My 'best quicky' was a few days in the making...
Some 20+ years ago - whilst single - I placed a 'seeking no-strings fun' ad in the Personals section of the local paper where I lived at the time, and, much to my surprise, had a couple of responses. After chatting briefly on the phone to the first woman, I met her in a cafe for a coffee one afternoon, but there was no attraction for me, so that went nowhere - the second, however, was a different story...
After talking on the phone I met her at a nearby pub for a drink - she'd said in advance she wouldn't be able to stay long, but we got along well enough during that hour to arrange that a few nights later she would come round to my place for dinner, and sample my 'signature' spagbol! Though some ten minutes late arriving - which had me thinking she wasn't coming - she turned up, apologising for being late...
As I ushered her in, I got to admire her fully. At the pub, she'd been wearing a loose blouse and jeans, but on this warm summer's evening she was in a flimsy and very short sleeveless white dress, which contrasted vividly against her well-tanned bare arms and legs - she looked very sexy, and my only disappointment was that she had a pair of flat flip-flop type sandals on, rather than heels...
We spent the evening chatting about this and that, what we did for work, etc., and I learned more about her previous relationship, which had ended quite badly. She was only just starting to trust men again - so despite her dress doing very little to hide the pair of tight white panties beneath, I was on my best behaviour throughout, and kept my horny impulses to myself...
A number of times as we were sat alongside each other on the sofa and shared a laugh about something, she had leaned in quite close, and despite opportunities to steal a kiss or let my hands wander, I resisted. The time passed quite quickly, and when she had to leave at around ten-thirty, it was with an embrace and kiss on the cheek from her, with "thanks for a lovely evening"...
Then, a little over an hour later, the phone rang. Wondering who was calling me so late, I answered to find it was her, breathlessly telling me that she was laying in bed playing with her pussy, wishing she was in my bed being fucked! Somewhat surprised, to say the least, when I said I'd been behaving myself because of what she'd told me, she announced she'd worn 'that' dress for a reason...
All the while she was talking, she kept saying how horny she was, and when she told me to listen to how wet her pussy was, I could hear distinct squelching sounds as she held the phone close while she fingered herself! By now nursing a raging hard-on, I offered to go straight round, but she said no, as her young son was in the house - then said that she'd call me soon, and hung up...
Kicking myself for apparently having been blind to a golden opportunity, horny and frustrated barely begins to describe how I was feeling - as it wasn't quite midnight, and I'd had late-night luck on previous occasions, I was soon on one of the chatlines I used back then in the pre-Internet days, seeking a meet. But I was completely out of luck that night, and went to bed alone...
My job at the time meant I routinely worked from home, and shortly after one o'clock the following day I was thinking about having some lunch when there was a knock at the door. Opening it, I was surprised to see her standing there, and even more surprised when she burst in past me, and seconds later had me pinned to the hall wall, kissing me hard...
Then, barely giving me time to close the door, she grabbed my hand and almost dragged me up the stairs and straight into the bedroom, where she stripped naked in seconds - telling me to hurry up and get my clothes off too, as she was on her lunch break. Moments later, she'd pushed me flat on my back on the bed and was straddling my face, pushing herself down onto me...
As I greedily ate her pussy, she was reaching back behind her, squeezing and stroking my cock, which, despite the suddenness of the situation, had reacted admirably, and sprung to attention even before I'd undressed! Within just a couple of minutes she was groaning and shuddering as I licked and nibbled her clit, and then released my cock and grabbed both sides of my head...
As she quickly shuffled down my body, she leant foward and lifted my face to hers, kissing me hard and urgently, then with one hand reached back down to find and guide my cock straight into her wet pussy. Its head slid inside her easily, then my whole shaft was engulfed right to the hilt as she sat upright and began to ride me hard and fast, her hands pressing down on my chest...
Within just another couple of minutes she was groaning and shuddering again, and grinding down hard against my groin, and then, as swiftly as she'd straddled me, she swung herself off and onto all fours, facing away, looking back over her shoulder expectantly. I quickly knelt up and moved behind her, slid my cock straight back into her, and she started pushing her arse back towards me...
It only took another couple of minutes before I felt the inevitable climax approaching, and warned her that I was going to cum - she responded with a growl of "give it to me" and pushed back hard to meet my forward thrusts. Unable to contain myself, I pushed hard one last time, and let fly into her. She groaned loudly and appreciatively as I did so - when I'd finished cumming we collapsed into a heap, gasping for breath...
A minute or so later she slapped my hip, indicating that she wanted me to get off of her, and I rolled over onto my back. Freed from beneath me, she sat up, swung her feet to the floor, swiftly retrieved her clothes, and moments later was dressed almost as fast as she'd stripped. Telling me she had to go, I managed to grab my dressing gown and follow her down the stairs...
Less than 15 minutes after she'd arrived, we were back at the front door, where she kissed me hard again, before disappearing with an "I'll call you" - which she did, a few days later, but it was to say that a guy she'd met through work and who she really liked had asked her out. But I still have the ingrained memory of the day that a woman walked in, fucked me, and walked out!  |