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The temptaions of a flirty sister in law Part 3

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By *ornyhotcouple696969 OP   Couple
over a year ago


“Shall I call the taxi now Rob?”, asked Claire “Will probably be half hour or so, then we can get out of these guys hair”!

“Yeah I guess”, I replied reluctantly, not wanting to really leave at all.

Rachel and I walked out for our last ciggy, the rain had let off a bit, but was still coming down, so opted for the garage once again.

“So, Robert, when do you want to fuck me again?”

“Well right now would be nice, but I don’t think the man downstairs can handle anymore fucking today, and Claire is up and awake, and a taxi is on the way!”

“Shame, I was hoping you guys might have stayed over, seeing you don’t have work tomorrow.”

Shit, why didn’t I think of that? Obviously because the other brain was in control today!

“Well, I am guessing, and hoping, there will be other times Rachel”?

“As I said earlier, when ever you want me lover, I am all yours!”

Just the way she said lover would give my cock a twitch.

“I didn’t put any lipstick on after my shower, just in case you wanted a final kiss before you leave, lover?”

There she goes again with that ‘lover’, damn she knew how to arouse a man.

“Oh, and Robert, look, this onesie zips all the way down to my crotch, cool huh?” as her hand took the zip and pulled it all the way down.

And there were those glorious boobs, once again, nipples like bullets, thanks to the cooler air.

Leaning in, she kissed me, real slow and passionate, it felt like her lips were sucking the life out of me, as each second passed, I felt my body mould against hers, her hand running through my hair, the other keeping her cigarette away from our clothes, my one hand feeling the full weight of one of her breasts, my thumb and forefinger attached to her nipple, twisting it like I was twisting a 70’s radio dial.

“Robert, would you like to taste my pussy, directly from the source?”

“Rachel, I would love nothing more, believe me, but last time we were out here we were gone half an hour. Claire is now awake. We don’t want to get caught, do we?”

“No, you are right. We will just have to wait for the next time, which I hope will be soon lover?”

With that, she slid her free hand into her onesie, as I watched her face I saw her expression change, knowing that she was pushing a finger inside herself.

Releasing her hand from the confines of her onesie, she brought her finger to my mouth, which instinctively opened, and sucked her finger deep, tasting her womanly nectar, as she ran her finger across my tongue.

“Mmmmmm fuck you taste amazing Rachel.”

“I taste better when I squirt apparently Robert!”

Oh lord, she is a squirter as well, kind of glad I didn’t find that out earlier in the garage.

“Robert, shall we start getting our bits ready, taxi will be here in ten minutes!”

Claire was by the back door again. Damn it they needed a noisier back door!

Ten minutes? Looking at my watch, I saw we had been in the garage for 20 minutes!

“Yes, ok hunni, sorry had a second cigarette, been a while since I had the last one”!

Which was kind of true. Had gone out for one earlier, just didn’t have one!!!

Once back inside I went for a final wee, Claire and Rachel were chatting downstairs, Phil had woken up finally too!

‘Beep beep’ as the taxi arrived.

“Thanks for a lovely day guys”, quickly replied to by Rachel, “It’s been my pleasure!”

Unaware if anyone else took that as it was obviously intended, we all smiled and I went to shake Phil’s hand, to save him getting up.

Rachel pulled the door up to the lounge, giving Claire a hug and kiss on the cheek in the porchway, Claire walked towards the taxi and Rachel gave me a hug, and then a kiss, pushing her tongue in my mouth momentarily, while giving my cock a squeeze.

“Put him down, we have to go” Claire said, laughing away.

“Bye sexy brother in law, can’t wait for you to be inside me again, and very soon please!”

As we drove away, my mind was racing, my heart was thumping, and my cock was throbbing, I wanted to see Rachel, and explore her body properly, and I hoped I wouldn’t have to wait too long!

“Did you have a nice day Robert? I do like how much you and Rachel get on, she can be a handful sometimes, and a bit too in your face!”

I smiled and said “Yes, I had a lovely day, and she was fine”, and thought to myself with a smile, if only you knew, just how ‘in your face’ she can be!

Next part coming soon……..

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By *ick manMan
over a year ago


Lucky sod

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By *teviem40Man
over a year ago


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By *nyx99Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Dam keep it coming

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By *irralvoyeur78Man
over a year ago


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By *itboyslim2Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ob7Man
over a year ago


Great story so far, we all would love to have a sister in law like Rachel. Hope there is a lot more to cum.

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By *untimes6969Man
over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Excellent - plus more fun to come!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Great story

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Fantastic tale

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By *ornyhotcouple696969 OP   Couple
over a year ago


The following two weeks flew by.

Work was manic, I’d made a couple of fuck ups, as my mind had been elsewhere, and the director was on my back. I managed to stave him off with a few excuses, and all was soon rectified and back on track.

Rachel and I had been sending whatsapp messages, normal ones, naughty ones, filthy ones, video messages, but that was it. Work was getting in the way of what I really wanted to be doing…..Rachel!

As the weekend began, we were both chilling in the garden, Claire had her head in a book, I was playing some daft game on my phone.

Glorious sunshine, birds were singing, perfect way to spend a weekend.

‘ping’ new message. It was from Rachel. A picture message, in her back garden, using a selfie stick, completely naked.

“Know anyone who’d like to come rub some oil on me lover?”

My loose fitting shorts were beginning to rise, as several more pictures came through, posing, playing, masturbating……….god I needed her!

“I’m going to send a message to Claire in a minute, I hope you will approve lover, chat soon!”

Paranoid Pete here, thinking she is going to show all the pics I’ve sent, the videos of me cumming, the natural process that your mind conjures up, when you’re doing something you shouldn’t be!

And silence. Where was this message? It’ll be fine, she probably just wants to borrow some of Claire’s clothes or something.

‘ping’ went Claire’s phone. Me sat up, with bated breath, wondering what that text said…..or showed!


“Yes my love.”

“Phil is going up to Aberdeen next weekend, as it’s his younger brothers stag do, Rachel wondered…….”

“NO, NO, I don’t want to go, it’s a long way and I won’t know anybody apart from Phil.”

“Have you quite finished Rob? Rachel wondered if she could stay here for the weekend. You know what she gets like when she is on her own, remember the last time?”

Claire had a good point, the last time Phil was away, Rachel got pissed, sat at home on her own, and ended up phoning the police, as she thought someone was trying to break in, through her lounge side window. When the police arrived, they pointed out the branch that was tapping against the window, due to the wind, before bidding her good evening!

“Yeah, I guess so, but she will have to use the downstairs bedroom, I’m not taking all my work stuff out of the upstairs one for one weekend!”

A little while back we had made a few changes in the house. We have a very large kitchen and a large lounge. The next door along, the previous people had used that room as the dining room.

We didn’t see the point in that, as the kitchen easily housed an eight seater table, with a lot of room left over.

So, I used the ‘dining room’ as my office, for when I worked from home.

Claire is a letting agent, so her hours were often unsociable, early starts, late evening viewings, after people had finished work, so she would often pop home in between viewings.

