Having never received a bj from a man, I can’t answer this. I’ve had plenty of women suck my cock, and they’re all different! Some good, some not so good, but every woman can put her lips around a cock. I would love to meet one of these self-proclaiming “Bj Queens” though, the female ones obviously, to test them, as I rarely cum from a bj
Would I ever have a bj from a bloke though? Heck, I get offers every week, and I have considered it, thinking that why not? A warm, willing mouth, to give me a release when I need it? No muss, no fuss, quick and clean, in and out, nice and straightforward, unlike trying to arrange meets with solo females or couples, who tend to be hard work But I would just feel like I’ve failed in some way, like its a poor substitute for ‘the real thing’. I’ll stick to wanking between my meets  |