First club experience was as a single guy.
Wasn’t meeting anyone there and nobody was there that I knew.
Stomach doing flips in the carpark. Right then, slap hands on thighs, inner voice pep talk, out of car and manage to get to the club front door with wobbly legs…
Got in the door, signing up membership, very nervous, friendly staff, can hear music and laughter though… sounds fun.
Got in, lots of people. Sexy people.
Okaaay… a few looks and smiles, remember to smile back.
Get to the bar, get drink and then pivot and immediately fall into conversation with a couple, admit it’s my first time, laughs, stories, introductions…
Wow. Those ladies have no clothes on.. neither has that guy… where did they come from? where are they going?
Okay - locker. Out of clothes, towel round. Walk out of single men locker room, towel falls off. Smile awkwardly, realise I’ve just bent over and mooned a group behind me. For fucks sake… into a big playroom. Naked people everywhere, oral, fucking, watching… a couple from the bar see me and wave me over… we watch… her hand caresses my thigh briefly before closing around my cock, I’m pushed back onto bed…
Suddenly it’s 4 hours later… I’m in a hot tub with a naked woman legs locked around me, laughing, she’s hanging onto my cock and whispering filthy things in my ear..
I’m in my car. Fuck. Wow. Awesome. Did that stuff actually happen?
McDonald’s on way home, I’m starving.