As I became more senior in my role, I spent more time working from home, and with Claire popping in and out during the day, popping in to say hi, then watching tv, running the hoover round, I realised the downstairs office was a bad idea!

I splashed out on some new office furniture, and moved my office into the larger bedroom upstairs, in turn moving the bedroom furniture downstairs.

“That’s fine Rob. Rachel is hardly going to complain is she, as long as she has a bed, she will be more than happy.”

In all my annoyance at the prospect of having to move out of my office, there was one detail my mind hadn’t yet processed, Rachel was coming to stay next weekend!!!!!!!!

“Sorry love, my mind was all over the place then, of course it’s ok if Rachel comes to stay. Be nice to have someone else here for a few days”, very nice indeed I thought!

Ten minutes later my phone pinged again, “Looking forward to seeing you on Friday lover, I do hope we will find time to be lovers again Robert?”

“So do I Rachel, so do I! We just have to be careful, no crazy risks ok?”

“If you say so lover.”

And the conversation ended.

The following week was dragging, Rachel had been very quiet, just like the first time, after we had sent our first naked pictures to each other.

On the Thursday I text her “You ok? You seem very quiet.”

“Sorry, I find the less we talk, before seeing each other, the more exciting it will be when we do see each other. I’m not ignoring you, well, I guess I am, but there is nothing wrong. One more sleep lover!”

The following day seemed to have 72 hours in it, every time I looked at the clock, I swear it had gone back rather than forward. We had a big new customer coming on board, so rather than working at home on projects, I had to be there, to run through what everyone had to do to make the transition run smoothly

The weekend was due to be a hot one, which would mean we would spend a lot of time in the garden.

We were, like Rachel and Phil, lucky to have a big back garden. And while not as lavishly decorated as theirs, it was smart, tidy and well kept. In the summer we would spend all our time out there.

Our only neighbour that overlooked us, was away. She owned a B&B in the south of France, so would spend a lot of time over there in the warmer months, so Claire had been topless a few times in the garden. She had a lovely slim body, but as said previous, was always conscious of her large nipples, so would never go topless abroad. Which was a shame, the thought of men, and women, looking at her nipples was a big turn on for me.

5pm………and time to get out of this hell hole.

New customer on board, everything had run like clockwork, how I don’t know, as my mind couldn’t have been further away from work, so we all finished an hour earlier than the normal 6pm cut off.

Jumping into my car and driving home, I must have been speeding in nearly every limit I went through. Claire had already collected Rachel, as she had the day off.

40 minutes from work to home, a new record for me. Will give it a few weeks, and see if that record was worth it, depending on what landed on the door mat!

I got out and locked the car, walking towards the side gate, giggling and chatting filling the air, Alexa playing music, louder than we’d normally have it if the neighbour was home.

As I walked around the corner the site that greeted me was an arousing one.

Claire was topless, and so was Rachel.

My eyes were fixed only on Rachel though. Her large breasts, glistening with oil, nipples hard and thick. It wasn’t the only thing getting thick. My cock was rising.

I walked back to the gate, opened it quietly and then shut it hard. Giving them time to address the clothing situation.

As much as Claire and Rachel were obviously comfortable being topless together, I didn’t think Claire would be too pleased if I saw her sister topless.

As I walked back round Claire and Rachel had managed to put the bikini tops back on, although the straps were done up around the back, they hadn’t put the straps over their shoulders.

“Hey hunni, you’re home early, good day then?”

“Yes, very good, felt long, but productive, and the Pharnell company are now fully on board!”

“Oh, that’s excellent news my love.”

“Hi Robert” said Rachel, with a cheeky smirk.

“Hello Rachel, didn’t fancy another visit from the police this time then huh?” mocking her embarrassing situation from Phil’s last trip away.

“Arsehole” came the reply, and a poke of her tongue, the same tongue that had coaxed two loads from my cock just three weeks ago.

“Well, if you have landed a nice new customer, we should celebrate guys” stated Rachel.

“Good job I brought plenty of wine with me, and I picked up a nice brut cava yesterday, lets open it and celebrate.”

Claire went to get up and Rachel stopped her, “You stay where you are sis, you have been running around after me all afternoon, I’m more than capable of opening a bottle of fizz!”

“Right, I’ll let you sort that then, I’ll go get my shorts on, and enjoy the last hour or two of this sunshine.”

As I walked into the house, I knew Rachel wasn’t far behind me.

As I took my shoes off and put my briefcase down, she was stood there, looking at me. Her top straining to contain her heavy breasts, without the straps to hold them up.

“Come here lover”, and just inside the back door, away from Claire’s line of sight we kissed, hard and passionately. My first thought was to rip her bottoms off, lift her through onto the kitchen table and fuck her hard. But then I remembered a tiny detail, my wife!

The kiss ended, “Mmmmmm lover, I have dreamt of that all week, while my fingers explored where your cock was just 3 weeks ago, did you miss me my lover?”

Grabbing her again, I kissed her hard, pulling the flimsy material covering her breasts down, groping her big fleshy breasts, pulling her nipples hard, as she moaned into my mouth.

“Have you found the cork screw Rachel, Rob bought a new easier one.”

Our kiss ended, we pulled apart.

“I don’t need a corkscrew for the Cava, it’s a fancy pull out cork. Rob is just pulling it out for me.”

“Ok cool, glasses on the second shelf, in the cupboard nearest the sink”

“I know, I have been here before remember dumbass!”

We could hear Claire giggling to herself.

I’ve gone to grab the bottle from the fridge, while Rachel sorted the boobs out situation.

Just as I was about to walk into the kitchen Rachel asked “Is Claire still on her lounger Robert?”

Looking out the window, to see she had her head back in one of her crime books she so likes.

“Yes, why?”

As I walked in, I could see why, Rachel was sat on the dining table, legs open, her bikini bottoms pulled to the side.

“What the fuck are you doing, Claire could walk in here at any moment!”

“Put it inside me Robert, just quickly, I want to feel full again.”

Looking out of the kitchen window, Claire was still engrossed in her book.

I pulled the cock out, in a way to make sure it had maximum ‘pop effect’, “pop” shouted Claire from the garden.

Putting the bottle down, I started to unzip, pulling my raging cock from my suit trousers.

Walking towards Rachel, her finger tracing up and down her smooth pussy lips.

“Come fuck me lover.”

Just as I placed my hands on her thighs, we both stopped………….. ”Fuck, fuck…..fucking flipflops!”

“Robert, one of my nice new flipflops you bought me has just snapped.”

From the sound of her voice, Claire was literally about a foot away from the back door, and the door through to the kitchen was wide open, with the kitchen table in view, along with her spread eagled sister laying on it, and her husband holding his angry looking cock, that was resting on her sisters wet, wanton pussy.

With a second to spare, we had managed to get away from the table.

I have stood facing the glasses cupboard, taking out the glasses as Claire walked in.

“These were really expensive Robert, we will have to take them back.”

“Definitely my love, £80 they cost me.”

Rachel is stood holding the cava, as I have passed her a glass, Claire still stood there cursing.

Rachel has then looked down as she filled the glass, and looked up with an open mouthed look of shock on her face!

