By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Today i witnessed something truly unbelievable. I have noticed since i have joined this site that i have sent alot of messages to girls and couples that i have been interested in of course with the full intention of meeting either or as they would I of course {swinging} we are all swingers!! Also provided by the assumption we are most likely to get on with each other and will probably have no apparent reasons for why we may not. 9 out of ten at a push maybe a response I honestly believed the were not interested?, and being me i wondered how could that be without even responding?? im not getting a fair chance!!! Well OMG to all u girls and couples im sorry!! i have seriously misjudged the reasons for why i now believe i never got a response. I met a couple 2day as you do..... And the things they told me about what they were dealing with these past years which honestly completly shocked me beyond belief!!! The staggering amount of wasters that swamp them with messages 48 unread when i seen it last,{in the space of two hours} replying to a meet at theres destination given requiring a genuine well endowed male to join in a mmmf meet A.S.A.P others possibly found them while browsing. Well you had to see it to believe it! What is wrong with u lads i talk of?, Required details given specifically, a golden opportunity to come to a genuine private meet today {bank holiday monday} with along side myself and as i watched as their total waste of time theory proved beyond doubt and what made it worse is i was convinced they had to be wrong argued they had to be wrong!! well of course they did know alot more than i did, they were spot on! With the overwhelming majority of the dreaded male response, all no doubt full of cum and fairytale fantasies about meeting imaginary people!! A lightning response it was to be, so immediate and powerfully convincing it was totally pathetic i thought in the end! Total jokes! one guy just remembered he was working after about 57 msgs another lads budgie died suddenly just as he was leaving i mean theres pages of them!!! What a total JOKE! Surly this site cannot sustain this sort of behaviour there must be more filters, or something available to try and contain what is happening!!!Ok lads i do know about having a dose of d ole horn and just getting off is totally fine but there are thousands of free porn sites for this amongst numerous other ways im sure! Instead you have especially both mf couples and single girls looking for single males swamped with so many messages packed with zero intent, that is has to be near impossible to sort, to identify those of us that are completly genuine making a fairly good case for why they will be happy to have taken the time and seen maybe what pics we might have, or learned a bit about us 2 start with at least! Then maybe reply to us fairly confident that if it was`nt to be them it was for anything other than the most common assumption in my _iew perceived in that they are all Timewasting or liars and your being fooled again anyway, ways the point!! where cud i even begin, this guy has sent four in a row!! he has to have noticed the STOP THINK AGAIN PAGE do i reply to the first or fourth? such confusion!!! there are just too many!! what is the difference anyway? i cant be bothered with all this today again!!!!! You see we cannot even be identified for who we are and judged on that or any other reasons like compatiblity, humour or charm loads of things!! instead most have to cross their fingers that maybe get lucky they might see the cock pic, that cud just give me a squeak!! that is not how it works! Amagine a large swarm of bees, were do u start? it is outrages!! At least if you know you either dont meet the requirements, or for some other reason and knowing the number 1 vital necessity to a response or a random message to another the most important of all!!!! in not ever having the intention anyway of meeting anyone regardless!! Come on lads, decide! i call on both every girl and mf couple especially that has this very serious infection to call out there bluff asap Make it crystal clear to anyone who wants to make contact, if a man has any intention of meeting from the very first message sent then he will send his number for example, yes he will be a bit edgy but if you think about it, i go to my meets and tell myself the people or person is just like me, they want what i want if im nervous then the too are, They dont want their business broadcast just i dont, why on earth would they bother to do that??? So any genuine reservations can be dismissed and a chance taken that it is all what it seems to each party and not some load of shite that destroys it for everyone else. Of corse this is one suggestion and i now hope that all you genuine people out there find more direct and to the point measures to quickly identify the wasters and sort the men from the boys!! maybe not for good but im sure it can only help!! Please dont feel that i have singled anyone in particular to all guys gals couples and T.V bulshitters pisstakers!! you all no who you are and this is directed at you only! For all the rest true play mates then bear in mind yes it is a swinging site people! we generally meet others providing it works well it will lead to most probably a sexual encounter with the srong possibility of between more than two people at a time in the same room!! this is why we are here to try and satisfy these disires, for anyone who have just realised its not for you then maybe a dating website may suit you better??? and maybe not, thats up to you! Ok im gonna bed i will look forward to reading your _iew!
Captainspunk |