to the subject not reflective of anyone else or am I trying to us it to bash anyone of either sex here. My main point is that I think instinctively, we act strange here by comparison.
Lastly I'm hoping everyone has a nice Christmas and can find some peace with their demons if they feel a little bit let down and things are against them. |