Here I am passing her the glasses, and I haven’t put my cock away yet!

It was too hard to go into the tiny zipper suit trousers afford you.

Rachel has put the bottle down, “Come with me Claire, remember I said about my new ones, try them and see if you like them. You will get three pairs for the price you paid for one of those.”

Claire started walking over to me, fuck, this was going to end bad, wanting to show me the broken flipflop.

Peering over my shoulder to look at her “Pop it on the table love, I’ll look in a sec, just trying to find my favourite beer glass.”


“Come on Claire, let’s try these flipflops shall we?”

Once again, we had come close to getting caught, but I played a part in it this time too, I took the initial risk, and I was going to fuck her on the dining table, without a second thought!

Time for a cold shower and a change of clothes.

More coming soon………..

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By *arc5t5Man
over a year ago


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By *J GeminiTV/TS
over a year ago


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By *andy IanMan
over a year ago


Keep going love this brings back memories of my next door neighbour

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *eardeddriverMan
over a year ago



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By *incs 2 up for funCouple
over a year ago


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By *ornyhotcouple696969 OP   Couple
over a year ago


Having had a nice cold shower, and changing into shorts and t-shirt, I sauntered back downstairs.

All was quiet in the house.

Grabbing myself a beer from the fridge, I decided against the glass, as the beer would stay cooler in the can. Not that I was actually looking nor found my favourite glass earlier anyway!

Walking back into the garden, Claire and Rachel had put t-shirts on now.

Why is it, when abroad, you could be naked all night it’s that hot. Yet in the UK, even in the summer, the evenings are chilly.

It was around 7pm now, and the girls were getting hungry.

I have a large chimenea in the garden, and a well stocked store of seasoned, dried wood, so decided to fire it up, so we could continue the evening outside.

The chimenea also acts as a pizza oven, and whilst I am no chef in the kitchen, the BBQ and chimenea/pizza oven are my domain, and I do make a damned good pizza.

We always have pizza bases in the cupboard, nice and simple, when you don’t have time to make them fresh, just add some tomato puree, and whatever toppings you wanted.

“I’m starving hunni, are we having pizzas?” asked Claire.

“Yep, that’s the plan, quick, simple and effective!”

“Shall we all go in and put what we want on them”? I asked.

As we walked in together Claire said “I might have a very quick shower first if that’s ok? Get all this oil off my skin.”

“Ok, what do you want on yours then, I’ll get it ready for you?”

“Ummmmm…..pass! I will do mine when I come down, I’ll only be five minutes.” and off she went.

Rachel walked off to her room, so I was left alone to crack on with at least getting my pizza ready.

I went to the fridge to get my ingredients, coming back with mushrooms, pepperoni, olives, spinach and grated cheese.

When I walked back into the kitchen, I nearly dropped the lot.

Rachel, stood there, naked as the day she was born.

“Are you actually fucking nuts Rachel?”

“Robert, we have approximately five, maybe ten minutes, tops. And that cock is going in one of my holes, even if I have to pin you down and fuck you myself. Now get those shorts off and follow me.”

Like a lemming following another, towards the edge of a cliff, my legs seemed to walk by themselves, against my brain’s better judgement.

Standing behind Rachel, she turned around, reached down, and pulled the drawstring of my shorts, allowing them to slide over my thighs, and onto the floor.

Taking my hand, we walked towards the stairs, walking past her room!

I started pulling back.

“What are you up to, where on earth do you think we are going? There is no way we are going upstairs. I said no risks, and we’ve nearly been caught once today, and going upstairs is a sure-fire way to get caught.”

“Wow, and you call me nuts. As if I am going upstairs you fool, Claire is up there. Just here will do fine!”

She stopped at the bottom of the stairs, placing her hands on the sixth step, resting her knees on the second step.

Her body perfectly aligned for doggy style penetration.

Staring at her pussy, I could see she was wet, and oh how I had longed to be back in those tight confines once again.

“This pussy isn’t going to fuck itself Robert!”

Her voice was quieter now.

“Not here, lets go on the kitchen at least!”

“You can’t hear the shower turn off in the kitchen, dumbass!”

Ok, so, she had a point, and the longer I stood there contemplating the logistics of this encounter, the less time there was for this to happen.

Then we heard the spray of the shower turning on.

“Fuck me Robert, and fuck me hard. Do not stop until you cum inside me.”

Like a rabid dog, I lunged forward, grabbing her arse cheeks hard, splaying them apart, as the head of my cock nudged at the opening to heaven. In one swift, hard push, I was inside her, deep.

“Oh fuck yes Robert, mmmm I can feel every inch of you inside me. Are you going to fill me with your big load again Robert, I bet it is a big load too isn’t it? Fuck me harder Robert, my body is yours, own it, take control, fuck me like the slut that I am.”

And I fucked her, for all I was worth, pounding her tight cunt with a ferocity I didn’t know I had in me. At one point I spanked her arse, very hard, which made her cry out!

“Oh yes, that felt good Robert, but maybe save that for another time, when I can let myself go properly.”

I was at that point thankful, for the bloody noisy extractor fan we had in the bathroom, as Claire would’ve been sure to have heard her sisters cry, if it wasn’t for that fan.

Rachel was panting, like an over excited dog after playing ball, her breathing, short and fast. I was also breathing hard, as I was moving in and out of her pussy at a considerable rate.

Staring at her tight back hole, I was considering swapping to that, for the ultimate in tightness, but the shower turning off removed that thought from my mind swiftly.

As I went to pull out Rachel begged “Please no Robert, I am about to cum, fuck me as hard as you can, fill me with your seed.”

I fucked her with every ounce of strength and stamina I had left in me.

Then I heard Claire, removing the towel from the over door towel holder, confirming this liaison was soon to end, one way or another.

Rachels cunt was gripping me like a vice, guessing that at some point, she had practiced Kegel exercises, as her pelvic floor muscles felt like they were going to snap my cock in two.

And then I felt it, a wet release all over my thighs, a very wet release.

This is turn triggered my orgasm, shooting what felt like a litre of pure passion, deep in Rachels spasming pussy.

As we came down from our orgasms, we both looked at each other, as we heard Claire pull the chord to turn the shower switch off.

Sliding out of Rachels soaking pussy, it was at this point I realised, Rachel had squirted!

Moving hurriedly, Rachel went into her room, her hand cupping her pussy, to stop the impending leakage.

Me, running towards the kitchen with my shorts in my hand, as the bathroom door opened, the familiar sound of the floorboards creaking, as Claire made her way to the bedroom.

Pulling my shorts up I had to think quick. The bottom stair was soaked.

Grabbing a wine glass from the cupboard, I swiftly filled it with a glass of Claire’s favourite Pinot Grigio, and was almost speed walking towards the stairs.

Pretending I had tripped, I let out a loud gasp and moan………Claire came running out of the bedroom, with towel wrapped around her……..” Robert, are you ok, what happened?” she asked, as she descended down the stairs.

“I thought I would bring you a drink up, for you to have while you dried your hair, and it would appear, looking where you’re walking is beneficial, if you are carrying a glass of wine!”

“Ohhh you are a sweetheart.”

