Then you have come to the right place, as long as your willing to push your comfort zone. I've always had difficulty, socially awkward and I'm a little bit on the spectrum. So starting to talk to people, refining social skill and talking to lots of people was hard for me and took a lot of effort. Almost exhausting at times. One of the hardest things I ever did was go to my first club a lone. But I knew it was one of those death or glory moment in my life, failure was not an option. So I just put my big boy pants on, waded in and got in the thick of it. Force myself to strike up conversations with strangers in an alien environment. I was a million miles outside my comfort zone. And you know what, it went great (better than great). Over my years on fab my social skills have come on nicely, made lots of freinds, found My Girl and it's all so easy now. It's like anything, you get better with practise. It doesn't always got right, you make mistakes and have so lows. A lot of it is trial and error. But you do get better. I would say to you just keep at it, put the effort in and keep pushing outside your comfort zone. And don't be afraid to let your personality shine through. You will get out what you put in. |