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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I apologize in advance for the bile that will spew forth.....

Been messaging a couple of guys, lots of messages back and forth, talked on phone, and exchanged pictures. All going well, we arrange a social, with potential to engage in kinky fuckery then the fuckers just disappear. No more messages, nothing.

It's like they just fall off the face of the earth. I'm cool if they change their mind or need to cancel but to just suddenly cease all contact without saying!?!

Starting to get really, really pissed off at goddam time wasters. You either want to fuck or you don't. It's not goddam, rocket science.


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

We are a couple and have this happen again and again with single guys

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Is that a couple (made up of 2 guys) or two single guys in separate or even linked conversations?

Not that it helps...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Fantasy vs reality issues for the chaps.

Either that or the Mrs caught 'em

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I apologize in advance for the bile that will spew forth.....

Been messaging a couple of guys, lots of messages back and forth, talked on phone, and exchanged pictures. All going well, we arrange a social, with potential to engage in kinky fuckery then the fuckers just disappear. No more messages, nothing.

It's like they just fall off the face of the earth. I'm cool if they change their mind or need to cancel but to just suddenly cease all contact without saying!?!

Starting to get really, really pissed off at goddam time wasters. You either want to fuck or you don't. It's not goddam, rocket science.

Raaaahhhhhhh "

never understand why people do that just wish I'd get a reply never mind a meet

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Is that a couple (made up of 2 guys) or two single guys in separate or even linked conversations?

Not that it helps..."

2 separate guys in separate conversations. I just don't get it. Why feign interest??

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Fantasy vs reality issues for the chaps.

Either that or the Mrs caught 'em "

I'm thinking the latter.

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By *mmmMaybeCouple
over a year ago

West Wales

It's not just guys though, we chat to peeps, seem to be going great guns, edge towards social or more..."Hello, hello, operator we appear to have been cut off?"

Does my blooming head in..


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By *pices69Couple
over a year ago


We have got to the point we dont engage with single guys on here any more. Weve been all dressed up and ready go, when the final 'address' message doesnt appear. Wasting a very precious evening away from the kids.

As an ex single guy, i just dont get it. Why lead people on, why go silent, why ruin someones night. Things can happen and plans need to change, but the silent treatment is for kids. We had one ruin an evening, then get in touch two weeks later...... Wtf.

Love a rant about this. can you tell lol.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I apologize in advance for the bile that will spew forth.....

Been messaging a couple of guys, lots of messages back and forth, talked on phone, and exchanged pictures. All going well, we arrange a social, with potential to engage in kinky fuckery then the fuckers just disappear. No more messages, nothing.

It's like they just fall off the face of the earth. I'm cool if they change their mind or need to cancel but to just suddenly cease all contact without saying!?!

Starting to get really, really pissed off at goddam time wasters. You either want to fuck or you don't. It's not goddam, rocket science.

Raaaahhhhhhh never understand why people do that just wish I'd get a reply never mind a meet"

Me too. I think they just get off on the chase and not the whole meeting up. Don't they understand that this just fucks it for the rest of us genuine males.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is that a couple (made up of 2 guys) or two single guys in separate or even linked conversations?

Not that it helps...

2 separate guys in separate conversations. I just don't get it. Why feign interest?? "

Have you considered that they din;t feign interest but lost interest for some reason?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

" Don't they understand that this just fucks it for the rest of us genuine males. "

How does it?

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By *pices69Couple
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 25/09/16 21:34:48]

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By *pices69Couple
over a year ago


" Don't they understand that this just fucks it for the rest of us genuine males.

How does it?"

We wont pick mmf canadidates from here now. Our time is too precious to risk wasting it on timewasters. Some lovely people on here, but too many timewasters. Its killing the site tbh.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Women are just the same!

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By *urvymamaWoman
over a year ago


Some just like the thrill of the chase once they've "got you" it's game over and not fun anymore

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By *ecretlyASoftieWoman
over a year ago

Hull but travel regularly

Yes that's why I rarely continue chit chat with someone I've never met and only meet at clubs. Too many wannabes who like the idea but won't or can't follow through. Sad

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The only person I've made solid plans with cancelled so we arranged if another couple of times and she cancelled again.