“And I hope it wasn’t my Pinot”!

“Ummmm yes, sorry” …. At which point we both roared with laughter.

On hearing the laughter Rachel appeared.

“What did I miss then?”

“Mr Clumsy here, being romantic and bringing me a glass of wine, of which he much preferred to share with the carpet!”

“Hahaha what a dumbass” was Rachels retort!

“I’ll just go get the carpet spray and give it a good soaking, hopefully it won’t stain if I am quick.”

I wasn’t concerned about any stain, more so concerned about any womanly scent that might be picked up on!

As Claire walked back upstairs, I started walking back to the kitchen, only for Rachel to once again stop me in my tracks and kiss me.

Sorry lover, I do like a kiss when I fuck, and we didn’t get to kiss just then, better late than never.

More to come in the morning everyone………..

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By *slandhopperMan
over a year ago


Great story

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By *itboyslim2Man
over a year ago


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By *itboyslim2Man
over a year ago


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By *eanasmustardMan
over a year ago



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By *avidking73Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Best story I've read.

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By *andy IanMan
over a year ago


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By *imale38Man
over a year ago


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By *incs 2 up for funCouple
over a year ago


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By *incs500Man
over a year ago


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By *sprey6Man
over a year ago



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By *llNatural36FWoman
over a year ago


Great story, very enjoyable and I'm looking forward to the next installment

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By *ubsteffTV/TS
over a year ago


Can’t help but think Rachel wants to be caught.....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I bet these sisters are playing him and they plan and tell each other everything comparing notes

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By *oth0712Man
over a year ago


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By *iving for todayMan
over a year ago


So good

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By *J GeminiTV/TS
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ohn_1983Man
over a year ago

South of Norwich

"So good "

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Gets better with every chapter!

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By *teviem40Man
over a year ago


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By *lumbercoupleCouple
over a year ago

Vera Playa

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By *ackman23Man
over a year ago


This is epic keep it going

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By *dward_TeagueMan
over a year ago


What a fantastic read.

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By *ick manMan
over a year ago


I think the sisters are playing him too other wise while Phil’s away would it not be safer for Robert too go too Rachel’s house and duck her there

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By *ormladMan
over a year ago


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By *ornyhotcouple696969 OP   Couple
over a year ago


"I think the sisters are playing him too other wise while Phil’s away would it not be safer for Robert too go too Rachel’s house and duck her there "

Best re-read the story.

You'll know why she stayed at our house then.

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By *ick manMan
over a year ago


"I think the sisters are playing him too other wise while Phil’s away would it not be safer for Robert too go too Rachel’s house and duck her there

Best re-read the story.

You'll know why she stayed at our house then."

as good as it is I’m not going too read the whole lot again just tell me why ps it’s brilliant I keep checking for the next installment

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By *ornyhotcouple696969 OP   Couple
over a year ago


"I think the sisters are playing him too other wise while Phil’s away would it not be safer for Robert too go too Rachel’s house and duck her there

Best re-read the story.

You'll know why she stayed at our house then.as good as it is I’m not going too read the whole lot again just tell me why ps it’s brilliant I keep checking for the next installment "

The last time phil went away, rachel was alone and pissed.

Thought someone was breaking in to her house.

Rung the police, it was a branch rubbing against a window due to wind.

Hence why she doesn't like staying on her own.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I think the sisters are playing him too other wise while Phil’s away would it not be safer for Robert too go too Rachel’s house and duck her there

Best re-read the story.

You'll know why she stayed at our house then.as good as it is I’m not going too read the whole lot again just tell me why ps it’s brilliant I keep checking for the next installment

The last time phil went away, rachel was alone and pissed.

Thought someone was breaking in to her house.

Rung the police, it was a branch rubbing against a window due to wind.

Hence why she doesn't like staying on her own."

Can never understand why some ??ends insist on trying to undermine or criticise the story.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By *rtraymondo76Man
over a year ago



Can never understand why some ??ends insist on trying to undermine or criticise the story."

"Those that can, do those that can't teach", so the saying goes. We should change that to - "those that can't


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By *ick manMan
over a year ago



Can never understand why some ??ends insist on trying to undermine or criticise the story.

"Those that can, do those that can't teach", so the saying goes. We should change that to - "those that can't


I’m in no way criticizing it’s a brilliant story

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By *lack_alembicMan
over a year ago


This just gets better and better. Look forward to the next installment OP

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *overOral0Man
over a year ago

Nr Cheltenham

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By *agnar1980Man
over a year ago


certainly has me hard

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *igBanMan
over a year ago


Do keep going

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Great story looking forward to the next installment

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By *aptain22Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ornyhotcouple696969 OP   Couple
over a year ago


Thanks everyone.

Just starting the next part now.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Im not one for reading full stop but this has kept me hooked since yesterday. Hats off to you mate, fantastic story and wrote perfectly.

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By *irtypair00Couple
over a year ago


Best story ever

And how ironic after reading the last episode we called to the mother in law for dinner . The wife's sister in law called in to

Mr dirty

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Truly excellent!

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By *ornyhotcouple696969 OP   Couple
over a year ago


"Im not one for reading full stop but this has kept me hooked since yesterday. Hats off to you mate, fantastic story and wrote perfectly. "

Thank you, much appreciated

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By *azKayeMan
over a year ago


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By *empsey and hotpieceMan
over a year ago

North west

This a well written story and very horny, but I can’t help feeling sorry for Claire and Rachel’s husband.

I’m guessing op is no longer with Claire , so I’m cringing now how this will end, unless there’s some twist to come, like Claire had been fucking Rachel’s husband, and this is payback.

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By *urvygirl75Woman
over a year ago


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By *andy IanMan
over a year ago


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By *ornyhotcouple696969 OP   Couple
over a year ago


The rest of the evening went without any more naughty shenanigans, apart from the odd grope and kiss.

The following morning I awoke, with a slightly heavy head.

Fizzy wine and beer are never a great combination.

Claire was already up, so I wearily climbed out of bed, brushed my teeth and made my way downstairs.

Rachel and Claire were sat at the kitchen table, eating toast and chatting as I walked through.

“Morning sleepy head” said Claire, as she got up to give me a kiss.

“Morning dumbass” Rachels new name for me it would appear!”

I poured myself a much needed coffee, grabbed a ciggy, and went to sit in the garden.

Fresh air, a coffee and a ciggy, that would wake me up.

“Where was my invite then Robert”, as Rachel walked towards me in her dressing gown.

The same dressing gown she wore on the day that I first saw her, virtually naked.

The sun was already beating down, it was due to be a scorcher today, 28c according to met office.

“Sorry, still a bit sleepy, and just needed some fresh air!”

“I’ll let you off, just this once. So, what have you got planned for me today Robert?”

Barely out of my slumber and she was, I assumed, hinting about sex!

“Well, I am looking forward to a full day of sunbathing. It’s going to be a hot day today.”

“Just sunbathing, no fucking Robert?”

“We need to set some sort of ground rules Rachel. As much I would happily fuck you all day, we really need to be careful.”

“I know Robert, but it was exciting yesterday wasn’t it?”

