Another option to consider is to have partially clothed sex, if getting naked in front of a guy, where there's a sexual situation, is the issue. As someone pointed out, you don't need to be having sex, you could just be there for your partner etc.
If you create a situation where the only aim is for sex to occur, then it magnifies your focus on it, and then onto any underlying issues, such as discomfort being naked. But, if you were - in contrast - not to be in a bedroom, say just in the lounge, then you could be having some nibbles/a drink, viewing some porn, with some pieces of fun interspersed.
That way it's not like all going upstairs, getting the clothes off and then it's 3,2,1 NOW FUCK. The latter is likely to increase stress etc, but keeping it more casual and relaxed - with some clothes on - should enhance your confidence and not minimise it.
Otherwise, you could have a similar situation at a club, where there's some banter, a little play and then graze socially or socially in bits and bobs, as seems right for you all.
Reduce the intensity of the stressers, and you'll more than likely feel a lot better than if not. Choose the right environment, the right partner(s), how much clothing is worn, what sex any of you actually gets down to, and it's all much more manageable.
If there are other underlying issues, then get those addressed too. You need to be right for the next step, rather than have an experience anyone might regret.
Another option is to just visit a club with the strict understanding that you're only likely to go to just chat and look around. It'll again reduce any pressure, and allow you to plan how you could use that club as part of your involvement with others.
Good luck! |