We these people miles away? Might of had second thoughts when they thought about that? From what little I can tell their bigger loss

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By *inky-MinxWoman
over a year ago


Happens a lot, which is why I try to get a coffee meet fairly quickly. That usually scares off most of the dreamers.

Those who agree and we arrange a date I still have no faith in. If on the day they message to ask if we're still on I say yes but I won't leave the house till you text to say you are on your way.

No text, I stay home. I guess I assume everyone is a no-show till they turn up and I'm never disappointed

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By *inglehotchickWoman
over a year ago


Happened to me Friday. Don't even give a toss i got the lingerie of him first and he didn't show to see me in it. His loss my gain

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By *uzy444Woman
over a year ago

in the suffolk countryside

"I apologize in advance for the bile that will spew forth.....

Been messaging a couple of guys, lots of messages back and forth, talked on phone, and exchanged pictures. All going well, we arrange a social, with potential to engage in kinky fuckery then the fuckers just disappear. No more messages, nothing.

It's like they just fall off the face of the earth. I'm cool if they change their mind or need to cancel but to just suddenly cease all contact without saying!?!

Starting to get really, really pissed off at goddam time wasters. You either want to fuck or you don't. It's not goddam, rocket science.

Raaaahhhhhhh "

they got their wank..the attention, the chase...they they block you and carry on on here and there's nothing i can do, to warn anyone about them. those are the ones i get pissed off with, the ones who go silent, block you and then you see them chatting up the women on the site, the next day and im like..here you go again...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Maybe they just got bored or found someone better x

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By *anderer46Man
over a year ago


This has happened to me alot of times. Like everyone has mentioned, you get talking getting to know the other person(s) then it's like,"have i said something wrong, did i actually do something, that i shouldn't have done" doesn't make any sense at all. Are we not all on this site for the same reason?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I apologize in advance for the bile that will spew forth.....

Been messaging a couple of guys, lots of messages back and forth, talked on phone, and exchanged pictures. All going well, we arrange a social, with potential to engage in kinky fuckery then the fuckers just disappear. No more messages, nothing.

It's like they just fall off the face of the earth. I'm cool if they change their mind or need to cancel but to just suddenly cease all contact without saying!?!

Starting to get really, really pissed off at goddam time wasters. You either want to fuck or you don't. It's not goddam, rocket science.

Raaaahhhhhhh "

Maybe the guys were also messaging others at the same time and got lucky elsewhere?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I recently had a meet with a lady here and the same thing happened to her when she had arranged other meets for the days she was visiting town

Lots of promises but when it came to the meet no one showed up

Eventually we met but courtesy people, courtesy goes a long way

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Or they're married?

Or they've got no bottle?

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I apologize in advance for the bile that will spew forth.....

Been messaging a couple of guys, lots of messages back and forth, talked on phone, and exchanged pictures. All going well, we arrange a social, with potential to engage in kinky fuckery then the fuckers just disappear. No more messages, nothing.

It's like they just fall off the face of the earth. I'm cool if they change their mind or need to cancel but to just suddenly cease all contact without saying!?!

Starting to get really, really pissed off at goddam time wasters. You either want to fuck or you don't. It's not goddam, rocket science.

Raaaahhhhhhh they got their wank..the attention, the chase...they they block you and carry on on here and there's nothing i can do, to warn anyone about them. those are the ones i get pissed off with, the ones who go silent, block you and then you see them chatting up the women on the site, the next day and im like..here you go again... "


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By *andsonjohnMan
over a year ago

in the eye of the storm

"I apologize in advance for the bile that will spew forth.....

Been messaging a couple of guys, lots of messages back and forth, talked on phone, and exchanged pictures. All going well, we arrange a social, with potential to engage in kinky fuckery then the fuckers just disappear. No more messages, nothing.

It's like they just fall off the face of the earth. I'm cool if they change their mind or need to cancel but to just suddenly cease all contact without saying!?!

Starting to get really, really pissed off at goddam time wasters. You either want to fuck or you don't. It's not goddam, rocket science.