I couldn’t say no, because it was, and she is someone who is pretty damn hard to resist.

“Yes very, but let’s just be a bit more careful ok?”

With a big sigh Rachel agreed.

Claire walked out into the garden, all suited and booted, in the female sense.

Knee length black skirt, white blouse, matching jacket, and heels.

“That’s a bit too much clothing for sunbathing my love?”

“I know! I’ve just had Marcus ring, (Marcus is her boss at the lettings agency), one of my houses has some interest from a renter, looking to move in asap. I did say you do know it’s my day off, but he reminded me of the commission, and the fact that this was probably a done deal, even before we’ve walked through the door! You don’t mind do you hunni?”

“No of course not, just would’ve been nice to all chill out together, that was all.”

“I know, I reckon I should be 3 hours tops. I can go straight to the viewing from here, which is going to be 45 minutes, say 40 minutes to walk around, hopefully get a signature, then 45 minutes back.

I promise I will be as quick as I can.”

“Ring me when you arrive, so I know you got there ok!” Something I always said when she drove anywhere.

With a nod to say ok, a kiss on the lips, and a wave, she walked off to the car, got in and left.

Rachel sat there, with a big grin on her face, silent throughout the whole conversation.

“Guess it’s just you and me then, lover!”

Here she goes again. For someone who is actually very bright, I don’t quite know how, as there doesn’t seem to be any room in her mind for anything, other than sex!

“I am going to go have a shower Rachel. If you wouldn’t mind making me another coffee, I would very much appreciate that, I need to get rid of this fuzzy head.”

“I know what gets rid of a headache Robert” she said, winking at me.

“NO! Right now, I need a shower and then more coffee, before I do ANYTHING else, ok?”

The bottom lip protruded, and a humph escaped her lips, as I walked off upstairs, alone, to have my shower.

Whilst in the shower, I of course was thinking, thinking that we had potentially maybe 2 hours, by the time I was sorted, alone together. All sorts of scenarios in my head, fucking in the kitchen, in the lounge, in Rachels temporary bedroom. My cock it would appear was also linked to my thoughts, as he had risen, to full strength.

I also had the thought, that maybe I could fuck her arse. She had hinted at that before, more than once, and she didn’t complain when my thumb went in there before, and I hadn’t fucked a woman’s arse for many, many years, and never with Claire.

Shower off and into my bedroom, choosing just a pair of shorts, there was no need for a top, it was swelteringly hot outside, and it would just get sweaty and come off anyway.

A few squirts of my favourite aftershave, the one Claire bought for me, as she said I smell so sexy when wearing it, and down I went.

Walking into the garden, once again I was speechless.

Rachel was laying on the sun lounger, completely naked.

The steam from my freshly made coffee, visible on the table between the two loungers.

“Oh, hi lover, did you have a nice shower? Hope you don’t mind me sunbathing like this, I do hate tan lines.”

I had noticed, the previous times, when I had seen her naked, that she didn’t have any tan lines, and guessed maybe she had used sunbeds. But then figured with their enclosed back garden, this was very much the norm for her, and sunbeds were not required.

I also noticed, her bikini was nowhere to be seen!”

“N …..no, it’s fine, might have been worth waiting a little longer though, Claire has only been gone 20 minutes. And it wouldn’t be the first time she had come back, having forgotten something.”

“At least maybe go get your bikini, just in case she comes back. There will be no where for you to hide if she does.”

“You are such a worrier Robert, but ok, if it keeps you happy.”

And up she got, her glorious naked body, in all its glory, waltzing across the lawn.

A minute later she was back, holding her bikini top and bottoms in her hand, watching her large breasts bounce with every step, mesmerised by their movement. Her perfectly smooth pussy lips, causing friction against each other as she walked, my cock now rising in my flimsy shorts.

“Happy now lover?”

“Yes, thank you Rachel.”

“That’s ok lover.”

Rachel laid back on her lounger, her back slightly arched, pushing her large breasts out even more. I was trying to read sky news, to see what was going on in the world. As much as I wanted to pounce on her, I also needed to know Claire had arrived safe and sound at the viewing.

‘Ping’ New Message: “Hi hunni, arrived at the house. No sign of the customer yet though. Will be as quick as I can. Sorry for leaving you with Rachel, I know she can get on your nerves sometimes, see you soon, love you.”

There is one thing I would like Rachel to get on, my nerves weren’t one of them!

“Sis arrived ok Robert?”

“Yes, but no sign of the customer yet.”

“Oh well, would you be as kind as to put some lotion on my back please, it’s time I turned over if I want an even tan.”

Hmmm ok I thought, no hint of being naughty, maybe it was the thrill of doing it in close proximity to Claire, that really turned her on.

Rubbing lotion on her back, neck, gorgeous arse cheeks and legs, and still no hints.

“Thank you, Robert. Why don’t you get your shorts off? As I recall you could do with a bit of sun on that part of your body.”

I thought to myself, hell why not. If nothing sexual is going to happen, at least the thrill of being naked near Rachel will have to suffice!

Slipping my shorts off, my semi erect cock was out. Oh how I loved being naked in the garden. Reaching over to get the lotion, Rachel seemed almost sleeping, her body still, apart from her arse rising a little with each breath she took.

I applied the lotion all over, and then concentrated more on my upper thighs and of course my cock and balls. The last thing I wanted was them burnt. Rubbing the lotion into my cock woke the fella up, and he was standing to attention, like a soldier on parade, proud for everyone to see.

Closing my eyes, the effects from last night, still making my head thud, I started to really relax. Rachel was silent, which for her was a miracle.

At some point I must have nodded off, waking up to pressure being applied on to my lounger.

Slowly opening my eyes, to see Rachel above me, straddling my lap, feeling her weight on me, making my eyes open wide. Without saying a word, taking my cock in her hand, and feeling her blindly searching for somewhere to put it.

“Ohhhhhhhhh yes” she sighed, as her full weight came down on me, as my erect cock sunk deep inside her.

“Oh lover, this is much more like it, just you, me, and your cock. And we are alone, which means we can really let go Robert. No need to hold back now. Do what you have dreamed of Robert.”

She grabbed my hands and lifted them to her oiled breasts, her hands over mine, squeezing them so I would grab her breasts tight. Even though we had only just started, she was moaning much louder than I had experienced with her before.

“Your cock feels so good in my cunt lover. Don’t you wish you had fucked me years ago? Imagine all the fun we have missed out on. But not no more lover. We will fuck, all the time, when ever we can. I need your cock, and you need me.”

She was right, I didn’t just want her, I needed her! I needed this unbridled, passionate woman in my life, giving me the sexual delights my marriage no longer afforded me.

I wanted to fuck her every day, explore her body, and push both our limits to their boundaries.

After about ten minutes of slow, dare I say love making, she lifted off of my cock, went to her lounger, and laid down on her back. I watched her in silence, as she opened her legs wide, and started to run circles on her protruding clit with her forefinger. Then bringing her finger to her mouth, licking the juices she had just gathered.

“Robert, please come and eat me, I want to feel your tongue on my clit, and deep inside me.”

