By *emini ManMan
over a year ago
There and to the left a bit |
Obviously everything is currently caveated by the current situation and people not meeting etc - but that aside here's my take...
There is no "right" way to Fab, although there are plenty of "wrong" ways, but ultimately it comes down to finding "your" way and what works for you.
There's also no magic catch all formula that works for, or on, everyone, and a lot of guys miss this and try and fit themselves into the whole rather than realising it's best to stick to being themselves and finding a better fit as a result.
That said at a generic level if you get the following five key areas right you won't go far wrong, they won't guarantee a thing but they'll improve your experience of the site.
Profile - write one that reflects not only you and what you're looking for, but also what you think you can offer - make it appealing and give a flavour of your personality, pique peoples interest - it's often what people will look at before they even consider opening a message, so if the profile doesn't appeal you're not likely to get a response, no matter how good the message.
Pics - back your profile up with a good set of pics, ones that tease and show off your body (rather than your cock) - get creative, show yourself off, learn how to use the timer on your phone camera and the editing software that comes with it, look at other guys pics for inspiration if you're stuck for ideas. Keep cock pics to a minimum of you have to have them at all, and if you do have them make them subtle and not in your face.
Approach - find an approach that works for you, it's not just about sending cold messages to profiles you like the look of, the forums and chat rooms are great places to get to know people and them you (and when restrictions lift clubs and group socials are other good places). Always be respectful and considerate in your approach to the site, accept a no thank you (which includes messages not being answered) with good grace.
Attitude - keep a positive attitude, don't be rude or disrespectful, if you wouldn't say it to someone face to face don't say it.
Expectations - set them correctly and then set them a notch lower, it isn't easy for guys on here, but it is easy for the good guys to stand out and if you set your expectations accordingly and don't expect to get meets just for signing up, you won't find it so frustrating and will stand yourself in good stead.
As I said none of the above is any guarantee but getting them right is far better than getting them wrong, which is where frustration lies.
Good luck  |