Raaaahhhhhhh "

to be honest with you OP I don't let such behaviour bother me now .

when I was wet behind the ears it did, but I hit on a way of thinking that basically allows me to stay positive when I come across similar behaviour .

first I _iew all chatting as just chat I avoid overtly sexual chat stating i like to save that for on the first face to face meet or for after the first meet. this I find puts of the keyboard wankers as they can get that fix easily somewhere else .

once a social meet has been agreed on I assume it will be cancelled at some point before the meet is due to take place .

that way if the social is cancelled I'm not surprised at all .if it is cancelled and all contact stops I'm fine with that to thinking.

if you haven't the courage for just a social you not the person for me any way. so I've not missed out on a thing because your action show you not to be what I'm looking for .

I find thinking like this means I'm never annoyed by the action of others towards me because by there actions they are proving there not someone who in all reality I'd enjoy playing with anyway .

I find thinking like this makes it very easy to just move on after instances like you have given .

other than that OP chin up tits out tomorrow another day with a wide range of adventures waiting for someone brave enough to hunt them out .

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I thought that just happened to single guys lol... just move on hun...! I had abit of a go at a lady the other day on here stating there was no genuine guys on this site .. and she had over 400 messages to go through i then reminded here that there are some genuine single guys that are single and will show up ...im one if those guys ! And yet i have never had a message from one single lady on this site. Just a little frustrating really that i have alot to give etc arhhhh

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Hi babe sorry you have had the misfortune of these time wasters when I never yet have even had the chance of a meet if I did I certainly would not let the person down sending you hugs xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I,'ve had it a lot, chatted for ages. Then the bloke backs out xxx

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By *uckandbunnyCouple
over a year ago

In your bed

If they have verifications then maybe they found someone else.

If they have no verifications or very few it's likely they were never here to meet. Just here to fantisize.

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By *ornyrider1970Man
over a year ago


They are the many who are here just for their fantasy and not reality. Some get off on it. Its not just men there are cpls and females like it...move on you will soon find out how to find the real ones..

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By *onnie and JohnCouple
over a year ago


We use any meet as a chance to go out for the evening, arrange to meet in a bar if its a no show we just enjoy the night out...afternoon meets on the beach can be funny watching people walking passed..nudge is that them..lol..

remember its a sex site so you will get a good share of dreamers..but hay while they are on here , its safe to use the park toilet..lol..

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"The only person I've made solid plans with cancelled so we arranged if another couple of times and she cancelled again.

We these people miles away? Might of had second thoughts when they thought about that? From what little I can tell their bigger loss"

No they are local. I am really disheartened

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I,'ve had it a lot, chatted for ages. Then the bloke backs out xxx"

I'm glad I'm not the only one. Wish there was a way it could be logged on their profile. It would stop all the pretenders in their tracks

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"We use any meet as a chance to go out for the evening, arrange to meet in a bar if its a no show we just enjoy the night out...afternoon meets on the beach can be funny watching people walking passed..nudge is that them..lol..

remember its a sex site so you will get a good share of dreamers..but hay while they are on here , its safe to use the park toilet..lol.. "


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"If they have verifications then maybe they found someone else.

If they have no verifications or very few it's likely they were never here to meet. Just here to fantisize. "

yeah maybe. I can't meet at the drop

Of a hat due to family commitments so maybe they did move onto the next

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I apologize in advance for the bile that will spew forth.....

Been messaging a couple of guys, lots of messages back and forth, talked on phone, and exchanged pictures. All going well, we arrange a social, with potential to engage in kinky fuckery then the fuckers just disappear. No more messages, nothing.

It's like they just fall off the face of the earth. I'm cool if they change their mind or need to cancel but to just suddenly cease all contact without saying!?!

Starting to get really, really pissed off at goddam time wasters. You either want to fuck or you don't. It's not goddam, rocket science.

Raaaahhhhhhh "

Totally agree with everything you've said! I've had this happen loads over my time on fab.

Very very frustrating

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I apologize in advance for the bile that will spew forth.....

Been messaging a couple of guys, lots of messages back and forth, talked on phone, and exchanged pictures. All going well, we arrange a social, with potential to engage in kinky fuckery then the fuckers just disappear. No more messages, nothing.

It's like they just fall off the face of the earth. I'm cool if they change their mind or need to cancel but to just suddenly cease all contact without saying!?!