For some reason, this moment felt like Adam and Eve, Eve had tasted the fruit, and was now tempting Adam to try it too.

Moving from my lounger quickly, I grabbed a pillow from one of the chairs, and placed it in the floor at the food of Rachels bed.

Holding the side of the bed, while I pulled myself up, until I could smell her sex, the aroma filling my nostrils, my mouth salivating at the feast infront of me.

Dipping my head, I kissed her thighs, slowly, all around her glistening cunt, but without touching it. Her body arching, her moans getting louder….” Oh please Robert, taste what I have to give you, it’s all for you Robert.”

I could wait no longer, and ran my tongue from above her clit, across it, making her body shiver and convulse, down over her wet folds, and pushing deep inside her. Never had I tasted something as good as this. If a pussy could taste of nectar, this was it, and I was the bee that was going to collect as much as possible.

Pushing it in as far as I could, wishing It was longer, so I could get deeper inside her.

Her moans getting louder, her hands clenching the thin foam of the lounger.

I lifted her arse up, so it wasn’t resting on the bed, just in my hands, pulling out of her cunt, and assaulting her clit feverishly, sucking it, licking it, nibbling it with my teeth, which was driving her wild.

Her juices were pouring from her cunt, down onto her tight little rose bud an inch or so lower. My next feast awaiting me, as I moved down and flicked my tongue across it, watching it pulse as I teased it. Rachels fingers, now dipping into her cunt, first one, followed by a second and third.

The squelching noises filling the air, along with her now very loud moans.

Her orgasm was now imminent, her stomach was tensing and releasing quickly, her breathing fast and out of control.

As I pushed my tongue inside her arse for the first time, she screamed, her whole body shuddering, as wave after wave of pure liquid squirted from her orgasming cunt, covering my face, dripping of my nose as I pushed my tongue deeper into her arse. Her tight hole clenching and releasing my tongue.

“Kiss me Robert, quickly.”

Moving up her body, I kissed her, with a passion we’d not yet experienced together.

Our tongues duelling, as if to see who could win the fight.

Reaching down with my left hand, I held my cock against her arse hole, and pushed in.

I wasn’t gentle in doing so, and the blood curdling scream confirmed this.

I pushed in deep, feeling each moan against my lips as I fucked her hard.

She had said this body was mine, do what I want, and that is exactly what I was doing.

The tightness was like nothing I could compare to, the juices still flowing from her cunt keeping her arse well lubricated.

I couldn’t last much longer, the sensations from her tight anal walls were making my cock so sensitive.

“Rachel I am going to cum!” I cried.

“Cum in my arse Robert, fill it with your huge load, be the first to cum in my arse Robert!”

Those last words set me off, I was the first to cum in her arse.

Wave after wave of spunk was shooting deep in her arse, with her fingers a blur on her cunt, she squirted again, covering my chest and abdomen, what must have been 10 spurts of cum filling her completely.

“Oh Robert, I have never orgasmed like that in my life.” My cock still hard and deep inside her.

“Don’t pull out yet, it feels amazing inside me, just gently rock in and out for a minute.”

As requested, I pushed in and out slowly. Her face was flushed, her hair sticky from the sweat of our animalistic fucking, my cock starting to soften, before slipping out completely.

Lifting up slightly, I watched as my efforts started oozing from inside her, her hand feeling it, rubbing my semen into her pussy, pushing it inside her cunt, as her breathing slowed back to a relatively normal pace.

Standing up, my knees were shaking, my legs struggling to extend fully.

Looking down at Rachel, her hand slowly rubbing her pussy, which was now coated in my cum, her other hand gently tweaking a nipple, as her orgasm completely subsided.

“I don’t think I can stand Robert, please help me, I need to go have a shower.”

Helping her up, we walked hand in hand, both shaking, into the house, helping her up the stairs.

We showered together, kissing, touching, just not down below, both of our private parts to sensitive to be touched.

Having dried each other off, we returned down stairs, grabbing a drink each before walking back into the garden.

“Why Claire doesn’t fuck you every day I will never know Robert. You are the most incredible lover I have ever had.”

“As are you Rachel, how Phil doesn’t fuck you all the time is beyond me.”

As Rachel went to get back on her lounger, she looked at me, as I looked at her, and the messy lounger cushion…….” Clean up in aisle 3” was the first words that came out of my mouth, as we both giggled, cuddled, and kissed.

Retrieving a fabric brush and some hand soap from the kitchen, I hosed down the cushion, and gave it a good scrub. With the suns powerful heat, it would be dry in no time.

More soon………

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By *ick manMan
over a year ago


Omg this is so intense Brilliant

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By *teviem40Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Im not one for reading full stop but this has kept me hooked since yesterday. Hats off to you mate, fantastic story and wrote perfectly.

Thank you, much appreciated "

Very welcome. Inspired me to do a little write up of my own

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ethnmelvCouple
over a year ago


We need a more secluded garden!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *eeker of pleasureMan
over a year ago


Lucky sod

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ohnnyal80Man
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *nlyme40Man
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ornyhotcouple696969 OP   Couple
over a year ago


"We need a more secluded garden! "

Very welcome in ours

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *incs 2 up for funCouple
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ethnmelvCouple
over a year ago


"We need a more secluded garden!

Very welcome in ours "

We see it has some appealing features!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ilbert4450Man
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ndrea54TV/TS
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *J GeminiTV/TS
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *lirts.R.usCouple
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *incs500Man
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *andy IanMan
over a year ago


Do t forget the kitchen table

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *oukevCouple
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ifunlover69Man
over a year ago


Cracking story. Thoroughly hooked ... and so envious!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *itboyslim2Man
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *sprey6Man
over a year ago


Fantastic writing

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *oth0712Man
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Gets better and better!

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By *ohn_1983Man
over a year ago

South of Norwich

Can't stay away. Excellent stuff

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ornyhotcouple696969 OP   Couple
over a year ago


Thanks everyone for your kind words.

Been busy with work this afternoon, and a busy one tomorrow morning. But.....the next installment will be tomorrow afternoon.

I do appreciate your patience.

And please remember, each installment takes me a minimum of 2 hours to write.

So while I appreciate your urgency for the next part, I think it's better to be written properly, or not at all.


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *oth0712Man
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *knick45Man
over a year ago

Knowle Bristol

best story for a long time

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Thanks everyone for your kind words.

Been busy with work this afternoon, and a busy one tomorrow morning. But.....the next installment will be tomorrow afternoon.

I do appreciate your patience.

And please remember, each installment takes me a minimum of 2 hours to write.

So while I appreciate your urgency for the next part, I think it's better to be written properly, or not at all.


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I love this

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By *eardeddriverMan
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *issitCouple
over a year ago


Great story. Enjoying it.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Loving this ....

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By *rincess PhoenixWoman
over a year ago


Loving it

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Amazing story

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By *imale38Man
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

One of the best stories yet

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By *untimes6969Man
over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Great Story Rob!!

