Hi guys.
My GF and me met for NSA only few months ago, which turned into love. We both have high sexual drive and interest in threesome and swinging.
The only blocker is our trust issues, jelaousity.
She would like to try MMF which would make me horny, and since i have no issues with other cock, Id like it too. And she is really horny by default, having huge libido, she could handle 2 or even more cocks.
As her partnery Id also like to watch how she enjoying it, and how happy is her, and ofc Id join, too.
The only blocker is my jelausity.
I was always jelaous, and lacking self confidence.
What if the other guy have bigger cock? or thicker? or he fucks better, more statisfying to her? What if his body perfect, or he smells better... I think you get it.
I can not let this thing go, because everytime when it comes up, we both got horny in seconds even if we talking only.
She is a bit similar. She said she never jelaous. But the other hand, when i bring up the MFF, she said that she could not do anything with another girl. She is not interested at all. And she would not like either if i touch, pamper, fck with another woman thab her.
Finally she said something similar like i said before... what if i like her pussy better, maybe she sucking better or having better shape... Or what of the regular sex together wont be the same again because we misd threesome?
I would not mind to forget my dream about MFF and try MMF only, because that would give me an extra too.
But... yeah..
We were talking about to visit a club and just have a sex together where others can see us. We havent been any club yet.
I love her and i love to see her happy and joy. Im affraid if we have sex in swinger and maybe some guy would like to join, i couldnt say no because i know she would like it.
Is there any advice how could we start it to happen?
It is driving me crazy. She is ready for it even tonight, and she also said Im more important to her than MMF, so she wouldn't mind to forget it completely.
But i simply can't forget it, because i want it.
Any advice guys, how should we start? Is there any good way to introduce ourself to this life?