Starting to get really, really pissed off at goddam time wasters. You either want to fuck or you don't. It's not goddam, rocket science.


to be honest with you OP I don't let such behaviour bother me now .

when I was wet behind the ears it did, but I hit on a way of thinking that basically allows me to stay positive when I come across similar behaviour .

first I _iew all chatting as just chat I avoid overtly sexual chat stating i like to save that for on the first face to face meet or for after the first meet. this I find puts of the keyboard wankers as they can get that fix easily somewhere else .

once a social meet has been agreed on I assume it will be cancelled at some point before the meet is due to take place .

that way if the social is cancelled I'm not surprised at all .if it is cancelled and all contact stops I'm fine with that to thinking.

if you haven't the courage for just a social you not the person for me any way. so I've not missed out on a thing because your action show you not to be what I'm looking for .

I find thinking like this means I'm never annoyed by the action of others towards me because by there actions they are proving there not someone who in all reality I'd enjoy playing with anyway .

I find thinking like this makes it very easy to just move on after instances like you have given .

other than that OP chin up tits out tomorrow another day with a wide range of adventures waiting for someone brave enough to hunt them out . "

I'll def be taking your advice. I like hour approach to this site. Thanks!!!

And you are right, if they don't have he balls to even do a social meet them they don't have the balls to engage in delightful kinky fuckery

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

We get that loads couples and single females like why the hell wast people time how people get kicks out just why

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

We experience this all the time with our personal meets. If we're looking for 2 to 4 guys we quite literally have to invite 15! Keep communication to a minimum, always have a quick phone call (tells us a lot) and always bet on them being a no show. We also put our personal meets up very last minute, keeps their wanking and excuse finding time to a minimum. Ultimately we're content with just the two of us for a party and anyone else attending is just a bonus. If there are any no shows, who gives a shit! They're not worth a second thought from you.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Sadly too many dreamers on here who think they can meet but when it comes to it bottle out.

We don't bother with unverifed people now as it's a waste of time sadly.

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over a year ago

South West London / Surrey

"I apologize in advance for the bile that will spew forth.....

Been messaging a couple of guys, lots of messages back and forth, talked on phone, and exchanged pictures. All going well, we arrange a social, with potential to engage in kinky fuckery then the fuckers just disappear. No more messages, nothing.

It's like they just fall off the face of the earth. I'm cool if they change their mind or need to cancel but to just suddenly cease all contact without saying!?!

Starting to get really, really pissed off at goddam time wasters. You either want to fuck or you don't. It's not goddam, rocket science.

Raaaahhhhhhh "

People are entitled to change their minds for what ever reason.

You read all the time on here how lots of people find it easier to either block or just cease contact, rather than be upfront. Maybe something put them off and they felt you wouldn't take it very well.

Maybe they got chatting to someone else.

Maybe they only get off on the fantasy.

Who knows?

When men moan about this they're usually told to suck it up, move on etc.

Yes, it can be frustrating at times but it happens to most of us. When you actually end up meeting people, it makes those experiences all the better.

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By *iewMan
Forum Mod

over a year ago

Angus & Findhorn

Oh well, life goes on

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By *hetalkingstoveMan
over a year ago


"Women are just the same! "

I've actually never got to the 'let's meet up' stage with a woman and then had them disappear. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I think men are more inclined to be fantasists and use the site for a cheap thrill

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I've only been active on this site about a month and I've arranged 4 meets of which only 1 has cancelled. No one has just failed to turn up. I don't think that's too bad.

Of course IVe chatted to a number of women who've suddenly (for no obvious reason) stopped replying. I don't bother too much about that. I was on pof for ages and, compared to that, this place is a doddle lol...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

OP welcome to the world of fab. Last we I cycled a 24 mile round trip only for the lady to call and say she was stuck in traffic.

That's why I go to clubs!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Newbie here


And there I was thinking, and frustrating that I was doing or saying something wrong as a single male

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Newbie here


And there I was thinking, and frustrating that I was doing or saying something wrong as a single male "

Nope the only thing we do wrong is being a single male on here. Lol get to some clubs you will meet most couples and ladies there that are on here. Tip is just be yourself and respectful towards them. That's the only advice I can give.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Did visit Eureka,and yeah did enjoy myself there

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