You’ve got us all hooked!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *outhEastPaulMan
over a year ago

Thames Ditton surrey

Such a good and well written story and in nice Chuck size pieces - Thought It also raised for me the question of what makes a good story and making you look forward to the next instalment - I think it’s that the story is potentially believable - It actually doesn’t matter if it’s true or not But it’s that you believe that it’s all possible just like this one - Of course good English, punctuation, nice size sections without too long a gap between instalments are also helpful - But being able to visualise the story really happening I believe tops it off - And this writer / story meets it all - Again well done and looking forward to more

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By *aul_ukMan
over a year ago

Walsden & Manchester

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By *ornyhotcouple696969 OP   Couple
over a year ago


"Such a good and well written story and in nice Chuck size pieces - Thought It also raised for me the question of what makes a good story and making you look forward to the next instalment - I think it’s that the story is potentially believable - It actually doesn’t matter if it’s true or not But it’s that you believe that it’s all possible just like this one - Of course good English, punctuation, nice size sections without too long a gap between instalments are also helpful - But being able to visualise the story really happening I believe tops it off - And this writer / story meets it all - Again well done and looking forward to more "

Thank you very much.

Whilst this is without a doubt 100% true, I also believe, as the reader when you read it, you can almost see it, if that makes sense.

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By *outhEastPaulMan
over a year ago

Thames Ditton surrey

Yes totally agree that was partially what i was trying to say - seeing it visualising it - Again well done - Ohhhh and lucky guy - well I hope you stayed lucky anyway !!

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By *ellsuitedMan
over a year ago


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By *oyntzMan
over a year ago

all over Ireland

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By *itbit!Man
over a year ago

Butlins Minehead

Love it

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By *ackman23Man
over a year ago


Can’t wait for the next instalment

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By *each bumCouple
over a year ago

west yorks


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By *dward_TeagueMan
over a year ago


I love this one!

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By *onJazzyMan
over a year ago


What a story well written

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By *ubsteffTV/TS
over a year ago


If ever a story was worth waiting for, this is it!

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By *orny playmateMan
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *slandhopperMan
over a year ago


Great story

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By *ick manMan
over a year ago


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By *ornyhotcouple696969 OP   Couple
over a year ago


Must apologies for no installments today.

Got called into work for an emergency.

Going to be off grid for a day or so. But as soon a I get a minute I will continue.

I don't want to write a small piece.

Each chapter needs depth, and it will all be worth waiting for.

Again, sorry I can't do more at this moment.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford

[Removed by poster at 15/01/20 23:33:23]

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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford

"Must apologies for no installments today.

Got called into work for an emergency.

Going to be off grid for a day or so. But as soon a I get a minute I will continue.

I don't want to write a small piece.

Each chapter needs depth, and it will all be worth waiting for.

No apologies required, great story and real life has to come first. Definitely looking forward to the next chapter though


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By *J GeminiTV/TS
over a year ago


"Must apologies for no installments today.

Got called into work for an emergency.

Going to be off grid for a day or so. But as soon a I get a minute I will continue.

I don't want to write a small piece.

Each chapter needs depth, and it will all be worth waiting for.

Again, sorry I can't do more at this moment.


Take your time, looking forward to it,


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By *sprey6Man
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 16/01/20 07:53:18]

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By *sprey6Man
over a year ago


Worth the wait mate

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By *ormladMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Must apologies for no installments today.

Got called into work for an emergency.

Going to be off grid for a day or so. But as soon a I get a minute I will continue.

I don't want to write a small piece.

Each chapter needs depth, and it will all be worth waiting for.

Again, sorry I can't do more at this moment.


looking forward to it mate

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By *1sexypairCouple
over a year ago


Got to end off story worth the wait.

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By *iss Suzy SparklesTV/TS
over a year ago


"Must apologies for no installments today.

Got called into work for an emergency.

Going to be off grid for a day or so. But as soon a I get a minute I will continue.

I don't want to write a small piece.

Each chapter needs depth, and it will all be worth waiting for.

Again, sorry I can't do more at this moment.


Oh what???? Thats not on, having a life outside of here lol

Seriously great story and looking forward to next installment!!

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By *dressagainTV/TS
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *rtraymondo76Man
over a year ago


"Must apologies for no installments today.

Got called into work for an emergency.

Going to be off grid for a day or so. But as soon a I get a minute I will continue.

I don't want to write a small piece.

Each chapter needs depth, and it will all be worth waiting for.

Again, sorry I can't do more at this moment.

looking forward to it mate "

ANYTHING worth having is worth waiting for. Take your time.

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By *arah_kieran_ukCouple
over a year ago

Greater London


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By *nlyme40Man
over a year ago




Great story but your profile .... hell your sexy

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By *ornyhotcouple696969 OP   Couple
over a year ago


"Got to end off story worth the wait. "

There is a lot more to come yet

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By *lirts.R.usCouple
over a year ago


Great story worth waiting for

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By *ampicoMan
over a year ago


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By *nchorMan
over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *an79Man
over a year ago



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By *overOral0Man
over a year ago

Nr Cheltenham

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By *aughtyman45Man
over a year ago


Great story. Can’t wait for the next instalment !

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ornyhotcouple696969 OP   Couple
over a year ago


Claire came back about an hour after our shenanigans had finished.

She had made the sale and was in a great mood.

I also was in a great mood. I’d just fucked my sister in law in my back garden, ate her pussy, got squirted on twice, and then fucked her arse. Everyone was having a good day.

“Where is Rachel?”

“She went for a lay down, as she was feeling a little faint. Probably all that wine last night.”

“Hmmmm, just you and me then is it?”

“Looks that way my love.”

“Good, as I am feeling in a very good mood, and maybe feeling a bit naughty too!”

Claire doesn’t often get in these naughty moods anymore, so this was a pleasant surprise.

I was stood by the table as Claire walked closer, and started kissing me.

It was a very passionate kiss, which meant she was definitely in the mood.

“I want to suck you darling.”

“Ok, shall we go upstairs then?”

“No, I want to do it right here, right now.”

Whilst Claire was no prude, this was a bit risky for her, but who was I to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Watching her as she dropped down to her knees, my cock was thankfully up for it, and very thankful I’d had a shower!

Pulling the string on my shorts, they dropped to the floor. Claire took my cock in her hand, slowly peeling my foreskin back, looking at me as she licked the end, as if it was her favourite lollipop!

I closed my eyes as she slowly sucked me into her mouth.

Opening them again, I noticed the door through to the lounge and Rachels bedroom was open.

I’m sure that was closed a minute ago.

Claire was now picking up the pace with her sucking. Her hands gently fondling my balls as she went up and down deep.

Looking back to the door, I saw Rachel stood there, hand inside her shorts, playing with herself as she watched her sister deepthroating me.

My cock twitched in Claire’s mouth, causing her to momentarily stop the great job she was doing.

“Are you about to cum?”

“No hunni” I said, as I held her head in my hands, so she couldn’t see Rachel.

“Ok, I just felt you swell, you know, that tell-tale sign!”

“I’m fine, please carry on”, as I guided her head back towards my hard cock.

Taking me back in her mouth, I watched as Rachel lifted her top up, pulling her boobs out over her bra, pinching those thick nipples hard.

Watching her, watching me, was making me so horny I knew I couldn’t last much longer, and Claire was doing a phenomenal job.

I watched as Rachel pulled her top down, and made herself respectable, which disappointed me somewhat.

I wanted her to watch me cum.

I was about to find out, that was her idea all along.

“Oh god baby, I’m going to cum!”, with Rachel still stood watching.

Claire stopped for a second, giving just enough time to request that I cum on her face, sucking me deep a few more times, till I announced I was cumming.

As I pulled out, Claire opened her mouth, to catch any stray spurts.

As the first spurt fired at Claire’s, Rachel walked through, in silence.

Standing right next to Claire, who was still unaware of her presence, until she spoke.

“Oops, sorry guys, didn’t see you there!”

Claire looking at Rachel, her mouth open, but in shock, and not for my cum, as I released another spurt, landing on her tongue, followed by 4 more spurts, her face and tongue covered and dripping.

I wasn’t even touching my cock, but it just kept on producing!

Claire couldn’t speak for a moment, as she had my cream to swallow first.

“Oh fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m so sorry sis, fuck!”

Standing to her feet, she ran off upstairs, leaving me there, cock still erect, with Rachel stood smiling.

“Guess she isn’t going to clean you up then”!

Without another word spoken, dropping to her knees and licking my helmet, cleaning the strand of cum that was leaking from the tip.

She pulled away quickly, as we both heard the floorboards on the stairs creaking.

I quickly pulled my shorts up, and headed to the fridge, as I definitely needed a beer after that.

Walking back in, Claire was stood with Rachel, having quickly cleaned her face, apologising profusely for what Rachel had just witnessed.

“Sis it’s fine. If anything, it was rather horny. Who knew you were so naughty, I always thought you were a bit of a prude! And anyway, it’s good for your skin, that’s why I look so youthful!”

Claire laughed, realising that Rachel was neither shocked, or angry.

“Come here sis” said Rachel.

Claire walked closer, and I watched in shock as Rachel put her hand to Claire’s face, and with her finger extended, wiped a bit of cum out of her hair.

“Ya missed a bit ya slut!”

And with that they both roared with laughter, Claire looking at me, red faced but laughing, not seeing that her sister was now licking her finger, tasting the cum she had just wiped from Claire’s hair.

“If you ever want an audience again, just let me know!”

Both of them laughing again, “Now who’s the slut!” was Claire’s reply.

Claire took that comment as jokey, but I knew Rachel meant it. She would love to have watched again. And Claire was unaware of the fact Rachel had been masturbating while watching us, just a few minutes earlier.

None of us could have foreseen what the rest of the day was to bring!

More soon, and sorry for the delay, work has taken over a bit the last few days.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Awesome new twist

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By *imale38Man
over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Love your story mate..

One the best stories here..

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By *uvs2snogMan
over a year ago

Now living in Spain - Vistabella

Wow loving this

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By *teviem40Man
over a year ago


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By *ornyhotcouple696969 OP   Couple
over a year ago


"Love your story mate..

One the best stories here.."

Thank you

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By *oyntzMan
over a year ago

all over Ireland

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By *itboyslim2Man
over a year ago


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By *arc5t5Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Absolutely fantastic love it

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By *ohnnyal80Man
over a year ago


What a great story and very well told

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By *andy IanMan
over a year ago


Love this just tell us more when your free

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By *leopatra 64Couple
over a year ago


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By *ornyhotcouple696969 OP   Couple
over a year ago


Having chatted and laughed off being caught by Rachel, we all went into the garden to enjoy the beautiful hot weather.

Rachel and Claire were both in their bikinis, and even thought I had cum twice already, I was getting aroused looking at the two beautiful women before me.

Both of them had pulled the bikini top straps over their shoulders, Rachels large breasts struggling to stay inside the flimsy material. Claire’s nicely confined in her top.

Claire and Rachel were next to each other, I was on the other side of Claire.

They were both drinking wine, which would lead to another hangover tomorrow morning for them both.

As Claire isn’t a big drinker, it doesn’t take much for her to get tipsy.

I like it when she is tipsy/d*unk, as her inhibitions drop, and she is much naughtier.

I often wish she d*unk more, as I think our sex life would be so much better.

A bottle and a half of wine later, I went to the loo, and to grab another beer.

Claire came in a few minutes after, also needing the loo.

When she back down, she came up behind me and gave me a hug, her hands around my waist.

Her hand slipped away from my waist, and rested on the front of my shorts, running her fingers over my encased cock.

“Steady tiger, you know what happened earlier, pretty sure you don’t want to be caught again.”

“Robt, do you remember when we used to play with that other guy?”

“Yes of course I do, I used to love watching you being pleasured, it was a huge turn on!”

Her hand was still stroking my now growing cock as we spoke.

“Do you think Rachel was serious when she said it turned her on watching us? Do you think she found it as exciting as you did when watching me?”

“Well if you carry on what you’re doing with your right hand, you might find out. Anyway, why are you asking?”

“Well, when I went upstairs to wash my face, I realised I had left you down there, with your cock still on display, and no doubt Rachel looking at it! The more I thought about it, the more I realised it was turning me on, knowing she was probably looking at your penis. It was then that the realisation hit me, when you used to say how much it turned you on seeing me, that I could now comprehend exactly what you meant. Before I came back down, I was having all sorts of thoughts, wondering If I might walk in and find her touching you! Is that bad Rob?”

I was stood there, with my wife behind me, stroking my cock, listening to her say things I never imagined I’d ever hear!

“Your cock has certainly gone hard Rob, has that turned you on? Imagining Rachel touching your cock, and me seeing, watching?”

This was one of those catch 22 scenarios. Do I say yes it turns me on, and then her say ‘Oh so you fancy my sister then do you?’ Or do I just dismiss this as d*unken chat?

“Well, I guess any guy would like to be watched by his wife. Just like I loved watching you with our friend from years gone by!”

“I know, but, let me put it another way, if Rachel touched your cock, would you enjoy it?”

“If I had your blessing, well, ummm….” I didn’t know if there was any right answer here!

“If you were ok with it, then yes, I probably would enjoy it, just like you enjoyed stroking bens cock, sucking him, fucking him!”

“Ok, thank you for being so honest baby.”

“Best we go back outside, otherwise I might have to bend over the table and let you fuck me, and we don’t want to get caught again………..or do we?”

As we walked outside, I kept hearing in my head, the last three words that left Claire’s mouth!

Six letters, divided into three words, “OR DO WE”…..”OR DO WE”…..”OR DO WE”!

Where was this going? Had the thoughts from years ago, our swinging exploits, been reignited by Rachel ‘accidentally’ watching us. Was she wanting to get caught again? Did she want to see Rachel stroke my cock? I had to put it to the back of my mind. Maybe it was just the alcohol talking. Did I want her to watch Rachel touch me, kiss me, wank me, suck me, fuck me? Of course, more than anything. But that would never happen!

Or would it…………………….?

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By *itboyslim2Man
over a year ago


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By *arc5t5Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Great story

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By *ifunlover69Man
over a year ago


Bloody brilliant. Well done!

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By *onle81Man
over a year ago


Oh this is good! Thanks for sharing Rob, excellent story

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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